Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 29, 1904, Image 3

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    nsinnnnniTnnnrrirsYtnnnsim jq
If cuts of Interest In find iilioul
CoIIokc (inivc mid vicinity.
Dr. I.owc, Octilo optli luti, Hngeno
I'ltv llrsl, class iiii'iiIh (tic IJxchiuige j
'I'lio IciiiIImk brand cigars ill (Iki
Hlilrt wntsl stumped ul (ho Nov-
City Willi'. (IHTM (loUHl) lllllllllllg.
Davidson keep the best loggers'
shoes tin tint nmrkt't.
llitltcnlH'rg unit Point Lnro pnt
Iitiim ut (lie Novelty Hloro, Opera
HllllHtl lllllllllllg.
'I'lio Mcl'urlituil building next to
Vcntch.s furniture stom Ih Hearing
droll (Iriiliiun wciil. over to the
HIllslllW (o Htll'Mll (I) N llDIIICSlcnd
nutters I Mm week.
A good supply of staple KroccrlcH
on liiitnl for spring triuln Knowlcs
anil dotlys, llohcmlu.
I'Oll NALK-Onc tvl-iolli'i1 thrco
year old hull, address 1)11 .Mol'ar
IiiiiiI, Cottage drove.
Wluit everybody likes Ih something
to satisfy tliclr i l I U-. the Ivx
change restaurant Iiiim It. i
lessons In nn-to iliid embroidery
and Indian bend work given at the
Novelty Store. 2."i cents n lesson.
Mr Thomas ot llcckwllh, Calif., Ih
a micst ot tier l'iiiihIu, Mth darrcd,
wlioin hIii Iiiim not seen for '.'I years.
V cum furnish mining stock ul
prices In-low those of any other
broker In the state. Medley tc Milne.
l.llllll'M, will ll pleased III IlllVeyoll
cull mill cxmntiio in.v stock of mil
linery In the itmik IiiiIIiIIiik on llhHt.
A, .1. Thomas.
Isaac .1 Jones neeoiiipiilileil tint
delegations from hem to (ho Mis
sionary unil llenerul Conferences to
Imi held In California.
Mctcalfaiid Morse this week moveil
their KriM'cry ntore from the West
Hide Into (lie A wlirvy IiiiIIiIIiik. They
have ii ver.v neiit looking store.
Mrs. Allle Maker ol ISosehurg nr
rlveil mi I lie Mucin tniln Suiutio
ci 1 1 led here li the NerluilH IIIiicn of
her iiiothci', Mr Henry Churchill.
.Milliliter Woods of the OA S K
railroad report satisfactory pro
KreiM In the rock work on the line
mill that truck Iny lug will begin next
Sheriff Kink, cmiillilutu for Hume
oltlco upon the ilitinoomtlc (Icknl
HHMit n portion of Monthly mnl
Tuesday In the city looking up Mm
political affnli-M.
Itev l'cese left on TncMilny to at
tend the Missionary Conferenre In
Hun Francisco mnl w III lie pri-cnt at
(luneral Conference In I.iim Angeles.
Ho expects to Is; absence about t litre
The Odd I'elloUHof Cottiige drove
will aeconllim to t.iclrannniileinitolii
attend church services In a limly
Upon HiIm occasion (hey wilt meet at
the M Kchurch where Mr. Armstrong
will aililreoH them.
Presiding Khler T II Ford helil
iinarterlv meeting services at the M
K Church Monday night he will at-
lend tlie Missionary Conference In
Han l-'ranclNco and will from there
go to the dcuerul Conference at Losl
Mr llruco Wolverton, editorial cor- j
respondent of tlm 1'aclllc Monthly1
piitillMhed In I'ortlmul, h um in Cot-1
tuge drove for several ila.VHthu llrsl .
of the week on liiiNltifHMforthc mngi-1
xlne. lie reporlM It iim growing In1
popularity ver.v rapidly. I
Mm Kit McAleMler who hail been j
brought lo the Central hotel In Col-1
luge drove from Saginaw In order to
receive lietter medical atlentlon, died j
on Siindiiy and wuh Imrleil at Sagl-I
miw on Monda.v. (Julck consuiup-
Hun wax (he ciiiimc. She leaveM a
liliHliand and live children, who have'
the sympathy of all In their licrcavc
inent. 1
Tho current at die Oregon Se-'
cnrltlcH Company's electric power
plant, wuh liirned on thin week,
there were Home weak plnccn found
alonir the llneand rcpnlrx wen neceM
nary liefore It could Uo Hatlrfautorlaly
traiiHiiiltted. It U reported thatac-1
live work Iiiih liegnn at the ihIiicn
with a good force of men and no
flintier ilrla.VN are anticipated.
l.lttle Willie from the mirror
.Sucked the inercnr.v nil off,
Thinking In IiIh eMIilUli error.
It would cure the whooping cough,
At tho funeral WIIMo'h mother
Hmartly hii tit to Mth. Ilrown.
" 'Twum a chilly day for Willie.
When thu mercury went down."
Moral. Iln.v M A It White I'lne
Kxpeutoranl for coilgliH, coldn,
whooping cinigh, croup, Inllnenza.
grip, etc. I"iir wale at Morgan & llre-IiiiiiI'h.
VllliAr l. UMllKU.
Wo have on onr yardn fK),lHK) feet of
lniMlier which mint IicmoM tn make
room for Incoming Htock, prlcen rang
ing from f.'l !0 to (7.1)0. If yon want
n hargaln come at once.
Tho llooth-Kelley I.nmJierCo.,
Saginaw, Ore.
.Sunshine has about dis
posed of tlie beautiful snow
and the trees will soon be
leaviiig- that is the leaves
will be coming, and sonic
will have
Tho i'. M. of A. Hand appnnred on
.iiiini Nireei Niinnny aliernoon mm
rrllilcrcd the following hcIccIIoiih:
I Independence March; 'I I'mler
Southern HklcH Waltz; a King Cotton
March; I Htormliig of "HI Caney;"
r Kl Caiillmi March:! "Hiawatha:"
7 When a l.mly l.rnlH tho llaml;M
Soinethfiig Doing (Medley Overtnro);
II DcMolny Comaiiilry March, I'n
der dm lenderMliln nf Mr Kerry and liv
their own InlercHt In the pracllco
ineetlngN, the iioyH arc reaclilng a
high Htamlard.
I.iihI Hnnday morning Hohl lllatr
led Hprlnglleld for Cottago drovn
with a spirited livery teiun. At t lit)
eiiHtcrn iiarl of tho city Im a deep
mini hole, while eroNNlng It the
tongue wuh pulled from the carriage
mid thohorHCHgot away, a telephone
pole HCparatvd them and they paxHcd
through town at a lively gall with
partH of tho whllHiilrocH Hying at thu
end of the IngH. The borm-H were
found iinliijtiruii Home illHtanco went
nf the city.
DrCTIIockolt a ri-cenl graduate,
of the medical ilepartmont of Will
amette I'nlvcrHlty and who Iiiih for
the pant year licon Iioiihu Hiinceon at
the Salem lioHpltal In HIeni Iiiim lic
coino aHNoelaled with Dr Ueo Wall of
thin pi me and Im now prepared to
tuiMwer cuIIm promptly (o uny part ot
the city or country day or night.
Dr llockclt Iiiih rented tho llialr
Iioiihc, where he will tie found after
thu IhI of May.
Waller M Kecne, of Denver, Colo
radii, arrived in Cottiige drove Tiicm
day ami departed for llohomla
Wednenday morning, he Iiiih lieen
engaged by Mr V J Hard to taku
charge of the iiHMiiy olllco at the Vu
miivIiim properly.
WANTliD a thrifty young farmer ot
experience ami kooiI liabltH to take
charge of farm at Itlacklmttii mine.
Must have good reference. Married
man prefered. Apply to Win Ilarrln,
Vonr alteatluii Im called lo the din
play advertlneiiienl of KayHer and
Hull, beginning In till tHHtie. They
will be pleiiM-d (o hIiow yon (Iicnc
IoIh whether yon art- ready to pnr
cIiiihii or not. Dlllcn next to Au brey
Thn-e fancy IiIciiiIh Mocha and
.lava -III cIh. Menilo .lava IllendllO etn,
Oriental Itlend cIh. ponml tree
with each IS ponmlH at
Metcalf and M orwu.
T C Kclier wIiohu home Iiiih Ihvii on
SharpH Creek for many yearn and
wlmcame to Oregon In lsl.'l wuh a
vUllor to die city MevcrnI dayH thU
MeMMrn C C Iliuelton. (Joo K Ullfry,
I'. It Parker and A II I'ago of Ch m.
well went among die vlnltorH to tho
I O O 1'' entertainment TueMilay.
lA-ege Ac llaHkliiH iltllclotm high
grade coffccH In ono pound pnekageH.
SMflal Halo from Monday to Satur
day next week. Melcalf and MorHO.
J N tloyil will be In Cottage Orovo
on or iMjforo June 1, UK) I, with a big
well eipilpK'd photo tout with all
dm In I cm t thlngH lupliotogrnpliH.
SI'ITS cleaned ami pressed, callcil
for and delivered once n week tor 1
per month. Mm V A Cunningham or
vt clcli ami ood h mturc.
MIhh I'llna Martin left for ltoMoburg
eilncHilay aflenioon, wliero hIih
giM'H to tnke chargo of tho telephone
olllco on the night run.
Tho Woodmen of tho World and
the I.miIIcm Circle ot HiIm city will
ghe an Invitation hocIiiI at their hall
on Saturday night.
Melcalf and Morw havo a Hpivialty
In their high grade coffee. Iteincnibcr
they havu moved to the Awbroy
IIiniMc and lot fikV), cant bo bent In
tho city of Cottago (trove. Cottage
drovii improvement Company.
.liiMt try one mouth having Mrn
Ciiunlnghma keep jour huHh In or-'
iter only (I.
Don't forget to take your inealu at
the Kxchango restaurant. Kvery
hlug the bent the market can Hiipplv
V .1 Hard who Mpeut the winter In
the KiimI will reach IiIm home In Port
land about Saturday.
Some farm iiroM'rty from $:i.2fi to
$." per acre. Ooftago drove Improve
incut Company.
Darwin Brlstow ciiiiid up from Ku
geno TueMilay and HKMitHoveral dnyn
in our city.
If you want to liny or hoII trv
I'hllllpH & Wheeler, olllcu In hank
A little money Jo loan on good real
cHtate Hccurlty. liuiulru ot I'hllllps
& Wheeler.
IO It SALK A good piano for sale
cheap. Kiuiutrc at tho exproMO olllco
for partlcularri.
J A AHhby of Silk Crock In confined
at iiih iiomu witn miiHCUliir rlicmna-
Vou can get tho boat loggers' ami
! uiluerH' hIioon at J II DiivIiIhoii'h.
A good Hccoud hand organ to hcII
or trade. Seo I'hllllpH & Wheeler.
I'mnk Darcy vlnlted IiIh family In
KtiKcno hint I'Vlday.
I Hot coffee mid IuiicIich at die Ux
chango rcMtauraiit.
Dr I.awhaugli him gone to Chi
cago on htiHlncHM and pleiiHure.
! G 11 Hcugen wont to San Francisco
! lltuclwood Ico cream at tho Star.
In order to make room for ottr now
Hlock wall paper wo will clono out
our old leinnalilH at fie ami up. See
(jur elegant Hue Hereon iloorH and
window HcrceiiM. .Martin & I.uwhoii.
TlioKugeu High Hcliool and Cot
I MKe drove High School bimehall
teauiH played a game hint Hatnrilay
which renillril I'i to I In favor of
0 II llurgraff an architect of AN.
bany whomiplmiM for the new hcIiooI
Iioiihc were accepted wuh In till) city i
thin week. j
.1 r'Coun of Albany waH In tho city
IIiIhI week for the imrnnnoof nutting1
In a bid to build the new hcIiooI
Mrn Meilliy, wife of our mayor, re
turned homo Suturday from a vlnlt
of i'vci'iil montliH lUrntlou In Cali
fornia. The miliual county teacher IiimII
tuto for I.anr county will ho held In
Kiigenc May 11, Yi and l.Hh.
ThoModern llrotherhooddf Ameri
ca held a very pleaHiiul Moclnl at
(lielr nail on .Mommy nigni.
Munlcliial .luiliro V 1) Wheeler tried
IiIh llrnt eaHo monday. I'laln drunk,
Willi lino and cohih.
Now Htvlo neckw:ear and In-ad
glrilloH JtiHt arrived at tho Novelty
Do Vou Slnx? ;
If ho, why not call on Mm WO!
WooiIh at lierHtudlo. Awbrey build
ing, and learn how to uho your voice
to tho tH'Ht advantage. You will lie i
ilellghted when you wo how cany It
Ih to Hlng nicely, mouth .Mommy. ;
rncHiiay, I liurHiiar mm riuay irom
'.Mo Up. in.
Church Notices.
Sunday evening xcrvlccM at the M 1
: Church will Ih coiiducteil by Mr
AriiiHtroug. i
Preaching HcrvlceH at tho Chrlntlau
Church Sunday inornliit,' and even
ing, livening wrvlce iM'glim at n
o'clock. You will Im) welcome. t
I'hoWCTd will hold a mot hern'
mectlmr at the C J oarHouago Krl-
day from '.'::iu to I p in. Program i
and toplcH Intorentlng to inollicrH
will be iIIhcuhhciI. PleilHe come. I.
T I. ate P Church -I p m Friday.
I will c(imi) nrcDiireil to do jou n
good work nn done 11113' wliero In tho
Htalo Having uikvii itiHiructionH un
der the Im'mI demoiiHtratorH In the
Htate, will iiIho npuud ono week In
I'ortlmul getting new mean oeioro
coming I
.1 . IKIVII.
April iKilh to the wife of deorgo
Neat ot Saginaw an eight pound
daughter. 1
75x150 fleet
High and Dry,
Fine resident property,
H IJlocks from Post Office.
Kayser & Huff
Next to Awbrey Building
Comfort in Tiwliiif
If yott want to be cotnfortnble on your
trips, you want one of our Suit cases. They K
are all solid leather, sonic satin lined, some linen
lined, brass locks and catches. In fact they arc
first class throughout. Wc know we can suit each
find every one of you.
With Our First class Suit Case
N. B. All persons holding chinawarc tickets can jjgj
redeem the same if presented before May 15, 190-t
it Lurch s Store,
At Saulnaw. Ore.. April L7. (ho (wo
year old daughter of Ceo Smith.
Hurled at Walker, ore.. April .
To liny Kenuedy'H chain Light
ning Liniment, for Itliemniit Ihiii mid
all paliiM and lutlamatlon. I'rlco
50 centH, all drugglMt, or liy mall
upon receipt of price, write v i icn
licdy, Saginaw, Oregon, for lint of
tCHtlmonlcH. Sa'tlHfactlou guaran
We have n large minply of cheap
liimhrr, Junt what you want on a
rancli, price very eiieap, munt do 10111
to make room for other Htock,
The llooth-Kclly LuiiiIkt Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
Fail to see the fine line
I of Combs, I lair Brushes,
I Toilet Articles find '
JDrugKiHt'H SuncIricHj
1 Stationery 1 1
ti, Thcfinest line in town fl
f prices can not be beaten
I Benson's
f, OOOOOOOOOOOCh3000000000000 r
l'8 AT Till? Q gMMHM
,S .. . ..... T
n Eafle Book Store
Q ('an Im) found the moat etc- Q ,
" nnnl nml m. In iliila VIM
I O '"4" " I (J '
8 An elegant Hue of Lantern 6 B
Q Made rerfumcH, S c h o b I Q I
x HookH and a full Hue of tho !
5 IiiHteHt popular IiooUh. q I
The Cottage Grove
? Ih now In running order y
Z and prepared to do all kliulH of
)K laundry work with iiroinptncHH
K mid at reaHOiiahle rnten. &,
Wc hoe to Hocure your
& pntronngo and to please you A,
with our work. Phone :U .
L Hanson & Swanson, Props.
Korent Lion Selection No. 160.
V S Land Offlce,
Itoheliurg. Ore.. Apr. VI, 1IMH.
Notice Ih hereby given to any and
all pornouH that William I' linker, hy
iTiuiK k Alley, atiorney in laci,
wIioho i)oH(olllcoaddreH4 Ih ltoxcliurg.
On'gon, Iiiih made application to se
lect under the net of .luno 4, 1S97. 110
Stat., IHI, the following doHCrlliod
land. Hltuated In TowiihIiIii No 1.
South of ItiniKP No 1 Went, of the
WIHametfo .Meridian. Oregon, lo-wit:
Lot eighteen (18) In Section hIx (0).
Within the next thirty days from
dato hereof protests or contcstH
agaliiHt (he hiiIiI selecdou on tho
ground that tho laud described, or
any part thereof, la more valuable
for ItH minerals than for agricultural
purposes or tho timber thereon, will
be received and noted for report to
die (icneral Land Olllcc.
14-5 t J. II. IIootii, Itecclvcr.
I Loggers and Miners f
I. I've got
You Want V
Good Stock. Itcasonablo Prices g;
At J. II. Davidson's
Cottage Grove
public School
Vi:i:k Apr. '22, 1!H)I iu.j-i (litis
Toll Knrollraeut 10.. VA
Now Kiirnllinent 3.. 1 '2
Pnyi AttcmUneo 1SIH.. IW7 J7
Dayi Almcnre 130.. CS 67
Avenga Pally AtlentUnra.... Ml.. 171 IM
AvangoNo.Uelonilng 3t)3.. 187 206
TlraeiTanly CO. . 14
Timet Truant 3.. 1 1
Unexrumxl 1).. 6 i
Tboao not doing good worV ..3.. 2 1
A. I. llltKlUS, ITlncIiml.
At The Ideal
$1 per Month
Will keep your SultHcIcaneil,
pressed, buttons on mid rl
Translmt work solicited.
Satisfaction guarrantcctl.
Work called for and delivered
prompty each week.
Orders taken at Welch & Woods
Mrs. W. A. Cunningham, 3
Cottace drove, Oregon. 3
iph.ho 0 oooooooga eaaitaJ
I. a SI IiikIcb (a $2.25 KT m
'. J V
' J Common Hough lutnlier and ;
' dimension 6t 7.50 :
All kinds of Kiln Dried J
. J lunibcr at proportionately ; '
J low prices. J '.
At mill, prices, until April J '
i V lHt" 1
liinir k Rlnorliam I nmlipr Pd
Agents for Currins,
McFarlands and
Mrs. C. A. Perkins, acid's
Lots Sold 011 Installment llan
All kinds of improved and unproved city and country
property at lowest prices. We act as agents for property
owners. Collect rents and remit promptly,
lteferences, First National Bank, or any one In Cottage Orove
Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy
cough, oppresMxl. rattling, rasping and
difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns,
Drupgist, Shuilsburg, Wis., writes, Mav
20, 1901: "I have been selling Bal
lard's Horehound Syrnp for two years,
and have never had a preparation that
has given better satisfaction. I notice
that when I sell a bottle they come back
for more. I can honestly recommend
it." 25c, 60c, 11.00. New Kra Drug
The Southern Tactile la now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Eugene for $4 good going Saturday
I'. M., or any train ot Sunday, re
turning Sunday and Monday, giving
nil day Sunday and Monday In Port
land. The same arrangement applies
, from Portland, giving nil Portland
I people i chance to visit valley points,
nt greatly reduced rates." Parties
desiring to take advnntngs of these,
rates can pay local fare to Eugene.
"We have used Chamberlain's Colic, 1
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," taysMrs. J. B. Cooke,
of Neihrrlunds, Texas. "We have given
it to all of onr children. We have used
othe' medicines for the Mine purpose,
but never found anvthing to equal
Chamberlain's. If you Kill use it as
directed It will always cure." For sale
by New Era Drug Store. 1
Methodist Episcopal Conference
Los Aneeles, Calif.
Account above Conference, tho
Southern Pacitlc Co. will make ro-;
duceil rates on the certificate plan
from main Hue points In Oregon
south of Portland. Passengers will
purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for
which agent will collect the highest
ono way rate, giving a special re
ceipt. On presentation of this re
ceipt, duly executed, by original pur
chaser, Southern Pacific Agent at
Los Angeles will sell return ticket at
one-third fare. Sale dates from Ore
gon points will be April lath, to 1
Mav 7th Inclusive, also May Uth, I
12th, tilth, l'.lth, Sirtl, 2Gth and :10th.
The last day on which certlllcates
will lie honored (or return at reduced 1
rate from Los Angeles will bo Juue
th, UK) I.
The "Angelus"
Gome try a pair they're it,
of course they'll tickle you,
but say, your feet will have
a fit.
As wo are Just
amount of work
starting aud the
so far does not
lustily tho paying of commissions to
agencies, we request those wishing
work done to give It direct to the .
driver or call phone "&.
Tub Cott.mii: (Juovi: Lai'niihv Co.
Heforo Iwivoh, thin mitfiroHt
that you hIiouM hnve your
camera nml 1U belonging"
. minlu ful uiuiiirtiK1 tin
. hi.. 1 1. 1.....- ...Ill D 1 I
If you Imvo'nt 11 camera or
Inivlng one, need belongings,
Call ou
Wc have sold much Real Estfite and wc
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
Cottage Grove Mercantile Co.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
Ml Line of Groceries
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishings,
Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
We most cordially invite the Ladies of Cottage Crove and vicinity to in
spect our line of Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.
8 HI iWllaW I IIMllllwS