Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 20, 1904, Image 7

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Tired Feeling
la n common Spring Troublo.
U'h n nlgn Hint Ilia lilooil In ilcllclont
In vllnllty, Juat an ilniiloi mid otlior
eruption nro alalia Uiat tlio blood
la Imputo.
IT n tvtirnliifft too, which only tht
liaiiuiloii (all to liccd.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Kcmovo II, (lvo now llfo, now cour
K(roiiflli niul animation.
'1'litiy cli'iinio tlio blood and clear tin
icrcit no miliatltiito.
"I hit Urea nil tlio time and could not
ilrrii. After taking lluod'i Hariaparllle
a while I could sleep well anil the tired
foolltiK lied gone. Tlili greet medicine lias
tlio curril me ot acrutula." Mil. O. U.
llocrr, (Ulead, Conn. I
Hood's Snrinpnrtlln promUo t
euro nnd koops tho promts.
Iliiiiiirlnit Ii1 White) Klrptimite.
Uiirlotl rirtiutinli'ie nro wltnvmird III
Hill 111 wlini oiio of tlio aacri'il wliltii
clcpliiuila illcit. It la Klvcn a runcral
Kriimlcr tliiui Hint mvorilwl to prlnroi
or royal liliiuil. Ilmlillilat iirlcaln olllcl
ato, niul tliouanliilH of devout Hlitiiii-an
men nml women follow tlio (Ieccneil
nnlinnl to llin Krave. JowrU mid of
fiTlnti rrprrai'lilliiK aomo tliounaiiil
of pniindi uro burled with tlio ele
phant. . llrflnGtlfitie nn tho Mllkiimau
Wnyno MiicVcukIi, tlio lawyer nnd
diplomat, Inn on tlio ntitaklrU of I'lill
nilplptilu mi nilmlrntile ttork fnrm. Olio
dny lit nt aiiiiiincr aomo poor till Itlroii
were permitted to go over 111 fnrm nnd
wlicii llti'lr lniee(lon wa dono to encli
of ttii'in wna Khen a kiima of milk.
Tli milk wna exrellent. It enme, In
fnrtt from n I'J.IIOO nitr. "Well, lioya,
liow dii yon IIKn It?" tlio former anltl
wtirn tliry hnd nil drnlnrd their Rinnan,
'(iwl l'liir," anld ono llttlo follow.
Then, after n pniiao, ho ntldod: "I
wlaht our mllkuinn kep' n cow."
Aim are Kill I Inn to lie the alaTfa of
ponluii. than which aervltud there la
tiot worse.
Deafness Cannot II Cured
by local erpllretlntia aa they rannot reach tho
ttlavawtd portion of the ear. 1 liei la only one
way locilloilralliraa, and that la by coliilltu
ttotielrvlutMlea lioarnrsi Is cauard by an In-1taint-t
condition of the tnuruua llnlnjr of the
Kuatachlan Tuba. When thletube lilnnamed
you have a rumbling eotiiitl or Imperfect hear
ing, and when Ilia entirely closed, lleafnesa la
the rcault, and unlets the fnriaitiueiion can li
taken nut and tide till retimed to Ita normal
rendition, hearing; w 111 be destroyed forever; out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an tnrjamed condition of
thiriutlraua eurlarca.
We will give One Hundred Pollara for any
rate of lireltirsstcauieil by catarrh) that can
not t cured by llaU'a I'atarib Cure, fend lor
circulate, free.
K . CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
Md by Ilruitlili.Uc.
JlaU'a ramify I'lUa are the belt.
At a meeting of lawyer In Boutli
Carollnn aomo month ago tlicro nroae
a dlacuaalon na to who wai the beat
lawyer In tho State.
."You wnnt to know who la the brat
lawyer In Houlh Carolina " asked ouo
of tho prnctltloncra.
"Vea. Who 17" waa the response.
"I am," replied the attorney, with
becoming modcaly.
"You are" echoed ono of tho com
pany. "Let's hear you prdv It"
"Why." retorted the clnlmant to au
porlor vxcellcnco In his profession, "I
don't have, to prove It. I admit It"
Army limine Hauled by Doge.
A curious fenturo connected with tho
Bcrvlnn nnny Is tho manner In which
moat of tho regiments carry tho lilK
drum. It la nut, as in most countries
slung In front of tho man who plnyn
It, but la placed upon a amnll two
wheeled enrt drnwn by a bIiirIo dojr,
which tins been no trained that it keeps
Its plnco even through tlio lonccat nnd
moat tedious of mnrches. Tim drum
mer tnkes up a position behind tho enrt
nnd performs on tho Instrument aa tho
animal pulls It along.
The first threshing machine waa re
cently aet up In Dnmascua, It Is a steam
thresher from Indiana.
for Infants nnd Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
There Is little peace or comfort In Ufa
If we are always anxious as to futuro
events. Coleridge.
A Iieaaoa Oat of Hohool.
.rialn-manuered, commou-senso rela
tive serve no moro useful purpose
than In keeping down valu pretensions
and silly tendencies In other mombers
ot tho family. Tho New York 1'rvss
says Unit It bad become fashionable In
a certain school to diversify names.
Hnbol bad become Maybello, May
Mayme, and soon Jcaalo caught the In
fection. Sue write a letter to her elder broth
er, Sam, nud algncd It "Jessica." Bam
detected tho signs of the times, and
this was his reply:
"Uonr Sister Jesalcn: Your letter ro
eclved. Aunt Mnrlca and Undo acor.
glen started for Ilosloulca yesterday.
Mamlcn and pnplcn arc well.
"I bought n now horse yesterday.
Bho la n beauty; her nnmo Is Mnudlca.
Your affectlonato brother, Samlca."
Pot oit New Oaiolene Drag Sew. Wo aet en
gine oniy once for each lor, One man can
move saw. Wo handle the only Malleable
UrubhtuK Machine. MHe ui your wants In
the machinery lino.
Foot Morrtiou rJt. I'ortland, Oregon
Tested & True
d la lime. Bolder OrnnUU. tj
reraoiia Who Meet Us Cnaunllr Can
nils of Da Only br Our A npcnratice,
111 III eao day of Inexpeiislvs cloth
fliK, no ono cnu nfford to lenve hi
room until ho I In a condition to bo
presontnlilo miywhore. Nclthur cnlt ho
nfford to bother n built tlilnliliin of hi
clolhliiK nftur ho I onco drvaaod, but
ho should o clotlio hliuaolf tlmt liu
will bo uttorly unconscious of any In
feriority. A eei'iio of bolnif flttltinly
nnd appropriately dreaaed Incrensea
ono' elllelency nnd Mlf-resptct, and so
add materially to nclilovement. If you
uro Improperly dressed or bndly
"Broomed," you w... feel n certnln tim
idity In mectliiK people, n losa of pow
er. Tills result In uneasiness, worry,
chaKrlu, nnd n real loss of energy nnd
Wo nro our own best advrrtlso
mentn, and, If wo appear to dlsndvnn
taKo In nuy pnrtlculnr, our ntnndnrd,
In tho esllmntn of others, Is cut down.
Tho Krent majority of people who coma
In contact with us do not eo us nt our
homes; they may never nee our atoek
nml bonds, or lands nnd houses; they
know nothliiK of us, unless It bo by
repulntlon, but what they seo of our
personality, nnd they JiiiIko us accord
ingly. They tako It for grunted thnt
our general uppenrnnce Is a anrnple of
what we nro nnd what wo rnn do, nnd,
If wo nro slovenly In dress, and In per
sonal habits, they unturnlly think thnt
our work nnd our lives will correspond.
They nro right. It does not mntter
where the slnckness or shlftlcasness
munlfesta Itself, or what Its nature
may he, It will reappear In your work,
In your manner, and In your person.
Mnny people form a caroleaa habit of
neglecting soma part of their toilet
as when they black only the front part
of their ahoea and lenvo the heels un
touched. Tho anme Incompleteness,
tho anme Inck of flnlab will appear In
every letter they write and In every
piece of work they attempt to do. It
will prove n detriment to character
growth. The consciousness of Incom
pleteness, or "sllpshodncss," tends to
destroy solf respect, to leaaen energy,
nnd to detract from ono'a general abili
ty. Succeas.
Itildodlua Dynamite la the Moat Tre
niciidoiie Force lu Kiletence.
When dynamite explodes It leavca
little to mark tlio spot where It baa
tain save evidences of Its dostructlve
ness. Two Interesting exhibits of Its
forco nro shown In the Hterens Inrtl
tuto of Technology at Iloboken, N. J.
They nro steel blocks, six Inches In
diameter and four Inches thick, show
ing respectively the Imprcaslon of nn
oak leaf and the Imprint of the head
line of a western newspaper. It was
during a test of high explosives thnt n
cnrtrldgo of dynamlto waa placed on
a nowapnper covering the block of
steel, tho object being to aco how much
dynamlto would be required to split
tho metal.
Tho dynamite was flrcd without In
jury to the steel, but to the surprise of
the experimenter the print of the
newspaper was deeply pressed Into the
metal. Hie experiment was repeated,
with the anme result and then w-is
elaborated by trying the charge on an
oak leaf placet! betwoen the block and
tho dynamite. This time tho stem and
tho ribs of the leaf were deeply Im
pressed In the metal.
"What happens Is this," said the rx
pert In charge. "Unlike most other ex
plosives, dynamite exerts practically
all Its crushing force downward nnd
not In a general direction. Bo Incon
ceivably quick and forceful Is tho dis
charge of this powder that the Imprint
of tho ribs of an oak leaf are mad be
fore the tear has time to b blown to
atoms. In tbo case of the newspaper
It appears that where prlnter'a Ink
touches the paper tho paper Is harden
ed and more capable of resistance thau
lu other places, nnd so It is that beforo
tho pnper is destroyed tho printing on
It Is forced deep Into tho metal."
Proverbs that Bhaw an Inaluht to
Their Character.
The Iloston Transcript Is Indebted to
a cltlien of Korea for a number of
proverbs and sayings which afford an
Interesting Insight into Korean modes
of thought and In this way Illustrate
tho Intellectual aptitude and power ot
observation of the people:
"A thing Is good when It Is new; a
man Is good when he Is old."
"He who hath eaten salt drlnketh
"One can paint the fur of the tiger,
but not his Joints."
"Ono knows tho face ot a man, but
not his interior."
"If ono Is not observing, ons sees
"Even tho blind man can find bis
way through an open door."
"When the tiger la gone the fox la
"Aa soon aa the moon is full It be
gins to grow smaller."
"The higher the mountain the deeper
the valley."
"Does smoke come out of a tireless
"ISven a hedgehog aaya hi young
onca are weak."
"A alngle high wheat stalk la not
distinguished from the rest In tho
"A basket full ot gold Is not so
vnlunblo for a sdb as Instruction In
ouo of tho classics."
"It la only the thirsty who dig a
"Whon the ox has broken through
the stall repairs are first made."
"A family who has no sickness for
ten years must bo rich."
From Had to Worse.
"Of course," said the dear girl during
ono of the Jolts that true love occa
sionally gets, "you will want the ring
"No, you may as well keep it," re
plied the masculine end of the tiff,
"No other girl ot my acquaintance
could wear it except on her thumb,"
Truly Imllgnant.
"Sho was very indignant when I
kissed hor."
"Is that sol"
"Yes; It was half an hour beforo I
could get her to kiss again and make
up." Cincinnati Times-Star,
No man Is a hopeless fool who can
loop his lgnoranco concealed.
I.osa or Kin nml Morn of Kind.'
A Heot who nerved nil Kiigllshmnn
ns guldo nnd friend on n fishing trip I
had what tho London Dally Mall cafls
"tho iinllounl weakliest-" for claiming
relationship with nil llin Influential
fiimllloH lu thnt pnrt of Hcotland.
Ono dny tho Kiigllshmnn met hltn on
Iho road driving n pig, mid saw a llt
tlo fun.
"Well, Donnld," sold he, "Is that ono
of your grand relnlloimV"
"Oil, no," xalii Donnld, quietly. "This
Is Just nn acqiiiilntniico llku yersel'."
I'or forty year's risrrn Cure for Con
sumption has r.ureil i uii(;hsttltd colds. At
druggists, Price 'Mi runts.
Aa Ilrfltirtl.
"Hny, pn," queried Utile Johnnie Hum
pcrnlekle, "nhut's u llghl-w eight boxer'"
"A Hiilitwilclit boxer, m eon, la a
nan who Is iiitiikiiI hi rrntltig straw
berries," replied Iho old gentleman.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslows's Boothlng
Kyrup the beil roitiody to uio for their children
during tbo teething lilod..
Knur Klmla or Mara.
Tho Into Hlr Frederick Ilrumwcll of
Kiiglnnd wim f n moils Uot ti ns a witness
mid arbitrator In englui'iTlng disputes.
It Is rot-nl led that his brother, tho lute
Lord Justice Ilrnuiwell, on giving ad
vice to n young barrister, told him to bo
careful of four kinds of witnesses:
"llrst, of n llnr; second, of tho llur
who rnn only bo ndeqiintely described
by tho nld of n powerful ndjcctlvc;
third, of the expert wltiions, and, final
ly Of my brother I'red."
CITO fcrmanentty l.-arwl. sfoflteornerTOUineel
f 10 anarnratday'aurllr.Klln-'iOrlrarTe
lutlorcr. Hn tot rrfaS)? trial bottlaandtrtaUM.
Dr. K. II. Klloa, Ltd.. W Arcb nt. 1-liUadalehla, 1-a.
wiir no wept.
The M,00 school house had Just
gone uln smoke, nnd the taxpayers
In the crowd looked nt ouo another
mid groaned, for tho building wns In
sulllclenlly Insured. A nmiill boy gnz
lug upon the smoldering ruin suddenly
burst Into uproarious grief.
"Why, my llttlo mini," exclnlined a
sympnthetic bystander, "you must
have been very fond of your school!"
"Tlsn't thnt," howled tho boy; "but
I left n nickel lu my desk, mid I'll
never bn utile to Unci It In nil that
mess!" Woman's Homo Companion.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Doar Slgnaturo of
5ee fac-Slmlle Wrapper Delow.
Tery small and ee eaay
to take aa aagar.
H Cwru I rurclr Yegcmdeyrawfrfr-
The Gtnuint TOWER'3
Lint ALL
It i made of tht but
Mttrieli. in HcK or jcllow.
full ouar&nteei). Mid sold ij
rcliwle dealer ertrjiriicrc.
Dr. CGee Wo
Tti wondtrful tht
or doctor t cllM
irtftt bft7uM bt curei
poii without oirv
lion thai art ftTui up
to dlx II CUTM with
ihoa wondarful l.'hl
n ti hf rbi, rooti, biuli,
tiavrka tnii vrgelfttilra
Uiat r nttrelr un
known to mfdlcM aol
fnra In ihla rountrr. llirtxmli
lhoa btrmtfM rfiurdlxa ttiit fftnioui doctor
knowi iftsj mcnoa or over sou aiflfteiu reiu
nlki, which b iurrerulljr uatx to dlffral
diactuei. ii gurniea torur cttrti, sth
m, lunf, throat, rbfumatlaiu, ittrvouaiica.
atoutach, liver, kidiieya, etai has hundred of
teslltnoQlal. t'hargtj modvrata. Call and
him. i'alltitt out of th rltf writ for
blank and circular. Hi-nd stamp, CUNtjULp
The C. Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
2SJ Aider St. for 1 1 an J, Orioa.
lV-luittiu )jatr.
P. N. U.
No. 21-te04.
tTTIIKN wrltlne todTertleraileaa
f I
uienlluu tills paper
ilia una o
5 !l-5
An ISiikIIsIi lawyer, who hnd benn
rrossezninlnlnic n witness for somo
time, nml who lint! aorcly taxed tlio pa
tlenco of tho Judge, Jury, and every
ono lu tho court, was flnnlly asked hy
tho rourt to conclude his cross-ciom-Inntlon.
Ilefore telllnif the witness to
,1tnnd down, he accosted him with
this parting sarcasm: "Ah, you're n
clever fellow n very clever fellow
wn can all see thnt." The wltnesa
loniutl over from tho box, and quietly
retorted: "I would return the compli
ment If I wero not on onth."
Drowning had a mnld In bis service
who had n gift for anylng nunlHt
things. When the poet was going to
(my the Inst mark of respect to fleorgo
Henry Lewes, she said she "didn't see
the good of catching cold nt other peo
ple's funerals." And once, when he
wns nwny on a holiday and a Journal
ist camo to the door to Inquire If It
wns true that the poet was dead, she
Indignantly nnswered: "I havo not
heard so, and I am suro my master
Is not tho kind of n man to do such
i thing without letting us know."
Whistler's amusing personal conceit
was charmingly displayed on ono c
rnslon when A. fl. I'lowden, a Ixintlon
liollce magistrate, attended a private
view at tho Grosvenor Hallery. "Al
most the first frlond I met," he says,
"was Whistler, and he very good-naturedly
took me up to a full-length
portrait which he wns exhibiting of
Udy Archibald Campbell. After I
bad done my beat to express my hum
ble appreciation of a beautiful picture,
I aaked him If there were any other
pictures which he would advise me to
look at. 'Other pictures,' said Whistler,
In a tone of horror; 'other plcturesl
There are no other pictures! You are
through!' "
The list of silent great men Is a long
one. Kspeclnlly Is this true of noted
warriors. Wallensteln, Wellington,
Von Moltke, Grant. Marlborough,
Charlemagne, Hannibal, Caessr, all
gave their orders In ns few words ns
possible, and demanded like brevity
from their subordinates. It la said that
Marlborough never allowed more than
n minute for a verbal report, and It Is
told of Von Moltk that when an aide-de-camp
brought a written message
that France had declared war, the
great general simply ordered It filed
lu the "second pigeon-hols on the
right, first tier." In that pigeon hole
were completo plans for the successful
campaign that followed.
Here Is an anecdote which William
Dean Howells tells of his first personal
recognition as a writer: "Years ago,
one evening after a day of lonely sight
seeing In Montreal, I returned to the
hotel whero I was stopping, and con
sulted the register In the hope of find
ing the name of some acquaintance.
I was disappointed, and, turning away,
I met two well-dressed young men,
who embraced tho register eagerly,
nnd, presently, one ot them said, to tny
great surprise and Joy: 'Hello, Tom!
Here's Howells.' 'Ohl I exclaimed,
turning toward them, 'I was Just look
ing for some one I knew. I'm glad to
see you. I bopo you're some fellows
who know mel" 'Only through your
contributions to the Saturday Press,"
they replied. It was the first personal
recognition of my work as an author
that I had ever received from a stran
ger, and the words were golden."
In Many Cities They Are Controlled
hx the Government.
The recent theater horror In Chicago
bns turned the attention of the country
toward theaters In general and numer
ous cities are hurrying to "get their
housos In order" that such a catastro
phe may not occur to them, says the
Municipal Journal and Engineer. It
would speak bolter for these cities If
they did not need such prompting. In
many cities on the continent the opera
tion of theaters Is not left to private
concorns, but the municipalities have
erected the playhouses or subsidized
them, and this Idea Is gradually
In Vienna the court theaters were
erected by the state on state lands and
consist of two buildings for different
phases of the drama. The opera house
for operas, ballets and concerts, cost In
tho neighborhood of $2,548,075, while
th Ilurg Theater, for tho drama Itself,
cost (03,530. These theaters are the
property of the Emperor's treasury
and aro maintained by the lord cham
berlain's department, and whenever
the revenue does not cover the ex
penses the Emperor's civil list makes
up the difference. The chamberlain's
department assumes no responsibility
In extending the grant, which Is looked
after by the Hungarian government
Besides the state grants, the Iloyal
Opera House and other theaters In
Budapest receive different grants from
thestate and other smaller grants from
tho city. The provincial towns of Hun
gary assist theater, managers by al
lowing free use of buildings and help
ing to defray cost of heating and light
ing. Belgium grants subsidies to com
posers, whoso works aro produced In
a Belgium thoster, and, In addition,
subsidies aro given to composers pro
ducing their works In French, Flemish
or Walloon. Most of the cities sub
sidize or own several theaters, somo
are given rent free, and In most of
them the scenery and furniture belong
to tho town.
At Sophia, Bulgaria, the city Is to
erect a theater as soon as enough mon
ey Is accumulated from the state lot
tery. In Franco, tho four national thea
ters occupy the buildings rent free, but
thoy must pay the taxes, provide for
maintenance and allow larger repairs
to be made by the state without claim
for damages through Interruption. An
annual subsidy Is granted to each the
ater by the national parliament, ware
houses aro provided for storing
scenery. The three largest tiieaters
must submit to regulation ot tbo
choice of pieces produced, prices of
scats, number ot performances, as well
as tht number of new pieces per year,
the minimum numbor ot artists of each
class In the company, the auditing of
accounts by tho Minister of Finance.
In tho case of the company called tho
Corned! Francalse, It manages Its In
terests under state supervision, but
some great work must be put on every
month, or two smaller works nowly
wrltton or revised, Including somo
pieces by living authors. All the other
theaters aro freo from atnto control,
although other towns grant subsidies.
A largo number of musical societies
receive encouragement from tho cities
by grants and medal for good work.
In Berlin tho royal Prussian opera
house and playhouse rccclvo together
tho sum of 1270,000 and tho Innd on
which they stand belongs to the sUte.
Only ono thenter In Home, Italy, he
longs to the city, hut In Florence, the
municipal hand receives 300 a year
and further small sums for tho music
stand nnd maintenance. Milan owns
part of one of her theaters and sub
sidies nre given others. Lisbon has
two theaters owned hy the state, one
having been erected In 1703 by private
There are three state tiieaters at St
Petersburg nnd threo at Moacow main
tnlncd at the expenae of the Emperor.
In tlio principal towns are tiieaters es
tablished by the state and In which are
produced dramas for the education of
the people. The prices are very low.
At St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Klcff
the temperance societies maintain
these popular theaters, but are granted
subsidies, the amounts In the first
named city totaling over 11,500,000 dur
ing the last five years.
It Waa Once Used br I-obtjrlat and
Telle Qneer Btorjr,
Tlie Ban Francisco land grabVis'
methods of conveying bribe money to
employes of the Isnd office recalls the
manner In which a certain lobbyist out
West used to make It "worth while'
for legislators to vote as be wished. V
Bible society had placed a copy of the
scriptures In each room of every hotel
In the State. Whenever the lobbyist
wished to bribe a member of the leg
islature be would invite htm to bis
room and, after going over all the le
gitimate arguments In favor of hli
measure, would ask If the legislator
had ever read the book of Job. It was
a fairly safe guess that he bad not but
even If he bad not It made no differ
ence. "It is a wonderful story," the lobby
ist wonld say, "and I think you would
And It profltoble to read It" Then ho
would place the Bible In his guest's
hand, bidding him read Job while be,
the lobbyist stepped out for a few mo
ments. "How do you like it as far as you
have read?" he would ask when be re
turned. ,
If the legislator said he liked It 'the
lobbyist knew that the bank note
which he had previously placed be
tween the leaves at the beginning of
the book of Job was of a satisfactory
They used to tell the story out theic
that legislator once took the money
and then voted against the lobbyist's
measure, whereupon the lobbyist
frightened him Into giving back the
money by threatening to prosecute
him for grand larceny. And, sure
enough, It was nothing less, for the
lobbyist bad not said a word to lndl
cnto that be meant to have the legis
lator take the money, and, of course, a
man has a right to use a $1,000 hill
as a bookmark If he wants to. Brook
lyn Eagle.
Fair Play.
. During the reform riots In Hyde
Park, London, in 18(10, the mob, on a
well-remembered night began tearing
down the fences of Hyde Park for tires
and barricades. Colonel Thomas Went
worth Hlgglnson tells In tho Atlantic
Monthly of an English officer who was
dining with a friend, all unconscious
of the Impending danger. Presently
ho received a summons from the War
Department telling him that bis regi
ment was ordered out to deal with the
He hastened back to his own house,
but when be called for bis horse he
found that his Bervant had received
permission to go out for tho evening,
and bad the key of the stable In bis
pocket The officer hastily donned his
uniform, and then had to proceed on
foot to the Guards' Armory, which lay
on the other side of Hyde Park. Walk
ing hastily lu that direction, he came
out unexpectedly at the very neadquar
ters of the mob, where they were al
ready piling up the fences.
His uniform was recognized, and nn
gry shouts arose. It must have seemed
for the moment to the mob that the
Lord had dellvoted their worst enemy
Into their hands.
There was but ono thing to be done.
He made hts way straight toward the
center of action, and called to a man
who was mounted on the pile, and was
evidently the leader of the tumult:
"I say, my good man, my regiment
has been called out by ber Majesty's
orders. Will you glvo me a hand over
this pile?"
The mail hesitated a minute, and
then said with decision, "Boys, the
gentleman Is right He is doing his
duty, and wo have no quarrel with
him. Lend a hand and help him over."
This was promptly done with entire
respect and the officer In his brilliant
uniform went hastily on his way amid
threo cheers from the mob. Then' the
mob returned to Its work, to complete
It If possible beforo he whom they bad
aided should come back at the head of
his regiment, and perhaps order them
to be shot down.
Cause for OfTenee,
Smith hnd not spoken to his wlfo all
the way homo from the dinner party.
"What's tho matter, dear " said
Mrs. Smith, ns she removed her wraps.
"Have I offended you?"
"I should say you bad! That ama
teur poetess that sat next to me re
cited spring poetry all during dinner,
and she never would have bad the
ghost of an opening If you hadn't men
tioned seeing those two robins this
morning." Detroit Free Press.
Lund Tor Opium.
The Indian government now has
about 000,000 acres of land devoted to
opium rutslng. Most of tho product Is
shipped to China.
How to Bleep.
It Is not uncommon to hear people
say "I wns too tired to sleep" but it
Is not generally known bow great n
help It Is nt such times not to try to
sleep, hut to go to work deliberately to
get restctl In preparation for It In
nlno rases out of Ion It Is tho unwill
ingness lo He nwnko thnt keeps '.is
awake. Wo toss nnd turn nnd wish we
could sleep. Wo fret, nnd fume, nnd
worry, beenuse wo do not sleep. We
think of nil wo havo to do on tho fol
lowing dny nnd nro oppressed with
the thought thnt wo cannot do It If we
do not slfcp. First, wo try ono experi
ment to sec If It will not mnko us
sloop, nud when It fnlls, wo try another
nnd perhaps nnollu-r. In each experi
ment wo nro watching to sco If It will
work. There nro mnny things to do,
any one of which might help us to1
sleep, but tho wntehlng to see If they
will work keeps us nwnke.
When wo nro kept nwnke from our (
fntlgue, tho first thing to do Is to say
over nnd over to ourselves that we do
not onro whether wo sleep or not, In
order to Imbuo ourselves with n
healthy Indifference nbotit It. It will
help toward gaining this wholesome In
difference to nny "I nm too tired to
sleep, nnd therefore, the first thing for
me to do Is to get rested In order to f
prepare for sleep. When my brain Is.
well rested, It will go to sleep; It ennnot
help It. When It Is well rested, It will
sleep Just ns naturally ns my lungs
breathe, or ns my henrt beats." Les
lie's Monthly.
All Might Again.
Opal, Wyo., May 10. After suffering
terribly foi four or five yeirs Mr. A. J.
Kohner of this place has been com
pletely restored to good health. His
case and Its cure is another prool of
Hie wonderful work Dodd's' Kidney
Pills can do. .Mr. Kohner says:
"For four or five yearB I have been a
sufferer with Kidney trouble and a
pain over tny Kidneys. I thought I
would give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial
and I am glad I did so, for they have
done me good work and I feel all right
Many cases are being reported every
week in which Dodd's Kidney Pills
have effected cures of the most serious
These strong testimonies from earn
est men and women are splendid trib
utes to the curative properties of
Dodd's Kidney Pills and Judging by
these letters, there is no case ol Kidney
trouble or backache that Dodd's Kid
ney Pills will not cure promptly and
A woman never realizes that she has
done something wonderful after step
ping backward off a street car and
escaping with her life.
Vtrvi l I worst disease me worm nas ever Known, ana
V' "rlu 6reatest scourge to the human race, is Contagiout
if irLiu. vv
AMffjirf the first little sore
awmi puisuu uuu iiic bKiii uicuaa uui marcurasn;
the glands of the groins swell, the throat and mouth become ulcerated,
the hair and eyebrows drop out, and often the entire surface of the body
s covered with copper-colored splotches and sickening sores and erup
tions. Contagious Blood Poison is as treacherous and elusive as tho
serpent. You may be carrying it in your veins with no visible evidences
of its existence ; for while
mercury and potash seem
to cure and all external
signs disappear, the dis
ease is doinrr its destruc
tive work within, or the AYflUOyiS
fjatient is constantly $lKBnS?0
larasscd by returning "tA-JllS
symptoms and unmistaka-
KIa trfirno nf fli Mfiwl
rr.i, no return or symptom oi me viieaiaeaa'.
poison. Thousands of WaP.aW( N. 0. n. M. beoistbe. '
physical wrecks and
chronic invalids from the effects of Blood Poison know the uncer
tainty of the mercury and potash treatment that it stifles but does not
kill the serpent. As long as there is life in the serpent there is danger
in its fangs ; and while your blood is tainted there is danger of infec
tion. Safety lies only in crushing out the life of the loathsome disease
and killing the serpent. For many years S. S. S. has been known as
an antidote for Blood Poison. It ts a remedy composed entirely of
vegetable ingredients, and we offer $1,000 for -proof that it contains
Write us about your case, and our physicians will advise with
out charge, and we will mail you free our home-treatment book tell
ing all about Contagious Blood Poison and its different stages and
RorliupM It's
Date trouble li a common thine, an J there
are various Linda ot It. Many plate" never
were right. Oihera are properly made, but
tbe mouth la not put lu proper condition
lor wearing tbe plate.
It your platea are In any way unsatisfactory
we will be glad to maite an examination
and tell you tbe cause ol trouble.
We extract teeth wholly without rain and
all work Is at lower than reaaouable ratea.
Extracting tree when plates or bridges are
WISE BROS., Dentists
Open evening till 0 Sundays
Write for Catalogue and Prices
When the nerves nre weak
everything rocs wrong. You
arc tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, ana
Irritable. Your checks aro
pale and your blood Is thin.
Your doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this
grand old family medicine.
- For mora than M yin I ha eied Atar'a
SAra.ti.rlll. in in rumllT It I. a arand tonla
at all hint., anil a wmiilfrfnl rniMlklne lot Im
pure MotHt u. molt, nail liivan, uona.
for i
Weak Nerves
Keop tho bowols regular with Avor'rj
Pills, Just ono pill each night.
I'nslly I'lonaetl.
J.i"k Aro tlio new fivt-dollnr silver
ccrlifientcs out?
George I haven't noticed nny.
Jack Oli. well, it doesn't matter
tanch. One of tho old ones will do, It
you can let mo have it for a few days.
cvaVroR run pmticuiam
laaaanm rmtriMTiTUir- poaTLANP.owr,
'iho Mnsoullno Wny.
A pretty girl; a crowded car:
"Pleasu take my seat," and there yoa
A crowded car, a womnn plnln;
She atnnds and there you are again.
NOWI It the time to US I! IT.
A Fitting ltcuf ptlon.
Mrs. Suburb Dora! Dora!
Daughter cs, ma.
Mrs. Suburb Hun to the piano and
play "Hall to the Chief." Here come
the new girl.
You Can Uet Allen's root-Ease FREO.
Write Allen S. Olmited, !.e nor. N. Y for
free earatle ot Allen 'a It carta
sweating-, hot.wollen, aching feet. It makea
aew or tlitht eboea ear. A certain cure foi
corna. lnarowtngnalla and bunlona. Alldrn
glti aell it. 26c. Don't accept any luUUtute.
Home Uiceptlona.
Slimpurse (airily) Aw, me good man,
ia it customary to tip waltahs heah?
Head Walter (condescendingly) Not
unless you are richer than the waiter,
uioou ruiwn. vjnc urop ui mc virus or mis most
horrible of all diseases will pollute and vitiate tho
nitrest. healthiest blood, nnd within a short tima nffnr
appears the system is rilled with tho
After suffer In a: twelve years
from Oont8iou Blood PoUon,
and trying1 the best phyalelans
obtainable, and all the patent
medicine procurable, and etead
llr oontlnninr to grow worse, I
rare up all hop of recovery, and
Dhyatclans cronounced mr ca
lnourable. Hoping; against hop,
I tried S. S. 8. I Improved from
toe nrat oocue, ana alter takt&r
twelve was cured sound ana
well, and for t wo year bar ha4
the least particle of mercury, potash or
other mineral. It thoroughly purifies tho
blood, improves the appetite and diges
tion, and tones up all parts of the system.
In chronic and long-standing cases of
Blood Poison, S. S. S. acts promptly and
without leaving any bad after-effects.
Difficulties are only (enosi across your chosen path. Stenography
and a business education are tbe muscle and skill that hup you to
get over tho fences. Slake tho tirst Jump today by writing us (or
our catalogue. Our graduates are all employed
Pluto Troublo.
from 9 to U Oregon, Main 20W