Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 22, 1904, Image 6

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boiikmia Nuaairr publishing
Win. D. Root, Editor and Minater.
Kntared t Iht postofflca at CotUt (IrOTt,
Otsjon i ttrond cUw mall natlr.
luhsarlpllon price, !. SO, Inmltuncii
AilTarll.Ing Uti mm known upon
T11I8 PArER li kfl on Hie t K. C. nrast'f
Ailrertlnlni Acenrr, Mandsft Marehants Kx
ckinct.An Fran!, California. hreeon.
traetsfor ailrertlslnf ran I made for II.
Friday, Aran, sa, 1904.
Commercial Club.
The firent need of a Commercial
Club in this city where the busi
ness men could meet for recreation
nnd the discussion of matters of
interest and importance to thecity's
welfare has been recognized for
some time.
With a view of bringing about
the desired result, a number of the
business men were invited to meet
on Tuesday night at Garman and
Hemeuway's store and canvass the
A number responded to the call
and all agreed that a club should at
once be organized.
It was thought best however, as
the Oregon Co-Operative Associ
ation was already organized and in
working order, to request its ex
ecutive committee to take the mat
ter up and present at the meeting
already called for next Tuesday
night, plans lor the organization of
a club. All members of the asso
ciation should be present at that
School Grounds.
Those in charge of the school
house grounds are desirous of hav
ing a fine flower garden and are at
considerable pains to accomplish
this results Rrrenliy I ltrc
in the absence of the keeper en
tered the grounds, picked the
flowers and in some instances de
stroyed the plants. It is hoped a
word of warning will be sufficient
as iurther depredations will not be
Opera House Needed.
At a recent gathering of a num
ber of business men of the city the
question of the need of an opera
house was incidentally mentioned.
The suggestion that it could be
erected through the organization oi
a stock company met with the ap
proval of all present; A number
volunteered to subscribe liberally
ior stock. It is believed that out
side of the convenience and satis
faction ot having a house of this
kind in the city it would, if properly
located and constructed, prove to
be a profitable investment.
It is probable the lumbermen
would be willing to furnish the
lumber for stock while a consider
able proportion of the labor could
be paid for by stock subscription.
Who will make the next move.'
Danger From Fire.
The fire in Eugene Monday
morning which caused considerable
damage and under more unfavor
able conditions might have proven
much more disastrous, should serve
ns a warning to the people of Cot
tage Grove.
There is great danger from im
properly constructed chimneys and
poorly connected stove pipes. The
Nugget suggests the authorities
cause an examination to be made
by some competent person, of every
stove and chimney at least in the
business portion of the city. The
old saying an "Ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure" may
prove true in this matter. The
Eugene Guard says:
It ts apparent to every one that
had the weather conditions been
different the biggest fire iu the his
tory of the city would have resulted
and nearly every building in the
business district might have been
wiped out, entailing a terriffic loss.
Had the weather been dry and had
there been any wind at all, the
whole row of frame buildings on
West Eighth street, together with
numerous barns and residences,
would have been destroyed and the
flames would have crossed the street
to Bangs big livery barn. In that
case (he lire would have easily
spread to the business houses and
it would have been impossible to
check it. I
For Congress 1st. Dlst.
I. H.ltlnBlinm.CottngcGrovc C
I. N. Kdwnrds, Junction
O. W. Orlnin.lKugono
County Jadte
a. 11. Chrlsmnn, Euceno
County Clerk
K. U. Ixo, Kugcne
J. S. Stiles, Eugene
It. M. Price, Ilnlo
11. P. Kccny, Goshen '
Itobt. V.. Knstlmul, Eugene
School Superintendent
W. B. Dlllnrd, Eugene
C. M. Collier, Eugene
Dr. P. M. Day, Eugene
000000000 0 0 a 000000000
The Primary Law Vindicates
The nrimnrv law has acain more
than vindicated itself and proved its
popularity, it is not wituout ae
fects, but the defects are rather in
ilip nature of omissions than of un
fortunate arrangements. Its popu
larity is stiown in tue neavy per
centage of voles polled and its
value is shown in me judiciousness
with which the voters exercised
their choice There are probably
few who would not like to make
some substitutions in the tickets,
but on neither ticket, except in one
two cases where was no contest,
have the voters selected any dis
tinctly vicious candidates. The
Mv tickets are n.irticularlv
satisfactory, and in the various
aldermanic contests the fittest men,
all things considered, seem to have
won. St Paul, Minn., Pioneer
The Hold and Murker sawmill linn
again changed hands this time ow
ing to financial troubles.
Henry McCoy and wife of Slusluw
were visiting friends and relatives
here last week.
Miss Uleeda Brlggs went to Eu
gene last week.
13 H Lee Informs us that Jacob
Gelwltz has been gate keeper nnd
Ikt nir cini lion J W
Mr. Dowe, of Oregon City, Is vlslt
hls old friend A O Miller of this place.
Mr Dowe mny locnte here.
W W Tucker hat moved his family
over from bis Sluslaw ranch.
Walter Brlggs was up here Sunday
from Southern Oregon.
Successful Meeting.
Lorane, April 19th.
Editor Nuqoet:
When Capt. lirnnson nnd wife
finished their labors at the M E
church In Cottage Grove, they were
invited to come to Lorane and hold
n series of meetings. They accepted
the Invitation and the meetings have
been wonderfully blessed. Thirty
five new conversions were witnessed
and eleven backsliders reclaimed.
Twenty-five of the new converts
joined the M E church at this place,
and more arc expected to unite with
it soon, while It Is probable somo
will Join other churches. The Cap
tain and bis estimable wife returned
to Cottage Grove on Monday morn
ing. Haudv Crow.
The champion season for 1901 of the
Oregon State league will oimjii ut
Eugcno April 2S nnd continue for
four days. Vancouver and Eugene
are the Initial teams. The second of
the series will begin May 5th and
continue four days. Roschurg will be
tho visitors. Admission 2.1 cunts
Ladles freo Saturdays.
w. 0. w.
Bohemia Camp No 2fi0, W O W,
will devote the evening of April 30th
to social entertainment. The Ladles
of tho Circle will bo present. All
Woodmen aro Invited.
Notice Is hereby Klven that the undersigned,
administrator ot theettateof A. M. White, de
ceased, and of the partnership eitate of A. M.
White & Co. naa tiled In the County Court of
the State ot Oregon (or Lane Co. till final ae
count asadmlnistrator ot said eitate and aald
ltartnerihlp, and that Monday tbe '2nd day of
May, ltftl, at tbe hour of 3 o'clock p. m. hai
been fixed by said Court ai the time lor hearing-objections
to cald report, and the settle
ment thereof.
J. K. Youne. Administrator of the estate of
A. M. White, deceased and of tbe partneriblp
estate of A. M. White 4 Co.
Eugene Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and
General Mill Work.
Turning and Stair building a speci
alty. All orders will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
Address: 111 Lawrence St,
Absolutely Pur
TI10 Chiittiinoogii Medicine Company,
with laborMtoruvfeaiul general ouieonit
Clint tnuoogii, Tennessee, niul brunch
houses nt M Uuiis, Mo., ntul Sun Fran
cisco, On I . . has Iwotm oih ot tin1 largest
proprietary mediant concerns in tin
world. In thcgiouth o( this great busi
nis9 two factors liat been dominant:
The merit of its products Wiuo of
Citrdui nnd Thedfard's Ithu-k-Praught
lulu been widely recognised mid the
original advertising methods adopted
have excited great comment. TI10
publicity for those medicines does not
consist 'of tlie catch phrase and et
travugaut statement, too often employed
in advertising today, hut instead the
plain story of experience witli the medi
cines given iu the plain language of the
pe pit themselves. The following let
ter is 11 fair sample of the thousands of
Wino of Cardui testimonials published
during the past twenty enr.
United States Ltml Office,
Koseburg, Oretwn, Feb. 19, 1TOI.
Notice 19 hereby given thnt in com
pliance with the provision? of the net of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "All
act for the sale of timber lands in the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territorv," as extended
to all the l'ublie Land States bv act of
August 4, lf'.r.',
of Cottage Grove. Co. of lane, State ot
Ore., has this day tiled in this otlice her
sworn statement NooOSo for the purchase
of tho SE of Section No 20
tp2l South, ol Hange A W. and will oiler
proot to snow mat ine lanu sougui is
more valuable for its timtfr or .stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before
C. E. llasard, I'. S. Commissioner
at his otlice at Drain. Oregon, on
Wednesday the 18th day of May, HHH.
She names as witnesses.
Herbert O. Thompson, of Cottage
tirove, Ore. , h iiliam biieeur, oi nar
risou, Idaho, James N. Jones, James
Whitford. of Cottage Grore, Oregon.
Anv and all iien-oiis claiming aderso-
lytli'e aboe-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in thi. otlice
on oi before said 18th day of May, 1901.
J. T. Ukiixies. Register.
M Austin of Winchester. Ind
knew u hat to do ill the hour of need.
His wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not heln her. Iln thniilil of and
tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only '.'5o at Morgan & llrelmut a Drug
Notice Is hrrebr given that the nntlerslirDed
administrator of the estate ol Dana B. Colton
deceased, haa filed la the Count; Court
ol th sute ol Oregon (or Lane Conntr his noal
acConnt as administrator ot said e.tate and
that Saturday the 7th day ol Mar v.ut at (he
hour ol 3 o'clock p. m.. of said day has been
Used bjr said court for hearing objections to
said account and the settlement thereof.
Administrator ol the estate of Dana 11. Colton
Mrs. C. Vetersrn, C25 Lake St.,To
peka, Kanfas, nays: "Of all cough
remedies Ballard's Horehound Syrup ia
my favorite; it lias done and will do all
that ts claimed for it to speedily cure
all couiths and colde and it is so sweet
and pleasant to tho taste." 25c, 60c,
tl.OObottle. New Era Drug Store.
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets cured me. Mrs.T. V. Williams,
Lningsburt;, Miu'i. There tablets are
guaranteed to cure every case of stom
ach trouble of this character. For sale
New Era Drug Store.
"I have used CI amberlaln's Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Hous
ton, Texas. For indigestion, bilious
ness and constipation these tabIetBvnro
most excellent. Sold by New Era Drug
Cream Vermifuge
tms aiHumi Mtraato only mi
Bollard-Snow Liniment Co.
ilblkAj . BO YEAHS'
CopyniQHTS &c.
Anron lendlnff a iketch and dMctiptlon may
qaleklr ucertaln our opinion free whether ma
Invention It probtblr patent aM Com mimic.
tloni trtctlroonddentfal. HArlDBQOK on l'tenu
ent freeu Oldeit aaencf (or securing patent.
1'atenu taken throusb Uuon A Co. reoelra
special notice, without charge, la tho
Scientific Jiiiicilcnii.
A bandaomelf lllaitrated weeklr TarBeit elr.
culatlon of any clentldo Journal, Terrai, 13 a
yeart four months, L bold byall newidealera,
MUNl&Co.38""J"' New York
Branch Offloo. 836 F St. Washington. U. C.
Lodge IMrcctory.
A. F. and A. M.
Cottage Grove No. 51. Meets
1st and 3td Saturday.
Oliver Veatch, W. M.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage Giovc No. 68. Meets
every Saturday night.
Geo. Comer, If. Secty.
W. O. W.
Hohcmia Camp No. s6o. Meets
every Saturday night.
C. II. Van lk-nburg, Clerk.
M.'W. of A.
Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424.
Meets first and second Tuesday
C. W. Wallace, Clerk.
F. of A.
Court Hohcmia Mo. 33. Meets
every Friday night.
S. E. Lauder, Secty.
Women of Woodcraft, i
St. Valentine Circle. Meets'
ist mid 3rd Tuesdays. ;
Mrs. C.J. Miller, Clerk, j
Royal Neighbors.
Kttima Colburn Cnnip.
Meets and nnd 4th Wednesday.
Kthel Hisby, Clerk.
K of P
Juventus Lodge No. 4S. Meets
every Wednesday night.
Dr. George Wall K. of R. S
G. A. R.
Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets
nd and 4th Satnrdny.
H. C. Dtttton, Adjutant.
K. O.T. M.
Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets
Thursday nights.
Prof. A. I.. Ilriggs. Secty.
L L Hive No 48
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Minnie Underwood R. K.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays.
S. E. Lauder, Secty.
Order Eastern Star
Cottage Grove Chapel No 4
Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays
Celia Lurch, Secty.
Clean Spring Vetch mixed
with about etpml quanlty of
good white Hprlng oats, 11
splendid mixture
or for threnliliiL'. Seed can 1m)
had nt farm mile south of
CreHwell or will deliver on
board cant. I'rlco cheap If
ordered now
Write for prim and sample slating
quanltjr wanted, address
C. F. MOORE, liugene, Oregon.
The influence of climatic conditions
i in the cure of eonnumntion if) very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and tho
rich patient, too, can do much hettcr at
home uv nroner attention to ioou uiKeti-
tion, and a regular use of German
Syrup. Kite expectoration In tho
morning l made certain by German
Syrup, eo is a good night's rest and the
absence of that weakening cough and
debilitating night sweats. Kestless
nights and the exhaustion duo to
coughing, the greatest danger and dread
of thecousumptive, can be prevented or
stopped uy tuning uormun oyrup nucr
ally and regularly. Should you bo able
to go to a warmer cume, you win mm
that of the thousands of consumptive!!
there, the few who aro benefitted and
regain strength aro those who iiso Ger
man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c i regular
size, 76c. Atoll druggists. Garman A
Hcmenwav Co.
Special rcprcHontutlvo In UiIh county
nnd udJolnltiK territories, to repro
Bent and advertise an old establlHlied
wealthy bUHlncsH holme of Bolld
llnaticlalstatidlntf Salary $21 weekly,
with oxpenxeH paid each Alondny by
check direct from'lieadqtiarterH. Kx
iieiiBOH advanced and homo and
buKsy furnished when necessary;
poHltiou jiermaiient. AddreKH, Tno
Coluinliia, KiO .Monon Did,, Chicago,
That every one who tries Kennedy
Chain Lightning for rhouinntlHin,
neuralgia, diarrhoea nnd all other
pnltiH or inflainiiiatlou will uho no
other liniment, for the rennon It given
Instant relief, nnd n Hneedv cure fol
lows. Ask your (IriiKglst for Ken
nedy's Chain Lightning. Tako no
uuicr. rruu J . u, swiiiicuj, oiiki-
naw, Oregon, for list testimonials. ,
! or suio ny an tiruggisiB, ,
Closing Out at Cost
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing,
Furnishing and Crockery.
All Suits below Hasteni cost. iMiniishinns for very little. IJm-li tiny
sees more men mntle happy here, not alone because they fire buying
cheaper: Awav below market value. Hut because here they buy perfectly
dependable tfoo'ds us well. Black's perfectly fitting clothing Kor instance:
There is no better clothing made at any price and most men know it ton.
Its clothing that has the hang of the product with work
manship unexcelled in this closing out sale.
At Paciiic. Timber Conipanys Store
ruder Odd Fellows Hull
! gentrai Rotei
10 located two mucin ucmi -
mi, I ,11m hliu'L. north id
S theS. 1'. Depot
ICnrae Rooms ;
0 Well ventilated well for g
nlKhed and DrHt claim ill m
m every particular
j Rates $1. per (layj
Hoard hv the ueek $1 M
without lied ?:).r0 cr B
week. IteineinlHT tin
place. The 1khI tnlilon
J and the lt IkmIh. the
bent accoiiiuiodiitii'iiH In
every particular. J
1 Central fiotel I
Mrs. Ida li. Thompson. a
Tako home Male (jro
ccrlcH, ancient cbk".
nnd an Iron-clad reno
ItltloiiH to never trnde
With your rtKU I n r
jrxocor iiKnln! If yon
did come anil nee u.
Such Koodit never k
through our doom,
either way. lAit iih
nerve you.
2 i,letci.Ilf& jj
United States Iaml ofllce,
Hoscburg, Ore., Feb. 27, 1B(M.
Notice Is hciebv given that incom
pliance with the provisions of tho act of
Congress of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber I.nndH in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as extended
to all the Public Land Btutos by act of
August 4, 1802.
of Starr, Co. of Lane, State of Oregon
has this day tiled In thisofricu Ids sworn
statement No. CU01, for tho purchase of
tho 1Mb 12, 13, 14 & in of Seo No. 20,
Township 21 South, of Itange 1 West
and will Oder proof to show that the
lund sought Is mora valuable for its
timber or ttcna than for agricultural
purposor, and to establish his claim to
said land bcfoie J J Walton, U. H. Coin
missioneratKugene, Ore., on Saturday.
tho 7th day of May, 1004.
Ho names as witnesses :
Win. II. Millhollen, of Portland. Ore.,
J. W. Houck, J. II. Stewart, Thomas
Malicr, of Cottage Grove, I,ane Co ,
Any and all poisons claiming ad
versely the oltovo-described lunds are
requested to file their claims In this
olTico on or before said 7th day of May.
J.T. IIridoes, itrgiater.
At The Ideal
$1 per Month
Will keep your Suits cleaned,
pressed, buttons on mid rips
Trnnsliut work solicited.
Satisfaction gtiarrantccd.
Work culled for and dollveretl
prompty each week.
g Orders taken at Welch & Woods
M .... It A runnlntthnn,
1 mio. ... . ' vm IJ,HM.,
C Cottugo Grove, Oregon. 5 j
The StaniD
tot 1
Selz Schwab Fine Shoes
or Tin;
A. A. Cutter
And Cxthn-Xicklesburg Heavy Shoes.
Stock is Complete in
The Loudon General .MerchaudlHii
Store wish to announce to the buying
public that 1 1 uy now have, a very
complete stock of General Merchandise
which they Intend sedlng nt least 20
percent lielow all coinietltlon.
Wo purchuHu our goods In largo
quantities through Kastern Drummers,
pay cash for all we liny, have no high
rents, no Insurance rates to pay, and
consequently can sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
At $7.50
High (Initio Goods and other lines
of Heady Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-date
stylo at prices that will surprise
N. D. Wells Shoes
Our lino of M. 1). Wells Shoes aro
tho best wearer on the market and at
prlcos that cannot bo equalled.
Try our Uoast Coffees, tho best
flavor and will pleasoyou.
London, Oregon.
3 JlKH iy,!
Oi BI 1PB1 U
of Onalitv
Tlicc lire the ninglc
words tlint nppriil to the
Shoe buyer. Thut't what
yon want nnd what yon
get when
you Bur
the above lines.
to $9.
of any tool Is always a dsslrablo
ono, but of equal Importuned Is the
power of retaining this quality bo iih
not to rcqutru too frequent sharpen
ing, lly making your purchases of
tho Griflln & Veatch Co. you alwiiyH.
receive your money's worth In tho
best quality of look and cutlery ol
properly tempored steel that Is sun
to hold an edgo.
1 g
Veatch Co.