IIuislncHH Cards. H. C MADSEN, Watchmaker. Ilepelrlnf l reasonable enerne a. All work rnaraateeri llrst-claM. Weubes, Clocks and Jtelrr Iwesl Mees OOTrAGK QKUVK, uim. A. H. ICING Attorney! nt I.nw, coTTAaiT, anorn, om:. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Laxo omee on Main street, Weal ?W COTTAGK GROVi:, ORK. .1. s. Mcdlov. ' C. Johnson ' Medley j- Johnson, ;Attornuyis-ntlnw Office Suite it Jlnuk ltUlg. Special attention nlven to Mlulng ami uorpornuoii . L. T. Hrrl. A. C. Woodcock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, AttorNcys-iit-Law Special attention riven lo the li of Mlnti. EUUENE, OKK. AUCTIONEER. Twenty year cxerleiice. Elne ntock sale n eclalty. Writa for dates. W. T. KAYSER, Cottage Grove, Oregon BARKER & PERMAN - PROPRIETORS OF THE EXCHANGE DEALERS IS FINE- WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. ColUn (Iron. Ore HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Coino nt once and have your holl day photos taken In time to send to friends for Chrlstmna. Do not wnlt till the last moment. W. F. SllANAF-Kl.T. Gallery on West Side, opposite Masonic Hall. The First National Bank Cottage Grovk, Orb. Paid a.J Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available anv place n theUnited States IlXBBXRT EAKIS, President, T. C. Which, Cashier. j Griffin & READY MADE CLOTHING ffl Tho London General Merchandlso Store wish to announce to tho buying public that they now have u very complete stock of General Merchandise which they Intend selling at least 20 per cent below all competition. We purchase our goods In largo quantities through Eastern Drummers, pay cash for all wo buy, have no high rents, no Insurance rates to pay, and consequently can sell very cheap. Think of CLAY Worsted Suits. St $7.50 High Grado Goods and other lines of Iteady Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-date stylo at prices thut will surprise you M. D. Wells Shoes Our lino of M. D. Wells Shoes nro tho best wearer on tho market and at prices that cannot bo equalled. Try our Hoast Coffees, tho best flavor and will please you. SUTHERLAND & GEER, London, Oregon. M Lodge Directory. A. F.. and A. M. Cottage Grove No, 51. Meets 1st and 3rd Saturday. Oliver Veatcli, W. M. I. O. O. F. Cottage Grove No. 68. Meets every samraay nigui. Geo. Comer, 1?. Secty. w. o. w. Bohemia Camp No. 260. Meets every Saturday night. C. II. Van Denburg. Clerk. M. W. of A. Cottace Grove Camp No 6424. Meets first and second Tuesday nights. C. W. Wallace, Clerk. F. of A. Court Bohemia Mo. 33- Icels every Friday night. S. 12. Lauder, Sccly. Women of Woodcraft. St. Valentine Circle. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Mrs. C.J. Miller. Clerk. Royal Neighbors. Emma Colburu Camp. Meets aud and 4th Wednesday. Ethel Bisby, Clerk. K of P Juventus Lodge No. 4S Meets every Wednesday night. Dr. George Wall K. of R G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34 Meets and and 4th Saturday. H. C. Dutton, Adjutant. K. O.T. M. Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets Thursday nights. Prof. A. L. Briggs. Secty. L L Hive No 48 . Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday Minnie Underwood R. K. MBA Meets every 2ud and 4th Mondays. S. E. Lauder, Secty. j Order Eastern Star Cottage Grove Chapter No 4 Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays Celia Lurch, Secty. THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Is always a dsslrable one, but of equal Importance Is the power of retaining this quality to ns not to require too frequent Bharien Iur. Dy making your purchases of the Grillln & Veatch Co. you always receive your money's worth In the best quality of took and cutlery of properly tempered steel that Is sure to hold an edge. to $9.00 Veatch Go. A SURETIUNU. Ills Mid tlmt nothingis stiio except death ami taxes, but Hint is nut iU jcthcr true. l)r KIuk's New Discovery for Consumption la n sure euro ior mi lung and throat tr ruble. Thousands . i.wiUv i ilmt Mrs C, 11 Van Me tro ol Shophci.ltown, m a . says i hndii sevcroenseol llroncnltis ami tor a year trlodcverythlnK 1 heard ul, hilt cot no relief. One bottle ot Dr. kin-: New Discovery then cured mo abso lutely." It's Infallible for Croup. Whooping Cmiirh, Grip. Pneumonia ami Codsuniptlon. Try it. tl. Kiisraijtced bv MorSainti ltrelmnl Dni--lst. Irlixl bottles free. Reg. sine MV, I.IM. rvtien the Poor Hide In Coaches. In the east side tenement house re- ulmi nineties nro associate! Willi only two th in-s-wodillliKS una lunerai. Tho conch is an Indispensable feature of tl- wihMUii:. niul only the very poorest are burled without the nttend aih". of n mourultii: conch. Tho whole block knows when a ned- dim; Is to take place, ami everybody la on the watch when the coaeh and p.ilr come dashing nround the rorner to rv celve the bride. The vehicle draws up iK-forc the narrow entrance to a tene ment and presently Is entered by the bride, half hidden In her white veil mid all nodding with orange wreaths, while n piping crowd look on. The horses are lushed, tho coach turns an other corner, and In three tulnutes the bride Is at the place ot ceremony. The ceremony over, the coach this time swallows up both bride and In-ldo groom. Everybody Is charmed at the sight. The gossips are busy for n day. NewXorW Press. AN OPEN LETTER. From the I'hapin, S C, News: Early in the snrini inv wife and 1 were taken with diarrhoea "and so severe were the naiiis that we called a physician who itn-mTibnl for us. but his medicines (ailed to cive anv relief. A friend who hul a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each jf us a dose and went once lelt the etlVcts 1 procured a bottle and before using tie entire con tents we were entirely eured. It is a wonderful remedy and should be found In everv household. H C Hailey, Edi tor. This remedy is tor sale by New- Era Drugstore. Odd Street Xitmea. In Clerkenwell. Kuglaud. there Is a street called Pickled Egg walk. It takes Its nurue from 1'lckled Kgg tav ern, which formerly stood there and made a specialty of serving pickled eggs. An Interesting London thorough fare Is Hanging Sword alley, which Is mentioned In Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities." London has also I'lckleher rlng Btrect In Leicester Is a street called the Holy Rones and another called Gallows Tree Gate. Hull has a street with the extraordinary name, the Land of Green Ginger. Corydou has n street named Pump Pall, and there some years ago lived Peter Pottle. b dealer In furniture. The most daring of farce writers might well have hesl tated to invent a combination of name and address so Improbable as that which really belonged to Peter Pottle of Pump Pall. HERBINE Will overcome indigestion and dy spepsia; regulate tne uoweis ami euro liver anu Kinney complaints, ii i m best blood enricher and invigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, per feetlr harmless, and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use it if you are wise. i; Aimrews. r.uuor ami .mkt and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Ela, writes: "I have used your Ilerblne in my familv, and find it a most excellent medidine Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit. I recommend it unhesitatingly." 60c. New Era Drug Store. Itlltlnir It Sltort. "How lim ran jou tnyi" nked n hostess who had it-reived an uneipeit ed visitor iinilly. "No longer th.in I can help." was the crisp reply. "I have telephoned to have my trunk stay at the depot ami to notify me of the first train I can take some. So sorry I can't stay longer." Chicago Itecord-Hcrald. WHOOPING COUGH. In the spring of 19ul my children had whooping cough," saoa Mrs D Cappa of Capps, Ala. "I used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. 1 think this Ib the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop ing cough." This remedy keeps tho cough loose, lessens the aeuerity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia, ror saie uv " " Store. llnnk llerear. He So the engagement Is broken on": She Yes. He told her he thought she should stop rending novels and read something more substantial something that would Improve her. He-Well? She Well, the Idea of n man Intimat ing to his fiancee that she could bo Im proved In any way I Philadelphia Prejw GROWING ACHES AND PAINS. Mrs Joile Sumner, ISremond, Texas, writes, Aprlal lfi, 1902: "I have used llallard's Snow Liniment In my family for three yoars. I would not bo without it in my family for three years. I would not ho without it In the house. I have used it on my little girl for growing pains and aches in her knees, Itcured her right awav. I have also used It for frost bitten feet, with good success. 'Itla the best liniment I ever used." " 25c, 60c, $1.00. New Era Drug Store. Her Lost Opportunities. Mrs. NooIyWcd And If I had really thrown you down then would you have given mo up? Noolywed I should say not. I would have kept right on trying to win you even If you had thrown me over half a dozen times. Mrs. Noolywed My, what a lot of fun I missed! Ilaltlmoro American. EXPOSURE To cold draughts of air, to keen and cutting winds, sudclen changes of tern perature. scahty clothing, undvo ex posure of tho throat and neck after pub lie speaking and singing, bring on coughs and coldp. Aallard'sIIorehound Syrup is tho best cure. Mrs A Itarr, Houston, Texas, writes, Jan 31, 1902: "One bottlo of Ballard's 'Horehound Syrup cured mo of a very bad cough. It Is very pleasant to take," 25c, 50c, $1.00. Now lira Drug Store, IT IS A HATTER OF HEALTH 1 POWDER Absolatoly Pare WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The Shepherd And His Flock As the result of several year of ex perience the Wisconsin station publish es the following conclusion: From the breeding records of 511 ewes nt this station we conclude that for such animals and conditions as ours the normal period of gestation ranges from 141 to 160 days after the date of service and that more owes will lamb HU days after service than at any oth er time. There Is no appreciable difference In the period of gestation for male and fe male offspring In sheep. There Is no apparent relation between the duration of the period of gestation and the period required for maturity Quick maturing breed nppeor to carry their young for u shorter period than thoo hreeds nipilrlng more time to ma ture. Large lambs are on the average car ried In the litem for an appreciably Ion gor period than small or medium lambs Uimbs dropped liefore the one bun drod and forty-fourth and after tin one hundred and forty-ninth day of prcg nancy are lacking In strength and vl tallty at birth. Shropshire ewe were more prolific than any other breeds and crosses, ex eopt the fourth cross of Shropshire ram on a Merino ewe foundation. From the data presented It Is appar cut that twins .ire the normal Increasr for ewes of the mutton type. One-year-old rams are not so prollth as those two or Hire,' years old. Ewes average u larger percentage of Increase In lambs after they reach full maturity lit three years of age until after they are six years old. when the rate of In crease diminishes. The amount of service reiUlred of tin rani In brooding has an Inlluenoe on the percentage Increase In offspring of the ewes that produce lambs. Ewes bred early In the season of mating to a sin gle ram dropped a larger percentage of lambs thau thoo near the latter end of the season. The Cbnnipbiii of 1 !.,"". The Illustration show the great French Ramboulllet ram No. .VI. win tier of the t.V) franc prl nt f IlAllllOL'Il.LKT UU NO. 50 world's exhibition, Paris. In IS.",, anil purchased by the late John I. Putter son, Wosttlolcl. ChautaiHiua county N. Y.; weight. .!.! pounds: weight ol fleece, 3'J pounds. The cut was iniiih from a pen drawing furnished by Charles J. Holder, Ilunford. C'ul. This ram was kept on Mr. Patterson's long famous California ranch, at the hea l of the greatest French Merino stud In the world, from which was drawn the foundation stock of all the early Rum boulllct flocks of the Pacific coast. Himt In Dip Sheep. For dipping a number of sheep, from a thousand up, tho vat should be at least forty feet In length and the feel deip. Tho bottom of tho vat should be six Inches wide, the sides sloping out ward and upward till at the lop the measurement across Is at least two feet, but on no account should it b" any wider, as then tho sheep swim ming through could turn around, which Is one of the things to bo guarded against. The vat Is made five feet deep to obviate the danger of the sheep striking the bottom of the vat wlnoi CURED MY MOTHER OK RHEUMA TISM "My mother lias been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism " says W II Howard ol Husband, l'a, "At times she was unable to rnovo at all, whllo at all times walking was painful. I pro rented her with a bottle of Chamber lain's Tain Ilalm and alter a few appli cations siie decided It was tho most wonderful pain reliever slio had ever tried, in fact, she is never wiinoui 11 now and Is at al! times able to walk. An occasional annlication of l'a In Halm keens away the pain that she was for merly troubled with." For si salo by New Era Drug Store, JSI. WISE At $1. a year No Investor can afford to bo without tho Journal for Investors inj one of Iti feature! Is sloae worth the price of lubicrliHlou. It will cave you huudredi of dollari every year. IH cliaractor bai never been impugned. JOUUNAL tOR INVESTORS CO. Boom O, Chamber of Commerce, Bo-ton, Addreiletter to P.O. llox17. thrown In and Is made sloping at inn Ule to anvo expense In dip. Tim In stde of the vat should he flush, so tlmt no obstruction will Interfere with the passing through of the sheep. Sluk the vat In the ground to the depth of four feet. The vat should be fllleil with water to see If It leaks. Keep water In It till tho leakage slops, then ball It out and fill with the dip. Wol of Welsh SUeep. Tho lloeco of pure Welsh sheep weighs from two to three pound, ay n...,rv Stewart In Mhonlicrd'H Manual. alio fleece Increase In weight consid erably In crosses with the wool bear ing breed, and It la a tapli of fine quality. It ha, however, a mixture of hair, which tends to diminish Its vol ue. A peculiar characteristic of thla wool Is that It never shrinks, and It is thl wool from which the popular Welsh flannels are fabricated. It l said, too. upon good authority, that the durability of this wool exceeds that ot all other breeds. It Is usually home spun and Is woven at homo Into all torts of clothing. The cloaks, all dyed ted, which are worn so universally by tho women are made of this wool. INDIGESTION 'l nil troubled with atom ach trouble Thetlfiml'a Mark Draught illd me mere goo,t In one week than all the doc tor a meuif ino I took In a year ' M It N . 8 A It II il SHIIlKlKLl). Kllelt.tllle, Inil. Thedford 's black Draught miickly invigorates tlie tic tion of the ttomacli and cure even chronic co of indigestion. If you will take a mall 1om) of Thcd ford's Ulack Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. THEDFORD'5 BLACK-DRAUGHT More alcknPM it caused by constipation than by any other diiease. Thedford's Mack-Draught not only rt lietes comtiation butcnres disrrlura and dysentery and keeps tho bowels regular. All rfrurilita sell -eent packafea. Thedford's IMack Draugbt is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels 1 have ever uwd." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sncads Kerry. N. C. consTiPATion Millers anil Mcroal Whrat. Whllo admitting that macaroni wheat Is well adapted to the Kansas climate, some of tho miller claim that tho flour made from It Is harder ami darker In color than from the present wheat, that the wheat could only be used In limited (piatitltles If grown and that It cannot be handled In tho mills of the state without machinery specially adapted A STARTLING TEST. To save a life Dr T 0 Merrllt, of No. Mehoopany, l'a . madoa startling test reanliini' iii a womlerliil cure. He writes, "a tullellt was attacked with violent heinonliagos, caused by nlcer ullon of the stomach. I bad often found Elect ne Hitters excellent lor acme stomach and liver troubles so 1 pre scribed them . Tin patient gained from the II ret, and has not hud un attack in 14 ii, n'lis." Electric Hitters are posi tively guaranteed for Dyspepsia. Indi gestion, I onstipation and Kinduv troubles. Try tliein. Only 60c lit Mor gan ,tc llrehaiit. CLIMATIC CURES. The influence of climatic conditions i ,i... ..I i-n-iaiimiitinn is verv much ovoidrawn. The poor patient, und tho rich patient, too, can do much better at homo by proper aiiciiuoii m uiKvn- tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Fno expectoration in tho ...ri., u mnib, i-ertaln bv German Svriin. so is a good night's rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweats. Restless nights und tho exhaustion duo to coMghing, the greatest danKer and dread of thoconsumptlvc, can bo prevented or stopiieil by tuklng German Syrup liber ally and regularly. Should you bo able to go ton warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives, there, the few who nro benefitted and ,,.,,!,, !,,.,. rib urn those who nso Ger man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular le.76n. At all druggists. Oarman A Hemcnwav Co. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION. United States LandOlllce, Roseburg, Ore., March 10th, 1001. -ii,.i.U hereby irlvun that 111 colli 111 I uiieH with tho iir'oviBions of tho Act of rVm'renunlJiino.'i. 187H. entitled "An ii i-i 7nr tho salo of Umber lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada ,m.l Wnxlilm-limTurrltorv." asextotiilod to all tho Publfc Lund States by net of August 4, 1802, WILLIAM HORN. of Saginaw, County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollico his sworn statement No. (1020 for the puichuee of tho NE l4 of NK Vt of Section No. 22, Twp. 21 8outh, of Range 8 West and will ofler ,,r,if in show that tho land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho Register and Receiver of this ollico at Roseburg, Oregon on Thursduy tho mil day ot juiio, iuoi Ifnnntnes us witnesses: ir M. I.nmbert. Edirar King, Emery Guslar, William H. Champion, of Cot tagoOrovo.Oicgon. Any and ullpersonschilmlngadversoly Mm iifinvoiluscribtsl luuds aro requested lofllo their cIiiIiiih In this ollico on or before said 0th day of Juno, iuu, J. T. Unmans, Register NOTICE OF FINAL- SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the iimlorslitne.I adinlnlilralorof the entate of Dana B. Colton "le"ease.l, haa nlod In the County Cur of thn State ot Oreon for Lann County his final mrti.i,.in, f .alii e.tate and 7i,.i Hnrilalho7tli day of May luol at the hour o( 8 o'clock p. m., of sal.l day has been Hied by said court tor hearing objections to said account and tho tetllemen 'nreoi. Administrator of tlioestato of Dana 11. Uolton deceased. OREGON SHOIr LINE AND Union Pacific Ihrre Trains To Tin- fast Pally. mm.. I'liiiiiinn standard and tour 1st sleeping cars dmlv to Omaha, I hi ciigo, Hpokiino; tourist sleeping ems .hillv lo Kansas City . through I oilman tutu 1st sleep ug ears vpersiiiuilly eon i . ,. ..,l.. i,,rliirnuo. Klllisil (. It V .....iinl,,,. ..Iiulreain isenls free) to till' East dally. 70 HOUrS I'OWU.ArNtnOCMICAUO No rltftnice f 70 Dm-aiit roii ! Chicago-. Portland Special I t). IKn.tii.! Vtllllllllt-1 Tim Sciirntu.Ks froni Firlliuiil AlllllVK ritoM Salt Uike, Denver, I't. Worth, Oinnha, Kansas City, HI. Louis, Chicago anil East. &:'.'6p.tn iuglou. . Atlantic Express Salt l.ake. Ilonvcr, Ft. Worth, Omaha Kansas CitV. St. 0:00ii.ii) 8 1(4 p.m. viallout ington. J St, Paul Fast Mail: 7 I5ii.hi. j via Kiukan l,oul, Chicago and East. Wulhi Walla, Low Iston . HiKikanc S '00 n. in Wallace. Pullman. Minneapolis , t Paul. Diiluth. Mil wiiukee, Chicago A East. OCEAN AND lllVEll " SCHEHI'1-K Sun Friinelseo Everv live duv .i k no . in. For Astoria, uav point and North lleach Daily (except Sun ,iv i k .00 i. in. : Satnrdiiv at 10:00 p ' I. . ............ I, ,, III. IMIIIV serviee iwmer iihiis.'" Wiilsmette and Yiiuiliill Ilivers. For fuller Information nsk writ your nearest ticket agent, or A. L.CRAIG, i.eneial Pocnger Agent Tin gun Rsilr.wl A NavHgilin C. Portland. Ofiyu I ASK THE AiiFKl 1-R TTOTvKTS i VIA TO- Sjiokane, St. I'ttul, .miiiirdioifx, Diiluth, Chieaija, St Lotif AND ALL POINTS ItAST AND SOPTII 2 Overland Trains Dally Tht Flyer And Thi Fast Mall 2 Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employes i Daylight Trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. j Tor Ticket, Rate, Ecilder and I'ull Information. Call on or addre, 11. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S. G. YERKES., ll Pint ATenue, G. W. P. A. eallle Ualh. 0. (6 S. I! R R CO. Time Table No. 2 To Take Effect on Apr. 2ml, 1001. Kast hound Sand IKatonly. W. Ilound I sn12 Pally Kx- c. pi Hllllday. No 2 No 4 ""Station. p m a.m. . Cotlaxe drove II 101 ' K Waldeu 10 19 t, m Curiln. 10 111 i M . Cerru llordo 10 . ::.l .llaker 1" 31 1 47 . .. bnrena in I II lied Itook 1 10 -1 i :'J 0 avel Pit I" an -1 Hiewarl lo :0 4 .11 mar , in . 4 HI Itocky Polul . li i I II Wlblwood V 30 I 4 no Ko 3- No 1 IM.-A.M. Mis 2..H) 2 tl 2:M 2M 3:111 3:11 3:17 s:m t.Vi 3:3S 3.11 AM 7:30 0 7:U) 3.2 1M A TIO M H:OI 7 7 8:11 S3 K: 17 11 f in r, :M 11 3 H.W 12 H:4i 12 S V.U1 10 Bnbject to cbanKe.wltbout uotlre. in miiwnrfl frelnlit forwarded onlyTat!lhe Joint risk of slilpr aiideotilnie. freight will nut be reeelved at the O. A. H E. H. II. f'epot alter o:nu p. in. 10 insure lo-wardlng on noxt Iraln freluht must n Jiellvercd In ample lime to penult of I a '""A.'lLWOOD, Acting (len Mcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI1. Notice Ih honby nlven to all whom It niav concern tlmt tho iiiiiIithIkikmI, ha 'by order of tho Honorablo County Court of tho Htiitu of Oregon, for tho County ot Lano been duly up. pointed ailinlnlKtrator of tho oHtato of GeorKo Krederlck Gale, ilecuiiHcil, and that all ihjimoiib havliifr clalnm tho wauio duly vertlfled with tho iiropervoucherH to tho nndcfHlj;iied, at bin rcHldenco In ald County, which Ih nt CottiiKO Grovu within kIx inoiith from tho (Into of this notice. Dated, Kobruaryrith 11MU. W. V. MlIANAI'Kl.T, AilinlntHtrator. .1. (.!. .Ioiinhon, Attorner for AdiiilnlHtrator. M. K. .ItiilkliiH can take your tinier for tho celebrated Molld AiiHtrnllati Hllvcrwaro and iiIho for Mr. Jnlin A. I.okiui'h popular now book, "Thirty Yearn In WuHhliiKton, 1). C." tf NOTICE IOU PIMH.IOATION. 1'nllrd Htntrs I.anl Olllie. Rost'bilig.Oiegon, l eb. 10, 1001. V..11...1 ia beiebv ulieti tbill ill eiiui- illative with t ne provisions ol lliu net ol 'ongressol June !l, 17. enllllisl "An ietfiir Ibo sale olllinber lands In thn Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada, II- . I.I 'l'...t.ll..-,a, n li a. I iilkilitil iiliu npinunu'M ivninNi, """ lortllilio Public. Uml Hlnlt by (Hi nl V,l,.s,S'AF.W.TIIOMPSt)N ol Collage lliove, C", of hum', Statu of Ore., Iiiis this day lllcd In this ollico her woinstalomi'iil NonuHBioriiio iiiiciiusi ol tho HE of Section No m p'.'l South, ol Hilligo 1 . ami win oner iixhiI to show that the laud lititht IH va liable lor Us Umber nr sionn tluiii for ngilciiltuiul purposes, ami In establish her cl.iiui t said liiml belorn Unsaid, 1. s, rniiiliilssioniT at his olllce at Drain, Oiegon, Wrdiiesdaytheisiliday.il .May, iwm. She inline as wlimw. Herbert O. Thoiiipion, o( t'oltagu Grove, Die., Wllliiim Miicliy.nl Har rison, liliilin, .liiines X, Jones, Jnuicn Whltloiil, of Collage Grure, Oregon. Any and all peisons cl.ilmlng adveiso I e the sbiive-desellbid lauds lite u'liestisl to tile their claims in thl ollico i ,.)., .... i,.... ttt.ii Oil oi iiiiiuesHm i.-iii tiny in .iar, ieu,. J. I . IIiiiihi sst, lleglsti r. NOl'ICi: FOR Pl'lll.lOATION. I'nitisl Slates Umd oHlci', Roscbuig, Ore., Feb. 27, IUOI. Notice Is brieliv given that III Com pliance w t til the piovislons ot the act ol Congtess of Juiieil. lt', ciitltltsl "An Act for tho tale ol ri'iiiwr nuins in inn Stales of Ciilifornia. lingoii, Nevaihi. and Wushillgloil Teiiiloiy,"ili'Xll Udeil to all the Public Land Slates by actul August 4, IM'2. LLOYD F. MJI.I.IItI.LEN, of Stair, Co. ol Ijiiic, Mato of Oregon mi this iliivlilodlu tl.tsoir.ee his sworn itatemeiit S'o, MUM, for the purchase of the lds 12. 18, II .i 16 of Me No. 20, TuMtlship 21 Soiilli, of lltiugo I Wisl ami will ullr p s f to show Hint tho hind simifht -s iiio-e valuable for II timber or t than for ngiii'illtiital purpose-, ,., id to establish bis claim to raid omd bel.oeJ J Wnlloti, I'. S. Com uiissioiiei al Eiignie, I lie., on Sntiinlay the 7th day ul Ma-. IHI. lie niimi1 as witnesses : Win. H. Millbolleii, of Poilhinil, On-., J. W. Ilomk, J. II. Stewntl. Tliouin Miiher, ol Cottage Grove, Uhr Co , Ore. Any and all peitons claiming versclv.tbe iibove-descnbed lands mo tcqm-tted to file llielr claims in lhl oltice on or before sold 7lh day ol May, I00I. . , J.T. Ilaiwif. lltgister. Eugene Planing Mill Miiniifueliirers of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and General Mill Work. I nrulng niul Mulr building; n pecl- oln 'l nl tenth -ii rdei will nvelvoliruiiipt SmIIkIih lb. ii giliirnllllTll. Lstluintcs Cheerfully iirnishrd. dlr'HN III l.invr.-n.e St. ei'gem:. oih: Cream Vermifuge THf GUIRimED WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S fAVORHE T0MIC. ths qcnuihs: si wwt as Bnllord-Snow Liniment Co. tT. LCIUln. MO BO YEAnO EXPERIENCE DrsiQHi COPYRIOHTa -C. tprlalnotkr, -ill Riihout cliarne. lulbe u.n MUIIU a i Scientific Hmciicnn. A k.elii-salf lllnatrallMl WMklV. caUlloit of iir fhMillfln iurii-1. tttm. ii m mrt fourniuntUl.tL Hoiabj.ll nw.1ilri. MUNN & COr""-.New,YQrk llraDch OrSra. ia T HU Wajhlet Ion, li. 0. SHUSH SHOES .STYLISH PEOPLE WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY dl-jtlncfulsri the mmssx SHOE rort womeTJI Sold. by Lco.ding' Ue-iers' 1 l,Nh eon ' DU(aiS7ivt.erl HANUfACTUnlD C.COTZlANcYCO: ST. PAUL. Nothing lias ever entialleiL it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery ForfR? Vrol ONNIIHl'TION p. " 11 11 Ml ,M - A Perfect For All Throat anil Cure i Lung Troubles. Money back If it falls. Trial Uottlee free. Anrnna sendlna a skslrb anil aesmplion mar ruilrklr asierlaln fur ninnlon free tleles an IliTaiilV.n l'alilf l eilaM t .mrnunlra. iWnsslrlcllf runadeiilfal. HMOSOOK "" ,."lUi lent trra. llldeal aaeney for seruriiia; Ileul. I'.l.mi laktn Ibroush Wui.u A lo rxelft R fe9 Mm wm mm II B Ml 1 .M W-4.5 lW4K ii?i srx i'w s-