Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 13, 1904, Image 5

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    5econd Cousin 5arah
ok rim avtiioh or
rt "Anne jvdok, .wn.iTr.H," "umk katk or,
3 ere, r.rc.
CHAl'TUIt XXVI. (I'uiitlniliMl.)
Thin u na I ho mini whom alio ! nil aeon
nt Imt father's house, who Iiml lodged
with them in the Ijii 1 1 on fnriiir)', iiml of
whom tliu I1111I omight n glimpse oven
Hedge Hill. Tutu mill Julm .lennlnga
Were In tliu iiiiiIii llniroughfnrii of llol
borne, Imlli Inlercntoil In tin' almii, when
lin touched Tula on lliu nriii.
"Don't on know inu" he naked In n
httaky volri'.
Tola gave i lllllv scream, nml clung
more, oloaely to John Jcntilnga,
"Oil! ilon't let lilin I all 1110 ntvny!"
aim rrli'il ill once.
"I dnn't wiiii I In In Uii nil nwny, Bee
tle -I only wnut to yak you how yon
lit", lifter nil thi'an inonlha," anlil Thomna
Unallioll, offering n very illrty hainl In
til" rhllii to alinliii.
"('iiiiii', joii let her nlonc, will yon 7"
tnld .lohn li'iinliiiia sharply. John did
not ml i ill rn the loolta of the limn who Iiml
forced himself iiion the. notice of lieu
lien'a ndoiloil John held Tola In
trust, nml nn watchful of hla chnr,te.
Tim mnn lieforo him wna n forlorn sped
Inrii of Immunity, ragged nml illrty. John
lllil mil know Thoniaa I'nsilioll nt flrat
tight, lull lin wnn n Judge of dlaropiiln
t ll 1 1 " li Iiml ai'i'ii an -in ncli of it III
Hope ntreot -h hnil become eo dlareput-
his lilmaiilf.
"I tin vo ii a Hindi right tn the child na
roil hnvi'," anlil Tom In a surly lone,
or na yonr tnnatcr haa, for the iniilliT
tif llinl. Tho chllil' ailit ut nml yun
know It."
"1 ilnii'l know It."
".li.l Ka father "III come to rtnlm It
precious quick, too ai' If hn ilon't nml
you vim trll Mr. f'tiWIck, too, dlrcckly
f oil Ki't homo. Kay Tom linatbell tohl
I tat an or Vlrtolilul. You ouiiht to
know Vltnohliil of Ilia Hnje-tlotha."
"Vou nn Thomna nnathall, llirn 7"
"Yea, nml I ilon't enru who knowa It,
You enn glvu mi' In charge. If you llki
any for mining Inat yenr I ahnll ilo It
myaclf In nil hour or two, If you-ilon't
I lint" thu workua, nml It'a nwful cold
otltatiU thn irlou. Where'a Hnlly?''
"Your nlatPr, ilo you menu?"
"Yra, of course I ilo," nnawercd Tim;
"alio ain't nt Hedge lllil."
"Never initial whore ahe la."
"Oil. I ilon't mini). Hho won't help
me I'm her only brother, nml etnrvlng
In the streets. Hut you rnn tnkn my
omillinciils to her, Mr. Jennings, nml
I'm to Im hi'nnl of nt thu 'Mnmiti'.' "
Ki'uIm'Ii wna hnnl nt Trumpet work
when John Jennings nml Tola arrived
home with thv new a of thulr mooting
llli Thomna Enathcll. IIk wna working
ngnlnat thus enmcwhnt, hut he act hla
pell anlil" to llitcu to John Jeiitiltiga'
n-rltnl nml Tola" soared liittrifllntlona.
fmylng pnrllciilnr ntti'iuloii to Mr. Hnat
iell'a Informntloii t lint the rlilhl woulil
1'0 fetched nway presently hy hrr fnthor.
"Ami hit mlil Hint Hnrnh might henr
of him at the 'Mngi'lo?' "
"Yea," ntienercd John Jennlnga.
"John," lio f nlil ainlili'iily, "you iiiuat
take n U'ttiT to Knrnli nt once."
"Very m vll, Mr. Reuben."
"Don't any nnythlng of your meeting
with hrr hrothi'r."
"Trust inc for tlmt," anld John know
ingly. "Mli" la lint atrong enough for any frcali
troubl"," anhl Iti'iila'ii, na hv drrw a sheet
Of liota patter townrd him mill wrote Tory
rrluctautly an riruao fur not tiolug nble
to see her na hit hii'I iiromlapil, lie nllog
ril no ri'iiaun hv wouhl oiiil.iln nluui lis
nw nor, ho anlil nml h rc-ranj the
littrr aoiiicwhat critically ntlor hu hnil
flulalii'il lliu writing of It. It wna n
hrlcf oiilatli-i lin ahouM o hor to mor
row, hu hoi'il, nml Hint woulil he tltno
rluiugh for i'iiunatliiu of hla hronch of
romli'. Hnrnh trualoil him Imi'lUUly,
mill wouhl know Hint only litialnoaa of
Impnrtnncr roulil kooi him from her. Hhu
lllil not I'lpoi-I n long luttrr from Mm,
ml n lionp of rrnaona, nt Hint huay hour
of Hip dny. xl the Irllor go.
Ill tho t'ronlng, aiunt'whnt Into, Itculien
Cululck, not ton fnalilonnhly nttlrml, una
nt thu "Mngplo." It wna olght o'clock
or Inter, wlu-n Thomna Knathell'a pock
mnrkoil couiii"nniici pwrcil round om- of
thn awing ilmira. Tho "Mngplo" wna
Tom'a forlorn Impo. II" hnil aont n
tnoaangii to hla alati-r, nml aim might nt
ton. I to It. Who knowa? Hn ciiught
alght of Itouhi-n Culnlck, ami hla 11 ml
luipillai' wna to hnrk lulu tho atrcot. Thou
he wnrrrcil; nml whllo he wna hcaltntlng
Iloulii'ii enmo from thu public Iioiiiu mid
coilfronti'il Mm.
"You nci-il not run nwny, Tom Knat
lioll," anld Itoiihrn.
"I liiirrii't iliiiui you nny hnrm," ho
roturiu-il; "I hnirn'l ilono nolmdy nny
liiirni iiovor. All Hint you hnvn honrd
nlNiut lliu hna hoi'ii n pnek of Ilea, l'vr
liui'li na liolirat na 1 could ho, nml t tils
la whnt rnmca of It. I'm hnnl up I'm
atnrvlng, Mr. Culnlck, I hnrvn't tnatcd
food to-ilny."
"Whom lire your frlenda?"
"They turned in" out of their liouae.
Til")' anld I wna g blundering fool. One
of them klekoil me, Inat time I inn him."
"Tho Cnptnlii?"
Tom nnathell Imighed anrdonlcnlly.
"No, he cnu't kick. Ho hrok both
hla lega III the country, Jumping from n
window of Ihu button fnctory to get nut
of the wny of (ho police. Ilo enn only
iwonr nml cuaa ni" now."
"la IIiIk IMwnril I'eteraon tho fnthor
of the little girl you met tlila niorulnst?"
"He auya ho la. Ho kiito mo mnnoy
to tnku enra of her nltogother. Hut It
wnau't eiiouuh, no I hint her," anld Tom
coolly "or Nither," ha lidded, Interpret
ing Iti'Ubeu'a look of dlaguat correctly,
"my old woinmi toat her. It wna hor
fniilt. Hho never Iiml n mite of feeling
In her for nnyhody anvo horaelf."
"And 1 found the child when alio wna
,loat." '
"And then I'eteraon turned up, nnd
formed mid rnved nt me, till I told Mm
where the child wu. mid he atolo It from
you hack ngnln. Ilo wna fond of that
child when ho wna In n (rood temper,
which wnan't often though,"
"Hla wife la alio dond?"
"Long ngo. he tolls mo."
"Where la IMwnrd Petornoii now ?"
"In Worceater Mltchoaon'a place,
nenr tho river mid you can put tho
liobhlea on to Mm, If they're not tnklug
euro of Mm nlrenily. Ho bus treated ine
Lnd enuugli."
"Who la with Mm?"
"An old aweathenrt, who will marry
lilm when hla lega get hotter."
"la It Mary Holland V"
"That'a her name. The woman who
wna nt Sedgo Hill. You know her well
' "And alio In with Kdward I'eteraon at
Hcubcn Oulwlck waited for no f urthor
nowa; ho had loarned morn than ho had
anticipated, ho thought ho aw nil very
clenrly to the end now, nnd whero hla
duty lay. Ho dnrted from tho friendly
aheltor of tho "Magpie," and hurried Into
Hnlborn, and from Ilolborn through aun
dry back turnings Into Drury Lane,
jvliero ho mat John JcaulngB, vho uasned
a grout donl of hla time walking np and
ilonn ihealreot In which Iteuben Cilhrlck
"John," anld he, telling Mm hy the
iirm, "you miiat go to your alatur a liuuan
I'lud Hnrnh Knatbcll. Tall lur I hnru
dlacovercd Hint Mlaa Hollmid la In Wor
coaler, Hint I hnve loft Loudon In imrrli
of her, ami to end nil auatianaa it once
her auapriiae na wull na nil mi. I liopt to
be back on Monday."
"la Hint nil?"
"Yea. Now ha off nt once." hurried to hla lodging, bag
god hla Iniidlndy to be careful of Tola
till hla return, lookiM In nt Tola alatplug
cnlmly In her little crib, atooped ovur
her nml klaaed her without nwnkeulng
hor, mid than hurried nway to the mil
way illation, In Hie hop" of cntchlug a
night mall thnt ahould enrry lilm on a
portion of hla Journey toward Worcca
Ileubrii Culwlck wna III Hie loyal city
anrly the licit dny. The catlirdral holla
worn ringing when he wna aenrchlng 111
.Mllclipaoira plncii for Kdwnrd rutoraon
The in nn who had Inn pod from the top
window of the bill Ion fnctory and broken
both hla lega wna not dinieult to find
the liihabltnnta of Mltrheaon'a place
Knew nil nhout lilm, who lit wna nnd
where he wna, nnd the country poller I. ml
been wntrlilug for hla couvnleacrnca for
wreka pnat, In order to conduct LI in to
anfe (junrlera. IMwnrd I'eteraon wna
too III to be removed nt preaant ludieil,
or Inlr ilnya the police had not liven vlgl
bull, n turn for the worae baring taken
plnce In the alok man'a condition, nml It
being tolornbly certain thnt bo wu drift
lug from the law a of hla country III on
line linale.
Iteuben undoratnod the poaltlon before
he hnil renehrd the liouae a policeman
on iiuty in I ho atrtet gave him the full
eat pnrtlculnra. It wna the back room
of the flrat floor to which he had been
dlrei'teil, and where ho knocked aoftly
for nduilttnlice. Home one croaaed the
room lightly, opened the door, and looked
hnnl nt lilm, with the color flickering
faintly on her chreka. It wta Mnry Hoi
Innd, pnle and thin, who fnced lilm on
the binding place.
"You have found me nt laat, HienV"
alio luiiiilreit.
They did not ahnke hnmla Hit ihadow
of the paat mlatruat wna atlll between
them, and there waa no getting from It
In the flrat momenta of their meeting.
"You know Hint we hnve been aearch
Ing for you adverllalng for you?" anlil
"lea; hut I did not coru to anavrer
)et, ahe replied.
"You are attending upon Edward IV
li raon?"
"My huabniid yea."
"Your huabniiill" repeated Heuben
"Ha la wholly frltndleaa now bo la
terribly nlnne and at the laat I have
found the cournge to do my duty," he
"Then the little girl Tola "
"la mine. It waa hla promtae tint I
ahould have the child back It wu the
revrlnllon thnt eb lived that kent me
allellt when my auaplclulla might have
given n clew to the trutha which per
pleird you. To have betrayed lilm nt
that hitter hour wna to kill my llttlla girl,
lie anore It nnd I knew how deapernte
n mnn he waa, yeara ago," ahe added,
andly. "When he flrat came to tJnlge
lllil I wrote, wanting you of uttngrr
hut not knowing what tha dinger waa
which threatened Ha rah Knatbell."
"I ace," murmured Iteuben Culnlck.
"I wna a womnn III the tolla, nnd knew
not what to do," ahe continued. "Whan
Hnrah had dlanppenrcd, he anld ahe
ahould return In anfety to Hedge Hill If
1 would keep my peace and I wnn forc
ed to truat lilm. Ah, air! do not blame
me too hnrahly It wnn my ohlld't life,
my oil M.I hnppliieaa ngnlnat Barh Kaat
boll'a, mid I acted like a mother. In the
one bono of clnaplng her to my heart.
I could not have brought your coilaln
back hnil I owned that man for my hua
band I waa In the dark with you nnd
my llttlo lleaale lived."
"And you love till man?"
Hho anawered: "He killed ' my love
yeara ago. 1 do my duty In calm ap
athy, that la all. Yeara ago he waa my
hero. He wna honeat then, and I waa
very young," ahe aald. "We were mar
ried aecretly. When he grow tired of
me, when ho went wrong, ho abandoned
mo without remorae, and took my child
with lilm, In a aplrlt of revenge that
nearly broke my heart. My marriage and
that clilld'a birth were not known to the
world 1 found at Worconter although
your mother alwnya doubted me. I tried
hnnl tn live npart from the pnat, when
I helloved my little girl waa dead, but
It all 'came back Inat nutumn. Thin,"
alio added, almoat bitterly, "la a strange
time for cx'ilanntlon."
"I hnve uot come for explanation I
havo no right to demand It," aald Iteu
hcu; "hut let mo ask If my father knew
of your marriage to Kdward I'eterton?"
"I dared not toll lilm. I waa very roor
I waa alone In the world, without a
friend, mid he hnil confidence In me, and
liked mo for my dead fatber'a take.
Would ho have wlahed you to marry mo
bad he dreamed of thin?" the added,
with mi imprcsalvo gcature toward the
dour of tho elck room.
"Why did he wlah thla marriage "
aid Iteuben.
"He told me on the day ho died that
he had ruined my fnther decelvod Mm
In ome wny at hualncaa and got rich
by hla dlagrnce," alio anld. "Heaven
known If thin wcro true, or tho wander
lugs of a demented mind. It la beyond
our guoaalng at, and belongs not to our
preaont lives."
"Mary Holland, It waa true," said
Iteuben, sulcmnlyj "I bring a proof of
It In hla atonement reparation."
"lie ban left you all bin money."
There waa n wild crenui nn awful
yell from tho room which Mnry Hol
land, or, rather, .Mnry I'eteraon, line
quitted, mid Mary ran back Into the
chainlier, followed by Iteuben In hla
liaato to bo of nsalstauce to thu alTrlght-
oil woman.
It was only n cry of delight, Captain
1'etcraon hud honrd all the news.
"Ia It nil true?" he gasped forth, turn
ing to Iteuben lie if to a friend on whom,
in this crisis of hla life, he might rely.
All the money Is loft to Mary Hol
land," answered Ilcnhen,
How a t how Is It tliat tnat this
can be?" ho Inquired, catching nt lieu
ben's hand and clasping It with his trem
bling fingers; "you boo how excited I
am, but I can bear good nowa. Good
newt will ave meyot, please heaven,"
"There has been dlscovtred another
will, signed by my father the day before
his doath. In It my father bequeaths
ilia wholo of Ma property to tils faithful
friend and housekeeper, Mary Holland."
Thnt'i ray wife," sola I'eteraon,
qulcklyi "don't forget "he's my wife. I
We wcro legally innrrlvd yearn a g4, npon
my mil, I awenr It It'a enally proved
- lau't It enally proved, Mnry? Toll him
o- -don't stare nt me llko that."
"Yea, I inn bin wife," anld Mary, thus
upponled to; "I inn not Mnry Holland."
"Oh, that makes Ilo difference," cried
l'oleraoiij "you were Mnry Ilollnnd, you
have alwnya boon known by Hint iiniuii
to old Oulwlck, mid It's your money
I know Inw enough for Unit. All yours
and all your liuabniid'a why, It'a aa
clear aa ilnyllgbt. This bring mo
buck to lifiil Where la the will'"
"I have brought It with me."
"(llvii It to me," anld Tolerant! ; "It
Isn't aefe In other bund. I I will keep
II till rin stronger."
"Let hint have It," anld tho wife, care
leaaly; "It will cnltti Mm, and rcat la
"I would prefer your taking It, Mrs.
I'eteraon," anld Iteuben, producing the
will; "butter atlll to leave It with A trust
worthy solicitor to act upon. There will
be no opposition to It In any way from
Hnrnh i:natbell."
"It will be safe enough In my htta
bnud's keeping," anld Mnry, with atrnngo
Itetibeu gnve her the will, nnd ahe
croaaed with It to her buabnlid's aide mid
placed It 111 hla hmida, which with
dllllculty bo an n to unfold the paper on
which Hlmon Culwlck'a laat teatnmoiit
wna written.
"I I ahull be glnd when I'm better,"
IMwnrd I'eteraon wlilapared nt Inat; "you
enn put It under my pillow now."
"And the child?" naked Iteuben, curl
oualy. A gesture, quick nnd deprecntory, from
Mnry IIoIIhihI dime too late tn nrreat the
queatlou, or to check the eicltemeiit of
the prostrate vagabond, who hnlf rnlaed
lilinaelf III bed In Ida vehotnrnce.
"I'll never ace the child again I'd
rather die than see her. Hho ahnll never
be moro tli nil the boirgnr'a brat ahu la!"
he abouted.
"Whnt hna alio done?"
"Hhe turned ngalnst her own father
when there wnn n chnnce of mnklng
money, it wns she, thnt cursed child, who
betrayed me."
The color vmilahed from hla fnce again,
nnd once more the lendelt hue eliffuscd
It. and the eyea closed, aa by the prea
aure of the baud of death Itself upon
them. Mary wna nt hla aide, when life
seemed coming alowly buck again, sbo
aid to Iteuben I
"I-nve me now. You see whnt ho Is
what he hna ever been. I would pre
fer to be alone to the end."
Itritla'ti pnaard from the room and
left the dying mnn to his strnnge wlfv'a
enre. He bnd done hla duty, he had sur
rendered hla fnther'a will Into the ban la
of tboao It wna to benefit, and It had
been coldly, almoat unthankfully receiv
ed. lA-t Mm get back to Harah Lnstbell
mid to the brighter life wherein aha
(To bo continued.)
Knornioua I'roduct of the HuttioueBunta
Ititrliarn Grapevine.
Tbo lurgcat Krnpvvliie In tho world
wna one Krowlwc nt Huntn Hnrbnrn,
('til. Tbero la no record of Ita ni?e nt
thu time It withered nml died u few
yenra ngo, but from events connected
with the fiunlly upon whoso wound it
crew It wna bellovcu to lie i. or iisj
years old. The measurement of Ita
trunk Is given na three feet ten Indies
In circumference and the nrlior wna
about seventy-live feet square. Its
dentil wna liellcved to be jiremnture, the
result of changing Hie course of u amnll
nt rea in Hint bad (lowed nenr Ita roots.
Hut another vine nenrby, n cutting
from the original, bnd attained to near
ly tlila size, so that Hnntn Hnrbnrn, could
atlll boast of having "the biggest grape
vine In the world. In 1SIO this vino
siiccmnlicd to n disease of tho roota,
perhaps Invited by ngo, nnd Its lody
now n-tV In Hie Hnntn Ilnrbnru Cham
ber of Commerce. Ita regular triinlc nt
talned n girth of four feet four Inches
nt eighteen Inches hIkivc the ground or
tlvu feet seven inches nt forty-two
Inches, and its maximum yield wna
four tons In n seitson. It was believed
to bo seventy-live yeara old.
In the Cnrpltiterhi valley, n few miles
further from the city, a third vine hna
surpnsscd both of tbo others In size. It
was planted In 18-12 by Joaquin Lugo
I)c Ayiiln nnd luia, therefore, Just com
pleted Ita tlirec-Hcore years. The first
election In Hiiutti Ilnrbnra comity under
American rule was held beneath Its
ample shnile. Thla latest cnndldate for
tho world rocord Is double from the
surfneo of the ground up; the two parts
nro knit together In u Davlil-nml-Joun-
thnu-Ilkc embrace to n height of nbout
tlvo feet seven Inches, where they sep
arata Into hnge branches, tho largeat
having it circumference of three feet.
MIt l,i"lift(t nlim-o file irrnmiil tho elno
measures eight feet live nnd one-half
Inches In circumference and It covers
nn nrca of 110 feet square (the. wholo
baok yard), sixty posts supporting tho
franiowork. The owner siiys thnt, wcro
provision made, It would spread over n
great surface, but It Is pruned every
year. Fabulous titles nre told of tho
grapes this vino produces. Thnt It did
actually yield ten tons In n recent sen
son seems to bo authentic.
Au effort wns tnndo to secure n part
of the original Montcelto vlnoj taken
to Ohio lifter the centonulal for tho
Sontn Hnrbnrn exhibition nt the world's
fair, but terms could not bo made with
tho owner. At the time of the suc
ceeding midwinter fair nt San I'mnelu
co nn offer of f 1,000 for the Cnrplnterln
vine was refused elso Its lease of life
would hnve been cut short.
llnd n Fuel Supply.
The 7-yenr-old grandson of Wllllnm
Dudley Fuulke, tho Civil Service Com
missioner, went with bis grandmother
to tho Senate to hear Senator Till
mnn's speech. They had fine sents In
the front of tho member's gallery, nnd
the little clinp ninile n hrnve show In
his velvet suit nnd long curly hair. Ho
listened Intently, but didn't mnlto out
much of It until Senator Tlllmnn re
ferred, with much emphasis, to "nn-
tliraclto coal." Then ho piped tip Joy
ously, so ho wns heard nil over tho
"Wo'vo got sonio; wo'vo got somo,"
New York World,
Kxtremoljr Iinprobntile.
"Another thing nbout theao apples,"
the denier snld, opening the barrel for
his Inspection, "Is that If you put thorn
In ft cool place thoy will keep all win
ter." I am qulto noslttvo they won't,"
said the cttstomor, who happened to bo
tho father of a half grown boy, "but
I'll take them."
Every ono desires to llvo loug, but
no ono would bo old. Swift
A physician In tliu out of tho way
corners of Ireland linn many oiipor-
ttinlllos to laugh, although bis amino
iniiitt must bo mingled with anxiety,
for his Ignorant pullents do strange
tilings. They have great faith In the
doctor, n superHtltlous faith In his
drugs and appliances, but they often
ninkn iionneiisu of his orders. Mr. Ml
chnol MncDntiotigh, In bis "Irish Life
anil (,'liarurtiy," gives sumo Instance!
ot Irish simplicity In dealing with the
A dispensary doctor once prescribed
two pills for a sick laboier, which he
sent by the man's wife In n small box,
bearing the direction, "The whole to
be taken Immediately."
On visiting tho patient n little Inter,
tho doctor wna surprised to find thnt
the pills had uot helped lilm. He asked
the mnn's wlfo If she had given him
thu medicine.
"I did, doctor," replied she; "but
maybe the lid hasn't come off yet.
Tho tick man had swallowed box and
Mrs. Murphy's husband was ex
tremely III, and she consulted the phy
"I'm sorry, mndum," bo said grave
ly, "but your husband Is dying by
"Well," alio said, with an air of
hopeful resignation, "wan god thing Is,
ma I wor man Is six foot free In his
tockln' feet, so he'll lasht tome time
An Irishman who had sent for the
doctor for the first time In his llfo
watched with astonishment while the
physician took his clinical thermome
ter from Ita case, slipped It under tha
patient's armpit, And told him to keep
It there a accond or two.
Mlko lay still, almost afraid to
breathe, but when the doctor removed
the thermometer he drew a long
breath nnd exclaimed, "Ah, I do feel
a dale bettber already, sorr."
1'oru Has a, High Hallway.
One of tho most Intereitlng trlpi
nfforded by tho present transportation
facilities of I'eru la that over the
Oroyo railroad, which now runt from
Cnllao to tho gold fields of Cerro do
I'asco. It Is considered one of the
wonders In the Permian world and
the original contract was taken by Mr.
Melgga at 127,000,000 In lionds at 70.
It la certainly the grenteat feat of rail
road engineering In either hemisphere
and as a specimen of American enter
prise and workmanship It suffers noth
ing by comparison. It was begun In
1870 and finished In 1670, and addi
tional work has since been done on It.
Commencing In Cnllao, It ascends tho
narrow vnlley of the Hlmac, rising
nearly 6,000 feet In the first forty six
Thence It goes through the Intri
cate gorges of the HIrrras till It tun
nels the Andes at an altitude of 15,-
(Uf feet, the highest point In the world
whero a piston rod Is moved by steam.
Tho wonder Is doubted oil remember
ing thnt the elevation Is reached In
seventy-eight miles. One of the most
reinarkubic things In connection with
this rond Is thnt between the coast
nnd summit there Is not an Inrh of
down grade. The difficulties encoun
tered In Its construction were extreme
landslides, falling liowlders, scroche
(or the dllllculty of breathing In high
altitude) nnd verrugas, a disease
known only along tho line of this road,
characterized by a species of warts
breaking out nil over the b.-dy and
bleeding. About S.000 workmen wero
et!gnged nt one time nnd between 7,00
and 8,(tX per-ons died or were killed In
the conatmctlon of the road. Engi
neering Mngaxln".
A Serious OfTonsc.
Mr. Ban Us had acquired a dictatorial
maimer 111 his youth, nnd It hnd grown
with his years. When he gradually be
came near-sighted he refused to wear
glasses, and held other people respon
sible for nny difficulties Into which his
falling sight led lilm.
One dny he clutched by the coat
sleeve n man who was hurrying past
lilm on tho street.
"I want a word with you, Mr.
Griggs," ho said, sharply. "I will de
tain you only n moment."
"My name Is not Urlggs. You havo
made n mistake," said the man.
"Your name Isn't Griggs!" said Mr.
Hanks, atlll detaining the stranger and
peering Into his fnce. "I should llko
to know why not?"
Locating New Oulana.
Having returned from British
Guiana to England, Itcv, Mr. Crookatl,
ns he relates In his book on his mis
sionary experiences, visited n public
school to tell tho children of the for
eign Innd.
"Now, children," he said, "flrst of
all, where Is Hrltlsh Gnlnnu?"
A number of hands went up, nnd tho
missionary called upon the nearest
"On tho map of the world, sir," was
tbo ready answer.
1'rnolionl Koonomr.
A mnn whoso Impecunious condition
is chronic, nnd who borrows with the
airy graco of n beau In nn old comedy,
recently approached an acquaintance,
nil smiles nnd geniality.
x-..', l.l 41... T n-nnlnJ fn
sec," hu said. "Could you lend mo ?3 Franklin to Anthony S. Stlckuey."
for n minute." Anthony S. Stlckney was tho father of
"I could," said the acquaintance, ' Major Stlckney. Ths cup has descend
dryly, '"but let mo tell you. bow to snve'ed from father to son nnd Is now the
that f Walt a mlnuto nud you won't property of Mrs. Entwlstie, who has
need It"
What (Started It.
First Awful Punster Who Is that
Dl,,l,.el,lnil mnn with thn tinnnl look?
Hn,i itemi Punster Whv. he'. '
lumberman. I know that ns soon as I , torenco In Its appearance,
sawdust on his clothes nnd tho way A fact concerning the naming of Tu
be planked down hla monoy wheu tho lea wns brought to light when the
hotolclcrk thought he had him stumped ,nls'ory 0,f,tUoJoId CUp "P'
with his charges." Ur l"0'1 8ay 0,6 5
And when tho policeman found who nmcd 0 n mmei Dan-
thoy were ho let them tight It out In
the hope that ono or the other might
be killed. Philadelphia American.
How to Mnnsgo It
Lady Caller But I thought children
woro not tolerated In these apart-
Hostess Ah, hut you see, we named
tho baby after tho Jaultor. Town Top.
Don't I'omet to riant Cot nip for lie
Ilulit of l'liaay.
In any garden, save one of very lim
ited dimensions, Indeed, a sthall spaco
may vtell be devoted to tho cultivation
of tweet and medicinal herbs. They are
easily grown, and onco well establish
ed requlra llttlo care beyond the keep
ing freo from weed. Any thrifty
housewife who has once stuffed her
Thanksgiving turkey, her Christmas
goose, her every day dtickn and chick
ens with a fresh blend of aromatic
sngo, summer savory and sweet mar
joram grown In her own kitchen gar
den will be loath ever after to employ
tho dust of herbs told In paper pack
ages of uncertain date nnd doubtful
Home of these herbs make a novel
bouquet or give nn added sweetness to
n bunch of roses or sweet peas, llx
collent for such n purpose aro the pnle
pink blossoms of the thyme and of tho
French marjolalne, the fragrant stalks
of ambrosia and lemon balm, the
bright yellow umbelt of the sweet
fennel, the finely cut-Heel blue leave
of the mo nnd the long, glossy oval
of the bergamot
Agnln, to those who are Interested
In the brewing of refreshing plck-me
upn and who, In the "good old sum
mer time" Is not? herbs like tho
spearmint of old-fashioned gardens,
that readily parts with Its essential
oil, the blue flowered, hairy-leaved
borage, which Is cool ns any cucum
ber, and the bitter wormwood, all ap
peal In a subtle manner. After a little
experimenting the "herb habit" Is
formed, nnd a very healUiy one It Is.
No tender-hearted lover of cats can
fall to plant In some old corner tho
catnip, that very common weed which
fills pussy with such delirious oy.
No owner of a well-filled linen chest
but will wish to perfume her shining
treasures with the sweet lavender,
cherished by all worthy dnmei, be
they colonial or of more recent
growth I
If to these herbs of varied uses we
add lovage, whose strongly aromatic
root, when candled, makes a delicious
sweetmeat, coriander caraway, whoe
sugared seeds from the heart of tho
pink and white "comfits" dear to nil
children, and tarragon, greatly prized
by the French as a flavoring In vine
gar and salads, our list of some twenty
herbs out of a possible 200 and more
will Include perhaps the most desir
able herbs for domestic use. Country
Life In America.
IntclllKent Men Have the Heaviest and
Moat Delicate.
It has been for a long time asserted
that the weight of the brain of edu
cated persons Is greater than that of
the common crowd. Some results hav
ing appeared to shake this belief. It
had begun to be assumed that the qual
ity of the brain, and not its quantity,
has Ita share of Importance In tills re
spect 1 It certainly appears rational to take
quality Into account In certain special
cases, but, generally speaking, the first
named statement appears to be correct.
In other words, the greater Intelli
gence of the man corresponds with the
weight of bis brain. M. Mathlegn, an
anthropologist of Prague, has Just set
tled the matter beyond all doubt
Having flrst ascertained that the
male brain weighs on an average 1,400
grammes and the female brain 1,200
grammes, between the ages of 20 and
60, he has. gathered the following sta
tistics, based on the study of the brain
of 233 persona, differing widely In their
occupation and Intellectual culture:
Day laborers 1.-4O0
workmen and unskilled laborers. . .1,433
rorters, guardlanj and watchers. .. 1,430
Mechanic! 1,450
Business men and photographers'
assistants 1,400
Physicians and professors 1,500
From this table It will be seen that
the weight of the brain Increases In
gradual progression.
It appears, moreover, from M. Mat
htega's researches that the manufac
turing or sale ot alcoholic drinks is not
favorable to cerebral development
Judging by the light weight of the
brain of brewers, beer shop keepers
and waiters In cafes. The average
weight among this class Is only 1,410
grammes, whereas It rises to 1,442
among cabinet makers, 1,440 among
shoemakers, and 1,-147 among black
smiths, locksmiths and other workers
In Iron and steel. New York Herald.
Toledo Woman Una Bllver Cop Once
Owned Hy Him.
One of the most Interesting relics
owned In Toledo Is a silver cup belong
lug to Mrs. J. Entwlstie of No. 620
Bush street nnd once the property of
Benjamin Franklin, says the New
York Herald. It was made- under his
supervision In Europe about 140 years
ago, the date, as near as can be ascer
tained, being the year 1703.
Mrs, Entwlstie Is the widow of Two
Stlckney, son of Major Stlckney, one
of tho first settlers. In whose family
the nam of Toledo wns first sug
gested, The cup is about six Inches high and
of solid silver. On It this Inscription;
"Legacy by the will of Benjamin
the precious relic In a safety deposit
vault In one of our local banks.
The workmanship of the cup Is very
fine and tho wear of two centuries
seems to have made no perceptible dlf-
1 rv1"
tnttt edo1waS TiT1 ,by tto
Stlckneys. The history of Spain wns
being Btudled, and when the name of
Toledo in Spain was reached Two
sUckner suggested that the settle-
menta then called Vistula nud Port
Lawrence bo named Toledo, as there
wfla no other Toledo In the United
motes. From this, it Is said, tho mime
of Toledo came.
H-H-H t -r-H 1 111 II l
44 tr I I V It I I II I I t It II I II- H
The Moneyless Man,
Is tliero no aecret place on the face of
the earth
Where charity dwclletb, where virtue
hnth birth,
Where bosoms In mercy and kindness
will heave,
And the poor and the wretched shall ask
and receive?
Is there no place at all where a knock
from the poor
Will bring a kind angel to open the door?
Oh! search the wide world, wherever you
There Is no open door for a moneyless
Go look In yon hall where the chande
lier's light
Drives off with Its splendor the darkness
of nlxht;
Where the rich hanging velvet In shad
owy fold,
Sweeps gracefnlly down with Its trim
mings of gold;
And the mirrors of tllrer take up and
In long lighted vistas the 'wllderlng
Go there at the banquet and find If you
A welcoming smile for the moneyless
Go look In yon church of the cloud-reach-Ing
Which gives back to the tun his same
look of fire,
Where the arches snd columns art gor
geous within,
And the walls seem as pure as a soul
without sin;
Walk down the long aisle see the rich
and the great,
In the pomp and the pride of their world
ly estate;
Walk down in your patches and find If
you can.
Who opens a pew for a moneyless man.
Go look to your Judge In his dark flowing
With the tcnles wherein law welghetb
equity down;
Where he frowns on the weak and smiles
on the strong.
And punishes right while he Justifies
Where Jurors their Hps to the Bible have
To render a verdict they've already
Go there in the court room and find If
you can
Any law for the caute of a moneylets
Go, look In the banks, where Mammon
has told
His hundreds and thousands of silver and
Where, safe from the hands of the starr
ing and poor
Lies pile upon pile of the glittering ore;
Walk np to theJr countert ah, there
you may stay
Till your limbs shall grow old and your
hair shall turn gray.
And you'll find at the bank not one of
the clan
With money to lend to a moneyless man.
Then go to your hovel no raven hat fed
The wife who has suffered too long for
her bread:
Kneel down by her pallet and kiss the
death frost
From the Hps of the angel your poverty
Then turn In your agony upward to God
And bless while It smites you the chast
ening rod;
And you'll find at the end of your life's
little ipan
There's a welcome above for a moneyless
Henry Thompson Stanton.
Many Great and Good Men Have TJted
an Occasional Oath.
Accordlug to the Anti-Profanity
League the swearing habit Is "the na
tional evil." Undoubtedly tho use of
profanity Is extremely prevalent; a
person needs merely to keep his ears
open on the street to learn this, says
the Boston Transcript But whether It
Is so general as to Justify one In term
ing It the national evil Is a matter of
opinion. Not all swearing, moreover,
Is wholly Indefensible. There are vari
ous kinds of swearers and It will not
do to lump them In one class with a
single label. Besides the habitual and
commonplace swearers, whose profan
ity Is mere redundant and colorless
verbiage, and the vulgar and diffuse
swearers, whoso oaths are rank and
noisome, one must recognize also as a
distinct category the discreet and mod-
ornto swearers who employ an occa
sional oath with fine emphasis and ar
tistic effect'
Many great and good men belong to
tho last class. Even the father of his
country Is said to have sworn vigor
ously when the emergency seemed to
require departure from his customary
rule of unvarnished speech. This sort
of discriminating profanity la vastly
different from the causeless and gra
tuitous swearing of habitual and vul
gar oathmongcrs. Indeed, the man
who now and then vents his emotions
In nn oath Is rather preferable to the
one who always bottles up his feelings,
however strong the provocation to
break forth. A robust ebullition Is bet
ter than Ingrowing profanity. Silence
may bo as profane as words under cer
tain circumstances. A saying of Jo
seph Choate occurs to tho settler In
this connection. A noted prelato was
once playing golf with Mr. Choate, and
after foozling a tee shot egregloutly,
stood looking at tho ball for several
moments. After waiting for the bishop
to say something, Mr. Choate remark
ed: "Bishop, that was the profunest si
lence I ever heard."
As for the Antl-Profan!ty League,
the purpose of the organization Is cer
tainly worthy, but somehow tho settler
cannot develop a high degree of en
thusiasm In such a cause. He Is a bit
weary of antl crusades ot all sorts.
Movements for the suppression of tills
and thnt and what not fall to Interest
him profoundly. It seems to him that
what is needed tn the field of social re
form Is' not bo much the suppression
of bad things as the promotion of good
things. Kefornicrs should concentrate
their energies on positive and construc
tive work, rather than purely negative
and restrictive undertakings.
If a man loses all his money he also
manages to lose nearly all his enemies.
Tho velocity of the wind at the
height of ono mllo nbovo the earth U
four times as great as nt tho surface.
A man worth $3,000,000 to-day la
no richer, nt related to the aggregate
wealth ot the United States, than a
man worth 1370,000 In 1800.
It Is not generally known thnt tho
fur seal wns once a Innd animal. Tho
baby seals nre actually afraid ot tha
water, they would drown, If thrown
Into It, and have to lenrn to swim by
repeated efforts, When onco they
have been laugbt to swim, however,
they soon forget to walk.
The largest room In the world, un
der ono roof nnd unbroken by plllarn.
Is at St Petersburg. It Is 02O ftet
long and 150 feet In breadth. By day
light It Is used for military displays,
and a whole battalion ran completely
maneuver In It By night twenty thou
sand wax tapers give It n benutlful
appearance. The root Is a single- arch
of Iron.
There have been thirty-three Speak
ers of the national House of Iteprcsent
atlves. Eleven of them became Unit
ed States Senators nnd ono of them,
James K. Polk, of Tennessee, Presi
dent of the United Stated. The posi
tion has been filled by only one mer
chant one physician, one preacher,
three editors, whllo twenty-four of
tbem have been lawyers.
Koreans wear full mourning for
their fathers. Tho dress is of hemp
cloth, with hempen girdle. A face
shield Is used to show thnt the wearer
is a sinner and must not speak to any
one unless addressed. The costume Is
retained for three years, the shield for
three months. This Is worn for a
father only; secondary mourning Is
worn for a mother, nnd no mourning
at all for a wife. The bat Is of wicker.
Most animals are nfrald of Are and
will fly from it In terror. To others
there Is a fascination nbout a flame,
and they will walk Into It even though
tortured by the heat A horse In a
burning stable goes mad with fear,
but a dog Is as cool In a fire as at any
time. He keeps bis nose down to the
floor, where the air Is purest, and sets
himself cnlmly to finding his way out
Cats in fires howl plteously. They
bide their faces from the light and
crouch In corners. When their rescuer
lifts them the; are, as a rule, qulto
docile and subdued, never biting; or
scratching. Birds seem to bo hypno
tized by fire and keep perfectly still;
even the loquacious parrot In a Are
has nothing to say. Cows, like dogs,
do not show alarm. They are easy to
lead forth, and often And their way
out themselves.
Warnlnjr leaned by the General Land
Office at Waeuliigton.
Every summer and autumn large
areas of public and private forests are
devastated by fire. This destruction U
a universal Injury. It not only de
stroys a valuable asset in the list of
the country's resources, but Is pro
ductive of floods. The forest Is the
most effective means of preventing
floods and producing a more regular
flow of water for irrigation and other
useful purposes.
To prevent tho mischievous forest
flres Congress has enacted a law which
forbids setting Are to the woods, and
forbids leaving Ares (camp flres and
others) without flrst extinguishing the
The law provides a maximum fine
of $5,000, or Imprisonment for two
years, or both, it the Are Is set mali
ciously, and a fine of $1,000, or Impris
onment for one year, If the Are Is duo
to carelessness. It also provides that
tho money from these fines goes to the
school funds of the county in which
the offense is committed.
Commissioner W. A. Richards of the
general land office has issued circu
lars, warning the public against .care
lessness, inasmuch as many flres start
from neglected camp fires, and makes
the following requests;
1. Do not build a larger fire than
you need.
2. Do not build your flres In dense
masses of pine leaves, duff and other
combustible material, where the Are la
sure to spread.
3. Do not build your fire against
largo logs, especially rotten logs, where
It requires much more work and time
to put the Are out than you are willing
to expend, and where you are rarely
quite certain tiiat the fire Is really and
completely extinguished.
4. In windy weather and in danger
ous places dig a fire hole and clear oft
a place to secure your fire. You will
save wood and trouble.
5. Every camp flro should be com
pletely put out before leaving tho
C Do not'bulld Arcs to clear off land
and for other similar purposes without
Informing the nearest ranger or the
supervisor, so that be may assist you.
As hunters, Ashers and campers will
soon haunt the woods and streams, It
Is hoped that newspapers everywhere
will circulate this warning and Infor
mation. No Sentiment About It
Somo one heard that De Wolf Hop.
per sported a hair ring. From being a
dainty gold circlet with a tiny lock,
It grew to a wide band with large
twisted strands. There wns consider
able excitement about It.
I Finally a friend said to him:
I "Say, haven't lost any of your Im
mediate family?" pointing to a ring
on the actor's band.
I "Not that I know of. Why?"
I "Well, it's whispered on the Rlalto
that you wear hair in your ring, and
I thought you might carry a curl
around with you for sentiment."
"Oh, no," Hopper looked sadly at
his friend's head, covered with base
ball hair. "The hair In that ring camo
from tbo front side of my own bead
years and years ago, and I keep It so
that I may have somo to stand on nd
during Arst nights, as of old."
German Soldiers aa Swimmers,
All German soldiers must learn to
BTvim. Some of them ore so expert
that, with tbelr clothing on their beaiU
land carrying guns and ammunition,
they can swim streams several hun
dred yards wide.