Bohemia Nugget DhnU NuRtt Pub. Co. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. CIIV WILL PALL. JAPS SUCCESSFUL toqo is orn port Arthur. Russlin Troopi Leaving Nlu Chwang Uun Sent to Llao Yung. Clictoo. May 10. Passenger nrrlv Inir hero on tlio steamer Petrarch from Niu Chwani-say tlint when tlicy left Nln Rlitrmw thn HllHllinl had com- CVRNITQ OK THP 11 A V moncedto evacuate. Some guns had K'w"uv' "l - " been taken from tho fort and many troops had already none. In other to- IIAVB CUT THE LING 01' COMMUM. CATION WITH PORT ARTHUR. Ccaiprehenatvo Review of the Import. ant Happenings o( the Put Week, Presented In Condenaed Form, Moat likely to Prove Interesting. Present Indications point to long war botweon Russia nnd Japan. Russia will liavo a largo exhibit at the St. Loula (air In a short time. spects. Kin Chwang was quiet. The passenger understood before their (iepnrturo that the Japanese had cut tlio railway, but tlicy learned no particulars. Tort Has 15,000 Me but Runlans Con- fldent They Can Hold Oil Army ol 100,000 Japanese Force Numbers JO.OOO-Vlccroy Alcxltfl and Stall Had Narrow Uicape Irom Capture. He Will Remain There Till Troops Land at Another Point. St. Petersburg May 7. With Vlco Admiral Togo hovering In llio tmmcdl ate vicinity o( Port Arthur and trans ports loaded with troop lying at l'ltso- wo, liorllieast of that stronghold, Rus sla has braced horsglf for impending conflicts with tho foo in which sho will TOOO AIIAIN AT IT. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON I RUST 1ILH1IITS I'RUNIIS. N1IW IIUILtllNU I OR PACIPIC. St. Petersburg, May 0. (ally announced tonight -It was otllc- that tlio Jap, I-ondon, Mar 10. Tlio Morning Post's Shanghai correspondent reports anesc have succeeded in gaining a foot that Rainy was captured Friday, while hold on the l.iao Tuns peninsula, land tho Toklo correspondent of tho Pally Tho latest Japaneso victory gives her Telegraph, cabling under date ofSiin control of much valuablo territory. There will bo shiall crops of apricot and prunes In California this year. Franco believes that tho supremo atrngglo will como soon at Mukden It Is reported that Viceroy Alcxlcff troop8 retired to Tashihtchao, and d . .,,.n,l.l hv ntan.l n,n lng the night most of the guns ero day, says: "Rainy was invested yesterday." Tho Dally Mail's correspondent at Kiu Chwang, In a dispatch dated May 8, says: "Yesterday most of tho Russian lur moved from tho fort and ing tones at Pitsewo and at Capo Tor- minal, IS miles distant, ami hao cut tho lino of communication with Port Arthur. Not only that but Viceroy AUvxicff, Grand Duko llorls and many ol the higher Husslan olllcors In Man chnria narrowly escaped capture, or at least being penned up in tho bcleagu orcd town. tho news that tho Japaneso had ar ,-nt to l.iao lived near Pitsewo was transmitted t0 l'hip squadron will bombard Port damage. Is to bo succeeded by Grand Duko H It-HUItlO, I . . . t, . , I IV.., 1 .ll,,,. I... ., II....!... .1..! i lung, Vi HVIU nil .uu mic-inu iuiyi a ikiv .v.. ..iti, tj n ..uroim, niiini iuii'i. John Alltcneii advocates a iraue coneentrnt Ins. A conference of the olliccr. who sighted the Japanese trans agreement as tho solution oi me atriKO civll ami military authorities was held port fleet early on Thursday. Ho im this afternoon and it was decided to prepare to leave at a moment's notice." Change ot Weather Catches Fruit In lltostont-Pears Alto Altccled. Albanv Tho iiriino croii of I.inn again play a defensive role, tills tlmo, county will bo almost an entire failure n is nopcu, wan Doner success, and this year, aecoidlng lo an orehaidlst therefore with less sacrillceof llfo, than who was In Albany a few days ago in mo engagements on tlio taiu. Tho frost that visited tho valley came The war commission sat until 2 at a verv Inopportune tlmo for tlio o'clock this morning, and at tlio close orchard. The cold weather that held of the session it was announced their- on until an almost unprecedented hit was nothing to communti-ato to the date for this valley hud kept the fruit public. It is known, however, that back until on-hardlsts were rotilldctit o tlio emperor has In-en informed of the escaping the spring (rusts that usually presence oi tlio Jiipaneso uooi oil the catch the fruit In March, If at all l.nlo ang Slum promontory, and the llut tho warm weather durlnc the lira appearance of transports at Pitsewo. week ot April brought tlio fruit out Tho fact that tho two event occurred ranidlv. and when the cold rains came simultaneously may nave signiucauco. again, null ol every description was in u n lamung snottid taito piaco at ruse- full blossom. Tho heavy Host fouiui wo It Is anticipated that Adinira Togo's tho fruit in full blossom and did much for problems Admiral T020 report that his ca ualtlea attending tho bottling up of Tort Arthur were largo ' Russia rolies on wireless telctraphy and carrier pigeons to maintain com municatlon with l'ort Arthur A noted Chinese revolutionists is supposed to bo in San Francisco to In cite tho native there to revolt. The St. Louis fair remains closed ORG AT ULOO.Y1 I.N RUSSIA. Probable Movement of the Enemy Source of Anxiety. St. Petersburg, May 10. Two offlc. ial dispatches, calculated to increase tho depression existing among all cir cle in Russia were given out last night. From the point of view of tho tmi-ivf.ft Sundays except to those who hold 0f tho campaign, tho moat important is men, mediated lu.t'Hed the viceroy preparations were at onco mado for the quitting of Port Arthur by Admiral AlcxiciT, brand Duke Roris and the viceioy'g staff, and in a baggage car wero placed all important documents ol the .Manchurian administration which had been stored at army head quartets in l'ort Arthur, Arthur in order to prevent tho garrison from sending reinforcement by rail toad to tho troops opposing tlio Japan ese there. Neither the admiralty nor the war ofllco believe that a disembarkation of lho Japaneso can bo prevented, as tho guns of tho Japanese cruiser could command tho point of landing, but after the Japanese are ashore, tho Rus slans will strike and otlicers say, will strike hard Ti.n i. 1 .....i ..,!.t 1 r., ablo to bring up to resist tho invaders A,ii,.,.m f., ,1.. cannot bo stated definitely, the Lieutenant General mere was great cuiindvnio allium: and ho did not believo tlio Japan Tho prime trees were woll loaded with blossoms, which had liegun to fall A close examination of tlio tree rc Teals now that although the embryo 11 ii it within tho blossom is green, ye tho fruitstem leading from tho limb of tho tree Is turning yellow. Thi I said to mean that lho fruit will droi from the treo just a anon as the prune becomes large enough to add weight to the slom. Tho dead stem can not lcar What force they will ho un any load. The statement ol tho pruncrgowor I that at least three' aro ancclcd in I .1... ..I il.. ......... ..... ........... vv ......... ........... j, "v muiLI B VI .UU IHUIIVD Strwd whn ,.,Mi Utrcngth of the army on tho peninsula this way, and that orchardslts will do H.,?.f . T. .. '" " of Llao Tung having been kept a strict Woli to save one-fourth of this vear's - - - - - ......... .... , secret. I urn no crop. A prunes constitute the passes and these aro not allowed In any that regarding tho capture bv the Jan- Lm .im 11.. t.. I..." It is expected tho railroad will play Brcntor part of the fruit crop of tho of tho buildings. anese without opposition of Feng Wang thouch thev landed an armv nf inn .l"n Important part In tho effort of the county, tho loss will fall heavily upon . ..... I f'hami l A .. 1? T"l- 1 I I . . " . . ' Braxil and reru are again In dispute Y ,f' 1TO,UU B'vvh uoo. in ' 1 1 ueiaus concerning 1110 Kineo. wountieii 1 .Mti..i.t over Atre. 1 ... 1 o.....vv. ouiij v. uiius nuu uuiiuit 1 .... i. ana missing among me troop unuer nition and enounh raniiwi nrnvUlmi ir r" At least 20 people wore killed in the iv, . : . v..o..Mi . . . . - ' - v 1 iBoi itiitii iur 10 xiiuniiis. 1 cyciune m "u'u"v assautcn, a the result ol the nghting Texas. Russians say tho Japanese can not take Port Arthur and that the foit has provision enough for a year. Tho national 1905 fair board will meet at once to decide on buildings, so the architect can begin to prepare tho plans The Japaneso nred on tho train tat- alonir this road to Ting Chang Gien, 90 They will be mobilized so that surli Ing Viceroy AlexicH and stall from Port miles north Irom where he would troops as aro needed by General Kouro- Armru, 0111 me uisianco was 100 greai niaren uue eti 10 i.iao long, iius patkin can bo sent to him, and tho re- to De cneciive. woam permu an eueciive nanKing mainder will be held for scrvieo for A Japanese dlsnatch Bar thev have moTem.em!. u" la. n0: con.8iae"H1 which they may bo needed. Tho work I on tho Yalu. the number of which I totals 2,397 officers and men how that General Kuroki is estab lished at Feng Wang Cheng, tho Rua slans nre puuled as to what move he will make next. The fact that he sent two companion to D.iliandiapu Tso, ten The carrison is mntmmt lil, R"ln Puh "e Japanese Into tho fruitgrowers in till part of tho valley , ! ! n" 1 !" ' . It will permit the rapid transit Pear, are affected in the same way. .... n v ...... ......-., I.... 1 I 1110 yuung H'aia num jimfc i-),iiiiiiii ,u form when the frost camo and were nil lust as hard as tho prunes Apples are looking well at this time They wero not affected so seriously by tho late frost, and tho tree are now The Japanese army which has under taken the investmont of l'ort Arthur numbers fully 30,000 men. General Stossol has 10,000 to 15.000 men. among them being somo of the best tighter in tho Russian army. It is admitted it will bo necessarv to can out me entire Kusslan army re NOW QlirS LANDS. ol Hitchcock Renders Decision In Favor the State of Oregon Washington, May 7. Tho trouble which the stato of Oregon has been having with its selection of Indemnity covered with blossom that look healthy and glvo every promise of developing into fruit of tlregon a usual excellent varieties. This clop will, however, miles northeast of Feng Wang Chens. Uervn. ht thl l. nt r,,.. i... 1.. 11 .i 1 ....1 1 depend largely on the weather during mieht indicate hi purpose to proceed L .ln.1ir.1 f, rAi..:.. i tho next two weeks. Another frost ..." .l, -.l " Niiiw. wit Un the ds Pitted porttonol K amath .. 1 1 ...... 1.1 1.. , . ti , , .1 . such na luni u, ii-iviit hvhim 111 red Teng Wang Cheng after fierce ?0''! L "i! "s.e'lu.oou,l5c'n?. ,l .,ne of rushing all of the men to tho front demnity selections on such school lands Indian reservation has been satisfactor ily adjusted for all tlmo by tho Mitchell amendment to the Indian ap propriation bill, which specifically give the stato the right to mnko in jure tho apple crop. fighting and that the losses on lxtb ra7r from now on. as base Following his action of .:j .,. Russian retreated toward Liao ang. the ferrv service nernsa I.ilco Roiic.t I . e ..... Rich (ides were heavy. During the retreat on the Tain a I body of Russians mistook a small force! ofth olr own men for me enemy and I 180 wero killed or wounded before the I error was discovered. TO PICK '05 SITU. the ferry service acros Lake Baikal has been resumed. yea- NaMonal Board Will Send One of Its Members to Portland. World's Fair Grounds. St. Louis. Whole section of the government May 10. The members of the govern- food exhibit at St. Louis have been ment board of the Lewis and Clark cx- tolen. Superintendent Ilruner has position left for Washington today to issued a warning that tho food should report upon the site offered for the gov. not be eaten, as STILL FEARS CHINA. terday, secretary Hitchcock today re turned to tho general land olfice four Oregon school indemnity lists which had heretofore been disapproved be cause tho state was unable to establish its right to use the school land in Klamath reservation as base. These UOLD IN URL'AT LUMPS. Pocket Struck In the Donanxa Mine, In Uastcrn Oregon. Baker City A wonderfully rid Russia Rcal'zes Danger of Uprlitnr Since the Yalu Defeat St Petersbure. Mav 0. The effect nf "'t were before the secretary on ar I:ai. juuuy liv uircnin vuiiiinirciuiier Richards to reconsider tho cases in the light of tho Mitchell amendment, which is equivalent to ordering an np proval of tho lists. Theso lists are No. 104, In gate w. .uv 6- ... ,a waning uany reports to tn present, and organized their board with oflico. Tue rCport received Theodore A. Bingham, assistant eecre- minister today contained not strike is said to liavi Wen nudo in tho Bonanza mine in tlio Greenhorn di trlct recently. A pocket of very rich ore was opened upon the lL'OU-ioot level, out of which less than five tons of ore were taken w hich is reported to have yielded $11-1,000 in gold bullion. It is against tho policy of the mine owners to give out any facts about rkh strikes of this nature, and it is only in a roundabout way that anything can lo learned about the opening of the Burns district, involving pocket. it is unusual to mm sucu ricu pocn- cts so far lielow tho surface. Tho old tary 01 agriculture, as chairman, and Inuietine. I the disaster to Russian arms on the i alu upon the Chinese is bolne u-atf.ha.1 with Ira.n Int... nn.l .....1 majority of the I eminent building by Henry E. Dosch. Lr.i.1. , ri,. u,,.; .1.1 1 1 1 Al . -.5 Jl .uv (Uv iiiiuga u.o uupv.u commissioner general oi me iwi anu ernment apicara to be satisfied with tlnn 14 tVin Ph Moaa n 1 Iil inn 1 I Pl -X- ul..t.l i. L. T ...I.I. I. 4 w..t, v.m. "i mo "juismna the Situation for the moment, and Paul Inlaid In a wall was removed and the Purchase exposition. All but Ivo t... ik.ii 279 acres: Kns. 107 ami 181. In Take. , ...... il ... .. . -..oc. , .uu i, B, 1 , . ' . . oppression uuea wuu pias(er oi pans, memoers ol the government hoard were I i, mnn .UiK- n.nnr. i v cw district, involvinu 8.405 acres. I 1 . . " I 1 inn .1 I.. 1 . 1 ' i . . ...Iha t..a(. I.iai r i I l.aa I Im rf.m n.A anu iuu acres respectively, anu no. miuu ntuiu. mm to, ll'Ul. in The Dalles (llntr ct. involvinc iw rccora ior ricn iiocKeiu, uui uioy M'.uif acres, uuier iiBin ui a piniiinr i ,r'-' iwi . mu duwuvu I . .. I . . e.a . . rim ivtln mr,ii in character that aro pendinir. or mav and uusany ny nroiessionai iiocnet of American republics, a secretary. Rusisan reports, seems to be nctim? in hereafter bo appealed, will be similarly hunters, who mako it their business to Mr. Dosch ottered the government nerfn-t m,l r.ith nrl in.;.t. i i. in. disposed of. search for theso phenomenally rich dc eimer me peninsula in uuiia a lake or tent upon preserving neutrality. It is aoiieou .ue nigner grounu overiooK turnine a deaf ear to tho anneals of JTAY LOSO ALL THEIR STORES ing me laae wirn me resi ox me mma- nti-Rusisan leader, who want China I... Tl. 1 1 ,1 1 1 I . . ' iiito. luojiitiuucuui un: uuuru are In throw in ipr Int trith .Tanan on, I I.D..I... CI- .. o.A. . .. v.l.. im wvut oi uie peninsula one, anu Will Hnlnr all, In ir. ..II f.. I tl f II. ... I I f II I ,1 1 I i'wuu.m.w .'. - J' . V . . .(.III. 1 II t iu ine JBDanese lOrCCU me UZUllOZ nn uciau uuo ui kilo mciuucia US a muv . nn n nHnn amnni, llm nnnn n the Yalu in the hope that Russia would sentauve to visit Portland and report Nevertheless, tho Russian authorities rush troop to mat district. on ooin sues, ine government ouuo- regard China a a powder magazine uui.uiuB, i uinpiuue Xhev realize the danee The complete isoation of Port Arthur Major William C. Fox, of the bureau seems now nigniy prooaoie. Viceroy Aleiiefl ha left Port Arthur to confer with General Kouropatkin. Secretary Taft ha asked an army I officer why be lilted a girl he bad promised to marry. posit It ha always liecn tho theory ol ex, pert that wlillo ricli ore might lie en countered in tlio depth, that there never would lo any "pockot," as the term is usually utulerstooil, found lie low 600 feet from tho surface. Tho Bonanza has been yielding stead' ily for several months, since tho now Berlin, May 7. The Russian mill tary authorities are in a state of Iv.m. ..!... ....... -.i .. , l. .1..... .1 Postmaster General Payne has or- f hey realize me danget and necessity lha nt .,,B Y.l .,n . ' " V "'"l' .1 dered an Investigation of the official - 'b XlSlt Th a ba" ,hrt M imiiV y'"ago" conduct of Postmaster Bancroft, of Port- wl at lhe eame Ume am foreign mov ement throughout tran.por, , only able to move five mile, Tlli, strike will encourage deep mining Doech, who served as commissioner tnr hut fn, il ih aH?y anu " that the Japanese n this part of the state, something that Many people were Killed ana much general lor urcgon at the Ubtcago, Uma-1 Rnfaia has at least three tlmea aln I 1 . u.uiuiiini tM mt property and live stock destroyed by ha, Buffalo, Charleston, and Osaka, the outbreak, of the war aadressed the r ?g n,R Cll5n DisPalcllcs re- the past two y a lornauu w uicu bwcpi over a large i apuu, exposiiionu, is uirecior oi ex 1 nnn-prs nn Ihn anhlpr.1 tlm Inat J J . -v. ..... area 18 mile north of Fort Worth, hioits for the Lewis and Clark exno- K?re5!.?,1 .V,rM?i?!t,J 'V' """S!?: Mn Chwang Wednesday, report no Texas. sltion, is assured that about two-thirds .iri (fn,i .,' ,, i, cnttn88 In the situation and o far no of the exhibits in the government build- appreciation of the need of exercising ??!T!!"n. .a r"?hcU , 1' . ' ha not lieen attempted until within rear. i ! .t i.i..i "i "loeiuiuiiB iu lueKovernmeui. uuiiu- nnnroolall A 1 1, ill DMlllU HUIU1 VlDlllJI , .,, J -('(.....-nv.i w. ..v mvvu vj. c.biucill; Kansas City washed out one of the " K . ,,, , . , u a '"'"inins influence on Pekin, and water main leading from the reser- ?ch T" , eq??.8 . . by th? all the powerj are co-operating to thia voir and left the other main in such condition that it may go. I board to select what exhibits he would prefer. Tho Portland building, Mr. Dosch Eavs. will be readv November 1. A second big battle 1 reported from and exhibit from St. Louia removed Bt. Petersburg In which It la said the direct Russians lost 7,000 and the Japanese 10,000. No confirmation is obtainable Shaw Draw Canal Warrant and the report is discredited. Washington, ilay 10. end. , . I hV..U. U1U ,.v. 11. U I1.I.IILII UVlil.Uli UI fi ? tne Japanese preparations for landing on the coasts of tho Liao Tung penin sula. Great Strike Imminent. Chicago, May 7. Fifty thousand workmen employed in tho building I trade In this city will bo thrown out May Fly to St Louis. Iji Grnndo Union county is to have. an entry in the flying machino contest which will tako' place at tho St. Louis exposition. For several year Grant Key, who live on Urlcket rlat, near Klgin, has liecn experimenting nlong tho lines nf aerial navigation, and now firmly believes ho lias devsied a plan whereby a Journey through tho clouds will be easily made with his apparatus. Liberty Bell Will Ue Sent. Philadelphia, .May 9. The Liberty ueil win be taken to bt. lxuis. Both I hrnnclie. nt lha .(! pniitinll Irul... r,nt passed a resolution appointing a special ' cmP,oyment witllin 48 hours, ao He ha ordered tho engine and is Secretary j0jnt committee of 24 to escort the rev- 00 B lo "ie slatericnt ' '10 Associ- erecting a large shed on a flat near his relic and appropriating n"u" ul .'imiuiatiuiL-in mm uunuern, i nonio, wneru jiu win aBBviuuiu iiiu van lelrav the exnensps Tlio unlcs' a l,PC('y settlement Is reached ous part ol tho machino. Acablegram from Chefoo say the turned over to J. 1'. .Morgan & Co., ol .tart wiii he made earlv in June, lmt hetween the stone, limo and cement Japanese are In possession of Niu ric, a disDuraing agent ot thi before the old bell is nlarcd in !) worKern anu tr.eir employer, nearly Pendleton to Have Oas Plant, Uhwang. govemmeni, on accouni oi me ranama Pennsylvania building it is proposed to wamsiers naunng ouin ing ami Pendleton The city council In ad Japanese Make Another Attempt to Close Port Arthur Harbor. Port Arthur, May 0. Anolliur dur ing ii 1 1 oi ii ) 1 1 wa inudu by tlio Japanese yesleiday mnrnliig to bliH'k tho en triince lo Port Arthur. A few minute bvforo 1 o'clock lho (list shut wulu llrcd, nwakuiilng lho luwn wit It their thunderous nolso. The gunliimt lying at tlio mouth of tl.o harbor Joined In the caiiiiiinailo of the biitteries, tho tir ing gradually Increasing in volume un til there wits n roiitluuniin crash nf roiil guns. Homo of tho enemy a lor peihi boat were illsciivered, nut mey were finally hwiiIIuimmI up In lh dark- uvss, and tho liatterlen ami wnrnnipn itller 40 mliiules' activity wero again shriiuded In gloom, though the Hashing si-are b hi il showed that Ihn inllllary were ullvn to the warnitig culiveyiil in tlio iiiiproiicli of I In Jiiiiiini'Mi ship Shortly lu'loro 'J o'clock a seiitchllglit played from the sen directly upon inn entrance of lho harbor, lighting It up to show lho way for Ihn llii'sh.p Tho projector moved lo lho right hum l.iao Tlshan to tlnlden lllll. lor a iiunrler of an hour tho light was watched with curiosity, mid then a sec ond caiilionadn began, the heaviest 11m iH'ltig directed to tho loft ol (loldeii Hill, where the llieship were Iix'iiIimI At about 4 o'clock tho batteries erased tiring, fiivn for an nccnsinmil shot Just about dawn the bark of the rupl City Hall Plans Chosen, I (Im linn and lho crneklliig of Ihn ml fji Grande At a special meeting of trallleuso was heard Irom Golden lllll. the city council held In the counrll Occasionally there was round nf e- chamlier for the consideration of the plosions, as of mines going off. II was many plana submitted for lhe I25.00U the enemy' ship striking on Husslan cltv ha II. those drawn and adopted hv toilicdoe. J. I.. Sailer, a Iji Grande man, wero The llrelilp wero ten lnnumler and solrelcd. Tho bill Id I lie will I two of about U.OOO Ion each. It la re. stories high, not Including the stone ported that two Jiipuiico torpedo bonis basement, SUilM feet. All tho others wcio sunk, the remainder withdrawing will consist of a sulto of two rooms. In a damaged condition, r.lght lire Tho olllces of tho water superintendent ships woie sunk and very lew of their and city recorder will lie provided with crew were saved. Most of them welo roomy vault for the proper protection killed. of records. Thi will lie one of the finest building ot tho kind In Kaslem Oregon. University President Hint ot Plans the future. Forest Grove President W. N. Fur rln has left for tho Kast un mi extended trip In tlio Interest of tho Pacltlo Uul vcralty. llu will visit Chicago and other Kitstern cities, and will not re turn before the middle ol June. In speaking of his trip President l'errln said: "Wo wero never nioro encouraged over tlio prospect of tlio university than at present. Our finance wore never in a better condition and every thing Indicates an Increase in the school' endowment In lho near Inline Although I do not wish to make a dell nlle statement, I believe that wo w erect several building lieforo long Wo nre planning to build one of the largest and liest niulpped tymnaaiums In the Northwest. We also look for ward t a new s.lenre hall and will provide n building for the exclusive use of the literary societies and other student organisations a soon as possl bio." TO MARK ALASKAN IKIUMDARV. to rosier Ranch Sold Well. Pendleton Tho sale of theroal prop erty of tho C. II. Wade bankrupt estate was held last wreV. All the property was sold at llgure above the apptnlscd value. The most important parcel was the roster ranch, located on Umatilla river west nf Pendleton, which was hid In by II. N. Slanflehl, ol Kcho, for 8 00. Its appraised value was fn.OOO, Tho Dixie stock ranch was sold to J. H, McCloud for H,0&0. Tho ranch con sists ot 21,000 acres and I conaiileinl ono of the finest In lho county. The city property sold well. Italian Prunes frostbitten. Canadian Comnitsiloner Is Preparing Dlipatch Aurvryora, Vancouver, II. (V, May ft. W. F. King, Canadiaii iKiuudary commission. er, I on lhe way In V aucourr to ar- rangn for the dispatch of Ihrcn Cutis- llau partle of surveyor, w ho aro to work Jointly with the American sur veyor in delimiting tho Canadlaii Aluskan boundary under Ihn bunion award of last year. Two Cnnudlitii and Two United Mates parties will survey the country where the Ixiuiidary will cross the headwalvr of lho Lynn canal, I'hllkat ihn. A Joint party will make a survey on lh Stiklne. This will delimit tho mine important dis tricts through which the boundary will Corvallis There Is a certainty hero I pais. The total distance to lie stir that Injury of a serious character liaa veyod extends about f,M) mile from happened to Italian prune orchards as I. Mount HI. Kilns, east and south. Hut a result ot tho recent frost. Invesllga- il Is not the Intention lo suney the en- Don up to tho present am con lined to lire distance, only that portion of tlin the 186-acro orchard of the Corvalll A Ixiundary which crosses the rivers, va. llonton County Prune company, but Ihero the statement Is that serioua lamuge has resulted. In the rase of cherries, apples, earhes, and other fruit, including silver ami petite prunes, mo condition aro dlllereut. and there is promise ot an abundant crop of each. ley and plateau where travel and prospecting will Iki probable. J. J. McArthtir Is also en route to British Columbia from Ottawa to continue the work ot relocating the boundary line between British Columbia ami Hie states ot Washington and Idaho. Corvaltla to Have Poultry Show, Corvalll Tho Corvallis Poultry as sociatlon has been formed and It pur poso is to hold a poultry show of clab- orate character In this town on Decern wr o, u anu iu. a committee on permanent organization and another on membership was appointed, arid anoth er moiling I to lie hold In two weeks. Prominent business men and noulliv- ..i.. i .i. .. ' wen me in tun movement, arm 11 is certain that the coming show will bo successful In all things. STORM IIRI1AKS OUT AOAI.N. Heavy Rainfall at Ashland. Ashland Tho rainfall for the season at Ashland thus far has broken all rec- ords and amounts lo nearly 26 incite, abandoned it track in thi inu aveiugo ior me past ..I years, ae cording lo lho olllrlal records of the weather bureau, is only 14.13 Inches Colorado Railroad Trafllc la Agala Prac tlcally Suipended. Buena Vista, Colo., May ft. After an abeyance ot several hours, theMorm which ha practically suscniled rail road trallic in thi section, resumed with added forco till afternoon. Six feet of snow has fallen in the inottn- and while tlio fall ha been heavy In tho valleys, only about six Inchon remains on the ground, the rest having melted. Considerable appro henslnn I felt for the safety of the twin Ijikc reservoir, which Is report ed to be running full nf water. Tho Colorado Midland railroad ha vicinity PORTLAND MARKETS. The Japanese la resting, burying It Shaw this afternoon signed a treasury olutinnarv J.A H. .,..JI . f . in nnn nnn Li.u m u. V"". ' W heat Walla Walla, 73c: blue- tern, nic; vauoy, mjmhoc Barley Feed, 23.60 per ton j rolled, .-i.ouuiio. Flour Valley, (3.00(34.05 per bar. and is using tho Rio Grando trac. Tho trains on tho latter road aro 12 hours behind tho schedule. Tho Colo ratio Southern ha operatitl no train on fio Gunnison brunch slum Montlay morning on account of deep snow which i piletl high at both openings of the tunnel. wliolo wheat, f4.00. Oat No. Piatt will not accent tho chairman- mcn' 10,8 warrant is many pas through the principal cities in the '"P?0 material were locked out . j BeBBlon nilo,,,ci an orllianco .hip of tho canal c ime larger than any warrant ever be- 8,atea nnd territoriea comprising th. tolay because tho union had called a wI)cI. franchise i granted to the givoway to SlUcheir fore Issued by this government. The Louisiana purchase. A' the fair Phil- 'trike in two case, and work onanum- forthwcfU!rn 0m & Kiectrlc Light , 0-"- vw,vavU 1 aueinnia nnnca will cnnri it. i , n. : Russians, on account of reverse in I gle government warrant was for 17,- tho Far East, are charged with venting 200,000, paid to Russia In I8S8 on ac- ' their anger on the Jew. General Kouropatkin says the Rus lana retreated from the Yalu In good order and that it was not a rout. count of the purchase of the Alaskan territory. The Russian losses in the Yam fight- - ing are estimated at between 3,000 and 1 4,000 men and otlicers It Is aald many Santa Fe machinist have not respected the strike order and that only 5,000 men are out. Of this number 1,200 are machinist and the other follow other work, Convict at the Oregon penitentiary have struck for Letter food A strike on the Santa Fe railroad Dlicuss Canal Work, Washington, May 10. President Roosevelt had an extended conference today with Admiral Walker, chairman of the isthmiaan canal commission, be derived from the concerning matters connected with the canal work. They discussed particular- among t,e Ituesian prisoner is a medl ly the regulations which are to be is nai ft.M nfncr. Tho .t nan pu nnletmA sued by the president governing the ca- llm to assist them in carinn for the Commercial circle throughout Rus sia remain in a totally depressed con ditlon. Financiers fail to see where any benefit will war. More Russian Found Dead, Toklo, May 0. A telegram has been received here from General Kuroki. In which he report that a careful search of the battlefield of last Sunday re vealed 200 additional wounded and dead Russians. He expect that a complete search of the field will result in Increasing thia number. Continu ing, the Japaneso general say that pany to Install a gaa plant cltv. Tho conditions of the franchise Carmen Sign New Agreement. ar0 that the company must beirln work San Francisco, May 7. The new on tho plant In six month after tlio agreement between tho United rail-1 passage of tho ordinance and havo It way and tho Carmen's union was completed within 18 months. Tho signed this afternoon with Mayor company will havo tho right to operate Schmitz as ono of tho witnesses. Gen- the plant for a period of 25 years. Tho cral Manager Chapman said today plant will bo built at a coat of $35, mat mo company would at onco begin 000. nal zone and the operations of the Russian and their own wounded. commission. Aumirai naiuer ram, on nfllcer nhnvod 1 t i.. ttri.i,. t t i. I v ica.iiiK 1110 ,1 uiiu iiuudp, ma, ni J1CD"I ent the labor supply on the Isthmua la ample for tho purpose of the commis sion. the expenditure of $ 1,000,000 thorough. ly to modernize and extend tho aystom. The electric lino now running to San Mateo will bo extended to San Joso. One of the main Improvement will bo t. tho erection of shop In which tho com -tie .-m 1...11.1 it. .... lu.j niu uu,,4 i, a umi luidi New Army Appliance a Succcj. Bills Loses the Meteorite. Oregon City The Jury in the roploy, in suit of tho Oregon Iron & Steel com pany vs. hill Hughes, for possession ot a meteorite discovered near till city last winter, found for tho plalnttiff, The property In dispute Is a metallic mass weighing about ten tons, and I Russian Olflccr Blamed. Paris, May 6. Tho St. I'etershiirr rnrrninnni i,nt nl fli. K..l. .1. 11.. .1. rfl! '".'i1 orii?L ""'Kl'f. M34.25; General Kouropatkin, In lolegraphlng clear, 13.85(34.10; hard wheat nat. Im i,n .,.,.,, i,i t i?., 7 moil m. i . " -...,-w..., ....... vn ...,1.1,1,1 lm'! t-.-ioL.ui granam, f J.outa-1 : fjoncra Zassa tch'a o islnnni v In refn.. t434.26j ryo flour, Ing to retreat in time despite theorder I lift rrrnli'til. I li Intiduu-,.. mt .... 1 white, $1.17Kai.20: ihn i mlai it ' I . . . iiiunuiii f !i n V ' n oigogiins which wero brought from " l""V .A,V T Por lon ' t okonama on gunboat and landed middlings, $26.601327; short. 120(4 tlm fmr.n hank nf n... v.i lit Minn. SIR- lln.i...) .1.,... f.-l i . .. .. . . -., , , T. , ... iuu.1, tung rango oi meso guns enahleil tho Japanese to alienee the Hussion halt.-. if mi 11 ..r3,.. . I . - - . . . . . liar lllliuiliy, MUISIII per Un: unnl ix nnnn. li. ,.,.1. .1..... i mffl 1 1 . i - , . I il Liuiui, fuu, itiuiu, fiiii; cucar, lltAIQ D.i..l. I ..... If.... Vr-n-ninl.ln. Tnrnlr,. BK. ...I.. ,,.,7. carrots, 80c; beets, 1; parsnip, tli n , ' ' iJiter report of the cabba. 2Wc: red cahh.L. 2 Wo, l.i IV'"9ln "" '" Yalu aro to the tuce. head. 26040c ti-nln-nn, ,,.,.i.. c"cc.' that the Japanese captured 28 25c: cauliflower. 12! relnrv. 7iraoni! "ma" rapid lire guns, Inside 20 Hold cucumbers, il. per dozen; aspara- on Tho Peru Order Out Troop. Victoria, R. 0., May 7. A gunnery the largest meteorite over found in the expert from Halifax, N. 8., ia here united Slates, wlillo there la but ono testing tho new lire controlling dovice other In tho world of largor sizo. Thi Coal Strike Is to End Pubelo, May 9. From a telegram received from II. M. Simpson, eecre lir. nf Ilia V .In, T7...1, I. la Inferred that tt,B ',n.i lately introduced in the Rirtlsh armv. I the second caBO ot tho kind ever Tl Tl f 1 A Til. I I ' ' . 1 . w tt. . .1 n.ii mn n 1 jt I l 1.. rfHl...l Oi.l i,iiiia. i cru, iuy iu. iub geiierm ati-Ilra In ih snuthflrn mal flnlfln l do- lie PUl Jiaiiery OO. UOVai uamson ar- i-ncu in niu umit-u diuicd, Intuit Finn nrdnrnd rven linn linttnlinna I .1 1 -rt -kt. .ti.ti t ,. I .tllnrv (h lmmn nn slmnlinn KaHa.., . . . - I v w I tjiixictx (ill. ill) I1HIUI1H Hm IflVPn. Illir If I - mu uhumuium oiiuuviuk iVWIII ha leen inaugurated and B.iwu men nd one hatterv of machine truna to nro- It. ,i.i n..i .1,. ... .1. of the nritiab armv. -.InnBr. ln.k ver More llutter From Tillamook, .are our. coed to Alto Jurua by way of the River M.rinn. tl. .trlL nt nn i.n,i 1. 11.. f.11. of the flsrt nrize. throuch a eerie of Tillamook Tillamook county's out An Ohio man Is on hi wav to Ran Amueya to repulse any liraziillan rn nf thn national nrirnnl-ntlnn nf test. The Runners In one mlnuto. put of dairy product will bo much Francitco with a wheelbarrow, paying troops that may be in that territory, United Mlneworkera to further support wlth tllB 12-pounder breech loading largor thi year than formerly, owing an election bet. mm uuo uuiuiim mm mu umciiuie the striker. Ko communication has ue,u " '"eu iu rounuo anu airucK 1 10 mo quaniuy 01 cxcoiicni grass leeu guns. They nlso captured 30 Russian olllccrs ami over 600 mon, many of whom wero found hiding In tho under bruah by Japaneso searchlnir pnrtie. Cossack olllcer who wero captured place tho numbor of Russian allied and unnndeil nt Ann. lmt II I. ll.n.,.1.1 that this understate tho Runsiaii loss, which I considered very much greater. I mini hna hpun nnlArnrl tnPlinnillpaa nn Ii i 1 . t i i llli. larnnt 90 limn. mi., .ii..... ...i. i.... !,.. .....1,1.. I : - , . receivou irom iieauquarier. "'i,-- . L- Alio uiYuiii nuu iii,w livh dv.vmiuk I tl,. I'ltrim rlrnr In nngtnln 1'nrtivlnn I IOr WIO UOUy OI AUinirai iuaaaroil Have .nvr.lnlv Tim tronnrnt otnlTI Crnn. Ir. n.ilrn, Nn.n.lnn M.n In.l.ll.. 1 1 .AT..!. . "'.. . 0 - . 1 .w ..... ...... ......... SUBUUUIigil well ciiuii., alSO Ordered that lOUltO t)0 D aced In a WhO. In Kan Mav f) Aln nnhnnn Tnnnli. Won M.v H Hnnl. V. Kusslans will continue to retire, as Btete OI defense. messairo lo the Eae lo from Camden. I officials anrnunce th Is tnornnir a rn. they asy they will not oifer any serlom Okla.. state that a tornado atarted at sumntlon of sbon work all aloni thn .reltance until the fighting force get Severe Snowstorm In Colorado. Helena and passed through Timber line from Toncka to the Pacific coat llnto Mnnchurla. Leadvllle, Colo,, May 10. Severe lake, extending to Alva. It cut a They atato that In most cascsihe ehona now on the grazing land. The late I season delayed tho grass growth for a time, but tho herds and especially the milch cow arc now in good condition. (lift to Willamette University. Salem Banker A. Rush ha donated 12.000 to aid In the oroctlon of a The central military admlnaltratlon snow storms have prevailed in thia vl-laws tit six miles long and one and a half are running with a full complement of building for the medical department of ha already dispatched all guns and ar clnlty for several days. There I about mile wide, destroying crops and some men. In many places union machin Willamette University. The building tlllnrv atorea noceasarv for the rearma-1 three feet of enow in the hills but no building at Tlmberlake. Damaging 1st have gone out, but their position will bo erected on the university camp ment of Hie Russian army in the Far I damage has resulted from tho storm. hail fell in that section, but no .lives will all bo filled by the clog of the u, and when completed will cost (16, jgsat. - Jit is still snowing tonight. were lost, week, say the oiuctaii, 000, gus, JI.20J peas, 4(35c por pound; riiutiarn, ac; ncans, green, luc; wax, zuc; onions, yciiow uanvora, 12.50(9 3 per sack. Honey (393.50 per caao. Potatoes Fancy, $ 1 .25(3 1 .50 cental; common, (1Q1.25; new pota toes, anisic per pound; awect, 6o. Fruit Strawberries, $2.60(32.76 porcrato; apple, fancy Ilaldwina anil Spltzcnbcrgs, f 1,60(32.60 per box: funds for Oreat Irrigation Work. choice, $1(31.50; cooking, 76c(ft$l. Washington, May 5. Tlio secrolary gg" urcgon runcn, ioiainc. oi uio iiuerior nas set aside, provision llutter Sweet cream buttor, 20(3 any, the ' "I $1,000,000, for the au4c per pound; fancy crcamory. 17W construcllnn ol tho Path Finder rcner, O20o; dairy and storo, nominal, voir, on North Platto river. In Wvnm Butter I'at Iwoot cream, 1021o; '" The reservoir will bo of Btifllclent sour cream, ivc. capacity io supp v n of lho ami nn. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13 dor It In Wyoming, hut It Is considered per pound; springs, small. 20c: necessary to Increaso this nren bv mil, hens, 13)6 (314c; turkoy, llvo, 1017c; liing water in Westorn Nehraskn, where nressou, inifliiucj uuckb, ibcso per tuoro are largo areas of arid and semi aozen; geeno, uvo, oc per pound. arm country. Choose Full cream, twins, 1213c: Young America, 14016c, Insurance to De Higher, n..r nr.a.A.I Kiatua . ......I I ni. t ... . . . . z. . '"-"""i i wiiiuugu, limy o. ii pa neon nrao- Ufa. I I.H T1......1 A 171. A ... 1 . I .1 lt ..1 I , . . ' mu.wu 1'iu.ouii, uuTllil'Dr I1UUIIU. I wittily seiiiotl ov inn rntnlnlllnn rtf II.. spring lamb, 8c. Union Firo Insurance association toad Veal Pressed, 0(3 7c por pound. vanco premiums In the West at lcnst i or ircroeu, ivaoo por pounu. per rent within n month. By Juno nopn muo crop, iinsiioc per pound. Ill is uouoTcd, tho Insurance rate in nooi raiiry, lotanc, eastern ure Liiucago. til, Jx)UI, Denver. Halt Inke gon, lI6914c mohair 30O82e per Han Francicso and other largo cities In uuiiu ii u i-uuii-o. mo iv est win ue increased f