Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 20, 1904, Image 3

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Fail to sec the line line
of Combs, Unit- Urimhcs,
Toilet Articles and
inruKKlHVH vSiimlrieH;
The finest line in town
prices can not he beaten
Benson's j
The (lliiitliiiiiionii Medicine Company,
Willi liilninilorJi'H hiiiI Kunurnl nfllnn nt
OliiittimoiiKit, Ti'Iiiii'mck, mill brunch
holmes nl ht Ixiuln. Mo., ami Hnn Frnn-
olncn, (Jul., linn become (inn l UiuIiukimI
proprlulnry medicine lonrcrun In tlm
worlil. In lliuKrowtli of this urciit hind
III Ml Ull fllCtolH llllVO llfl'll ilomlnmit:
Tlio merit of its product Wlno of
unrilul mill Tlii'iirmirn llliick-Drnintlit
hits liciin widely ri-inunltfil mill tho
orlKliuil iiilvoitlxliiK tni'llii)lN mtiipli'it
luivc excited (jri'iil ('(iiiiini'iit. Tim
publicity fur llii'Kii lui'illcltics dues not
I'OHHlnt "I tlm entch iilinihii unil ix-
IriiviiKiuit Hliilciiiiinl. ton ofti'iiiimiilovi'd
In mlvortliilng tmlny, lint limleiid tlm
philn ntorv nl oxiiorlmico with tlm modi
nines kI vim In tliu plnln Iiiiiuiiiiui ol tint
Hi inn llillllinUIVI'R. I III! lnllllwlllK let
tiT In u fair nmnplu id tliu thoiiHiuiilii nl
Wine of Curiliil tcnliumiiiulH milillnliiil
uurliiK tlm piirt twenty yenrs.
' it HI Inxli'M fi J'.'.s;. per III
Common Itougl
All kinds
lumber ill
low prlci'H.
At mill. prices,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-r unil
6 7.W)
( Kiln firled
Mcllioillnt liplscopnl Conference)
l.os Angeles, Calif.
Account nlmvo Conference, tint
' Hon tlicrn I'ui'lllc Co. will iiiukn ro
1 iIiutiI rates on tlio rcrtlllcato plan
from main Hnn polnlH In Oregon
! SOIltll of I'lll'llulld. PlIMWIIKl'l'H will
! IiiiitIiiimo tickets to Los Angeles, for
I which agent wdll collect the highest
unil way rule, giving ii special re
(Tlpt. On pri'Hi'iilullini of tlili re
I'i'Ipl. ilnl.v executed, hy original pur
cIiiikit, Koiillu-ru I'ncllle Audit1 nt
l. oh AiigcicM will wll return ticket ul
omi-tlilril fiiiu. Kulo dates from Ore
,gon pnllilH will Ih! April IIHIi, to
May "Hi Inclusive, iiIho .May (flh,
Kill. Illtli. llltli, Bird. L'lltli and Mill,
'l'lii! litMt day on which certificates
will lit) lionort'il for return ut reduced
rule-from Los Atmi'lcs will bo .In no
flth, 11)01.
rinnnnrirff innnroYYYyryinr rmnnrrtrrmrg n s
Ilcius of Interest in and about
Connie drove and vicinity.
lr. Lowe, Ocnlo-opllelun, Miikcho,' j0, M,,t.t cmno ilown from
llncelwood Icecream at tlm Hlnr. ! Hutifmlu Tlmrailfty.
lint II April
l00 & lllnliam Lumber Co.
thin city Hiimlay May inth at
Iioiiiii of W II llowiniui, Mr
For llrHl i'Iiihh meals tlio IOx clmiiKc
'I'lin IwhIIiik liraml cigars at tlio
Or I) A I'nlne of Kugolio wax III tlm
rlty Monday.
.f C Mllnn returned from Kugcnii on
Monilny afternoon.
Hot coffin mill lunches ut tliu Hx-
chmigu ri'Htmirant.
OaVlllHOII kcCllS till! iM'Ht lOL'L'ITM'
hIioch on tliu mnrkiit.
You can iret tlm Im-hI, Ioukitm' ami
uillicrM' hIioch ul .1 II DivIiIhoiiV
Milk ilcllvurcil iiioriilnir anil oven-
line to any part of tlm city. UK
H O I lurl ru in . fori-Ht n-Hcrvn com-
imImbIoikt of ItoHi-hitrir wun In tlm
city ThiirHilay.
Archie Oraluim mid IM MatlmwH
Hpent Hovcrul ilayn at Drain recently
vIhIHiik frleuilH.
KOIt SAI,i:-Onc reil-polleil three
rear olil hull. aililreHH IX .Mcl'ur-
laml, CottiiKu drove.
Ilowanl Ileaide, wife anil chllil
from Kiircka, Calif., arc vlHltlui; Mrx
llaruiN for a Nhorl time.
Dealers in
(ieorite W Allphlu of Mini county
ami .irn .iiiiia li l.arpor ol IIUm city.
Mr anil Mm Allnhln left on Turxiliiv
for their home In Mini county. JiiiIkd
viiUKlin omelateil.
Al the home of. I W VatlKliu III llilx
city .Moniluy .May 10 .Mr Ueorire ji
Iler anil Nora teen. The Imppy
coupie nave uiKeu up ineir rcMilenn
; heiv. .IiiiIk" VmiKha olllcliiteil.
Do Vim SInjE?
i If ho. why not rail on Mm V (I
; WooiIm nt ucrHltnllo, Awlnt'y liullil
l Iiik, ami learn how to who. your voice
to the lienl uilvuutUKV. You will Ih
I ilellKhteil when you Ht-e how eaxy It
ih io Kiiiir nicely. uoiirH .Monilav.
1 1 TucHtluy, Thumilay and Krlilay from
: io ti p. in.
City and Farm Properly.
At Tlie Ideal
$1 per Month
Will keep your HultHclcaneil,
pn-nmil, liuttoiiH on ami rlpH
TraiiHltnt work Hollcltril.
HatlHfiu'tlou KUiirrmitivil.
Work called for ami delivered
prompty each week.
(intern taken at Welch Ac WooiIh
Airs. W. A. CunnlnRlmni,
Cottage drove, Oreuou.
I I will come prepared to do younn
' uood work iih done any wher j In the
i Hiaie uavinir uiKeii liiHiruutloiiH nil
liter the U'Ht ilemoiiHtratorH la the
'Mate, will iiIho hihiiiiI one week In
! rortlaud Ki'ttliiK new lilean In'fnre
.1 X llovp.
j vu i:a v j. um it mt.
i We have on our ynriln W),000 fei't of
IiiiiiImt wlilcli iiiimI 1mhoIi1 to make
j room for IncomliiKHtock.prlceHraUK
I Iiik from flt.Vl to 7.K). II you want
a liarKala come at once.
I lie iiooiii-relley l.innlaT to.,
SiikIiiiiw, Ore
The Cottage drove I
In now In riinnliiK order
mid prciuireil to do all klndn of &
Imiudry work with proiuptiieHH v.
mid nt reaHonahle rateH. A,
We hope to wcure your 5;
piitrounKt! and to pleane you
with our work. I'honelll y.
Hanson & Swansnn, Props. jjj
.Sunday afternoon the Divide
liascliall nine played its fust
matched Kiimc since its organiza
tion. The nine was matched
igninst the I.atliam nine both
strong teams. The score was
rather high 21 to 3t inn game of to
innings, but the game was the best
ever played at Divide. Divide ap
peared in uniform mid they made
an excellent showing. Divide ex
pects to play Drain next Sunday
ami a return game with I.ntlmm the
Sunday after.
We have a lunro Hiipply ol cheap
lumlier, Jimt what you want on a
ranch, price very cheap, intiHt bo Hold
to make room for other Htock.
The Itooth-Kclly MiiiiIht Co.,
SiiKluaw. On!.
I'otvHt Men Selection No. KM!.
11 S Lard Olllce.
ItOHeburjr. Orti.. Apr. 11)01.
Notice Ih hereby ulveu to any ami
all liemoiiH that llllaui F linker, by
Frank K Alley, attorney In tact,
whoHc pnHtolllcoaildri'Hi Ih lloKcIiurK,
Oregon, linH made application to du
lcet under the act of .lunu 4, 1S'J7. :I0
.Stat., Ill), the followliur dencrllied
i land, Hltuateil In TowtiHhlp No LM,
I South of limine No 1 Went, of (ho
Willamette Meridian. Oreiron. to. wll:
vVVvVvvvvviijsstea.iy i iA)t elKhti-en (IS) In Section hIx (0).
i i vt mini tlie next thirty iIii.vh (nun
v. date heivof protoiitH or voutCHtH
iiUHliiHt the wild Mclectlou on the
Ki'ouml that the laud dCHcrlhcd. or
any part thereof, Ih more valuable
for Uh inliieriilH tlinn for iiKrlcultural
imrpoNeH or the timber thereon, will
be received and noted lor report to
the deneral Land Olllce.
1 1-5 t J. II. IIootii, Iteeelvcr.
I: I've got
Yott Want
Oood Htock. ItoiiHonnlili! Prices
At J. Jf. Davidson' a
Can bo found the most ele
gant mid up to date
An cleptut line of KiiHtorn
Mado PurfiimoH, School
IlookH and a lull line ol tlio
luHteHt popular IiooUh.
r!n Imv Iv entiml v'u Cluiln
uliiff l.inliuoiit, for ItheuiiiatlHiii and
all piiliw ana iniimiiaiioii. rnco
69 ceiitw, all driiKRlst, or by mall
upon receipt of price, wrlto F I. Ken
nedy, Hacluiiw, OreKou, tor lint of
leHtlmonlcH. Satisfaction Bimnin-
Sunshine has about dis
posed of the beautiful snow
and the trees will soon he
leaving that is the leaves
will be coming, ami some
will have
ltofoiv leaven. thlH HiurireHtH
that you hIioiiIi! liuvo vour
camura mid IU helmiKlnirH
Uiilto ready lor ticcurlnK the
tieautititi piutuiv wlilcli will
If .vou hnvu'nt a camera or
liavlmr one. need bulonir iiith.
Call on
What everybody liken Ih HOiiiuthlnir
to hiUIhIv their n im m-1 1 to. the V.x-
chaliKU reHtauranl Iiiih It.
Vf II Kay who kectm a Himrtlnir
UOoiIh More In ICukciii- win In tlio
city thellmt of the week.
I II Illiichnui, candidate for reprc
Kitiitatlvu for I.aiiu county, weal to
KiiKene on Illinium Monday.
We can fiirnUli inlulni; Htock at
iirlcen below llmw of any other
broker In the Htate. Medley & Milne.
.1 H Milne, the mil cMatc man,
HMMit a con ile of (liiyn la KitKene thlH
week on IiuhIiichh connected with the
A 11 IIciuMock of Portland wan in
the city wveral dayn tliln week with
the view of locutlnir In the city and
eiiK'iKlKK iMiHlnexH.
'I'lin Lane County Tenvhem liiHtl
tote liclil In KiiKene wan lawly at
tendeil. CertlllcateH of attendance
wan granted to '."JO teachem.
.1 N lloyd will be In Cottaue firove
on or iK'fore .lutic 1, IIMII, with a IiIk
well equlpiieil photo tent with all
the Intent things In photOKrapliH.
Hick liendiiche reanllH (nun a din
urilered Moiiihi'Iii! ami in quickly cum)
hy CliiiiiilM'rliiin'H Sloniiicli mid Liver
Viilili'to. I'or Bale hy New Km DriiK
Die 1 1 IkIi Si'IkiijI liiiKchall leaui had
a Kiime mi liiHt Saturday with picked
nine ol city playem. l lieo .IciiuIiikh
wiih uinnlre. Score U to 1 In favor
of the I il(,'li School.
ltolH-rt M Veatcli. It W Veatch. W
K ClirlMinaii. II Lurch. C .1 Howard
mid Frank Mclntlre all went to
Portland thlt wivk iih wltueHHCH In
tlie.McKiiiley-Waru land cane.
KIIktI Veatch cnine down Iroin
OrantH Piihh Saturday to vlult with
IiIh many IrlemlH, hoiuo ol tliem (or
tint hut time iih they have removed
to the mouth ol the Sluxlaw.
l.'rnulr (rltit vm ru mi. ilnnrn frnlu
llohemla TueHihiyexiiectlu to iro on
to Portland iihii wHiichh In the .Mc
kinley- Ware cane. Hailing It pont-
poueil ho returuetl to IiIh work on
John ('orbit left for San FmiicIhco
WedncHilay to Ihi uone Hoveral
inoutliH. lie lelt IiIh hiiHlnejH In the
IiiuiiIh of ni'iilH here. We are Horry
to low Much mi CHtlmnhlo cltlienlrom
miioui; iih.
T M Medley npent the latter part
of the week on bunlucHHatllio county
wat. We iiIho learn that ho at
tended the teachem liiHtltnte while
there. Wo aro Kind that Tom I tak
ing Hiich IntcrcHt In education, we
mean oducntom.
ChrlHiunii nud IIiuikh recently dl
iohoiI ol tlio FiihIiIoii Stnlilen to C A
IwIh ond O w McQueen liotli well
known throughout the county.
Notice their advertlHcmeut la thin
Ikhuo and then rtuuoinlier tlio place
when you want a Rood rig.
Tom. Dick nud Harry iHtlioHlirn ol
tlm new Arm ol pnlntem, which
uieaiiH Tom JflnkliiH, Dick Ilcrry nud
llnrry Peck. The. drill ban rented
tliu Fred dale nrcinUcs on tlio Went
Side where they will receive orders
lor allcliiHHes ol work In thelrline.
Win Permau'R hoii. Willie, im'il 12.
who liven at .1 miction City, came to
tliu drovu on a vlHit IiiHt week, nio
lad iHoiiito an exnert on thu Hiiare
drum, Sunday when the band played
at the depot Willie took IiIh place
wll the drum and nlaved through
out neveral Hcleutloim very nicely.
One of the greatest hlcaiiiuiM a moilcst
mini can wish for l n i?ool, reliable not
ofliowel. II you are not the happy
pcHKcsBor of nuch mi outllt vou can
greatly Improve the elllclcncy of those.
roil by tliu Jmlicioua imo ol uiiau.uur
nm'H Stomach and Livur Tnhlete. They
uro ploatsnnl to take mid uereviiblu in
efleot. For Kulo bv New Krn DniisSloro
Of Photographer lloyd who will
hooii return to thin city thu Lehnuon
KxpreHH hii.vh: "l'hotoKraplier lloyd
Iiiih now on dlHplay boiiiu remark
ably lino pliotoH. The photon hIiow
much artlHtlc ability, both In thu
PohIiik and In thu lino iiuallty of
work. Then, too, tlio cards am very
neat mid liandHoine, hoiiiR the latent
thliiKH out In that line. Wo doubt If
any photographer In tlio valley can
make a better showing than thin.
.1 N lloyd, tlio well known pho
tographer will soon return to Cot
tag drove. Last weck'H Ia'Iiiiikiii
Criterion wild of him: "LiiHt week
Phototrrapber lloyd lllled IiIh out
nldo hIiow catio with a now supply of
photos. Anions tlio uuw ulnplay
may bo found sonio of tlio tlnest lln
Islicd nhot09 that aro made any
where both as to workmanship and
mounts. They tiro without doubt
the lluest lot of pictures over dls
played In this city and should lie scon
to be appreciated. Illinium can
bonat ol ono of the very best pho
tographers In tlio state."
If you want velveteen for chemical
tapi-Htry palulliif; scu the MIhhoh
I All colors of vol veU-eu for chemical
tapi'Htry palnlliiK at thu MIhhcs Nevr-
F.I Podurskl hnn ocned an asHay
olllco next to Medley &. Milne. Keo
I II IlliiKham mid J C I;tiu havo
boon HpendliiK several days at Ku
Keno. ClmrlcH Kennedy of .1 unction vl
Ited tho fmnlly of W T Kaiser this
Tho Wynno Hnrdwaru Cotnpnuy
moved Into Its now More building
this week.
Notice tho advertisement of the
now Krocery store West Side, W W
MoFarlaud, Milliliter.
Ladli'H, when down town don't
fall to call at A J Thomas' .Mllllnerv
Store on Ith St mid n the new hats,
me pnci'H win Hint. you.
Itev I M lioyles ami family left
Monday for Florence where thuv
will rcHldo, Itev IloylcH havlui; Ih-imi
called to fill the pulpit of tlie Prenliy
turlau church at that place. Itev
lioyles camo to Cottage drove from
Woodbiirn a little nioru than a year
ago in rcspoiiHe to a call from thu i:
P Church and has proved hluiHelf a
very uhlo and couslnU'iit worker,
and will long Ikj roiiivinbcn-d liy IiIh
many friends In tlio church and out
A large crowd of frlemlH mid admlrcm
ol jiiuiHcIf ami family withered at the
depot to bid them farewell and wish
tliem a nlenxant trip and nroHoeritv
In their new Held of work.
On Sunday morning nt 930,
May 29th, the Comrades of the
Grnnd Army together with the
Womcns Relief Corps will meet at
the hall. I'rom there they will
proceed in a body to the M 15
Church, where Comrade WJ Gard
ner ol Saginaw will deliver the
Memorial sermon. All old soldiers
of the Civil war, Indian wars,
Spanish-American and ex-Con-fedcrate
soldiers cordially invited to
join with the Post and attend
church services.
w c t r
Lane County
convened at tho M 13 Church In
city WedncMlay May IS at 3:1.1 p 111
with the following liersons from a
distance present: MIhh LoiiIho IIol
llnter, national lecturer; Mesdmnes
Wann, CalkliiH and IlamlNaker of
Kiigone; Fannie Miller, ?of Sagluuw;
PhiH-lie Hughes mid deo Seam, of
CreMWvll; ilelegateH. Wednesdays
program was fully rendered and a
splendid lecture on the "Kings and
(jucens of Society" wan delivered In
the evening by .MIhh Hollmter. The
L T L's gavo 0110 of their calesthenie
drills and a welcome song which
were seclully pleasing to the W C T
Mr. L. Van Ilurkler, a photogra
pher of considerable renown for
doing high class photographic work,
will oM'ii a studio In Cottage drove
witulii a week or two.
This wek Wm Courts who for
some time past past Invs managed
thu liiiTlnl Hotel, very succesKlully
dlspoM'd ol the luiHlnesH to Messrs 1)
W Sullivan mi I Marsha! Kverett
both of Chehalls. Thu new pro
prietora are hotel men ol large ex
perience and will 110 doubt keep up
the reputation of the hotel as eMail
IIhIhhI by Mr CourtH mid wife. Mr.
and .Mm Courts will visit Sllwrton
thin stato where they may arrange
to legate.
May 11, 1901.
The readers of the Nugget will note
wo trust with pleasure that tho re
vival services at Liberty hall. Lon
don, Is doing well tinder the manage
ment of the elders and Elder W
Dalles of Tllllmook county, who Is
condlietlnir the liiwMntf wftli tiln old
time preaching. Come up and listen
to him ho will do you uood. The
last Sunday wo had two sermons,
II III,! fftrolwuiri fim, liv llnv MrWrmrl.
iey of tlio Divinity school nt Hugeim
unil one hy Klder K Dalles in tho af
ternoon, mm Iwtween thn two wo
had a sumntiious meal well. sav.
such an nggregatioti of chicken pie
ami cane, in met, al tor every iioily Had
eaten thcru was JtiHt plenty left, and'
such an old fashioned social time wo
had was grand. The pcoplu of this
community are fraternal and kind
and If you Impiicn this way you will
always Imj welcome to sharo tho 1
liberality of tills people. Tho meet-1
lug will continue over next Sunday, 54
and last Sunday's program will Is.- tS
repeated. Coino ono and all. The.Kss
roads are fine now: the mineral 'fij
sprlngH are turning out their spark-1 &i
!!... .... ...... 41. n .......... . I., fl.... ..... k
and refresh both the Inner and outer
mail. 1
"Summer Skirts"
You can not have to many
skirts for Summer wear and for
style and quality,
Our'8 Can't be Beat.
Something new in the "dun Metal" color
nlso nice linen, lace inserted skirts.
Call and ask to sec them. It certainly is xi
pleasure to show our goods.
it Lurch's Store,
Corner 5th and Main Streets.
Tho .MorsH Quartette have ar
ranged the following dates In tlie
school house campaign they are con
ducting in the Interest of thu pro
noxed local option law Sunday May
May 22, III110 Mountain school house,
basket meeting 3 p m: same date,
Shields school house, 8 p 111; Monday,
May XI, Loudon, 8 p in; Tuesday May
24, Hebron Church. 8 p 111; Wednes
day -May 15, Divide school house, 8 p
m; 1 iiursuay .May .s, star scnool, s
i) 111: Friday May ITT, Dorena school
house, 8 pin; Saturday May 28. Sagi
naw; Monday, May :Wth, Lornne, 8
p 111.
Friday May 13th In honor ol Joo
Caroline's 69th birthday a largo
number ol relntlres mid friends
inarched to tho home ot Uncle Joo
and gave him a pleasant surprise
and grand seronado with old tin
pans, etc. Uucle Joo camo out on
the porch inuchHurprixd, and asked
lmt was up, was told It was his
birthday, lie was so oxclted ho
didn't think to ask them In iintllthey
gave hbu sumo more nice music,
then he welcomed them In. Ills
father O P Oaroutte, who departed
this life 10 years ago at the age ofS5
years wiih the father of 1U children of
which Joe Is tho oldest son, and the
youngest child MIsh Callsthv da
routto now lKlng li! years old.
Alter refreshments were served and
a good tltuo enjoyed by all prexcut,
they departed wishing him many
happy returns ot his birthday auiil-versary.
T K Complied passed by this way :
In company with some stranger, we
presume ho was looking after hlb
iiillllng Interest.
This Is vacation week for the ,
schoolchildren and I tell you the fish )
are getting a feast of llys and bugs, 1
mid this scrlb KOt all of them for
hreakfast that his gastric cavity
could osslmulatc. Anon. Vkiiitas. I
Railway Trainmen Excursion.
Koseburg, Ore. Apr. 29, 1904.
Editor Nugokt,
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Dear Sir: The Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen will run their
Annual Excursion to Hugene on
Sunday, May 29, 1904 Trains
will be run from both directions ar
riving at 11 o'clock and departing
at 6 o'clock p m. There will be
amusements for the benefit of the
visitors, the principal ones base
ball Roseburg vs Eugene of the
Oregon State League. The Uni-
'ersity of Oregon will be thrown
open, lue nugene band ol 20
pieces will furnish the music and no
means will be spared to make this a
grand success. The public is fa
miliar with the Trainmen s Ex
cursions which has heretofore been
run to Salem.
Pare from all points north of Al
bany and south of Cottage Grove
$1.50 round trip. Tickets will
soon be on sale at all Southern Pa
cific stations.
Yours Respy. ,
C B Baker, Secty. Com.
State damo Warden J W linker hns
liee 11 busily engaged In distributing1
the 1500 copies of the Oumu Laws of !
Oregon recently received by him from
the state printer. 1
The warden proposes the iieople
shall know the law concerning the
killing of gnuie, also proposes to
strictly enforce the law ns far as pos-.
Bargains in
30 Days
Welch & Woods.
ojaaggagB B.n.8.ii.,a.p.BjLgJtJuuuuuo 1
Floor & hi Store
Hard and Soft Wheat
Junction City Flour
Chop Feed, draham Flour,
Onts, Uran and Shorts.
West Side.- Cottage, drove
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
30th the ,
A Smooth Tooer.
A man camo to thu store 0110 day,
And to tho druggist ho did say,
My foot onco all covered with corns,
Aro now us smooth as a yearling's
Uso Pop Km All Com Salvo for salo
Morgan & llrelmut.
ft,. M.x, ,!,. m M..V
it A...... ...III!
IIIUlIIMl'in Ol II1U lIKtUI! .till
meet at tho hall at!) o'clock: other
organizations aro requested to meet
at tho snum hour.
Tho lino of march preceded by the
C it A Hand will start promptly at
11 o'clock. Organizations will fall
In place designated by Commander
of l'ost.
Tho column will march to cemetery
where tho usual ceremonies of deco
rating tho graves of departed com
rades will. ho observed; at Its close
all are rcuuested to again fall In mid
return to tnocity.
At 1 o'clock the menilierrt of tho
draml Army and tho Womeiis lto
licl Corps will meet nt thu hall and
proceed In a body to thu M K Church
wnere addresses uy .Messrs ! 11 run
Hps and Armstrong will bo delivered,
with somrs by the choir: exercises by
thu school children mid singing by
tho audience. All old soldiers ol
Civil. Indian or Siiautsh-Ainorlcau
wars cordially Invited to meet with
and participate In all exercises
We have
full line
Gents Hats.
A few
Hats left, at
Fancy and Staple Groceries
F. J. Poduska
Assayer & Chemist
Mines Examined,
Valued. Surveyed or
Reported on.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Our Groceries Are the freshest and best selected stock that can
be found in the city. Prices that will suit all. It is the place to get just
what you want. Always pleased to show our goods and give prices.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes.
Opposite Imperial Hotel.