Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 06, 1904, Image 7

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After Eating
Nnuiuik between meals, bulchlnir, voin
IllnC, llnlillonco, (Hi of nervous liond
sclio, imlu lu tlin sloinncli, nro nil
symptom of dyspepsia, mid tlio loiiffor
it It iietflecti'tlllit) liardvr HJa luciiru It.
Hood's Sarsaparitla
and Pills
Radically nml pcrmniiuiitly euro it
strengthen nml tuna tlio slomucli ami
other tlltfoiitlvo orKium for tlio natural
jici rinnnco of tliolr functions.
Afcrcpt no milmtltiito for Hood's.
1 "I linit iljspepala twenty. ne rears and
took illflrrrnt medicines but not no help
nntll I began taking- 1 !' Harsnparllla.
Have taken four buttles of llila medicine
anil cn now rut almost n;llilrif, sleep
well, hare no cramp In mr itoniarh, no
burning and no illstrcai.r Mm.
a. lUnnrrr, l Oltirjr HI., rrorldrnre, II. I.
Hood's Bnrsnpnrllln promises) to
cure and kooua tho promlao.
Ilia Yrtnrn.
l'nor IVcliln (nliout to lio oiornlil
en for apii-iiillcltl Doctor, licfurn )mi
liriiln, I wish you would acini and have
our pastor, tlio Iter. .Mr. Harps, come
Dr. Cutter Certainly, If you wlsli It,
but nli
"I'd tike to be oponeil with praior."
How to Keep lloute.
With all tlio luxiirlts nml pleasures
nt thin lllo, ita enjoyments nml ita
smaller vimifnrts, lliem Is an offset or
antithesis which we, huvo to contend
with In tho form of aches nml pains.
In some wny nml by noino inrnna uvory
ono hna n tom'li of them in aomo form
at aomo time. TrlltlnK na aomo of them
may Ik), tho rink la Hint thuy will ntow
to noinothhlt lircater nml ruck tho aya
trm with constant torturo. Thero la
nuthiiiK, Ihercloro, of thla kind Unit no
Imto a rluhl to trlllo with. Jiiken In
1 1 inn. tho worst forma of nchoa nml
pain nro easily anl ducd nml cured hy
tho frco ttso ol Ht. Jncoha Oil. No
well regulated household ought to lio
without u hottlo ol thla great remedy
for pain. It la tho specific virtue of
penetration In Ht. Jncoha Oil that car
rier It right to tho pain spot nml effect"
a prompt euro oven in tho most painful
cflM'a of llhrtiuiallsm, Neuralgia, Kclnt
Ica, l.mnlmgo. Yon vinnt It nlno In
tho htitiso nt all times for hurts, cnta
ami wounds, ami tho houmi thnt alwnya
has It keeps up a aort of inaurniico
a Kill tut pnln.
Tliclr Very Heat.
Ileal Kstnlo AKfitt You really
ouiilit to buy tho huuso. Now, If you
nml your wife wilt only discuss tho
matter thoroughly
l'eeUliain Oil, thnt'a out of tho
question. Wo never discuss thine.
Tho moat wo enn ever do la illsuuto
about lliem. Philadelphia I'ross.
$25.00 Howard.
K. 8. Jackson, alias (1. K. Morgan,
to., taking mibncrlptlona for Munscy'a
ami Koattln Ktnr la n faker. 8ubscrllo
tlwough iiiilliurlnxl Hlur agent. Above
reward for causing his nrreat.
A Itusslan lieutenant seta about $200
a year, a captain about $300 aud a
major UM.
Deafncaa Cannot lie Cured
by local apiillratlotti ai they cannot reach the
d(Mod iuriluiiof ttmear. Hiere lsoulruno
war in
cure diameia. end that ll br constitu
tional romedtftj. liealnvisla rauti-d by an In-
namnt eondlllnn oftlio uiucoua llulna ot tho
Kurtachlan Tlll-o. When title lubo ll Intlained
you hafoa ruutbltnaaoundorlmivrfect hoar
log, anil when It lieullrely closed, Peafneea It
the result, and illtleia thofnflammatlon can
taken out and this tut ro.toied to Its norm el
condition, hearing will be dnlroyed forever)
nlncaaeiotitnl ten are caused by Catarrh,
which li nothlug but au lulUuied condition of
thirmucoua lurlares.
We will (Ire One Hundrol Dollars for any
caseot lieafiirsateatisnt by catarrh) that can
not Ix curod by llaira Calarih cure, Nina lor
circulars, (roe.
r. . CIIKNEV A CO., Toledo, O.
Mdby Druaalsti, ItV.
Hall's ramify 1'llls are the best.
If tho wlfo Isn't boss during the
honeymoon she doesn't amount to
much na a ruler.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exist It Will Not Cora
Some of the most stubborn diseases enter
into tlio system through the pores of tho rkin.
Like n sponge, it absorbs poisons of various
kinds, which nro tuken up by tho littlo blood
vessels beneath tho surfuce of tlio body, and
emptied into- tho great current of tho blood.
wild plants pcrcolato through tho skin liko water through a sponge, are
taken into tlio circulation, breaking out afresh each season, and linger
ing on for years unless antidotcd and driven out of the system.
Dyo Poisoning among tho employes of dyo houses, nnd from wear
ing colored under-clotlting and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence
Si'ngZnrandsoSn'd roxsor, oak aki its
ltia Over ufteen yeara ago I waa poisoned with Pot
Other eruptions. ,on Daki t trfod ram,dy arter remedr wtthont
Workers in lend, brass getting relief. Borea broke out over my body ana
-.l il,. mi.tn1i nra often on my tongue. aOeotlnr the lining of my month,
nnd other inctais ars oticn yj,,- ai,0ut a year ago my dootor told, me to
noisoncd by the chemicals try B. U. a., wbloh I did. After taking three In nolish- botttea all tbe aorea dteappeared, and I hare npl
nnd OCltlS liseil in pos" bn bothered alnce, and I feel muolt Indebted to
Ing, and tho dust nnd 111- your ealuablemedlolne for ao prompt andoom-
j .... -l,)- nletoaeure. I am certain that 8. B. B. will do all
IngS settling upon the Sltin, fnVt ja claimed for It In blood dlaeaaea.
nnd which find their way Danville. Ky. con. O'DBTAW.
&tSSm swelling and tho most obstinate sore,.
rtlood Poison, tho vilest of all human diseases, is often con
tracted tlirough shaking U e hand or handling tho clothing or other arti
de. used by one infected with this dangerous poison. The deadly r virus
wits uow- j C!,1irir ita witv tlirnllrrh tha norCS 01 tnO
.nMd V.v washes salves, soaps or other external remedies. The blood
rnu2 be Serand rhealtlVy- circulation established before getting
SoiTOowny rid of the disease S. S. S. acts upon the blood, ridding It
Sf the orlg nal poison and restoring it to a healthy, norm, condit.on.r-
you desire medical advice or any information about your case , this will
cost you nothing., nf SWifT SPECIFIO COn ATLANTA, GA
I'rrrtoua Minima In Atnnrlnn.
"It I" n llttlo atrnngo," an Id Irving'
h, Itussell, "thrtt tho United Ktntea,
no fnr nhend In nntlonnl resource of
every other pnrt of the uloho In nil
eaaeiitlnl things, ahoiild ho ao deficient
na n producer of prcelotm atones. I
nui of tho opinion thnt there will ho
n big discovery aomo ihiy of tho moat
vnlueil gem, probnhly In aomo out
of the wny corner of tho Intnl.
"I do not mean to lutlmnto thnt wo
nrc ninctly deillttito of lino atones, hut
thnt IIioko found nro mostly of inferior
ipinllty na compared with tho output
of tho old mines. In North Curollnn
n good ninny emernlda nml ruhlea nml
aupphlrea nro to bo hud, but they nro
not of atitnrleut value to wiirrutit cut
ting. Homo very lino pcnrla hnvo been
tnken out of tlio sheila picked up lu
tlio atri-iiuia of Arkansas, and ut oun
tlmo tho srnrcli for them down (hero
amounted to n craze, l'cnrla, liy tho
wny, hnvo conn up In price from 200
to .'MX) per cent In recent yenra.
"A great muny semiprecious alonea
nro mined In California, tho turquoise
found out thero being especlnlly beau
tlful, but lacking In hardness. Tour
malines nlao cnuio from Cnllfornla In
nbundunce. Wuahlngton Pont.
Can Vim Con I n gain tlin Word Klaa.
Itlclinrd (Irani White, tho eminent
philologist, was naked once upon a
1 1 mo to conjugate tlio verb "klaa," lie
believed nml maintained that Kugllah
la n grnnunarlcsi Inngiic, hence ho felt
no compunction when ho gave thla:
"Jltisa, to klaa; rohtis, to klaa ngnln;
pliirlhua, to klaa without rcgnrd to
numlHTi ayllyhua, to klaa tho hnml In
atend of tho Hps; hlumlerhiiaa, to klaa
tlin wronc tinraon: omtiltilia. to klaa
' every one In tho room; crchua, to kin
: In the dnrk
Motliors will tin! Mn. Wlnilows's Boothlni
Rrrui the best remedy to uie for their children
; during lb teething oilod..
Undo Hnm'a tWe.ii Illll.
It la eallmnted thnt tho people of tho
United Htutca drink 1..VW.00O.O00 gnl-
I ......,.,. It. 41. a .,iil,.n nf VI. nr
. luun W IWIIVU 111 IMU w. J - t
1 nt n coat of about 10 cents per gnllon.
I Tho Importing coat of tho requisite
(Itintitlty of coffee iicrrlea ror ttua sup
nlv nt 7 cents n nound. la nliout $75.-
000,000. P'rom thla It nipenra thnt
preparation, package, distribution nml
dealers' proflta make tho prices to tho
consumer nbout doublo tho Importing
No Store Orphan.
Illshop Potter ndmltti-d nt a dinner
tho other ulght thnt be had fallen Into
tho habit of asking lata wife what bo
ahould apenk about If called upon at
any public function.
".My wlfo told me thla cvenlne." he
onld, "thnt aha would like to have me
correct a rumor that hna boon going
around to the effect that alio Intended
to glvo up her bouse to an orphan
"Tell tho enrata nt dinner. If you
any anything,' aue bade me, 'that it la
not bo. I have already taken In one
ondmn, and I do not propoao to admit
any mora Into my house, If I can help
It.' "
For bronchial trouMes trr I'lio'a Cure
for Uoiieiimptlou, It It a roml coujh
tie. At
I drugxl"ts. price M centi.
Tim Wronir Girl.
Mlra Tassny (with affected indig
nation) Mr. lltiggiird cnught mo In
tho dark ball last evening and kissed
I Mlsa Tepprcy Ob, I wouldn't blame
Miss rnssny Why shouldn't I
blamo hlmJ
, Miss Pepprey You say tbe hall was
dark; It wan undoubtedly an accident.
Philadelphia Press.
Ilconmlng Constitutional.
"Is It true dnt Uncle 'Itaatus has got
do lung trouble, llko I heard?" asked
Mra. Jackson, anxiously, for Uncle
'Itnatua waa a vnlucd member of the
neighborhood society.
"True! I reckon It's true," aald Aunt
'Rtnala, with n art of sorrowful pride.
"De trouhlo's been chasing back and
fo'th among two or thrco oh his lungs
for dce two las' months, nnd ills ino'n
Inc do doctor said It 'pen red like nnolh-
er ono waa gwlno to bo nffectod 'less he
could find aomo moro pow'ful romedy."
skin, contaminates the blood and produces
foarftil ulcers, eruptions and blotches.
Tho diseases that enter the system by
absorption or through the pores are as
deep-Beatcd and dangerous as any brought
nn hv Internal causes, and cannot be
Contention Hint HioCrmlle of Mmikliid
Wna In tlio I'll I ii r Krulmm.
U, It, Wlohind, of tho l'enhody Mil
seuui, Ynlo University, hna n paper lu
tlio American Journal of Helcneo thnt
la attracting much intention ninong
aclcntlflc workers, Ho hna collected
miiny fuels, moat of them rovenled hy
Kcologlcul aeleneo, lu show tho prob
ability thnt the origin of life occurred
In tho polnr regions, nml also Hint
the cl! mn to ehunges which nfToct llfo
Inereuso townrd the poles, nnd thero
foro Hint polar Induences hnvo hud
much more to do with differentiating
llfo Into many forms than equatorial
As the continent are grouped
around the north pole, It Is reasonable
tu suppose that the northern clrcum
polar nren tins been, ever since the
time of tho older forms of llfo found
Hi the paleozoic rocks, tho main center
from which nnlmnl nnd plnnt llfo hnvo
rndlnted, nnd Mr. Wlelnnil ndduces
much evidence to show thnt this the
ory Is correct Theao dsdticllona nro
liy no means news, hut they hnve never
lioforo been fortlllod In ono composition
hy ao Inrgo nn nrrny of testimony ns
Hint which .Mr. Wlelnnd hns collected
lu his enreful paper.
Tho fundamental Idea on which this
thpory of tho origin of life Is based
la not difficult to understand. Borne
'nndltlons of stnhlllty must hnve been
neeessnry to tho beginnings nnd per
letuiillon of plant mill animal life. If
I he gloho wns once molten, na phya
Iclata from Knnt nnd t.a I'lnco to Kel
On linvo deelnred, lunnr tides of tro
nemloiia power muat hnvo been pro
ilucpd nt the equator, though they wcro
ivenk nt the poles. Hufflclcnt crustal
tnhlllty lo make hot wnter life pos
lido mint hnvo first nppenred nt tho
nolcs. A grent interval of time must
linvo elnpsed between tho find nppenr
nnco of crustnl atnhlllty nt tho poles
mil similar conditions at tho equator,
tide to resist tho enormous nttrnctivo
power of the moon nnd sun. It mny
linvo tnken l.OdO.OOO yenrs for tho
empprnturo nnd stnhlllty necessary
veil to hot water llfo to tnovo slowly
from tho poles to tho equntor. Thus
ho conditions fnvornhlo to life muat
trst hnvo appeared lu tho polar re
gions. It Is well known thnt the deep oceans
and the continents hnve occupied rela
tively their present ixnlUon far back
In geological times, nnd the great an
tiquity of tho principal element of life
In the oceanic lslnnds testifies to the
difficulty of dispersing tho higher typoi
of life nrroHs ocenn barriers and tho
aluinat Imiiooslhlllty of audi dispersion
of tho vcrtehrntc-s.
Hut nil evidence points to the for
mer existence of wldo lnnd routes be
tween tho northern polnr nrena nnd the
great lnnd mnmes to Uie south, and
the fncta of vortebmto distribution In
tho northern hemisphere In mesozolc
mil tertlnry times enn he satisfactorily
explained only on tho hypothesis of
,i common polnr origin of tho prlnclpnl
nneestrnl stocks, which then dispersed
outward from tho polnr nrca and
spread over America nnd Eurasia.
Thla Is a very brief stntcment of
the hypothesis which tho writer fortl
llea hy voluminous quotations from the
record the roeka hnvo preserved. Tho
reader la referred to Mr. Wleland's pn
per for tho cvldenco thnt the rich veg
etntlon of tho various horizons repre
sented within tho nrctlc nrcn forms tho
orlglnnl source of most of tho plant
families thnt we know, nnd thnt ns wo
proceed farther south we find in the
rocks forms of life thnt nre now preva
lent on tho surface nearer tho equator.
Tho cllmnto nnd tho consequent llfo
which existed in tho Dnkotns nnd Wy
oming In the eocene period wcro thoso
that nro now found In Florida. Now
York Sun.
Kealdenta of Argentina Have Qualities
l'ccllllur to New lliiuluiiil.
Cold winds come from tho south nnd
winter Is In July; otherwise tho Argen
tine republic Is llko Ynnkcelnud.
Tho Pnrann, tho chief river. Is far
larger than our Mississippi; Its annual
flow of wnter Is doublo that of tho
(Inuges, three times thnt of the St
Uiwreilce, live times thnt of tho Nile.
Argentina hns tho longest railway
tangent (straight line) in tho world,
ISO miles. Its wheat plains nro llko
thoso of our West Tho cllmnto is
Argentina's population grows 40 per
cent In ten yenra, tho United States -0
per cent, (iormnny 10 per cent Of
the two millions of Immigrants re
ceived In Argentina In forty years
moro thnn hnlf have been Italians.
In 1807 thero wcro but 33 miles of
railway In Argentina; In 1000 there
wero 10.001 miles, some 12 per cent
belonging to tho Government Argen
tina Is ninth among tho nations lu rail
way mllenge.
Argentina hns 120.000,000 sheep, ns
against 03,000,000 in tha United States.
All Argentina suffered from the Dar
ing crash In 1800, but recovery Is now
complete. Imports during 1S0O were
$117,000,000 and exports 1S5,000,000.
Krom tho United Stntea enmo but $15,
000,000 of tho Imports nnd only $8,
000,000 of exports wero to tills coun
Montevideo Is In area tlio largost city
In tho world thrco times tho slzo of
Now York, iluonos Ayrcs, growing
fnster thnn Now York, London or Ber
lin, Is the biggest city In tho world
south of rhllndolphln, except possibly
tho Chlncso cities. It will roach tha
million mark In 1000.
Argontlnn Is building one of tho
finest dry docks In the world, a model
of which will probably bo seen at St.
Ixiuls. Now York World.
Too Hud.
"Yes," snld Mrs. Onyglrl, "she had a
phonograph concealed In tho parlor
during tUiX engagement, and It ro
corded all the declarations of undying
lovo ho tnndc. Thnt was In case thero
wns over talk of divorce, but It didn't
"What wns the mnttor?"
"Ills burning words melted all the
wnx in the cylinders." Cincinnati
Whenover wo want to loaf, wo don't
glvo tho excuso that wo aro going fish
ing. It docs not speak well fqr yourself
to bato tho town you live In.
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change Is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why It Is. He has our
formula and will explain.
"When tl rsrs old. fnr minf mnnttil no
Anslhowlit t ranld 11 r b-rsti.sot thin blo.Ml.
Hut. In s fsw Arr'i HtMipsfllU tout,
tilttslf rsilnr4 to to litallli "
Hi. K. lii'csyissTBa, Vlnslftns, X- J.
The Children
Blllouannss, constipation provont ro
covory. euro thoso with Ayor'a Pills.
nor IllR IVct.
A respectable old gentleman, some
what tight, on entering an omnibus,
got his feet entangled In u lady's dress
and fell headlong. Ho staggered to
Ids feet nnd looking round, Indignant
ly demnnded who struck him. A
gentleman present remarked sotto voce:
"You fell over that lady's feet; nobody
struck you."
Tho Indignant citizen turned round
and surveyed the cnuse of the accident
n moment, and then, as If by no means
satisfied with tho cnuse of his mishap,
"Mndame, you hnvo got tbe biggest
feet I ever saw I"
"Sir!" responded the lady, flushing
with nngcr.
"Prny, don't npologlie; It nln't your
fault, hut tnko my ndvlce, sit sideways
In the future, and give them the full
range of tho bus."
Uhcumatlsm In Utah.
Frisco, Utah, May 2nd. There Is a
great dral oi rheumatism in this and
neighboring states and this painful dla
caro hns crippled many a strong man
nnd woman among an otherwise healthy
Iteccntly, however, thero has been in
troduced into Utah a remedy for Rheu
matism which bids fair to stamp out
this awfully pninful complaint. The
name ol this new remedy is Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and It has already
wrought aomo wonderful cures. Right
hero in Frisco thero is a case of a Mr.
Qrarc who had Ithcumntism so bad in
his feet that ho could hardly walk.
Ho tried many remedies in vain but
Doild'a Kidney Pills cured him.
His wlfo Kays: "Wo both had Kid
ney Trouble nnd my husband had the
Ithcumatism so bad thnt be could hard
ly walk. We nsed Dodd's Kidney Pills
with much benefit. We hnve tried
mnny remedies, but none hnve done us
so much good as Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Simllnr reports como from all over
tho state nnd It would seem as if Rheu
matism had at last been conquered.
A Clinnco to Display Them.
Tess Miss Schalp tells me she Is
going to leant to piny the hnrp.
Jess Whnt nonsense! She hasn't
nny tnlent for music.
Jess Oh, she knows thnt. but she
hns lovely arms. Philadelphia Press.
rifp IVrman nny enrto. rronuornerroasafat
f 10 after first dsy'suisofrjr.Kllne'sUrstlXsm
IUtorr. Hend fur Frr.3 trlslbottle.nltraaUe.
in. K. II. Kline. UJ .er Area at-. l'Mimsipaia, ra.
Itlp Van IVInklo Ij'belecl.
Rip Van Winkle had just been Ink
ing a nnp. Placing n hand upon his
beard, lio murmured drowsily, "How
this grows on me!" After which he
fell Into a second doze, thnt ho might
sleep out tho remaining ten years.
Yalo Record.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
St Pc-Slmtl Wrapper Below.
I Tary snail smd u ussy
to take aa angar.
li centi I Pnroly TtUblefawi
$4.00, S3.50, $3.00, S2.GO
ncsr IM
W.L. Douglas shoes
nro worn by mow
mon thnn nny other
mnko. Tho reason
Is, thoy hold their
lonirnr. nnd hnvo
grontor intrinslo
vanio tnnn nny
othor shoes.
SelJ Cveruwhert,
. V 1. r..H .......m n ml tit-l.-M,nl.
Dmitrlits uses Corona Cultskln, nlilch la
ivrytluiru cmir! tut tobethe tlnest I'utent
1,1'iitlivryetlinMliiceil. Fast Color yttttMVHd,
tihocs hy imiiI,9& rents extra,. Write for CilLlog.
IV. I DOUULAS, lirocktou, Mass.
14' T141JHI 1 JH J
Oqiwh ttjrup. Tastes Good. Usa I
Arithmetic Is not Clara'a forto. Hut
thla doca not trouhle bar greatly. If
aha cannot aolve the problems In her
dally lesson her mother can, nnd Clara
believes that pnrenta who make chil
dren study arltlimatlc against their
will ahould ho rcsponslhle for their
examples. Mrs. Hamilton usually
elves up her evenings to Clnra's arith
metic; but not long ago, the Chicago
News saya, ahe came ahort one prob
lem because Mr. Ilond, the president
of th baking-powder company with
wblcu Mr. Hamilton was connected,
waa visiting them and had to he enter
tained. After dinner that evening Clara's
cyea were ao red that her father naked
her If she had got something In them.
"No," snld Clara, beginning to cry
again. "Mama couldn't get one of
those old cxsmples, and now I'll have
to atay In at recen to-morrow."
"Don't cry!" exclaimed her father.
"I'll get It for you. Excuse me a min
ute, Ilond."
Then he followed Clara from the
room, and went into a close session
with the problem.
Mra. Hamilton and Mr. Ilond dis
cussed every subject under tbe sun
while they waited for Mr. Hamilton
to return. At last they heard him In
the adjoining room throw down tbe
hook and declare that the anawer In
the back was wrong. Tbe man who
wrote the book did not know what be
was about that was all.
"No, papa," piped Clara. "Teacher
aald the answer was right."
Now Mr. ftond had more than once
In bis district school-days been pro
nounced a "born mathematician. He
promptly offered to work the problem
for Clara, and tbe dog-eared arithme
tic waa turned over to him. After a
quarter of an hour, during which only
his hard breathing disturbed tbe quiet
of tbe room, be announced that tbe
problem was solved. So Clara went
to bed happy.
Tbe next evening, as soon as dinner
wns over, Mr. Bond complacently of
fered to help Clara with ber arithme
tic, giving Mr. Hamilton at the same
time a aly dig about bis Inefficiency,
lint Clara bung back, and said she
wanted ber mamma to help her.
"Oh, do let Mr. Ilond help you! He
can do them so quickly!" exclaimed
Clara's mother.
Still Clara shook her head, and when
tbey continued to urge her, she blurted
out that Mr. Bond had not worked tbe
problem right tbe nlgbt before.
"Why, be bad the right answer,"
said Clara'a mother, in confusion.
"Yes, but he didn't do it right," ex
plained Clara. "Teacher aaya we
abouldn't Just work for tbe answer,
but should know the logical steps by
which it is worked. He worked it
All eyes sought Mr. Bond, who
meekly confessed the Justice of tho
blunt accuaatlon.
Manjr tyooks An Appearing In Ens
land Jast Now.
A strange epidemic of ghosts la
creeping ever tbe country, saya the
London Express.
During the last day or two reputed
spooks have been discerned at Tweed-
mouth and Coed-ICernew, near New
port, wales, and are still unlaid.
Tbe Tweedmonth apparition takes
tbe shape of a woman In white, with
piquantly contrasting red hair. It fre
quents the churchyard and chases wo
men and children.
The Coed-Kernew ghost turns pic
tures face to the wall. Jams lumps of
heef Into pint Jugs and causes beds to
walk downstairs.
Tbe real explanation of tbe present
glut of phantoms was given to an Ex
press representative yesterday by one
who has made a long and patient study
of the bablts of spooks.
"The year Just over," said he, "waa
singularly Jejune of properly authenti
cated ghosts. Hardly a single new
apparition of any Importance mani
fested Itself.
"Of course the old gbosta are Just as
good as ever, but they are destitute of
"Tho Elizabethan phantom Is still to
bo seen at Greenwich and, generally
speaking, a good ghost may still be
looked for wherever a Tudor palace
hns been known to exist
"Nowadays tha House of Commons
housemaids hnve become so familiar
with tbe House of Commons spook
thnt tbey hardly trouble to speak to It
when It passes them on the stairs.
"Tho Brighton boarding-house ghost,
too, still comes to sit upon the bed In
tho room where he was murdered, and
the unimpeachable ghost of Lincoln's
Inn opens, as of yore, closed doors and
marks of webbed feet upon powdered
chalk strewn over the floor.
"But all these are old and stale, and
ti.e human mind demands fresh ghosts
alwnya. Hence the present boom In
the ghost market
"It Is Just a matter of supply and
Not WastelnL
"I suppose," said the phyalclan. after
be had sounded tbe new patient "that
you exercise Judgment In the matter of
smoking? You do not indulge to fool
ish excess In it?"
"No, Indeed," replied the Inveterate
Individual, "I never smoke more than
ono cigar at a time." Cincinnati
Tbe Latest Wrinkle.
"My son celebrates to-night; his
'freedom party,' you know."
"Why, I thought he was 21 some
time ago."
"Oh, so he was long ago. I mean
he eclebratea his divorce to-night"
Philadelphia Ledger.
Not 1st Evldouoo.
Belle Mlaa I'aatay baa been quite
111. Ia ahe likely to recover!
Gladya She thlnka ao. She says
she has youth on her side.
Belle Huh! If she has It must be
on the Inside. Philadelphia Press.
Ills Favorite llraml,
Hobo Charles Say, Willie, wot's ycr
fav'rlto bre'kfust foodl
winrtort Willi I nrofpr ila kin'
youse kin git without wurkln' fer It
Baltimore American.
Miss Nettie Blnckmorc, Min-
ncapolis, tells how any young
woman may be permanently
cured of monthly pains by tak
ing Lydia n. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
"Yorso Wombs: I had frequent
headaches of a aevero nature, dark
spots before my eyes, and at my men
strual periods I suffered untold agony.
A member of the lodpe advised me to
try Lydln 12. IMnklinrn's Vcrc
tablo Compound, hut I only scorned
pood advice and felt that my case waa
hopeless, but ahe kept at mo until I
bought a bottle and started taking
It. I soon had tho best reason In tho
world to chango my opinion of the
medicine, as each day my health Im
proved, and finally I was entirely with
out pain at my menstruation periods.
I am most grateful." Nr.TTiE Black
none, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis,
Minn. fSOOO forfait If original of tbooo lltUr
proving gtnvlntnett cannot bOfroitutoi.
If there Is anything nbout your
case about which you would
llko special ndvlce, write freely
to Mrs. IMnkhnm. She will hold
your letter in Mrlct confidence.
She can nurely help you, for no
person in America can speak
from a wider experience In treat
ing fcmnlo ills. She has helped
hundreds of thousand of women
hack to health. Her address Is
Lynn, Mass.; her advice is frco.
SfcJIgger Well, what do you think
of that fellow Glddep? Jokeley tells
me he takes a cab whenever he goes
to look for work.
Thingumbob Yes, Glddep is cm
ployed hy a cab company to pick up
fares. Philadelphia Press.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, achlns;, swollen feet
Cures corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 2Sr Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen 8. Olmsted, Its Roy, N. Y.
Drugglata Come Handy.
Young I.ady Have you a city direc
tory here?
Druggist Yes, madam.
Young Lady l'lcase look through It
and find Mrs. Sewseam'a present locn
tlon, and address this envelope to her
Uere'a two cents for tho stamp.
KKeeley liouor-morfhihe-tobacco
sssMsstMicratTiKSTnurr,- maTKNuoae,!
A llostnn lluabanil.
Mrs. Cnudle I think there's a man
Mr. Cnudle I thought I heard some
one. Suppose yon go down anil ask him
nhnt he ivnuts. Even a burglar wouldn't
strike a woman, you know. Boston
Transc. pt.
AcgctaMeFrcparalionror As
similating thcFoodandncgula
ting the Stomachs and Bowl 5 of
Fromolcs Digcslion-Checrfur-ncss
andRest.Contains nelllicr
Opium3Iorpliine norlCticraL
Kor TfAuc otic.
7)vv afcuassiiinmaaa
itnyim JVrev
(TaTtMJluu iriaaiyee. toner
ApcrTecl Remedy forConslipa
Tlon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Vbrms .Convulsions .Fevcrish
ncss mill Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
NEW Yomc.
mmr. i.ui mini rt?wn i n.hlu m
:.,-y?y:'att?K '
"-5;t - - v;,,
h$$lM$ a For Infants and Childron.
300 rll-t Street. PORTLAND! ORIIOON
- Dranolioai
HOWARD E. BURTON. Amyrf nJ Qrmlil rnws, llnld, Kllssr, lSil, tl Oalil, KlW
vsr.TMtiol o;Zln.'.ri iiMI. I rsnktttssls.
MsJitnr nrrnp nt nil! price itstssni an spr-llts
ttnn, Oontrolait't vmplr wnr snllrllra. f,iit!.
Title, Colo, lltlrrsnca t'sibonata Nsftllsns.
ror our Ktw (lasolena Prut aw. Ws Ml an
glna only onra fur aaeh leg. One man can
moTS saw. Wa hanitta tha only Malleable
Urubblnr Mactilnt. wlls ul your wants la
tha machinery line
Fool Morrison SU 1'ortlantl, Ortfoa
Dr. C. Gee Wo
This wond.rfat Chi doctor Is called
f fc-eran.s h cures
teopls without epsra-
lboss wonderful Chl
aese herbs, roots, hods,
barks and vegetables
that ars un
known lo medical scl.
ence In this cnuotrr. Through tbe u.s of
moss nsrmless remedies Ibis famous doctor
knows lha art'Au of oTer vn different rem
edies, wblrh be successfully uses In different
dls.eaee. lie gnaranleea to cure cattarh, asth
ma, lung, tliroal, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomacb, liver, kldnevs, etct has hundreds of
testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and
sm, htm. Patients out of the city write for
blanks and rlrmlars. Hend stamp. CUNHUl
The C Get Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
Ill Alder St., PnrtlanJ, Orejoi.
STsTMeiiliou paper.
Write today for free Illustrated brx.
Tenth and Johnson Streets
P. N. V.
No. 191904.
WHEN writing; to advertisers please I
mention this paper. I
The Kind You Have
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Are not manufacturers
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Our Own Special Construction
Tut up with full knowledge of tlio re
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