TOPICS Of THE TIMES. A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF INTER. E8TINQ ITEM8. Comments and Criticisms Ilaaed Upon the Happenings o' the Pay Hletorl cat and Neva Notes. Grass widows haven't got the clo ver market cornered, President Smith of the Mormons has to keep family trco by double entry. It Is not what Joseph Smith says so much ni what be docs that condemns Mormonlsm. Only a woman Is capable of arriv ing at a conclusion without using either reason or Judgment The growing friendship between tho British lion and the Itusslan bear bodes no good to tho Chinese dragon. Perhaps thero Is no reason why Irish lace should not bo mada In France, but It sounds distinctly Irish to put It Uiat way. Physicians have discovered that au tomobollsts suffer from motorpathla ccrebralls. Tliose they run over still suffer from plain rigor mortis. Here's a man suing for damages for a broken nose becauso be no longer can smell onions! Borne people don't know when they are well off. John Mitchell says he has noticed that In every strike "both sides get licked." That wouldn't be so bad. however, If the public didn't havo to get licked, too. Aba! now wo know why Uncle Andy Carnegie has been so eager to give away his money. It has been dlscov ered that all money has bacillus sta. phylococcus on It The latest French duel appears to have been more serious tban usual. It lasted nearly three hours and raised" a big blister on the sword-hand of one of the combatants. The evangelist who has predicted that the world will come to an end in 1004 needn't be afraid that many of the people to whom he said It will give him the laugh when the time comes. Russia Is said to be entertaining the Idea of changing the name of Port Ar thur to something with a Russian sound about it Thero may be a sort of. feeling, also, that a new name for the place might change Its luck. One of the dictionaries marks as ob solete the original meaning of the word "ambition," namely, the act of going about to solicit or obtain an office or other desired object The prac tice continues, although It Is now called by a different name. "Means to an end" finds a pictur esque Illustration In the doings of a Western Insurance agent whose work lies largely among farmers. Uo Is ac companied by a capable farm-hand to take the place, temporarily, of a farm er who stops work to listen to seduc tive talk about life insurance. This Is policy and It frequently leads to one. This' Is a great year for the proph ets, but their various stunts differ so much one from another that it natur ally occurs to the lay mind that In these days of trusts and mergers it would be wise for them to get togeth er and decide on a fixed schedule. One prophet prophesies big things for 1021 and another declares that the end of the world will come in 1008. These little discrepancies would bo obviated by an amicable consolidation. Make way for the prophets' union and a bas the prophecy unaccompanied by a .union card! , The inconvenience of having too good a reputation is suggested by a re cent report of the inspector of poor of .Glasgow, Scotland. The fame of Glas gow's reforms and Its many philan thropic Institutions has so spread .abroad, he says, that the Improvident flock thither from all parts of the kingdom under the impression that life Is made easy for everybody. The poor ,bouse cannot accommodate them all, .and the city Is overrun with people "so ilazy" In the picturesque language of the report "that rather than take ithelr hands out of their pockets to turn the handle of a door, they lounge against it and burst It open." Large quantities of New South Welsh rabbits were consumed In vari ous parts of the world last year. At any rate, they came from New South Wales and other parts of Australia, which exported more than seven mil Hons of them, frozen, besides large quantities put up In cans. This busl Bess has Increased rapidly In recent years, for in 1000 the exports were about two million animals fewer than during last year. Then, too, between ten and twelve million rabbit skins ware sent abroad. The business bas grown from the determination of the Australians to abate the plague of rab bits, which swarm over the land In countless millions. If there were a market for frozen gypsy-moths and moth skins the Legislature of Massa chusetts might leave to private enter prise the task of clearing the forests and groves of that state of the pest introduced by a naturalist "The man who needs rules for suc ceeding In life will nover succeed." So says BcnJ. L. WInchell, who has succeeded. A few years ago Mr. Win. chell was a clerk In a railroad ofllce at 110 a month. Now bo sits In a pad ' ded chair as president of the Rock Isl ' and system of railroads and draws a alary of 40,000 a year. There Is something in Mr. Wiucbell's remark. ' (Mind you, we are talking of success - measured in money). There Is a whole body of "success" literature, A maga zine Is founded on tho word. Books and periodicals are full of Interviews with successful persons who lay down rules for tho guidance of ambitious young mon. The advice Is good enough In Its way, but Being pressed for some word that might, bo quoted Pres. Ident WInchell said: "I haven't any rule but work." That's It, Vou may , read about tho success ot eminent men nnd follow their advice until you arc groy-bcaded, young luan, hut unless you work unceasingly, persistently you will not get on In tho world, Other things may help, hut hnrd work Is tho one thing above all others. The people of the I'nlted States will road with coinUctlng emotions that tho general conference of the Mormon Church has renewed formally and unanimously adherence to the so-called Woodruff manifesto of 1SW. Perhaps tho most general feeling will be one of surprise nt the Inconsistency of President Joseph Smith, who Intro duced the pr&nunclamento. As tho head of the Mormon Church Mr. Smith announces that all polygamous mar riages aro prohibited, and that auy member of the church authorlxlng, con tracting or solemnising such a mar riage shall be liable to excommunica tion. But the new manifesto says uot a word nbout polygamous living; It does not insist on obedience to tho laws of the State of I'tah and of the nation. It does not say that Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church bellevo polygamous marriages and polygamous living to be wrong. It leaves the head of the church still free to "take his chances" In violating the law. It must bo remembered that the same confer ence which with such unanimity ap proved of the Smith manifesto only a short time before as warmly and as unanimously commended Smith for the "manly" way In which he had "stood up" for tho beliefs and practices of the church as well as his own prac tices before the Scnnto committee. The church has not condemned nor re proved Smith for living Illegally with more than one wife; rather has It ap proved of all Smith has said and done. Consequently the new pronouncement of President Smltii will have little ef fect Mormons will "take chances" with the law, as heretofore. Until Smith and other Mormons cease to vio late the law and pronounce against polygamous living as well as plural marriages, tho people of the United States will continue to look upon the Latter Day Paints with suspicion. There Is no doubt that the action of the Mormon Church was taken with a view to Influence opinion outside the church. Hut it will fall to do this, be cause the people have as little patience with confessed polygamlsts like Jo seph Smith as with the "authorizing, contracting or solemnizing" of polyga mous marriages. STAGE REALISM Trooble of a Too antipathetic Woman in New Jersey. "I never go to theaters" said a New ark temperance woman. "I'm too sym pathetic. The last time I went to a theater was twenty years ago. Pattl died in one act and I'd hare died with her if my husband hadn't carried me out" "You'd get over your sympathetic feelings If you went often nowadays," her friend said. 'No. I wouldn't" she replied. "I tried to get over It at school, but It grew. I used to be considered good in recitations and dialogues, and one time our class gave Ten Nights In a Bar room.' I was Sam Slade's wife, and I so hated that man I couldn't eat I got as thin as a rail. And when the play came off, and the glass struck the little girl's head, I was so overcome with the horror of It that I screamed until the people hi the audience thought the little girl had been really killed." "Was that your last appearance?" "No: I tried it azaln. The Ladr ot Lyons,' I think it was, although I'm' not sure. Anyway, I was the wife of a rich man, and he died, and his part-1 ner beat me and the children out of all our money, and we went from bad to worse, and the children were ragged and starving, and I had no bread to give them poor little wretches, how hungry they werel so I made up my mind to kill myself with charcoal. One night I sent them away and lighted a charcoal stove and lay down beside it and died. Truly, as I stand here I died. I can remember a couple of men climbing over the footlights, and the audience standing up all excited. When I came to I was at homo in bed, where I had been for nearly a week." "Was there real charcoal in tho stove?" "Of course not; only a lighted can dle. But that didn't make any differ ence; I died. Newark Evening News. APPROVED THE CONSTITUTION. IIow a German Immigrant Oot Ilia Naturalization 1'apcra. T. V. Powderly, formerly commis sioner general of Immigration, tells a story of a certain German Immigrant who, Just after landing In New York, became very friendly with the inspec tor who examined blm, says the Phil adelphia Post As ho remained In New York, where he was employed by one of the big hotels, the friendship became permanent. When the period of Ave years' resi dence In the United States, requisite to the obtaining of naturalization pa pers, had passed, th Teuton sought out the Inspector, with Inquiries as to what steps It would be necessary for him to take to obtain his citizenship papers. So his friend gave him the necessary advice, and In a spirit of kindliness promised to go with the German to tho Judge to whom application for natu ralization was to be made. I The usual interrogatories were ask ed, among which was: "You have read tho constitution of this country?" v "No, your honor," responded the German stolidity; "no, I half hot read der constitution; but my frcnt Kraujo he bof read It to me. Und I vish to say dot I liked It fery much. It is fery nice, your honor, und I am fery much bleasod mid it!" i The Judge granted tho necessary pa pers. Mottoes Upon Walls or Jap Homos. On the walls of every well-regulated Japanese home are to be found hand somely framed mottoes and proverbs; Borne of them run ob follows: "Clover preacher, short sermon." A woman's tongue threo Inches long can kilt a man six feet high." "Live under your own hat" and many others equally pertinent and clever. J Editorials i OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS Sinews of War. ALTHOUGH Russia, In the with Japan, has an Immense military forces, we are apt to forgot the ex Ireme dllllculty of placing and maintaining s croat Russian force In Manchuria. Vladivos tok Is farther from Moscow rim) from Boston, and the Is connected with tho base of supplies railway of Immense length, uot yet wholly complete, very hastllv built Interrupted by a lake over ferry of more than twenty miles, with not exceeding eighteen or twenty miles very thinly Inhabited section of country, danger of Interruptions by skillful enemies perfectly posted In regard to the location and condlttou 1 parts. It will be an Immense undertaking to support 300. 000 men over this road. In the opinion I military experts In Europe, 250.000 largest army which Russia can properly jchurla. The financial centers of Europe have been a good Ideal disturbed by tho possibility of heavy drafts by both . Russia and Japan In order to carry on the war. So far. neither country has shown any Inclination to draw upon Europe. Japan Intends to float a war 000,000 at home, and Russia has begun 'notes to tho extent of $13,000,000. war, nine years ago. Japan astonished the financial world by ralslug about ?11" 000.000 by loans absorbed at home ' and by taxation. The Russian Government among others ' resources, has over $500,000,000 lu gold and bank notes in reserve; so that nlthough the financial condition of the 'country Is anything but sound, the sinews of war for the Immediate future are amply supplied. The Lost Art of Hospitality. 11 Bit E are the good old gods were once the chief deities and fireside? Have they no w ! new social regime? Perhaps we hurry too much nowadays to practice the graces of our forefathers. Electricity has set the pace for the past half century, and we are trying to keep up with Its telegraph systems, cycles. And dust gathers on the neglected gods as they huddle forlorn and neglected In their corners. Fifty years ago and more men kept their houses prac tlcally as wayside Inns for tho specific use of their friends for the general use of whosoever furod a man's house Is where ho rushes for his meals or to see It his wife and children are peradveuture still alive within Its walls, and where he sleeps when leave his brain clear enough to Invito coming of day he Is up and off again chase for fame or money, chiefly money. There are a few people who still cling to tho good old bablt of receiving on specified afternoons and evenings, they have retained the charm of looking always so rested and at ease their guests come to rest and acquire. If possible, that same case, and look with longing on the res urrected gods free from dust, smiling, contented and happy or their pedestals. For the majority of hosts and hostesses today, however, entertaining means an annual Investment In flowers. Ices and music, and a setting open of all the doors to the home. An army of friends and acquaintances rushes through the swift and lukewarm greetings, nobody remembers who came or what they said, and tho house Is cleaned and closed until the next annual Invasion. Some times It is a card party, where many come becauso of the prizes or the supper, nnd forget even to speak to their hostess again when noxt they meet her on the street. Entertaining so that both the entertainers and their guests enjoy it Is an art almost lost In this busy, work-a-day world. The open door that was the synonym for old-time hospi tality Is a word that Is known to-day only In Its political sense and when applied to China. To build houses for ac commodating one's Invited guests Is not characteristic of WAR MAPS IN DEMAND. Trouble lu the Far Eaat Proving n llonaura to Mapmakcre. To the mapmakers In the United States the Russian-Japanese war in the East is proving a bonanza. The principal home of the industry In this country Is Chicago, and one nrm In that city Is now turning out 4,000,000 maps a week. These figures seem In credible, yet the books of the nrm show that the statement Is true. Tho United States and Canada absorb most of this supply, but Europe and ABla also take their share. of It War Is a great stimulator rf the map business. Since the trouble began draftsmen, engineers nnd electrotypers hare been busy night and day In turn ing out diagrams of the scene of the Russlan-Japaneso conflict Korea, Manchuria, Siberia and the Islands of Japan have been tho subject of maps of all sizes and colors. "War atlases" have been compiled containing prints of all the Russian possessions and of every bit of territory that Is In any way likely to be affected by the naval and military campaigns. Advertisers seize upon these booklets with avidity, knowing that the average man likes nothing better than to spread one open In front of his admiring family and ex pound to them the meaning of the meager and contradictory cablegrams from tho seat of war. England's fight with the stubborn Boer republics opened up a strong demand for geo graphical Information regarding South Africa, hut tho Spanish-American con flict was the prize winner from a map maker's point of view. "When Dewey opened Are on the Spanish ships on May 1, 1808," said a man who has spent thirty years in fos tering tho map Industry in Chicago, "not one man In a hundred knew where tho Philippine Islands were. I happened to be aware of that fact, and our draftsmen were at work upon far eastern geography beforo the people waked up to their desire for knowl edge of tho subject. It was the most strenuous six weeks we have ever had. Cuba and Porto Rico did their share, and wo had to turn out new maps of the United States showing all our isl and possessions." The Alaskan gold furoro and the Panama Canal discussion made people want to have thoso portions of tho world platted out for them, but the de mand was not so great ns the quest for war tlmo knowledge, World's falre, tba opening of Indian lands, and sim ilar events of national Interest are other "peaceful reasons" for map-making. EXPERIMENTS ON THE GRAIN. Electric Current Used to Induce Sleep -Sensation Felt. Experiments on the brain of a living subject with electric curents have beon comparatively rare, as there has pre vailed among physicians and physiolo gists tho Idea that such a course of experimentation was extremely dan- present conflict prciouderauco of than Is San Fran field of operations by a single truck which tliere Is a a running capacity an hour, through a and with constant of the road In all of a good many men represents the support In Man loan of about WO, by Issuing treasury During the Chinese The Outlook. of hospitality that of the household place under the Its cars and motor that way. To-day his business worries slumber. With the better sense there Eagle. In tho swift mad the coasts, trading art from China. cided that It suited anese vikings wero period of Internal at least Japanese London Telegraph. JAP ARTILLERY LANDING The Tatung River, a view of which Is herewith given, flows through northern Korea and empties Into tho Yellow Sea. Plngyang Is situated on tbu banks of this atroam, which Is now held by tho Japanese. The Tatung Is used to transport munitions of war and troops Into tho interior. Small boats are employed for the purpose. By such means guns, artillery mutes and other ordinance supplies are transported, thus avoiding the Korean roads, which are practically Impassable at this time of the year. gerous, says Harper's Weekly. There have recently been published, how ever, records of some experiments car ried on by M. S. Lcduc, with tho ob ject of using the olcctrle curront to produce sleep and of studying its ef fects on the brain generally. In early experiments it was shown that the brain Is the bcst.conductor of electricity In the human body, being about 3,000 times more conducting than muscle. It was also observed that when a continuous current was passed through the head from ono ear to tho other tho sensation of giddiness was produced, and that objects appear ed to revolve In tho same direction ns the current flowed. Howcvor, when the electrodes are placed on the fore head and neck nnd the current sent from back to front, the effects are Innocuous so long as a mild current Is used and In somo cases may bo bene ficial. According to M. Leduc, Iho roost satisfactory current Is ono of four mllllampcres at thirty volts, which Is broken or Interrupted 100 times a second for nine-tenths of the period of the Interruption, Tho first effect noted was the disappearance of tho faculty of speech, after which followed the loss of the motor faculties. Under or dinary conditions there Is no affection of tho respiration or pulse unless tho current Is Increased, nnd then It may cease. The patient Is said to awaken Instantaneously from tho eloctric sleep and to experience a feeling of refresh ment BUYING RUBIE8 IN BURMA. A Peculiar Method of ltargalnliitf for the Precloiia Btonev. The peculiar business methods ot Oriental merchants aro Illustrated by the manner of buying rubles In Burma, In the examination of rubles artificial light" is not used, the merchants hold ing that full sunlight alone can bring out tho color and brilliancy ot tha to-day. The man who not long since added two or three rooms to his homo because he was "ho fond of having com pany come and stay," Is a mild sort of sensation In tho eyes of his less hospitable neighbors. I,css hurry and less worry and seeing one's congenial friends motv often would mean the KilVHtlon of many a work-ridden, care-worn porson of today, and architects should dlscovsr what the art was In tho old houses that made them so attractive that one's friends could not stay away from such comfortable places even It they trlcd. Memphls Scimitar, Need for a Hospital dir. IT1I nil tlia ltunrovoiiieutd in mcdtclno and A T I surgery of recent years, with all the Increase ff lu the number of phjslclatis, with nil the sub-1 I Mtlllld.t,. .if ..,l...l , .,... fit. 11.,,..,. a with all the provision of hospitals nnd dispen saries to tho cities, little consideration has been shown for Invalids by railroad companies and hotels. The sick man Is-never welcome as a passen ger on a railroad train, atld ho Is uot received with glad ness at a hotel. On the day expresses, running from New York in all directions, the man who surfers from an Ill ness or an Injury baa a hard time ot It If he Is trying to reach his home lu the country, or a sanitarium, or a report In tho mountains to which he has been ordered by his doctor. There is no place In the car for a bed, no place for bis medlelues, and ha may have to ride for two or three hundred miles sitting lu a chair, racked by the motion of the train aud hardly able, from weakness, to hold him self erect Tba sleeping car Is au improvement, but thero Is Just objection on the part of the other passengers to sharing tho coutlned space with n consumptive, and It Isl certainly dlaqulrtlug to think of occupying a berth that only a few hours before was taken by a patient suffering from n contagious disease. I Hence It Is a move In the right direction that has been ' made by tho Pullman company lu building n car for the express accommodation of Invalids. It will probably hare , larger beds than tho ordinary sleeping car, no top berths f and better ventilation; It should haw tho easiest of springs, , and be clear of carpets, curtains, plush and the usual textiles that catch and hold microbes; It should have hot, water as well as cold, on tap; It should have cupboards , for drugs and Instruments, where they would be lu no . danger of breakage and, especially. It should be so con-1 structed that It could bo cleaned with a hose after every trip, after the manner of operating rooms In hospitals. If Uits car were switched from road to road, and Its depart ures advertised, there Is hardly a doubt that, merely as a business proposition. It would bo mado to pay. In tho Is no doubt on that point. Brooklyn Japan's Sea Training. N the eleventh or twelfth century the Jap anese were the most dashing pirates of the East; In fact we might almost call them the vikings of the East. They used Junks small ships with a scrap of sail, but the little vessels ' In which the Danes once raided our own coasts, or as the craft which the Penzance fisherman hare to-day. With these Junks the Japanese roamed the seas, going everywhere along the Chinese main, ravaging and brluglng home priceless worlds of it was not until long afterwards that tho ruling authori ties of Japan, under tho great Emperor llldeyoschl, de their purpose to shut off communica tion with the outside world and to live to themselves. trading merely among their own Islands. The old Jap reduced to simple fishermen, and the feudatory wars began, for at that time would fight becauso they loved It ON THE TATUNG RIVER. , goms. Sales must therefore tako place between 0 a. ni. and 3 p. in., and the sky must be clear. ' The purchaser, placed near n win dow, has bofore blm a lurge copper pinto. The sellers come to him ono by one, and each empties upon tills plate his llttlo bag of rubles. The purchaser proceeds to arraugo thorn for valuation In a number of small heaps. Tho first division Is into three grades, according to size; each of these groups is divided Into threo piles, ac-, coming to color, ana eacu or tlieso piles, in turn, Is again divided into threo groups, according to shape. The bright copper plato has a curious uso. The sunlight reflected from It through the stones brings out, with truo rubles, a color effect different from that with red spinels and tourmalines, which are thus easily separated. The buyer and seller then go through a very peculiar method of bargaining by signs, or, rather, grips, In perfect silence. After agreeing upon the fair ness ot tho classification, they Join their right hands, covered with a handkerchief or tho flap of a garment and by grips nnd pressures mutually understood among all these dealers, they make, modify and accept propos als of purchaso and Bale. Tho hands aro then uncovered and tho prices are recorded. Jewelers' Weekly. Political DlfToronoos. Years ago, when Lord Anglesey was lord lieutenant of Ireland, ho said once of the Irish Secretary of that day; "Mr. Stanley and I do very woll togothcr ns companions, but wo differ so totally about Ireland that I never mention the subject to him." Just how thoy trans acted ofllclal business remains a mys tery. After a man has been engaged threo or four weeks, bo begins to Und oppor tunities to take Bides lu her quarrels. 80MB ODD RAILROAD RULED. Curious ICurly ICsperlenc In Trans portation lu l'ennsjflvniila. Porno of tho regulations In force on the earliest railroads built lu Pennsyl vania read very queerly In these days of "limited" and "dyers," says the Boston Transcript. A, number of thorn nro quoted lu a brief paper read before the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania on early experiences lu transportation by Antes Bnydor, nnd abstracted in part lu the Scientific American supplement. Hays this paper; "When the commonwealth opened tho Philadelphia nnd Columbia Hall way the theory was that tho State fur nish tho roadway and that any ono I who pleased could furnish his own ve I hide and motive power and use tho 'railway whenever h wished by paying tho Htato tolls for Its use, just as mo turnpikes of tho day wero used. Hut It was hood discovered that n certain character of vehicles was needed and that rules und regulations as to time and manner of using the railways wero absolutely necessary to effect their suc cessful operation. The ordinary ship per found It too expensive to fit them selves with the necessary plant and that they could get this transportation douo by largo and well equipped ship pers much more cheaply than they could do It themselves, so that In prao tlco the business drifted Into the hands of a faw Individuals and companies, who did this service for tho many. Tha railway as constructed was Intend cd for th horsn as motive power, though tlia locomotive was being Intro duced as an experiment shortly after the railway was completed. The fol lowing among tho rule and regula tlons adopted by the canal commission for the regulation of the railway may bo of Intervst " 'Sec. 22. No car shall carry a great er load than three tons on the t'oluui Ma and l'lilladelplila Hallway, nor mora than three and a half tons on the Portage Hallway, nor shall any burden car travel at a greater speed than five miles per hour, unless the car IkhIj- and load shall be supported on good steel springs.' "'Sec. 108. It shall bo tho duty of the conductors of cars moving with less speed upon the railways, upon no tlco by ringing a bell, blowing a horn or otherwise, of the approach of a loco inotha engine or other cars moving In tho same direction at a greater speed, to proceed with all pnsslhlo dispatch to tho first switch In tho course of their passage, and pass off ald track until suld locomotive engine or other cars moving at greater speed ran pass by Tho conductor of tho slower cars are directed to open and close the switched so a to leavo them In proper order. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this regulation shall, for every offense, for felt and pay the sum of $10.' "It must havo Ix-cn a very Interest Ing and novel sight. Indent, when tho horse, and the locomotive wrcr used In discriminate on the sam track and were struggling for supremacy as the future motive power of our railroads, and the approach of a locomnttvo was heralded by the tooting of n born. Even at that time tho right of way was glv en to the fast horse." WAY8 OF GEORGE GOULD. Its Keep Himself In flood Health lij Athletic Kserclae. George J. Gould, physically. Is In striking contrast to not a few of tho directors of the Gould rompanlos who were so actively Identified with the late Jay Gould. George Gould's fond ness for sports aud athletic games keeps htm In excellent physical condi tion, says tho New York Mall. Ho al most Invariably arrives at his olllco In tho Western Union building, 105 Broadway, a little beiore 10 a. in. Ills pare 1 swift and only a good walker can keep up with him. Oflen In the coldest weather ho comes with his overcoat on his arm. Immediately upon reaching his desk he throws off not only his undercoat, but bis waistcoat as well, and pitches Into a vast amount of work. Frequent ly during the day Mr. Gould may be seen passing rapidly through tho corri dors of tbo Western Union building In this same negligee attire. Not long ago a hildday meeting of tho directors of the Texas and Pacific Rllroad was called, and Russell Sage, John T. Terry nnd Pnm Sloan, all ac tive associates of the late Jay Gould, came down the corridor from Goorgo Gould's ofllce, all wearing winter over coats, although the weather was abominably mild. Mr. Gould appeared a few minutes lator minus his under coat nnd waistcoat, and in this attl.n presided at tho meeting, whllo his ngod confreres, In conventional drrss and holding high silk hats with a grout deal of dignity, unanimously ratlllcd his propositions. Mr. Gould rarely gets further down town than tho Harriman ufllres, nt 120 Broadway. He could easily pass through Wall street without being gen erally recognized. Even somo of the 'Wall street reporters do not know him by sight Might Have I to on Worse. Bourke Cockran was condemning a certain popular novel. 'This novel," he said, "Is as poor and barren as Elmo County laud." "Is Elmo County land very poor and barren?" askod one of Mr. Cockran's Interlocutors. "Is It?" he said, "Well, I should say It Is. Once two strangers rodo on horseback through Elmo County, and the barrenness of the land amazed them, Nothing but weeds and rocks everywhere, As they passed a farm bouse they saw an old man sitting in tho garden, and they sold: " 'Poor chap! Poor, poverty-stricken old fellow P 'The old man overheard thorn, and called out In a shrill voice: " 'Gents, I hain't so poor an' poverty-stricken as ye think. I don't own none o' this land. " Origin of IlUiikota. Blankets were first mado by Blanket Brothers, at Bristol, England, aboul tho middle of the thirteenth century. Don't gossip, don't spread poison With your tongue; don't bo a weiner wurst Somo mon lose their hutr by butting lu at tho wrong time. Gouverneur Morris has finished n uew novel lo which he has given lbs quaint title of "A Pagan's Progrvs." Mary Ohalmondoloy Is completing the manuscript of new novel, tho first to.appear from her pen since Iho publication of "Red Polloge." Miss Myrtle Heed, author of "Laven der and Hid I.ace" nnd oilier books, has In readiness for the press n new story lo be called "The .Master' Vio lin." A now book about Tnskcgeo and It work, tho Joint production of olllcor and former students, Is announced. Booker T. Washington contribute tho Introduction. The Price of Youth" Is Hie title f tho new novel by Miss Margery Will- tms, which the Mai'iulllan Company 'havo Issued. It Is a picture, of II fo In ' a New Jersey village. I 'The Deliverance," by Ellen Glas gow, and Henry llarlaiid's "My Friend Prospers," aro the two now jwr book that have ni far been meat prominently before the public. Dr. Waller F. MrCnleb, author of "Tho Aaron Hurr Conspiracy," Is edit ing for Dodd, Mead A Co., the "Memoirs of Senator John II. Ilea, gun," tlin only surviving member of the Confederate cabinet. A book the chief charm of which Is to lie Its absolute simplicity and yet In) filled with thrilling Incident and U lrnt action Is tho way lu which tha publishers announce Charles Hem street's novel, "Flower of tho Fort." Since the publication of the "Woman Who Tolls" Mrs. John Van Worst has had an enviable position In Paris. Hhn was taken up by the academy set. Is a contributor to the Heine ilea Deux Mnndes and has hud her tiook publish ed In French and German. "Helen Grant' Schooldays," Mist Amanda M. Douglas' holiday story ot last year, will bo followed next au tumn by "Helen Grant's Friends," III which Helen lay aside her school am bitions and derotes herself to aiding her father In his archaeological work. Tho" most Interesting collection ot Thackeray relics ever brought together la In the possession of n well known Ixindon dealer. It consists of tho ill bums of the author's long-time friends, Mrs. Hronknold and Mrs. Perry Thesa albums are filled with letters, one long original poem and several characteris tic sketchrs. Dodd. Mead A Ci New York, an nounce that they have ready for pub lication 1,0)10 facsimile copies of th first edition of the Declaration of Inde pendence. The original edition wa printed as a broadside. July ft, I77H, by Johu Dunlap, of Philadelphia, the otll clal printer to the Continental Con gres. OLD THEORY 18 DOUBTED. Home Meteorntoulata Deux that Forests Influence the Ktilufatl, Almost from time Immemorial me teorologists and Iho public generally havii held to the opinion that the cut ting nway of forest trees greatly ill mlntshe the rainfall In a given area. Of late, however, the first named class doubt tho correctness of the theory, al though they concede, that denuding th laud ot tri-v accelerates the rat at which water runs off from moun tain side. The same attltudo Is adopted by tho forestry bureau nt Washington, In a report regarding n special study of the Hock lllvcr water shed. Tho region lies partly In Wis consin and partly In Illinois. Within tho last eighteen or nineteen years thero has been somo decrease In pre cipitation In tha vnlley and tho river Is lower than It once was. In discussing Iho facts tho bureau adopts a notably cautious manner, say ing that "It cannot bo safely asserted that forest destruction has produced any falling off In the nnnual precipita tion over tho region." Commenting on the facta In "Tho Bulletin of the Amer ican Geographical Society," It. Del). Ward, a well-known meteorologist. calls attention to the fact that a fall ing off In rainfall ha been observed at many other localities In tho western part of tho United States for sovernl years, thus In n measuro corroborating tho conclusion or Bruckner that thero Is a thlrty-flvc-ycar cyclo In tho cli mate. RADIUM, A MIDGET PONY. Radium Is tho numo of n black Shet land pony which, though threo years old, Is only twcnty-uliio Inches high. Bred nt Sealiam Harbor, says the Tat Icr, Ixindon, ho Is a grandson of tha champion pony Odin, nnd through his mother, Is descended from I'rluco ot Thulo, Laird of Nobs and other cole- bratod Londonderry ponies. Radium Is by Htormontfleld nnd Mnrjorlo. Ho Is owned by Lady Estella and Liidy Dorothea Hopo (tho latter Is holding the halter), the sisters of tho Marquis ot Linlithgow. On EnglSli Hallways, Tho number of men employed on tho railways ot the United Kingdom, Including boys, Is 623,082, Speaking of tho misfortune of rich es, theru is the woman who Is a good cook, but who Is rich enough to en gage a hired girl, who Is a poor ono.