Second Cousin 5arah H ,,, ir nir. author or (U Anne jvniiB. annate." "uttib katb ulnar." CIIAPTI5II XXIV.-l(!.,tl,..t i great conspiracy win at mi t n, ml Harnh Knsthell hail ballled Hi con Bptrntor. All that hnd bean planned by Onptnlu 1'vterann, nucl Hint Harnh'a sl euro from Hedge Mill had render.! 1,11 gntory, nil t It hew acliptiilriir to which Hint absence had ulvrrt rise, nml which was set In notion will, Harah'a irlurii, nail collapsed nt th eleventh hour. Hnrnh wna neither ili-ml nor a raillri, nml Tom waa aa far ri-niorrj from prosperity aa lip hail ever been. "1 I never meant " he began, thru h luirat forth with "Oh, I nm ao glnd l int ynu'va to,,,,. l,n-k. Hall ao uln.l that you ain't dentil" "Were you wnlllhg for Hip news of my death, then?" naked Nnrnh with Indlgnn Hon, "There la your wnrhl, Tom," aim aalil, pointing to the iloor, "beyond tills "'"'. "till nliy lovo of mine, from this ilay. Vou could not Iruat me you net n aiinin for me, nml cnllcd In rogues nnd vlllnllia to assist you begrudged mo my roirrty nml my Ufa. Now go." Lucy Jennings' hnnl vole rut aliort lila defense, nml lie barked from tlm noiiinn to Hi" grounds beyond ihv houia with every word aha hurled at Mm. "Tom Kaathell, aouin hotira ago, In I,on don, I fara Information to tha police where th Peterson gang nere likely In b found where you were, nml In what vvay you were connected with them. You hara not any tlma to loaf," II loat no lima nrcnrdlngly. Ho roll Mini awny, n thlrf to tho laat for ha ili'liartnl nllh lleuhen Culwlrk'a best hat rammed ocr hla evebrowa. Harali ttiriiiil again to Ileal, ru, hr watchful priit'.-tor, who woiiiii keep lirr Tor ever In lila sight now, nml aa tha door closed aha linked her linuus 11 ion hla arm. "Tnko mn In, plense I am tired out, IteuU-ii. I hara fought hard to rat liiiliicl" "Tell iw how It happened how It una that you disappeared from nil of ua ao suddenly," aald Itrutmu luiiatlantly. Hi- did not regard Lucy Jenulnga he draw Ida chnlr to hla cousin's alda, took lirr hjsud In hla, nml gssed eagerly Into her face. HI10 mliiht fad away again from hla Ufa, If ha did not mnka aura of lirr. "Yea, yea," anld Hirnh, In nnawrr to hla questions; "Inn grandmother tell Inf, aha not very antloua about me?" "Vour grandmother la not aniioui, Hnrah," aalil Lucy In n low tun. "la aha III " "No. Mm la not III now." "la aha nil!- you are keeping aom thlnir back) Tall ma, please," aha aald III grrnt eielteiiicut, "where, la aha. Hho la nut (land b! ah haa not dlril without a word from ma J" "Hh la In (lod'a liandaand (lod krep you strong to bear Ilia loaa of her," aald I.ucy Jennings. Knrnli Kasthell cloacd her ayra, nml aank back In the chnlr like n dead wom an. Ilctibru, a mnn wholly unclmrlln lt na iiiru will be In alnitcs of excite ment which atrlka lioma to them, and rob them of their aelf-poaaeaalon turned up on th poor preacher, who had done, her beat nt leaat. 'There, you have killed her! Are ;ou aatliflcd how?" he aliouted nt I.ucy Jen III nil a. "I nm not aatlaned with Ihla world, or with you," wna the cold anawer, na ahe Ix'iit orvr Harnh, and looaened the fa at -enlnga nt her throat. Hut Hnrnh Knit bell bad not fainted: ahc waa only stunned by the truth, and ahe aat up tha Inaliiut afterward, eager for Ilia whole atory. and looking pllcously from ona to the other. It wna not In Iteuhen'a power to brank the new a to tier after nil, nml ha left It to the woman whom hla Inipatlenco had wounded. "Tell her, I.ucy. It la beyond me," he aald. The trngeily of Hedge Hill wna over, mid ha could not dwell upon Ita detail, CHAPTKIt XXV. I.ucy Jenulnga waa writing busily in her room when Hnrnh enma In aoftly. The wnmnil-prencher had gone to her npnrt meiit nwny from the society of two yoing folka who tlinuglit of little save each oth er, nml whoae courtship did not Intercut her. It waa ona month after the death of Mr a. Kaatbell. "Oh, I.ucy, whnt do you think he hns been aaylng)" Hnrnh cried In excitement. "Who hna been anylug?" naked I.ucy, without looking in her direction. "Iteulien, to b aure." "Alwnya Itetibenl I hnd forgotten thero wna no other man upon tho earth but Iteuben Culwlck," ahe aald bitterly. "Ho aaya I mny nak your opinion If I will and you will think how right bo la." "It will be about the flrat time In my life thnt I hare thought him In tho right," alio muttered, then alio added III her ahnrpeat nud jerkleat manner: "Well, whnt la It?" "I have been telling lilm of your colng nwny to-morrow jf the neceaalty of hla going, too, na you auggeated, and he a.-iya oh, I.ucy I whnt do you think he hna pot Into hla denr old bend I" ahe cried, chip nlnir her hnnda together. "I can't gueaa what la the object of gueaalng when It la enay for you to ex plain ?" wna tlm ungrncloua rejoinder. Hnrnh Knalbell did not notice the chilli lieaa of Mlaa Jenulnga' remnrka, Hhe dualled Into her auliject forthwith; ahe apoko of Iteuhen'a wlah for an early mnr rlnge na n wlao mid natural solution to the dllllcultlea In their way. "In nil hla life be hna been In a hurry," I.ucy anld when Hnrnh hnd completed her recltnl, "ao whnt la tho tine of my nil lire? It would bo nn Ill-timed formality, of no vnluc to either of you. If lie hod been lean Impetuous," anld I.ucy, bctny lug a sudden excitement heraclf, "It would Imvii been na well It would have given mo time to think. Hnrnh, you must not marry Iteuben Culwlck yet." "You you think (hut It la not right It la not respectful to the memory of licr I hnvo loat?" naked Hnrnh. "ltenpectfulP cried I.ucy contimptil nualy, "I linve not given 11 thought to It! Hut" nml hero followed n long pntue, with I.ucy glnrlng atrnngely nt her visitor "hut," she continued nt Inat, "some thing hna happened In this room, Hint I hate been keeping lo myaelf, nnd which mny niter both your Uvea." "Whnt hnn happened which mny niter Heubeu's life nud mine? And why in thU room, where " "Where n woninu named Mnry Holland lived for some yearn," anld I.ucy quick jy " woman whom you learned to dis trict nt Inat7" "Wo did, and yet " "Vou did not distrust her In vnln, per haps," she lidded. "I will tell you, Harah Knatbell, what I thought of telling Iteu- 1..... r..t'l,.tr lull II IlltlV 1A VOlir .fullt to hear thin firat of nil, na It mny .meet , 1. II.. ..I I I you moat or nil wno gnowar ihmu i " . .1 . 11 I whui la written on Hint tinner." Lucy jcnnlngn opened her desk and w..n.ttn. n Init lilnn nm-elnne. nil which were written wordn In 11 lurgo clenr hand, lo .which alio pointed with her linger the linger of fnto to the timid girl win) fob lowed, every movement, nnd leaned for-, ward to the pnper cautiously mid eagerly- Yea, I.ucy Jenulnga waa right thnt which might nffect the whole after life of lluubcn Culwlck nnd of herself wna In tlm hnuds of the woman-prenili'ir. On the envelope were written these words: "Herein la contained Hi Inst Will and Testament of HI 111 on Culwlck, of Hedge Hill, Worcester." There wna n data appended the dnte of the dny on which HI111011 Culwlck bad culled nt Hope atreet, Cnmherwell, for the llrat time, nnd laat, In hla life. It wna n will made before he had come that tiny In ncarch of hla aon, nnd It nvr ruled nil other testaments to which In hla life of change he had aet hla trem bling hand. "Where did you find thlsr" Harnh nak ed nt Inst. "Ill that box," I.ucy replied, pointing to nn old-fashioned hair trunk studded with brass nulls one of the boxes which Mary Holland had never claimed. "Whnt right had that woman with Iteubi'ii'a father'a will" asked I.ucy; "hna alio not committed n crime ngalust tha law?--la not this mi net of revenge against him?" "I don't a all this yet," responded Harnh Kaatbell, atill thoughtfully. "Tills will la aealed; It waa glvtn In trust to Mary Holland before Hlmoti left for Irondon. It lenvea hla property to Keulieii, and aha would have kept him from It. I see It all. I despise that woni nu, although I have never met her In my life." "Mnry Holland la not here to answer I for heraelf.' ssld Hnrah: "nml Mnrr would hnvo preferred Iteuhen'a being rich to my poor grnmlmother'a coming to this house. "Khe brought your grandmother here herself; there waa n plot In It. Itcndthe will." "What right hnve I to read II?" naked Hnrnh. "You nra in poasesslon. Iteuben is too weak to bear thu shock. There may be something in It which he la not to know llrat of ill," she added, with n audden doubt "which la to be broken to III 111 by uegreea." "Iteuben Is aa brav na 1 lion "Oh, you don't know him," aald Miss Jennings pityingly. "I don't think so mennly of him ns J oil Ho, cried Hnrnh. with sudden spirit: "I don't believe ha hna fretted for nn In- slnut about hla father a money, though be told me ao once. He haa denied it since; he la nbove nil mercenary thoughta. Come and aee how h will take 'his news," crle.1 Harnh, dellantly now "I hnve 110 Interest In It; It concerns me not. aald I.ucy very ahnrply; "I should not nave mentioned It till I wns prepared to lenve the home, had yon not come In with your foolish story of a hasty wedding, tlo to ti I in. Hnrnh. I am busy nun a Holler tnsk tlinn yours. Iteuben took tho packet from Harnb'a hand nud rend tha superscription, his ryes dilating with surprise. He made 110 attempt to brenk Hi sent of btnek wnx. but walked with her slowly toward the bny window at the end of the room, aa though Ida alcht were weak, and more light were needed to naalst it. Hhe seemed to hesitate In her progress Willi him, mid he put bis arm round her wnlst, ns n privileged lover under these circumstances hnd n right to do. "I"or better or worse, for richer or poorer, my ! Irst-cousln-once-renioveJ Knrnli," aald he lightly, but meaningly; "now tell me where this sprang from, Harali told him, while he listened, with the paper in hla hand, nnd looked out nt the gnrden nnd the rising ground beyond It. Tola atole nwny during the narration. "Mnry Holland may hnve received possibly did receive private Inatriictlona from my poor father with tills will," anld Iteuben, when Hnrnh had completed her narrative; "ahe la not to blame, I trust, even If It comes at ua In this fashion. It wns to be kept linck, nt Hlmon Culwlck i request, n certnln time, jiosslbly, he being n accretive man. Miss Holland is not here to tell us," answered Iteuben, "nnd you and I stnml ill n false position, with this will lying like a liar upon the free dom of our thoughta. I take nil the re apouslhlllty; it la my right, aa Hiinon Culwlck a aon. "You nre not nfrnld of the contents?" ahe naked, remembering suddenly I.ucy Jennings criticism of Itcuben'a temper ament. "There la nothing within the will to frighten me," tie replied firmly, "or to mnko me giau, or cant me dawn. He how steady the hand la thnt turna over the pagea ot this book of fnte." Ills Angara broke the aenl nnd took from the envelope the document c-on- t nhiod therein. He looked nt the pnper lor the urn i time, it wna n tirlel will, which n few tinea mnde clenr. It wna written by Hlmon Culwlck himself, nud witnessed by two servant who hud It ft the limine two yenra since, nnd it left, ns Iteuben hnd Imagined from the flrat, the whole of hla property, free mid Indivisi ble, to his old frlcnd'a child, his faithful housekeeper, Mnry Holland. He refolded the will, nnd regnnled at tentively lila aecoud-couaiii, who remain ed dumb with nmniement. "And Mnry Holland I have turned cut of her own house, ao that ahe la not here to receive our congratulations," anld lieu ben Culwlck coolly. CIIAl'TEH XXVI. The winter set In sharply that year, like the audden froat to the hopes of Iteuben Culwlck mid lila second cousin. It wna n severe winter, that nipped tilings to tho heart before, the old year waa seven days dead. A few weeks hnd gone by nluco the dnte of our last chap ter, and nil with whom wo nre Interested, or In whom we hntv endeavored to raise an interest, bad settled down to the po sition born of the discovery of Miss Hol land's good fortune Miss Holland had not been found, de spite much pertinacious acarchlug; the boxea remained unclaimed at Hedge Hill, and Hedge Hill wnn held In trust for her. Thoau Interested In advertisements won dered who Miss Holland wna, and why her friends were begging her to return, and hear of something to her ndvnntnge, Iteuben Culwlck accepted the position very cheerfully, although I.ncy Jenulnga thought Hint ho waa too cheerful to bo natural. Ho was anxious to see the pro visions of hla father'a will carried out In their entirety, and he allowed no sense of disappointment at the low estate to which they Infallibly reduced him. lie had confidence In himself, nnd he wna nnxloua to do justice to Mnry Holland, despite tho unjust character of a will which struck him out of amuence. Ho was rising in the world, too. The work grew under his hand, debta became "" 10 i "mrv uu nmnl In t atria. 1 n tr ,f Inttaoai ntiif If " -,,.,.... ... lliorn witrn nn hlir ttrlvna atltl ha Hani nn blnnka. Among the busy unknown crowd of clever "newspaper men," he wna nb ready known, nnd three weeks ngo the promoters of the Trumpet had burnt out with big offices and more machinery, nnd higher terms for Iteuben, who hnd been with them In struggling days, and was now called upon to slmr a little In their prosperity. He wns hnppy In hla courtship, too. for he found many opportunities! to seu his Hecoiid Cousin Hnrnh, and she wns glnd nisi very glnd to see him. Hnrah wns In London In npartmeutn In York road. I.mnbetli, with tho woman who had atrlv eu hard not lo hnve her for a companion or friend, and yet whom she hod conquer ed by that aweet persistency which was nn nttrlbule of her character. Hnrnh Kastbcll waa very much nlotie In the World now. and when the signal of ills tress had been raised, I.ucy Jennliizs. with nil her hnrducss, wns at her best, mid renuy to be or nsslstnnce. Iteuben cniue courting In the evening, once or twice n week at llrat, when tho newspapers would nllow him; nnd I hern were odd hnlf holidays when Iteuben and Hnrah would stroll In Ht. Jnmea1 I'ark, and tnlk of the hnppliiesa iihend, They both apoko of the patience to wait for each other of a culm present nud n happy future and they laughed togeth er, not before I.ucy, nt Lucy's past fore boilings of the misery In store for them. Tola waa at Iteuhen'a house In Drury I.nne, too. Ills love for this llttln wnlf wna alill na milrli part of his life ns Ida love ror hla aecoud-cousln. Tots h longed to old days; ahe hnd been hla one comfort when be felt wholly desolate; ahe hail been lost, nml bis heart hnd been terribly wrung in losing her; she wns hack, nnd ns fond. of hint ns ever, al though there hnd come never again n memory of Hope Lodge. His landlord's wife took enre of her ns Lucy Jennings hnd done, and 1( w-aa plensnnt to hnv Tola with lilm at breakfast time. John had been nlwnys fond of Tots. He taught her to cnll him Uncle John again, nnd though the child wna older and ahnrpcr tlmn when Iteuben found her first In Camticrwell, there wns quickly n return to the old affection under the old kindness nnd attention. Life with Cnp tnln Peterson nnd his brothers hnd not hurt her It waa part of a bad dream In the beginning of n new year, though the dream flgurea had scarcely vanished, nnd one presently crossed her pnth, and startled her. (To ba continued.) HOW THE CAMPANILE Ft-LL. The Bcene la Oraphlcull v Described I17 11 American (llrt. The fnll of tho Cnmpnnlle must hnvo been nn exciting tlilnj: to wltnean. Tho huge mnaa crumbling to iltint wnn llko n mountain fulling. There happened tu be ninny wltneasen of tho catnutro plie. nml one uf them, n young A mori on 11 girl who wnn In Venice with her family, linn written 11 letter ileacrlblns tho event. It In printed In the Cen tury Mngnzliie: Yen. nhc writes, we nre nil nafe. Tho tower did not full on any of ua. al though I nupimne wo. riinll never be much nearer being burled nllro than we were this morning;. It came without nny warning. Wo were on our wny to Cook'n, which Is on tho aide where the crack first np penred. As we came down from the hotel we noticed 11 nmnll crowd of peo ple watching thp tower, nnd some of the piazza olllciuls hnd placed n few bonrda round It to keep people from Kolng up to It. Hut the crack wns so alight that we naked where It wns. We walked to the other side, under the clock tower, nnd as we stood thero bricks began to fnll nut of the crack, which grew wider every minute. Some people thought that n corner of the tower might go, but really thero was 110 one there excepting a few tour ists and some shopkooiiers. We went to Cook's, where we could sec If nny HiliiR did happen. Cook'n men smiled nt the Americans who thought thnt a tower which had seen n thousand years could fall with out any warning. .Suddenly, as we stood there, a lingo gup appeared from top to bottom, ami then the whole thing seemed to groan and tremble, and, with apparently no sound, sank In n heap where It stood. Only the top poised Itself a minute lu mldnlr, tipped, nnd fell cmslidig to ward Bt. Mark's. Pieces of the gilt nugel were picked up on the church steps; otherwise nothing but n pile of bricks and tnortnr wns to lie seen. We nil stood In the doorway, too stunned to move. The people in the siiunm tied panic-stricken In every di rection. Instantly whnt appeared to lie a solid wnll of plaster and dirt rose from the mass ns high nn the tower had been, nud spread In every direc tion. I thought, of course, we should bo suffocated, and a rush followed for the, buck of Cook's olllce. Kvery one screamed, "Bhut the doors!" Tho dirt entered llko n thick fog, nud you could not distinguish your best friend. For tunately It clenred nwny In n minute or so, enough to sco where we were, nnd nil were safe. Not even one wom an fainted where wo were, although the Italians were calling on heaven and earth. The dust was about two Inches deep lingo stones lay against Cook's build ing, nnd I picked up 11 piece of one of the bronze bells on the other side of the square. Venice went wild, of course, and tho square was soon crowded by hundreds of mourning people. It wns n very sad sight. All shops closed at once, nud every one watted. Thus He Clot Heat. Anxious AVUe Whnt do you think of my husband's case? Is It serious? riiyslclnu Oh, he'll pull through all right. What ho needs U rest, so I have prescribed an opiate. Anxious Wife How often shall I give It to him? I'hyslclan Don't give It to lilm nt all. Take It yourself. Chicago News. l'riidence. "I supposo you would llko to say or do something thnt will live In history?'' "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, thero are so many things concerning which I should prefer to keep history uninformed thnt I guess I'd better not tnko nny chances trying to break lu." Washington Star. Slow Hoy. Aseum And what profession Is your son to follow? l'atcr I do not know yet, hut that's about all he'll do, I guess. Ascum What? How do you mean? l'atcr He'll follow some profession; ho never seems able to catch up to any thing, Philadelphia Tress. The Hlver Platte Is navigable for 2,000 miles and has a qirrent of two nnd ono half to three miles an hour. A Curse of Itellglon One of tho cures of religion Is that ao many peo ple are merely the shells of Christianity.-Itov. W. 1'. Hlierldan, Methodist, Louisville, Ky. Tho Hotter Life. The flrat effect of a good llfo Is the cheerfulness and Joy born of tho testimony of n good con science. Itnv. J. A. Tracoy, Ilomnn Catholic, Oermantown, I'a. Tho (Jolden Calf. We have danced around the golden calf In America un til we have almost come to worship the man who steals tho most. Iter. C. Myers, Ilaptlat. Ilrooklyn. N. Y. Which? It depends on whether man loves the comfort of his family or his cups whether he la a blenln or a burden to Ills fnmlly. Iter. M Preston, Congregntlonnllat, Chicago, 111. Tho Armor of fjod. The hnlf -heart' ed Christian Is not hnppy, but the ma who has oil the whole armor of Cod I the one who rejoices along the way. Itev. W. K. Ilrynn, Methodist, Dallas Texas. The will.- All emotion can an ought to be controlled by the will This Is the divine truth. Whoso be- lleveth shall bo saved. Iter. Fran Crane, Congragntlonailst, Worcester, Mass. Hlmplkily. I .earn to live simple. In body. In mind, In aplrlt and a multl tudc of burdens shall slip from your soul and you shall know the meaning of rest. Itcv. F. O. Hall, L'ulveranllst, New York City. Creed. It Is better to have a good human creed than to have no creed but better still, to have a divine creed which Is a personal faith In a personal Christ Itcv. M. K. Harlan, Disciple, Urooklyn, N. Y. (cnlus. Most geniuses are queer a they are great. Emphasis of one vir tue Is very likely to destroy others. great philosopher can scarcely be a good statesman. ltev. O. II. Van de Water. Episcopalian, New York City. Order. Nature Is always orderly, and this Is one of the prime reasons why she is never superfluous; she ha a good system, and, therefore. Is at ways correct In her movements. Her, II. A. Tupper. Baptist, Ilrooklyn, N. Y, Harmony. Place the home, the church, the state, upon one high level, In harmony with each other. This 1 the Ideal, and this Is the rule of nn all nround noble and secure manhood. Itcv. A. J. Lyman, Congregationalism Ilrooklyn, N. Y. The Kingdom. Wherever God reigns In a human soul there Hla kingdom la. The weakest Christian, If be be a true sou of the kingdom, has all the power of God en' listed In his behalf. Ilev. S. 8. Palm' er, Presbyterian, Columbus, Ohio. Peace. If for n moment we obtain what we have sought and are elated with the thought that we possess peace, It needs only a reverse to bIiow us how false and spurious and evanes cent such peace Is. Iter. Charles Wood, Presbyterian, Philadelphia, Pa, Dual Selves. Every man Is dual In the constitution of his mind. In other words, every man Is possessed of two selves an Inner Bolf and an outer self, In theology these two selves are called the spiritual man and the natural man. Ilev. T. A. King, Swedenborgtan, Cleveland, Ohio. The Savior. The Ignorant need a teacher. The wandering need a guide, The lost soul needs a Savior. Error con bo reasoned away, evil habit can bo reformed nway. The stain of sin can only be whitened by sacrificial blood. Her. Howard Duflleld, Presby terian, New York City. Help and Cheer. The Bible Is much more than a great literary monument with which every student or writer of English literature must have close acquaintance. It Is a perennial foun tain of moral and religious Inspiration, help and cheer. Itcv. J. W. Chadwlck, Unitarian, Ilrooklyn, N. 1. Charity. If tho men who have money only knew the worth of money, and Instead of wasting their substance lu rlotoUB living or In ostentatious ex travagance would use It for tho tnltl gation of the misery that Is withering all around them. Ilev. P. S. Ilenson, Itaptlst, Boston, Mass. Tho Heart. Tho heart brings men together luto loving fellowship, It Is the summer of the soul. In Its gentle radiance all sweet and beautiful things come to their lovely perfection. There tho graces flourish In all their charm Where the heart Is thero men love to dwell. The great-hearted man Is of necessity beloved. ltev. 0. K. Morris, Methodist, Cleveland, Ohio. The Higher Court. Christianity Is the sanest and grandest conception of human life yet given to the world. Her standards nro higher than any other, and they alone have resulted In tho purifying and sanctlfyiug ot the body and tho regeneration of the mind, To Christianity men must look for the supremo tribunal of the soul. Itcv. 0. E. McNally, Baptist, Brooklyn, N. Y. Labor Unions. Tho labor people must unlto or bo crushed, and they have tho right. to do so. The trusts are Inevitable. If the associations of tho great masses of capital are neces sary, they can only be met and dealt with by tho wider association of the tollers In their employ. Itcv. W. S, Ilalnsford, Episcopalian, New York City. Stunted. Mrs. Subbubs That family that Just moved In next door has quite a cute baby, but It's awfully small. Mr. Subbubs Well, dear, what can you expect? The poor llttlo thing paP8cd the first six months of Its life lu n city flat. -Philadelphia Public Ledger. Anotlior tilnaa Trust. All tho glass manufactories In Bel- glum aro uniting In a trust "In order to oppose tho demand of tho labor unions for wages and to obtain bettor selling prices lu foreign markets." ANCHOniNQ A SAND DUNE. Worthies I.nml Aioiiic tho Hen Conat liclMtf Ifcclnlmed. So much attention has been directed 0 the work that Is being done In re ialmlng the arid nnd sembnrld land f the West that the reclamation work 1 long tho Atlantic coast Is almost en Irely overlooked, says the Philadelphia Itocord. The familiar sand dunes, I iiaracterlstlc of the roast from Cape uod to Cape Fear, while perhaps ,ar Istlc, constitute n menace to adjacent 'Ultlvated lands and are useless In themselves. Massachusetts, at considerable ex pense, has been endeavoring to re claim the aand dunes that form ao .arge a portion of tho "province landa" on Capo Cod. It has been found that land Is readily bound together by grasi oots, and that If sturdy varieties of rass suitable for sandy noils nre plant ed and cared for while obtaining a foothold and maturing, they will grad ually cover large areas, transforming them from shifting, worthless lands In to fertile fields. Many years of for estry work In Europe has shown that after the grasses bare made a start tree can be successfully raised on these erstwhllo sand piles, which may thus be made to yield a revenue. Some of the most extensive and mobile sand dunes In tho United State, however, are found In the West, and It Is the ambition of the Bu reau of Forestry to cover these with permanent forest growths. Along the Columbia river, In Washington, the sand Is very light In character, owing to the large proportion of mica It con tains, and consequently Is easily blown about by the winds. In a portion of the lower Columbia river valley great orchards have been actualy Ingulfed with the shifting sands, and the rail roads have experienced great diffi culty In maintaining their tracks In this district In passable condition. In order to make a practical teat as to the best method of treating these dunea, a strip of land on the Columbia river between Willow creek and tho John Day river has been set aside by the government for extensive experi ments based on the work done by Mas sachusetts, referred to above. In the East tree-planting plans for owners of sandy tracts ar being prepared, thus extending the scope of the practical co operation begun by the Bureau of For estry. ANOTHER GOOD MAN GONE. Left lllchljran Because He Had to Oct a Marriflat Llcens. "Sir," he began, as he entered the county clerk's office almost aa soon ai the door was opened for business tht other morning, "I am In love with a person of the opposite sex." "Moaning a woman," remarked tht clerk as be looked up. "Meaning a woman, sir, and one of the nicest women on the face of thli terrestrial globe. I not only love her but I have asked her to be mine." And you want a license to get mar ried, of courst? What name, please?" Sir, my name Is Schuyler Jenklm White, but I don't desire a license. 1 have called here to say to you that any lew demanding a marriage license Is a rllc of the dark ages Tes.M "To force me to publish to the world at large my Intention of making Amnn da Jane BUnkerhorn my wife la noth lng short of an act of barbarism, and I don't propose to put up with It, sir not for a moment, sir. Even If my feelings cannot be respected bera must b." I'm sorry." replied the clerk, as hi thought ot how much bard coal his fe would purchase. But that makes no difference tc me," continued Mr. hlte, aj he wol mora volco on him. "I find that I can not marry In Detroit without submit ting to Indignity and Insult There fore " "You won't marry at all." "But I will, sir. I am now about tc proceed to the home of my fiancee and start with her for Buffalo. Upon reaching that city, where no license li required, wo will be made one. Not only that but I shall Invest $600 lc that town and become a resident De trolt not only loses that money, but. thrifty, law-abiding clUzcn and a wi ow who can make muffins to melt lt your mouth. That's It sir that's It and now yon and your barbaric law can go to Texas, and I will proceed tc efface the name of Michigan from mj memory and forget that I ever dwell within her con&nes and had my neck under tho heel ot the despot" Detroli Free Press. HAVE NO VALUE ON 8HIPS. Lightning Itoda no Not Protect Vessels from the Iwectrlc 1-tiild, Several European shipping periodi cals are advocating the use of light nlng rods on ships which convey explo slvo compounds. One of these papers notes that on a recent voyage the fore mast ot the Umbrla was struck by lightning, which shattered It to bits, The writer of the article stated that "It the ship had been fitted with light ning conductors the current would have been deflected from the ship." The value ot lightning rods for ships wns Invcatlgnted by Captain Folger, of Nantucket, Mass., a brother-in-law ol Benjamin Franklin, tho Inventor of the types ot lightning rods In common use the world over until a few years ago. After oiger, many otner Ameri can and British shipmasters studied the lightning rod question, with tho final result that thousands of expert' incuts with masts fitted with lightning rods adduced the belief that they are ot no value In warding oft lightning, As a matter ot fact, abundant evi dence exists In the archives of Amer ican, British and French scientific so cieties that thousands ot ships pro vided with lightning rods were struck by lightning. Time waa when naval and army magazines were fitted with lightning rods. That practice ended years ago. It Is only among believers In the efficacy of plasters tor the back and side, blood purifiers, divining rods, nd fortune tellers that confidence lu lightning rods exists. Syren and Ship ping. The first time a boy uses a sweat word he looks for a big black man to swoop down and carry him off; when this doesn't happen he tries it again. I 3 OLD23385333 TES ? 'l I ! ! I ..M'-M-M- r I' i I I I I I Vr-tHr How Can I Leave The? How can I leave thee? How can I from the cart? Thon only bast my heart, dear on, b- uev Thou hast this soul of mlu Ho closely bound to thin No other can I love, sava the alontl Blue Is a Row'ret Called the fora-eMna-nor. Waar It upon thy heart, and think of me' K low ret and hop mny die, Yet love with ua shsll stav. ffhat cannot paas away, dear on, fc- llev. Would I a bird were, Boon at thr alda to ba. falcon nor hawk would fear, apetdlng t the, When by Hi fowltr slslo, I at thy feet should 11. '.ihou sadly ahould'at complain Joyful I'd die. Tlioogh LoM to flight, to Mem'ry Dear. Sweetheart, good-by! Th fluttering aail la aprend to waft ma far from tii, And soon before the fnv'ring gal My ahlp shall bound upon Hie aea. Perchance, all desolat and forlorn. Tbes yes shall mis the mny a year. Bat unforgotten every charm Though lost to sight, to mera'ry dar. Sweetheart, good-by! ona laat embrace! O cruel rate, true aoula to aver! Tt In this heart's most sacrad nlaca Thou, thou alon ahalt dwell foravr! And still shsll recollection trace, In Fancy' mirror. vr near. Each amile, each tear, thnt form, that race Though lost to sight, to mem'ry dear Thoae Kveninar IlelU. Those evening bells! those evening bell! iiow many a tnl their mnaic tells. Of youth, and home, and that sweat tlm Whn last I heard their soothing ehlm. Thoae Joyous hours nre passed away; And many a heart that than was gay Wlthlu th tomb now darkly dwells. And hear no more those evening bella. And ao 'twill be when I nm gon; That tuneful Deal will still ring 011. While other bards shall walk these dells, And sing your pralsa, sweet evening belli. Thomas Moore. EXPEN8E8 OF A PRINCE. What It Coat Ilritain'a Hojnl Heir to Live. The popular Idea about a royal prince Is that he Is an exalted person age, with a magnificent Income, says Hour Glass. There la, howorer, an other aspect of the case, concernlnf which many people are in Ignorance, namely, the enormous expenditure In variably connected with a princely es tablishment. The following authentic details as to what It costs the Princo of Wales to live may, therefore, prove) Instructive to the general reader. It Is not generally known that there are about eighty servants employed In the prince's household, and the wages ot these people aggregate not less than HO a week. Out of this sum the royal chef receives j200 a year, the butler a similar amount, and two ef the stewards 160 apiece, in addition to special perquisites. Then there If tha cost ot provisions, electric light ing and other domestic expenses, which Involve a further outlay of at least 300 a year. It Is also essential that hla royal highness should keep a good stable, and the maintenance of thirty horses, carriages, grooms, coachmen and other attendants will readily ac count for another 300 ot his Income. During the London season, also, thr king's eldest son Is naturally expected to give a certain number of house par ties, and It need scarcely be said that these entertainments must be In every way consistent with the regal position of the distinguished host In addition to these parties, the present prince, like his father, gives several royal balls every year, the total cost of which means a further serious Inroad In bis Income. Again, It Is only reason able to expect that bis royal highness will be one of the best dressed gen' tlernen In the kingdom, and this de sirable qualification Is only attained by Judicious expenditure. For exam pie. It may be stated that the Prince of Wales generally dons a new suit of clothes twlco a month and a new silk hat about the same period. lis never wears a pair of boots more than half a dozen times, and these are of superfine quality, at 2 guineas the pair. lie rarely uses a pair ot gloves for more than one occasion, and bis hosiery and other clothing are sufficiently ver satile and multitudinous In character to start a man In business. In all prob ability 1,&00 a year would barely cover the princely expenses for cloth ing. But even this estimate docs not meet the cost ot those naval and mili tary uniforms which the prince has to purchase In order to appear In his va rious official capacities In connection with the British army and navy, and for these splendid garments, some of which cost 100 each, at least another 500 a year must be added to the ex penditure. Another Important Item of expendi ture Is that represented by gratuities to servants when tho prince and prln cess become tbi temporary guests of other royal fnuhlles, either at home or abroad. Take, for example, a visit to tho Czar ot all the Ilusslas, which, apart from traveling expenses, would mean at least 100 In royal tips among the countless servants ot the Musco. vlte monnrch. It Is not a matter of general knowledge that when the Princo of W ales was receiving his ed ucation at Cambridge be was allowed an Income of 3,000 a year. lie was of a frugal disposition, and managed to maintain the dignity ot his position without running Into debt; on the con trary. It is stated that he actually saved money out of his allowance. A correspondent asks; "In writing to my pastor bow should I address him: Dear Dr. Smith, or tho Bev, Dr. Smith, or Dear Sir?" We havo not a chaperon department, but If we bad wa would Instruct the department to say: "My dear woman, do not write to your pastor." flACINQ WITH PnOA DOATO. Fragile Craft that On Rait Twenty Mil an Hour, The moat Interesting feature of th yacht club at Iltscayne Bay, Florida, Is the number of proas owned by tha member; In no other section la tha building of them cnrrled on and their uso encouraged and practiced, ay th Illustrated News. Until within th last few years, these fragile craft did not come practically before yachts men, It was In countries where trado wind prevail that they were built and sailed, and wo aro told by FolVard .nd others that they have been In us In tha Ladrones nnd South Sea Islands for several thousands of years. When wo see ono of theso dainty craft, twenty-four feet long and only two feet wide, with nn outrigger look ing all tho world over llko a "atraddt bug," as It rushes through tha water enveloped In mist at the rate ot twentr miles an hour, the two men on board, one at tha helm (an oar) and tho other sliding up and down ("hiking" as they rail It) on the delicate outrigger a human ballsst, every time tho wind freshens or falls, the crew seem to be amphibious, for, If the "hiker" chances to mlaa stays, as it were, by falling to move quickly enough to pro serve the equilibrium of tho crnft, over she goes and the men, particularly If air tanks exist at the Interchangeable stem and atern, as they do on all modern-built proas, topple Into tha sea nnd, holding on respectively fore and aft, "unhitch" the lug sail, set ths light boat "on Its feet," ball her out. slide aboard Over the sharp ends, and nway she goes like greased lightning through tho enveloping mist. The proa Is the reverse In model of any pleasure craft In the country; the hull Is not ajsimetrical, the sides being unequal and of different form. The leeward side Is flat from stem to stern and acts as a rboard or cen- terboard, while the wlndvrjrd Is round ed, as In other boats. The outrigger, usually about ten feet long, has ittach ed at Its outer end a miniature bent, a dainty replica, six feet In length, of the parent craft When tho proa la sailing on an even keel It Is not an Impediment to speed, and when on th wind It Is sometimes tilted upward to an angle of 45 degrees, but a move ment outward of a foot or more of th hiker' causes It to reach the water, throwing upward and around dainty specks of foam, which, blended with those dashed from the bow of the fast sailing proa, produces a mist that en folds both crafts sometimes, so dens as to render them Invisible. RAT8 NOT FOND OF TOBACCO. Ther Avoid tha Weed in Ait Ita Form I noticed that rat story told In th Star by Colonel L. S. Brown, of tha Southern Hallway recently," said an avenue tobacco dealer to a Washing ton star man, "and I want to say that any tobacco man can put In a good word for the rat but I suppose be 1 about the only man who would aay anything about the rodent family that was good. Besides, what he says Is a negative sort ot goodness. The rat simply doesn't bother the tobacco man. During a long experience In the to bacco business, an experience covering twenty-five yeara or more, I can recall only a few Instances where the rat be came at all bothersome around a cigar store. They cannot stand the odor ot tobacco, and I have never known ot rats eating tobacco In any form or even of rata attempting to cut Into to bacco. 1 suppose the taste of the weed Is offensive to the rodent palate. At any rata tbey will havo nothing to do with it "You might fill this place up with rata and I would open every box of cigars and tobacco In the place so the tribe could have access to tho stock, and I would lay a wager we could come In here after they had remained overnight and find they had not touched a thing In the place. Rata ar sot chewera, nor smokers, nor users ot the weed. Even the smoke ot tobacco seems to craze them. I remember a few years ago of bar ing made an experiment to see what effect smoke would have on the rat I had caught a rat In a trap at my home. I put him In a little cage and began to blow tobacco smoke In on him. I have seen a great many panic-stricken ani mals, but nothing lu my experience equaled tho wild alarm ot that rat when I began to puff the smoks through the silts ot the cage. If tha cage had been on fire he would not have been more frightened than hs was. I carried the experiment further than I had Intended, for before I knew It the rat became as limp as a rag and was evidently very much nauseated. The experiment taught mo that th rat's stomach rebels at either tho smell or taste of tobacco and I suppose that's why wo are not pestered by rata In cigar stores." A MUSICAL KING. Music bath charms to Booth the sav age breast" Tho picture shows King Uouallou, a South Sea Islaud chief. producing classlcat music In his "pal ace" on a self-playing Instrument Caught. "Pshaw!" she exclaimed, Impatient ly. "I'm suro we'll miss the first act We've waited a good many minutes for that mother of mine." "Hours, I should say," be retorted, rather crossly, "Ours? Oh, Georgel" she cried, and laid her blushing check upon hla shirt front Philadelphia Press,