Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 24, 1904, Image 6

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    G. A. LcWIs.
IllUU llllllUlUUl
n't ni
mat v
&ttw firove flour mills.
Having purchased the warehouse formerly
owned by Messrs Elledgc & lliggius, we wish
to announce that we will continue to carry a
large slock of all kinds of Feed there, which will
he sold al lowest prices.
By courteous treatment, square dealing we hope to
receive n large sliare of your patronage.
Ilartimpr & Hansen, prop.
Plows, Mowers nnd llnkes. Sole agents for the celebrated
A Full Stock of Mining Supplies.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House...
- .jji
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.- -aj
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition.
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what 3'ou want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
Celebration at Cottage drove
Program2Commences at 10 o'clock A. M.
Coiislatlnglof I'lreinons hose, Mens, Hoys, Girls, Tub and
Fast and Slow Pony Ituces etc. Speclul prizes for each
ovent. Ilaso Ball.
Music by the C. M. A. Band
Barliccuc. Prominent Spenkers
To Close With Display of Fire Works.
G. W- McQueen
morniKTOiw or
teFashion S
and Black Butte Stage,
Double or Sinnlc.
Hardware i
Stoves and Tinware
Vandenbura I
f July
Wm. II. Root, l-Jitor and Manser.
KnUrrd l Ihc 4lom l Cuttme Orota.
Orf ton M won J cUm mll mutter.
sritsrnii'TioN iiatkh.
It months $1.00
lyenr MM
is months 2.lH)
U paid in ndvnnee.
Tins rM'Kit u toii on nil- m K. r Pruic's
tlvrrtlln vncjr. Mun.lM MtwlimiU Kv
chuiigv Sun Fnnrlwo, t'sllfotnU. whore fou
oarlf furailterilslngnin toinnaa tot 11.
I'rioav, Jink s., 1004.
Krom now on we can expect the
I arrival of a good many who are
' interested in the mines of llotiemia,
I Several have arrived this week and
have gone on to the district.
More Time Wanted.
I Some complaint has been made
at the short time Riven for the I
election of a Director and ClcrV of
the school board on last Monday.
Less than an hour was consumed iu
' the whole proceedings Probably the
result would not have been changed
had the polls been kept open forsome
hours. Yet, the people who were
unable to be present during the
clmrt timn nf bnllntim M nllld have
fen had take., pan eu-
Hon and have been satisfied.
At the May meeting of the direc
tors of the Massachusetts Society
for the prevention of cruelty to
animals and the American Humane
Education Society, held May i8th,
It was voted that in memory of the
generous gift of the late Arioch
Wentworth the Massachusetts So
ciety hereby offers to the Selectmen
of each of the over three hundred
Massachusetts country towns $20
to aid in establishing watering
troughs or foundation for animals,
attached to which should bean iron
cup for the use of human beings,
and on or gear which shall be in
scribed or painted the words,
'Blessed are the merciful." Our
Dumb Animals.
Valuable Information.
We are in receipt of a large folder
issued by the Southern Pacific rail
road officials.
It containscondensed information
I about Oregon resources, industries,
'commerce, products, climate, etc,
with a map of Oregon.
! They have also in conjunction
1 with the O. R. & N. railroad, is
sued a book of nearly 100 pages,
descriptive of the resources of the
states of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. The book is well illustrated
and contains a map of the three
1 States. Those desiring to learn of
! the great Northwest, can be sup
1 plied with this book by enclosing,
4 cents in stamps to A. L. Craig
Passenger Agent O. R. & N., or
V. E. Coman, Passenger Agent
1 Southern Pacific, Portland, Ore.
The Conntry Newspaper.
"The country newspaper is the
most useful of all the agencies
which stamp the impress up in vil
lages and inland cities. Without
the aid of local newspapers towns
are, as a rule, thriftless and dead.
It is common for all great men to
speak with contempt of local news
papers, but the village newspaper
makes more great men out of less
material more bricks without
straw than any other factor in
politics, and is the ladder on which
men climb to local distinction as the
beginning of wider fame. The ad
vent of the local newspaper has
always dated the increased thrift of
the community. The local news
paper is the life of the locality, and
the measure of its purpose, as a
rule, measures the advancement of
people." Nile (Mich) Daily Star.
Growth of the Telephone.
Oregon Dally Journal.
The telephone, now so common,
and as we think indispensable, is a
young institution. Thirty years
ago there were no telephones, and,
consequently, no hello girls. How
did business men get along those
days? And what would hello girls
do now if the telephones were all
Now there are in use in this
country 2,315,000 telephones of all
kinds, and their use employs 65,
000 wage earners, desldes 15,000
salaried officials and clerks, earn
ing $36, 000,000 yearly, all of whom
owe their jobs to this invention.
Back to these stand the men who
made the 4,300,000 miles of tele-
plionc wire used, besides other
The. total capitalization ol tele
phone companies in the United
Stales Is $384,000,000 (including
water, however) nnd their revenues
last year were $87,000,000.
And how many talks? Nearly
6,000,000,000 last year. And what
a vast number and variety ot things
were talked ahoutl Again how
under the sun could we do business
without the telephone?
What a marvelous change, what
nn immeasurably value, benefit, one
simple idea wotked out into prac
tice has wrought I And tin- tele
phone is not yet 30 years old I
A Right Movement.
The Nugget is in receipt of a
communication from Tom Johnson,
I manager of the Portland Commer
cial Club, in which lie state- a
convention will be held in Portland
Tuesday and Wednesday, August
;ud and 3rd, under the auspices of
that club for the purpose of formu
lating plans for the proper advertis
ing of the resources of the Slate
of Oregon
Every editor in Oregon to be a
dcligate at large, the Mayor of
every city and town, County Com
missioners, president of every or
ganization, whose object is to up
build the interests of the State, will
have a r'ght to appoint delegates.
The Nugget is 111 favor of every
movement tending to the proper
advertising of the States resources.
Portland as the gtcat commercial
Center should take the initiative
and every other city or villiage
should act in full accord withit.
1 The Nucget will tie ready to co
operate with the movement.
Mardi Aran Carnival.
The Mnnll Grusi'arnlvnl to bo held
In Portland Ih-kIiiiiIiii: June 1Mb mid
continuing' until July !Uh. promises
to lie que of the moHt Interesting; :md
successful entortnliiniontH over held
In the went. In order tlmt the Koplt
of Cottage drove mid vicinity may
have nn opportunity to visit Port
land during; the Carnival the South
ern Pncllle will noil round trip tickets
for which Included ticket to
Carnival. Date of sale of tickets
June 27th and July "th only. Tickets
good 'xlays from date of sale.
I hcieb v ulve notice that I will not
Ik- responsible for any uoiim 01 nny
.form contracted by Charles Hanson
1 without consent llrst iilvcn by 1110.
I Cottaue Urove Juno sth 1901.
Aiiiiht Swanso.n.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's Sew Life Pills. Thousands
of sullerers I nvo proven their matchless
merit for Sick nnd Nervous Headache.
Tliey make pure blood and build upyour
health, OiiIv 25 cents money Imok it
ml cured. Sold by Morgan A lirchaut,
1 Druggist.
To buy Kennedy's t'lialn Light
ning Liniment, for Ulioiimatlsm and
alt palus and iullaination. Price
i0 cents, all druggist, or by mall
upon receipt of price, write V I. Ken
nedy, Sngliuiw, Oregon, for list of
testimonies. Satisfaction guaran
Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc
casioned bv ueltiiii: net tlirouicli; worse
when at rest, or on tlrvt moving the
limbs and in cold or dump weather, ie
quickly cured by Uallard'g Snow Lini
ment. Oscar (Meson, Gibson City, 111.,
writes, Fed. 10, 1002: "A year ufo 1
was troubled with n pain in 111 V back.
It soon got so bad I could not bend over.
One bottle of llallard's Snow Liniment
cured me." '25c, 6O0 $1.00. Sold by
Morgan & llrelinut.
"On June 1st the Southern Pncllle
Co will resume sale of excursion
tickets to Newport and Ya(iihm
Ilav. Iloth season and Saturday to
.Monday tickets will I hi sold. This
popular resort ls growing In favor
encli year, norei raies aro reasouaiiiu
and the opportunities for Hulling,
Hunting anil seaiiaiiung are iine.v
celled by any other resort on the Pa.
citlc Const.
W ii Coman,
General Passenger Agent.
A doctor here lias sued me for 12.f0(
which I claimed was excessive for a case
ol cliolerr morbus," savB It. White, of
l.oaclicuv, uai. Al mu iriui 111, prumuu
bis medical skill and inedicilie. I asked
liim if it was not Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lie used
&s I bail eook reason to believe It was,
and bu would cot sav underoatb that it
wus not " No doctor could uso a better
remedy than this in a case of cholera
moruiis, it never lans. 00111 uy .w
hraUrug store.
United States Land Office,
Koscburt;. Ore., Juno 10th 1001.
Notice is hereby given that incompll
ance with the provisions of the Act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
aet for tbo ealo of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Was dnittoiiTerr tory." asextonded
to all tbo Public Lund States by act o(
August 4, lua,
ol Cottage (Jrovo County of Lune, Btatu
of Uregon, lias tins (lay men in tins
olllco her sworn statement No. 10237 for
the pmcbaeo of tbo NW H of
NW of Section No. 31. Twp, SO
South, of Itango 2 West and will offer
proof to show that tbo land sought is
more valuable for Its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hr claim to suld land before
J. J. Walton U. S. Commissioner at his
ofllco at Kugene, Ore., on Monday the
5th day of September, 1004.
She names us witnesses:
Simeon it. Ilrand of Cottage Grove,
Dave Baker, Frunk V ilson, Andrew
Lamb all of Dorena.all nf Lune County,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested
lo Ilia their cIuIiiib in tills allien oil or
before Batd oth day of September 1001.
J. T. Unmans, Register.
A regular llnrbeouc in Shoes, Tlie best of
styles nml qttuliUes (500 to pick from.
$1.ff Mueller bills ami eong styles in nil
shapes ol toe mid form of lusts, viei, velotir,
box eall'ete our $12.50 and $.'!.00 ones.
$U.uT Cordovan, Velour, l'reneh call' mid Viei
kitl in full laee. Some were $11.00 but most l
them $1.00 We got the style you want and
eatt lit you perfectly.
Every shoe we sell, no mailer the price, is
guaranteed to give good wear and satis
faction, or a new pair free.
I'oiullllnii. Vthli'li rr 'llirlr
llrnnlh nml luimr.
The liioulmtlng of ducks' eggs Is nut
different from hatching of heni' egg.
but tlio euro of young iltu-ks Is rumen ii)
different In ninny respects from thin ,
required for chirks, says It. A. Noursr
In Itellable Toultry Journal. t'nllki
chicks, the iliickllngs must bo renii
from the liiciitsitor very noun nfter Hit
batch Is complete nnd the young ones
dried off. The nest of the brooder afiei
tho ducks nro In should lie little lci
than that of tho uurserj" In the Inou
bator from which they nro tnken. Tlili
ruli-s from US to UX ilcgrt'in. nnd
should bo contlmicit for twenty four
hours, during which the ducks should
bo kept under cover most of tho time
Tho llrst food should tie given when
they have boon In tho brooder n few
hours, and nothing ts bettor tlinn alula
broad moistened with skimmed milk,
In which la sprinkled n llttlo coarse
Kami or tine grit. It should be fed 011
shallow tin plates, which are easily
cleaned and frequently scnldcd. After
the llrst day food should bo offered
four or llvo times a day and nny not
eaten promptly removed. If 11 sutllclonl
quantity Is available, the liu-ud nnd
milk diet should lie coiitlmuit for two
or three days, when wheat bran mid
I'oriiinenl In tbo proportion of two
parts bran to one of meal tuny be
added, gradually Increasing quantity
from one-third lit beginning to tlino
quarters at the end of tho week. A
proportion of one-quarter broad may
tw continued with advantnge, and tho
snnd or grit should ts 0 per cent of
tho whole from this period on. Tow
ilcrcd charcoal sulllclcnt to make It
pretty black may be" sprinkled In tho
fond once each day. and gramilntod
ohuniial nnd grit need to bo within
reach of tho jouug ducks constantly.
Water with the chill taken off should
bo within leach. Dinks mint lune
wilier OUM1 though they spend tholl
spare lime In distributing tho coiitcul
or their drink dish over the surface of
the pen. creating n condition decided!)
1 olriiuoiitul to their well being. To
avoid this It Is sometimes advisable to
reunite the water aiier eacu iiiciu. n nineliunilred and ninety live (IM.trDo)
frosh supply being provided for th k hares ol stock ol Hie Uing A lllnghum
m.K. LiiiiiIht Company which yon inmigncd
If the beginning of the second work to me us security for the payment ol
tluds the ducklings strong and full of , said note, said shares ol stock being
.V 1. ..,.,,r- t-..ll for n fast nml niimlieriil eighteen (No IS), the parol
life. It iiugurs tt. fr " ' said stock being one (fl.UO) oaeb, said
steady growth to killing tlmo or to mi Btock ,lgv( jl(MH,, , yoI )y HlU
turlly. The rutloii and manner of feed- corH)rHli ,,tlio llltb day of OctoU-r,
lug It may remain unchanged, but lb" itMKi, iind having lieen trunFlerred by
youngsters must have more exorcise, you to llio iimliTpigiicd lor the purpoxes
part of which slioiild bo In tbo open j aforesaid.
nlr and on grass when convenient. You niu furllior notillcd that Iho mi
(Jreen food should bo from , dcrsigueil will sell wild stock at puhlio
tills time forward. If early In tho sea
son. chopped cabbage or mangel wur
r.els may be fett soparutely, or steamol
cut clover from which the strong steins
have been removed may do ioii hi nie
upish. making HO per cent of the tt hole.
Hut when green grass or clover can no
obtained It Is much to be preferred and
should bo gathered, cut lino a lid fill In
the morning tvhllo the dew Is on.
Animal food Is needed nfter tho llrsi
week. Hoof scraps are most In fat
for tills purpose on account of Its avail -
ability and keeping qinillties U s.mnl,.
ho sifted for the young ducks mi ll
they are threo weeks old nnd may
Increased In (inutility from B per eon
of the mash during tho second week to
10 or 11! per cent nt the end of three
This ration will give good results un
til It Is time to fatten the birds fur
itrnrliur or f.'lilrUs,
The best pluu I know of lo get broody
hens to take the chicks from 1111 bleu
linlor Is to give the lieu two or throe
eggs out of the Incubator on tho eight
eon Ih or nineteenth day mid allow tier
to hutch them, says W. It. Oruhnui In
the Ontario Agricultural college bullo
tin. When your Incubator hutch Is
over, tuke 11 dozen or lifloen chickens
and put them under the hen after dark,
liven If they happen to differ In color
from those she has hutched, she will
mother them all the sumo. If you give
them to her In the daytime, she may
not do so. Never neglect to give Ihc
hen u thorough dusting before giving
her any eggs. If there Is one thhig
more than another that requires cure
fill attention In rearing young chickens,
It Is to keep them free from lice. If
lice get upon them from tho ben or 1
elsewhere, u largo proportion of them
will be sure to die.
To Kill Un 011 Clilrka,
Hear In mind Hint when using oil or I
groaso of nny kind on fowls only a llt
tlo should bo npplled, 11 s grease will do
Htroy chicks. As 11 spray for poultry
house use kcrosoiio emulsion (or koro
bono), itdding 11 gill of snsHiifrus oil
and half a pint of crude carbolic acid
to 11 gallon of keroscno or emulsion.
Two or three applications will destroy
not only tho lice, but tbo "nits" nnd
At Pacific Timber Compiinys Store
Tiider Odd Fellows Hall
Tho Stamp
hi! 3aaaiaBnaK:
Selz Schwab Fine Shoes
A. Cutter
And Cahn-.Nieldcsbtirg
Oi Stock is Complete in
TO K. A. LAW ItA fi II :
You 1110 heiidiy uotilleil
that tin
iiromisKorv nolo h men vou oxoeiuoii 111
favor ni tho iindorsigni-i
1 1111 ,i iitui'i .ii.i
I1HKI. the ol x.iiil mile being
1 1,000.(10, and payable six iniinths aft, r
dutoaud lioars lliletent n( tbo rule ol
six per cent tier annum bum the (Into
ol said note, is now duo nml iiiipsld, iind
I hereby demand Immediate payment ol
said note, and if vou fail lo puy Ihc
n,,tn,ti,t itit,, n,i Mniil (mil, nt nil,.., I ulll
irooew to Hell tbo twin ty four thousand
uiii-tion to the highest bidder, ill Cot
; - - , - -
tage 1 1 rove, Initio County, Oiogon, alter
jf,, ( the uuttspaiicrs published In
1 lounge (irovo. Lane County, Oregon,
to-ll, llio llolieinia Miggct.
Dnicd this 21st day ol May, 11101.
lH-4t .I.C. LoNd.
Mr. tienruo K. Ilabeoek was thrown
1 rum Ids 111:1111 and sovorcly bruisiil.
1 j'e applied Chamberlain's I'uin llulin
, V - -t .... hn.,,1 ho
' ilitvn , Nl)rth plliri, Con. There is
nothing iiiuul lo I'uin Halm for suraius
and broil-ex. It will ell'cctn curu in one
third the time required by any other
treatment. For sale by New Urn Drug
How About Vour Summer Vacation.
Newport oil Yiuiulnu liny Is the
ideal seaside resort of the North l'a
clllc Const. Hound trip tickets nt
ureatly reduced rates on sale from
all .Southern ruelllc (mints In Ore
Kon, ou and after Juno tst. Ask
AkciiIs for further Information and a
handsomely Illustrated Hoiivcuir
booklet, or write to Ildwln Ktono,
C. & K. ft. It., Albany, Ore., or W.
H. Coman. U. I. A., H. I'. Co., Tort
laud. Diiivn:; to dksi'Hiiation.
l.lvinK at an out o( the way place, 10
mote Iroiii eivlllzatl jii, a family Is often
driven to desperations In easo ol acci
dent, reuniting in lliirns.Cuts, Wounds,
Ulcers, ele. Lay in a supply of lluck
len's Arnica Halve. It's the best on
earth. Siuu.ut Morgan A Hrehaut drug
F. J. Poduska
ANNuycr & Chemist
Mines Examined,
Valued, Surveyed or
Reported on.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
of Quality
Tllco uie the in;ii;ic
winds that nppenl to the
Shoe buyer. That's what
vou want mid what you
get when
Heavy Shot's.
the above hues
ie TiuiuAi XT?
f villi ill HlUll
, p) r - - - - "
I dil ated two libicks west
5 it ili line blis'k north nf J
s tlieS r. Depot
1 Earge Rooms
J Well tenliliiteil well fur-
2 iilolieil and llrst class In J
every particular a
j Rates $1 per day!
Hoard bv the week (INI
S will I bod per S
ai week. Iloiiioinbor tbo a
phieo The best lubloM
5 mid tho host boils, tbo J
besL aci'iiiiiinodntiiiiis In a
every particular. J
, 5 ky eillTd! nOIPl
Airs. Ida 11. Ihompson. S
" laaiiiiiiiiso
, 5
Kvory dny Isu llarK'thi
Day at this (irocer.v.
We've nothing to Klvo
away but everything
to soil that Is found
In a
First Class Grocery Store.
We've never sold you
anything; but fresh
clou 11 kooiIs. Ix't 1IH
serve you.
" S
a a
q :
o o
s t
o a
S "
Flour A hi Store
Hard and Soft Wheat
Junction City Flour
Chop I'Vcd, Oialiniu Klour,
Oats, llran and Hhorts.
West Side. 'ottuo, (Irovo