KtiMincHH CartlH. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakbr. Repairing t raaaenaMe cnarfti. All work iturmtlfJ flrat-clate. Vf aUkaa.Cloeka anil Jeelrr at UwmI rrleai COTfAGE GIIOVK, OKK. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, GOTTAOl?, (MOVE, OJIE. J. E. YOUNG Altorncy-at-Law Offlce on Main UMt, Vt d COTTAGK GROVK, ORB. J. S. Medley. .1 . C. .1 ohneon 'Medley j- Johnson, JAttornoy-nt-lnw Office Suite it Hank lllilg. Spcclnl attention clven to Mining nml Corporation Liiw. L.T. Hartlt. A. C. Woodcock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, dttoriieys-at-Laic Special attention gltcn to tbe law of Minn. KUUEKK, OKK. BARKER & PERMAN PROPRIETORS OF THE EXCHANGE DEALERS IS FINE ; WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Uftln itrt. Cot1c drove. Ore. FIRE. Don't neglect that house, but call nt the oxptvBs omee nml have Tom 1 Awlirej write you up n policy In eitncr tne -l.tnn insurance 1,0. or the. Oregon Fin? Relief Association d McMinnvllle, Oregon. eot-3 HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Come nt once anil hnve your holi day photos taken In time to Bend to friends for Christmas. Do not wait till the last moment. W. F. SnAXArEi-T. Gallery on West Side, opposite Masonic Hall. The First National Bank1. CoTTAGK GROVK, OrK. Paid J j Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available anv place n theUnited States niBITEiII, Prealdest, T. C Waian, Caihler. REHDY MKDE Griffin & The London General Merchandise Store wish to announce to the buying public that they now lmvo u very complete Htock of Oencrnl Merchandise which they Intend belling at leaHt 20 percent below all competition. We purchuMj our goods In largo quantities through KtiHtern Drummerd, pny cash for all we buy, have no high rcutu, no insurance rates to puy, and consequently can sell very cheaj). Think of CLAY Worsted Suits. At $7.50 High Oratle Goods and other lines of Jtendy Mnde Clothing of Neatest up-to-date style at prices that will surprise you M. D. Wells Shoes Our lino of M. I). Wells Shoes aro the best wearer ou the market and at prices that cannot bo equalled. Try our Itoast Coffees, tho best flavor nud will please you. SUTHERLAND & GEER, London. Oregon. Lodge Directory. A. F. and A. M. Cottage Grove No. 51. 1st aud 3rd Saturday. Oliver Veatch, V. Meets M. I. O. O. F. Cottage Grove No. 68. Meets every Saturday night. Geo. Comer, V . Sccty. w. o. w. Bohemia Camp No. 260. Meets every Saturday night. C. II. Van Denburg. Clerk. M. W. of A. Cottage Grove Camp No. 6434. Meets first aud second Tuesday nights. C. V. Wallace, Clerk. F. of A. Court Bohemia Mo. 33. Meets every Kriday night. S. E. Lauder, Sccty. Women of Woodcraft. St. Valentine Circle. Meets 1 st and 3rd Tuesdays. Mrs. C.J. Miller, Clerk. Royal Neighbors. Hmrua Colburn Camp. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday Ethel Bisby, Clerk. K of P Tuventus Lodce No. 4S. Meets every Wednesday night. Dr. Georce Wall K. of R. S G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets 2nd and 4th Saturday. H. C. Dutton, Adjutant. K. O.T. M. Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets Thursday nights. Prof. A. L. Briggs. Secty. L L Hive No 48 Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday Minnie Underwood R. K. MBA Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays. S. E. Lauder, Secty. Order Eastern Star Cottage Grove Chapter No 4 Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays Celia Lurch, Secty. THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Is always a dxidrnhle one, but of equal Importance le the power of retaining this quality so as not to require too frequent sharpen ing, lly making your purchases of the Orillln & Veatch Co. you always receive your money's worth In the liest quality of tool and cutlery ol protierly tetniiered steel that Is sure to hold nn edge. Veatch Go. CLOTHING 1 to $9.00 A SUUKTIIINU. It I Ktil that nothing It smo except dentli a tnl taxe. lint thhl is not ftlto- gctlicr true. I)r HIiik a New Discovery lor Consumption la n atneciiro for nil lime mid throat tr mlilc. ThoiiNinda can teallfv lo Hint. Mrs C H Van Me tro o( ShcphcrdtoAii, n , anya "I Inula Fttereraacof llronehltts ami lor ft year tried everything I heard of, but cot 110 lelief. One bottle o( Dr. KtiiR'a Son Dlacovery then cured 1110 nbso- lutely." It'a lufiillililo for Croup. Wlioontne Couch, drip, Pneumonia nml Codiuiiipllon. Trv It. lt.ti gtinrnntccd by Moroni & llrehnut Drnist. Trial botllea Iree. Ilea, aitea wc, f i.w. Snlnr In Tana. The hog tntervats are KOlnK forward atcatllly throucliout Texas, rtrowlnc crops will be foil to hogs by the grni InR process this senaon. llavlnc clear ly In mtnil a auecesaloii of these crops the farmer aoes bis way to n cheap fnt hoc. This also largely Insures npilnat illsonso. Take RrowliiR isralns niut alfalfa for early sprliic priutns. followed by sorghum, rape, eowpena niut peanuts. Hero Is pork mnkttii: fecit that lends right up to the corn crib. Feed a little grain all along, nml the larger fellows are renily for the market at any time the price Is right. Summer prices of pork are usually best. Farm ntul ltanch. AN Ol'KN LKTTK.ll. From the t'hapin, S 0, News: F.nrly in tin curing inv wife ami 1 were taken with diarrhoea ami so severe wero the pains that we railed a physician ho iirvjcribed for lis, but Ills medicines tailed to give uiiv relief. A friend who hid a bottle of Chiiniberliiin'i! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keiuedy on hand gave each jf w a dose nml wu nt once felt the elleets 1 procured 1 boltlo nud before using tl e entire eon tents we were entirely cured. It is tx wonderful reinedv and should bo found in cverv household. II C Ilailey, F.di tor. This remedy is. for aale by New Era Drug Store. Tltr lltilui.lr il ( ll:iilt.-;. When 11 stii-l.' iiinhnlr 111 .nti'iii- nun. plant down :u Maine. Willi tuil.diu .- equal to 11 good si.:iil village, ciiuippro with the most perfect of up to dud machinery and employing nearly 3.tmO skilled men and women In the manu facture of more thau a score of differ ent fabrics, absorbing over "O.per cent of the 2,000,000 lounils of American prown mohair, U compelled to Import around 500,000 pounds of Turkish hnli to keep Its machinery In motion ami fill pressing orders for Its goods, Is no time for croaking over the "collapse" of the Angora and mohair Industry In the United States. American Sheep ltremt- 11F.IUIINF.. Will overcome indigestion and dy spepsia; regulate the bowels and cure liver mid kidney complaints. It it- the best bluod clincher and invigorntor in the world. It is puiely vegetable, per fectly harmless, and should you be a Mitl'erer from disease, you ill use it if you are wise. H N Amlicws. Editor and Mgr Cocoa and Uoekledge News, Cocoa, Fin, writes : "I have used your Herbine in my fainilv, und tind it a most excellent medidine. Its elfects upon myself have been n marked benefit. I recommend it unhesitatingly." 6O0. New Era Drug store. Spanlsh Maltese Gouts. The Spanish Maltese goats nre very hardy and prollUe and are conldercd the most perfectly henlthy of tlomcstl animals, says American Agriculturist. As brush destroyers they are ipial to the Angoras, some considering them .iinon. luMviifcfi thnv nrp l.'irmT (Hid stronger. While there Is no established ' system of registration, great t-aro li overlooked is that the mining in constantly exercised to keep the breed terests are a splendid second on the up to a high standard of .perfection. 1 list of the country's greatest in The goats are especially valuable for tiustries might continue and would their milk. Apart rrom its tneuicina con,:nue t0 exist but without the qualities it !".' for coffee and . jdussry they would retro gives satisfaction for table use, while, . ' f. , . , . a few drops In n cup of tea nre equal to a tenspoonful of cream. ! J WHOOPING COL'iiH. "In the spring of 1001 mv children 1 hud uhoopini! cough," taoa .Mrs I) W I Ca utia of Caiips, Ala. "I used Chauilicr lain s Cough Hemedy with the most satiefactory results. I think this is the beet remedy I have ever eeen for whoop ing cough." This remedy keeps the I. la l..., ,1,., c.,,..ll.- ..,.1 frequency of the coughing spells und counteracts any tendency townrd pneti- i moniu. Kor Halo bv New Kra Drug Store. i Don't Overwork the lluraes. A practical horseman says: "It never pays to overwork the horse. One may be able to do n little more work for that day, but Is com pelled to do less afterward. If a horse Is ovenvorked one day ho Is liable to feel the effects of It throughout the remainder of his days. The same wuy with a man. It Is Just as great evil to work more than wo can stand as It Is to be idle. I will not overwork my horses Just so I may be uble to uny 1 that I did more In'a day than J neighbors did. I make my horses do ; whut they can and let my neighbors . do what they want to." GROWING ACHES AND PAINS. Mrs Josie Sumner, liretnond, Texas writes. Annul 15, 1002: "I have uset! Milliard's Snow Liniment in my family , - r i.i . ... ...!.. It iur inreu yours, i wouiu nui ou wuilfllll it iii my family for three years. I would not be without it in the house. 1 have used it on my little girl for growing iiuins and aches in her knees Itcured her right awuv. I have also useil It for frost bitten feet, with good success, itls the nest ltniinent I ever used.' " 25c, 60c, f 1.00. Now Kra Drug Store. l-'or Garden and Trurk. Formula of Director lteddlng of Georgia: Acid phosphate (II per cent). 1.UU0 pounds; cotton men (2Vj:T:l'iil. l,r00 pounds; murlutu of potush (jOpcr cent), 250 pounds; or knlnlt (Wj per cent), 1,000 pounds; total, 2,T.'0 pounds; to bo applied broadcast a week or two before planting. KXl'OSUKK To cold draughts of air, to keen and cutting winds, sudden changes of tern pcrnture, scahty clothing, undve ex posure) of the throat and neck after pub lie speaking and singing, bring on coughs and colds. Aallard u Horehound Syrup Ib the beat cure. Mrs A Ilarr, Houston, Texas, writes, Jan 31, 1902: "One bottle ofliallard'i Horehound Syrup cured mo of a very bad cough. It Is very pleasant to take." IT IS A HATTER OF HEALTH HI tfVKIff1 POWDER Absolutely Para werejs.no svEsniirTE PESSIMISTS AND FAKIRS There ate two obstructionists who stand eternally in the gateway ol propter, the Mining nud Kugiuccritig Review. They nre found in every industry and the mining business is not exempt from their evil tulluettccs. The pessi mist and his twin inothcr, the fakir, though diametrically opposed to each other's methods, mintage to accomplish the same results, by destroying confidence and casting n gloom over nuy industry which is unfortunately cursed by their ma lign presence. We have gtven licretolore so many definitions of a fakir that the public have a very clear idea as to what constitutes one. It is poS' sible to expose and pillory a fakir; lo rentier Ins illegitimate business unprofitable and to destroy hi power for evil. Hut to deal with the pessimist is more difficult. His insinuations aud insidious methods are hidden often bv a business-like exterior. He can be generally de bribed as self-opionutcd ass who is ready at all times to give ti report ou soinethinc of which he knows nothing Ami his report is always a damaging one. He enters into a discussion ou the mining industry, for instance. He may never have seen a mine, but that makes no difference to him. He believes (somebody told him, he never thinks) that the min ing business is a gamble; that everyone interested in it arc either thieveis or gamblers, and he de nounces the whole industry, and, like the snake in the grass, the neater home he can strike the bet ter he likes it. There is still another objection able character mixed up very well known to all men who keep in close touch with our mining inter ests The American Mining Con gress, through its secretary, Mr Irwin Mahon, could ttll nil of us much ou this subject that would be interesting. The.Aincricau Mining Congress is making a good fight for a better and fuller appreciation by our business meu--riilvay and others of these things. Our agri cultural interests are of vast tuag- nitude, but a fact that must not be K'". " " " tr i V commerce would resolve itself back to the days of barter; a pair ol shoes for a coat and n horse for a lot- Angeles Mining Review. NOTICK KOK PUIII.1CATION. I United States Land Office. Hoeeburg, Ore., May 3nl. 1001. I Notice is hereby given that in com pliance u itli the provisions of the act of Comtrecs of June i 3, Ih.H, entitleil 'An et ,or 'J'" "' ! tiiulicr lands in the btates of Uhhirnia,()regon, Nevada ami W ushingtoii Territory, ns extended to aiune riiniic iinn mates ny uei ot au- guet 4. 1802. KATIK KPKItKIt of Cottage Grove, Coot Lane, 'Statu of Ore,, has this day Hied in this olHcu her sworn statement No. fllLM, for the pur chase of the S'' SW kf.SWl. SIC ti of Sec I'.' in Tn H, K 4 W, mid will om.r ,roo to low that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricliiturnl purposes, unit to cutablieli her claim to said land before J- J- Walton, V. S. Commissioner at K"Bem-, Oregon, on the lCth day of "-'T Iw 'Tcottiigo Grove, 0re Vf9 Nowell, A II Nowell ot Amis. Ore.. Georire. Kderer of Cottage Grove. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tne nimve-uescriueu minis aro re quested to file their claims in this offico on or oeioresaiu nun nuy oi Jtny, iuui. J. T. IlttiDOKH. itegister. CURKI) MY MOTH Kit OF KUKUMA TISM "My mother has been a sufferer for in any years with rlieumiitism says W II Howard ol Husband, Pa. "At times she wns iinnblu to move at all , while ut all times walking wits nainftil. I tiru rented Iter with a bottlo of Chamber lain's l'ain Hullo und alter a lew appli cations she tlecided It wns the most wonderful pain reliever slio nail over tried, in fact, sho is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of I'uin Ilulm keens awav the iinln that sho was for merly troubled with." For salo by New r.ra Drug store. I6K WISE At $1, a year No Investor can afford to lie without the Journal for Investors Any one of lta fc-aturea la alone worth (lie price of autacrliitlon. ItwlllfcAve you liuudroda of dollara every jear. lta etiaractor liaa never been Impugned. JOURNAL FOR INVBSTORS CO. Koom 0, Chamber of Commerce, lloston, Addreta lettcri to 1', O. Ilox 2517, 1 FEMALE WEAKNESS roKTUHn. Mai trv, (Ki IT, 1 fvt, I Mtnifilcr Win of ranlul unsrlar an j uwiur mvniein 1 T?r upth anil t know hrof 1 i'kk. I iuf ftrJ for nlna tnonlhi wlln ri'ttnl ravniftrufctlon which nmiiilMelr frot trtM m. ISiloi wonKlahixtttnmngh tii? back ml At ftiul I woulil hat b.lntllitf hiUohi, My llntba would wU utt anil I would o wak I oould not tan J up, I natural! fH tlliovurKl tor I mM lo b tyonJ I ha hrlp of iihilclani. but Vtn ot Oantul camaaaa UHlaam1 Ui ma. I tali a chart for tn batter within a waak, Aflar ntnataan daja Iraatmant I muitniaUit without autfiinf tha ifttnlfi I muallriUtl ami aoon baoama ragular ami without pain, Wlna of Cantul ( almiily wonjtful antl I wlah that all autrarlng woman kaaw of It good quallttaa, mim a 0i Tnaaurar, Portland Boonomlo Laacu I'rrlcxlicnl hradarliri tell of fc inula wcAkneaa. Wine of C&rdui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty ease of Irregular inenara, bearing down palm or any female. wcakncM. If you v discouraged ami doctor hate failed, Hint it the best reason In the world you aliould try Wine of Cardiil now. llemeinber that htwlaclira menn female weakness.. Secure n l 00 bottle, of Wine of Cardul today In his "Itossettl Piipera" William lto.tseltl says that when Shelley was staying In the villa of the lilsboruo n most droll Incident occurred. It up pours that his servnnts, tJlusepi nml Annimxlutn. who were mini und wife, lunrrolml, and Shelley, hearing llltl epM nbuslng his wife very mivngely und also III using her, rushed upon him tvlth a pistol, shouting: "I'll shoot you! I'll shoot your The startled fellow run for his very life, Shelley after him, till the servant, wining to a shrub iK-ry of laurels, managed to slip under them, Shelley, In his eagerness, darting past him. The servant III n few lulu utes found It possible to dodge back Into the house uniiereclvcd. Shelley seeing him no more, nt lust went back to the house, where, to his unutterable surprise, be found Cluseppe nud An uiiiizlutti sitting together In the mosi nmtenble manner, addressing eneh oth er its "euro" nntl "curlsslinn." "lint were you not quarreling even nnw v exelnlineil the iierploxed poet "yin rellng?" gaspeil (lluseppo In ntini-.-inent. "No, slgnor, we never .pmnel wl." "Hut 1 have been running nfi. you In onler to shtsit yon " S" gnor. you never ran nf ter me. fur I l. been sitting hen- for the lust In.ur r more. You must have fancied nil tins Ami (ltlsepK- and Antiiiuzluta. tm hntl Iwtli been ctmsldenibly frlgliti-n.il continuing to fissure lilm Hint iln-j li.id hull no qunrrel. nml Mury Sln-ltry whom they hntl let Into the secret, say lug the same, Shelley wns nt Inst utter ly mystified nud Inclined himself to be lieve that he must have fnnclcd It. A !TAltTI.IXG TKST. I'u save a life Dr T i Merrilt. ot No. Mehoopauy, Pa . made a startling test ifsultiug in n wonderful cure. He uriirs, "a patient una attacked twin violent heinori hnges, cuiiscil by ulcer ation ol the stiinijch, 1 Ituil olleii lniiliil Klcctrie lliiteis excellent (or iii-u t stotimcli ii fitl liver truiiblus so I jire seribed thcni . Tin pain lit gained hum Ihi-lirsl, and has not had all attack ill 1 1 n. i n'lis." Klectriu Hitters ure iiosl lively gtiar.iiitc'd for yspepsin. Indi gestion, otirtip.itioii und Kiudev iroubles.- Try them. Only 60c nt Mor gan A Urobilin. CLIMATIC CUIIKS. Thu inltiieuee ol climatic conditions in the cure ol consumption is very much oveidiuuu. The poor patient, and tho rich patient, too, can do much better nt home by proper attention to foisl diges tion, nml u rcL'iilar use of German Syrnii. I'nti exiiectoiutioii in the morning is minlo certain by German Syrup, m is u good night's rest mid the ulwuuco ol that weakening cotigu nun debilitating night sneuts. Kestless niL'lits mid the cxliiiustion dun to eo L'hiitL'. the urentest dunger nml drcud of tliecoiiHiimiitive, can bo prevented or stotiiied bv tukiin Germnn Bvriiii liber iillyund regularly. Shoiiltl you bo able to go ton wanner clime, you will Hntl that of tho thousands of consumptives there, the few who lire benefitted unJ regain strength lire those whouso Ger man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular size. 75c. At nil druggists. Giirmnn & Hemenwnv Co. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States LaudOIIlce, KoHcburg, Ore., March lutti, 1001. Notice is lieroliv uiven thnt incomtili unco with tho provisions of the Act ol Coneresifof Juno ;J. 1H7S. entitleil "An uet for thu stile of timber lamia in the States of Callforulu, Oregon, Nevada and WashingtonTerriloiy,'' asextunded to all tho Publfc Liiiul States by net ot August 4, 1802, . WILLIAM HORN, of Hnginnw, County of Lime, Statu of Oregon, has this duy filed in this ollleo Ins sworn statement Nn. tW'JU for tho pmchaso of tho NK tj of NK Yt of Section No. 22, Twp. 21 South, of Rango !l West and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its limber or stonu tlinn for agricultural purposes, nml to ostnlillsh his claim to salt! laud before tho Register and Receiver of this office at Itoseliurg, Oregon on Thursduy the 0th duy of June, lOOt Hoiiiimes as witnesses: U. M. Lambert, Kdgnr King, Kmery fiiislar, William II . Chumplon, of Cot tugoGrovu, Oregon, Any und all persons clniinlngntlversely the nliovu described lunds nru requested In lllu their uliiims In this office ou or before said 0th duy of June, 1001. J. T, IlmnuKS, Register. NOTICK OK FINAL SKTTLEMKNT Nntlre Islieretjv irlvon that the uiideralitned Kdinlnlitmtorof llio entate of pana II, Cullou deceaaed, haa Hied In the County Court ol thn Stato of Orexmi for Lane County Ida II mil account aa admlnlatrator ol aald o.luto anil that Saturday tho 7th day of May I'jul at the hour of 8 o'clock )i. m., of aald day haa been nxml liv aalil court for liearlmr nblcctlona to aald account and tbe tuttlcment thereof. K. C. (JUNN, Admlnlatrator of the caluta of Pana II. Oolton deceaied. WbJa0 OREGON SHOItfr LINE amd union Pacific Three Trains To The East Dally. Through I'ulliiian standard nud tour ist sleeping cam dally to Onialni, Chi cago. Spokane , tourist sleeping cam dallv to KnnsiiH City . through Pullman tourist sleep lig cars (persnnallv con ducted! eekly toChlfiigo, KiiusiihCIIv . reelining I'halreuiM (seats free) to the Knst dully. Mourns l01I.AMTOCMICA(H) Nn rtiange ol oari- Dki-aiit rim Chicago-' Portlnml i Special 0 : inn. Iii.i Vlllllllllt- iiiglini. Atlantic l-'xpress 8 II) p in. viulluiil- iiigton. St. Paul 1 art Mail TlMK Sl'IIKIllH.ks (nun Portland Salt Uike, Denver, Kt. Worth. Omaha, Alilitvr I HUM ,' :.'.' p.m. Knnsas City, HI. liiiis.Chleugo nml Kast. Sad Uike. Denver, I t. Worth. Oinaliu. Kansas City, St. i.ouis, Chicago itlitl Walla Wiilln, l.e islnii , SH)kane, Wullace, I'ullniaii, Minnciipolls , St. Paul, Dulutli, Mil wunkee, Chicago A Kurt. UiOOn.tn S lH)n. in. T 1.1..iii. via 1 Siiknne. I I OMAN t'... u.... L'i,ipl..iwl!virv live daVS nt S:0t p. iii. Vat Ahturla, way points and Nurlli lleach Paliv (except .-mi-day) at S .IH) p. in. ; salnidny ut 10 (XI p. in. Dally aervice mater permitting) on Wiilaiiielte and Ynu hill ltivers. For fuller Information nek or write your iienret ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG. trial PuMeiiger Agent. Tlifll egnii Hiiilrond A N.iviignlloli Co. Portland, Oleg"" ASK TIIK AtiKS'l rlt VIA lO- .S;io.(i)ic, .S'f. I'liul, MiiuietuU, IhihUli, fVilrnjo, ,Nf .(ills AND AM. I'OINTS KAST AND Sol'TIt 0 Overland Trilns Dally The Fiver ') ; j d And The Fast Mill Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight Trip across tha Cascade and flocky Mountains. For Tickets, Hates, Folders ini'l Full Information, Call on or address, II. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S.ti. YL'ltKF.S., G. W. P. A. U FlritArent.e. -raitlr Uaih. 0. & S. I! R II Time Table No, 2 To Take rilfcel on Apr. 2ml, I! Kait HoiiiiiI 3 ami IHatmily. W llollllit I ami 2 pally Kx KoS Nol ci'pt Hiiiiilny. No a Nn r.M.-A.M. Mia HTTIONH. I' M A M 2:.tl 7:30 0 Cotlii (Iriivu II lo 1.1 7M TM :l . Walilell 10 I'JI t, m 7:&'i A Curtln, in tl VJ '.';.VJ TTO iu ...X'vrni lliinlu 10 :is, I u 3:01 HM 7 7 Halter 10 a I I 17 n:ll sill S3. . Iinrena . I11..H11 I 11 .1:17 S:I7 OS Ill-it Ruck III '.Mi 4 I'l ,1:.'I0 B:2il 111 II (I avel 1'lt III '.ill I '11 8.3A H:M IIS . Htear . ! moll I -Jil :i:iW H:lo 12 Htar iiih 1 ill .1:11 :. II s Itnrky roliil . tl 11 1 1 Vi a:M VM Id WlldwiHut .1 I) :m t li Hubjerl to plianKtwltlimit notice. Alloutuarit fri'lulit forvtarilcil iinlyTst !tho Joint risk of aliljiier anlcuunlKiii'e. r rt'iaiii win nn, imj icrvivuu n, ,ue ,1 ,v n K. It. It. Ilctxit alter fiao ri. 111. 1 Ininrfi joruariilnic 011 next train frelitht utiiat isj ieiivuii-ii 111 niuiiiu lime ,u iiL-rim, ut 1 1 LelnuLlllcil. A. u. woou, ActniR tlcn fllgr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO ITCH. iillco u lioreliv li-lvotl tl, nil vi'liiuii It iiiu.v concern tlutt tliu iiuticrHlKUt'd, liiiH bv order of thu Jlonomhlu County Court ol tho Ktiitv ol Oregon, for 1110 t.Dtiniy 01 J.uuo uecn duly up. pointed uilmliilHtmtor of tho eHtiitu ot Ouorcii Kruderlck (litle. deceiiHctl. null that nil perHOim hiivlnt: clulnm ii(,ruliiHtHiiltIcHtiitouroreiiilreil to pro Hunt tho HiiniH duly vertllled with thu proper voucherH to tho iiiiilurHhrned, nt Ida ichIiIciici) In mild County, which iHUtColtiiKoOrovo within Hlxinoiitlm from tho ditto of IIiIh notice. Dated, February fitli 1001. W. I' HllANAI'lllr, AiliiilnlNtrator. .1. O. Joiinhon, Attonier for AdmlulHlrator. M. 12. .IlltlkliiM cantuko vour ordor for tho celebrated hoIIiI AtiHtriillnn Hllverwaro and hIho lor Mm, John A. Lounn'H pontilitr now book. "Th rt v noiiou run piuilication. I'nlteil Hlules l.iind Ollhe. Hosebnrg, Oregon, IVb. 10. IWH Notice Is hereby given that In nun lillulice with tlie pVovlslons ol Ilio iU't ol t'ongressol June II, IH7H, entil ed "An net hir the sale nt timber hinds In the Htnles ol Ciillliniilii, Oregon, Nevada, nud Wellington Toirllnry," its extended to nil the I'lllilli! I.iilnl Minrs ny m i "i August I, SO'.', ' m s. mai: w. Thompson ol t'otliige lliove, Co. o( Liine, Ktiile ol (lie., lias Ibis day tiled in (Ills oltti'o her swoiiislulenient NnMlSSfiirlhu pnichnsu ol the Si: ; ol Seellon No i!H tp'JI South, ol Range 4 W, iindwllioiinr pionl to slum tniit ine iiinn sotignt in mote, valuable lor lis timber or stiiim than lor agi ictiituiai pin poses, w establish her claim to said land bt'liiro C. K. Ilasiiiil, 1'. . I oininisnioner at bis olllee at H111I11. Oiegon, on Wrilnesday the IHib day nl May, ll'OI. She nntiies us Hlluesses. Ilerls'tt O. Tluunptn I ( ollago Gnive, Oie. , Willlnln sheehy.ul 1 1 rlson. lilahii. .latni's N. Jones, Jbihim Wliitiunl, ol Collage Urore, Oregon. Any iindnllpi'isiiiiM elaiinlng adverse. I v iilMive-descilbeil lands are te- ..I. ..I lit III, 1 lln.lr elullila III this ollll'tl on 01 Iii fine said lHlh day ol May, IW)I. .1. I , lllilliiii s. Illginier. so nru roit piuilication. United Slates Uml olflre, ItUDeburg, Ore., Feb. 27, 1001. Nntlruln heiebv glien that Incom pliance, with the pioviaions ol the net (it Congress ol June .'I. I878, enlllhil "An Act (or the sale nl Tl'nber Lauds in tho Stales of Culllornln. Oregon, Nevada, nml Washington Tenitory," n extended to nil the Public Lund Males by net ol August -I, IM2. I.I.OYIl F. Mil.l.lllH.I.FN. ol Stnrr, Co, ol line. Mate ol Oiegon has thl duv lllisl tn tl.tsiill'i.e his sworn taleiuelit S'i. 'i'.WI . fin the imii'liiiso of the lus 12, III, 1-1 .V I.W fee No. 20, Tnuiisliip 21 Suulli, "I lliiiige 1 West und will ell 'r p tH.I In si. on llntt thn land soitglit 'i tuu'e nliiahli' (or its tliiilcr or at :. than nr iigticilltuiill piirjiiwe' diu crluhliali Ilia claim to said limit beli'ieJ J Walton, t'. S. I'mii inlsslonerul Kugene, Ore., on SutnnUy the 7th day ol Mm, ItHll. lie tinnier nt Hlliirm's: Win. II. Mlllbiilleii.dl Portland, Oie., J. W. II0111 k, J. II. Stewart, Tlioiiian Mnner, ol Uottngu tirmc, Unr Co , Ore. Anv nud all pciun claiming ad versely the nUne-descrilasI land urn renueiled to lite their claim, in this office 1111 or before snld 7th day nl May, UK) I. J.T. IIridois. Ilrgister. I Eugene Planing Mill I Muuufiictiiiern nf , Sash, Doors, Moulding, Rustic and I Gemral Mill Work. Turning nud Stair luill'llng 11 Hpirl nlt.i. A1! irders h III nrclic prnuipt nt t.-lit Ion. Slltlsflll tlllll gllilinlllM'il. Csllinnlc Cheerfully I'lirnlslird V.ldress. Ill twiwrence St, lU'UF.Ni:. ulli; Cream Vermifuge INE GtimXIEtD WORM II L III L U I THE CHILDflEN'S rAVOIIITE TONIC aiwanc or iMit afiona. TNK OINUISI SSir'SD ONtT Gnllard-Snow Liniment Co, BT. LOUIS MO 00 YEAITO' EXPERIENCE Trade MAnns DctiaNS CorvniaHT Ac Anrnn nrtlng a thrlrh nd dtrrlHtnn may qulfhir irriiii nur iiiiiion fr wfmthrr n UiTixillnri U ir t'llr i(iiiitU mmuiilrv llonaatrlrllrr umiriiiui. HANDBOOK " rifiu ent f rrn. iMlt (fnrr Jur n urii'ir iaii.i. rl ()( Ukrii llirourih Munia A Co. rrtT tprUt ntvfif, without cltargo. In Ihm Scientific iitttcricniK A hantlaomtlr lltutirRiM wklr. .arMt fir cuUtlun of anf rlwtitlfln lountkl. 1ern,93ll MUNN&Co'0,B'4'''NevvYork Ilranch orric, S V Ht, W,hluiilun, I). O. er 1 lour mo mm, u roia uj ui nwnjr. STYLISH SHOES .STYLISH PEOHI WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY JUtlnguUKi the SCHUBERT SHOE FOR WOMESI I SoldJ)(Levdin(j UcMcrs' $35? . At mo Mn s DUCHirTM-tWOHlI n ur a cTun id" BY COTZIAN'tVCO? ST. PAUL.' Nothing has ever counllctl it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery rorr.,1 V MNatlHl'TlltN 1 JiaiH una Fflra 50c 4 11.00 A Perfect For All Throat anil Cure j Lung Trouhlcs. Monty back If It fall. Trial Uottlaa free. - 1 M 1 X. mmumm WMMMMm 25c, 60c, $1.00. New lira Drug Store. Yearn In WfiHhlntrton, 1), c." tl