Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 24, 1904, Image 1

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If 11V JL 9
11.1 r r i i
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid Farming Intercuts of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. aa
(lathered IVoin Bohemia Alining
District and the Various
Alining Camps of Oregon
and Oilier States. -
Jamns Hart went up to the mines
James White anil family went up
to tin Jo Jo group for the summer,
David Oodlcy, Al Klllgc and
Archie Thompson left for Bohemia
W. W. Mastcrson and I.. W.
Baker went up to ltobcmin Wed.
iicsday to resume work on the
Champion Hash) group.
W. W. Mastcrson went up to
Ilohemia to resume work 011 the
Champion Basin group on last
Dr. J. II. Kccfcr of 1'ortlaud, and
president of the Judson Kock min
ing company, passed through the
Grove Tuesday for a visit to the
procrty in Ilohemia. Mr. I,.
Clark of Portland, accompanied
A. U. Gray nmt lid Metcalf of
Cathliu, Washington, arrived In
the city Wednesday morning.
Jiiursciay morning tney in com- I
jiaiiy wiui w. 1 i-.iy weui up 10
Ilohemia to look over the May
flower and other procrties of the
KUhard White owner of the Jo
Jo group of claims in Ilohemia,
came to the city Saturday. He re
ports n great many new arrivals in
iiicuisirict ami says the sound ol buildings completed and arc now
shots throughout the mountains re- pushing work rapidly on the foun
minds one of a continuous .ith of dation of the io-stamp mill to be
July. He further states the devclope- ertcted by 1 J. Hard & Co.
tllfflta ill till, lirnnnrlli.. tin lnd UM... '
Is nrovlmr more satisfactory ilmn 1
ever lcforc.
G. B. Pitcher, who with his wife
have been in the Illue River district
for nearly n year past, came to the
city the first of the week. Mr.
Pitcher had charge ol the Treasure
mine under C. H. Park of Kugcne.
The mine has been closed in order
tu make necessary outside repairs.
During the summer Mr. Pitcher
will dcvelopc his mining properties
on Grizzly mountain in Ilclicmin.
Geo llolilmnu of Cottage Grove,
is the owner of the U. S. and Hia
watha claims in Bohemia. There
has been consi lerable work done
upon the properties in the past and
an excellent showing made, Mr.
Bohlmaii recently made arrange
ments with Julin and Godfrey
Orabcr to do some more develop
ment work upon them.
They went iti the first of the
week and ill continue the tunnel
which iiat iiccn started on llic vein, i
I'ronk D. Wheeler, treasurer of
the Crystal Consolidated Mining
Company, went up to the property'
on 1 hursday to look over the
work now being done. A letter re-1
ceived by him from Superintendent
Oar man
West Side,
James Hurt, just prior to his dc-lT . T n
! parturc, states. That the mine is'MAN H Iflll II
, looking better than nt nuy time 1 vf I lJuU
I previous. In tunnel No 2 vvc have
! a fine body of quart, nnd we nre
' saving every bit of it for the mill.
I Tunnel No 3 is improving rapidly. .
I June aist, lyo.f.
: The snow has been shoveled out
I of the wagon road and our first
, height wagon to Ilohemia Postofficc
, came in last Monday.
I Work on the wagon road from
the Mustek saddle to the Oregon
Colorado Mining Co's. property is
progressing nicely and so far Ander
son & Co, contractors, arc making
11 road that is better than the
average mountain road and one that
will lien credit to Ilohemia and a
t great benefit to F. J. Hard & Co,
inc uuiniers. into Grant s Pass by David Ilriggs
The Oregon Securities Co is!& So,,s' fro.m .scene of the
wnrktnt' n fare, fir ni.m,i ,c ,
Their main tunnel Is being driven
ahead as rapidly as possible witli
three eight hour shilts. Supt
Mathews expects to put another
crew to work on this tunnel front
the Douglas county side, in n short
time and thereby hasten the work
which wilt result in actually flood
ing the company's 30 stamp milt
with pay ore for the next fifty years.
Work on the Hoyal Plush is t pan and its big chunks of dull
progressing nicely under the yellow have attracted more atten
managemeut of Goetz and I.itiquist tion than any glittering clean-up
The Pittsburg Co is working n
small crew of men with AMI. Shane
at the lc,
C. A. Harlow, Henry Johnson
and Jno Coffin an have commenced
work 011 the I.cUoy property on a
Hammond Mfg Co. under the
management ol Pr Parractor. Imvc
tucir Hoarding Mouse and other
The Crystal is working a crcw of
8 or 10 men and their mill will
soon be ready to drop 5-stamps and
then a large force will be put to
Denver, June io. The Republi
can toilnv estimates the rnst nf the
strikes in Colorado durinc the nast 1
16 months under the administration '
of Governor Tames H. Penboilv. to
acurcL-ate 106.000. An iem-,
ized statement is given as follows:
Colorado City's strike
State's expense
26 000 1
Loss to men in wages
Cripple Creek strike
States' expense $
Loss wages, union men
a ooo'oon
Loss wages other labor
x 000 000
Denver and Pueblo smelterstrike
Loss smcltcrmen, miners $359,000 !
Loss dependent labor
Tellurtde strike
I States' expense $
Loss to union miners
1,700,000 !
H50I000 1
.1,000,000 1
Lois to dcciideiit labor
(Joal miner s strike
f.llngvs miners
I,os steel woiks employes 1,1100,000
Loss to men, allied trade 1,0110,000
Loss to employe, through
idle capital, etc 5,000,000
Which make 11 grand total
Hemenway Co.
En kin & ISristow ISuiltlhig-.
Meats, Lards, Vegetables,
Fruits Etc., Etc.
W. W. McFarluiJtl. Mgi.
New Mnd on Sucker Creek
Yields Great Alassof
Yellow Alctal.
Kicnlng Telgriini.
Grants Pass.Or. Junejo Hraped
with gold, many of the pieces being
great slabs us large as n man's
1 hand, a stewpan has been brought
recent marvelous strike on bucker
Creek, Josephine County, pear the
mining camp of Holland, some 40
miles south ol tuts city. The gold
t in the pan amounts to about $5500,
nnii is out a part ot tue precious
contents of the glory-hole stumbled
on by accident
Though gold is a common sight
in Grant's Pass, and can be seen
here every day in bricks and bars
and nuggets, this particular stew
made in Josephine County for years
The discovery is a phenomenal
one. It was nothing more nor less
than the finding of a buried treas
urea heap of pure gold bunched
in a pile and a little dirt thrown
over it. Prom a shallow cut but
two or three feet wide and six feet
in letiL'tb the stewnnn mat flllrd
How much larger the pocket may
be, and to what it may lead, can
nnlv I siirmUptl.
There Is yet considerable cold
thickly distributed in the loose dirt
at cither eud of the shallow cut,
and a thin stringer leads down from
the bottom and may develop into
a wide and permanent ledge. Mr.
1 Briggs and his boys are confident
the gold taken from the surface is
I but a small part of the entire
I treasuro. They declare they have
I traced a well-defined ledge from the
j pocket, ami believe a mine will be
I developed from the stringer.
William Banks, a Calilornia mm
iB man, who was in the district at
the time of the discovery, nnd who
made' the pocket a visit, said yes
terday that from his observations
'e is of the opinion the strike will
1 ue auoiuer sucu una as was me
famous Fowler pocket, 011 Steam
boat, from which nearly $500,000
in gold was removed. The two
practically belong to the same
district, as Sucker Creek and Steam-
.boat head on the same divide, one
"owing west into the Illinois, and
the other cast into the Applegate,
The discovery has caused a geti'
eral stempede into the district, and
nearly a score of claims have been
stoked about the pocket. Seven or
eight claims were located before the
news of the find were made public.
The district is difficult to enter, as
i' 's heavily timbered, with deuce
uuuergrowiii mat is we i-nigu im
penetrable. A good wagon road
Icadc as far as Holland.
In their eagerness to reach the
of new Kldorado, one party that 011 1
' fitted in the Pass left here Saturday
night for Sucker Creek, intent on
getting on the ground early Sunday j
morning. Other parlies have left
for the district from various points
in Southern Oregon, and in the
caravan of goldscckcrs is A. L.
Morris, formerly editor of The
Telegram. Mr. Morris is one of a 1
party from Gold Hill. A number
of prospectors that were searching
I ll a tr tttf f FAfstr (Ufa .
the Canyon Creek district, where
the telluridc ledges were found,
have temporarily abandoned the
hunt for tcllurides and have joined
the stampede for Sucker Creek,
Many years ago a large number
of unfortunates who tramped this
stream in search of gold and came
out "busted" were branded
"suckers" hence the name of the
creek Hut it is quite evident that
much treasurer was overlooked by
the old-timers, and the later-day
gold-hunters. Iicing more thorough,
will probably reap a better leward
Not the least considerable benefit
to be delivered by the minim; in
dustry from the annual session of
the American Mining Congress is
the attention which they attract to
the mines in the section visited
Interest for the time is focused upon ! will be in active operation the after
the region where the Congress is uoon and evening,
being entertained, and the event' The fireworks will please all who
thus proves of great educational
value to the interests of both the
mines and the general public, aside
from the more general or more
specific and far-searchim: educa
tional ends which may be attained
through the deliberations of the i llle amusement committee is
national gathering. Oregon. foria"anging for good prizes for the
example, where the next session
of the Cougress is to be held in
August, will be greatly benefited
by the advertising it receives and
the wider desseminalion of know
ledge concerning its mineral re
sources, just as the Black Hills
profited in undoubted measure last
year by the entertainment of the
mining men. 1
This is the chieueasnn why it is ;
importaut that the annual sessions
of the Congress should be held in just begun in earnest and bids fair to
cities which dominate certain min- j create considerable enthusiam be
ing regions. The only claim which fore the contest will have been de
any other city can have upon the cided. The voting places thus far
organization is that of a willingness '' established are at Lurches. Garman
to point a citizens' committee and
10 snow tne delegates tue parks and
take them to the theatre. It can
offer nothing by way of argument 1
that will prove of pratical value to
the mining industry. If there are
any advantage in entertaining the'
- .1 MH,I...' !,.. A V,-
ferrcd upon a locality whose mines -
and mining men may be helped on
by it. ! tage Grove, last week to Bohemia,
Thus far little has been said was drowned is incorrect. Jack
about the place for the meeting of James came to the city Wednesday
the American Mining Congress in 1 and gives the following account of
1905, though it is safe to say there the accident or suicide:
will be claimants enough when the Friday Mathew came to the Cry
time comes to liaud out the plum. The stal Consolidated mine, being ac
contest is never wauting. Recent quainted with Supt Hart he re
session have been held in Denver, mained over night. Saturday
Salt Lake City, Milwaukee, Butte , morning as James had an injured
and' the Black Hills. The last foot, Mathews took his shift in the
meeting in Denver occured in 1897. tunnel. In the evening he washed
If it is the custom to go the rounds j his underclothes and seemed at
of the mining states, San Francisco I times to be all right, but was
or Los Angeles may consider they ; flighty at others. He told Hart
nave a turn coming, los Angeles
dominates a considerable portion
of California and it is close to
Nevada, Arizona and Sonora. A
considerable mining territory in
the southwest is also tributary to
El Paso. Then there is Arizona
itself to b: considered. The great
revival naturally suggests the ,
f j r r--
names 01 iteno una parson, 1
and there are others which might j
be mentioned. j
The Record is not engaged in 1
picking winners without knowing
what cities are iu the contest. It.
is merely speculating upon possi
bilities. The essential considera
tions, as remarked, is that the min
ing regions shall be remembered
first. Daily Mining Record.
A. R. Talbot, Head Consul of
the Modern Woodmen of America,
will soon visit Oregon. During
his visit he will deliver but three
lectures in the State and Cottage
Grove will be one of the favored
The local camp is making great
preparations for the coming of the
Head Consul. The camps at Eu
gene, Aulauf, Lorane, nnd other
points will be present mid assist in
celebrating the event.
He is expected to arrive on July
It is the intention of the camp to
have the speaking out of doors. Be
sides the lecture of Head Consul
Talbot, there will be a picnic, tug
of war, a pavillion dance, etc. The
members ol the camp will spare uo
pains to make this one of the great
events of the season.
Mr, Talbot has been a member
of the Nebraska legislature for many
years and has the reputation of
being one of the great Orators of
the country. The Woodmen of
Cottage Grove are exceptionally
fortunate in having the Head Con
At Cottage Orovc Committees
doing-Good Work and Every
thing will be in Readiness
For the Crowd.
It is evident that the citizens of
Cottage Grove are determined to
have the most glorious 4th of July
celebration ever held in the citv.
The various committeesare look-
ing after the departments assigned
readiness when the day arrives
tnem and everything will be in
An elaborate and extended pro
gram is being prepared and will be
fully carried out.
The Cottage Grove Band is prac
ticing many new pieces with which
to enliven the day.
The procession of the"Horribles' '
will be well worth seeing.
The great bower dancing pavillion
witness them
Col Irwin Mabon, secretary of
The American Mining Congress
will in all probability be the Orator
ot the day. Everybody invited to
spend the day in Cottage Grove
i best, or worst, we dont know which
I costumes and rigs in the march of
the Horribles. Also prizes for the
winning ball team, the prizes for
the various other events such as
sack, pony, greased pole etc will
be substantial.
The votinc for the Goddess of
Liberty for the Fourth of Tulv has
. and Hemenways, Welch & Woods,
Hills cigar store and New Era Drug
Store. Votes are but 5 cents each,
Select your candidate and see that
she is elected,
. ,
nn.n . , ,,
It now appears the report that
Wm Mathews who went from Cot-
the men were going to run him out
of camp that night, but was assured
everything was all right and to go
to bed and get a good rest. v
In the morning it was found his
bed had not been occupied and the
men concluded he had gone away.
Upon going into the lower tunnel
his body was fouud
The tunnels
As we are going entirely out ol business, we arc closing out our entire line
of merchandise at less than "regular cost, for we must get our money out of
them, and by buying now you can get good bargains.
Yc still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and
at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A1 ways willing to
show them if you buy or not.
We arc trying to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire
line much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, and just as
good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest.
Cottage Grove
are connected by an upraise of 130
feet. Whether he attempted to
climb to the upper tunnel or went
into the upper one and stepped in
to the opening is not known. It is
probablly however his mind was
wandering as he had been drinking
heavily for some time and in his
delirious fell from the
Words was telephoned to the
officers at Eugene, but no one was
sent up to make an examination.
The miners held on inquest as best
they could. They also decided to
bury the body In Wildwood Ceme
tary. C. C. Mathews. Supt Or;
gon Securities, furnished a team
and Jack James and Lee Martin
drove to Wildwood where the
funeral was heldTuoday.
Corrillli Quelle.
las to Salem a distance of 14 miles,
Salem has already accepted the
proposition made by Mr. J. W.
Coovert, the engineer of the Dallas
Falls Dity R. R. Co., and will do
nate a terminal 500 by 800 feet;
secure a rght of way through the
city, and grant a loan of $72,000 at
5 per cent interest, half to be paid
wnen rue roau is halt done, re
mainder when the road Is completed
rf,H ThVJ l l f nr" SC
;,hfi "V r . X- u
road is $ 67,034, $90,000 of which
Mr. Coovert promises to put into
IT 'l , 'iK. r m3? !S
. 1. - 1 u : ir 1 1
probably commence in July. The
matter was taken up by the Com
mercial Club of the city some time
ago, when the committees were ap
pointed to investigate and report
upon the proposition. In its re
ported the committee deemed it not
were such that a road would be i
nigniy promaoie. wnen it came
to a vote on the proposition pre
sented by Mr. Coovert there was
but one desenting vote.
ThfWOrk of laying the pipe line
from the main pipe to the cemetery,
a distance of some nine hundred
feet, was completed Wednesday.
This was a much needed improve -
ment and those who so generously
contriDuted to tne tund and es
pecially John Barker who solicited
the subscriptions and gave bis time
to having it put in, deserves the
thanks of those who have relatives
and friends buried there.
Charles Johnson, James Kelly
and George Dennis who were ar
rested tor burglarizing Papes saloon
iu this city April 21st., and held
for trial, were all found guilty.
They demanded and received a
separate trial, but none escaped.
They were each sentenced to three
years in the penitentitary.
Marshal Underwood of Cottage
Grove and J. S. Stiles of Eugene
did good work in the capture ot
these men.
H. Venske made a trip to
Bohemia this week, be says he was
surprised to find so many miners
engaged in the developement
of I
J. W. Donahue Together with
Lending Business Alcn of
Lane County Organize
a State Bank in
Cottage Grove.
The new bank for Cottage Grove,
which has been mentioned hereto
fore, as contemplated, took mater
ial form on last Saturday evening.
Mr. J. W. Donahue recently of
Birdland Minnesota, arrived In the
city with his family the first of the
week. On Saturday Dr. D. A.
At the meeting the following
named gentlemen were elected
directors. Dr. D. A. Paine of Eu
gene, Thos K Campbell, F. D.
Wheeler, James Hemenway, W. H.
Abrams, Ben Lurch and J. W.
Donahue, all of Cottage Grove.
The officers elect are J. W. Don
anue, president, D. A. Paine vice
president. Mr. A. T. Dell, who
has not yet arrived, will be the
The name of the bank is The
Horae 3n a"d Savings Bank,
A .,,,,. b!.nkinf, hbIlflin-,,
be carried on, added to which will
Ka ! "ing department,
It is now expected the bank will
be opened for business in the room
now occupied as a Jewerly Store by
McQueen in the Dr. Wall property
on Main Street, which was some
time ago purchased by Mr. Donahue
for the purpose.
Mr. Donahue comes with letters
the bankers
nnd business men where he has
done business, as a man well quali
fied iu all respects to conduct a
banking business.
Dr. Paine is one of the enter
prising and leading citizens of Eu
gene; Mr. Campbell is president of
the Pacific Timber Company; Ben
Lurcu is one ot tne oldest mer-
rhnnt In the ritv? Inmn Wemen
f Way is of the firm of Garman and
Hemenway; W. H. Abrams Is the
I owner nf the nl.mincr mill in he
1 city and F. D. Wheeler fs in the
real estate business and is a large
owner of real estate in the city.
Cottage Grove can be congratu
lated upon securing such a business
acquisition as this new bank.
The new furniture for the Com
mercial Club of Cottage Grove is
arriving and the new quarters of
the club will soon be ready tor
At a meeting held on Tuseday
night it was decided to have the
regulir opening on the evening of
July 1st. Additions to the list of
membership are being made daily.
L. F. Schmidt President of The
Olympia Brewing Compay was In
town Thursday, he together with
his agent J. Payne were looking
over the city, having in view the
erection of a cold storage and ice
plant. This would be an ideal
point for this business and it is to
be hoped the Company will decide
to locate its plant here.
sul visit them.