E-sii.---. T-- ......i .ASXMsaBMs&SaS&sL J&gg&g& J(ZU)&M? G. A. Ixctf is. Bohemia First Class Turnouts, CIIRISMAN & BANGS r tr j-j. . . ir.i.nA mirage rww linn Having purchased the warehouse formerly owned by Messrs Ivlledge & Iliggins, we wish to announce that we will continue to carry a large stock of all kinds of Eecd there, which will be sold ai lowest prices. Uy courteous treatment, square dealing we hope to receive a large share of your patronage. HAY AND KKliD DEMVKRKD PROMPTLY. !Iarliiu& Hansen, props. P. Gakocttk, Manager. iffnrHfwwfwrwMffHrHfMnifwwFWFiininiMirHFiifiwiiriirK & 3X, TT .1 Agricultural Iir,pleiiici,ts j : Plows, Mower nnd ltnkou. Sole iikciUh for the celebrated A MILBURJf WAGONS A Full Stock of Mlnlne; Supplies. I Piper TJiuiuininmaiiiiiniUiuiiiiiiaiiininuiUiiiJUiUiiiJiuuiUK KXOWLES & GETTYS Proprietors of ...The Miners Supply House... Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices. General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition BOHEAUA, OREGON. OUL We have sold much Real Estate and we can sell yours. If you wish to buj' we can find what 3'ou want. All questions cheerfully answered and information given free. If you cant come, write. MEDLEY & MILNE Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore. 4th of July Celebration at Cottage Grove Program Commences at 10 o'clock A. M. Consisting of FlrcniPtiB hose, MeiiH, Boys, Girls, Tub and Fast and Slow Pony Races etc. Special prizes for each event. llase Ball. GRAND PARADE OF THE HORRIBLES GREAT PLATFORM DANCE Music by the C. M. A. Band Barbecue.- To Close With Display of Fire Works G. W- McQueen rnontiKToiwor leFashion Stablos AUO OFFICE OF rllK ami Black Butte Singe. Double or Single. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE ..iia.iu mtii Hardware Stoves and Tinware 1 & Vandenbura 1 -Prominent Speakers MTinril?T BOIIUMIA NIKKlliT I'UBLISIIINU COMPANY. Wm. 1). Root, Editor anil Mansjr. Cnt.rrd .tli poeloBW ai outage tlrme. Oregon . eeond class mall matter. srilSt'UII'TltiN ItATKK. it month $1.00 1 year 1."0 is month f2.uo If paid in advance. THIS I'KI'KK It kept on nip l K. r. Urnko'. Ailvprllnnit AsvnejF, M .ml 6A Mercli.nl. Kl cbaur. San Kraiirl-co, California, where con- tram tor a.l.ertlatnt: ean liemadp (or ll Friday, Ji ni; i; too l. Roads Open. nnuiJMIA MIir.P.lT.T e lUMiiiicu, so ns tu uu-iEnw wic rii ,nUT3Wefimiflenj uewyrsru UTPWJMtWsSaoiirsrVf Reports by those recently down i to follow the same plan. By this from the Bohemia mines are to the tueans several large lots of U'illam effect that the trails and roads are . elte valley wheat were sold last about clear of snow and nearly all year by local millers at several cents parts of the district can be reached ! above the market price. To some with animals. extent the same thitiK happened in 4th of July. Cottoge Grove proposes to cele brate the coming 4th of July In an old time wav. Liberal subscriptions have been made by the business houses and 1 every one seems willing to do his or her part. From 10 o'clock a. m. one form of amusement will follow another I until the closing by a grand display of fireworks in the evening. The people of Cottage Grove ex tend a cordial invitation to the residence of surrounding towns, the farmers and the miners of Ho , hernia to come and enjoy the day. School Election. On next Monday at t o'clock at the school house, the polls will be open for the election of one school director, also a clerk for the Board. Mr. C H. Van Denburg has been requested by a large number 1 of the people who have children at tending school, to become a candi date for director, which he has con sented to do. Mr. Van Denburg has been a resident of this city for a long time, is well and favorably known and is qualified to serve the people in the capacity of director of the schools. Don't fail to go to the polls and cast a vote for a school director and a clerk, those who fail to attend to this duty will have but little right to find fault ! with the management hereafter. Leader Changes Ownership. Last week W. C. Conner, editor and proprietor of the Lane County Leader, for something more than a year, disposed of that property to Mr, A. C. Gage. The change came as a surprise to the residents of Cottage Grove is it was understood he had decided to remain in the business. During our residence here and the publishing of the Xugget our business and social relations have been of the most pleasant character. Coming an entire stranger into the city Mr. Conner met us with a friendly spirit which was highly appreciated. We hope he will be successful i:i what ever line of business be may decide to enter and that he will find it to his interest to remain in the city. Mr. Gage, the new editor and owner, hails from Santa Clara, California, where he for some time published the Santa Clara Xews. He is a thorough newspaper man having had yearn of experience in its various branches, and will no doubt keep the Leader up to the standard it reiched under Mr. Conner's administration. COUGAR MINE SALE. KvenloK Telegram. SPOKANE, Wash, June 4 W. H. Plummer aud Eastern associates yesterday completed a deal whereby the famous Cougar mine, in East ern Oregon, changes hands at the price of $600,000. This is prob ably the largest mining deal made in this section for the past years, and means the bonding by substantial people of the most famous property in Eastern Oregon. The Cougar is principally owned by Spokane and Oregon people. There has been in the neighbor hood of $250,000 spent in develop ing and equipping the mine, which is now in position to yield profts to the owners. It is estimated that there is $1,000,000 worth of ore now in sight. Mr. Plummer leaves for the East Friday to make the formal transfer in the name of his corporation, which will start work on the prop he iustiilleil, so n to Increase the ! ...-f.ittit'titt i-mv-ii-ilv nti.l tbp CotK.nr ... I-..-.... o"' is expected to lc n payer hclote the year is over. The majnr potllou ot the puii'lmsc ptice is to he paid nt the eiul nl the year. Thcte improbably no other prop erty in Eastern Oregon so well known as the Cougar. It not only has huge ami rich ore bodies, but there have been numerous reports of its sale of late, so that the prop erty has been watched with n great deal ol interest. COUMTRV PRODUCERS COMIHNIiD. Oiegon lall JouriiHl The Spitit of co-operation among rival producers is actively and suc ccssfullv at uotk. The agricultural producco are learning that ihry.as well as m.iniifucluiets, can combine and cn-opernle with .idv.int.ige. 1'iitit growers in seveial lui.ilittc-. have within the past few years termed associ ittons that have ic suited in great financial benefit to ihetn This is true in the Walla W alla valley, in the Hood river valley, and in the Rogue river val le The prune glowers seem not to have accomplished so much, ow ing to various reasons not necessary K state heie. The wool growers have lately leinonstralcd the value of cotiibin i g their clip into a jiool, and selling them at auction. There is no doubt that higher prices have been re ceived in consequence. These sales brought bidders together, and con centrated coiupitition at points where growers could take the most advantage of it. Xow wheat growers are beginning 1 t.....:ilA 'Pl.t ...r...n.,.n.lt V. Uldllll., V.l'IIMI. III;. l"W v.. .v.. . will spread, and while as to wheat it may not be so effective as 111 re spect to some other products, it will bring good results, from the producers' point of viewjnnd if they prosper, the consumers will get along. Cattlemen alteady have n very strong national organization, and threatens the meat trust with effec tive competition. The hop growers can undoubtedly control in a meas ure the price of their crop. Farmers and stockmen are effecting organiza tions in eastern Oregon "for mutual benefit and protection," in various ways. All these producers have learned from the combinations and co-operation of other classes of men. They may not be able to accomplish so much, for with exception of the wool men and viueyardists they get no benefit from the tariff. NOTICE. I luMotiy itlve notice that I will not lie responsible for any debts of any form contracted by Charles tiaiiM'ii without consent first clveu by me. Cottage Urove June Sth IWM. ArurnT Swa.nhon. XOTICE. TO K. A. LAWBAUbH: Yoti are heieby notified that the firornissory note which you executed in avor of the undersigned on October 3rd, 1903, the principal ol said note being (4,000.00, and payable tlx months after date and beam interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date of said note, is now due and unpaid, and t hereby demand immediate payment of said note, and if you fail to pay the amount due on said note at once, I will proceed to sell the twei tv four thousand ninehtindrcu and ninety five (24,095) shares of stock of the bong A Ibnitlium Lumber Company which you assigned to me as security for the payment of said note, said shares of stoek being numbered eighteen (No 8), the parol said stock being one ($1.00) each, said stock having been issued to yoti bv saiil corporstion on the ltith day of Ovtolier, 1003, and having been transferred by you to the undersigned for the ptirpoes aforesaid. You are further notified that the un dersigned will sell said stock ut public auction to the highest bidder, ill Cot tage Grove, bane County, Oregon, alter giving twenty (20) dsvs printed notice in one of the newspapers published In Cottage ;tirove, Lane County, Oregon, to-wit, the Bohemia Nugget. Dated this 21st day of May, 1001. 18--U J. C. ljsa. TIIUOWN FROM A WAtJON. Mr. Oeorgo K. Bahcock was thrown rom his wagon and severely bruised. He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Bahcock Is u well known citizen ol North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to I'nin Balm for sprains and bruises. It will ellecta cure in one third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by New Kra Drug Store I BARGAIN DAYS I Kvery day Is u Bargain Day at this Urocer.y. We've nothing to glvo away hut fiverythliiK to sell that Is found In a s r g O 2. S X S a a 5 t : S a- First Class Grocery Store. We've never sold you anytliliiK hut f r o h h clean goods. Let uh nerve you. O I Iflctcalf & Uoi'Ne PHONG MAIN 6.1 wyaz?sy vw?v vs&ss&z'r Nfca-ferv v-aB35r--' -vuf Slioes. A repiliir Hnrheettc in styles and qualities 000 $1 .05 Hluchcr hnls shapes of toe and form of lasts, vtci, eliin, hox calf etc our $2.50 and $11.00 ones. $12. Ofi Cordovan, Velottr, French calf ami Yu-i kid in lull lace. Some were $.'1,150 hut most l them $ t-.00 Wo not the style you waul and can lit you perfectly. livery shoe wo sell, no matter the price, is guaranteed to give good wear and satis faction, or a new pair free. Cmtlnm-l trom (rt tt" "r I" "'a'" K". i which were in controversy in this p.tttictil.u case, mid a very different , thing U 'ore in sight' from 'oie in the mine' in many other cases; in fact it means ore piohably opened up, ore positively blocked out, pay ore developed, metal-bearing rek too low to be worked prolitub'y but still ore is distinguished from build ing stone, ore likely to be proved in the course of future development, ore actually measurable and rcadv for stoping it has meant each one of these at various periods and places. It is high time that a phrase which was conceived in error and born in the iniquities of reckless finance should be consigned l the lumber room of things useless and unfit. If the readers of the Journal will take pains to discard the t rm, and use plain business-like English to express what they do mean, then 'ore in sight' will shortly become recognized as the trademark of the fakir and the jargon of the ignor ant. It savors of both already Kugiiiceriiig and Mining Journal. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United State Land ofTiro, Itoreburii. Ore.. May H. 1D0I. Notice in heii-bv gnen thai in coin- nliiuu'' with the nroiMON of the act ol J. t I ! 1U7U flit CliHi-n vu).". tin., ..... and WaMliington Territory," an fxtended to all thu Public Land States by act ol AugUKt 4, 1802. WILLIAM MitJI'KLN, ol Cottage tirovo, Co. of Uine, Slate of na..nn linu (lilu i i 11 tltli! ill t l.i M f ifTtr,, fill i January IL'tli, bin uuorn rtalcinenl No. i.J-i tor tin- purcna'ooi me ,ir. ' ol See No. 3'.' in Townnlilp 10 South, , of Bnnge 2 Went and will oflir p'oof 1 to hIiow that the land rough! 'e more, valuable for I to timber or xU-ns than for agricultural purpoeet, .ml to estab lish bis claim to said land before the Begister and Beceiver of this oftice at Hofelnirg, Oregon, on Friday the 20th day ol August, 1WH. He names as witnesses: Herman T Dow, George W McQueen, Joseph Potts, Herbert Kakln, of Cot tage Urove, Ore. Any and all peieons claiming id' versely the nbovo-described lands are ... I . .1 1 .. .!.-!- A.lm. In hU , office on or before said 20th day of Aug. J.T. Bridoks, Brgister. ItKI'OBT OF THK CONDITION or Thp. fet National hAM Of Cottugolirove, at Cottage Urove, in the State of Oregon, utthucloseof busb neHH, June 9th, 1101. BF.SOIJBCF.S. Imncl ilUcrmnU IW.SM 49 Orenlrsfti, necurcl anil tummired 8,473 18 1 II. H. Iloncln to nccuro circulation . TWO 00 j rmuluiiiKon V. B. niimli MS 00 Iiondi, nccurltles, etc MI5 nanklmc liou.e, fiirnlliiro snitflituro fc,"50 00 Dae (rum Nttlunal l!nk iut Itn-rv AKenti f 2 Due Irom Htita llnk and tlmltrn. . 410 00 line Irom apjirmei rciervc uncut,.. M.IJ.1 05 Checks and oilier cuih Ituma . Frctlonl r currency, nickels, and ccnti HI :B l.wrut- HONSV BlrVK in sK, viz: Hcle JU.4W Utal lender note JJ.4V) 00 Iledcinpllon fund with V. .BTrcnnurer Icrcentol ilrculatloi Due from U. B.Tremurcr, other thsn 0lereent redemption fund C2A00 Totst .. ...Vl,t'4 M LUalLlTIU. Capllsl atock paid In W.O00 00 Burplui fund 1500 00 Undlvldml proltti, lcs cxnonaes aim tain paid National Hank notes outitanlnir Dae toother National Hanks DuetoTruit Companies and Saving, Hanks 3,731 SI 12..VJ0 CO 204 79 Individual depolti eucct to check 141,477 00 Demand certificates oldcpoult 1,041 70 Total.... ..llS7,4Vt 80 Stato of Oregon, County ol Lane I,T. 0. Wheeler, Cashier of the above named bunk, do solemnly swear that the aliovo statement Is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief T. C. WHKKLKU, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 15th day ol Juno 1004. 1'. I), WIIIKLIII Notary Public, Correct Attest i Hkiiiikht Bakin N. W. Wiiitk Olivkii Ykatcii Directors Shoes. Tlte lust nl to pick from. and coim styles in :i At Pacific Timber Companys Store fuller Odd Fellows Hull COTT.U'.l- OROYF. " OKI-CON. .9 1 Pile Stamp 3 5 iffli nvt Selz Schwab Fine Shoes OR TUB A. A. Cutter And Cahn-Nieklesliiirg Heavy Shoes. 8j Or Stock is Complete in the IIKIHKNWAY & FOR SALE 38 CHOICE LOTS 75 x 150 fcet High and Dry, Fine resident property, SPARK'S ADD. TO COTTAGE Gill! 5 Hlocks from Post Oflice. TRlCliS ANDTBKMS KIvASONAHLIv F.J. Poduska ANNi&ycr & CliciiiiNt Mines Iixuinined, Valued, Surveyed or Reported on. Cottage Grove, Oregon DBIVKN TO DKSl'BBATION. I.lvlnir nt an out of the wav nlaue, mote from civilization, n fainlly la often lrl ven to desperations in easo of aeci it remitting In Burns.Ctits, Wounils, dun Ulcers, etc. j,ay 111 11 suiiiny ui . 1 t. 1 .. ..r 1, ,. lluuK ten's Arnica Halve. It's the Lent on earth. 25 at Morgan & Breliaut drug store. How About Your Summer Vacation. Newport on Yaqulna Bay Ih tho Ideal Hcaulilo reHtirt of tliu North I'a cltlu Coast. Hound trip tlckoU ut Kreatly reduced rateH 011 hiiIu from all Houtliern I'acllle polntH In Ore Kon, on and after Juno lHt. Auk AKViits for further liiforuiatlou and a liantlHOinely llliiHtrntotl Houvenir booklet, or write to Udwln Stone, (J. & K. II. It., Albany, Ore., or W. IC. C01111111. (1. 1'. A , K. P. Co., 1'ort-land. Shoes .... , . as of Quality g These me the magic words that appeal to the Shoe buyer. That's what you want and what ti get when YOU BUT atiovr lines IIIRKHOI.IU'H. ml Kayser & Huff Next to Au brey Mudding Viarjaj-naajtaji. 1 Central fiotei i Ideated two blocks went JJ S null one block north of Z the.S. 1'. Depot jCarge Rooms f Well ventilated well fur- 2 nlHlied and llt'Ht-cliiHN In S every particular ! Rates $1. per day! M O Board by thu week $4.W) g 5 without bed JII.M) per S week. Itt'ineinber thu place. Tho heat tables 5 and thu bent IiciIh, the sa m bcHt acconiinodationH In overy particular, J I Central Rotel S Mrs. Ida II. Thompson. 5 1'IUII'ltlKTIIKKS S) " HatnansiHaBiaBiaitiaaaBaaaiaaiS lit,,' .1, VI J .." " " niii.ji.imiih ti, uiLtlHfv their antiotlte. tho Kx- lirl... ......... lir.,1., lltl.u lu Ul.tiwi,l,l,l. clmngo 1'i'Htuiiraiit Iiiih It. erty at once. New machinery will1