Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 24, 1904, Image 7

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Tlio only way to gob rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cloanso tho blood,
improvo tho digestion, stim
qlato tho kidnoys, liver and
skin. Tho mcdicino to tako is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which has cured thousands.
I 'or .Inpiint'ao Holi1lri,
lllce unit ilili'il IIhIi in (hu imlfonu
food of Hie Jnpiiiii'so imny In cam
pnlKiiliiK tlnii'R. This In the way In
which (hi) rh'o In ciHilii'il. It U bulled
until qullii thick, mill kIiiIIiiimis. Next
It In plaivd on n ceramic slab, rolled
out, mill cut lulo MiiinrcH. Tlio miuiircn
nVi) tlii'ii placed In lint min to itry mnl
oflcii IjiiiiimI, When limit tin son Ms
cult mnl Krmlly reduced In weight,
they mil Im Hloicil.
A certain numlicr nro nllowed cncli
liny to tint soldier. All ho linn In do In
to lirenk up n miunrii In IhiIIIiik wnler
mnl to mid tho dried llnh. In n few
mliiiilcK ho linn ulmt neeuin to him a
ilcllclniin thick noi 1 1 1. If ho cannot pro
euro IhiIIIiik wnler ho simply cuts liln
rlco enko dry. In tho fruit ncnwin ho
milintllulcn fruit, when ho cun oliliiln
It, for tho llsh.
Tho July Century will Ihi n llctlon
number, iiIiIioiikIi tho mlviinro nil
liuiiuccineiitn kIvo piouilno of notable
feiiturcH of Intercut fur rcrloun reiidern.
llenlclen further clmpturit of tho KcrJnlti,
Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell's "Tho Youth of
WnnliiiiKtnn" mid Jink lmdoii'n "Tho
Hen-Wolf," them will ho lilno short
storltn In Hit' nuiuhcr, Miriam Michel
non, nnthur of "In tho IIIkIioji'm Car
riage," coiilrlhutiiiK minther MuillKun
lory. There will ho utorliH nlno by
Mnreiirct Dclnml, ISurthu Kuuklu, ami
Gouvertiour Morris.
.MnkliiK Him Conirormlilo.
New Hoarder (hlrerliiu) This slovo
In too mimll for Hill room.
I.wullody (kindlyl Ho It It. I'll Iiht
It moved Into a sninHcr room for you.
The largest mammoth found In Si
beria, measured 17 feet limit nml 10
reel In height. Tho tusks welched
1(00 pounds. The licml without tho
tusks wclifhcd 411 pounds.
Morn HnlUrtiuKiry.
"He who runs tuny rend," rcmnrkfd
tlio party wllh Hie iiolnllon habit
"Hut." objected tli contrary person.
"It Is safer to occupy n neat durlinf tlia
pcruial of n newspaper."
Ant molly lions.
Housekeeper (cnptloualy) I bellart
Hint condensed milk ot youm la tuoally
Manufacturer (quietly) -Madam, hurt
you rr tried to condetiio water?
Ilia l'rilMlnii Kioto railway aystrm.
having SI, 101' tulles of truck, earned
JIIO.GIO.OW net Inst yenr. This l anli)
to hm 10 to 11! per cent of tlio lunat
uieut a
Straighten Up
The miln rmiKular wpportt
Wod tkM tUhl U4 go ftJhfaf
orLttmUro. Tertoce, tfrerttha
M ttrlhlen up, um
St. Jacobs Oil
Ttle 9 Be. and SO.
A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascend
inp from its crater, may bo the only vis
ible sign of life in the sleeping volcano;
but within is a raging sen of fire, molten
rock anil sulphurous ifnses. Those who
make their homes in the peaceful val
leys below know the danger, nnd though
Frequently warnod by tho rumblings and
minkinirs, these signs of impending erup
tion go unheeded. They are living in fancied security; when the giant
uwakes with deafening roars, and tiiey aro lost beneath a downpour of
heated rock nnd scalding ashes. Thousands of blood poison sufferers art;
living upon a sleeping volcano, and aro taking desperate chances, for
under the mercury nnu pot
nsii treatment tho external
Bvmtnomsof tho disease dis-
nnnear.and tho deluded vie- Ef-Ithi
poison. I
!!, ; lmnnv in thn liclicf of alolanB.
' , ,'' . . I,,., l.n mo ny sroodj In faot, tho treatment proved moro
O complete cure, out liio hmfui tlian j,6nea0al. I mentioned my caaa to
fires of Contagion have only a friend, who told me that B. 8. 8. bad oertstnly
.. " . . .... mi. , T.fnn.itflanimflnBtil ltause. ana at-
becn 6motliercU in mo sys- teroontlnunfflt for sometime could flndno trace
tem. ond as Soon as theso of the dleeaeo whatever. This was about two
minerals are left off will . aa ttutlLfaU.jjr raDeB!ly
blazeup again. Occasional '
eorcs break out in the mouth, a red rash appears on the body, ond these
warning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions,
sores, copper'colored splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair and o her
sickening symptoms. Mercury and potash not only fail to cure blood
poison, but cause mercurial Rheumatism, necrosis of the bones ofTen
tive ulcers ond inflammation of tho stomach and bowels. The use of
S. S. S. is never followed by ony such bad results. It cures without
the slightest Injury to tho system. Wo offer $1,000 for proof that it
b ' ' contains a mineral of any descrip
on Contagious Blood Poison, with full directions for home treatment.
Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. ,
The tctidcrost heart tuny exist In
plto of tho roundest exterior. A lltllo
fox terrier hud heon left outnldo n lion
ton nloro hy Its owner. Kvlilcnlly tin
dnit Imd not hcen tinii; In tho city, for
It troinhlod wltli fright nt helnif out
of tlio piotectlnir prenenco of ltd inn
ler. Am It hiy orouchliiK In tho door
wuy n lingo laborer cuino nloiitf.
lloiichliiK down pltyhiKly, ho ntroked
tlio weo (i nl in ii I. npciikliitf n fow sooth
liiK wordn nt tho hiiiiio tlnio. Tho ro
nult won that tho fenr In tho dng'n
henrt nuhnliled. It wanned Ita lull
kiiowhiKly nml licked tho klml-heiirlcd
uinn'n hmiil. When It was left ulono
It wit up bravely, tin though feeling
a k u red that huuiiiii beluga would do
It no hnrm.
Strong Language.
I'roilerlckuliiiiK, Iml., Juno 20.
Hov. Knocli I'. Ktovenn of thin plnco
iidch HlrniiK liinyiuiKo In ipoiikliiK of
DikIiI'h Kidney I'llln mid ho given K"l
reasons for what ho niyn:
"I iiin't prnliw DtxId'M Kidney I'llln
too tnucli," wiyn Mr. Ktovenn. "They
hnvo ilouo me po much good. I wnn
trouliled with my kldneyn no much (lint
I liii'l to net tip two or threo Hum n in
tho iiiitht nml nomotlmcH In tho .luy
when Mnrlliin to tho wntorlinuno tho
wntcr wuold come from mu heforo gel
tliiK there. Two hoicn of Doild'n
Kidney I'llln nired mo entlrley.
"I hnvo rccolnmetulcil Dotld'n Kid
nuy I'llln to tunny propto mid hnvo
novcr yet hciird of n failure. Dodd'n
Kidney I'llln nro tho UiIiikh for Kidney
DlneitKen mnl Itlicuiiiiitlmn."
Dixld'n Kidney I'idn iilwnyn euro tho
kidnoyn. (iood Kldneyn Innuro pure
blood. Pure blood iiicium wA heitllh.
Tlinn llo 2ot llllay.
Tom l'r tlio hut hour I Imro been
lvnlcliliitf fur an oporlunlty to ileal a
Ilcm Iiidcedl Don't you tlilnk It
would bo n k'ool Idea for uu to coiitult
mi oculUtV
For forty ycnr'ii I'lno'n Cure for Con.
auioptlori linn cmed uourIii and coldl. At
driifuUH. 1'rlcoMceiili.
The I'hltoanplicr.
"Do you neo any humor In this
"Well, comptinitlvely yen. Thnt In,
thcro In tnoro humor In It I ban there
In In KcltlliK out of It, no I conclude It
inimt ho n Joke. Thniich nomctlmen, I
iniiKt coiifeKn, 1 laugh uhcu I really
do not wo the point." Detroit Frco
Thfrtn ! inatfl Catarrh In thta lection ot thl
country than all olhrr dl.rara put together
aiil u ii III lb la. t fow ye art wan iiiptto.rd to hi
Incurable. Kr a Krafmanryrarsi!uctoriro-,
liuiliim-ri llal(K-al llMa., anit ere.rrlheilloa) i
remoillra, ami hy coiiaiantlr lalllnir to run
Mrltli local treatment, pronouncel ttlncurahto I
Ht-lenre haa proven ratarrh to le a couitltu I
tloual dlMaaa, and therrtoro reillreacuiialllu ,
lltuial treatment. Ilall'ai.'atarrh Cure.inanu
laclurml Xif K. I. Cheney A Co., Toledo,
theonlyconaUtiitlohalrureoti the marker. It
ta taken Internally In dtei from lodropatoa
lea.iiooiitul. It at-tatllrertly ou the tlool and I
muoiiill auriarvi Ul lue.yaieni. iiieruueruiii
hundred dollara for any cane It falli to cure.
Heiol for rlroulari and te.tlmonlala.
A.l.lrcM. K. J II K.N tV i to., Toledo, O
Bold lir liruiralili, 7'.
Hall's t'anilly 1'llta are the beat.
Tlrst I-nwyer lint liavo vro proof
that ho Is really Insane)
Second Lawyer Without question.
Why, tho gas ninn fulled to Inspect
his meter ono month and ho actually
sent for bl in.
PITA rarmanenuy Cflrva. ivoniaornarTouinMai
f 1 10 artrrflr.ldar'auofl)r.Klliiali(lr.attrra
Ilaaton-r. Hn4 for Kreettll IrlaltMittl.aiKl irMtlaa,
Dr. H. II. Kline. Ud.-tV ArUi HI . 1'hllad.lptila, l a.
A 1'rnLtlonl Girl,
lie I know my incomti la nnintl, but
don t you ttilok we could set nloiigr
I Klie I'm nfrnld not.
He You told me that you went to
cooking school.
I Klio Yea, but tliey did not teach me
bow to make wind podding.
Motherinlll And Mra. Wlnilowa'a Boothlng
Hrrup the neatreniedy lomo lor their chlMreu
duilug tho teething rlod..
Itlulitroun ImllRnntlon.
Mrs. YoiiiiKina Ola I I'm so boiling
owr with righteous Indlgnntion I don't
know wlint to do. I'd I'd llk to bito
Friend Whom?
"Whom? Why, thoae conrse, brutal,
iiibumnii owners ot tlio St. Quiet Hats.
They refined to rent to me."
"Krcrjbndy knows tliut they object to
clillilren, my dear."
"Yes, of courso but they objected to
Bowline; arson, Ky Mar. 04, 1000.
Qentlemem 1'or ovor four years I suffored
irraatlr from a sovoro esse of contagious blood
wont to Hot Springs, staying thero four
who tireaarlbod Horourr. Nothlnir
exjienso. 1 men cousuiieu pur-
tion. S. 8. S. is on antidote tor conta
gious blood poison, it destroys every
atom of the virus and purifies and
strengthens the blood ond builds up the
general health.
Wo will mail freo our special book
dories I
A frlKhtoned hoy named Dodd.
clinrKud with some dlro scholastic of
fenso, wan onco brought btfor Dr.
Vaiiijhnn, for tunny yours hendmnster
nt Harrow. "What Is your hatno?"
asked tho master, with duo sovcrlty.
"Dodd, sir," nnswoicd the trembling
boy. "Doddl Do you spell It with ono
d, or with two?" "No, nlr, three," an
swered tho hoy, Tho doctor lot him olf
with a warning, and acknowledged
(lint ho hnd novcr before received no
good a lesson In spelling.
An Old Ithodo Island farmer was
trying to convort n neighbor to noclM
Inn. llo explained Ids Idea of It, and
profesicd bin wllllnguoss to abide by
Its tenets. "Why," sold he, "under
socialism, If I had two heifers, I'd give
you one; If I had two horses, I'd givo
j oil one." "If you had two pigs would
)ou divide with mo)" naked the neigh
bor. "Ah," mid tho old socialist, re
proachfully, "thero ye'ro gettln' too
near homo. Ye know I've got two
Congressman John Bhsrp Williams
tells of ii ninn lu Mississippi who Is a
hypochondriac of the first ordor. Thin
man was ono day telling a friend of
Ids efforts to regain his old-time health.
Ho ran over tho list of doctors whom
he had consulted. Whereupon the
friend remarked; "Well, old mun, I
must sny thnt you npponr to have lots
of faith In doctors." "Certainly I
have," replied tho sick man; "don't you
think the doctors would bo foolish to
let a good customer llko me dto)"
An Oregon newspaper man In Wash
Irgton Is telling a good story about
Dr. Hale He soys ho was onco travel
ing lu tho hack country of Oregon, and,
going to n llttlo Inn for lodging, wns
surprised to seo a largo picture of Dr.
Halo on the wall. Tho womnn of tho
house explained It thus: "Well, you
see, a good many strangers come here
mid want mo to keep 'em, and I don"t
know anything about 'cm, but If thiy
know IMward Kvorett Hulo's picture
I know they're good for something,
and I let 'em stay."
Iter. Mr. I'llllnghara, the KngllJh
clergyman, who has been tnnklng nuch
spectacular and phynlcnlly forcible oh.
Jectlons In Now York to Illshop Pot
ter's high church methods of worship,
henrd thnt tho latter had been to tho
circus, and bad praised It highly. "It
does not surprise mo," said Mr. Fill
Ingham; "I should expect Illsbop Pot
ter to tako the church to a clrcua."
Hy a kind friend the remark was re
ported to tho bishop, who offered a
mild observation In replyt "Hotter do
as I do take the church to a circus
than do an my brother Fllllngham
does and raise a circus In tho church."
Mgr. Farley, who has been visiting
tho Vatican, finds that Pope Plus
has a keen senso of humor, and reports
that ho greatly enjoyed the following
story: It was of Con Crcegan's father,
who, on his deathbed, was making his
will, and, In order thnt ho might hnTO
strength to do no.was plentifully plied
with punch by Con and a group of
neighbors. Toward tho closa tho dying
man cried to his son: "Ah. Con, Conl
Just touch my Hps once more with tho
jug. Wlsht, my son, yon watered tho
drink." "No. Indeed, father, dear."
whllo a low murmur of pity chorused
through the cabin; "but It's the taste
that's lavln' ye."
Many l!eclltl In 1H18 for Maklnu
I'rnnduleut'Uank Notes.
At tho beginning of the last century
there was a very flourishing trado In
England which tho establishment of
freo trade undoubtedly helped to de
stroy, says tho Liverpool Post Wc
refer to tho manufacture of Ilank of
Kngland notes. In tho first decado of
the century this Industry reached very
large proportions, and It was support
ed and encouraged by tho skill of first
rate continental artists. The matter
was brought up In parliament, and the
commons ordered a return to be mndo
of tho total value of tho forged notes
presented at tho Dank of Kngland for
paymont, and refused, from being forg
ed, for the 11 years from tho 1st of
January, 1801, to the 31st of December,
1811. This return, which Is before
us, runs: "Tho nominal Talue of the
forged notes presonted for payment,
aud refused, within the abovo-men-tloucd
period Is 131,01 H. Ilase,
chlof cashier. N. D. The above re
turn Includes all forged notes supposed
to hnvo been fabricated ou tho conti
nent and presented within this pe
riod." Parliamentary Inquiry had no effect
lu diminishing tho crime, for the Did
well and Fauntleroy forgeries soou fol
lowed, aud every fortnight In 1818 on
an average there was an execution In
England for forgeries -of bank notes,
and In 1820 more than 100 forgers were
convicted, nut such crimes as those
could hardly have created a greater
scare lu Threadncedle street, howover,
than the announcement a few years
ago that somebody had succeeded In
accomplishing a very simple scientific
feat. It became known that a bank
nolo had been split In two and tho au
thorities wero aghast lest tho world
should bo flooded with dupltcato notes,
Tho splitting of tho note had undoubt
edly been accomplished qulto honestly
nnd without evil Intent aud tho man
who split It was frank enough to let
tho bank know that bo had (lone so.
A long cprrespomlenco pnssed be
tween tho bank and tho man with tho
secret and at last a test was decided
upon, a Ilank of England noto being
sent to tho Inventor for experimenting
upon, The bank received It buck In
two pieces, the ono a fiicslmllo of tho
other! The authorities wero puzzlod
and for a moment the scare seemed
to havo becomo moro real. But only
for a mompnt. Closer examination
brought back confidence, Tho tost had
shown tho possibility of splitting tho
note, but It proved, too, the Impossi
bility of passlug the second half, tho
printing on which was too faint to
puuu. It transpired that tho method
was to gluo a pleco of calico on each
sldo of tho noto, leavlug the euds
loose. When tho glue was dry the
pieces of calico were pulled gently
apart, with the result that the adhe
sion of tho paper to the cloth being
groater than tlio adhesion of the paper
Itself, the two sides of the note ad
hered to the cloth. On being damp
ened the paper and the calico were
again separated and there were two
bank notes whero only ono had been
Mocks the Cuckoo aa tlje llonra Are,
I'liaalriK Hnlftljr fly.
Uoorgo Wrcako, of Rlbloy Township,
near Le Beur, Minn., has a pot crow,
Ikib, which has been with hltn for four
yearn, and which ho claims Is the
most Intelligent and useful bird living.
Thcro It In tho Wreako home an old
heirloom, a tautlful cuckoo clock,
brought from Hwltzerlntid In pioneer
days, ono of tho kind that hove a lit
tle door at tho top In front, out of
which springs n llttlo bird every nlxty
in In ii tea nnd calls the hours with a
"cuckoo" for each unit of tho hour.
After tlio crow hnd been In the fam
lly nbout two years he began to mock
the clock cuckoo, nnd this finally grow
to ho a passion with him, so that ho
hardly ever failed to give a melodious
"caw" when tho clock cuckoo wo call
lng the hour. Borne six months ago.
by reason of an accident to the shelf
on which It was standing, the clock
foil and the striking, or cuckoo, port
wan completely broken, so the door
never opeim and the bird never cornea
out This appeared to be n great puz
zle to Hob, for ho watched tho clock
for sovcral days and seemed to lie
studying deeply. At last however, ho
came to a conclusion and greatly star
tled tho family by taking up the duty
the cuckoo had previously performed,
and counting out the hours perfectly
at tho exact moment with a clear call
of "caw" for each hour the clock ought
to havo struck, ono for 1 o'clock, Ave
for S o'clock, nnd no on around the
circle. Ho lias kept up his work to
tho present Umo and calls every hour
when he cun seo tho face of tho clock,
aa regularly and perfectly as nn ordi
nary timepiece with lu hammer and
If a lamp Is set at night where tbo
light falls on the face of tho clock, the
crow, though he will doze between
times on his perch, will waken and
call every hour all night long. More
than this. If n lamp be kept lighted
and a pin be thrust Into the wooden
face of the clock so that the minute
hand will pass over It but tho hour
hand will catch on it and stop the
clock at any hour of the morning, be
tween 4 and 7 o'clock, Hob will notice
It as soon as the clock stops and raise
a shrill cawing that Is as good as an
alarm clock, and keep It up till some
ono got up and comes and removes
tho pin. Minneapolis Times.
Uao for Worn-Out llubbi.-r.
It used to he a favorite remark of
one of Chicago's largest pork packers
that so many uses had been discovered
for the hog that when he was killed
nothing about him was lost but his
squeal. As with the hog, so It Is with
the product of the rubber tree noth
ing tangible Is lost
Worn-out rubber, like worn-out sli
ver, Is something that does not exist
In these days.
Kvcr since the advent of bicycles
and motor cars, both of which drew
heavily on tho world's rubber supply,
nnd ever slnco the hundred and one
uses to which rubber Is put In connec
tion with electricity, the material has
become more nnd more scarce and v:tl
unble, so that even the old rubber shot
nnd the worn out rubber hoot mny
throw out their chests In pride at be'.ui
worth really something. Nothing con
taining rubber Is discarded nowadays.
Tho old rubber coat over which the
spring tires of a motor car may run
on a country road to-day mny some
day find a nesting place In the soft
tresses of a woman s hair, after hav
ing been transformed Into a handsome
Even rulcanlzed rubber, which,
owing to tlio sulphuric process to
which It was subjected, was formerly
valueless, Is now subject to a process
which rejuvenates It and makes It fit
to be worked up ngalu for tho purpoei
of tho manufacturer. Immenso quan
tities of tills product, which formerly
was assigned to a rubbish heap, are
now treated and admixed with a cer
tain percentage of new gum, enough
to cheapen the piece of most rubber
goods turned out by the manufacturer
to-day. Old rubber, however, can Iw
used by Itself without any addition of
fresh gum. the process of treatment
being a simple one-
Keep Genus Out of Land.
Have you had your farm vaccinated?
If not you should proceed to have It
done at onco.
Science has done a great deal for the
farmers. It has killed the bugs and
worms that prey on his crops; It has
treated his animals when Blck and
saved their lives; It has experimented
with seeds and raised the quality and
quantity of their yield) It has done a
great many things to help blm achlovo
success. Tho latest service of special
Interest which we have heard Is noted
In tho National Geographic magazine,
whero It Is shown that tho process of
Inoculating eterllo ground and making
It bring forth tho fruit In abundance
Is an easy task. Inoculation to pro
vent smallpox, diphtheria, rnhlcs, etc.,
we know nbout, but It Is qulto ns mys
terious as tho Inoculation of old worn
out soils to make them fertile.
Certain germs make for ferttllty of
tho soil. They are collected or gen
erated by tho Department of Agricul
ture, according to this veracious au
thority, and sent by mall lu a small
packago about llko a yeast cake. Tho
cako 1 said to contain millions of dried
germs. It is thrown luto a barrel of
pure water nnd turns It a milky white.
Seeds or grain and grasses aro washed
with this water and when planted aro
said to produco wonderful results even
on what Is regarded ns exhausted soil.
Tho land Is really treated to an Inocu
lation nnd cured of Its disease of bar
renness. Hnvo your farm vaccinated
and get rich from tho big crops you
will rnlso. Minneapolis Journal.
Occasionally a girl marries a man
Just to keep him from banglug around
tho houso evenings.
Famuel H. Spreeher, Junior Beadle Court An
gelina, 3, JIT.' I. O. (I. F., 205 New High St., Los
Angeles, Cal., write-:
"I came here a few years ago suffering with
catarrh of the kidneys, in search of health. I
thought the climate would cure me, but found I
was mistaken. Hut what the climate could not
do Peruna could and did do. Seven weeks' trial
convinced me that I had the right medicine,
and I was then a well man, I know of at least
twenty friends ond members of the lodge to
which I belong who have been cured of catarrh,
bladder and kidney trouble through the use of
Peruna, and It has a host of friends in this city."
Catarrh of the Kidneys a Common
Disease Kidney Trouble Often
Palls to He Regarded as Catarrh
by Physicians.
Catarrh of the kidneys is very com
mon indeed. It is a pity this fact is ,he djfflc,, bJ. cradicating tho ca
not better known to tho physicians ai toh from Ue kWnej.g Catarrh is
well as the peopic. the cau!e ol kidney difficulty. P.e-
Peoplo have kidney disease. They move the caU50 anJ VQU rem0Te tho
take some diurcti-, hoping to get bet- tfIecti with unerring accuracy Peru
tor. They never once think ol catarrh. na g09 rigM to ,he pot The kidneys
Kidney disease and catarrh are seldom ar(J eQon doing their work wUh ,riect
associated in the minds ol the people, i
anu, aias, ii is nut wij wk
ated In tho minds of the physicians.
Too few physicians recognize catarrh of
the kidneys. They doctor for some
thing else. They try this remedy and
that remedy. Tho trouble may be ca-
Horrors of Solitude.
Mr. Minks (reading) "The captoln's
wife was the only one who escaped, and
she was thrown by the waves upon tho
beach of on uninhabited Island."
Mrs. Minks Poor thing! How did
she ever button her dress In tho back
the next morning?
"The Magna Charta of Japan," a
happily timely topic, will be discussed
In the July Century by Baron Kentaro
Kaneko, one of the four authors of the
Japanese constitution. Baron Kaneko
Is a Harvard A. B. and Doctor of Laws.
Ho is a member of Japan's Houso of
Peers nnd wns formerly Minister of
State for Agriculture and Commerce.
He is in America now as the envoy of
tho Japanese Emperor.
Same Tiling.
"IIo's employed by the railroad com
pany now, I understand."
"Yes; ho has charge ot tho puzzle de
partment" "The what?"
"He makes out the time tables." Phil
adelphia Press.
h-Keelev liouor-morpwne-tosacco
I eU c ron full paaticuiarj
uaaul KlirtlLtTIMSrtlUir.- PORTLANP.0WC,
Warned In Tlnio.
Old Dumps A penny for
Young Gumps I am trying to remem
ber what It was my wife wanted me to
bring home.
Old Dumps Myl myl Don't do It.
ItemeraberinE the things a wife wants
you to bring home Is a mighty bad habit
By tho time you've been married ten
years, sho'll be giving you a list as long
as the tariff law.
Do you like your thin, rough,
short hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
heavy, smooth hair? Of
course you do. Then why
Hair Vigor
not be pleased? Ayer'sHalr
Vigor makes beautiful heads
of hair, that's the whole
story. Sold for 60 years.
M I haTS niad Ayar'a Ilatr Vlor for a Ions
tlms. It la. ludeail. a vuuderlul lialr toulc,
rcitortos health to tlia hair aiul acalp, aud, al
tha aaiua time, provtnir a plemlld drrtiluir."
X)u- J. W. TAVOU, Madlll, lud. T.
ft DO a bottle.
Alt dnisTsrlitn.
i for-
Weak Hair
tuirh all tli
time. A few bottles of
Peruna would cure them.
Pe-ru-na Removes the Cause of the
Kidney Trouble.
Peruna strikes at the very center ol
Thousands of Testimonials.
Thousands of testimonials from peo
ple who have had kidney d.'sease which
bad gone beyond the control of the
physician are received hy Dr. Hart-
To be a successful wife, to
retain the love and admiration
of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. If
she would be all that she may,
she must guard well against the
signs of ill health. Mrs. Brown
tells her story for the benefit of
all wives and mothers.
" Dear Mns. rnreiiAM : I,y(tla E.
rinUImm's Vegetable Compound
will make every mother well, strong,
healthy and happy. I dragged through
nine ycarsof mberahlo existence, worn
out with pain and weariness. I then
noticed a statement of a woman
troubled as I was; and tho wonderful
results she had had from your Vege
table Compound, and decided to try
what it would do for me, and used It for
threo months. At tho end ot that
time, I was a different woman, tho
neighbors remarked It, and my hus
band fell In lovo with me all over
again. It seemed like a new existence.
I had been suffering with Inflamma
tion and falling of tho womb, but your
1 1 . t 1 .i,.. nnfi i..,m ,.n . -
entire system, till I was Indeed llko a
now woman. oincereiy, yours, xuns.
Cms. l Unowjf, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot
Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothers
CJab. flOOO taftlt If original of atKt aiftl
rbvlpg ctnuliwttu sonnet bl produi$a
v la lima. Hold br druwLte. Ml
Captain James I,. Dempsey, Captain 2nd
Precii.ct Troy Police Korce, writes (rout 108
Forry St., Trny, N. Y, ns follows!
"Prom my personal cxpcrlcnco with Pe
ru n a I am sntlslled It Is n very tine remedy
for catarrhal affection., whether ot the
head, lungs, stomach or pelvic organs. It
curcscoldsulckly, and a few doses taken
after undue exposure prevents Illness.
"Some of tho patrol men iindor mo have
also found great relief from Peruna. It
has cured chronic cases of kidney nnd blad
der troubles, restored men suffering from
Indlgestion.and rhoumctlsm, and I am fully
persuaded that It Is an honest, reliable med
icine, hence I fully endorse and recommend
otllrer A r. Swnnon wrlto from U07 Harrison
ft.. I oiin, II IIIuITm, la . a follows:
"A mv dutnn compelled me to lie out In all
ktinN of ucrither I ronirnrtcd a aeverorold from
time to tunc which settled in the kidneys, caua
liie i '-rr .i in-, nml trool'k in tlie pelvic organs.
' I urn now like n new man, nm 111 splendid
In tilth nnd give ull pr.iiHO to l'cruna. A, 0.
man every year, giving Peruna the
whole praise for marvel-ms cures.
Pe-ru-na Cures Kidney Disease.
l'eruna cures kidney disease. The
reason it cures kidney disease is be
cause it cures catarrh. Catarrh of the
kidneys is the tauso of most kidney
disease. Peruna' cures catarrh wher
ever it happens to bo located. It rare
ly (ails.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from tho use ol Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hurtaian, giv
ing a full statement of your case, and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advico gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
lire and all vermta thai
lafcit liorwt rstUe, pool
tr7, to. Louiy hem will
notUjt norciilcks grow.
thln , thus It SAVES
httu extra ratioDj
munt be BITen on account
of vermin. 230 and 300
dealers. UJ ruell loo A Ifro
68 pafe Head Hook rrva
"Set J
1' OUT LAND SEED CO,. Portland. Or
Voaat Asjenta.
P. N. U.
No. 26-tCOi.
HEN writing to 4vertWr platu
mention tins paper.
High Grade
THS& Machinery
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Writs lor Catalogue and Prkta,
$25.00 PER DAY
it V. asttlng Water,
v i Vv 0,1 or Ca1 wUh
jf Made In all tliti and
V W styles. Write for Cala-
IT . logucaud llit of uaeraln
' r P Beall&Co'
JjlttI IKw&oSswb 313 Coramer