Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 06, 1904, Image 1

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S5 fl (US (US
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 15
(inllicrcd From Bohemia Mining
District find (lie Various Min
ing Camps of Oregon mill
Other States.
Alex I.tindbcrg who has since
the early purl of Lot siiunuer besn
in charge of the Uivcisiilc group
cniuc down from there Inst .Satur
day. He states ihut nil the reports
as heretofore made hy him are fully
justified, and that the Riverside is
n line property.
In running the tunnel, said Mr
i.tituincrg. a instance o! over .100
lecl we nave encountered several
very strong ore chutes, one of them
being uioie thru 100 feet in length.
Tlicore thus far has been partially
oxidized, but carries quite a heavy
percentage of lead. Mr I.tinbcrg
went on to rnrtliiud, lint will soon
return to the property.
Thursday morning Manager Geo
G Oiahuin sent n force of men In
the property of the Orennn-I'ncilic
Mining Company's piopcrty in the
Bohemia district.
There has already been consid
erable development work done
upon these properties and the show
ing heretofore made places the
group of claims ainon the mo-t
promising in the district. The
tunnels will be continued on the
veins fur the present.
This company was recently or
ganized by J U Hardmnii, George
G Grahiiiu and several other min
ing men, who after n thorough ex
amination of the group concluded
it purchaser For the numum of
work done few if any properties in
the district make a better showing
than dots this. Mote men will be
milled to the force as soon us the
roads ate in condition to get in the
supplies by wagon.
I' J Hard one of the principal
operators of mining properties in
the Ilolicmia Mining District, ar
rived iu this city on last Friday.
Mt Hnrd reports having a very
satisfactory trip to the Hast the past
winter and states there is n growing
interest iu mining, especially so
towards Oregon. When asked
about his tnten. ions fur work this
.season upon ihr property he repre
sents iu lliilieiiiu, he said: We
propose to do 11 great amount of
work anil aie lolly ptcp.inxl to
carry out nil out pi. ins. Develop
ment will he 'continued on nil our
properties; a wauon road will be
built to the Oregon-Colorado, and
probably to the Riverside. Wc
will install at least two milling
plants. Hither the mill at the Ve
suvius win be remodeled or a new
mill elected. This year, said Mr
Hard will sec great improvements
iu Ilolicmia and no doubt many
new people will become interested iu
the district.
Washington, May a. In the
ens; of the St Louis Milling &
Mining Company vs the Montana
Mining Company, both operating
Iu the Stale of Montana, the
United States supreme court today
decided that the owner of a lode
mining claim cannot by menus of n
tunnel explore the subsurface of an
adjoining claim even though the
tunnel be run to tup a vein the apex
of which is 011 the claim of the
owner of the tunnel. The St Louis
company sought thus to work 1
vein npexing on its ground, but
dipping through the side line under
the properly of the Montana com
pany. '
The circuit court of the district
of Montana issued an injunction
nud its decision was sustained by
the circuit court of appeals for the
ninth circuit. That opinion iu turn
was ailiriucd by today's opinion.
The court holds in effect that the
vein itself may be followed, but
that iu no other way can the ad
joining territory of mining propetty
be explored.
Varies just down from the Ore
gon Securities property report
everything running smoothly at
Warehouse where the electric plant
is located, There is said to be
marc power generated than is
needed. The lines to the mines
arc iu good working order and the
machine drills are being operated.
It was the intention of Stipt
Mathews to have the drills running
both night and day by the 5th of
the month. The same parties state
the snow is fast disappearing and
It will be hut a short time before
the toads will be open for tenuis.
Von urn to hear u I rue story of
poverty mill aflluciico, wltlicontniHlH
UN vl v hi as llieliuiiuliiutlon iiiii.v eon-
! reive. Herein In reellcd the strung!)
niMtorx or u mum which yieidH uoiii
nun copper. was Imiiglil nine years
IIK'MOr II niTK Wft'KI.V H'lllil', WIIM
moIiI Anno Domini ISIIS fur JDMW.OOO
mill 1 now nili'd on tint world's
ureal money oichungcs lor JS.OOO,
000. TI10 scene lire luld In the wild
Kooteim.y IiIIIm of llrlllHli Columbia
mill hIiUI on occasion lo the young
wonder city of Hpnknue, mid llicnco
to tho crushing marts of old London.
Thirty-live veur ago much gold
wiih washed from the. rich sands of
Wild Horse Itlvur ill till) Must Koole
uiiy district of British Colinnbla.
Five lliutiMUiiil koIiI hunters guth
ered there, mid for lliclr iieeoiiinio-
ilittlini tlin progressive government
of llrlllHli Columbia coiiHtrucled a
rough trull along Itumtithrruhnrilcr-
AiproueliliiK the Columbia riverfront
the west, tbh. wild hlehwnv of llm
11101111 tnliiH winiiid along the rim of a
vnHl buslu, toiicbliiL' thcr tlio
tumbling headwaters of Trail I'nrk,
mid followed Um noisy call a mutter
of three liuiirH' trumping to the lone
shore of the "Oregon, '
From the placer Held of Wild
Horse IL'O.IXXI.OOO In Kohl dimtand
nuggets wen- taken. Then the
inllirs 'pclcrcil nut," and the rimer
gold huutern were Hcattered nfur by
the wIiiiIh ill Fair. "I.ohI wan that
rmnp, and wasted all Itx lire."
.Some putts of the old trail were
overgrown with the rank vtgeta
tlou of tint dewy, inlHty, snowy
mouiiialiiH. OLju-r p.iru rciiiuluril
open, mid were used b.r IninierH,
trappers, explorer, hldei-M from the
law, mid nold wvkers. Twenty-live
yearn Inter tlin quartz miner went
hunting through these mountain,
and III practiced eye taught htm Hint
the old trull ran directly across a
law ledge of mineral bearing rock.
In the NiirlHK UO claims were lo-
cutcd tnere by llooverand llordemi,
mid Iu -Inly 1SU0. .Iihi Morris nnd Joe
lloiirKeola. 11 ('aiiiidliiii-Frrnchmnii,
wbo had mined Id the placers, but
never it nick pick In iuurti, wereseut
to 110 "awwHtiiietil work upon me
Lily May.
Tlieir HiipptlpH running low, llor-
ki'oIh went to the lonely little nut.
poHt of .Nelson for more powder, nnd
Morris was Ml In the camp on the
mountain Hide. Time irrew hearv
with Morrln, and one July afternoon,
when the trout were lcAlng iu the
brawling waterM of Trail Creek, mid
I tic air wax heavy with the hulsmulc
odorot the deep, vxpatiHlva forests,
lie pickeii lit" way tnroiigli the ileinto
undergrowth, and crossed the canon
to a point where forest tires had
bared the rough shies of lied Moun
tain sile of the present brisk city of
Itnssluud. He discovered there the
bold iron cropping of numerous
Htroug veliiN. On tlirxe lie located
the Ia HiiI, the War Fugle, tlieCentcr
.Star, the Idaho, and the Virginia,
These live clnluix aru now rated on
tlin exchange of Loudon. Montreal,
and Toronto at mi aggregate valu
ation of more than $10,000,000.
Hut, with pi-OHjiectlvu millions In
their gruHp llourxcols and Morrln
were poor men ho poor thry could
hardly claim a grub-itukw. ilour
ecols, with IiIh Meant outfit, trumped
over the. lonely mountain to Nelson.
There he Hhowrd Ills Haliiplcn, with
faint encouragement. "Iron pyrlicH,"
Maid the local expert "what iIoch
It UHHiyV"
"Tell ilollai'H In gold, 0 per cent
copper am) a trace of sliver."
" That's u liml showing, 'Hush
way,' better drop It."
Bourgeois wiih blue anil dUcour
iiKed until he run agnlimt KS Top
plug. Topping had lieen mining re
corder, nud wiih runnlUKriHuiallHtori)
at NelNuii. lleiiu:Htloued llotirgcolx,
11,10 i 1 1 1 1 I that I lit- only axxay wax
from the S h'uhilu.
"Thoolliei-x iiiii v do better." ho
reasoned. "It'x clean ore, and tho
veliiH aroblc..'
The outcome wiih that Bourgeois
mid Topping- struck n "dicker."
Topping waH to pay tho fees for lo
cating the live clulliiH, nnd wiih to
Imvu one of the propertlex.
Bourgeois went buck to Trail
Creek, Htrlpped off tho Iron capping,
put In a few xliots and found clean
ore above the fir rootH. Topping
followed, and made crude Hiiniplen
which gave more encouraging re
turiiHi and the tlint1 Topping, lloiu
ireolx, ami Morrln gathered around
their lonely camp lire and resolved
to Htny wllli the strike mid give It 11
mir trim.
Topping paid $IL'.nO to luivo the
five claims recorded, mid for Ids pay
took the Ui Itol claim. But tho rock
was toiiKh. his menus were limited,
ami development went Hlowly.
Iu tho autumn of 1MH) Topping
croxHcd the International bonier mid
eamu down into the Colvlllu valley ot
Kusteru Washington. Court was Iu
HCHxton at tho historic old town of
Colvllle, mid (luorgo ForHler, 11 Hpo
kmiu lawyer, wiih there trying a law
Hiilt. Tupping exhibited Hpccltnens
of the oiv, and Fonder, lieeonilng Im
nresNed with their uoHHlbllltles, In
duced I1I111 to go to .Spokane and lay
tho matter nelore ills associates. A
uicctlinr was held in Spokane, and 11
Hyudlcato wiih formed by (Joorge
l iirner, present rnltnil .states hciiu
tor from WaHhlngtoti, Coll N I'ey
ton, Col W W 1) Turner, Oliver D11
rant, W M ltldpath, mid Alex Tar
bet. This Hyndlcatu took 11 bond 011
Hixteent-thlrtletliH of the claim, ob
ligating ItHcIf to spend f.'l.OOO Inde
velopmeiit work, mid liavlng the
option to take the Hlxteen-thli'tleths,
011 or before June I. lS'.ll. In eonxld-
eratlou of $111,000 to bo paid to Top
ping. 111 um meantime coiouei cey
ton bought Topping's rtinulnlug lu
te rest of fourteeii-thlrtletlix, mid
later divided a part of it among
friends In Spokane; mid before tho
expiration of tho bond the option 011
Rlxteou-thlrtlutliH was lilted. This
transferred the entire, ownership of
mine to Spokane.
Year alter yvnr tlio determined
group of SpoUano owners curried 011 j
tho slow work of making a great
mine out of a wild prospect. There
were obstacles to overcome many
blue days when hope, burned low.
Ou 1111 occasion tho mine was barely
saved from sheriffs side, hut a timely
sale of treasury stock placed by
Colonel Peyton at Dmivllle, Illliiolx.
at sn cenld per nlium averted that
Hy the spring of 1SH.J It had become
apparent Unit tho U; Itol wax a pay-
llnr mine. ITnriep rilutifitpeiniinl. nf
('iloiiel I'eyton, pnilllM from ore'
HhlpmeiitH were Hiifllcleiit to earry i
forward the work of development,
Install machinery and erect substmi-1
Hal biilldlngH. A year latercame the
llrst dlvlileml, and utter that the
troubles were ended. Dividends of1
r.,0W mid M),000 emne often, tliu;
big ore bodies became ((renter at
depth, and the holders of the a' Itol
st oek were rated as fortunate men.
Authorities on mining came from
afar to examine the proMT(y, and !
the mine took mi International repu
tation, tlx startling possibilities
were drought to the attention of
Hon C II Mackintosh, lieutenants
governor of the Northwest Terrl
toilesof Camilla, and having occa
slou to visit London, lie spoke of Itx
rcinnrKMiiic recoru huh inont re-
innrkiible poiHlbilltlex to friends and
niiHiiieHH associates who enjoyed the quicksilver and gold mines of that
iutli;.m! & Tbc object ofhis visit at the
The result was the organliatlon of quicksilver mitres was to gather in.
the British America Corporation, formation regarding the latest im
wlth i,W0,)00 capital, Its purchase provements iu quicksilver furnaces
" l$$TZ4A , I-eliminnry to the preparation of
iXW.otH)fortlieproM?rty. mid Its slib- Plnns for ,lle erection of large re
eijueiit purchase of the large ml-' ductiou works at Black Butte. The
norlty Interest of the Turner pool ut Black Butte Company is now ready
.I,Zwl'i"",ur t," ''lulvnlent of !,- to go ahead with the construction
000,000 lor the entire mine. As the, , . , . . . . .,, ,
Klpuitlc deal progressed, millions of which when completed wilt have a
dollars were transferred from I.ou-; capacity of 300 tons per day and
don to Spokane, on one occasion will be the largest quicksilver plant
(lovernor Mackintosh drew his
check In part payment for $ 1 .07-,0.H .
It was n gigantic mini to pay for a
little tract of roiij;h inountnln-slde.
but the progress of events lias more
tiiau Justified the coot Judgment of
Coventor Mackintosh.
Woiuleroiix changes have been
wrought on tho rock ribbed slopes of
Ited Mountain since that July day
nine years ago, when .foe Morris
dlseovervd the treasure- ledges of uleas a"(l new devices for treating
Trail I'rii'l; . A little city of 7,000 mercurial ores and handling rock
iH-ople, with daily palters, electric, on a large scale. Work of con
iKhtx, water workn. excellent liotels, strllctioll win Jjcgj,, some lime dur.
theaters, schools, mid eburelies, has "
risen In the wilderness. Tlio ('aim- lnK lbc month,
dlmi I'uclflc and Ureal Northern rail Mr. Dentils does' not appear to
roads have thrown branch linen In 1 be satisfied with owning the lar-
L-Tw', JLu',1 t.1'l, !M !i!1."l"f ynrl-v,lBest (pticksilver mine in the world
J.i.000,000 to the world s stores of 1 r . , 1 , , . . . .. .,
gold mid copiier. ' mit "3S nlso branched into the gold
So much for the hope that stirs mid mining field. While in California
the fultli that dares In 1 Ills rich, free ! he purchased the Federal Loan cold
laud of the Wcst.-F.xehutigu.
Fifty years ago great mystery
surrounded investments in stocks
nnd bonds. They were regarded
by the common people as vague
words cot responding to wealth
the property of millionaires the
possessions of great capitalists. The
man who had n few hundred dol
lars to spare was barred from an in
vestment in stocks. Corooralious
were regarded as giant aggregations '
of capital, and the ordinary citizen
had no better chance of obtaining a
share iu them than he hnd of ac
quiring a palace on Fifth avenue in
New York City.
Today a great change has taken
place. It is the small investors,
the men with a few hundred dollars
m snare, who now own nnd control
n majority of the corporations 111
our country. The mining and oil
industries nre today, with a few ex
ceptions, in the hands of the small
investors. Corporations have been
organized for the benefit of the
man with limited means, the par
value of shares being placed at such
small figures that all who wish may
join ttie enterprise, thus tnese
rich investment lieids nave been
made accessible to the generanl
What has been the result ol this?
That todny the public is beginning
to place its money with these cor
porations ns never before in the
history ot the world; that the min
ing, oil nud other industries nre be
coming "pcoplized" spread among
n vast number of individuals who
reap the profits therefrom; that the
public is beginning to awaken to
the great opportunity which this
change in laws nnd conditions has
given the small investor. The in-1
vesting public is now willing and
anxious to join iu the development
of our great natural resources, nud
is backing every honest corporntiou
with sufficient capital to make the
enterprise successful. American
On last Friday night a number of
the business men of Cottage Grove
met nt the office oi the Pacific Tim
ber Company and organized a Com
mercial Club. The officers chosen
were ns follows: President, T K
Campbell; 1st vice president, It
Lurch; 2nd vice president, II O
Thompson; secretary, V D Wheeler.
Committee on location and fur
nishing A B Wood, B Lurch and
Marion Veatch.
Committee ou by-laws C J How
ard, 1' J Hard and F B Phillips.
The committees were requested
to be prepared to report nt the next
For some time the importance of
having a club of this nature has
been discussed by the business men
of the city. For the present rooms
will be rented, but it is the inten
tion to later have a building owned
by the club with alt the usual accommodations.
New hirnaces to be Erected to
Treat the Quicksilver Ores.
Mr and Mrs W J5 Dennis of the
illack lluttc quicksilver mine have
returned from California where
they spent the winter months.
While iu California Mr Dennis
visited a number of the leading
in the United States. Mr Dennis
brought with him a complete set of
plans and working drawings which
, were especially prepared by San
Francisco engineers under his di-
' rection and according to Mr. Den
nis' views of what a modern quick-
silver furnace ought to he. The
, plaI)s inclllde a number of Original
miue. olle 0f the oldest nroducimr
mines of the Inmous Grass Valley
District. The Federal Loan is ex
tensively developed to trie 800 foot
level, and is equipped with a 6ne
plant consisting of mill, hoisting
worKs, pumps, , air compressors,
etc. It his been a steady pro
ducer of the yellow metal tor the
past 20 years and was in active
Operation at the time Mr Dennis
acquired it. Mr h A Sutherland
who has been assistant superiu-
tendent at the Black Butte mine for
the past five years will be placed in
charge of the property as general
superintendent, which is a merited
recognition of his qualifications as
a progressive young mining man.
Mr Sutherland will take charge
June 1st nnd will immediately be-
jgui sinking the shaft 500 feet
: deeper and doing other extensive
The Federal Loan is a high grade
property and has a record of hand
some production for many years
.May 4, 1904.
We are all ready for business
now at this end of the Hue, as our
leaders in these departments are re
turning to their post of duty. Mr.
W. B. Dennis passed up Sunday
in company with Mrs. Dennis, his
estimable wife. We predict, if not
a boom, at least a healthy condition
of business affairs nt Blackbutte
this spring and summer. We all
join our Amen. We need the
mineral resources of Oregon devel
oped and Blackbiitte is certainly
the best on the Pacific Coast with
is easy reach from transportation
Hues nnd all most level country 011
which to construct wagon roads
aim uy me way me donations 01
cash nud labor last season ou this
road, by the citizens and county,
put this road iu fine condition.
We say to the county nnd citizens,
come to our relief ngaiu with an
other benefit, even if not quite so
large, it will finish the job.
Yes of course the people of Cot
tage Grove, Kugene and Creswell
will all come to visit the Oregon
Mineral Springs this spring and
summer aslhey did last year. Now
let us show them what public enter
prise and energy can do, and give
them some clean gravel to walk or
ride over when they visit us and
not have them trudge through this
nasty mud, it will make the min
eral water taste so much better even
good as it is.
Mr. J. B. Rauseand Frank Cath
cart comes to our reliet and are
now repariug the lumber plant of
the Coast Fork Lumber Co, 1
miles above London. With the ex
perience of Mr. Rouse as a first
class mechanic aud mill man, com
bined with the business energy of
Mr. Cnthcart the mill will no
doubt do a good business during
the spring run. If you wish to re
pair your fence or house give them
a call. Move niton. Yeretas.
Council Meeting.
City Council met In regular session
011 Monday night.
All present except I II Bingham
who was dutahmd at homo owing to
Illness of his wife.
.Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
A petition was received to have
threo Incandescent lights placed on
Wall street.
Petition was rend
requesting to
have strict oiHUied between
bridge and Tennessee avenue.
Petition received mid read lo have
mill Htrts-t properly graveled.
Petition for standard sidewalk on
Perkins avenue and Clay street.
Petition to have a bicycle ordi
nance prohibiting the use of bicycles
on West side of 1th street.
Petition to have 1th street grav
eled, ull of which were referred to
On motion the street committee
was Instructed to hare culvert built
for ditch for an outlet from north
end of Uh street to tho river
Ordinance No 75 pertaining to the
cloning of saloons at midnight and
.Sundays had Its third reading and
voted upon us follows: Ayes, Veatch,
Currln and Cliamlwrlen; noes, Wall,
Hinds. The mayor declared the
ordinance rejected
Mr Leo was granted permission to
grade In front of Ids residence on 4th
streetprovl llng he left space for eul
On motion the mayor Instructed
the committee to take steps looking
to the Installation ot a sewerage sys
tem. The bond 4 of C C Case for a saloon
ere approved.
The following bills were allowed:
Lane County lender $4.G0
Plixjr and Vaiidenberg 144.85
Marshal Underwood 57.65
Itolit Martin 60.00
Orlllln & Veatch 40.57
Lewis & Veatch :....I.0
Miller Bros 4.00
Cottage drove Electric Co I50.C9
I liea Mas been considerable com
ment concerning tlio decision of the
mayor on ordinance No 75, as the
vote Htood 3 to 2 and many think it
should have lKn declared passed.
The city charter provides that a ma
jority vote of ull tho council Is neces
sary to pass an ordinance. There
being six members of the council ami
but three voting In tho nfllmatlve, It
wan no majority, tho mayor voting
only iu tlie event of a tie. The mayor
states his decision was from a purely
legal standpoint, as he was afraid It
would prove defective If a case was
ever tried tinder it. It Is understood
Messrs Wall and Hinds voted against
the ordinance, on the grounds that
there Is already a state law covering
all the points and this would be un-necessary.
prices Lower at Our Big Sale?
As we are going entirely out ol business, we are closing out our entire line
of merchandise nt less than regular cost, for we must get our money out of
them, and by buying now you can get good bargains.
Wc still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and
at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A1 ways willing to
show them if you buy or not.
Wc are tryiny to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire
line 'much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, aud just as
good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest.
cottgcG,ove EAKIN & BRIST0W
The very Latest Styles. Our Beavers are the
our line before buying. We can please you.
Leaders in Merchandising-.
The meeting of the Oregon-Co
operative Ass'n on Friday night
last was well attended. Yice
President Veatch presided and Se
cretary Howard read the minutes
of the previous meetings which
were approved. A letter from the
secretary of the State Milling Asso-
ciation, pertaining to the securing
01 an assay oltice tor the State ol
Oregon was r. ad.
1 r.y motion the association en
dorsed the movement and agreed
to support the effort ns far as pos
sible for it to do so.
A number of bills were read and
warrants ordered drawn on the
treasurer for the amounts. On mo
tion it was decided to request Gen
eral Manager Stubbs to use his in
fluence in securing for this portion
of Oregon the 40 cent rate on lum
ber to Missouri river common points.
A number of the members were
called upon to discuss matters of in
terest to the association and the
people iu general, F J Hard who
had just arrived from the East was
called for. He stated he was glad
to see the people of Cottage Grove
taking hold of their various inter
ests in such a spirit, was pleased to
learn they had formed a co-oper
ative organization lor the purpose
' of workincr for the eeneral irood of
1 all the industries of this section.
That he had a very pleasant and
successful trip and found the
people of the Hast were looking to
the West for investments.
The joint social given on last Sat
urday night by the Woodmen ot
the World and the Ladies Circle
was a very enjoyable and success
ful entertainment.
The committees having the mat
ters in charge did excellent work.
The programme rendered was as
Speech, "(Joud of the Order, F. II.
W. O. W. Sons Male Quartette.
A Sermon Chns. Vandenburg.
Recitation Mrs. Orpah Benson.
Vocnl Solo Miss Nina Ostmnder.
Itecltatlou Mrs. Kntie Veatch.
Recitation Miss Allie Phillips.
Instrumental Duett Davidson nnd
Itecltutlon Miss Hamble.
Itecltatlou Mrs. Simmons.
Instrumental Solo.. .Miss Richmond.
At the conclusion of the pro
gramme an excellent lunch was
partaken of by more than 200 mem
bers and guests. The remainder of
the evening was spent in social en
F A Rankin who has been trans
acting business Iu this city left for
Eugene Friday.
The Lives of Two Little Boys
Saved by their Father's
Mr J IJ Damewood resides with
his family up Sharp's Creek on the
stage road to Bohemia and about
17 miles from Cottage Grove.
There are two little boys in the
family aged 9 and 12 years. Ou
last Tuesday morning the boys
started to school and as the father
was coining to Cottage Grove he
accompanied them. During the
high water as there are no bridges
peopie traveling on foot follow a
trail along the side of the mountain.
This morning the boys were telling
their father about seeing a fawu
close to the trail the day before,
and were pointing out the place it
had been seen. Mr Damewood
knew it was too early for fawns
and was wondering what the boys
could have seen. The eldest boy
was ahead, the youngest following,
suddenly there sprang from the
brush immediately in front of
Damewood, a cougar with hair
bristling, teeth snapping and tail
lashing, crouching to spring upon
the boy. The father unarmed saw
but one thing to do and did it
quickly. With a bound he was by
the side of the animal and the next
instant delivered a tremendous kick
just back of the foreshoulder send
ing the cougar into the brush where
it disappeared. Returning home
with the boys he took his gun and
with his dog started in pursuit.
The dog caught the scent and af
ter following it for about three
fourths of a mile the cougar was
overtaken and. killed.
It proved to be about a year old
and measured 6 feet. It was in a
half-starved condition, which ac
counts for its attack on the boys.
It seems providential that Mr.
Damewood should happen to be
with his sons upon this particular
morning, for had they been alone
one or both of them would cer
tainly have been killed. The cou
gar is also known as the Rocky
Mountain lion.
George Cox and Wm George
came down from Bohemia Tues
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