Peculiar To Itself In wlmt It Ih nml wlmt It iIoob--containing Uo bunt blood-purlfylng, nlturuttvo nnd tonlo MilmtnticoH mid effecting tliu moHt nullciil nnd per. iniinent union of nil luimorii and nil eriiptloim, rollovliiff weak, llrutl, languid fuulliig.i, mid building up tho wliolo Mystoni- Ih Iruo only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No othur incdlulnu nuU Ilku it) no other mwllcliio him Aow ho much real, Hub.itiintliil good, no othur iiicdlciuu him restored health and Btruugth at ho llttlo cost. Hl wa trutililel with irrofnta and nml naar lotlnit in r eyesight. Fur four month) I euulil not are to ilu anything. After taking two butllen of llon.l'i Harnaparllla I couM im to walk, ami linn I hml taken tlsht bottlM I touhl aae as wall a er." Husia A. lUllil TOM. Withers, N. 0. flood's 8nr(nparllln promliea to euro nnd koops tho iromlo. Allmi Mortnla. Think for n liniment of tlio narrow Amlts at our knowledgel Hlxteen Itn n flri'il millions of fentlierles bipods, moro or less, nru pleklng tip n IIvIiik, rntltiK nml drinking, marrying nml glv lug In marriage, an this pretty plnnel of ours; of wlmt Inllnltt-nlinul proper lion can you renlly unveil tho secrets mil gniigo tlio virtues nml tho happl nrM How ninny people ilo you know Intimately (mioukIi to say whether thi'li lot In, on tlio whole, on vlnlilo or tlx reverse! Uvery liunimi being In n for tlgu kingdom tu urcry other. Wo niiik iiliort excursion Into their minds; w( touch nt n port here nml there; nml we my glibly Hint wo know them Intimate ly. Wo know not how ninny ilnrk cor tiers nro carefully hlililen owny from II strangers, nml wlmt vniit provlneei hnvo never been renelicil In our tnnul fln rliiR travels. How. then, enn we IuiIko una another? Hueli utter iKiior snco of our neighbor's thoughts mnl motives should ninka us woudroui charitable. A Heart Story. l'olsom, H. Dak. In theso days when no ninny siiililen deaths nro re ported from ilenrt 1'iilliire nnd various iormn nl Ilenrt Disown), it will lw good news to ninny to learn tlmt there la n never falling romeily for every form of Ilenrt Troulilo. Mr. II. D. Hyde, of thin plnro, wnn troubled 'or yenrn with n pain in her heart which distressed lier a gteatdenl. Bho had trlml innny reuieilien lull hml not succeeded In (hiding anything thut would help lier until nt hint nho began,it.nt il t),Ml.1M Kiilrutv I'illa and thin ory noon relieved lier ami alio linn not had a single pain or nny distress In the region of tlio lienrt ninco. Him lays: "I cannot any too much In pralio of Dodd's Kidney l'll's. Tliey ire tho greatest heart medlrlno I have ever lined. 1 wna troubled for over ll..u i.,.itrM with M M,VIIM imttl 111 II1V heart, which entirely illanpieared after a nliort treatment ot iwwn money I'llla." Latest Klootrloal Novnlty. Down near Atlantic Oily, N. J., tlioro haa been In aucceasful operation for sororal montha nil experimental trolley rond mlnui tho trolley. Moro aitonlahmont atlll there la no third rail or storage battery to lie seen on tlila unique bit of rond. Without any apparent men in of obtaining the all- Important electric current, motor enra will draw a IWO.OOO-pound load on this road. Of courae, tlio secret of It all lies In tho application of a new sys tem. Every sixteen feot a point of connection Is established mtdwny be tween the rails where n metal button projects abovo a box through which passes the powerful current carried along wires In a aubwny. A person might step on this button nnd ono of the rnlls at tho smno tlmo mid not receive a shock, but, as tho enr passes over, a powerful magnet underneath attracts tho button nnd In raising It establishes the circuit which supplies the motor with enough of tho essential fluid to propel tho car along tho six teen feot of track to another point of contact Tho anvlng of expenses In Installation nnd mslntennnco over that of tho old systems, tho freedom from overhend wires which no sorl oualy Interfere with tho fighting of fires In tho cities, nnd the Immunity from fatal shocks which It Insures nro factors which will no doubt bring about Its rapid adoption. Conflicting- Hvlilmicn. Tlio Widow I wonder why Minerva was called the guldens of wisdom? Tlio lloclielor Probably becauso she wasn't foolish choiikIi to marry. Tho Widow Then why wna Solomon, who had n thousand wires, callod tho wisest mnn? mt6 ! For Rheumatism! Nouralfjln Sprain Lumbnrfo Bruises DaaKaoho Soreness Sciatica Stiffness Uh the Cl4 relltble runali St. Jacobs Oil: Price), 05c. and 50o. I Dm! OuumU Sirup, VMlMUooobse In time. Bold tr drimUU. Science (hi ifJO aggEfoartiori rirnvnl will ahrltilf 1uit nor npnt' gravel nnd mind, nlno per cent) clny nnd elay enitlis, Ion per rent) lontn and light siindy earths, twelve per cent. Thesn llgures nro useful In inuklng etllmales for such "work, J Aomin; tlin Inniitnerntito experi ment with lliiuld nlr two nro purlieu- larly cnrloun. A ball of Indln rubber Immersed In it becomes ns lirltllo ns L-lnaa lint n liull nf lend, ill tlio onillO I'lrctiinntnnres, ncijulrea elnsllelty, and will rebound Mko runner. t'reneli aliillntlea show Hint n total of 'SWJia horse power from tho falls of tint Alps In now used ror generating electricity. Tho electric power nervni tho following: Aluminum works, 22, Mil hot no power, other metallurgical factories 20,IH."ii rhlornto or potnsaium wnrkn, 11,000; calcium carbldii works, 101. Hill: anilliiin rblorntii works, in,- trnnnmtaslnii of power mid light ing, aH,727i various industries, iii.uhu. It Is reporteil from Johnnnesburg that a new nnd unexpected source of u'nntth hita been discovered In the ter ritory of tho lato liner republic. Near the eastorn liorder or tho Transvnni, on ll.n i.iU-o nf (tin Inflv Houtti African plntenu, threo vnlunbln lodes of tin oro hsvo been found, nnd tho deposits nro nntmrentlr so extenslvo Hint predic tions nro henrd Hint tho new colony niny prove to bo ns rich In tin nnd copper ns It Is nlrrndy known to be In gold. Tlio human bodr ehnnacs Its tem perature Tery slightly under any con ditions of heat or cold, but a Iluaalnn iinturnllat finds that tho body tempera ture of Insects Is prnctlcnlly Hint of the ntmrianhprii. It liNtinllv rtnes moro slowly thnn the nlr, though more rap idly when the nlr Is very moist. non the Insect begins to movo, tho temper- ntnro rises rapidly, and mny rench about 38 degrees ;. (ItH.2 degrees r .) Itelow OB dogrcos C. Insects remain motionless, nnd tho wings are not moved until tho tempernturo renches about 12 degrees 0. The latest new form of dirigible bal loon, Invented by I,. J. Anderson, of Ijirulnn linn two clonentcd gns-bngs of tho same shape nnd slxo placed side by side, llko tho two hulls of n cata maran boat. Tho car la suspended lienenth. being omially supported by both balloons, nnd the driving pro peller Is placed behind tlicir renr onus, nnd hnlf-wny bctwoon thorn. In expe rimenting with n model having bal loons seven feet long, tho Inventor iiti,l tlmt tills form of nlr-sblp pos sesses ndvnntngea In steering and In maintaining n straight courae. no is constructing a full-sized nppnratus with bnlloons 70 feet long, to bo driven bj n fiO-borse-power elcctrlct motor. After fortr Tears of agitation, led by Liverpool merchants, the Urltlsh government has Just sanctioned mo use of a weight of fifty poumis in place of the standard "hundredweight" (112 pounds), and 'half-hundred- weight" (flfty-six pounds), 'mo ro fYirm was demanded because the Im mense quantities of cotton, corn, to bacco nnd other American prouiitm iniuini ni i.trprtiool were calculated by tho sollers In pounds, while the buyers wero compelled to reckon in "iiunorru weights," which did not represent tho number of pounds Hint tho name Im plies. It Is claimed that the rofonn will savo n grent amount of tlmo nnd lnbor nnd provent mnny errors. It Is nlao regarded na nn entering wedgo for tho Introduction of tho decimal system In Knglnnd. QUEER U8B8 FOR CEILINGS. Men Have Kmplojred Them as Substi tutes for Havings liuims. Rnmn time sluco n IdvornOOl COntlO- mnn dlod, nn It was thought, Intostato. No will could bo found, nnd tlio next of kin had nlrendr entered Into pos session when Uio decorators, In whoso hnnils tho deconseda old house nnn boon plnced for ronovntlon, camo nernas tho lona--somzlit-for document. pnsted on tho library colling, where It hnd been lilddon from view ny n myor of paper, which hnd been plnced thoro by the eccentric testator nimneir. The celobrated Ilenu'rirummel, dur ing tbii first years of his exile, while yot his fnmo as a dandy was pre eminent, hnd tho celling of bis bed room covered with mirrors, so that ovou while nt rest he could study elo- pnnce nnd nssunio n gracoriu pose, i' or such a purpono n glass celling Is, how oi cr, not unique, nnd tho notorious durhoss of Clevolnnd hnd audi nnoth cr constructed to gratify her vanity. For n far dlffcront renson did n cer tain Yorkshlro gontlomnn of the Inst century, moiitloncd by Mrs. Claslccll In hor "Mfo of Charlotte llronte," hnvo hli celling paneled with mirrors. Ar dently devoted to the sport of cock fighting, ho continued to the Inst to oninv litu fnvorlto nnsUmo. and oven when on hie deathbed bis room wns tho sccno of many nn exciting flglit, which, lying on his back, ho saw re flected In tho glass overhead. Anothor Invalid whose tnstcs wero certainly moro nosthetlc wna gontlo mnn who died lately nt Munich. Con fined for mnnv months to his bed, bo gratified his love for art by having his celling papered and covorcn wun nis most treasured plcturos, which ho In his younger daya had acquired. These woro changed from tlmo to tlmo for others In his collection, which In their turn wero contemplated with dollglit by the crippled connoisseur ns ho lay strotched on his couch of pnln. During n police enso henrd a yenr Imrlr nt Tottenham the nrosecutrlx told the magistrate Hint she had taken tlio prisoner in out of clmrlty and had per mitted her to remain, Tins the pris oner denied, saying that she paid Si fid n week. "Vou only nnld 2s." ro- tortod tlio othor, "and Hint Is marked on tho colling." This novel Idea ot converting n celling Into a rent book nvnliml a rnnr of Inuchter In court. An eccentric Hrlghton pedagoguo was wont to uso the celling ot his schoolroom ns n blacltbonrd. It was covered with a casing of blackened nml nollsbed wood on which the doml nle, by means of a long, clialk-potutod rod, usod to draw geoinotrlcal flgursi nnd dlugrums while discoursing an tin subtleties of ICuclld. This unusual pro c ceding wns but tlio practical nppll cation of a quaint theory of his thai the elevation of tho pupils' eye In dllccd sharpness of Intellect. Much nunoyed at tho barefaced mnn ner In which tho photos of his frlcudi nnd acquaintances that wero scattered In profunlou about his rooms, wero np ptoprlnted by his mnny visitors, n gen tleuinn well known In 1'urlnliii society hit upon the Ingenious device of bnv lug thorn n Mixed to tho ceilings of lili tint. Threo large rooms nro thus deeo rated, mid that callers, should they desire, tuny obtain n clear view of the portraits, opera glasses of special con struellon are supplied. When In IWi.'l Mile. Forrester gave n ilnueii at her liouno In Paris tho celling of tho ballroom was so constructed Hint nt given Intervals It discharged upon tho dancers n lino rnln of white rose, cherry blossom, Jockey club nnd otlwr scents. This pleasing surprise wna likewise propnrcd for his guesti by a wealthy Husnlnii nobleman, who, however, heightened tho effect by bnv Ink tho celling exqulnllely painted with the flowers whoso essences descended upon thoso beneath. London Tlt-Illts. HOW ZOOB GET WILD ANIMALS. Halt Used ij Ittrl-ultliiv Auellta unci Truvelcrs. netting recruits for tho roologlcn' parks Is not by any menus the easiest thing In tho world, though the authorl ties themselves do not bear much ol tho trouble In this connection. The work Is mainly dono by travelers and natives of countries from which the wild beasts come, from whom tho vnrl ous zoological societies of tho world buy, except when the purchases are made from professional wlldbenst dealers. Home of the latter employ regular ro crultlng agents, whom thoy send out whenever they rccelvo orders which they cannot executo with stock they havo In hand. If the park nuthoritlei order nn Afrlcnn lion of n denier and the denier bus not n suitable beast on blind recruiting lions In Africa bcglni at onco mid continues until a good specimen lias been obtained. Tho different methods by which the various wild animals are enptured In their nnllve stnte are Interesting. Lions aro generally caught by being tempted to thrust their heads through nooses ol strong cords composed of twisted hides, l'leces of meat nre used for bait, but frequently tho hunters hnve mnny days of hard chnslng before the lion can bo persuaded to try tho noose. Whon he does the cords nro pulled quickly around his throat, stilling him. mid other stout cords nro then bound around his legs. Hostorattves nre then administered to revive tho animal. whose efforts to freo himself from the noosa bare brought on exhaustion, mid ho Is cnrrled away and put In a special ly constructed cage for shipment Tigers nro moro savngo than lions nnd can rarely bo captured when full grown. Itocrultlng Is accordingly car ried on among the cubs, the parent tigers being killed and the young, left without protectors, being easily caught Tho cubs readily accustom tncmsclves to captivity. Perhaps the most dlfllcult of nil wild animals to capture Is tho giraffe, says the New York Times. In addition tc being very rare, giraffes aro exceeding ly timid and are very swift-footed There Is no special way to capture a giraffe, as almost every way has been tried, and all have been almost equally unsuccessful. Tho method which lias occasionally resulted In a capture Is by using n long cord, at each cud of which Is a round weight. This cord Is thrown liy tho hunter In such a manner as to wind nround tho anlmnl's legs, either bringing It to tho ground or rendering It Incapablo of escaping beforo It Is mndo a prisoner. Most of the giraffes In captivity have been caught by chmico when young. A Ilouao Divided. Most persons hnve had tlio experi ence of wnlklnn with n friend out of stop nnd trying to shift Just nt tho moment when tlio friend niso niiiKes tho attempt. This Is nn lnstnnco of llin-nrtnil linrmOHV IllllCll like Hint which nppenrs In n story, told by V. C of nn elderly couple. They wero child less, nnd hnd never been unitcu uy me bond of other lives linked with their own. Ho they wero nlwnys In a stnte of well-bred disagreement. ii ii, niiWt of meals thor dis agreed thoroughly, nnd each usually suggostcd a dish for me sununy uiuiu-r which tho other did not approve. One Saturday tho ninn camo home from market with n basket. "You needn't worry about to-morrow's dinner nny more, Mnrla. I've nnt It " "And so havo I. George. You were so undecided " "Undecided? I told you wnnt I u-nnloil ' "Well, I mean you didn't decldo ns I did. So I bought a goose." "Why, so have I. 1 told you I'd like n gooso." "Well, now wo arc agreed for once. anyway.1' "Yes, and I suppose wo'll havo cold gooso nnd stowed gooso for tho next two weeks." They relapsed Into their usual si- Sundny forenoon tho wife asked, "Do you wnnt n llttlo quince in tuo appie snuco with your gooso?" "Vniii- irnnan. VOU nicall." "No .1 don't. It seemed so absurd to hnvo two gecBO In the houso tbut I sent mlno to Aunt Jnno." "What! I sent mlno to Undo Jool" llpnaaell fur a IiOIIK Walk. Mrs. Mnlnpiop I wulked twenty- Uvo miles yesterday. Mr. Parloriuop Did you wear a pod nmeter? Miss Mnlnprop Oh, no, Indeed Just a Bliort skirt. Harvard Lampoon. Tnmimr.r Onllllnil. The Klancee Tlio Idea of his think ing that he Is unworthy of mo. The Confldanto Yes, but you need n't argue tho ninttor wnn mm. jjo ii discover bl error In time. llrooklyu Lifo. Bomo women havo bo much powder on tiioin Hint klsslnc them must tusto t llko tho first blto In a biscuit. Ayer's If your blood Is thin and im pure, you arc miserable all the time. It Is pure, rich blood ilmt invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brines good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor'smcdlclne. "I nmm mj ttl, without 1tiM, to Ayf HnrNisrlllii fl ! tti molt wmtUrf ill riit4l fill" In tlm wrirl'l fur (ir-rvitiittM Hrur)ts l-erilllli'iii l 'mini i tiii niiourii. Mil. IlKU A HOVCI I , M wtrk, N.J. J r ATIRIIO., AH fln.(rlI- for Poor Health Lnxntlvo flooon of Ayor's Pills onch ril(;l" lirontly old tho Oarsoporllla. rp-to-Onto .llngmlno Work. Iliu k Writer- How would you like nn nrtli le on Solomon? Miiga.liie Killtur- Klrat rate, If you can only furiilab n complete aet of por traits of his whet. Komervlllo (Hans.) Journal. Mow's This? Wo offer One Hundred Pollan Reward for any cai of Catarrh that cauaot be cured Ly Hall's catarrh cure. r. J. Ulh.NKY A CO., lwa., Toledo, O. Wo, tho underilEOoil, have kouwu K 3. Chetior tor the lait Ui yean, and telleTe him tierloctlr honorable In all builtieii tramao Iloin and financially able tu carry out any ob llcatloinmailobylhelrnriD. WT & Tkuax, Wholeials liruriliti, Toledo. 0. Waujinu, Kikxa.h !l JUhvi.n, Vtnoleiale Urug li. lule'lo, ). Hall'a Catarrh Cure ll taken Internally-, act. Ins directly ujon the bluoil and znucoui iur laiei ol ino intein. 1'ilre 76c. r bottla. bold by all Prugglui. Teitlmonlali tree. llall'a ramlly Pllli are the UH. I.lttlo Willie. Willie XIr. Uldboy, nliy do they say you arc In your sccoud childhood? Mmlier Willie! Willie Oh. 1 know; It's because you nro hnlilliended, Juat like baby Dick. lloton Transcript. Plao'a Cure l a good couch nediclne. It lids cured couchs and colds for forty years. At druggists, 1K cents. It All Depends. "They tell me," aald the youth, "that men who work live longest. Do you believe It V" "Well," remarked the sage, "It dc pcmla a good deal on who they try to work." pita Permanently cured. ro nu or nervouiaeal f I 0 anerflntdar'Iuwomr.Klllie'lUraatNem Jtaflturer. Send for Free 82 trial bottle and U-iAUae. lit. H. II. Kline, Ud .ll.' Arch M.. rblladelpUa, fa. Homctlilntc Alike. "Why la a kiss over the telephone like n straw hat?" "Ik'cause neither ono Is felt," re marked Mr. Wise. And then the old maid was heard to remark that current events were certainly shocking. Brooklyn Eagle. Uothan vlll And Mr i. Wlmlowi'a Soothing Syrup the beit remedy to uie for their children auring mo tecttung joituu.. The president of the Itenublic of An dorra, in the Pyrenees, gets the smallest salary paid hy any civilized government It la only $15 a year, nnd be thinks of asking for a ten per cent Increase, which would make it ? 10.50. -KeeleyLiouoR-HORPHiNE-TOBACco IVTre HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED &a t rOS FULL PARTICULARS 1MMU TM mltYIWimiTf," POWTLAND.OWC, night relatives of rremler ScJJcn ot New Zealand draw on au averago of f'JS.OOO each la salary from the EOT emment Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY No Case Exists It Will Not Car HOWARD L BURTON. Assaycr ani Oicmiit Hiwcimen tirlci-s. Oolil, bllrer. id.lli tiold. nil- er,7ic; uoU, 60c ;Zincor Cojiper,I. Cynnldtjimts. MaUlnv envelope nmt full prlc llftt Rent on nppll ca non, unniroian.j i mpirewors noncnia. ihU' lilt. Colo. Kofi'i-cuce Carbonate Nat'l Uauk. YOU DAN EARN $25.00 PER DAY a ttlng Water, CI or Coal with AUSTIN WELL. DRILLS Maito la all aires and tylet. Write for Cala loeuri an4 list of uncriln the lien. Beat! & Go. 813 Commer cial lUock. PORTLAND, ORB. BUY 1W PROM YOUR DEAL, 13 R. W. L. DOUGLAS 84.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 umn;S2 SHOES th&oiVUd. V.L. Douglas 811003 nro wonv by moro mon than nny other mnko. Tho renson is, thoy hold thoir Bhnix),fltbcttor,wenr longor, niul hnvo rrrontor intrinslo vnluo thnn nny othor shoes. 1 T.ook lp mime Mil i iro oil uuni .... Duuclna uses Corona Coltaklll, wlitoh la fiveryn lieroconcedeil toliotlie HiitfRt I'atent lat1ier)etiradneed. Fait, Color Cytlitt ufd. Blioes ky tnah,ts nls Mlra. Wrlta tor Ualalog. W, L, UOUULA8, llrookton, Mass. P. N. U. No. 18-1904. -nritEN wttttne to advartlsara pleas TT uieulluu thla paper. J Once Its Color Iletokened the Hank tlia Wearer, "Do you know that tho color of a muff once betokened the rank of the wearer?" said a furrier to a I'hllndel plila Itecord man as he stroked a beau tiful sealskin muff. "In tho days of Charles IX. no lady could have worn this fur, for black was decreed by tho King to be tho badge of the common people and tho court followers were restricted to the colors. "Muffs have gone through moro styles than It would seem possible to Invent for such a simple article of con venience. It has been long nnd nar row, like a sheaf, nnd, again, largo nnd round. At the beginning of Inst cuitury the test of size wns to try the muff In a flour barrel. If It went In without much trouble then flint muff was too small to be really fashionable. At the present dny nlmost anything Is proper, but those enormous cylinders would certainly draw much attention. One of the most curious styles was that of Louis XIV., called tho Yhleus mauchons,' becauso they were made to convey little dogs In. The muff when first Introduced was the cxcluslvo property of the nobility and originated In Venice. These muffs wero very small and consisted of a single plcco of velvet, brocade or silk, lined with fur nnd the openings fas tened with rich Jewels. Kuch arrange ments came In during tho early part of the seventeenth century, but In the previous century the ladles frequently carried a piece of rich fur, which they used either ns a muff or a neck piece. The muff reached Its highest point In the reign of I.ouls XV., when the productions wero exquisite. Then fashion declared for a cloth muff In stead of fur, and the furriers made a great uproar. They petitioned the Tope to excommunicate the wearer or a cloth muff, but to no purpose. Finally some Ingenious merchant bribed the headsman to carry a cloth muff on execution day. The women shrank from such association and the fur won the day. We now associate the muff only with cold weather, but In the old days It was a regular part of womnn'a dress and was carried In all weather. As late as 1830 a muff and a straw bonnet were not deemed Incongruous." Savage Athletes. In this ago of athletics one might think that no people ever showed so much Interest In feats of muscular might and skill as those who have per fected football; but modern games, and even the games of tho Greeks at Olym pla, may bare been more than match ed by the sports of peoples who are now held In llttlo esteem. A writer on the Canary Islands gives an account of their athletic training which makes oven the college giants of to-day seem weak and effeminate. Tho Canary Islands were subjected by Spain about the time Columbus dis covered America. The conquest was due solely to the superiority ot Euro pean weapons, and not to better skill and prowess. The native soldiers were trained athletes, developed under a system which held athletic sports an Important business, like military drill. Spanish chronicles hare left us ac counts ot the sports of the islanders. From babyhood they were trained to bo brisk in self-defense. As soon as they could toddle the children were pelted with mud balls, that tbey might learn how to protect themselves. When they were boys stones and wooden darts were substituted for the bits of clay. In this rough school they acquired the rudiments of warfare which en abled 'them, during their wars with the Spaniards, to catch In their bands the arrows shot from their enemies' cross-bows. After the conquest of the Canaries a native of the Islands was Been at Seville who, for a shilling, let a man throw at him ns many stones as ho pleased from a distance of eight paces. Without moving his left foot he avoid ed every stone. Another nativo used to defy any one to hurl an orange at him with so great rapidity that bo could not catch it Three men tried this, each with a dozen oranges, and the Islander caught every orange. As a further test, he hit bis antagonists with each of tho oranges. Fishhook Cactus. Many a traveler In desert lands, when In danger of dying from thirst. has been saved by the plant known as tbo water or fishhook cactus, says the New York Commercial. During the moist season it stores up a large quan tlty of water for the subsequent dry one, when all tho ground Is parched with beat and only chaunels filled with stones mark the course of former rivu lets. So well has this cactus provided for the safety of Its precious liquid that It Is no easy task to obtain It The exterior skin Is more lmpenetra ble than the toughest leather, and, be sides, It la protected with long, wiry spines curved into books at tbe end. yet so strong and springy that If a large rock be thrown against them they remain uninjured. If the spines be burned off one may, by long and tedious effort cut through the rind witu a stout knife; otherwise nothing but an axe will enable tbem to get at the Interior of this well-armored plant When the top Is removed and a hol low made by scooping out some ot the soft Inner part It Immediately fills with water, cool and refreshlug, though a blistering sun may have been beating upon the tough skin above It all day. The water, when first obtained, has a whitish or smoky tint, but when set tled Is as clear as crystal. Dolnsr Ills Heat. "Have you ever made any effort to do your fellow man any good?" "Certainly," answered Senator Sor ghum. "It Is a well-known fact that money widely distributed can nccotii' pllsh but little. In order to exert Its full force and achieve great works It must be concentrated." "Weill" "I have been doing my best to con centrate as much of It as possible." Washington Star. A Query Answered. Laura We have no Infallible for mula for removing a double chin. Con suit some man who says he can shave himself In tho dark. Baltimore- News. STORY OF THE MUFF, A MICHIGAN i Know Pe-ru-'na Is Worn Out Hon. Nelson Rice of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of a large number ot' grateful patients In Ills county who have been cured by Peruna. Hon. Nelson Hice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, writes: Tho I'cruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio; Gentlemen : "I wish to congratulate you on the success of your efforts to win tlio confidence of tho public In need of a reliable medicine. 1 know Peruna Is a fine tonic for a worn out system and a specific in cases of ca tarrhal difficulties. Vou have a largo number of grateful patients In thla county who have used Peruna and have been cured by It, and who praise It above all other medicines. Peruna has my heartiest good wishes." Nelson Rice. $- MARCH, APRIL, MAY Weak Nerves, Poor Diges tion, Impure Blood, Depressed Spirits. The aun has Just crosied the equator on its yearly trip north. The real equator is shifted toward the north nearly eighteen miles every day. With tho return of the sun comes the bodily ills peculiar to spring. With one person the nerves are weak; anoth er person, digestion poor; with others the blood is out ot onier; ana sun out ers have depressed spirits and tired feeling. All these things are especially true of thoso who have been suffering with The Cause or It. "What's the cause of all this twaddle about elevating the stage, I'd like to know!" "Want to t It above the level of the women's hats, I suppose." BOILS PYRAMIDS OF PAIN Boils show the blood is in a riotous, feverish condition, or that it has grown too weak and slug gish to throw off the bodily impurities, which then tyonccntrate at some spot, and a carbuncle or boil is the result. To one already enfeebled by disease, boils seem to come with more frequency. causing tixn intensest pain and greatest danger to the already weak and debilitated sufferer. AU skin eruptions, from the sometimes fatal car buncle to the spiteful little cat-boil, are caused by bad blood, and tho only way to avoid or get permanently rid of them is to purify and build up the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract the humor and poisons ; and nothing will do this so quickly and thoroughly as S. S. S., which is the acknowledged king of blood purifiers and great est of all tonics. Where the blood has become impoverished and is poor and thin, no medicine acts so promptly in building up and restor ing its richness, purity and strength. The time to cure t ml a boil is before it devel ops, when it is in a state of incubation or formation in the blood ; for boils are, after all, only the tmpuri' ...jr ...u . .uir,uw- doing- snag-ood when I began It, but altar taking; ties and poisons bubbling ttfornahort while the boila began to disappear, t,r4l, ctin nn3 I continued on with the medicine, taking six bot Use, and this will Continue in spite yeara have elapaed aince that time, and I hay ( ,,i, :-,- ,i i ' nererbeen bothered aince, showing that the ear of poulticing and lancing WM parm,n,nt. I had aome thirty or forty till the blood gets rid of the moat painful bolla one oyer had, and to ba its accumulated poison. $sistMK ffSstR??? The way to stop boils is you. HJ3NBT ZUfW. to attack them in the.blood, and this is what S. S. S. does. All danger of boils is past when tho blood has been thoroughly purified and the system cleansed of all mor bid, impure matter. If you are subject to boils, then the same causes that produced them last season will do so this, and tho sooner you begin to nut vour blood and system in good young, and without harm to the most delicate constitution. It is mild and pleasant in its action, and unequaled as a cure for boils and kindred eruptions. Write us if you would liko medical advice or other information. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA ffiS MITCHRUL,, L.I3WIS & ST AVER CO. 300 Plrat Stroot. , PORTtAND. ORBQON - Dmnohosi SHATTUB SPOKANU MAYOR SAYS a Fine Tonic for a System." t catarrh in any form or la grippo. A course of Feruna Is sure to correct all these conditions. It is an ideal spilng medicine. Peruna does not irritate it invigorates it strengthens. It equalizes the circulation of the blood, trannuilizes tbe nervous system and regulates the bodily functions. Tern na, unlike so many spring medicines la not simply a physic or stimulant or nervine. It is a natural tonic and In vigorator. If you do not receive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Jarring an Actor. "What did you think of my death scene?" asked the actor. Well, it seemed to me It came a little I too late In the piece," was the reply.. Chicago Evening Post. ltl.l..n. Ha Tn . . . From the are of twantr or thirty I waa eorelv afSlctail wtthlaxre, awful bolla on my faca an body. Aa aoon aa they would heat up in one plao they would break oat in anothorpart oftho body, and this continued for ten yean. I tried arary-thlni-Icould hear of to set ratter, bntnothlnr dldineanysTOOd. I had but little faith InB. 8.8. all the bolla entirely diaappaared. Tire) order the better the chance of going through the spring and summer season without boils or other painful and irri tating skin eruptions. S. S. S. is guar anteed purely vegetable, and can bo taken with perfect safety by old and "BEE LINE" BUGGIES Are not manufacturer! regular construction, but Our Own Special Construction Put up with full knowledge of the re quirements of this rough western coun try. Made to stand up, and will stand up, better than any buggy sold at any thine like tho nrlce. If you want a eood Duggy at a moderate price, try our "Bee Lino." You can't beat It. We have tho " Bee Lino " Koad Wagons, DOISQ