TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER E8TINQ ITEM8. Comment and Crltlclsma Ilaeed Upon th Happening of th Dy Histori cal aud Mow Mole. It It Korea' prlvllcee to furnish the tent of war. On touch ot nature sometimes makei tti whole world grin. It's an cny matter for a stingy man to get rich liut what' tlio uso? Flour la coins io high that paste diamonds may toon be worth more than the real. 8lr Edwin Arnold's famo Is secure. Ho was tho tlrst prominent white wan to marry a Japanese girl. This massaging of tho heart Is no discovery of modern surgery. Dan Cupid has practiced It for centuries. It seems like a reckless waste of pathological cfTort to discover the germ of mumps nftcr nearly everyone has had them. Tho suspicion that a cigar was the cause of the Baltimore conflagration will cause the parlor match to say "There aro others." It must be through patriotism or because they have to do It that the Russian Boldlers go to the front to fight for J3.G0 a year. There Is nothing remarkable about Queen Alexandra eating a O-cent din ner; many an American queen tackles no better fare every day. If every man would put as much ginger Into his work as a pig put Into motion when It scratches Ha back against a board fence there Would be fewer failures in this world. Kouropatkln has promised not to re i turn to St. Fetersburg until be has un furled the Russian flag over the Ml- kado'a palace. Kouropatkln Is easily , the most . promising warrior now In captivity. "Wealth Is not worth striving after," declared John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to his Sunday school class. It Is surpris ing how much easier It Is for a person not compelled to labor to make such an assertion. A Kansas farmer Is not bragging much over his score. He has bought three gold bricks within five years! That's nothing. We bought mining .stock three times consecutively. Hut It was a long time ago In the eighties. With the proceeds of eggs laid on Sundays an English countrywoman has enriched the Church Missionary So ciety by 17 shillings. The Idea of re turning to the Lord the things that are of Ills day shows both sentiment and sense. The wife of on Itinerant Methodist preacher In Missouri having fallen heir to $500,000, such a common little thing as a pants button In the contri bution box docs not seem to him a matter of such world-wide moment as it did a few months ago. One curious effect of the war in the Orient will be to send a large number of Coreans to the Hawaiian islands to work on sugar plantations. As all la bor conditions In their own country are upset the Coreans will be more willing than before to engage in rais ing cane in our new territory. As la borers they are said to be Industrious and peaceful, a great contrast to the Japanese, who are given to strikes and other disturbances. Boston has to own among Its citi zens a man who proposes that school boys shall go to school from 8 o'clock until 5 six days a week, and have but two weeks' vacation In the year. lie thinks they should not enjoy more leisure than Is granted to offlce boys. It was to be supposed that the last man died long ago who did not know that the boy who never goes fishing Is as badly educated as the boy who goes fishing when he ought to be In school. A thorough Investigation of the post office establishment would Inevitably lead to an Inquiry into the uses and abuses ot the postal franking privilege extended to Congressmen (by Con gress). And such an inquiry would in all probability prove to be quite em barrassing to some of the members. Instances have been known In which members of Congress have forced the mall service to transport their house hold effects, under their franks, and the tale Is told that one member even wanted to send a cow free in a postal car. It is an open secret that some members of Congress make the post office do express service for them and that others circulate various sorts of literature under their postal franks. "I am well." Do you appreciate the force of that declaration? Sup pose, on the contrary, you say, "I am sick." Keep on saying It, Begin to believe It, You will end In your bed. Yes, there is something In Christian Science. There Is something In The New Thought, or Suggestive Therapeu tics. These systems contain the germ of a great truth the Influence of the mlud over the body. More than that The mind influences Itself, It Influ ence Itself by the subtle power of suggestion the foundation of hypno tism. So that It will not do to say that It makes no difference what one believes. It matters tremendously. If you believe you are happy you are, for the time, happy. If you believe you nro pure, and keep on believing It, you will be pure. If you believe you are strong, co long as you believe It, you nre strong. Of course there are limi tations to this power of faith. Cir cumstances and conditions affect It And it may be carried to n ridiculous extreme. But It Is a workable nower and every creature ought to know It Keep In mind the fact that j you are captain on the deck of your mortal vessel. The helm is la your own hands. Storms nnd currents may deflect your course, but, these aside, , you are supreme matter of the royngo and ot its destiny, Carroll D. Wright says "the wage system will pass away" and n system which will be composed of the profit sharing and co-operation Ideas will succeed it "The fashion ot this world passeth away," says St Paul, and the fashion of paying for work In wages may pass away, although It has exist ed from tha beginning of recorded time. The system, like all human sys tems, has Its defects. It docs not give to everybody the exact equivalent for his toll. No new method of compensat ing labor which can be devlted and introduced will be fair to all at nil times, and the complaints that the worker docs not get enough, which have been heard slnco the first em ployer hired tho first employe, will not cease. Tho laborer will contlnuo to complain that he does not have a fair share of the wealth he assists In pro ducing. A system which has endured for thousands of years does not fade away In a day, even though the ono Mr. Wright talks about has defects, one of them being that workers are al ways striking somewhero to get better pay. Probably Mr. Wright does not be lieve he will live to see the day when profit sharing and co-operation will rule In the Industrial world. The Ideas of worklngmcn will have to change materially before they will surrender the certainty of the wage system, in equitable though It may be sometimes, for the uncertainty of the profit shar ing system. They would accept It If business were always good and proflU always large, but It would not suit them when lean years came. If It were Introduced they would agitato for a larger sharo of profits, as they do now for higher wages. There would be the old conflict under a new name. When a man has nothing to talk about which Interests htm more than the shadowy possibilities of the dis tant future he may discuss with propri ety the passing away of the wage sys tem. It Is not a living question. It Is one which is of merely speculative In terest to the people of this century. They will hire nnd be hired after the fashion of their fathers. WHERE CORNWALLIS LOST. Moore House and Farm at Torktown Mar Be Bought by Nation. An estate owned by a Detroit man. which Is creating national Interest and discussion and which may soon become the property of the nation. Is the fa mous old Temple farm In Virginia. now In the possession of Sidney A Witherbee, says the New York Her aid. As one of the most Interesting relics of United States history aud the scene of Washington's triumph over Corn wallls, this beautiful spot Is a center of interest to thousands of patriotic Americans. So closely Is It connected with the Important events In the for mation of the country that It Is often called "the central spot of history," and from all sides petitions are pour ing In to the government to buy the farm and bouse and preserve them as a monument to the memory of the. first President of the United States. Temple farm was the home success ively of Lord Spottiswood, Washing ton. Lafayette and It Is situated In one of the most pictur esque spots In America, and undor the ownership of Mr. Witherbee is being carefully cultivated until of Its 500 acres nearly 400 are now In a state of beauty. To the east Is an uninterrupted view of Chesapeake Bay. To the north can be seen the marine traffic of the York River navy, to the west rises the monument erected by the Federal government commemorating the sur render of Cornwallls and that other spot sacred to the memories of heroes the National cemetery. Barely a mile away is quaint York town. Not only are the surroundings of Temple farm historic, but the farm itself, with the famous old "Moore house" upon It has hardly a spot which has not borne the footprints of armies. The famous "McCIellan rond" is here; the remains of the first place of worship In Virginia are another Inter esting relic, ns well as the oldest mark ed grave In the United States. But of the many historic associations of the place, the most Interesting Is that of the event which won for Wash ington the title of "Father of Ills Country." Here. In the corner room of the Mooro bouse, facing the war spoiled fields, the articles of capitula tion between Cornwallls and Washing ton were drawn up by the commis sioners, and nearly 0,000 English sol diers and sailors marched through the old farm toward Yorktown, prisoners of war. On this same spot in 1035 come the first revolt against British rule, so that Temple farm has the distinction of belug the spot where the first and last act of revolt which led to the birth of the republic took place. During the centennial celebration Moore house was thrown open to dis tinguished guests of the nation the descendants of Lafayette and Rocham beau. Locating the Guilty Idiot. Jones waltzed out of the bathroom in a gorgeous and purpllngfury. "Some iuiot has been using my razor," he bowled. "I know It," responded Mrs. Jones. She looked Jones right square in the eye. "Who was it?" demanded Jones. Ills voice shook with emotion. "I say, who was It?" "John Henry," remarked bis wife dispassionately, "I'll have you know that nobody uses that razor but your self." New York Evening Sun. Combined. "What Is the age of your wife?" in quired the Immigrant Inspector. The Mormon elder made a rapid cal culation. "Ono hundred and seventy-eight, sir," he answered. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Turbine Engines. Faith In the new steam turbine en gine Is shown In the ifact that two manufacturers have contracts to fur nish In tho aggregate approximately 640,000 borso power capacity of them. 3Kl AMUSEMENTS IN RELATION TO RELIG ON. ! Rf. Rer. ft corn r. Seymour, Bit sop of Spr (riffle M Tho mistake which tunny tnnko Is that they 'ondemn with a sentence of absolute banishment .'crtnln classes of amusement which nre often Abused, It Is true, but which still have their .ightful place lu the sphere of human relaxation i ml enjoyment, such ns the drama, nnd dancing, nd specified games. Now, ae things which nre proscribed, put under the ..hi, as Intrinsically evil, ore evil tw ad. A story drawn out Into detail under the guidance of the principles of art and Illustrated by appropriate scenery ami dross Is not In Its-elf evil. The story may ho vicious, nnd the actors tuny be bad In conduct, but these faults nro not Inherent In the drama; they nre that the play Is bad nnd the players aro drama In Itself Is high art; Indeed, tlou lu Its successful production many and culture. It may bo made an Instrument powerful foi good as well ns evil. Us principles arc of the teaching of the Old Testamcut Dancing Is the poetry ot motion; It the eye of what music conveys to the spontaneous and Involuntary. The faody. will without our thought or consent keep time will the tune which HoAts In upon us from the voice ot tho sweet singer or the notes of the Instrument. To tench. therefore, that dancing Is In Itself evil nnd Is to be avoided cs sin Is as crave an error as can well be committed. It Is an Impeachment of the truth of God; against the handiwork of our Maker In the highest and best Instincts of our nature; It Is calculated to bewilder the moral sense, especially ot the young, as to good and evil, aud leave thorn a prey to the direct results In the ethics of their dally life. A safe and simple rule to guide us In deciding whni we may lawfully and properly do In any case where we an lu doubt Is to ask the question: 'Could we Invoke God't blessing upon what wo are about to do? Could wo brlni. It Info Hod's presence?" and If we can respond "yes" ti these Inquiries, then we nre right, nnd may go forwan with the confident assurance that we shall not Incur con demnatlou for our conduct. Times nnd manners. It Is true have changed since the old days of Miriam, and David, and Solomon, but evil has not become good, n6r good cvlL INSTRUCTION IN HYGIENE THE NATION'S DUTY. By Andrew Kfson. It Is at least a cheering sign of the times that earnest men and women who have regard to the serious side of life nre beginning to evince ai. Active Interest In the physical welfare of chll dren. The deterioration In physique, especially of the children of the masses, may be taken to be a real nutter. There Is no questioning that th cll, nnd a serious one It is, exists In full force The testimony of teachers and doctors alike l unanimous lu Its strong protestation of the reality of th degeneration, nnd of tlm need for Its betterment. Of .ate some Interesting and Instructive details havi been afforded through the Investigations of Dr. W. Hal In Leeds, Engl.ind, on the physical condition of school cliil dren In that city. Oue part of this research Is of highly Important character. Inasmuch as It bears upon the rclatlvi development of two races, Jen- aud Gentile, and upon the causes which may be held to account for the variations noted. Dr. Hall notes that the Jewish child as a rule Is better developed than his Gentile neighbor while he tells us the former shows better teeth than the lat ter. The test of bone development Is a fairly good one. In a Jewish school In a good district Dr. Hall found only 5 MAN WITH RARE COURAGE Ia the United State Minister to Korea, II. N. Allen. The formost personality In Korea to day is the American minister, II. N. Allen. The story of his entrance upon the stage of Ko rean affairs and his steady a d vancement In the fnvor of the peo ple, as well as In official position. Is as romantic a s any of the better known stories of Amerlcau enter prise, adventure and achievement. n. . aixex. Minister Allen was born In Dela ware, Ohio, In 1858, and when 23 was graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Unl veslty. Two years later, in 1883. be married a classmate, just preparatory to retting out for China as a Prcsby terlan missionary. The young missionary doctor had not been long in China before be made his way down to Korea, on a tour of In spection, at his own expense. Evi dently he sent back favorable reports to bis superior officers In New York, for In a short time be received a cable gram containing the single word. "Korea." This be understood to mean that he should undertake to find a foothold In the capital of this nges old nation, with Its avowed Intoler ance of Christianity. He wns thus the first Protestant missionary to Ko rea. The United States minister, Ocn. Foote, made him physician to the lo cation, thus giving him nn excuse for remaining In Seoul which no Ko rean could cnlnsay. Two months later the young Amer ican's 'opportunity came. An Insur rection broke out In Seoul, and six Koreans were murdered at nn official dinner party, and n seventh, a rela tive of the King and the most prom inent of nil, I'rluce Mln Yong Ik, who had been Korean minister to this coun try, wns badly wounded. Pnnlc at once seized tho city. Everybody began to look out for himself. Even Ocn. Foote nnd nil the Europeans fled to Chemulpo, to ho under tho protection of the gunboats all except the young missionary doctor. Within hnlf nn hour ho was nt tho side of the wound ed prince, disregarding all danger to himself. Ho found thirteen Korean doctors gathered' mound nbout to pour black wax Into tho gaping wound. Dr. Al len plucklly withstood them all while ho tried what western sclenco could do. While these looked on wondering ho tied up tha arteries and sewed up tho wounds, and continued his treat ment until the prlnco got well. It was a heroic thing for Dr. and Mrs. Allen to remain where buildings were burning and bullets whizzing through tho streets, and treason and fanaticism wcro on every hand. As If to fix firmly tho place of this skillful Yankee missionary In tho royal favor, tho Emperor himself felt sick, to bo cured by Dr. Allen, This gave him the title of court physician, and a commanding position at the palace, which latter ho has held to this day. Another evidence of the, high favor tn which bo was held was bis appoint- It Is obvious Hint not In themscivei due to accidents demoralized. The lays under conmnu departments of art embodied In much and of the New. Is the expression to ear. It Is oftentlmo hand, tne ucnu, the QUALIFICATIONS Or It I an Indictment SENATOR DXriW, DIVORCE A NATIONAL EVIL. Or Ktr. C. W. Tlntltr ot Terre Haute. 7 convenience thrust nt ot the same age. FIRING A TORPEDO LAV The Illustration shows a torpedo boat In action, firing u lorpeuo direct at an anchored warship, as In the attack oil I'ort Arthur. Torpedoes aro usully fired from turntables which can be directed to any point Tho torpedo Is shot Into the water cither by a very small charge of powder or by coin pressed nlr. Torpedoes are also fired from submerged tubes as they aro called, but these cannot be directed In the same way as the turntables. Tho famous Whitehead torpedo, n typo used by both tho Jnpnneso nnd the Rus sians, Is a crowless submarine engine of destruction, equipped with gigantic Iiowcr. It carries an explosive chamber containing 200 pounds of guncotton, and when Its nose comes In contact with a ship's hull, n pointed plunger Is driven In against tho detonating cap, an explosion ensuing that usually blows an awful holo In the Ill-fated ship which may bo the object of attack, and perhaps sinks It at once. The torpedo on entering tho water sinks to tho requlred-deptb, running submerged till It meets Its prey. Its wonderful little engines are driven by compressed air, and it Is prevented from rising or sinking by a pendulum valvo und rudder, nml kept on n straight course by a spinning wheel attachment' Tho first lesson of the Russo-Japancso war was the high effectiveness of the torpedo. ment by tho direct wish of the Em peror, to be foreign secretary of the Korean embassy to the United States. He returned after a time, to take up his routine missionary work, but In 1800, with the consent of the Mission ary Board, he was made secretary of the United States legation at Seoul. During the World's Fair at Chicago ho served as commissioner for Korea. In 1603 be was made charge d'affaires at Seoul by President Clovelnnd. THE DISCOVERY OF BIO. TREES. Awaking Hunter Thought iltffui In a Lund of I'ulrjr Phenomena. Once upon a time It wns in 1853, to bo exact a hunter In pursuit of a wounded bear found himself at night fall In a dark forest The air was dry and warm, nnd being weary, he stretch himself upon tho ptno needles which covered tho ground, and went to sleep. Ho awoke at daylight, and when he saw what kind of a forest he was In, he rubbed bis eyes and pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming, On every side wero monster trees, such as no man had ever seen before. They reared their heads seemingly Into the blue sky, and their enormous trunks, bright cin namon in color and ribbed and seamed, rose like mighty fluted towers. The hunter felt like Gulliver did In Brob dlngnag, and looked, half expecting to see tbo huge forms of giants come striding through tho forest. Ho knew that If the tallest church of bis native ;, ran1 ; per cent of rickets nud It per cent of defective teeth. lu the Gentile school of the same class 8 per cent of the chil dren had rickets nud 33 per cent defective teeth. Tho poor district of Leeds wns equally Instructive ns regards coni' parlsou. There the native children showed 10 per cent rickets nnd a percentage of CO ns regards bad teeth. Tha poor Jewish school, as regards statistics based on the same lines, gave percentages of 7 per cent rickets and 115 per cent for defective teeth. For long age the Jew has practiced a rrllgton of health. No oue can rend the code of hygiene comprised lu the books of the Old Testament without perceiving Hint n wise Icgl Intlon wns exercised by wny of Insuring the health of Ilia Jewish rnce, nnd by wny of preventing dlsense. True, tho code wns extremely drnstlc In some ot Its applications witness the casting of the leper forth of tho camp; but Its very rigidity served to Impress not only tho Idea of prevention of dlseaso but of the practice to which that Idea gave origin. A nation which, lu Addition to super vising Its meats with the acumen of n modern aanltnrjr Inspector, nnd which know that tho essence of health was to be found In tho maintenance of elennlliiess, could not fall to reap a rich physical reward In tho development ot a sound constitution and In the possession of length of days. A PUBLIC SPEAKER. Br Senator CUtunrty ft. Dtp. There Is no talent moro common than the ability to speak and none mora rara than the gift of speaking so as to command tho attention aud sub stantial assent of tho nudlenco. Tho ordinary, talker In n deliberative body kills time and murders patience, Irri tate: the indifferent and tires hW friends. Ileal debating power Is a gift as brilliant as It la useful. It does not consist lu elaborato effort, In the length of tho speech, lu superiority of logic, grace or dic tion or rhetorical finish. Any or all of these may prove a detriment, though with the master they ore tools to bo used or not, ss the occasion mny require. Many a massive structure which tho orator has spent hours In erecting has been demolished and has burled Its author under Its ruins by tho dynamite of a ten minutes' speech. Ieglalatures fear bores nnd resent pedagogue They love good fighters and hard hitters. Like veteran troops, they do not wnnt to bo Instructed, but to bo led. They mny sleep through a ponderous oration of Charles Sumner nnd rise with delight to greet an Incisive sarcasm of Thaddoua Stevens. There aro occasion when a labored effort Is necessary to outline or defoud n policy or to nppeal to the party or tho country. But In the exigencies of dally discussion It Is the crisp, lucid and direct debater who carries or defeats measures The skillful parliamentarian knows Instinctively tho torn per of his audience. His greatest triumphs arc lu humoring Its moods. A community without n home Is almost of necessity a bad place. The Immorality of lum ber aud mining camps Is easily explained. There Is no real home life. It la almost n aln against society when a family lakes to boarding, for It makes one home less and destroys the unity. Marriage Is not so much a matter of personal ns a social duty. Divorce Is n direct the homo nnd social unity. We mnke much of the polygamy of Utah, but polygamy Is the very whitest bird In the whole nest; and this polygamy of Utah Is not so great a the evil of the progressive polygamy ptac tlccd all over this universe by means ot divorce. AT A WARSHIP. town was set down In this wood, the cross upon the pinnacle of Its aplre would be sbnded by tho branches as would a doll's bouse beneath nn apple tree. Ho walked up to one of tho trees and spreading out his nrms to their full extent, be clasped tho bark. Then he moved sldcwlsc, placing his left fingers where his right hand had been, spreading his arms as before Ho re peated this again nnd again, nnd he did It twenty times heforo ho had cir cled the trunk. This hunter wns A. T. Dowd, nnd the forest ho hat discov ered wns ono of the "hlg-trec groves" of California. Of course, when ho re turned to civilization, his description of tho trees wns laughed at ns a yarn, and ho wns necorded second plnco to Baron Munchhuuscn ns an Inventor ot stories. As n matter of face, his stories were much less wonderful than the trees themselves, and tho best of it Is (hat many ot tho trees nro still standing there to provo It Woman's Home Companion. Merely nn Artist Miss Footlltes I'd have you know I'm tin artist In my profession! Gobbo Ob, that's It, Is It? I've beard people say you are no actress. Boston Transcript After buying a revolver for tho pur pose of committing suicide ' an Ohio man roconsldercd tho matter and mar ried, an auburn-haired widow with sev en children. 4 1 TWO YEARS IN SOLITUDE. Off tho coast of Newfoundland Ilea amnll Island known ns the lalo of Demons, which holds within Its rocky shores a romance ns thrilling and a tragedy ns real as any told lu fiction About 1510 Marguerlt da Robarval, nleco of the French viceroy, fall In love with a young cavalier nud promised him her heart and hnnd. Her uncle. tho viceroy, considered th youth un worthy of Ida niece' proud position, and angered by her refusal to glvo up htr lover, ho passed a aentenco of oxllo upon both of them. A vessel car rlcd tho couple to the lalo of Demons, leaving them there atone, with an old nurao who hnd attended tho Indy Mnr guerlto from hr childhood, aud who wished to share her exllo. At first tho banishment did not seem so dreadful a thing; the young man's strength atood between his wife and suffering, and for two years nil went well. A child wns born, and the pa rents began to plan for the establish ment of a colony which might thrive In this talnnd home. Then cam Iron ble, swift nnd terrible. Disease smote tho little family, nud the young wife and mother saw her husband, child and faithful liufao all sicken and die. With her own hands alio dug their grave and hurled all that wa dear to her; and then began n life aloue. 11 fo In which th mere question of existence became a prob lem hard Indeed for a frail woman lo solv. By means of the gun that hnd been her husband', sho kept herself provided with food and with skins for her clothing. For two year she lived a Roblnaou Crusoe life, this gently nurtured, high ly bred girl. Once a boat filled with Indlnna come near tho shore, but the painted faces nnd fierce aspect of the savages frightened her, so that alio hid Instead of hailing them. She spent wreka of labor lu making n crude rn hoc. but her hands wcro unskilled, nnd when alio launched her craft It would only tip orrr. At Inst alio waa rescued by aonir fishermen who ventured on the Island, hnlf-frlghtenrd at first by what the; thought waa an evil apparition. Marguerite wna sent to Franco, but her uncle discovered her whereabouts and continued to persecute her. She finally found n retuga In n small French village, where she hid until the viceroy's death. After that she came Into the world once more nud lived to a good old ng. DIVORCE MILL IN CANADA. Publicity of Hie Proceed I la a Guar autee Auuluat Any l-'ruud. The divorce mill does not grind Its grist so rapidly or so easily In I'aundn as It does In tho United Slates There aro no alar rhnmber proceedings wherein tho details may lie smothered; on tho contrary, from tbo first to the Inst there la absolute publicity of nil the matters which lead to the applica tion for divorce. The notice of the up pllcaut must be published for alx months In two newspapers In tho ter ritory wherein the defendant resides, which notice must give the nniuo of tho applicant nnd tho defendant and the ground upon whlrh the application Is baaed, and a llko notice must he printed In the Canadian official news paper. The matter doea not then go to a court, for no Canadian court has the power to annul n mnrralgo tie. It goes to the Dominion Parliament. Tho Parliament has n committee known as the divorce committee, and to this committee the matter la re ferred, and before Its nine membera all the facts In relation to tho rase are brought. This committee hna no set rules and the matter of precedent does not control Ita actlona. It mny admit such evidence as It sees fit. nml may exclude such as, In Its Judgment, ought not to be admitted. Before the matter Is referred tn this committee, however, It must undergo a first reading In the Sennte. where th salient facts In the rase are set forth. Then It goes to the committee, and from the commltteo It Is rrtiirnrd to tho Senate. Tho Senate reviews tho action of tbo committee, and that body passes on It In committee of tho who!. If the action of the commltteo bo con firmed by the Senate, tho bill Is then referred to the lower house of Parlln ment, which reviews both action of tho Senate nnd tho divorce committee New Orlenns Tlmes-Democrnt. Mlaa 'LU'lieth' Appla. Homely nnd protty Is n sketch from tho Washington Post. It will take many people back to tho days of big red apples and little red schonlhouscs A tidy llttlo silver-haired Indy In black wns riding townrd Georgetown In tho front seat of an open cnr. A handsome, blooming matron of ,15 or so, carrying a basket stuffed with good things from the market, hoarded the cnr and took a scat directly behind her. The handsome matron studied the back of tho llttlo white-haired lady's head for some time, nud then moved along to get side view of her face. This apparently satisfied her, for sho began to fumble In her basket smiling In n reininlscentlnl wny, nud finally brought out n fine big red apple, which she polished for half n mlnuto with her silk gloves. Then sho leaned for ward nnd dnnccd tho red apple In front of the little old lady's eyes. "An npplo for you, Miss 'Llz'bcthl" sho said, laughingly. The little old whlte-hnlrcd Indy turned about with n smile, looked for nn Instant nt tho features of the hand some matron, and then held up her hands nnd exclaimed: "Well, well, If It Isn't my little Vlr glnlal" "Little Virginia" nodded her head up nnd down delightfully. "And the Inst time I gnvo you an npplo, Miss Llz'beth, was In school In 1877." "So It was!" The old school teacher and little Vir ginia smiled at each other, and three prosperous grizzled men who were watching them smiled, too, and then fell to talking about the way time does slip away. Nothing worries some men llko the expected troubles that nover hnppcn. The Chlnrso hnve twice snckod Moscow, unco In 1237 and ngntu lu 121)3, The first equestrian statue eroded In London wns of Chnrtcs I., lu White hall, 1078. All mill In Japan run dny nud night, tho chango of hand being made nt noon and midnight. Twelve year ago thorn wero two thousand Jnpaueso In Iho United States. To day there nro 2L300. Tho flrt steamer on tho Thnlnei wna the Marjory, In 1811. Tho Rich mond followed her a year later, British troops In India have Inlety celebrated the fiftieth nunlveranry of being permitted lo wear mustache. No tree ha evor been found larger than tho Hlclllnn "chestnut of a hun dred horses." It la no less than WM feet In circumference. In Peraln. India and China the lower clnsaos atlll live, ns n rule, ttllirr with their niiliunls In the nmc dnrk nnd unVKiitllnted hut. A wlno cask hns Just been built In California to hold ninety-seven thou, sand gallons. Its Iron hoops weigh fcrty thousand pounds. Ity tho flash of an electric spark ono hundred and twenty Ave millionth of n aecond In duration a rifle bullet can be photographed In Ita flight. Tho corountlon robe presented to the Empress of Russia wns of fur. It weighed only sixteen ounces, yet wns worth d,()00, or $3(13 per ounce. Th life of a dime Is only four or Ore yenra, because it changes hand ten tlmea while n hnlf a dollar la moved once from one person' pocket Into the till of another. There la only ono plnco In the world where Iho aun acts twice In the anma day. and that I nt Leek. In England. Thoro Is s Jnggcd mountain there nnd the sun arts behind It nnd It grows dark. An hour Inter the sun renppcars nt a gap In tho aide of the tnniintnln, nnd It la light ngalu until the real sun set. USE OF APPLES. Financial and Dietetic Value of n Grow lni( American Crop. Th more mellow apples one eats the better, provided thebe token nt meal times. It li best of sll to rat fruit before meals, and freely as yon llko. This will prevent loading the system with a benvy weight of I Ilgrallblo foods. Hrnntor Vest says that If man wishes to live long nud be nble to keep up Ida work ho must ent not less than ono apple with every noon tuurhs we nre not sure but ho said hnlf n dozen. The no hrenkfnst fnd tells lla Hint we must not only go without tho morning meal, but Hint we must live much more largely upon fruit. Homo of Ita disciples Insist that the npplo may bo taken In the place of the ordi nary breakfast. John Wesley once re frrred to apple dumplings an nn Illus tration of the nlaruilng ndvanre of lux uries In England. Charles IjiuiIi qtiotea a friend who aaya that " man can not have a pure mind who refuses np plo dumplings," nnd Dr. Johnson spenka of n clergyman of Ida acquaint ance who brought his family up almost altogether on this Anglo-Saxon combi nation. Wo have recollections of dumplings which might have been the origin of Calvinism. It must hit lorne In mind that the Ideal apple la one that Is fit to be eaten raw; yet Iho glorious old Spltzenburg la only fit for tho cook In whoso hands It be. ;ines tho very perfection of . pie npples. Tho nine teenth century went out with n marvel- ous evolution of new sort of fruits nt nil kinds; but there wns nothing In tha list to exceed tho delicious Juices of the northern spy. the Macintosh red, tho Khntinon or the Klunrt's golden. There I nothing In the world to ex cred the beauty of tho apple blossom! while the nlr la laden with nn ex quisite perfume that has charmed a hundred generations has ndded to tha poesy, tho lovo nnd the comfort of Greek, or Romnn nnd of Briton. But If there bo anything morn beautiful thnn tbo npplo In blossom It Is the same treo loaded down with crimson nnd golden fruit Then It In that thn apple touches human nnturo nnd wak ens In the housrekeper tho highest con ceptions of the science nud the flue art of dietetics. Independent. Opal for Hlaiifun! Museum. Curator Peterson of tho university museum has Just unpacked n rase of material collected by Mrs. Stanford In Ceylon, and Including also a great opal presented to Mrs. Stanford by Thomas Welton Stanford of Mel bourne. This opal la lielloved to be one of tho most remarkable of Its kind In existence. It Is a matrix opal and measures About three by three and ono-half Inches, bearing Indications ot having at ono tlmo been nlmost double that slxe. The stone Is very beautiful In appearance, containing all color of tho spectrum, from deep red to nzuro blue. Almost every shado that Is known flashes out In the sunlight Tho history of tho stone Is not yet known here. Curator Peterson will communlcato with Thomas Welton Stanford on the subject. Tho most Interesting fcaturo of tho Ceylon collection Is a series ot ex tracts from the Buddhist Koran writ ten with a stylus upon leaves of tho talllpct palm, which blossoms only twlco In n century. Thero nro about sevonly-flve or eighty of tho leaves, which are very thin and of an ex tended oblong form. They nre cover ed on both sides with Inscriptions. Tho leaves aro bound together nftor tho fashion of a Venetian blind, so Hint they mny be consulted nnd rend with very llttlo troublo, Tho remainder of tho collection In cludes many exnmplcs of tho delicate handwork of the Ccyloncso, such ns embroidery, Ivory and ebony carvings, and brass, copper and silver bowls." San Francisco Chronicle. This Is the season when a mm olther submits to token about M iitr being long enough to braid or has It cut ana taxes cold. A man Is never satisfied until ho at tends his owu funeral,