Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 06, 1904, Image 3

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Fail to sec the CniL' line 'A
ofComliH, I Inir Brushes,
Toilet A rtiflt-H (iiid
The finest line in town i
prices eat) not he beaten
II SI'lllKli'H Ol '-'.'-!."i per III
CollllllOII Itotlgll lllllllllT Ullll
1 1 1 ii I-11 h i it i ol, fr.wi
All klmlN if Kiln Dried
lumber nt proportionately
low prices.
At mill. prices, until April
3 . i
Um k lllnjrliiiii Lumber Co.
Dealers in
City and Farm Property.
t 1 1
3 I
At Tltc I (I call
$1 per Month
Will keep your NnltHf leaned,
preMHeil, ImttoiiH on and rlpn
TraiiMknl work Hollclted.
HatlHfnctioii trnarrmiUvd.
Work called for mid dellxered
prompty each wivk.
Onlerx taken at Welch WooiIh
Airs. W. A. Cunningham.
Cut tain- lroe, Oregon
The Cottfie Grove
I Ih now In ninnliiK order t
mid prepared to do all klndH of V.
; liuindry work with proniiitncHH g
I and at reiiHonalilo ratCH. ,
; We hope to m-cttro your
; patromiKu mid to pleiiHe you
I with our work. I'lioneltl
Hanson 5t Swrnison, Props.
1 Loi'crs and Minors I
I've got jjj
You Want " j
flood Stock. lleaHoimble I'flcen 0
At J. 11. Davidson's
at Tin;
Ragle Boot Store
Can Iiu found tlio iiiohI cle
itaut mid up to ditto
An elegant lino of ICuHteru
Made IVrfuineH, .School
HookH and n full lino of the
liiHtcHt popular IiookH.
To liny Kouuedy'H (;halu Light
ning Liniment, (or IlheumiitlHin and
nil piilim mid liillamatloii. Price
60 centH, all driiKK'nt, nr by mall
upon receipt of price, write V L Ken
nedy, SnRliiaw, Orejron, for liHt of
H'HlinionleH. Satlnfiictlon' (tnurmi-toed.
Tlic CluilliiiiooKii Medicine Cniiipiiny,
with liihoriitorlcii anil umicnil ullli-ei nt
Clinltiini)iKii. Tciiiii'KHi'ii, utiil Imiucli
hou0H ill Ht liil n. Mo., nut Hun Finn
uIhi'o, (!nl,, I ii h Iiui'oiiiii one nl Urn Iniucm
propilotiiry incillciiio concerns In llm
wurlil. In tlii'xnmlli nl thl urimt liunl
III nil twi fiu'tfirn Imvu been ihiuilmiiil
I'lio merit nl I In product Wlnu of
Ciinlul mill Tlidilliirirn llliiek-DnniKht
Iiiid lii'i'ii widely recnKiilzeil nnil llm
original iidvmtlNluit method" minuted
have excited ureal comiiioiit. Tin)
publicity fur tllCKO IIICllll'lllOS llllfH not
ennnim nl I in) ciiteli plirnrii mill nx-
triiviitfiuit statement, too oft -i i tun i !'- I
in iniveriiKing iiniiiv, inn iiikiciiii mi
11I11I11 ntnry of uxiiiirlonru with the mull
'I ncn Hlvi'ii In llm pin I ri Iiiiiuii"K" of tint
S 1 1 in lilt' lliiimi'olvcH. llm fnllimliiK IK'
KiIitIhii fit I r miniilo ol tlni tlioiniiiliiln nf
WIIIOOl l.llHlllI tOtl IIMMltlllH llllllMllCl
miring inu pnniwciiiy yoiirH.
AicllmtllHt linlntonnl Conference nt
I.or AitxclcKpCnlif.
Account iibovo Conference, tlni
.Southern Pnclllc fii. will make re
duced rutcM on tint cortlllcntc plan
from main Hue polntH In Oregon
Himtli of I'nrtlanil. PiiHsongors will
purchase tickets to I. us AugelcM, for
which agent will colltct tli highest
onn wa.v rate, giving a special n
('lit. On presentation of thl re
rrlpt. ilnl.v executed, li.y original pur
('Iimhci', Southern Pucllle Aiicut at
I. oh Aiiki'Icn will fell ri'tnrn ticket at
ouc-t bird fare. Side dates from Ore
gon polniH will Iim April llllli, to
amy fin inclusive, alHo .May ntii,
tli, llllli, llllli, 'J.lnl. L'lilli unit With
Tlii liiHt i lay on wlilcli certlllcutcH
will lin 1 1 c i i i ) for rcl inn at reduced
rule from I. oh AiikcIch will lio .Mum
Mil, ItNil.
'I'ln Soiitlii'rn Fnrlllr Ih now selling
roiiml trip tickets to rortlntiil from
Kiigcue for $1 good going Niiliinlny
I'. M., or uny train of Minilny, re
turning Sunilay ami Monday, giving
all ilny Sunday ami Momlay In Port
luiul. Tin' smiicarrnngcmcnlupiillcH
from I'ortlainl, kMiik all Portland
IH'lipIc II cllllllCC to visit VIllll'.V polntM
at greatly reduced rutcs." Parties
desiring to take advantiigH of these
rates ran pay local fan to Kugeue.
nHM-illl I ri'ii I it 1 1 in iiiin I'lMiiuy
nun iiujoininK territories to repre
r Kent mid ailrertUu an old eHtalillHhed
I wealthy IniHlneHH Iioiihd of Holld
, llniiiicliilHtaiiillnc. Salary $'J1 weekly,
4 with expemu'H paid each .Monday by
d check direct from licadiinarterH. i:.
V itenw'H advanced nnd linrne nnd
5 Imikv fiirnlHlied when neceHniiry;
' poHltloii vermanent. AddntiH, The
5 1 1'oliimlila, iliiO .Minion Hid., OhlcnKo,
f IIM.
H i : a i . i : 1 1 Hum will Ih received li.v
Alilermmi ChamlicrlHln until the Ifith
of May for the erection of a nmnll
frame IiiiIIiIIiik for tin- company,
I H CHI .HIIIV I' or pillllM HUH NpiH'llll'll-
tioiiH call tipiin .Mr. ( liiiiiiiierlaln.
I'lie rluht to refitHuall IiIiIh iVHcrctl.
Do You Sing?
If ho, why not call on .Mm W (I
WondH at liei'Hlndlo, Awlmy linllil-
Iiik, mid learn how to tine your voice
to the H-Ht ndvantiiKP. Yon will lie
dellKlited when yon hco how ciim.v It
Ih to hIiik nicely. IlonrH .Monday.
TneHilay, 'I'hiirHilay ami Friday from
'.' to li p. in.
I will come prepared to do you tin
t;ood work iih done any wher j In tlio
Htaleiiavinir taken liiHtructloiiH tin
iter the Ih'hI demoiiHtratorH In the
Htate, will iiIho Hiteud one week 111
I'ortland KettliiK new IiIciih U'loru
J N IIoyii i. um it Kit.
We have on our yardH W.000 feet of
liimlier which must IhhoM to miikc
room for IncolnlnKHtock.prlccHrmij;-
iiiiriroui jii.iiito ji.ini. 1 1. you want
a liarKiilu romc at once.
The ltooth-Kcllcy Lumber Co.,
SiikIiiiiw, Ore.
Mr. L. Van llurkler, a iiholoKni'
pher of coiiNlilerable ivnowu for
iIoIiik IiIkIi cIiihh jihotoKraplilc work,
will open a Hluillo In CottiiKO drove
witiilli u WW or two.
I'.l It MlitlS A TTKXVIOX.
Wo have u law Hiipply of cheap
lumber, Jnnt what you want on n
much, prlei very cheap, iniiHt bo wold
to iiiiiko room lor oilier hiock.
The llootli-Kelly Lumber Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
an ma RECORD.
Mr. J. -II. Warner is the pos
sessor ol 27 Silver Spangled Hum-
littrc hens. An exact account of
the cost of keeping ami the number
of ckks has been kept for moie than
a year. The mouth of April was
tlic best so far. The feed for these
hens was $3.10 cents for the month
nnd 676 crrs weie gathered, mak
ing an average of 2S eggs per
day. lie states that special care in
feed is given. Green bones are
ground in his own machine and
not more than 15 hens arc kept in
one enclusme. As there is quite a
demand for these eggs Mrs. Warner
added over $11 profit to her
house money for April.
KotiMt Lien Selection No. 1(1(1.
U S Lund Olllce.
ltOHeburjr. Ore., Apr. 1'.', 111.
Notice Ih hereby given to any and
all pernoiiH that H lillam V linker, by
Frank 10 Alley, attorney In fact,
wIiiiko poHtolllcouddivrii Ih ltoK'hurg,
Oregon, Ii.ih Hindu application to ho
lcct under the act of .In no 4. 1SU7. 110
Stilt., lid, the following ilfHCTlhctl
land, Hltuated In TowiiHhlp No 2:1,
South of ltango No 1 Went, pf tho
Wlllatnotto Merlillan, Oivgou, to-wlt:
Lot eighteen (18) In Section hIx (It).
Within tlio noxt thirty dayn from
ditto hereof protcntx or coutentH
URuliiHt' thu Hitld nelcctlon on tlio
ground that tlio land d cue r I bed. or
any part thereof. Ih inoro valuable
lur lin illiuei iiih mini lur iigricuitiirm 1 . -purposes
or tlio timber thereon, will lft .
bo received and noted for report to
tlio (lenoral Laud Olllce.
14-5 t J. II. Hootii, Hecolver.
c inn m r mi
P lllllll III ; II , I t -
Dr. I.owr, Oriilo-opllcliin, Iviikcii')
llawhvouil leocii'iim at If io Htnr.
1'or 11 I'm t cIiikn mcalH thu llxcliunur
'I'llli li'iulliiK
Iiranil cIk'U'h al lliu
Ilfiiry (IIIiIih of i:iiono whhIii tlio
clljr Krlilny.
Mot coffin anil Innclii'H al tliu Hx-
cIiumk'i) rcHtanrant.
DhvIiIhoii kccliM llio ImihI loirirorM
hIiim'h on tliu market.
Al o Warner of Kiiircnii cainc ilown
on I'rlilay'n aftiirnoon train.
A irooil Miiinily of Htatilo irrocorli'H
on liaml for Hiirlmr Irailu IvikiwIch
anil (Ji'tlyn. Ilolieinla.
KOK HALi:-Olm ivil-tmllcil tlirco
year olil liiill. aililrcHH I) (J Alcl'ui
linn f, CottaKO (I rove.
Mtm I, It Uvvrmoru of Knironu
caino Mown on Saturday to vlilt licr
irii-tniH in tin city.
.MIhh Kthel Veatcll of Salem In
..fll.... I...H I.H..H.1.H I.. t II.
inning lin if ill iiui 'lll'lll V IIIIIJJ
Wynne of thin plme.
What evuryboily liken Ih Hoinethlng
to HittlHfy their appetite, the I'.x-
changu ri'Htnurant Iiiih It.
Wu can (iiiiiIhIi iiiIiiIiiit Htock al
irlieH below IhoKe of any other
iroker In the Htate. Medley Ac Mllnr
Don't, foruet to take your ineaU at
thu Lxchange reHtaurmit. I : very
hlng the bent thu market can Htipplv
0 II Joiich Ih en'cllng 11 neat Htory
and a half rcHidciiru on the viicant
lot went of tliu Hugh Hehnu ichI-
W II mid .ImucH AbrmiiH of thin
rlty received the Had iicwh that their
brother (leorge of I'erry Center, N Y,
died of heart dlMeiiHu a week ago.
.1 N lloyd will be In CottaKO Grove
on or iH'foro Juno 1, 11(01, with a big
well cipilpiicil photo tent with all
thu Intent tlilugH In photograpliH.
WANTUI) 11 thrifty young farmer of
experience mid Kiiod habltM to take
charge of farm at Illackbiitte mine.
M ii-t have guild referencen. Married
man prefcred. Apply to Win llarrlH,
II C Y llrown formerly Identllled
with the Niniget, and who with IiIh
family vlnlted IiIh old home at He
public, Mo , early thin year, writes
time he Iiiih decided to remain In the
Kant until Septcmlier when he will
probably return here.
Whllo Home dlHiigreeable weather
Iiiih Iki'II cxHTlcnccd during the
month ol Aptll It linn provccil to
have Ih-ciiii Hilenilld growlngiiionth
(iardeiiH and eroiw are louklng ex
ceedingly well and bright proHicetH
uro enti rtnlneil for a heavy fruit
'I'lie new drug Htore of Morgan &
llrchmit nTcntly cHtnhllxhed In the
room formerly occupied by .1 1 Cur
rhi. on Wall Htreet pi-i'NentH mi at
tractive appearance. Tliu room Iiiih
been nicely relltted ami rellnUlicd,
ami Ih already receiving a nice pat
ronage. Morrln & Metcalf completed the re
moval of their well Melected Htock of
groccrlcH to the A wbrey Htore build
ing 011 Main Htreet hint Saturday.
Morrln k Metcalf are wide awake
riiHtllrn for IuihIuchh mid are now
OHtabllHhed In exceptionally attrac
tive mid convenient ipiartern.
Ia'vI (leer, manager of the Oregon
Mineral SprlngH announccH that the
hotel mid grotindH will be opened for!
the accommiidatlon ofirucHtHMuv 10.
'Clllrt Im fl Klitellillil liljii'.. In riwrtmtiti
for a few iIiivh or wet-kw, within a
few liourM drive of this city, ami U
flint get tliu; a reputation an 11 fa
vorite Huuiuier renort.
The attention of the city otHccrH Ih
called to the habit of many of the
boyn of thlH city Jumping on and off
moving trituiH 111 tne s r yardH. it
Ih 11 dangeroUH pastime and it Ih tin
deixtoinl Ih agabiHt city ordinance.
If followed up it will result In Home
of these youngsterH being carried
home In a Hack Home day.
Clarence Morse of this city received
a Imd fall from IiIh wheel last Satur
day while eurotite to thoballground.
Some youngster, without thought of
oriotiH consequences, threw a stick
between the spokes of the wheel, mid
Clarence took a header, resulting In a
severe bruising to iiiuiscir ami Heavy
damage to his wheel.
Mrs Kauulo Nelson of Chicago and
Mrs I.lbby Ilurge- of Webster City,
Iowa, who are vlltlug their parentH
Air ami .Mrs S r Madden of i:ugcnc,
wero tlio guests of MrH W II AbrmiiH
of this city Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday afternoon the ladles were
Joined by Mesdames l'alue and
Church of Kugeiiu, all returning to
that city Monday.
Uaruiau llemeiiwuy Co have rented
tlio rvarpartof the Kukln &. HrlHtow
Htore building at the Intersi'ctlou of
Wall mid (tlver Htreets mid are this
week nutting In a clean and unto-
date stock of groceries. Thin store
will bo under the mtiuugomout of
Wiirren .McKarlmul. which Isairtiar-
autre that t, 10 buslnesH will rmildlv
build Into a popular 0110.
.Sunshine has about dis
posed of the beautiful snow
and the trees will soon be
leaving that is the leaves
will be comintr, and some
will have
Before leaves, this suirirestH
that you should havo your
camera and Its belongings
quite ready for securing thu
beautiful picture which will
If you havo'nt a camera or
having one, need belongings,
Uiul on
Hems of Interest in ami about H
..ll I
Miiiiixe orovc hmu vicniiiy.
.1 U YotiiiK mid wlfu wero vIhIUiik
KiiKi'iio tliln week.
Or. j. T. Aiidermin
rvHlilvni'i! to Win 1 .,11110.
Mth Will .Ionian of Portland
vInUIiik Mth Or LawlntiiKli-
A Concrete wide walk Ih lielnt; laid
In front of tliu Hank liulldliif;.
I)r I) A I'iiIiio of Kiiki'iio whh In tlio 1
city a few lionrn liiHlNutnrday.
MrH J H .Meillev returned liriinn !
from KtiKcno tliu latter part of liiHt
, , .
A .lernev COW llllli calf for Hide nr
tradufor driving horHO. I'hllllpn &
(IcorKo (I (Iraliuin returned from a
trip to IiIh llmlicr claim on tliu Slim-,
law HiIh week.
Wild Htriiwucrrlen will nuuii Iiu In
tin) market and It Ih reported tliut
they will he plentiful.
Mi-h. W. II. AbraniH took the train
for I'meiiM TliiirHiln v iifint. ul.i.. ..i...
i will vUll fur xevrr,.! ,l,
t Miss Nlnl OHtramUr who Iiiih liecu
u guest of MIhh Lulu Applegato of
UuguM! leturiitd homo J'rlilay.
I'rof Day 11 former resident of C'oU
t.igu (Irovu but now of Kuguiiu wai
111 thu city WudncHdny mnlThurHday.
Chan lloweu who Iiiih Ihjuii iullo 111
at IiIh (arm two inlleHeasi of tills city
Inablu to Iju out attending to bin
duties .
MrH Kllen rddwell this week ru
ineinlHjrcd thu Nugget ollleu by Hend
Ing 11 very handsome lmiiiet of
All Walker, of Kugeiie, ulso largo
owner in 'he North I'alrvlew Com
pany, wan In thu city mimo dayn this
John Darker left WedueHilay for a
weekn trip to Monby cn-ek to look
after Ids Htock and do a little llHhlug
on the Hide.
Mrn I) M KlelilH 011 Wednesday
went to Albany on -IiiihIiiitm mid oho
expectH to return about Momlay of
next week.
H. O. Hrady, ol Crcnwell, demo
cratlc candidate for Assi'sHor for
I. ane County, Ih in the city looking
after Ids political Interests.
Win II. DuiiiiIh, (ieii'l Manager of
the Hlackbutto Quicksilver Mines,
passed through the city Thursday
on n binilnesH trip to I'ortland.
Last Saturday night wiih said to
have liven the heaviest rain storm of
tlio Hoason in this section. It up
prured to Is) the final breaking up of
the "April showers."
Next Sunday morning Father
StraveiiH will Hay iiuihH here In the
Catholic Church at 10 o'clock. The
sermon wll" be on "The Future Life."
All are welcome.
Sick hemliu'lie results from
ordered MoiiMclie mid in nuickly
liv Chiiinlierliiin's Stomncli and
Tablet". For f ale by New Km
1 din-1
Liver ,
of Now York din -
I. Church on'Wed-
A Mr. Tiffany,
coursed at the c.
iiesdny night, taking for bis Hiibject
me iiiiaiiciai tuuo 01 Local uptlou.
J. K. Young this week sold hlslargo
residence proorty on the WeHt Side,
to W. A. Ilnrtuug. Ho also traded
another resldencu to Hinds and
The 1'ublle schools will be sus
pended alter Tuesday the remainder
of the week to allow the tcaclicra to
attend the Teachers' County Associ
ation nt Eugene.
Two lots near the new school Hlte,
one 15.- mid one $103. Will sell
separately or together. Also line
square house, nicely fenced and
painted ?1.000. A bargain. Cottago
Orove Imp't Co.
Preaching services at the Christian
Church Stindiiy. Subject 11 a m
"The Mosaic Tabernacle." subjects
p 111 "The Anroule Priesthood."
Sieelal music nt each service. You
will bo welcome.
One of the Kreulest blenmngi a modest
man can witdi for is a Kood, reliable tet
of bowel'. If you are not the happy
posseHsor of such an outfit vou can
greatly improve the tllciency of those
you by thu judicious nso of CliHii.ber-,
Inin's Stouuie'i mid Liver Tablets. They I
uro pleimant to take ami acreeaule 111
euect. For pulo bv Xeiv Kra ftnis Store.
The special unuiber of the Rugene
lteglster reached the Nugget olllce.
It Is very complete In Its history of
Lime county mid contains a fund of
valuable Information of the early
days In tills region. The Illustra
tions of I'ugeue's business houses,
country scenes and buslne.-s men and
pioneers, are all good. The edition
iih 11 whole is a credit to that enter
prising paper.
On last Sunday Fred Hollman wnn
beating his wa.v on the northbound
local mid was put off by the head
brnkemmi at Divide. He then came
to this city and swore out a warrant
before.lustlco Vaughn against tlio
hrakcinuu for assault and battery,
claiming he hud been struck on the 1
head with a revolver. I'lie evidence ,
did not show any unnecessary 1
violence and the case was dismissed. ,
Cottage Grove
lolin Mllnn. of tin' firm of Moillo.
llllli .Mlllll', tlllM Wl'Ok lllHpOHt'll of IiIh
rcHlilcuri' property In I'nrtlanil.
Mtm. I. II. llliiKli'tm Iiiim Iiccii very
III for Hoini! weokK. Him Ih now nlowly
'I'Iioh (Jill, who limt n leu Home
inontliH nuo, Hcrnreil pcnnlnHlon from
t lie city to erect it Htmidut tlic corner
of I tli mid Main Htrect. where lie It
dlHMiiHliiK clK'irM, to linrrro, con
Iiiih Hold 1 1 Ih fi.'ctlonrry, etc. Mr. (Jill Htnten tlic
i IiiihIiichh Ih HtnrtliiK off nicely.
Ih Of I'lioloKnipliur lloyd who will
l noon return to thin city the l;lianon
HxpreHH Hiiyn: "I'hotoKraphcr lloyd
hum now on uiHpiay xomo rcnmrK
ulily line photon. The photoH hIiow
much artUtlc alilllty, both In thu
PohIiik and In thu lino (imllt.y of
work. 'J'lien, too, thu cardn aru very
neat mid liaiidMome. Iieiinr the Intent
I IIiIiikh out In that line. Wo donlit If
i uny iiniuoKrapiicr in tno vmiey emi
mnU n Ii.ii..i..I,mu'I lln,i,tllu
J iioyn, tnu well Known pno-
tonrapher will hooii return to Cut
tnnu (Jrore. Lant weck'H l-lianoii
Criterion kiiIiI of lilm: "LiiHt wik
I'hotOKrapher lloyd filled IiIh out
xlile hIiow cano with a new Hiipply of
photoH, Anions the new dlnplay
mav In foiiml Himin of tin (ltifHt (In-
IhIiciI Iphoto that are made any-
where both iih to workmaiHhlii
mounts. They are without doubt
theflui-Ht lot of pictures ever dis
played In this city and should bo wen
to be appreciated. Ix-bmioii can
boimt of one of the very bent pho
tographers In the Htate."
1 MIhh Marlon Oeorge Ih rapidly 1
.coining to thu front of musical j
genliiHOH. Already she can command
( the highest salary of any lady violin ,
player on the stage, and all the big
1 musical centers, Now York, Boston,
; New Orleans, San KrancUco, and In
fact everywhere ulie Iiiih played, the 1
press and public have been uiimil
1 iiioiih In declarlmr that her nower on
1 this beautiful Instrument Ih marvel
ous. Only a short while ago In Salt
Lake city, when the big Mormon
convention was on. hIio played In the
famous tabernacle, which held 18.-
1 000 K)opIe, and time after time Hho
11110 10 respond 10 ine luiuuiioiiH up- 1
plmiHc of the delighted throng. She
can take you back to ypur childhood
by her bnautlful rendering of simple
old time airs, or wile can charm the
heart of musical enthusiasts by her
skillful playing of clnsHlcnl pieces.
She Ih the happy posensor of inany
beautiful gowns and diamonds, but
her chief treiiHiire Is her famous violin 1
which cost over $2,500. Shu will 1
play at the Opem House 011 May 10,
and II you wish to henr the violin (
played by the only legitimate suc
cefsor to Madam Norma Nartula,
you should secure HcatH early. '
The I'ugenu Knox Company cam
paigning for thu new local option
law, wuh well received nt the SI B
Church Friday night, April 29th.
Hver.v available standing spac6 In
thcchurcli was occupied. Owing to I
buslnesH matters Mr Itayner W Kel
ey, speaker and manager of the
company was unable to be present
j novei t In-less thu local option law1
1 win ably discussed mid thoroughly 1
explained by other members of the
company, ltiterperslng their talks .
with songs and readings by .Mr Knox.
In substance the gentlemen said, the j
local ontlon liuot usrolilOltlou law.
I hut a law whereby the citizens of n
' municipality, ward, precinct or
county may petition for nu election 1
mai me citizens niny ueciue oy 11 inn-1
Jorlty roto whether liquor may lie
Hold In such governmental subdi
vision, or not. It Is simply a law of
majority rule. Every citizen, ald
he, of the State of Oregon, regardless I
of party or creed should bo In favor1
of this law. lie stated It did tiwuy 1
with uinchlneliiiuor trafllcnud placed
It In the hands of the tieoplu where ah .
great questions rightfully belong. As
an impersonator Mr Knox Is cer
tainly unique. With liU comic read
ings and burlesque songs the large
audience was kept in a side-splitting
uproar of laughter for about two
hours. At the close of the program
a collection was taken and pledges
mude for the further promotioi ol
the campaign. Something over $:J0
was raised.
Voters, Attcntioti!
Dear Sir: All voters who wish to
tote at either of the coming state,
t county election in June, or Preslden ,
tlni election this fall, must bo regis
tered licfore May 1.1, 1004. Those
I who register with an otllcer other
than thu County Clerk, must do so '
before the 15lh of May as the nflldii-
vlts must bo sent to Kimoue. and be
In the I Ierk's olllco on or before .May 1
If you have not registered will you
please do so now im our country
needs your vote. We most earnestly
hope that you can nnd will register
and Join us in continuing the grand
policies of our decoused president,
William McKlnley, and continued by
the typical American, Theodore
Itoosevelt. Kxcuse us for calling
your attention to thu above and I
will remain
Yours very truly,
C A Wl.NTlIUMKlr.l',
Chairman, Republican County Cen
tral Committee.
All nersouskuowluir themselves lu- I
debled to the undersigned will please .
call at Mrs J K Palmer's stove and
settle before .May 15, litul. ,
t Mrs N K Ki.hiu.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
We Have a Full Line of Groceries
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishings,
Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
We most cordially invite the Ladies of Cottage Grove and vicinity to in
spect our line of Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.
1 :
Ladies Half Shoes
If 3'oti want the swelleat low Shoes every
shown is this city, don't fail to cull and see ours,
Have them in the Cuban and French heels also in
Louis XV heels. In patent leather, patent colt
and hand turned and the niani?h extension soles.J
Tliey can't be beat for
N. 15. All persons holding chinawarc tickets can
redeem the same if presented before May 15, 1 00 t
it Lurch's Store.
We are much Gratified at
The way our free dishes scheme is working.
It is no drawing scheme but .you get just
what you need in a handsome decorated
pattern, Come in and let us show you the
ware and explain the scheme.
Welch & Woods
"Has it for less"
Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes.
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell j'ours. If you wish to bin we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
Opera House
Prices, 35 and 50 cts. Children 25 cts.
Mercantile Co.
style, quality and price.