Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 13, 1904, Image 3

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    I DON'T I
Kail to sec the fine line
of'CoinliH, Ilnirllrtishes,
Toilet Articles and
SDrtitftflHl'H SuiicIrlcH
The finest line in town"
prices can not he beaten
H HI llltflcM (iii $2X per III
(,'OIIUllllll llollgll I ii in I MT ami
illini'iiMiiiii in. $7.50
All klmlH uf Kiln Dni'il
IiiiiiIht nt proportionately
low prli'i'M.
At mill. prlecH, until April
Long & lllngliaiii Lumber Co.
ft Afc
Dealers in
City and Farm Property.
o.g.oB.oiQgi.Qao0oooooooojlBtuleliavliiK; taken liiHtructloiiH un
AC Tin- Idciil
$1 per Month
Will keen your HullHclcmieil.
pri'Mwil, liiittotm on ami rlpn
TrmiHli nt work Hpllcltiil.
HatlHfnctlnii Knrrantii'l.
Work calleil for ami ilellveri'il
prouipty each wevk.
Onli'in taken at Welch .V WooiIn
Mrs. V. A. Cunningham,
vl Cottaue drove, Oregon.
I The Cottage Grove 9
A Im how In running oriler ?
y. and ptrpaniil to ilo all klmlH of
V; latiuilry work with prompt iickh k
fy. unil at reiiHonalile rati'H. A
9 We hope to Miture your
g pntronao ami to pU'iinc you A
)p with our work. l'lione-IM
Hanson & Swanson, Props.
I Loggers and Miners 1
I've got
I Von Want 8
,(Io(kI Htock. Itcaminaltlo J'rlcoa j
, At J. 11. Davidson's
Can lie found the most ele
uant unil tip to iliito
An elcKUiit Hue of KiiHtcru
Mndu I'erfuiiH'H, School
llnokfl ami n full line ol the
lament popular liookH,
To Ituy KoniiL'dy'H Chain l.lKlit
11I11K Mill men I, for Ilhi'timatlaiii mid
all pnliw mui liitlamatlon, I'rlce
CO contH, all driiKBlat, or by mull
upon receipt of price, write V I Ken
nedy, 8nslnnw. Oregon, for llBt of
tcAllmoulcM, SntlHfactlpii gimriiu-teed.
ok Store 1
The ('liulliinni)ii Medicine Cnnipiiny,
Willi litlMiniliirli'ii and lauiuriil ulllici nt
CliitlliuiiKiitu, Tcnneiwe, mill lirmicli
lioiiHOH ill hi I.imiIm, Mii.. ii in I Hun I'iiiii
cluen, Cal., has become Dim f if tlic Iiiiki'hI
proprietary ineillelno roncernii In tliti
world. In llii'Krowlli nf HiIh (treat bind
in h tun lni'liim Iiiivii been iliiiiiliiiinl
I tut merit ol h products Wlno of
Canlul iiml Thi'dfuid'H illiirk-lhaiiulil'
luiit been wlili'lv iiToixnii'il mill liiu
ullKlnill ihIviiiIIhIiik iiii'IIiihIh iulnili'il
Iiiivii excited hi rut iMiiiiiiii'iit. Tim
publicity fur Uikhii nieillrliien iIih'h mil
rnimlKt ill liiu nil rl i iihlimn mill ox
liaviiumil Hlateinciit. ton nllen ciiiiiliived
In advertising today, lint 1 11 h I fix 1 If i u
plain story of cxiMjiluneo with tin) nicill
dues kIu'M In tlm plain ImiuiiiiKU of tliu
pit ilu theiiimilvi'S. 'I'lin fnllowllIK let-
t f I- In fillr Hlllllll(l Of tllll thousands of
III!) Ill l.urillll U'HUIIIOIIIIIIH pllllllHIICII
iiiiruiK inn pan twenty -years.
Methodist l!ilC(ipnl Conference nt
Los Angeles, Calif.
Ari'imiit. nhnvn Conference, tho
Southern 1'iii'lflc C(i. will iiwiUi! re
duced ruti'H mi tlm ecrtlllcutu plan
from main linn polnlH In Orison
Ml til t ll llf I'lllillinil. I'llMMCIIKCI'M will
piiirliMHii tlckclH to Lon Aiigolcn, for
which agent will collect the hlglicnt
oiiii way rule, giving u Hpcclul ro
rclpl. On prcwniatloii of this re
1'i'lpt, ilnly executed, Iiy original pur
rluiMcr, Southern I'nclfli: Audit lit
I.iim Aiiki'Ii'n will sell rift urn ticket nt
ono-thlrd fun1. Kale dntcH from Ore
gon polntH will Imj April lUth, to
Miiy 7th IiicIiihIvo, iiIho May lltli,
12tn, Hilli, llllli, mini, 2lth niuf With.
Tlm IiihI ilny on which ccrtlllculfM
will Im honored for return nt reduced
rule from I, on AiikcIch will be Juno
."Hi, I1HII.
WAN 1 121).
Special representative In HiIh county
unil uiljolnlnir territories to rciire.
wilt mill ml vert Im' nil olil cHtahllHhcd
wealthy IiuhIiichh Iioiihii of mijIIiI
lluiitichil Htnmllng. Salary $21 weekly,
witu cxih'Uih'h pa in cncii .Mommy by
check illrect from liemliiiiarlerH. ',
ih-iikch mlvaticeil unil lioriu' ami
IniKKV liirnlHlii'il when nm-Ntniry;
niiHitioii permanent. ililrcNH, Ilu
iNiliimlila. IKIO Million lllit., CIiIcuko,
ttii.w.Kii limn will Ihi rccelvcil Itv
Alileruiun Chamlterlalii until tlir lUth
of .May fur tint erection of it nmull
frame ImiIIiIIiik for tire company,
Went Mhle. I'ur pluiin unil HH'clllca
iIoiih call upon .Mr. Cliamherlalu.
Tli." rlKUt to refiiHu all IiIiIh rewrvcil
1 Do Von Slnf?
If ho, why nut call on Mm W tl
U'ouiIh ul lier Htiiilln, Awluvy liullil
Iiik, anil learn how to iiho your voice
to the Ih-hI ailvantiiKV. oii will Im
ilellKhlcil when you mi' how cimy It
Ih to mIiiu nicely. Mouth Mf utility .
Tui'Hilay, 'I'hurHilay ami I'rlilny fro'in
'J to 0 p. in.
I will come prt'pnrcil tuilo you an
iriintl tvnrh nu ilmui jini ivln.t . In tli,t
uer i in- ih'hi tieiiioiiHiraiorH in t lie
Htate, will iiIho HiHitiil one week In
I'nrtlmiil Ki'itluif new lileax iMifom
ro m Inn
J N llovi).
Wo liavo on our yanlii TiO.OiK) feel of
lumber which iiiiihI Ih-hoI.I to make
room for Incoming Htock, prlceHrmiK
liifT from f. M to $7.00. If you want
a liarKiilu come nt once.
The llooth-Kelley I.uiiiIht Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
Mr. I.. Van lturkler, a iliotiKra
pher of coiiHlileraliU' renown for
iloliiK IiIkIi chiHti photographic work,
will oiH'ii a Htmllo In CottiiKf (Jrove
wltnln a wee k or two.
We have a Inrfpj xupply of cheap
IiiiiiIht, JiiHt what you want on a
ranch, price very cheap, mut ho hoIiI
to make room for other Htock,
The tlooth-Kelly LuiiiIht Co.,
SiikIiiiiw, Ore.
I'orent Men Selection No. Kill.
II S Land Olllce,
Unxcliiirir. Ore.. Apr. IL, HKM.
Notice In hereliy ulven to any ami
all ihthoiim that W lillam F linker, by
Tnink K Alley, attorney In' fact,
wIiohc lioHtolllceatldiVHd in ItOHeliurg,
Oregon. Ihh mmlu application to kct
Icct under the act of Juno -t, ls.)7. :io
Stat., ;iti, the following deHcrllted
laud, Hltuuted In Township No ,
South of Hunge No 1 Weut, of the
Willamette Meridian, Oregon, to-wlt:
Lot eighteen (IS) In Section nix (II).
Within the next thirty iIii.vh from
date hereof protcstH or conti'HtH
UKHtliHt the Hiild Ht'lcctlou on the
ground that the laud deHcrllted, or
any part thereof, Ih more valuable
for ItH nilneralH than for agricultural
purpoHCH or the timber thereon, will
lie received and noted for report to
the (ieiieral Land Olllce.
1 1-5 t ,1. II. IIootii, Itm'lvcr.
.SuuMiine lias about dis
posed of the beautiful snow
and the trees will soon be
leaving t hot is the leaves
will be coming, and some
will have
Ilefore leaves, this nuggests
that you should have vour
camera mid Uh belongings
quite ready for securing tho
lieautlful picture which will
If you liavc'nt a camera or
having one, need belongings.
Call on
iniinniii inmi
Dr. I.ou'c, Ociilo-optlclan, Iviikciih
llmiolwooil Iciicreiini ul tint Htar.
I 'ur lll'Ht cIiihh iiiciiIh the ICxclililiKV
Ii'iiiIIiik lirauil cIk'iih al Iho
Hot coffee ami IiiiicIich nt tin)
change reHtmirant.
DuvIiIhoii keepn the bent loggern'
hIiocm on the market.
.1 I, llrown a farmer near (orano
wih In the city tlila week,
A complete ami choice Hue of can
illi'M JiiHt lecelveil nt The Wave
You can gel tlm IichI loggern' and
iiiIiiith-hIiocm at .1 II DavlilHon'N.
A .ferney cow mid calf for Halo or
trade for driving horne. I'hllllpH H.
Attention iHcalli'd to the now ml
vcrtlHcmi'iit of. I It llrown, I'loiir mid
l'-ii'd Store.
I'Olt SAI,i:-()ne red-polled three
veiir iilil hull. jiililreHH II O Mc Far
laud, Cottage Urove.
What every body liken Ih Homethlng
to HiitlHfy their aimetlti', the Hx-
cliangu leHtaurant Iiiim It.
We can fiirulMh mining Htock at
iirlceH below thorn' of any other
broker In the Htate. Medley tc Milne.
Don't forget to take your mealu lit
the l;xchaiigi' reHtiiurani. livery
hlug the bent the marketcau nupplv
.fohn Hunter on Monday took u
crew of men to It Ih hiiw mill above
Wild wood to begin active oiwratloiiH,
MlHH.Mmloii I White of Wlldwooil,
HlHter-lu-law of TIioiiiiih M Hunt of
that place wiih In the city thin week
vlHltlng frlemlH.
CharleH I'nilerwooil and wife are
ni'ent arrlvnlH In the city. It Ih
their Intention to remain pHrtna
neatly with uh.
The entire corpH of teacherH hrre
went to liiigene Tuemlay on the 1 p
m train to attend tlm lonelier h in
ntltilte held there.
.1 N lloyd will be In Cottane Urove
on or iH'fore .lune I, with ii big
well etUlpH'd photo tent with nil
the latent IhlngH In photograph.
Sick hendncliL' renulli) from n din
onlereil ntofnaclie and Ih iiuickly enrol
by CliHiiiU'rhiin'H Htuiiiacli mid I.iver
Tiiltletn. For fide by New Kra DniK
The Itev Ijike of ltoHclmrg will
hold Kpltcopal Hervlcen la the Ma
hiiiiIc hall on next Monday night nt
S o'clock. Kvery one cordially In
vited. Mr Hardy Crow of l.oraue wiih In
the city rucHilny. He reportn every
thing looking favorable for good
cropH out IiIh way, although the
HeiiHon Ih coiiHlileraltly backward.
ThrWCTI' Conveuiloii will Ik
held at the M K Church next WedueM-
ilny ami Thurnilay. All are cor
dially Invited to attend and learn
more of the work of HiIh noble order.
WANTKII ii thrifty young farmer of
i'XH'rlenee and kooiI liabltH to take
charge of farm at Illackbiitte mine.
Mut have good referenceH. Married
mnii iirefcred. Attply to Wm HarrlH,
Mr .1 Harding and family went to
Walker hint ThiirHilay to Ihi in nt
temlancv at the wedding of Mm.
Hiinlliig'H niece which occurred nt
the homo of her parentH, F Wright
mid wife, on the evening of that day.
I'lie inretlugH held at the C I'
Church are IncreiiHlug hi attendance-
unil intercut. livunirellHt .Mcelirhln
a plain and forceful HM'ker HceniH to
tie lull ol love tor IiIh work, while hM
helper, .Mr Hart, accompanied by IiIh
guitar. reudiTH tlttlnR HougHln a very
touching and pleanliiK way.
One of the ureatcet ble avinen a modest
man can wiali for is a uoud. reliable tet
oflnwcle. If you aro not the happy
pocior ol such an outfit von can
greatly Improve, the elllciency of those,
you by the. judicious use of Clnttr.bcr
Inin'a Stoinac'i and I.iver Talilcte. Thev
aro pleanant to take and agreeable in
ellect. ror cuie uv sew lira Uruc Store
0 K Wlntermeler, Chairman of the
Iteiiiibllcan County Central Com
mittee came up from Eugene Monday
to look over tho political nltuatlon i
and to discuss matters with Com
mlttecmcu Hcmeuway and Conner.
During his visit' to the Nugget Mr
Wlntermeler stated a thorough can
vass of the jcouuty had been made
and he wan assured of over 700 re
publican majority for the ticket.
Of I'hotoirrnnher who will
Hoon return to this city the iA'biinon
lixprt'HH hii.vh: "I'hotogrnpher lloyd
Iiiih now on dlHplay some reniark-
alily line photon. The photos show
iiiucn urtlstic anility, until in tne
posing and In the line quality of
work. men. too, tne cards aro very
neat and liaiidnome, being the latest
tilings out lu that Hue. We doubt if
any photographer lu the. valley can
liiaKe a tH'tter Hhowing tliantlim.
,1 N lloyd, the well known pho
tographer will Hoon return to Cot
tage urove. i.ant weeK n U'liiiiimi i
Criterion said of him: "LnHt weckl
Phntnej-rjiiuier ltovil lllleil IiIh out. I
sldo show case wltii anew supply of,
photos. Among tho new display I
may bo found hoiuo of the tlnest tin-1
lshed Iphotoa that are made any
where both uh to workmanship and
mounts, They nro without doubt
tho lluest lot of pictures ever dis
played In thin city mid should be seen
to be appreciated. Lebanon can
boost of one of the very best pho-
i tograpiiern in mu state.
The residence of W. A. Hurtling on
IllverHtreot Is fnBt nearlnc comple-
I lion iinuer ue mecuiimcai maiiage-
I mm ,1 nf tlin IM,ri,a llr. i, ,,!,.
. lug ami papering being dono by Al
1 r.,i... 'i'i. K.t,i.,..,. ... .....w..,... i..
VI.l,.,,. 1 (1U im,!L!ll.U 111 1III(3L11I11 III
tho one tho construction of which
was commenced by Attornoy J H
Young, who sold It when partially
constructed to Mr llartung. It Is of
tho colonial style, reception hall,
parlor, (lining room, sitting room,
kitchen and pantry on the llrst tloor,
while four commodious bed rooms
and bath room are on the second
tloor. Tho structure la approxi
mately a SIDOO residence. Tho
iltilsu Is selected tlr, Including tho
doors tinlshcd in natural color. It
presents an attractive appearanco
and Ih one of the most substantial
ornaments td the city.
All persons holding chlnawaro
tickets must present them before May
IStli at our store lu order to redeem
them At Lurch's,
Ileitis of Interest in unci about
Collude drove anil vicinity.
If you want velveteen
tnpi'Htry painting hco
for chi'iulcal
the MIhhcm
Mr mid Mr Clifford I'owern
boiiriled the I p m train hint Ktimlay
for Sprlngiii'lil, Ore.
The WiiHlilugton Ice cream hccoiiiI
to none In Oregon, Try n dlnli fur
compnrlHon ntTliu Wave.
Dr K T AndcrHoii ami family left
HiIh wek to lake up a Tinnncnt
reHldeiici) In I'ortlaiid.
All colotH of velveteen for chemical
tiiH'Htry painting at the MIhhcm New
laud. Mm A I, HriggH anil children are
peuilliig vai'iitlon week with Mth
Mary lliircham of Hllk Creek.
.Mrn .lainrH HeiiHon with her little
daughter, Mary Kllen, deiiurteil'i'iieH
day to vlHlt her nlnter In Spokane.
Ml'H Dora II FluliU of the Kagle
Hook Store, altera wnek on IniHliieHH
affalrH In Albany returned home
Mrn llr .full lefl Miinilnv f,,r l'..n
' 1 Jl till Will.,-,. Mil,, U'lll l,,l,i '. ..I
....... ....... ..... ..... f.,111 , " . t trj Ul
frlemlH and with them vlnlt the St
J.oiiIh KxpoHltlon.
I.adleH, when down town don't
tall to call at A .1
Ml ore on Stand
the prlien will milt you
M I. Tucker, Minnie Comer and
MIkh Newcomb, all county puda- '
gogucH lioariled the overland WedneH
day morning for liiigene. '
Virgil I'nrker, a IiuhIuchh man of
Albany, vlnlted IiIh brother, 'I'Iioiiiiik,
on Siimlay. Mr I'arker'n little
daughter accompaiilrd him.
On Monday the Ifith from in to ."'
o'clock Icecream mid ormigi-Hherliert 1
will lie uer veil gratH to the ludlcH, i
ciiimreu not iiiciuiieii, at i lie Wave.
I) 'I' Awbrew left for Portland hint
Monday to eoiiHiilta HpeclallHtaltout
the condition of IiIh throat, which
ban lii-en giving him trouble for Home
Mrn. lllackHcl' of Oardluer who Ih
vlnltlng with her Hlnter Mrn Harding,
went to Walker Monday tin the 1 p
in train to pay n wliort vlnlt to her
Hlnter, Mrn Fred Wright.
City MiirHhal Underwood'H wife de
parted on Thiii-mlny to vlnlt her
father In HIIiioIh. Sim will return
by way of St t.ouln upending mime
dayH at the KxpoHltlou.
Thechllda'ii of the late A F .lohn
hoii denlre through the Nugget to ex-in-HH
their gratitude to the many
frlemlH, who ho kindly iiHHlHted them
during their father'u lllnini! nml
Judge It liaktn of I'nlon vlalteil IiIh
brother, Herln-rt liakln of the Flret
National I'ank. the tlrnt of the week.
The Judge ha u largeeln-ult In Eant
ern t)regon mid has but little time
for vlnltlng.
F .1 I'odiiHka. mi exM?rIenced
nnnnyer from AlnHka and Senttlo ha
rent eil the building next to Medlev I
mid Milne ami will noon lie prepared 1
..mi.., ..ik urougaior Bern
All the membei-H of the W HC are
carncHtly reiueHtel to lie prenent In
good time at the hall next Saturdny.
Much work Ih to be done and many
plans to Ih laid. There Ih iiIho a oro -
Krai.. io oe reimereil lor me Hood of
the order." Mary Ii -Dicker. Trea.
On WedneHiIav the Iiinrene Hlirh
School team vlnlted our city and
played the Cottaue Urove Hicrh
School team a game of bnKchall.
Tom Medley umpired and received
the UHiinl amount of comiiltmentH ac
corded an umpire. Some good playn
were mane on botli nlden, but the
l-.ugene lioyn took the game with a
coro of 0 toll In their favor.
I i .? . an" "' nro 'i' f,,l8cAt.y
r It Ifltll'- tllllfl Wltu Uillltlllllfl n llttln
for a long time wan Hounded a little
alter one clock on Wedpendav.
Everybody was on the ntreetn lu an
inntant, while the volunteer firemen
npiteared with their hone carts In
short order. The alarm was caused
by a flro In a residence In the North
eant pnrt of tio city. IJotli teams
made a quick run. but the blnie had
Ih-cii extinguished by parties who
were near by In'fore the boys arrived.
Oeorge Kuowles of tho firm of
Knowles nnd Oettvn of llohemln. ar
rived In the city Wednesday with his
wife and llttlo daughter. They have
,,t iHH;n out of the cmnp since last
Rummer. In coming out they walked
over the snow some miles nnd
stopH.'d at the foot of tho mountain
overnight. The next day coining In
terna to tho railroad. Mr Knowles
will visit her folks at Corvallls while
Mr Knowles will attend the Cirand
Lodge of I O O F nnd visit along the
valley for some weeks.
All persotiH holding clilnaware
tickets must present them Itefore.May
15th at our Btore lu order to redeem
them At Lurch's.
A Smooth Tooter.
A man came to the store one day.
Ami to the druggist he did say.
My feet once all covered with corns, j
Aro now an nmootli an a yearling's I
Use Fop Km All Corn Salve for sale
by i
Morgan & Hrehaut. '
Cottage Grove
Will lie held In Cottage drove May
IS ami 111, 11)01. Principal Hpeaker Ih
MIhh I.oiiImi' K HolllHter, Nallnnal
lecturer. Following Ih the iirogrmn:
1 WedncHday, 3:15, Devotional Htate
eraugtllHtlc Hiiperlnteuilent, Mrn Ii V
whhoii, liiigene: Kenning ol
Miiitili-M; 1:10, Appointment of
of Com-
LoiiIhi' i:
inlttecH: :i:,r0 AddrcHH, MIhh I
HoIlMter; 1:10 Ijiiyal Teuipermiee
1egloli; 1:10 Adjournment. I l." Sla-
Honing DelcnteH. WedneHday even-
ing: K.m Devotional, Special miiHle,
H-'.ll Aililn.aa MImu Itntllulei- Tlmru-
daylll.lSOO: I) .00 Devotional, Mr Ii
v iiiiHitii. i.tiKcne; v.iu iiuauiii) oi
MlnuleH; !l:'iO Talk, Mth l.oulw, I!
, .lolniHon, Co V I'reH, CreHwell; 0;:j0
iQlieHtlon Itox, MrH Margret Hoiih
ton, Kugeiie; !:.r0 Talk or I'ater, MrH
I.lzilu NorrlH, Colnirg; 10:00 DIkcuh
hIoii, ntjhjeet, How can we IntereHt
inemberH of the union ho they will
regularly attend the meutlngH?
leader, Mrn Itamlolph, Cottage
10 rove, followed by repreNCiitntlvcH
i of liiigene, Crt'Hwell, Junction, f'o-
burg, mid Saglniiw: I0:.'U OddH, lindH
ami Tangled I'ointH, brought for
ward by emli union: 11:00 lleeltlng
CreHwell union: 11:00 Ailjouriinient,
i Noontide prayer; li!:00 Lunch: 1 De
votional, Mrn Dnlier, Junction; 1:10
Iteadlug of MlnuleH: 1:15 DIsciihhIoii,
' Hiibject; The relation of the W C T I'
' to the church, Itev llo.vlen; 1:23 The
relation of the church to the W CT I
Mrn Ii V WIIhoii. liunene: 1:155 Ocn
TIioiiiuh' .Millinery 'VT1'1 "1I.MC"I,,,,"I 11:f' l'l-T, Mrn Om
ul hc the new i.i.Im kliH, Kugeiie: 1:.m DIhciihhUui: 11:00 An
Hour with the Vh, MIhh Holllnter;
:i:00What are the nextHtepH tit l
taken to help the coming June elec-
tlon for local option by the churche.
Itev iillllngtou; Ity the Sunday
SchoolH, Mr Sherk; lly the Young
I'eopk-H SocletleH, Mr Alta King; Ity
theBchoolH, I'rof Ilrlggn; by the ItiiHl-
oay evening. :uu Devotional, fspecim
iiiiihIc; H:'.1) AddreHH, MIhh i.oulw Ii
All hchhIoiih to be held In the M Ii
On Monday to the wife of TIioiiiiih i
I'nrker a daughter, which pleaned
ThomnH Hi) well IiIh cigar cane wan t
open for Hevcral days.
On Wednesday morning to the '
wife of K W HiiHtlngH an pound
On ThurHilny nluht at S;:w at the !
home of the brlde'H pareutH at CreH
well Oncar JnckHou to MIhh Nora
Wright. Mr. .lackHnu Ih a prosper
ous farmer near Walker.
At Cottage Grove on TiieHilny
morning A V Joluuon, Iwtter known
us Tom, panned away after a long ,
and Hevero HlneHH.
Mr JoIiiihou came to Cottage
(Jrove about 25 yearn ago and for '
Hometlme engaged In themerclmiitlle
biiHlncHi, but later paid more atten !
tlon to mining: doing coiiHldenible
work In the lloheinhi dlntrlct. A few 1
month ago he Hold a group of clalmn 1
to .1 II Hengen. j
W hen but 15 yearn of age, In the '
' Hummer of 1701 he lnIUte.1
Hi a Kan-1
Ban regiment nml nerved throughout
i Civil war.
Mr Johnson lot IiIh wife about a
1 ye"i- ago. The family hnve lived for
i n long time on the Van Court farm,
1 About a mouth ago he win brought
Lu ie unmt iur ...euicai iruai.i.t-i.i..
but not lilnir could be done for him.
He leaven a family of eight children
the eldent being the wife of N J Huff.
He wan burled on Wednesday at 10
o'clock lu the Sear's cemetery on Hon
Wednesday May 11th wan the Slst '
birthday anniversary of Fncle Sam 1
Onroutte. Quite a number of relu
ct...... .....1 ri. ...... ..-
Mrs May Hart and marched from
.. . . . .
mere to me uome oi i nciu sain, ami
enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon.
After refrenhmentH were served and a
good social time enjoyed by all
present, they depnrted leaving their
iH-st wlahen with an aged brother.
Don't fall to hear Frank C Confer
In ragtime and coon songs: "My
Dlna Jones," "Any Hugs," etc, etc. i
Nothing but clean, wholesome at-. I
tractlonn. Opera House, two nights '
Monday and Tuesday. May lCth nnd j
. Ii
Dr all has been very sick the past i
few days buthe Is improving again.
Flour & Feed Store
Hard and Soft Wheat
Junction City Flour
Chop Feed, Urnhmu Flour,
Oats, Uran nnd Shorts.
West Side. Cottage, drove
' We Have a Full Line of Grows
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishings,
Groceries The freshest best selected stock to be found in the city.
Boots and Shoes one of the best and new up to date stocks ever displayed
in Cottage Grove at Bed Rock Prices.
In Some
Yon lwive to reach a certain particular clerk if
you want to have your order filled satisfactorily
Everyone in our Store
Is taught that his job depends upon his pleasing
our patrons. Call us by telephone and let us
prove it.
N. 13. All persons holding chinaw.'tre tickets can
redeem the same if presented before May 15, 1 904-
it Lurch s Store.
Corner 5th and
Occur to You
That vou save about
25c on each dollar when
vou buv vour
Hats, Trunks, Suit Cases
(Well its
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
j a rosrnvE necessity.
I Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely brnised leg, I only
found relief when I used a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Linimeiu. I can cheerfully
recommend it as the best medicine for
bruUes ever sent to the allliced . It has
now become a iiositive necessity upon
mvfelf. D R Bvmes, Merchant. l)o
ve'rsvillc. Texas, "26c. 50c, $1.00. New
Era Drug Store.
Advertise in the Nugget.
Mercantile Co.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
Grocery's 1
Main Streets.
is a fact.)
Itoseburg. Ore.. April 30, 11)04.
Notice Is hereby given that the ap
proved plat ol survey of fractional
Twp. 22 S., It. 4 W.,
lias lnen received from the Surveyor
(jeneral for Oregon, and on Wednes
day, the ;ith day of June, 1001, nt9
o'clock a m, the said fractional plat
will be filed in this ollice and the laud
embraced therein will Ito open to en
try on or after that date.
J T HttiitoEs, Register.
J H Hootii, Receiver.