Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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i Fail to hcc the line line
: of Combs, HiiirHnmhcH,
Toilet Arliele.s and
IlrnirirlHt'M Kiinilricu
?. 1
The liuest line in town
prices can not he hen ten
Benson's !
ii HI IiikIck (it) $i.'J.-i per in
Common Itouuli IiiiiiImt ami
llllllCIIHlllll (in $
All klmlx of Kiln lined
lumber ul proportionately
low prlct'K.
At mill, prlri-H, until April
m i Miriam Lumber Co.
Dealers in
Cify and Farm Property.
pnjTnrtrBirtrsTnni innnrBTjyinnriP)
At The Ideal
$1 per Month
Will kii'i your SultH cleaned,
pri'HHeil, button on and rlpH
TraiiHli nt work Hollclteil.
SallHfiictloii Koarranti-ed.
Work culled for and delivered
prompt- each week.
OrderH taken at Welch & WooiIh
Aim. W. A. CunnlnKloni,
CutliiKi) tlrove, OreKon.
ZHSLSLSLXJUL SLSUUISS. slsuuulslslslslsisl
I The Cottage Grove I
9, Ih now In rannlui; order t
uml prepaa-il to do all klmlH of
laundry work with prompt iichh
mid nt reaHoiiublu ralcM. A,
W liopo to net-lire your f;
putroniiKU uml to pleiiHe you rf;
with our work. I'lioiu1 :it !
Hanson & Swannon, Props.
&xK.iiM...jwi( I
I'acil'ie Loei f
Columbia miner
(liiuriititecd lliiud Sowed
PrlceH IteiiHnnulilo $
iT". . Davidson's
HoloAKent. CuttiiKU drove. g
Can liu found tliu most ele
Knnt and np to diito
An elegant line of lCiiHtcrn
Made lYrfiuncH, S c Ii o o 1
llookH and a full lino of tho
liiHtcHl popular liookH.
auKAv ij vmtnit.
Wo liuvo on our ynrds W),000 feet of
lumber wlilcb milHt be Hold to make
room for Incomlnir Htock.prlccHruiur
lnir from $:i HO to 7.00. If yon want
u burpalu como at once.
Tlio BootlfKelloy Lumber Co.,
KiiKlimw, Oro.
I Eagle
H 9.
g j Atnrcll (Irn Cnrnlvnl, nl I'ortlnnd Oregon,
June Zlflli In July 9lli. livcrylimly
Sliinild Alfvtitl Cut Rnlcit on
All RillronilK.
I'ho ureal Manll (IniH dimlvfil In
lake iilacci la I'ortliinil. Oreiriii..liiiin
V 'lull
.'Stli to .1 ill v lltli. Iiieliixlvn. tiriiinlxru
Y to lie tin iiiiMiHllrrliurunil niiiKiilfl
f ceal eelelii'iitlon that Iiiih over oc-
; I'll In I lie Nortliwi-Hl perliapH lliu
Allium! lirllliaat occnrreiicit of ltn kind
!, Iliiit, Iiiih .vet heea planned and utr-
;, : nen out on hum eoiiHl.
;;i rnei-eiM aiiHoiaiei.v no Krnit, ami
: ! no perMomil proia, la Hie whole uf
, I rail', and UiIh Ih h'I'Iiiiiih one of the
f, I iikihi potent. lenmiiK way every Imdy
; without any dlHerlinlnatloii what
; J ever, rich and poor alike, prominent,
. eiiueiiH, ami ipiiet liiii'Kher, city
; denlceii ami hanilel dweller one and
; all are lateiiNely latereHted In the
KNiiiil HiicccHM nt thlHeeleliratlon that
win no minor to thlH whole Hcetlnn
m Aiueriea
lo Im'kIn to eniiiucrnle the blir
leiilurt'H In iilmiiNt coiiliiHlat;. Of
eiiarue the tact, that live of I lie Na
tloiiH IiIk liiitlleNhlliM have been
ordered to Portland to Mtny during
i in-1 iirnivai, ih one ureal mi I ruction.
They will lie open fur vImIIoi-m ami
tleckctl la Kiila dn-H. The Spectaeu
lar raraile on the openliii; ilnv will
lie the KriiuilcHl affalrx lieyond all
laiiiKlaatlve e.ven to deHcrlliu Hiir-
IiiihhIiik anything yon can liinmlno
rexiri"HH In uf iniiKalllceace
aim Hpcciiieaiar uiHpiav. I lie State
Militia. I ncleSam'H Iiovh (rom Vun-
eover llarrackH nailer tleneral I'iiiim
ton, ail the TriulcH UrKiililzatliiliK.
over iniriy iioalH, vlxttini: ori'iinlm
tloiiH from lar nail near, altogether
iniiKiair an attemnl at ir ani-v
never heretofore dreamed of In I'ort-
MIhh llreen, iliiuuhter of .M. r
(iri-en, Ih liome from Drain
(leorKe llarrlHon Iiiih had a lurno
lun i" in nieii ai worn on Hie roiul
KraillilKiiiid lianlliiK' rock, thin wirk
At the hcIiooI election Monday
Wllltolllii wiih elected dliector, and
Keaiieii I acker, ulcrl,.
The Itallroad comiiiinv Iiiih a Iutl-i
crew of men at work iitthi)rthctra'k
in k! comiitioii.
.1. II, llawle.v Ih lailldliiK ll Iiimim
on IiIh farm to rent.
I lla.v Ih Ih'Ink' cut hut the crop
I Im" decidedly nhort.
The railroad wood
pretty lively now.
IiiihIiicxm Ih
lllu l"r..lll In I'orr.t ( ulliirr.
The IiiiiiIj i'iiiulni on rich hiII v. Ii
priHliiei" mure f,iif,jn wtM per acre In
n Hlmrtcr time Hum any oilier upei-leB
I Koine rntnlpu il:ilitulloiift III Kninw
have paid it per cent iiiinpiiimil Inter
I ent on the l.'inil and labor lliwutnl nml
! fill nn ncn- 'r milium not profit for n
I pcrlinl of twenty yenm. Thin In n much
1 k renter Income than tho nvorngo re
turn from nsrlculture.-O. I Clothier.
I am prepared to meet any and all
pru'CH, tnat may ihi iiiuiio ny any
on nay kind of MciitH carried In
miirketH In Cottaire llrove.
II. I). I.imiii.n, Went Hhlt;
Lively Ball (lame.
The Iiiihc ball Kiune played ut Cren
well bet u ceil tho home anil Latham
teimiH on Sunday, win one of the
mimt IntereHiliiK KameH played thin
'''he CrcHucll team jiluyed Kood
ball, bat tlieciirveH of pitcher AiIhiiih
wiih nn enigma to them. Score:
l.ntliaui 10, f'n-Hwell 4. The Latham
Iio.vh nppreclate the courteoiiH tnnt
meat received at CrcHWcll and hope
to nvlprocute when the return khiiic
Ih played In .Inly.
Mardl Oras Carnival.
A .Mardl UriiHand Carnival will lie
held at Portland June 1Mb to .Inly
7th IncliiHlve. Special attractloiiH
have luni provided to make thin tho
moHt HiicceHHfnl c irnlviil ever Riven
In I'ortlnnd. Special rntcH liuve Ihimi
irraiited liy the Southern 1'uclflc Co
for IIiIh occiihIoii. Sale dateH .luno
i L'Tih. .Inly 'Jud. :ird. Itli niel 7th. Cull
on any Southern I'aelllc Aueiit for
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Associa
tion The Willamette Valley t'liautau(iiii
AHHoclatlou will a eel at tllailHtoue
Park, ncarOrcKon Clt.v, .Inly 1-th to
il'ltli, HHll, lacliiNlve. The Southern
Pucltlc Co, will make reduced rulCH
on tliu Certtllcnte nlaii for thin occiih
Ion. Cull on liny Southern I'aelllc
AKcnt for udvcrtlHlDK mutter. .'-4t
We have u lnri;e. Hiipply of cheap
lumber, JttHt what yon want on u
runcli, jirlce very cheap, niiiHt bo Hold
to make, room for other Htock.
The llootli-Kelly LuiiiImt Co.,
SiikIiiuw, Ore.
Having deponed of my Intercut In
tho Cottauo Orove Steam Laundry I
dCHlro to thank the people, who have
durliiK tho piiHt few iiiout Iih ho kindly
iihhIhUmI me lu my effortn to nerve
Don't iK'Klcct thnt lioiiHC, but cull
nt the oxprcHH olllco nml have Tom
Awbrcj wrlto you up ft policy In
either tlio lltniv IiiHtirnnro Co. or
tho OicKon Klro Itellet AhhocIiUIoii of
.McMlnuvllle, Oregon. eot-;i
$1500 Will Take It.
One-hull black, i;ood Iioiiho, wood
Inline, root-liotiHo, chicken park, '2
lotH In ItOHulmi'K. 1100 hIiiuvh loKov
milling Htock. All koch for tlio hiiiuII
prlco of flSOO. Knyer& Huff.
Adosoof Hiillnrd'H Uorolioiuul Syrup
will relieve it. ilnvo you n cold? A done
of Ilerblue nt bed time nml frequent
umnll donen of Ilorehound Syrup dining
the day will remove It. Try it for whoop
ine cough, for imthniii for coiiHiimntlon,
for Iiionchitls. Mrs. Joe MeOriitli, 827
K. ltd Street. Ilutehlnion.Knu,, wrltea:
"I have used lliillnrd'a Ilorehound
Syrup In my family for 5 years, tuul
II nd it tho boftuiul tnoetpiilutahle medi
cine I ever uhoiI." 25c, f0c, 1.00. Bold
by Morgan & Jlrelinut.
Dr. Lowe, Ociilo-optlclan, Luko
lla.chvooil Ice ci cam at tho Sin,
l'"or fllHl cIiihh iiiciiIk tlio LxchiuiKC
I'IhIiIiik tackle at Tlio Jlodorn
The leadlliit brand clL-ain uL the
Any pl'CHcrllitloli filled nt The Mod
ern I'liarmaey.
HiiauldliiK'H Olllclal b'llKiie IIuIIh
at The .Modern Phiirinaey.
Hot coffee ami liinclieM ut tho Kx
chaiiKo reHtaiirntit.
DuvldHon keepn the IwHt IouK'Th
hIiouh on tho market.
Mrn. Win Permaii Ih vIhIIIiik lu
Porllaml HiIh week.
Ilov. ('. II. Wallace returned home
from l-cliiiniin Monday.
Attorney Jerome Knox wiih In Lu
Kcno tl'.ln wi-ek on laiHlneHH.
To Have time trv the lCxchanve
liincli roouiH for ipilck ncrvlce.
You can net the I lent louirei-H and
ininerH' hIioch ut .1 II HavlilHoii H.
Win Perinan Ih HiK'ndlmr u nortlon
of thin time at tho IIiih well. Spring.
Work on the new xchool bourn on
the Went Side Ih proL'ieHHlnir nicely.
MIhhch Ktlic-I Woolev ami Annie
VanltlMT returned from Kii;eiie the
flrnt of tho wi-ek.
Unite a iiuiiiIht of new Iioiihch and
addltloiiH to old ouch nro Ik-Iiik
erei-ted III the city.
Mrn. Kate Perkllm ami ilittiifhti r.
MIhh Neva, of KuKene, are vIhIIIii In
the flrovo thin wifk.
I mil JeukliiH wiih verv nick for a
few iIii.vh, but Ih recovered Hiilllcently
to be about tho utrveto.
What everybody liken Ih Homctldni;
to HiitlHfy their aiitH-tlte. the Kx-
cIiuiiko n-Htaurant Iiiih it.
O. Vatmlin and tieorire Iteeil
leave to-day for (,'liehullH, WuhIiIiik-
ton, where they will 1m; employed
Don't foriret to take vour iiicuIh nt
ine i-.xcnaiiiie icHiatinint. liverv
thln the IH-Ht the iiiurketcnn Hiipply
I "or Kick licmlaclic tnkoChamlwrliiln'H
Stoiincli nml Liver Tablctn nail a ntiick
corn in certain. 1'or mle by New Krn
Drill! Store.
Kilward I'lnertv returned home
from Southern Oregon, where ho Iiiih
Ihvii for the benellt of bin health, the
tlrnt of the week.
MIhh Lulu Currln Iiiih taken cliariro
of the KiikIo llook Storo where can
Ih- f( it ml the lati'Ht imiKuzIueH uml
Htiindurd novelH.
The MIhhch Mlirnhy of St Paul.
Minn, ami Mr. Murphy of ChehallH,
WiiHlilimton. are vlHltluir the famllv
of T. K. Campliell.
Mrn. Dora L. Plrliln. who went to
llrowiiHVllle Home week nluce Iiiih
Ihcii very III recently. She Ih reported
to be Hlowly improvlui;.
AniKiiut. LadU-H Ulcycle for hiiIo
heap. CoiiHter brake. Iituulrciit this
olllce or at the residence of Mrn. Oeo
llcrry. II. N.
For Sale A few HharcH of Htook lu
the llluwatlm Mluluct'o. one of the
licHt proierticR lu llohemla.
l-.niTll sti:i'IIi:.nh.
JauiCH I'nttH thin week Hold hlx
Hplemlhl Hian of reyH to ll.C. lluniH
ol McMlnuvllle. .Mr. IluriiH Iiiih been
vlHltlnc In the city with IiIh daueliter.
Mth. 11. It. I til Im.
MIhh Merle Scott, of CrcHWell. Hton-
icil over here Saturday nn lier way
mine from Drain, where Hhe linn been
utteudlUK the Kruduatloii excrclMCHof
the .Normal School.
WANTLD A Kood rimtler to retire.
neat a kooiI IiuhIiichh lu DoukIhh Co.
A Kood paylai; ponltlon of from S"0
to S7.1 tier wtvk to rlirht limn. Ad-
drpHH L. Ilox 1'.', LiiKcne, Ore.
Florence Ih collar to Celebrntu tho
Fourth. Itev. I. M. IIovIch. who re
cently left thlHClty to take charge of
the Cnmlierland PrcHUvtcriun Church
in that place, will be the Orator of
tho day.
It. W. HnrrlHonV iiarentn enme
from their homo lu Polk county re
cently to vlnlt 1dm uml IiIh family.
On Monday they returned home
tnklnir with them two of tho Krnnd
Prof A. L. llruri!H. for about four
yearn principal of the hcIiooIh of Cot-
lUKeiirove, wiih on ine iitu oi tins
month elected teacher of KiijillHhnud
Literature nt the State Norninl
School at Drain.
W. II. Thornton of Sheridan wiih
In the city neverul dayn vlnltlng hln
brother J. V., who linn been very 111
with typhoid fever for nevernf weeks. I
Mr. Thornton returned to hln home
on Monday. ,
lenne V. Thornton, proprietor of i
tho Cigar and Confectionery Stoiv
next to tlio Porttolllec, wiu able for
the tlrnt time in neverul weekB to
como down town on Monday. All t
lire glad to nee hlni about again.
W C. Conner, who recently dls-
ponod of tho Leader of thin city, left
for ItOHclmrg Wednenday, whein ho
goes to toinporlally tnko cliargo of
the KoHoburg Plnlndealer. It Ih iioh-
nlble Mr . Conner will arrange to re
iuhIii permnntly with tho paper.
W. P. Kly. Kdltor nml oroiirintor
of tho Journal, Kolo, WuHlilngton,
nrnved in the city wednenday. .Mr.
;iy wan u renment oi uottnge urove
iniiiiy yeamago, nut went to wnnii-
lugtou to edit the Journal. He in i
interested In llohemla, his principal!
holdings being In tho Mayflower
J. N. Ito.vd. tho well known lihoto
grnpher, has returned to Cottage
(Irovo nml temporlally opened a gal
lory In tho building next tu Poduskl's
unnav olllco. Mr. J. I. Jones has
commenced tho erection of u building
next to Motcalt nnd Momo'H ntoro
which will bo occupied by Mr. lloyd
upon completion.
brother of Frank (lugllelmo, tho
Italian, who recently killed Freda
(luurascla lu Portland, has been em
ployed by theSouthern Purine, In the
vjirils nf tho emntmtiv In t.blH clrv.
jpon hearing of ids brother's crime,
ho asked for transportation to Port
land, us It wiih not forthcoming us
soon mi ho thought It Bhould lio he
quit work. All tho other Italians
working tor tlio company, unit nt
tho Hiimo time, leaving cur louds of
gravel standing on the Bldo tracks.
Ileitis of Interest in niul about
Collude drove and vicinity.
lee Mlnard wuh called to L'uneiie
I". D. Wheeler wiih In Lucent' Wod
iiCNiliiy. For Hliorl ordurM try the KxrhaiiHc
lunch rooniH.
('. W. Wallace went to Lucne
Neil f 'ii in Mi Iiih wuh called to the
County Heat ycHlerdny.
Kodiick and Kodack HiipplloH ut
The .Modern Pliariimc.v.
JameH llemeiiwny went to Kiiki-iio
on IiuhIiichh TliurHifiiy.
Mayor J. H. Medley Ih uttendliiB
Court at Lunelle t ll Ih week.
Mrn. W. L. CopHrnoll Ih vIhIIIiik
relallvcH In the drove thin wifk.
II. ('. Dutton went to Lunelle,
WedneHdny, to attend the (I. A. 11.
AI NIcIioIh wiih In Kiinene thin week
iih a wltncKH In tho burglary trial of
Dell ll Ih, et. III.
A new Hldewalk Ih lM-liurlald on Tith
Street, north of Main, the full length
oi ine mocK.
Arthur Chnndler thin week inoei-il
IiIh family to I-conu, whero they will
reHlde hereafter.
A concrete Hldewulk Ih being put
nowii on j. i. .ioiich proHTiy next
to tin- Hunk liuildliig.
MIhh I-u Mickey Iiiih returned homo
irom AhIiIiuiiI, where Hhe Iiiih Ut-n
vlHitltig Mrn. lid ItlHwll.
Mrn. I' rank IlemlerHon Ih vlnttlng
her hiiHbuml ut tho mlneH. Mr. Ilen
ilerHou Ih hauling HiippllcH to the
Hot ween court week and the annual
reunion of the war veteraiiH, Kugene
Hivurled a largo part of the popula
tion of I.nno county thin week.
Several IndlctmeiitH ugaliiHt thono
who have Ihtii engaged In the gambl
ing hiiHlncHH In Cottage drove have
lnra inado by the (Jriiiid Jury thin
Hardy Crow of Loriuie, enn nl
wiiyn Ih' deiHMided upon tolH-m the
city ThurHiln.vH. Mr. Crow Hiiyn crop!
look fairly well hut a good rain
would help the furinern.
Mrn. Voh Wallace, who accident!"
got hold of the wrong bottle of med
icine on hint Saturday night uml
came near dying In conxeiiuciice, Ih
Improving ami will noon lie all right
.Mr. Wheeler, of the firm of Wheeler
& Owena wIioho bhw mill Ih went of
the city, Iiiih been ailing for Home
inontliH. On Sunday he wiih taken
to the hoHpltal ut Portland, to lie
ojieruted upon for upiH-ndlcltlH.
The Annual re-unlon of the Lane
county VeteraiiH Ih lielng held lu Ku
gene thin week. The city Ih filled
with the veteniH uml their friend
from all partn of the county. They
nre lielng entertained lu line Htyle by
the citlzcDH.
CharleH Ia-o and (Tiiih WilbauiH,
who were charged with (runil
larceny plead guilty to petit larceny
and were Bentonced to 110 ilayn In
Jail. They were the men who broke
Into Mrn. Wolfer'H house and took
goodn away.
The County rock criiHher Ih nt
work crUHliiug rock to be lined on
the rouilH between Lome mid Ku
griie; hIho between Loriuie uml Cot
tage tlrove. lletween ;!0 and 40
wagon InadH are criiHhed daily.
Twenty men nre employed in hand
ling the rock and hauling onto the
KELLY Itertha Kelly, daughter of
William Kelley of Loraue. died nt
4 o'lock. Saturday, June lSth, tiged
nbout 'JO yeans.
The remuliiH ero laid to rent nt
Odd I'ellow cemetery, Lorane, .Mon
day. Tho grave wuh covered with
nn abundance of tlowem, moHtly
Parents Attention.
The old method of teaching a chi'd
to rena ny tnc umuteivHting menu
InglcHH plan of learning his A. 11. C'h
Iiiih long nlnco liecn Hiipplnuted by
tho word system. Tho methods of
teaching music have kept puce with
the Improved methods of teaching
school. The old tedious, dlscourng
lug method of teaching tho flue linger
exercises uml ncales lias given place
to n method which Interests and de
lights children us well us grown
Mrs. Roy Welch has taught music
for eight years during wIifcIi time
hhe went east twice to study. Ue
cently she had the prlvelldgo of n
years continuous study under nn
own pupil of Calvin Cudy of Uostou,
Mut., whose genius has revolution
ized the methods of teaching music.
Drop ii card lu the P. O. and .Mrs.
Welch will cull upon you und give
you nn idea of the method whereby
one enn begin reading nml writing
music from the tlrnt lesson.
The entertainment given nt
tlio Oporu House on Saturday
night, under tho auspices of the
Lai lies Aid Society of tho Christian
Church, was not so well attended us
It nhouid have been considering the
excellent program rendered. (Jrnce
V. Melllnger, un elocutionist of tal
ent uml culture, was tho principal
feature of the evening.
Following wus tlio programme:
ThoTniltor'H Death Hod, (ico Llppurd
One-legged (loose Vnon
Messrs A wbrey, Medley, Isliam and
My Uncle Vnon
Jes' 'fore Christmas Ulley
Her Folks and llls'u lieu King
Mrs. Isham mid Mm. Davidson
Sister and I Alton
Hen Holt Melody by Kueass
Jennie Fred Kmerson Itrooks
Mesdames Wood and Shirk.
Volunteer Organist Selected
How Sulvntor Won
Hock of Ages I l'nnto-
Coming Through tho Itye) inline.
A Smooth Tooter.
A mnnunmo to the store ono day,
And to tho druggist ho did Buy,
My feet onco nil covered with corns,
Are now uh smooth as a yearling's
horns. '
Uso Pop Km All Com Salvo for snlo
Morgan & Hrelmut.
lipwnrlh League.
On .Monday night the Kpworth
lA'iigne iii'in a meeiing aim eieeieu
me loiiowiug omcerH:
PreHldeiit Mrn. Alexander Corprnn
Find Vice PreHldeiit... .Mr. M. IhIuuii
Third" " MIhh Llr.zle Orpurd
Fourth Vice PreHldeiit I. I. .Ioiich
Herty MIkh Lillian Hart
Treasurer Ira Conner
OrgnnlHt Mrn. Harry Hurt
Junior feague Hlipt,..MlHi.IeHHle llerg
After the election nodal entertain
uleiit wan In order: A nnng by the
rholr; Cornet Holo, CIihh Cochran,
with tilauo accomtianlmeiit by MNh
Neva Perklnn; Kecltatloti, Alice
PlillllpH: Mimical KxerclHe, The 10
Vlrglnn; followed by Ico cream and
Chautauqua (lalhcrlnjc.
The Kleventli Annual Assembly of
the Willamette Valley Chiiutauiua
AHHoclatlou will hold ItH coming nes
nlou ut (lludntone Purk, Juno 12th to
the 21th IncliiHlve, nt Oregon City.
Among thono who will deliver the
uildrcHHcH may be mentioned DrNcweil
Dwlght 1 1 II Iih. HuecesHor ol Henry
Ward lleecher of Hrooklyn, Capt
Klchari! HoIihoii, the hero of Santi
ago, Mm. Marlon White, a lady of
national reputation, and many other
noted HeiikcrH.
A bane ball tournament will lie one
of the attractive featuri'H. Other
Interesting attractloiiH will I pre
sented. Special ruti-H will lie given
by the railroads. It will lie a good
place to go for it relaxation from
bimliii'HH cnreH.
Annual School Election.
PiirHiiatit to cull the Annual School
meeting wuh held In the school house
last Monday. Director J. W. Oowdy
presided. Clerk Harret read the liiln
iiteH of the ineetlgiiH held during the
year which were approve 1.
Tho Chairman announced that
nominations for one director to s.irve
for three yenrH wiih In order. C H.
VunDenbiirg und Iten Momn were
placed on nomination.
J' rank l'lillilpH and Oliver veatcli
were appointed telle .
I 'pon the ballot lielng taken It re
sulted In the election ol Van Deuipirg
by u vote of 37 to 14
J K. liarrett and Thomas A wbrey
were placed In nomination for Clerk
of the Hoard for ono year. Mr. Ilnr
rett received 20 and Mr. Awbrey :
votes and the Chairman declared
Awhrw elected Clerk.
Children's Annual.
Last Saturday evening the Annual
Chlidrcn'H Dny exercises were held In
the MetliodlHt Cliurcli.
The programme published In Inst
week's Nugget nnd prepnwd by Prof
(iabuel of Chicago, for occasion of
this kind wiih carried out In full.
Superintendent of the school. J. I.
JoneH hud chnrgo of the exerelncH.
The little folks occupied the front
seats uml presented nn Interesting
me large cliolr land made special
prepnratlonH lor tlio occasion nnd
their nongii were a pleasing fenture
of the evenings entertainment.
I lie efforts of the children in tlielr
recltntloiiB nnd songs gnve evidence
of careful training by their teachers.
City Council Meeting.
At the ndlourned meeting of the
City Council June 17. Ordinance No.
78, relating to grade of 4th Street und
for the letting of contract lor grnu
ing und inuccudanilzlng was rend and
by motion panned to Its -ml and :ird
reading and declared ordinance No
Ordinance No i0 relating to grnde
of Main St In (Jeorgctowu addition
to Cottnge Grove, providing for let
ting otcontruct lor grndiugsnmoniid
carried to Its .Ird reading uml passed
an ordinance No ill.
m m
Will Unite School District.
There Is u movement lielng made
looking to the consolidation ol the
.Mosby creek and t urrin tciioul dis
The lenson for thin being thnt with
the two small districts where two
teachers are necessary, sutllcient
wages cannot be paid to secure the
best teachers. It Is thought by unit
ing the two districts, although It
may inconvenco some of thescliolnrs,
tho school will bo enough better to
Justify the consolidation.
Another June Wedding,
Tuesday forenoon Frank Phillips
drove Itev HUllngton up to tlio Home
of tellx currln on how uiver, wnere
n wedding party awaited them.
(Jeorge Currln and Lisle Kirk were
the happy young couplo who wcro
made one hi- the minister: After which
nn elegnnt dinner wus nerved. The
parents of both contracting parties
were present. Tliey win at onco be
gin farming on their own account
on a farm adjoining Mr. Currtn's.
Had Strawberries.
F. E. Miller nnd wife returned on
Wednesday from tho Department en
campment of tlio O. A. It. hoM Inst
week ut Hood Hirer. Coiiirndo Mil
ler reports having u splendid time.
rides on the Columbia river, as many
toiiH of strawberries as ho could eat
tho best of treatment by the citizens
oflloodltlvor, and an enthusiastic
nnd successful encampment wus held
Special Trains.
The O. & S. E. rnllrond will on tho
4th of July run a siec!nl train. Will
leave cottage urovo at i a. m, mid
arrive nt Wlldwood ut 7:4."i und ur
rlvo nt Cottage U rove 8:25 u. in. In
the afternoon will leave Cottage
Orovo4;30 p. in., nrrlvo Wlldwood nt
5:l,r p. m.; Lcuvo 5:15 nnd arrive at
Cottage Urovo (! p. M. Itntes for
round trip irom nil points one aim
one-lift h fare.
Sole Owner of Laundry.
August Swannon has purchased
tlio Interest of Charles Hansen lu the
Cottage Grove Laundry. .Mr. Swan
boh will attend to nil outside work of
collecting und delivering of laundry.
Ho has secured tho service of a tlrst
chiss laiimlryman ami solicits your
patronage. Good work mid prompt
delivery will bo his motto.
A Merited Promotion.
Mr. .1. W. Glessonor, who has been
for tho past fow years, patrolman
for tho Telephone lines, hns recently
been proiuntcd to tho position of so
llcltor. Mr. Glessuer by Ills attention
to tliotmslnesB assigned him by tho
Company has merited tho advance
Fresh crawfish In wlnout tho Ex
change Ilcstnurmit.
I Ever Do This?
H Did you ever pass by our store
H and walk several blocks to get
H an article of Meis Furnishings
inside to inspect our large stock
of modern furnishings we are
sure you will not pass us by
It Lurch i Store,
Corner 3th and
Straw Hats,
White Vests,
j$ We must reduce our stock, Sg)
JjS avail yourself and buy for
about vg
1 50c on the Dollar
(5j) 25 st3'les baby shoes, Sec our show window. K
S 'le $1-50 Men's and Women's shoes in 5;
America. (S)
1 Welch & Woods j
2w New Bank Block.
75 x 150 feet
High and Dry,
Fine resident property,
5 Blocks from Post Office.
Kayser & Huff
Next to Awbrey Building
Pure Materials in tlic Hands of Skilled Workmen
This is the only secret of the wonderful popularity of
Contains more butter-fat than any other Ice Crenm on tho market;
and nbuolutely no "llller" It's cuham not cuHtnrd.
H. BIL,1,S, Sole agent for Cottage Grove.
FREK BOU VENIB-When vtiiting Portland, call at SWETLAND'S 271 MorrUon St., and
present ttal ad You wtll lecelye HtEE on attractive louvenlr tor the table.
The Bohemia Nugget for Job Work.
Main Streets.