I BOHEMIA NUGGET. r n n n & m TIIK ADVKIlTiMNU MKDIUM NKAT JOD PRINTINOi S Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid Panning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. VI COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1904. NO. 17 Mines and Mining Devoted to Bohemia Notes and Items of General Interest to Alining Men. Al Churchill went hack to llo- "oo-foot levels is yet to he re dciniii to resume work 011 his mill- moved, the Giceiibnsk will eon lug properties last Saturday. tlniic to he n producer for several Charles Ottson, ,,u old time fx "--..-Oregon Mining miner who has heen working on, IUvcrslde tunnel all winter, cume to j The output of zinc ore in the the city. Monday. He reports the 1 United States is consumed, 011c tuunel in about .Ho feet nud the 'quarter for zinc oxide, for paint; vein iu'thc hrenst at least seven I thicc-qunrtcrs ns spelter or metallic feet in width. zinc. The spelter, about 160,000 Tuerc arc more dividends paid 1 hv ihr i'nt.1 and llvrr mi.,.. r ii. I Uulted States than by all the hunks of the United States. The copper mines pay more dividends than all the railroads in the United States. N V Commercial. iicrnnni 1 1 nuiiii, who urn been employed at the Riverside property all winter, came down Tuesday and will spend a week or 80 in l'ortlaud Ucfcre returning to ivork. He confirms the reports concerning the Riverside property ns made by others recently. RIVEKSIDB PROPERTY.. ImiIiii a letter written by Alex Luudberg, since his return to the Riverside group it is learned the ore body at the breast at the tun nel at the time of writing was full seven feet in width. OREGON-COLORADO ROAD. Hlght men left the city the latter part of last week to begin the con struction of the wagon road from the Oregon-Colorado to the county road near Itoheiuia postoflicc. More men will be added to the number ns soon as supplies have been got in. This is the age ol gold. Never belorc have so many men engaged in the search for gold. Never in the history of the world has the pro duction of precious metals been so enormous ns today. Mining und producing precious metals from the secret store places ot Nature has always been most fascinating and will ever remain the most inde pendent and profitable of occupa tions. The miner is the owner of the base of all values. A char acteristic of the product is. its its inherent, indestructible value. An immediate nud Ixmudlcss market takes all of the miners' product and wants more. The products of the farmer, the merchant, and the mittinfiiettirt-r nr,- eii-rn i ti cxchaitpc. ' . ...... -- - - o n Labor depends upon it nud even the national government yields in nu obeisance. Mining is not a gamble. Succcsst til mining is not patent righted. American Maga zine. I'ROORHSS OP Till! ORBORIMCK. Much has been said and written with regard to the Greenback mine, of the Grave Creek district so much in fact, that it seem impos sible to say anything with regrrd to the young giant that wnii not al ready familiar. Vet it is an inter esting subject, for among all the mines of Southern Oregon none have made such remarkable pro gress as this. 111 1H9H It was a mere prospect, and its product was worked out by an old arrustru Today it has a shaft down 1 100 fees into the earth, and its tunnels, shaftH and drifts would measure fully two miles in extent. The site ofthe old arrastra is occupied by modern mills, with uti aggregate fotco of 40 stamps. The tailings from both mills are treated by a huge cyanide plant, and an average of 100 tons of ore is treated every day. Except for a few weeks each season, the milts, compressors, hoists and other machinery are operated by water power, and as much of the ore is removed by gravity, the cost of operation for the Greenback is remarkably low. Ten machine drills arc operated in the tunnels, shafts nud drifts, day and night, and a crew of too men iseuinloved. As the great hulk of the ore body between the 300 and New Full line of RIGHT PRICES. tons, is used as follows: 51.5 per nt. 82.400 tons for galvanizing; ?3 P cent, 30,800 tons, 11) brass J0"'"'''"; ' w tent, 25.600 tons ,for !,1'5ct I' 3-2 lo"'- foJ "verlluB lead; one per ..t, V6" ,ou,, for KM cx,r?c lion: three ter c-rnt .1 Him tout, for monumental ,uroscs. The bal ance Is used for electrical and hun dreds of other purposes. Mining World. MISCELLANEOUS MINE. -' Mr George Heilmau this week received a report from Herbert Leigh, manager ofthe Tairview group of mines in the Ituhcmia dis trict, giving particulars of 'the running into a big ledge of ricli ore in the Miscellaneous mine one hun dred feet earlier than had been an ticipated, which is being gotten out preparatory to the installation of a mill in this mine this year. The ore is much richer than that of the Muslck, owned by the Portland company, which has produced such paying results. Development woik 1 .. . .. 1... una uccit veiy 9tiiii.iii y9 uui in tioi yci complete, aim tne company have decided to put on the market 40,000 more shares at four cents to keep the work going belorc the mill stmts up in the summer. Reports from llohetnia indicate one o f the best mining camps in the world in the future. Albany Democrat. August Seiuche, who has been visiting in the valley fox some time, went back to work on his mining properties in Hohemin this week. EFFECTIVE BREVITY. The last word has not been spoken regarding the benefits and advantages of the protection policy. Representative Campbell, of Kan sas, proved that something new and strong In the way ol condensed fact might be said when, in his recent speech, he declared: The policy of protection has pre served the American market for the products of American manu factures, and American manufac tures have made markets for the products of American farmers, and together they have established the high standard of living and made possible a high scale of American wages. The case has seldom been so effectively .stated in o lew words. It tells a great htory in a very short space. American Economist. Andrew J llrtiud, President of Bohemia Mineowuers Association On last Friday Mr Hruiid and Miss E Grace Mnrsters were mar ried at Albany, Oregon. Mr and Mrs llruud will visit Chicago, then spend some weeks at the St Louis Bxpositiou. The Nugget, to gether with numerous friends, ex tends congratulations to uotu anu i, ,i, t:i Wiilo t mnL-P fm tn(?e Grove their permanent home. Grocery West Side Staple and Fancy W. W. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS. To the Republicans of Lane County: Whereas, the results of the elec tion next June will be of iar reach ing influence on our national affairs, nud especially on the nomination iitul election of that peerless Ameri can, Theodore Roosevelt; nud Whereas, the republicans ol Lane comity do not know thsir full strength, nor fully realize that the republican majority has been gradu ally itictcisiug during the lust eight years, being almost nominal in i8yG, 100 it: 1900, 1902, and that this year there is a safe majority of H50, which can, by individual nud nctive work on the part of loyal re publicans lie increased to 1000; nud Whereas, in the past, and owing to the republican majority, our op ponents, the democrats, have sacri ficed almost nil their candidates In truding them off for republican votes, thereby electing n chosen candidate, now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the advisory board of the republican county central committee, assembled this nth day ol May, 1904; Thnt we pledge ourselves, and do most earnestly ask, that each nud every republican of Lane county do nit in his power, and to work most strenuously from now until after election, for a most fitting endorsement and the success of that peerless American, Theodore Roose velt, and the entire republican ticket, state and county. The eyes ot the East, South, nud West nrc upon us. We fire the first gun of the presidential cam paign. The result of our election will have great Influence upon the presidential contest this fall. Our voice will be heard throughout the United States and our verdict is being waited for with the greatest concern on both sides. If we are weak in our indorsement of Roose velt, his enemies will Ik comforted, ami we will discourage our ftieuds in the Hast, North and South. Ore gon is known to be a Roosevelt state. The trusts and plutocrats of the Easture making every effort to defeat our favorite. Therefore let us bestir ourselves in such a man ner that after the votes are counted in June we can wire to the grand American, Theodore Roosevelt, that Oregon has given him a ma jority of 20,000, and that Lane county has given 1000 and elected the entire rcpubllcen ticket, for the first time In years, a most fittug endorse ment, indeed. Let the watchword of the cam paign Ik: One thousand for Roosevelt and the entire republican ticket. The candidates of the republican party nrc now among you, asking your support. They are all able and worthy men nud entitled to your most hearty approval. Let each and every repub.icnn feel that the success of his ticket will be his own individual victory. There Is no need to trade votes to elect any man Do not trade. The result ofthe coming election will be far reaching. Upon it -depend the prosperity of our nation, the welfare of our stnte, the future growth of Lane county and not last nor least, by any means, the price of your day's labor and the value of your farms. Once itgnin, let the watchword of the campaign be: One thousand majority for Roosevelt and the entire republican ticket. I Lank County Ckntrai. Com- ' MITTHK. I . Council Meeting. I Council met Monday nluht. Present 1 Mayor Medley, Cotmellmeu Currln, ; IlltidH, CliMinlii'rli'ii. Wall and Clerk 1 Wheeler; ntiHuiit IIIukIiiiiii, Venteh. I TI10 bid of I .1 Taylor for the eon- Ktrnetlon of 11 titiililliiK for hcml 1 imt'U'rx for IteHcue 1 1 oho Company o 1 the Went Side was accepted. I TI10 water eoiuiiiiHHlotter wiim In 1 strueted to iut In 11 hydrant near tlm norllieata corner 01 11 i.ureii h property on .Main strvet. The Cottage drove Klcctrlc Light Company Iiuh put up llghtx at tho corner of -ml and C also 4th and O HtH In McKarland's addition. The report.of thu light and water company presented on thu 4th of April wiih adopted. On motion the .McQueen addition tn tho city of Cottage Urovo wiih ap proved as platted. Adjourned to meet Wednesday night. Store Groceries. DvIeFui - lartd. Mgr. NOT WELL ADVERTISED Barton C. V. Brown tells of lack of Information Concern ing Oregon's Industries. Republic, Mo., Mny 13. 1004. HonitMiA Nugoht: After a long and continued silence which I pre' sumc is highly appreciated by all who have noticed it, I lmvc con cluded to again transcribe a few meandering thoughts regarding this the present center of the uni verse. The World's Fair is open and notwithstanding the fact that some ofthe buildings are yet incomplete hundreds and thousands of people are there with open mouths, won dering eyes and double action pocket bjoks. I am nt present temporarily lo cated in the little town of Republic just 252 miles from the common center ol all things material. Rail way fares are very reasonable and the Brisco system is running eight regular passenger trains into the city every day and on special days special trains will be run The strawberry season is opening here and already we are feastieg on strawberry short cake, strawberries and cream, in fact strawberries in any style desired. This is a great strawberry dis trict; it will require more than 8000 hands to pick the strawberries raised within a radius of 12 miles of this place and there will be about five hundred cars of berries shipped to points Bast and West. This strawberry district has but one rival, the Hood River of Ore gon. The Hood River district ships a great many berries east into Montana, Colorado, Nebraska and other Basteru points while the Southwest Missouri district ships as far west as Salt Lake, Boise City, Denver and other Wsstern points, however the two districts are not competitors, as the Hood River berries ripen generally a mouth later than the Missouri berries. It is said by the best horticulturists that the Hood River and South west Missouri berries are the only ones crown in America that com bine perfect flavor, symetnea shape, elegance of color and pure taste, conseaueutl) tuey bring tue best price on the market and as a esult the growers m ootti markets are making large profits on their business. Oregon is evidently missing a crand opportunity to do some ex cellent advertising just now in this part of the great Central West. Thousands ol circulars, pamphlets, etc.. could be well placed at small cost under prevailing conditions within a radius of 300 miles of St Louis. The talk in this couutry among those who have an idea of going to the far West greatly worries an Oregdnian. Everybody seems to think there are only two Pacific Coast or Western states, California and Washington. When Oregon is succested they seem surprised The facts are the majority, about 90 per cent, niver read an article nor saw a pamphlet or circular on Oregon or any one of its resources or districts. The only advertising the state has ever received is that which is torn from cans of salmon and the articles published in the daily papers when Harry Tracy awoke the people with bis 30-30 and most of the people think that happened in Washington. There have been twenty-two people whom I know personally left here since March tst for the West, 18 of whom bought tickets for Seattle and other Washington points, and the other four went di rect to Los Angeles, Calif. It is quite strange to me that ev ery child, man or woman I meet cnu tell me sufficient about Wash ington or California to make a small volume of interesting reading mat ter, while not one out of ten cau tell on what river l'ortlaud is lo cated. In fact it seems strange to me why one can't eveu get people to talk about Oregon, and yet one ought not to be surprised when the conditions are tnkeu into consider ation. I was talking to nu official of the Unrriulan lines, Southern Pacific and others while in Kansas City a few days ago nud he told me that Oregon need not expect anything from railroads until she gained rec ognition by sheer force. I nsked him why and he replied: "All effort is being put forward by the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific railways to build up Washing ton. The hand of these railways is seen In congress and throughout the commercial world working with might and main to make Washing ton seaports central shipping points for the far Bast and for all Alaskan points; while the Southern Pacific, in fact the entire Ilarriman system, 011 account of the bitter warfare with the Santa Be system is com pelled to put forth its every effort in behalf of California thereby leav ing Oregon out. She can only hope for a share of the immigration when she by individual and inde pendent effort brings the great natural resources to the front. When she docs thnt she will turn the tide of immigration and will re ceive railway recognition and not before." This-statement by an official of the railway companies who abso lutely control the state of Oregon ought to awaken the people to a 1 realization ol their situation. I This gentleman suggested a method that I consider quite feas ible and which I think would bring about good results but I can't out- , line it in this letter but will do so in my next. He informed me that in bis opin ion Oregon is much superior to Washington but being under the absolute control of one system of railroads whose main interests were ' elsewhere she could not hope for much in the way of railway adver-1 Using. There are hundreds of people throughout Southwest, Mo., who would like to change locations and I who have money but most of them 011 account of advertising will go to Washington or California. I have been pretty well over five counties since my arrival here last February and have made dilligent inquiry but have uot seen or beard of a person who ever received one of the pam phlets gotten out by different towns throughout the state of Oregon last summer aud sent to railroad head quarters in Chicago for distribution. The facts are I do not believe much of an effort was ever made to dis tribute those pamphlets excepting in the shops and factories ot the larger cities. This letter may sound a little strange to Nugget readers, but I may have occasion to write one later on that will sound even more so. Very Respfy. Barton C. Y. Brown. C0NMERCIAL CLUB. On Friday night last those inter ested in having a club in the city met persuant to adjournment at the office of The Pacific Timber Company and adopted by-laws for the government ofthe association; received the report of the committee appointed for the purpose of finding suitable quarters for the use ofthe club. The committee reported as the best place found, were the rooms over Garman and Hemeu way's store. The secretary was in structed to secure lease for one year ol the rooms with a privilege of two more years. The club ad journed to meet at same place ou Friday night, May 20. All mem bers requested to" be in attendance. It is a fact worth noticing that hundreds of rich bankers all over the country are now interested in mining investments. The business is no longer regarded ns being any moie speculative than other forms of industry, but as a legitimate field of investment for the shrewd busi ness man. American Adviser. P rices Lower As we are going entirely out ot business, we are closing out our entire line of merchandise ut less than regular cost, for we must get our money out of them, and 03' buying now you can get good bargains. PINE CLOTHING We still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A1 ways willing to show them if you buy or not. SHOES We are trying to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire line much cheaper than could be bought in any ofthe larger cities, and just as good goods as could be got of anj' merchant in the northwest. Cottage Grove J. S. STILES Well Qualified for all the Dulles and will be elected. JOE STfLES. Republican Candidate for ShtrifT. Joe S. Stiles whose picture is the demands of the people and that herewith presented was born in was to nominate Joe Stiles for Indiana in the year 1855, but was sheriff. The wisdom shown by the raised in Iowa. In 1803 he located 'convention in making this norni- in Eugene, conducting a job print- mg omce tor some years. His 1-rom all parts of the county mfor special talent for police duties was mation is received of bis growing soon recognized and in 1897 he was; appointed cbiet of police, a position j the peuple to elect Mr Stiles. No he has held a considerable portion one so far has advanced any reason ofthe time since. Resigning the ' why he would not make an excel oflice recently to take an active 1 lent officer. wherever he has been part in the present campaign. tried by the people he has proven His excellent service in detecting himself equal to all demands. Mr. crime and catching criminals, Stiles is a man of good habits, is a brought him forward as the .most suitable person for the office of sheriff and when the republican Convention met in Eugene there was but one thing to do to satisfy BASIS OF PORTLAND'S PROSPERITY, oretonian. Portland bank clearings for the week ending last Saturday were more than $100,000 greater than for any corresponding week in the history of the city. They were $500,000 greater than for the cor responding week in 1902, and nearly $1,000,000 greater than for the second week in May, 1901. This continued breaking of records week after week has been in evi dence for many months, rare, in deed, being the weeks when the totals fall below those for any cor responding period in the past. No more reliable trade barometer can be found than those daily reflec tions of the actual business of a community, and the manner in which the figures continue 10 In crease is stronger evidence of the DrosDeritv of the citv and adiaeent territory than cau be successfully ombated by the combined efforts of all the croakers and knockers within the city limits. OVERCOATS at EAKIN & BRIST0W " FOR SHERIFF. Pertaining lo Sheriff's Office nation is being verified each day. popularity and the determination of j Woodman of the World, a member ofthe I. O. O. F., also ofthe Re- bekah Lodge. Mr Stiles is worthy ofthe vote and hearty support of every republican in the county. ' FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE Perhaps no man in the Second Judicial District is better qualified I to fill the position of Circuit Judge than Hon E O Potter, the republi can nominee for that important po sition. Judge Potter is a man of years and discretion, a graduate of the State University, a lawyer of marked ability a nd large experience, honest, studious, sober and indus trious. He should receive as large a majority in every county in the district as any man on the republi can ticket. CITY COUNCIL. The City Council met on Wednes day night to consider sewerage matters. Surveyor Collier was present and presented a partial re port. It is expected the plans anil 1 specifications will be ready for definite action at the meeting to be held next Thursday night. Lee We tin ore of Wlldwood was n, visitor to the city Inst Saturday. Our Big Sale 9 UNDERWEHR GLOVES