Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 29, 1904, Image 6

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Win. D. Root, Editor md Manner.
Xntartd at the jxntofUce t Cottar OroT
Off ion second class moll nattcr.l
Subscription price, BI.50,' In advance.
ArtTrtlnlng ItaUs ma known np
THIS I-APKR It kept 1 K Praia's
Adrcrtlstnc Accticy, MandM Merchants Ex
change, Bun Francisco, California. here con
tracts fer advertising rn I msde lor li.
Friday, April 29, 1904.
statOIand district.
Supreme Judge
Frank A. Moore of Columbia
Dairy and Food Commissioner
.1. W. Pulley ot MtiHnoninh.
Presidential Electors
U.S. Assay OFFICE.
The letter of A L Morris, secre
tary ol the Oregon Miners' Associ
ation which appears on the first
pane of this issue shows that efforts
nre being made to secure a public
assay office for the State of Oregon.
It also shows the action of the Se
attle Chamber of Commerce in at
tempting to prevent the American
Mining Congress from lending Its
influence in this direction. We be
lieve the Congress is justified in its
action. If it can assist this or any
other State in seeming those things
which are needed for the welfare of
its industries, and especially in
matters pertaining to mining, we
believe it ought and will do so.
Any one at all familiar with the
matter knows that a considerable
part of the gold produced in this
state is accredited to other states
which have been furnished an aSsay
office. Oregon's production of the
precious metals will rapidly increase
and it should have this recognition
from the government. All should
work to the securing of the office
regardless of what portion of the
state it may be located.
Heie is a large fact contained
within a small compass:
"During the year 1903 mine
products furnished 52 per cent of
the total railway haulage ol the
United States."
That is, indeed, a ' very large
fact one that the railway companies
ami other business interests of the
country should carefully note and
remember, and in remembering,
realize how largely dependent they
are upon the mining industry for
the profits tbey make in their re
spective businesses.
That they have, all of them, been
slow to reach a full realization of
this fact it is doubtful whether
they etui lully comprehend it is
prominently in the mining world,
says the Sumpter Miner; he who
has through good fortune secured
the backing of a few wealthy men,
feels his oats, becomes irritatingly
"chesty," and never overlooks an
opportunity to sneer at "stock
schemes." The average individual
would much prefer to deal with a
few men in securing money formin
ing operations than with hundreds,
but it is far more difficult to secure
money in large amounts than in
many small "hunches," so the vast
majority of operators must resort to
the latter method, offer their stock
for sale to all who will buy. A
dozen promoters succeed in this
way to one who interests large
J. X. Ilnrt of I'olk, .lumen A.
Fee ot Umatilla, Grant II.
Dlmlck Cliu'VnmaR, A. 0.
Hough of Josephine.
Delegation National Convention
At Large
II. V. Scott of Multnomah, S
L. Kline of llenton, W. 1J.
Ayer of Multnomah, anil
Ira S. Smith of Malheur.
Flrt Congressional District
J. I'. Campbell ot Clackamas
and J. M. Keenc of Jnckxon
Second Congressional District
Charles II. Careu of Multno
mah anil X. C. ltlclmrds of
For Congress 1st. Dist.
Dinner Henna mi.
Second Judicial District
Douglns, I.ane. Coos, Curry,
Denton anil Lincoln Coun
ties) K. O. Potter, Judge;
lieo. M. Drown, District
Joint Senatorshtp
Sixth District, Douglas, Jose
phine and Lane Counties,
It. A. Booth.
I. H. lllngliam.CottagoGrove
I. N. Kilwarils, Junction
fi. V. Grittin, Eugene
County Judge
G. K. Clirlsmnn, Eugene
County Clerk.
E. V. Lee, Eugene
J. S. Stiles, Eugene
H. M. Price, Hale
D. F. Keeny. Goshen
Itobt. E. Eastland, Eugene
School Superintendent
W. U. Dlllnrd, Eugene
C. M. Collier, Eugene
Dr. F M. Day, Eugene
Justice of the Peaces
J. W. Vaughn.
W. II. Illnlr.
Absolutely Puro
TIIKl H Ari ANOOl.A Al lltTlSlNG
The I'lutttntiooiiii Medicine Company,
with laboratories anil Kenernl olllce it
ClisltniHMVii, Teniietwc, ntul brunch
houses nt M l.onis, .Mo.. and Sim Krnn
cifco, Cab. has become one of ttio largest
proprietary iiit-dieine concerns in the
world. In tln'cniHlli of this prent bnsi
111 gs two tnctois haxe been iloininunt :
The merit of its products Wine of
Cnrdin ami Thedfurd e lllafk-Pinuslit been wliielv reeojtnliteil ami the
original mix ti tisitiv: methods adopted
liave eMMtctt Krem eoninicni. mo
publicity lor thee medicines does not
coiiMst of llie calch pliriife ami ex-
travnptut statement, loo olten employed
in advertising todav, but instead the
plain stoiy of experience with the inedi
ei lies given in the plain lanctuipj ol the
pe pie themselves. The follow ill)! let
ter is a fair sample of the thousands of
Wine of Canlui testimonial1 published
(taring llie past twenty tears.
Lodge Directory
A. F. and A. M.
Cottage Grove No. 51.
tst and 3rd Saturday.
Oliver Vcntch, V.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage Giove No. 68. Meets
every Saturday night.
Geo. Comer, V. Secty.
W. O. W.
llohemiit Cnmp No. 260. Meets
every Saturdny night.
C. H. Vnn Dcnbtirg, Clerk.
M. W. of A.
Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424.
Meets first and second Tuesday
C. W. Wallace, Clerk.
F. of A.
Court Uohcmia Mo. 33. Meets
every l'rumy tnglit.
S. 15. 1.auilcr', Sccty.
Closing Out at Cost
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing,
Furnishing and Crockery.
tilCMAT ISAltttMiN C'llANt'tiS FOIt HI KM
All Suits below Hasten, cost, l'tiniisliitis for very little. Iineli tlay
sees more men tiuttle happy liere, not alone because tbey fire buying
cheaper: Away below market value. Hut because here they buy perfectly
dependable goods as well. Black's perfectly tilting clothing I?or instance:
There is no better clothing inatlc at tiny price anil most men know it too.
Its clothing that has the hang of the product with work
mauship unexcelled in this closing out sale.
At Pacific Timber Companys Store
ruder Odd I-ellows Hall
Cnilcd Stales I-aml Olllce,
Hosebnrg. Orison, Feb. 10, 1004.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance w itli tiie provisions of the act of
Coiipress of June it, 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale ol umber lands in the
States of Calitornitt, Oregon, Nevada-,
and Washington Territory,'' n extended
to nil the Public IuikI States by net of
August 4, ISO-.',
of Cottage Grove. Co. of Lane, State of
Ore., lias tins ilav filed in this otliee her
sworn statement No59S3fortlie purchase
of the SB of Section No .'()
tp2l f-ontli, ol Itange -J W. amlwill oiler
proof to sliow tliat the land sought is
more valuable lor its timlfr or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before
C. K. Ilasard, L. S. Commissioner
at his otliee at Drain. Oregon, on
Wednesday the ISth day of .May, 1SHM.
She names as witnesses.
Herbert O. Tbompton, of Cottage
(irove. Ore. , William Slirehv, of liar
rison, Idaho, James N". Jones, James
Whitford. of Cottage Grove, Ortgon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in thi. otliee
on oi before said 18th day of Mac, 1904.
J. T. UmiKiES. Itegister.
Women of Woodcraft.
St. Vnlentine Circle. Meets
tst ntid 3rd Tuesdays.
Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors.
Ktuma Colburn Cnmp.
Meets 2nd nnd 4th Wednesday.
Ethel Hisby, Clerk.
IJKfL.I The Stamp of Quality
5 and iic block north of Z "gj L u .
7 .1... w 1. iiM,.., m
tlu-S T. Depot
ilCargc Rooms !l
K of P
Juventus Lodge No. 48. Meets
every Wednesday night.
Dr. George Wall K. of R. S
Well ventilated well fur
nlnlied and llrHt-cl.iHH In
e cry pari tt-iilur
; Rates $l.pcr dayil
G. A. R.
Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets
and and 4th Saturday.
II. C. Duttou, Adjutant.
llimrd bv the wivk $ M
I J withnut Im-'I $UM) per
la week. llcmciulicr the
I place. The tioxt tablen
"'id the ln-Ht UtlH, the
m Ix'Ht accoininiHlatiotiH In
I every particular.
3 111c the uiajjie
words 1 hut nppcul to the
Shoe buyer. That's wluit
you want and ulint you
et when
M. M Austin of Winchester. I ml.
knew-what to do in the hour of need.
His w ife had such an unusuHl cafe of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. He thought of and
tried Dr. King's New Life Pills ald she
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25c at Morgan Ji Ilrehaut a Drug
Special representative In this county
and adJolniiiK territories, to repre
sent anil advertise an old established
wealthy business house of solid
financial HtuiKllnc. Salary $21 weekly,
with exiienses pnld each ilonday by
check direct from headquarters. Ex
iienses advanced and horfco and
buKRj- furnlslieij when necessary;
position permnnent.fclAddreKs, The
Columbia, 630 Monon I51d., Chlcaco,
Notice iiherfby given thfct the umtertlftned
dmlniitralorol the estate ol Dana 11. Col ton
dereued, has filed In the County Court
of th state of Oregon for Lane Conntjr hli final
1 aeeonnt as aamlulstraior 01 taia e.uie ana
that Saturday the Jth day ot Mar l'."-H at the
! hour of So'cloek p. m.. of taldday has been
j fixed by said court for hearing objections to
raid account and the tetllement thereof.
Administrator of the esute of Dana It. Cotton
, deceased.
Mrs. C. Petersrn, 025 Lake St., To
1 peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough
remedies Ballard's Horehound Syrup is
my favorite; it has done and will do all
1 that is claimed for it to speedily cure
' all coughs and colds and it is so sweet
' and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 60c,
. tl.OObottle. New Era Drug Store.
K. O.T. M.
Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets
Thursday nights.
Prof. A. L. Uriggs. Secty.
Central fiotel m
5 Mrs. Ida 11. Thompson. S in
5 I'KOI'lUKrilKStl F-y
s B
. L L Hive No 48
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Minnie Underwood R.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays.
S. E. Lauder, Secty.
Order Eastern Star
Cottage Grove Chapter No 4
Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays
Celia Lurch, Secty.
United States Land olTico, ,
Itoseburi;, Ore., Feb. 27, 1001.
Notice is lietcbv itlven that in coin- i
plianco with tho provisions of the act ol ,
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An i
! Act (or the sale of Timber IjiiiiIs In the I
I States of California. Orviton, Nevada,1
I and Washington Territory," as extended j
K. to all the Public I Jiml States by act of
August 4, 1892. I
of Starr, Co. of Ijinc, State of Oregon
has till
the Lots
Township 21 South, of Kange 1 West
and will ol;r proof to show that the
land soueht is :no-o valuable for Its
timber or et na than for agricultural
Sclz Schwab Fine Shoes
OR "11112
A. A. Gutter
And Ciihii-Nickli-shiirir Heavy Shoes
Our Stock is Complete in the above linct
ots 12. lit, 14 A IB ol Sec No. 20, fiS
Just Arrived
A fall line of all kinds of seed bonds
at the Novelty Store.
Don'tneglect tlmt houne, but cull
nt tho expreHH olllce mill have Tom
Awnrej write you up a policy in
either the .Ktnn IiiHiirunce Co. or
the Oregon Flro Itellef ARHOclntlon of
McMlunvtlle, Oregon. eot-3
The State of Oregon has $4,000.
000 of school funds drawing inter
est at the rate of 6 per cent per
Governor Chamberlain recently
yisited Roseburg and directed that
new barracks be turmslied at once,
providing quarters for 46 veterans
now on llie wailing 11st.
Pacific University won the inter
collegiate debate from the Oregon
University in their recent contest.
According to reports of sales
made in Oregon the past month
nearly a million dollars has been
paid for mining properties during
that time.
The Millionaire mine in Jackson
county, Oregon, has beeu sold to
Indianapolis people for $40,000. A
certified check for $10,000 was
given as the first payment.
StateSetiator Booth of Lane
comity has arranged to give the
class in animal husbandry of Cor
vallis College, a trip among the
principal Jersey stock farms in the
Mr. L. Vnn IJurkler, u photogra
pher of considerable renown for
doing high class photographic, work,
will open a studio in Cottiigo Grovo
wltnln a week or two.
Tradc Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anroa sanding a skatcb and description may
qalcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
Inrentlon is probably patentable. Commanlca.
tlonsstrlctlreonadentUL HANDBOOK onl'atenu
sent free. Oldest agency for eecurioffpatenls.
ratania taaen tnrouan Munn A Co. recelf f
r eecurioffpatenu.
Uunn A Co. recli
ntet&l notics. without charsa. In tha
A h.vndiomIr lllnitr&tsd WMklr.
cuiattoa of any clentiao oarn&l.
Term. 13 b
ear i foar month, L Boldbj!! newiduilera.
Branch Offlce. gB r Bt. Washington. D. u
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, eour stomach and vomiting
siieils. and can truthfully say tlmt
Cliamberlain's totnach and Liver
TabletH cured mo. Mrs. T.V. Williams,
Lningsburc, Mich. These tablets nre
guaranteed to cure every case of stom
ach trouble of this character. For sale
New Era Drug Store.
"I have used Ct amberlain's Stotnacli
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
results," says Mrs. F. L. I'lielps, Hous
' ton, Texas. For Indigestion, bilious
ness and constipation these tablets are
most excellent. Sold by New Kra Drujj
S For one week only we offer
Clean Spring Vetch mixed
with about. eqiml quiiulty of
Kood white spring; oats, iv
splendid mixture
or for threshing:. Seed can lie
had at farm mile south of
Creswell or will deliver on
board curs. Price cheap If
ordered now
Write fnr price ami sample statins;
qnanlty wanted, address
C. r. MOORE, Eugene, Oregon.
One-Half Pound with Every Sale of One
Pounds of
and One-Half
Delicious High-Grade Cofiees 3
Don't fall to takn advantage of this opportunity to net 3
n coffee that Is sure to pleaso you. ONLY IN ONE POUND 3
PACKAGES, so thut you may know what to get noxt 3
time, This offer applies onlv during 5
Week of Special Sale 2
Monday May 2 to Saturday May 7
PeeHes" Mocbft'avn.8 40c METCALF & MORSE 2
Meiiudo Java Blend U0c S
Oriental Ulend 23e Cottugo Grove, Ore.
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
ricli patient, too, can do much better at
home by proper attention to food diges
tion, and a regular use of German
Syrup. Kite expectoration in tho
morning Is mailo certain by German
Syrup, so is a good night's rest and the
absence of that weakening cough, and
debilitating night sweats. Kestless
nights anil the exhaustion ilue to
coughing, the greatest danger and dread
of tbecousumptive, can be prevented or
stooped by takinc German syrup liber
ally and regularly. Should you be ablo
togotoa wanner clime, you will find
that of the thousands of consumptives
there, the few who are benefitted and
regain strength are those who use Ger
man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular
size, 75c. At all druggists, Garman &
Hemenwav Co.
nuriiote;. unit to establish bis claim to f
s.dd .tuul befmeJ J Walton, U. S. Coin
missionerut Kugene, Ote., on Saturday- ir
tho 7th day of May, IfXM. If
Ho names as witnesses ; i
Wm. II. Mlllhollen, of Portland, Ore., I
J. W. Iloutk, J. II. Stewart, Thomas
.Mnher, of Cottage Grove, Lane Co ,
Any and all petsons claiming ad
versely the alMive-describcd lands are
requested to tile their claims in tliir
oflice on or before said 7th day of May.
J.T. IIriixies, Itrgister.
United States Land Office,
Kosehurg, Ore., March 10th, 1001.
Notice Is hereby given that incompli
ance with the provisions of tho Act of
Conirruss olJuneS. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sitlo of timber lands in the
States ot uulllonila. uregon, nevaua
und WaflhlngtonTerritory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1802,
of Saglnatv, County of Lane, Statu
of Oregon, lias this day filed In this
office Ins sworn statement No. (1020 for
tho iiuichaso of tho NE t of
Nl! V. nf Kcrtlnn No. "'2. Twn. LM
South, of Itango 8 West nnd will offer gj
prtioi to snow mat tiie iniiu nuiiKiit is
moro valuable for its umber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
tho Itegister and Keceiver of this ofliou
at Itoseburg. Oregon on Thursday tlm
0th day of Juno. 1001
lie names as witnesses:
U. M. Lambert, Edgar King, Emery
Guslnr, William II. Champion, of Col
tagoGrove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimlngadvcrecly
the above described lands arc requested
lo file their claims in this olllce on or
before said Otli day of June, 1001.
J. T. IlitiwiKs, Itegister.
The Loudon General Merchandise
.Store wish to announce to the buying
public that they now have 11 very
complete stock of General .Merchandise
which thry Intend scdlinr at Irnst 2U
Iter cent below all competition..
We purchase our goods In large
tpuuitltlcH through Eastern Drummers,
pay cash for all we buy, have no high
rents, no Insurance rates to pay, and
consequently can sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
Ht $7.50 to $9.00
High Grade Goods and other lines
of Heady .Made clothing of Neatest up-to-date
stylo at prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our line of M. I). Wells .Shoes nre
tho best wearers on the market and at
prices that cannot bo equalled.
Try our Koast Coffees, tho best
flavor and will please you.
London, Oregon,
Cream Vermifuge
Tss atsuiss pscpascd only mi
Bollard-Snow Liniment Co.
persons knowing themselves In
debted to tho undersigned will please
call at Mrs. I IC Palmer's store and
sottlo beforo May IB, 11)01.
yj-.i i Airs n 1-; i,i.hi;a.
Notion is hereby xlven that the uiulerslKiiol
ailtnlnUtratorul the estate il A.M. White, ile
ceaseil, ami pf the tiartiierihlp estate of A.M.
White V Co na llleil In the Comity Court ol
the State ol OrrKou lor tane Co. his final ao
count as administrator o( said estate ami Bald
iarinerKDip, ana mat aionuay trie vnn uay of
May, Itiol, at tho hour of S o'clock p. in. has
becullxeil by said Court as the tlmo lor hear
liutoblectlons to said report, nnd the settle
ment thereof,
J. K. YounK, Administrator of the estate of
A. M. White, deceased and ol the partnership
estate ol A. M. White & Co.
Eugene Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and
General Mill Work.
Turning nnd Stnlr bulldlngn speci
alty. All orders will recelvo prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ustlmntcs Cheerfully Furnished.
Address: lllI.awrenco Ht,
Griffin &
of any tool Is iilwuys a dsslrablo
one, but of equal Importance Is tho
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. Hy making your purchases of
the Grlllln & Vcatch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery ol
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
Veatch Co.