Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 13, 1904, Image 7

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    Spring Medicine
I Tlioro Is no other season when Rood
, mnllclno 1 to much uoodotl u lu th
i Tho blood la Impuro, vrcalc unit
lniiovorli)icil 1 condition Indlcntcil
liy iIinplc anil otliur oi-tiptlonn on tlio
foco nnd body, by deficient vitality,
Ions of nppotlto, lock of atroiigtli, and
want of nnlmatloii,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Maka tlio liloml pure, vigorous nnd
rich, crcato Ljipctlto, irlvo vitality,
slmiUi mid animation, and euro
nil eruption', llavo tlio wliolu family
ucglii to tuku Ilium today.
"llood'a Haraapsrllla liai hcen n irl In
oar family fur aoine time, ami always nllti
good rraults. I.nst aprlng I wai all run
down nnil got a liottle of It, and as luiial
received treat benefit." Mm IUuLia
tlorci, Hlowe, VI.
Hood'o Onrinpnrllln promlaot to
euro nnu koob tho uromiio.
Nnumt l'aalilimatiln I'd,
Htriuign urn (he. pels Hint l,ondi
"fHKlilon" compels lln followera to
keep, mill wirloua nn they are alriingii
A 1WIW f?llllllll IWKullii ll'MM llm vim
II fl'W 1 1 10 II 1 1 1 n buck. A atiecllll I'll mi r
follow. Now It la n lluli ngnln, nnd
inn airniigi'Ml or Mali nt tlint. Tln gold
Hull will Im mi (o limit to lln llllllclft
otherwise It will mint rertnlnly lie
superseded In popularity liy tlio devil
(lull, n mint iiinlnt'lookliiK repIHo, for
which, a lending dealer alnlc. (here
Jul ve Ik'cii Innumerable demands of
'I'll.. rnnl I nf II. I. n.l. I. i, ...
wmw in nun (inn in mriK'U,
nnd owing to lln being aomcwhat rnro
till' roHl of n iIi'vIIIIhIi considerably
higher tlinn that of tlio Roltltlnlt, which
ran nu nonum rr n rew pence, while
tliu price of It" rival viirli'H from live
to ti'ii hIiIIIIiikii. A curious character
istic of tliu dcvliriali In Hint It almost
Inviirlnlily remain nt tlio liottom ot
tin liowl or lank, ninl It Is moat iiiiiihuiiI
to ai'O It swimming nliout. Knllkn Its
golden scaled relation, It does not do
main! n frequent change of water In
lln home, tint will llvo qullti well In
tlio same water for weeks tot-ollicr.
wlillo ttn tnato In tlio mutter of food
la not tuird to please, for i devilfish
liken nothing better than n very small
worm. As n general rule I.undou dcnl
cm sell t hi-iia Hsu by palm. London
Dally Hull.
Ucalnraa Cannot lie Cured
tir local ailIU-allolia aa I liar raritint irh llm
diareaetl urllll ol Itie oar. Hieto laullljr one
war iu cilia urailirii, tnu mat II oy ciiliatllu
tltmal relntMllea. lieatnraa la rauartl ha an In.
t!attu-l Ciilittllliiti ot ihe liinroua lining of tlio
r.uaiaruian iui nrli una llll la inllatne.l
you hav-a a ruitiMtliit aound or llnlerfert hear
In ar. anil when It la entirely cloieif, Peafnraa la
llm roautt. ami imloia l ho liillemmatlun ran li
taken out anil ttila lutiq lo-titteil ti lla normal
rouillttun, htarlnr will 1m ilratrojetl forever;
liln raaee mil of leu aro caused tir Catarrh,
which la niillilin hut au InllaiiiaJ roDitllluii tit
thiniirnna aurfarra.
Wewlllalvo tnifl HtimlrM Ilnllara fnr anr
rata ot Uralnraalrauinl lir ralairhl thai ran
lint iH-rnml hjr Uatl'a i aiarih Cure, bonil fur
clrculara, frro.
r t. rnr.NKV a co., ToIcJo, o.
fVil.t l,T KruaCBlala. IV.
llall'a Kamllr 1111a ata tlio Wat
A OiMiit Htorj.
When Itepreaeiitntlvc llorrla Hliep
pnrd, of Tenia, wna nuiiiliiuted fur
ConKri'aa aa the aiieceanor of Ilia fa
ther, ho waa but "7 ycara old, nnd Ilia
opponent loat no opportunity to mnko
rupltnl of hi youth. In Joint delmte,
ouu liny, ono ot Khrppard'a oppoiK-nta
proceeded Komethlni: llko tills:
"Why." ho aald, "It la rldlculoua to
think of nemlliik- n mero Iwy, to Con
creaa. It la a tlmo nud place whero
wn need iiialiiro men with lualiiro
mind. It n-niluda tnc of the old dar
key who thniiKht the end of tlio world
waa nt hnnd nnd who sot down on Ida
kneca to prny.
" '() I.ord.' bo pleaded, 'come down
nnd nvo thla nluful world. And coma
youraelf. I.ord; don't aend your aon.
Thla ain't no time for boya.' "
Tlio Tnlleat CnllictlrnL
Tlio moat reinnrknblo and striking
fiattiro of the new I.lvcn'ool Cathedral
will be tlio belKbt of the vaultlni; of
tlio navo and eholr menaurrd In tlio
barrel vntiltlun. one biiudred and Nix
teen feet, nnd In tlio IiikIi trnnreita,
one hundred and forty feet which
cannot fall to produce n very mnRiilll
cent effect No cathedral In tlio coun
try approaches Its height. Tlio nearest
la Westminster, the nnvo of which
tins a height of ono hundred nnd two
feot, wlillo York measures nlncty-nlno
fact! Rallahury eighty-four, and Lin
coln elRbty-two. Chester reached only
scvenly clKht. Tlio "whispering gnl
lery" of St Pniil'a Cathedral Is ono
hundred feet from tlio floor.
Not Making a (looil Hurt.
In tlio New Zealand Mcdlcul Journal
appear this story: On walking to tho
icaffold In solemn procession n criminal
onco called to tlio governor of tho
prlaon: "Just obllgo mo, guvnor, by
telling mo the day o' tho week." "Mon
day," answered tho surprised governor.
"Monday," exclaimed tho prisoner In
disgusted tones. "Well, this 'cro's a
fluo wny of beginning a week, ain't
H?" And ho marched on with dissatis
faction Imprinted on every lino of his
This falllnc of your hair!
Stop It, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Aycr's Hair Vigor. The falling-
will stop, tho hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make It rich?
" Mr liir nurtr tit cam out. I thn trM
Ayer' Hair Vigor and on If oua bottla itoijoil
Ui fa II In. Maw lialr cam In real thick an4
itut Illlla curl." "-Mil. U U, ftuiTU,
Uaratoga, H, Y.
i no k bnttif. j. a. A Tin ro..
All 1rii(rif Uta. Iiwalt. Man.
Thick Hair
The Monrylcaa Man,
ta tlirrn no aacrct nine on Ilia fact of
tlio enitli
U'licra clinrll ilwrllotli, wliera virtu
linth lilrth.
Whora liiiaoina In mercy and kludiicaa
will lienve.
And tin poor ami tlio wretched shall atk
and rrcel'7
la Ihera no plnrn nt all where a knock
from the Hour
Will hrlinr n kind anitrl to open the door
Olil acnreli the whla worlil, wherarer yon
There la no upeu dour for a ui'jnejleee
do look In xon hull where (he ehand
ller'a Unlit
Drives tiff with Ita aplemlor the darkneaa
of nlKhti
Where tlio rich hainlna velvet, lu aliad
ony fold,
Hweepa Kraeefnll down with Ita trim
iiilnca of void:
And tho mirrors of allver take up nnd
III limit United Tlalaa the 'wlldtrlnK
do there nt the hniujtiet and And If oil
elcoinlii aiulle for the nioiiejlvsa
do look In yon church of the cloud-reach
Inn noire.
Which ultra hark to the aim bla lame
look of fire.
Where the arches and coluintie are for
ceoiia within.
Ami the wnlla arem aa pure aa a aoul
without alii:
Walk don ii tho long Maleare the rich
and tho ureal.
In the pomp and the pride of their world
lv ratnte:
Walk down In Tour patches and Olid If
you ran,
Who (eni n pew for a tnonerleae man.
(o look to your Judge la Ids dark floivlug
With Ihn acnlea wherein law wclgheth
iiulty downi
Where ha frowns on the weak and smiles
mi the strong,
And piiulahes right while he Justifies
Where Juror a Iholr lips to the Wide -have
To render a verdict thry've alieody
flo there In the court room and And If
von can
Any law for the came of a moneyless
do, look In the lanka, whero Mammon
line told
Ilia hundreds and thouaands ot allver and
Where, aafo from the handa of the atarv-
Ing ami Moor
Idea pile upon pile of tho glittering ore;
Walk up to their countera ah, there
ion mar atar
Till your limbs shall grow old and your
hair ati nil turn gray.
And you'll find at tho bank not one of
the clau
With money to lend to a moneylese man.
Then go to your hovel no raven has fed
The wife lio tin a auncrnl too long lor
her bread:
Kueel dawn by her pallet and kiss tho
death fruit
rrom the Hps of tho angel your poverty
Then turn In your sgony upwsrd to f!od
And hleaa while it smites you tho cbsit-
enlnt- rod:
And you'll find at tho end of your Ilfe'a
little anan
There's a welcome above for a moneyleas
Henry Thompson Stanton.
Many (treat ninl (loml Men Hiiro Used
an Occualnual Outh
According to tho Antl-rrofanlty
League tho aw earing habit la "tho na
tional avll." Undoubtedly tlio use of
profanity Is extremely prevalent! a
person needs merely to keep bU cars
open on tho street to learn this, aays
the Iloaton Trnnserlpt. Hut wlietlier It
Is so general na to Justify ono In term
ing It tho national ovll Is a matter of
opinion. Not nil swearing, moreover.
n wholly Indefensible. There are vari
ous kinds of swearers and It will not
do to lump them In ono class with a
single label, lleshles tho habitual and
commonplaco swearers, whoso profan
ity Is mero redundant anil colorless
verbiage, and tho vulgar and dlfTuso
swearers, whoso oaths aro rank nnd
noisome, ono must recognlzo also as a
distinct category tho discreet and mod
erato swearers who employ an occa
sional oath with lino emphasis and ar
tistic effect.
Many great nnd good men belong to
tho last class. Kven the father of his
country Is said to havo sworn vigor
ously when tho omergency seomed to
rcqulro departure from his customary
rule of unvarnished speoch. This sort
of discriminating profanity Is vastly
different ,from tho causeless and gra
tuitous swearing of linultual and vul
gar oathmongcrs. Indeed, the man
who now and then vents his emotions
In an oath Is rather prcfcrablo to tho
ono who always bottles up his feelings.
howovcr strong the provocation to
break forth. A robust ebullition Is bet
ter than Ingrowing profanity. Sllcnco
may bo as profane as words under cer
tain circumstances. A saying of Jo
seph Chonto occurs to Uie settler In
this connection. A noted prelato was
once playing golf with Mr. Choate, nnd
after foozling a too shot egreglously,
toad looking at tho ball for sovcral
momcnU, After waiting for tho bishop
to say something, Mr. Choato remark
ed: "Bishop, that was tho profuncst sl
lcnco I over heard,"
As for the Antl-Profiintty League,
tho purposo of tho organization ta cer
tainly worthy, but Homohow the settler
cannot develop n high degree of en
thusiasm In such n cause. Ho Is a bit
weary of nntl crusades of nil sorts.
Movements for tho suppression of this
and that nnd what not fall to Interest
htm profoundly. It seems to him that
what Is needed In tho Held of social re
form Is not so much tho suppression
of bad tilings as tho promotion of good
things, Iteformers should concentrate
their energies on positive ami construc
tive work, rather thun purely ucgntlva
nud restrictive undertakings.
if n man Innea nil hla monev he also
manages to !oso nearly all his enemies.
Eating Olcers Upon tlio Systom.
Notlilri( U a smirco of so mtirh IrotiWis n nn old soro or ulcer, par
ticularly when loculcd tipmi tlio lower cxtrrmitlos wlicro tlio circulation
Is wcuk nml nliiKi;inli. A if.111iKrc111.11s fntiiitf ulcer upon tho lef; is a
frlphtful slirjit, ami ns tho poison burrows deeper and deeper into the
tissues lcni'iith nnd the sore continues to Kprcnd, ono enn almost sec the
flesh incllitilt n way nnd feel tho alrrntrlh jroitif; out with tho sick
ciiintr diachuri'ea. Grout running son-a mid deep offensive ulcers often
develop from ii simple boil, swollen jrhmd, bruise or pimple, nnd are
a threatening danger nlwuys, because while nil such sores nrc not can
cerous, n ('teat many nrc, and this should mnlio you suspicious of all
hronic, slow-heulini,' ulcers nnu
votir family. Face sores nro common ana cause me rcntest nnnoy
mice because they nro so Wheeling, W. Vs., May 20, 1003.
persistent and unsightly nomiyaara auowhlUat work.Ifoll over n. truck
nml delract SO much from and aovorely Injured both of my hlns. My blooa
' , i beoaine polaonod ue a roeult, anil the dootor told
one's personal appearance. m0 1 woul,t )iavo running oorea for life, and that
Middle aired and old p". If they eloaod up the roeult would I be fatal. Un
. ,r . i..i, derthlaillaoouraglng report Iloftorf thlr treat
pie and those whose blood m,nt n,t ro,ortod to the use of H. 0. H. Itaeffeota
IS COIltnminalcd and taint- were prompt and gratifying. It took only a short
'.i,i . ,i ,. while for the medlolne to cure uptheriorea, and I
ed With tlio ;crms and pol- am notdoadaslho doctor intimated I would be.
ami of mnlaria or some pre- neither havo tho noree ever broken put again, and
SOU oi iiiniiiriii or auiiiu ,orno la yoarn havo elapeod since what I hare da-
VIOIIS sickness, are the cliicl acribodocourrod. JOHN W PtJNDIB
auffcrera from chronic sores 0are Bchmulbaoh Ilrowlng Oo. ' '
nnd ulcers. While tho
blood remain in an unhealthy polluted condition, nnd the sore will
continue to ((row nnd spread in spile of washes and salves, for the soro
f the outward si((n of some constitutional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system, which local remedies cannot cure. A blood pu
rifier and tonic is what you need something to cleanse the blood,
quicken the circulation and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S.
is just such a remedy. It counteracts and removes from the blood
purely vegetable, blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe nnd
iicrmancnt cure for chronic sores and ulcers. If you have a slow-healing
sore of any kind, external or internal, write in about it, and our
physicians will advise you without charge. Hook on "The Hlood and
Illflli'iilt iloraelmi'k I'ent.
There lire no better horsemen In tht
world than the cavalry olllcors of tho
Italian army, yet even among them
Ihere nro very few who could perform
tho feat recently achieved by ouo of
To run nn ordinary foot race Ii easy
enough, but lu run at full p 'id for
several hundred yards holding In one
hand a spoon on which rests nn egg
and la reach the goal without dropping
the egg Is a feat which must bo prac
ticed carefully a long tlmo before It
can be performed successfully, and as
a remit lliero nro not many who can
ho sure of accomplishing It whenever
they try. (Irent, therefore, was tho
surprise when nn Italian olllecr mount
ed on horsehnek performed tills utllt
cult feat. Morcmcr, ho selccbd n
course lu which there were two or
three high fences, and these he cleared
at full gallop without losing the egg.
A Sure Protection.
Barton, N. Dak., MnyO. Many cases
aro being published ot bow diseases
hnvo been cured umi lives saved by
Pod. 1'tf Kidney Pills, hut there is n
family in this placo who tiso this reme
dy as a protection agalnat tho coming
in ol diseases and with excellent re
Mr. W. A. .Moffet says: "Wo have
no Very rerious Illness or complaint for
we always use Dodd's Kidney 1'ills the
very moment ho feel the least tymptom
ol eicknewi and they soon put us right.
If wo havo n touch ol lamo hack or
think tho kidneys aro not right, ue
tnko a few Dodd's Kidney Tills and the
symptoms lire soon all gone.
"My brother had ilin'ietes and tlie
loctor told him ho could not llvo until
spring. I got some Dodd's Kidney
rills for him nnd nltliougli that was
several years ago, be luis lived through
all the winters and springs since nud is
still living. Dodil's Kidney Tills are
a Monderful medicine."
No ltoom.
Oldwcd Do jou nnd your wife quar
Vaf'.1 Vn wo llro In a flat ninl
there is no room for argument. Mani
toba ! rpo rress.
Oration Blood Purl Hon is
rightly mimed, becnuso it purities the
blood and tones up tho body.
After tho Tips.
"How attentive your waiters aro to
that ostrich," remarked tho Hon to
tlio caslder ot tho Junglo restaurant.
"I never saw monkeys so pollto bo
fore." "Yes," replied the beautiful tigress.
who acted as cashier, "they were read-
Ing In the 'Junglo News' this morning
that ostrich tips aro very valuable."
l'hlludelphla ITcss,
Tlio ICind You lluvo Always Itmifilit 1ms borno tlio sluim
turo of Clms, II. Flotclicr, and lias been jiuulo umlcr lils
iicrsoiinl Hiincrvlsiou l'or over JJO yours. Allow no ono
to tlccclvo you In tills. Countorfolts, Iinltiitlons nnd
,Tust-as-ood" nro btitKxiiorlincnts, nnd eiidnnuer tlio
licultll of CliUdrcn Kxnorloneo nsalnst Kxiiorlmcnt.
Cnstorliv Is a liarmlcss substitute for Castor OH, l'nro.
corlo, Wrops and Hiiotlilntr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains nultlier Oiilitin, roriblno nor oilier Junrcotlo
Kiibstauco. Itsairols its ?"ranteo. It destroys "Vonus
nntl allays Kovcrlsliness. It cures Dlurrbtca and AVlud
Colic. It relieves Tcetlilnfr Troubles, cures Constlimtlou
nud Flatulency. It nsslinllatos tbo Fond, rejiulntes tlio
Slonmeli and JJowels, lvltifr liealtby and iiatural sleep.
Tlio Cblldrcn's ranaccn Tlio Mother's Friend.
Tlie KM You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Use For Over 30 Years.
VHKOCNTaua eoMeaav. VTMUnaavaTacaT. aawvona, oitv.
sorm, particularly n cancer runs in
an IIIO lllipilllliua mm jiwinuiin, uiju iuu-
uolly builds up tho entire system; nnd
when the blood has been purified the
liealin((proccs8 begins nnd the ulcer or
sore is soon entirely (;onc. S. S. S.
contains no mineral or poisonous drugs
of any description, but is guaranteed
Another I'liltlng Out.
KhariM- When Crunker tries to run
up mountains with his automobile he
always tells Ids friend some funny
Whenllon Yes; he told mc some of
those Jokes.
Slmrpe Did yon cad h on to them?
Whealton Oh. I tumbled all right
inafll !.IKTU!YIWI!TUtr.- POWTLANP.O:e,
A Tcrrllilo Discovery.
lie What? You emi t go to the opera
Willi mu tonight? You promised to.
Shi' I kuow, hut it is impossible.
"Ilnl I boo it all! You love another!"
"Oh, no no, indeed."
"Then you have determined to tram
ple on your own heart and marry some
man for his money. Alia! You ahrinkl
You expect him to call this evenlug!
I'erHdlous "
"Tlense, please don't. It Is not so."
"Then nhy don't you go?"
"I I can't get my new coat on over
the slecvca of my new dress."
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Care
HOWARD E. BURTON, Assawr and Ctnalit
tSp'-cimt n prtc , (itild. ilver,, f I . Oold, Ml
tr 7 old tJc Zini nr' op per fl. I'jritnMetrstB.
Mailing nvf'inprii and "iim (irlcllstnentonappUca
tlon uiiro! anil 1 mplr work tollrttfd I.rnd
tlllr, C'olu. JUfereuro Carbonate Nat't Uaulc.
v-vyogy-xLy- U5EIT!
$25.00 PER DAY
(letting- Water.
Oil or Coal with
Miiile In all ilei and
ntyiei. Write for Cata
totcu Ut of users In
Beall & Go.
SIS Commer
cial block.
in limn, puwuiuruiiiin. r
Signaturo of
1 WW w
Tliera Ara Oooil llnrliora In Many of
the lalattila.
Tlie nppenranco of tlio United States
upon tlio lalnnds of the Pacific lias
had, os Is well known, a marked ef
fecst upon tlio plans of rulers and tho
counsels of statosmen throughout tho
world, according to the Ilooklover'a
Magazine. And now, as the reiult of
nn expedition under the direction of
(ho United Htutos government, a g?o
graphical discovery has Just been
modi) In tho l'nclllc, Ilia vnluo of
which both commercially and strate
gically, lu the ultimate contest of the
nations for dominion In those waters,
cannot be overestimated. In the opln
ton of naval experts nothing In tho
explorations of Hie post 100 yean
cjuals It In Importance.
The discovery Is that In the long
chain of Aleutian Islands, stretching
westward from the Alaskan mainland
almost across the raclflc, there Is a
succession of harbors; thst they aro
safe and open throughout tl t year,
that they aro unobstructed by rocks,
nnd that the channel to some of the n
la so deep and commodious that half
a dozen fleets could enter them slmul
In the event of war, should a squad
ron flying the flag of tho United Btatet
atart for Chinese waters, It could stop
every night In a safe anchorage until
It reached Attu Island, nearly 4,l
miles west of I'ugct Sound. Steaming
from that distant Island outpost of the
United States, our men-of-war could,
within a short run, reach the center
of the contested seas of Asia. Tho
ownership of an archipelago reaching
far outward toward Asia, and Indented
with many convenient harbors, la a
national aaset of Incalculable future
Modern Abuaca Follow the Organlza
lion Alone W'eatern Plana.
For a long time the Japanese were
wary of English and American sys
tems of Industry. The people did not
like the Idea of bell hours, but prefer
red working such hours as suited
their own sweet wills.
But slowly the "model factory" was
engrafted upon tbe people, and with It
have grown up tlio evils of long hours
and child alavery. Several "Japs" aro
now In this country studying our In
dustrial systems and the organization
of our labor unions by which the
worklngmen have been able to reduco
the hours of labor and compel tbe
legislature to protect the children.
Tho "model factories" which are be
Ing erected In Japan employ tots of
7 years old, and work twelve, thirteen
nnd fourteen hours. Young boys and
girls are crowded Into Insanitary
boardlng-housca under the worst con
ditions. With their wages of 8 and 10
cents a day the manufacturer Is en
abld to make money. Not only Is tbe
model worklngman'a home missing,
but In the corporation boardlng-housej
tbe operatives are said to be sadly un
derfed. Dut the "Japs" are not the people to
put up with these abuses forever. In
stitutes of social science are being or
ganized and the labor union will soon
be an established fact Cheap labor,
long hours nnd child slavery will be
apt to be short-lived among the
"Yankees of the East" Doston Globe.
Conntrlee that Are Sending Their Snr
plua Population Here.
During recent years tbe character ol
tho immigrants to this country from
Europe has been steadily becoming les.
desirable. Trior to tho year 1880 the
nations of western Europe. Great Brit
ain, Germany and the Scandinavian
countries furnished over 80 per cent
of all our Immigrants, the highest class
that we could bopo for. Hungary, Italy,
Poland and tbe other countries of east
ern Europe furnished less than 1 per
cent. From 1881 to 1S00 tho ratio
changed slightly, but still western Eu
ropeans were greatly In the majority.
From Germany alono we drew 1,500,
000 citizens Inside of ten years.
Lately conditions havo changed.
Eastern Europeans and Asiatics send
us 75 per cent of our Immigrants (so
called Europeans), while western Eu
rope sends us 24 per cent In 1001, for
Instance, Austro-IIungarlons, Slovaks,
Croatlans, Toles and Magyars to the
number of 114,000 camo In, while 130,
000 Italians honored us with their
transfer of "allegiance." In July ol
last year 67.53S people of all nations
Immigrated Into this country.
Little Dlrd la a Fighter.
The English sparrow, noted for Its
pugnacity, has one adversary It fears
to encounter. It has banished nearly
all the native singing birds from their
customary haunts, but has thus far
failed to frighten off the smallest of
them all, the humming bird.
Tho familiar principle of physics
that the striking power of a body In
motion Is equal to Its weight multi
piled by Us velocity Is the secret of
the humming bird's superiority over
the sparrow. The humming bird's
weight Is small, but Its speed Is high,
and Its buzzing haste has genuine ter
ror for Its larger enemy.
The uneasy cries of a sparrow at
tracted the attention of an observer
the other day, who presently discov
ered the sparrow sitting well up In a
pine tree. Just within a foot of the
frightened bird buzzed a humming
bird, Ita misty wings and keen beak
suggesting a tiny aerial ram In flight
nnd bent on puncturing some greater
craft In the air.
The sparrow stood Its ground until
the beak seemed about to pierce Its
breast, and then took flight, with the
angry little humming bird in hot pur
suit. The humming bird soon returned,
apparently having given up the chase,
possibly because It bad driven tho
enemy far enough from the nest.
Worst ot the Klnil.
"That cyclone certainly waa theJ
worst we ever had," said tho first Kan
sas farmer.
"No wonder," said the other. "It
started In Illinois."
"What o' that?"
"Well, you know the old saying: 'It's
nn III. wind that blows nobody good,' "
Philadelphia Catholic Standard and
'Murrlngo Is often tlie outcome ot
possessing a good Income.
Raehael J Kimball, M. D., 334 Vir
ginia St., Buffalo, N. V., is a graduate
of the University ot Buffalo, class 1884,
and lias been in tbe practico of medi
cine in that city since then. She
writes as follows:
"Aly conviction, supported by ex
perience, is that I'cruna Is a valuable
preparation for all catarrhalalfcctlons.
have taken one bottle ol I'eruna my
f elf and ist feel fine. I shall continue
to take It." Kachacl J. Kcmball,
M. I).
I'eruna has cured thousands of cases
of female weakness. As a rule, how
ever, before I'eruna is resorted to sev
eral other remedies have been tried in
vain. A great many of the patients
have taken local treatment, submitted
tnemselves to surgical operations, and
taken all sorts of doctor's stuff, without
aDV result.
The reason of so many failures is the
fact that diseases peculiar to the female
sex are not common
Fen-ale Trouble
Not Recognized
aa Catarrh.
ly recognized as be
ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
aro lined by mucous membranes. Any
mucous membrane is subject to catarrh.
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
same as catarrh of any other organ.
What will cure catarrh of tho head
will also cure catarrh of the pelvic or
gans. Pcruna cures these cases oimply
because it cures the catarrh.
Most of the women afilicted with
pelvic diseases have no idea that their
trouble is due to catarrh. The major-
What Did Sho Want?
Mrs. Newliwcd I want to get some
Dealer Yes, ma'am. How many
Mrs. Newliwcd Oh, goodnessl 1
thought you took the heads off. I Just
want plain chicken salad. Exchange.
TITO Permanently coreo. leofltaornerrousneal
rl Id anerBntdar'BUseorDr.Kllne'aUreatirero
lUstor-r. Hend for Free t3 trlalbottlaandtnallae.
Dr.H.11. Kline.' Arch St.. I'nUadalpbla, la
French Auto Train.
The characteristic feature of the
automobile train Invented In France
Is tho principle that each car propels
Itself; the propelling force only Is fur
nished by the locomotive. The latter,
therefore, as it has no pulling to per
form, but only to supply power, can be
built proiiortionately very light.
Mothers will find Mra. WInilowa'a Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children
during the teething rorlcxl..
Tho Money Went.
Uncle Waybaek I jus' tell you, th'
city is an awful pluce. Skiu yell alive
Farmer Meadow (gloomily) That'e so.
"Eh? Did ych meet some green-gooda
mea while you was In th' city?"
"No-o, but my wife met somo dry
goods men."
For coughs and colds there Is no better
medicine than l'iso's Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
Tho Czar a Tyrant
Mrs. Lakeside The atrocities of Bus
slan tyranny are perfectly awful.
Friend What have you learned?
Mrs. Lakeside I saw in a paper this
morning that in Bussia no one is permit
ted to marry more than five times.
A Bad Fix
When ena wafces up aching from head to foot, tad with
tho flesh tender to tho touch, when
OreiieSS and
mikes every motion ol the body painful, the auroat
and quickest way out of the trouble Ii to use
St. Jacobs Oil
promptly. It warms, relusi, enrol. Price, 23c, and 80c
I'lraat Struut. POBTUAND. ORBOON
ity of the people think that catarrh la
a disease confined to tho head alone.
This is not ..ue. Catarrh is liable
to attack any organ of the body;
throat, bronchial tubes, lungs, stom
ach, kidneys and especially the pelvic
Many a woman has made this dis
co veiy after a long siege of useless treat
ment. She has made the discovery
that her disease is catarrh, and that
Teruna can be relied upon to cure ca
tarrh wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use ol Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giv
ing a full statement of your caase, and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman, President ot
The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
P. N. U.
No. 20-1904,
TjTTHEN writing- to advertisers pleaaal
mention this paper.
Are not manufacturer!
regular conitructlon, but
Our Own Special Construction
Tut up with full knowledge of the re
quirements ol this rough western coun
try. Made to stand up, and will stand
up, better than any buggy sold at any-
Bod buggy at a moderate prico, try our
r' Bee One." You can't beat It. We
have the " Beo Lino " Itoad Wagons.
tiling into iim price, ii you warn, a
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Made n tkdi or ytlloir for all aind IvOlJ I
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