Second Cousin arah fM nr r avtiiok or fa Anne jVDue. arinnrr.H." "time katk mnnr." ('IIAI'TI)lt XXII. II U Hum Unit lie follow the fiiiiiii"n of Hci'intd fniiahi Hiinih, ulmtn wo l..ft Willi Iut sltnhhy sister in Inw In the KID I "f HmIku lllll. Taken .iff her KUilhl by Mra. 't'hoiiinn I vm x 1 1 ,-l I'n amhlcii "ll"n riiuiv, disturbed liy I ) events nf I he IiIkIiI, iiihI ever conscious of the .Inn Iter which tin. presence of din tun In tlililcra In Iut mini' Ixmi foreshi,!oive., nil folloVll'll lllll MIIHWIII III KIHIi faith I" dlslniire nlimit lint garden pnlh mill lii tln illrrclliiii ir din illicit riiml. "Wo nlll kii nil further," aim milil; (II iiip iilint I linvo In frnr from jnur hu. mud mill Peterson, nint I will wunnl Jim liniiilaiiuifly." "Listen then nil well na )oii mil. I nlli'l n KnlliK to apcnk loud fur lt)body." "I mil listening.," Hnrnli Ensihcll Inclined hrr bend re closely In the nniiinu, who li.'tnn whin. I'i'Hiik iiImiiii hrr hiishnmt In n niinl.lliu in. Mlim HUH Wns lllllllMIII In fllllllW, nit in iiiiii nent aii.l.lctilr Imrk lliri'i- slepa, In tii ixi a aurpriac, nmi stowi gniliiit nt her, or nl "iiini't lilnn nrnr her. "Whnt la H J" exclaimed Hnrnli; "ttlittt There win mi opportunity to any mnro, to scream, or to alriiKiile. Two alrimif nulla clnai'il riiiiinl Iut. and n rlolli, wet and alrkly wild driiita, wna pressed In Imt niuiitli mill nostrils by n merciless linn. I, Hint scenied to auntch her nt uittn frntn active lift, to olillrlott When all., rmne hnck to cnnaclonaiie It una In n I If,. ainrt from Hf lllll. mill those wlm Invnl Iiit there. Hho wna lying oil n liil, Willi Hophy Enathcll tin;.. IliK by the aliln of n scantily life. Titer wna n nnrroxv nlnilon In I In' able of Hi.' room, with some IsinriN mill ed serosa ll lo keep III.' Mailt of on,, apl'It IitIiik cindlii from hctrajiuir llaelf In tin. night. Suddenly Hophy wok up, mnl gave n licrroiia Jump In lirr chair nt uiiilliiir Imt alaterlnlnw crouched upon the bed, wllli her ureal ilitrk cyca itlariuic nt her. "Where linn. )ou hriiiiKlit tnc 7 Why mil I In Hila iln-nilfiil plneo?" Harnh nak nl III all eager voire. "You've come riiiiinl. have you?" aal.l Hophy. "Well. I mil uls.l nf Hint. West If I illilu't think tlny'il overdone it with their klnry-whnt'a-lta name, nmi aent jo" bane off afore thry mi'niit It." Hnrnli Kntlhcll wna alllluit nl tlu edge of the hiil ninr, regarding hrr Jailer with rngrr nlli'iilluii. Slip wna aeurrrly Imrk from ilri'mnlnml yi-t. "Wliy hnvn I horn liroiiifht Inro)" ahf flakitl Iran pnth'iilly. "You'll know In koihI llinr, rkI. IliiTo'a no Vnalon fur n hurry, or n Hurry. Tnkn it cool, You'ri anfn t-uuf." Hnrnli llnalla'll wna alniulliiK nt Hip door of llu room when hr hail ri'rovrrol licrarlf. It wna locknl, ti ahe hml aim icctnl. It a Ik tia your thlnkliiK nf cntliii: out. Hfllly." anl.l Tom'a wife; 'Moii't ImlM oil Hint, or linrm will lmppvii In joii. Tlint'a crrtnlu." "Do you think I nm-thi wrnk i-lrl w'linm you ri'inrmliiT InatV anlil Hnr.ili. wnlklin; f rum thu ilnnr In Hip wmunn'a alilo, mul rliitrhliiK Iiit tlulitly liy tlii wulat, "or I lint I mn to Im fiighti'iinl liy tlila trlrk of youra, mnl of tho wri li'ln-a who hnrp naalatiil you? Do you know III what imtII you Imrp put youraclf" "Oh, )ra, wi nil know; It'a nil liccn tliouclit on," no il thu winnan Irnnirnllr. "Wfl'ro of tho ilon't cnr." aort, nmi hiiro rhnurril It. Von cnu't any It wnan't w.' ilolip, Hillly." "(Ilrp in tln kry of tlio Unor, or vou will fin.l hip thu alrmiKcr woiiinn nf thr two" rrlnl Knrnh. "Don't ketch hoM of my wrlat like Hint, crlnl her alaicr-iii'lnw, "or toil II Im anrry If I co nwoy, or if nuy one ilnwuatnlra coinra up Inalcml or hip, in' cnua.i you nrc too w lolent for my citni- pnuy. You enn't Iwlinvn likv n Inily, for nil your line nnali allk. I hnro only tu ahrcfk out, nm Hirrc arc thrcu men lie Jow who tlon t ntnml nonacuac alcli jouni." Hurah nnalholl rclcnacil hrr liohl. Yea. ahc wna in ilnliucr, nmi muat he mil t toilet. They who brought hrr lo drii hml rlaknl n Krent dcnl In rntritpiiltnt Iter, nmi wnulil rlak more rnthrr Hum nllow Iiit to camp.. Klto mitat ho pru lent mnl on hrr nunnl, not uYliiint mul npureaalvc, "I nln't cot Itn key, If you muat know, nhl Hophy, na alio rctiirnrd to Iiit rhnlr nmi ant ilnwn; "thia la my room, mil we're liiith liH'knl In totirther. I'm In tnko chnri!i of you, Hint a nil, my snl, mnl think youracir lucky II n me." "Whnt plncc la HV" Hnrnli naked nKitlii "A pine., of tila'ucaa," wnn the rulifiimt 1c miawiT. "(oIiiitb the old KmiK from I'otlcr'n Court llui rclcraoiiB," crlrd Hnrnli Mra. Hiiallicll did not nuiwcr. Hlio wnrmcd hrr thin Iwiiida nt (he lire, mid n roiireulcnt c.uieli prcrcutcil nil pnaallill liy of reply. Hho wna n prudent wommi nnd not likely tu commit heravlf mid her frleiula liy reipomllnir to Icmllnt; ijuea tlnnn of I lila clinrnclcr. The aplrltliiu nwny of n younjr Indy from homo without her conaent, nnd with out Icuvlnif n cluo wlicrew llh to trace her, la no light fent In the nineteenth cen tury, ami Mm. Thomna Mnatliell hml ahown n niiturnl pride in tho lientueaa of the nehlcTemi'iit. True, tho houao wna five or alx lullca from n quiet city, nnd win ilrnolnto enough nt nil times, Hm hour wna Inte, thu clrcumatnnren were opportune, nnd how to prolit by the lichci of old Mra, Knatliell nnd her grnnddmuh ter hnd been the ntudy of alx months, but allll .Mra. Tliomnn IZnathcll hnd aoine tiling to tnko credit for. It wna a bold troko carried out by deapernte men, nmi it bad nuccecdcd whero a more timid lino of policy would hnro nanurrdly fail ed. It wnn tho boldeat bit of bualncan Hint tho I'eteraon gniig had over been ungiu rd In, mid the I'etcriiuiia hnd been en lingeil, under vnrlmm nllnaea, In lunumer nlilii iilindy triiuanctloiia. They hnd comu to "frcali llelila mul pnaturen new" by ndnptliiK tlio fair county of WorceatiT iih n apliero for their operation; they had rented n lumblo-dnwii old edillcu In u wild part of Hie country, nnd put on iho door tlio iinmo of JnrliHon, button iuiiIht; they liiid even mndo a fow nciuaiutmicoa In .1 in t mi t rilliiRca, mid bore n reaiu'ctu hlii iimnn nmniiK hniicHt, iinauaplcloua folk who bi'lleved III tlieiu mul their butluin. No one vlalled them certainly It wnn nil niit-oMlie-wny placo, to which inihoily wna Invited, nnd where only button mnk Inn wna the urder nf the dny. .No one confounded tho iiiimo of Jack mil wllh l'i'leraoit and it wna poaallily good policy In tho C'liptnlii ndnptlng lila own mime when be went with TIiouhim Haathcll tn Hedgo Hill. It kept mntt'Ta rlear nnd illnllnct, thiiugli he had not luir cnlued for Knrah KiialheH'H good mem ory, or Imagined that ho waa known to her by night. It wna ho who unlocked Iho door of Hnrnh'a extempore cell nt seven in the morning, anil atom! before her, the uvuw ed n gent of her captivity. "I hnvo como to apologise for my frleiula' rough treatment of lust night," Uo aald, r.'fllnlng luiiguldly aalnut Ihu wall, and crotalng hla gloved lunula, nun Willi n very glnaay lint III II, "mid In ex piraa n hope Hint you hnvii Buffered no i rii'ini Ti n l.-iiir frnm our teiupornry Willi iirnwiii rriiin it Iiimiio wlilrh you nre n i iialiimi'd lo ndorn. I. for one." hi. ml. id wllh n low bow, "ahoilld regret very iniii'ii in near one word of riiuiiilniiil. "I'hla la your work Ihen," auld Hnrn bitterly; "II la na I aiiaperti-il. Tell me whnt my brother wniilaV" "I would any n fnlr reilreaa fur Hi Injury which you hnve dune him. Yon Kimidiiiolher la rli h, nnd will leiive )o mi hit money. Alnl your only brnllir n lilNM of many iidiiilrnblo iiunllllea will Iw left tu ,lrng on hla life In hull genre, iind In illo In utter nlijerliira o aplrll, without you naalat him na fiilrly nun uiieriilly na n mini alaler ahould d Ihouiiia, who la In dimeiilllea, wmita II f tun Ihouamiil iioiinda!" Hnrnli druw n audileii nnd deep brenll but did not reply. The thin fnce of Ih Moinnii atnoiilng over the llro I n round nt he, horrible In Ita cagiTiieaa mm greed. "(''Ifleeii Ihouamiil pouuda only fnn Hint Immi'Hae rorlune Hhleli muat run lo you when old Mra. Knatbell .Ilea, ll Imple hrlug Hint tho tutu iiiuat l. pnld nt once, na your brother I lery poor, mul there la n bnlnuce of tlx Iran thoiianud three hiinilreil mul twenty eight piiuiiiia loilgrd nt your luinker a, li your Hume, for Hie couvenleuen of u cu rent nrcoiint." "How do you know whnt money lodged In my inline nt the bank?" "Thomna tella me Hint la nil. II nt me here wllh your check book h found Hint In your ilcak, ton, he tella me. loll hnve only to drnw n drnft for Ih ninount, nnd you nre free, Mlaa Kaaibrll. I promlanl a friend or youra that ym ahoilld be nt Hedge lllll thla evening. Mlaa llollmul will tell you ererytliltii; In. night, he anld na he. drew the checl hook from hla pocket nnd pitched it cute leraly upon the deal table Hint waa there. "I hnve left everylhlng for Hint yniuu In explain. It la n atory nimrt from .Miitra, mid nulla not my atjle nf itarru live. "Thla mnner la held In trnai for mi other, ahe aald; "It belnnga iicllher t me nor lo my grnndinother. ' If to Mr. lulu l b, we I ahould any ynur brother I liomna object to the title,1 11 hlin! crl-d Hnrnh with n auJiteii oiltburat of nnger. Am I to underalmid then " Hint 1 will not lgu one of thoan check. ea, undiTatmid Hint for 3 oil. friend. You may kill me." ahe rrled "but you ahnll not touch n penny of lieu lien I ulivlek a money." CI!AlTi:it XXIII. Cnptnln I'eteraon, mrrchnnt aervlce. re- celvril the ulllmntuui of Mlaa Knrnh l.att bell with Ida cuatomnry aang froid. lie wna n man whom it took n great deal to dlatiirb, or who cnncenled hla miunyunce ny nn rlivmine cltililauce nl liuperturlui blllty. "After Hint, I need not treapnaa furlliiT on your time," he anld. "I will commiiiil cnte wllli Thninna nt once." lie unlocked the door nnd went tn the lauding plncu beyond, cloaing nnd locking the door behind hliu. Finally he went low it Hie rickety tnlra, which crumbling to piece wllh the houae. hnlt e.l nt the bolt. nil of the next tllghl, mid llatetied nt the right hand door, na though (hero were nnothiT prlaouer clone nt hand. The door wn not locked, mul he nprtied it aoftly, l.nil put hla hend Into thu room beyond, withdrawing It In l letice, na If cnnteiilnl with what had met hia kmc; nnd proceeding' down nnother flight of atnira, to n room on tho ground llonr, whore three tail men, In ahlrt aleevea, wero cowering before a fire. If theae men were l'etereona, Cnptnln IM wnrd hnd taken the good look a of the fntuily to hlmaelf. "You've done your parta well, boj," he anld In n quick, aharp voice, "but there may l more to do. "How'a that?" Inquired acoundrel itutn lier one; "wo'vo done enough now to get ourcelvri laggeil for ten yenr. ' "ll' not enay," anld I'eteraon, "but It muat be gone on wllli nt any rlak. Fa I hi re menna Worccnter jail, aucctaa ineana ten thouaattd pound between tu all." He hnd mentioned fifteen thousand pnutida upstnlra, but he mid Thomna llaatbell were keeping an extrn fire thou amid to themaelrca. IMwnrd I'eteraon did not tell hia brothers everything whon money wna In queation. "Whnt more la to be done?" naked the flrat acoundrel, who wna the worat-tein-peied nnd moat diaputntiotia member of Hie gang. "You will know when It'a neccasary," wnn the abort miaircr; "at preient the young Indy is refractory." " ill tlio irl alcu the check beforo the dny la out? that's thu queation," naked number one, "for wo can't go on like thla." I bare anld that It'a her money or her lire, nmi I mean it! sue will be hack to night nt Hedge Hill, or alio will never re turn again. Mark Hint. Do you think nuy woman would prefer to bo found In thu Severn, to paying nwny money that alio can nllonl to part with 7" "We don t want to henr anything about the Herem," anld tho llrat hcoundrel; "you know whnt'a anfo better than we do, hut wo II have no iiaml In It, Dennis nnd I nnd Mike hnro talked It orer, nnd won't go further than we've dono already tliero: "You fuolM, hnve I naked you?" shout ed I'eteraon, aprlngliiK to Ida 'eel; you vo done the work I've act you to do, and I will pay you for It nnd bu rid of you. Tlio money's safe, and I'll keep my word na I nhrnya do, nnd always w III, I don't want your help you are In he wny, nnd muat go." "Mnl" echoed tho men. "Thia house, will bo utianfo after to night, nnd wo muat vanish beforo it's Kpotted. I will bo In London to-morrow evening, at tho old place, with your money. " Olio liy one these men drifted nivuy 1 1 om home, without n thought of Hnrali Knathcll a safely, mul with an liiuuciiso niunuut of consideration for their own. It wns not murder Hint troubled their mind an acutely its complicity with It, rio tcctlon, nnd sentence. If Ned would tnko nil Hie risk, ho might murder half Worcester for what they cared; but It wna out of their line, nnd they would pre fer to return to I'.ondon na quickly na possible, nnd wnlt for tho money that ?tid been promised litem, or tho bad news they half expected Instead. It wns two reloek in tho afternoon before tho last of Iho three men passed out of the house, mid went nwny down tho narrow lone which led from tho high rond. Cnptnln Peterson stood nt tho front door. He waa in excellent spirits, nnd he waved Ids hand to tho dlsputntloua Harney, who was tho last to leave, by way of friendly salutation at parting. "They're Kone," ho muttered, "nnd they're better gone, whlcliover wny thla iifToIr la likely to turn out." Ho lingered nt the door meditating cu the great scltemo of hla life. Tho sky vrm, ot errant, ntnl ho looked up nt It and prophealed to hlmaelf Hint It would rnln before the morning, tin wnlked round lo the oppoalle aide of die bona., mid fil'cd moodily nt Iho wnler (lowing twenty pnren from him, nnd nt n hunt lying mi Iho long grnaa above the river bunk. One glani.i nt Hie darken.. I window In Hie lop moat alory where hla fortune Iny, Im thought, mid then he returned to Iho hoiiaii ini'dllnllng on Ih illtllrulllea In i Ida way. mnl of Ida genius In surmount lliem. i went Into Hie bullae, mid up stnlra lo the llrat Ilnnr roiini, wherein wo hnve aern hltti gim. wllh Inlereat nt on enrly 'hour of the morning. "Ilea," he anld lit n sharp vnjee, mnl nt the BiimmoiiB n attinll Ihhi-fnced child, In n lint and clonk, appeared nt the door. ion littvo ronio bnrk then, father. "Yea." IMward I'elerson went downstairs, fol lowed by the little girl. At I ho front door he said ion were wise lo Keen in your room -. .... . . . . . - i lo-dny, little woman, for they hnve been ems, nun:r & !rr .l..llou-,t. know II, where the red m.,1 green light slilni' out tike big eyes alter dark. You have run nbout here n good drnl, mid know your wny well, and you nn find the station. Now, Hike enre of Hull tiionry." lie placed aoine money In her linlida, mnl she wrapped It up in n corner of n dlily while handkerchief, mid tucked It down Iho bosom of her dress, wrapping her rlonk round her nflerwnrd Willi nil the rnrefulnra mul ronnilriicu of n womnn. "At Hie railway station ask for n thbd clna ticket for WorceatiT. When tho train comes up to the platform, get In. U'l,..., ll,., ..,,11 . At WorceatiT n Indy. very pretty, nnd wllh hand full of toya, wilt be waiting fur you nt the poatolllce. Aak the wny lo the poaloirice like n woiiinn na you are, mid when you ae thu Indy under the rlork, any, "I'n keeps Ida word I'm Ilea le." " "All right," tfr.l the child ngnln. with n rare amount oi conndeticc in her own comprehension of thu detnll, which. however, he naked her lo repent, listen ing attentively lo the recital. Hho iiii'ded uo aerottil bidding to lie ff It hnd not been ao happy n home Hint he ahould grleie for it or lilm, mul 'hero hnd Is'eu n promlae nf n glorious elimico for her, nnd a bright rblld-worl.l. r'bo inn off quickly townrd the narrow lane, already full of shadow that murky ifter noon. (To be continued.) LAWYERS AT CHEAP RATE8, 1 lilrtynlne Ceitta Im the Coot of Muka IllU One In the (11.1 Dominion. A local Intuitu' 111:111 w ho wiin once Iho rrpreiioiitntlvo of one of tlio blc iiTi niiiiii. HKi'iieicH u na 11 siory or how be becnini' n member of Hie Imr III the Statu of Virginia 11 number of yenra 111:0. Ho linil irriislun to l'o tn 0110 of tlii- Inland counties of tlio Htnto to iniiki. nil of the county rccorda In order to naccrtnlu the af.iiil- IliK III the county of n number of conn- try inerclituita. fpon rcichlni; tho nil I rond station he found It ncersmiry to drive distance of ten utile or more over n mail which wn 11 mere nuology for n hlgliwny. ItcnchliiK Hie county sent, lie went to the clerk'a olllce In tlio courthouse nnd iirocecded to look over he record us lie hnd ilotie In ninny other plncea without nuy objection be- in; offered. While he wna still on I1I1 llrat book he wna naked by one of the clerks If he wn n member of the linr. Not In Virginia," he nnswered In n tone Indicating that he was a member of the bar elsewhere. I'm sorry," said the young man. 'but In this- county It Is against the rules for nil) body other than n lawyer to handle the books." It wn explained to the clerk that the legal talent In the linn's employ could not be found, nnd ns the lawyer lived more than two miles nway he would not have time to get him unless ho missed the next train. "There will be no trouble In arrang ing the matter," the clerk Informed tho Wnshlngtoiilan. Filtering n prlrntc room, the oath subscribed to by attorneys wns ad ministered nnd a certificate showing the stranger wns n full-tlcdged lawyer wns handed over to him. "Whnt shall I do now?" tho clerk wns asked. "Pay tho fee," he answered. "What Is the amount?" "Thlrty-nlno cents," wns the clerk's prompt response. The money wns pnld and the man frnm Washington returned home nnd told how he became n lawyer for the small sum of 30 cents. Washington Star. Tribo of Ilskliuns Pound. Tho icinmiut of a remarkable nnd hitherto lost tribe of l.sktmos has re- .J . J. - o t .uiii n..i ......iiuiiiiiisliivii ........ ,.o .... 01 , ou.u ......1 .1- ......!.. l.n I....I .... lr,l"f """" 1'1 "i"1- '- "" "ii opportunity of scolug a white man. Their huts nre built of the great Jaws of whales covered with skins 1, the middle la an elevation, on which Is n stone lump used for lighting, heating, COOMUK, illcillUK snow null urjlllK, ,lnll,nd 'PI... In..... I ....It. ., ,111. e ' .Ui..vr ... .....'i' ... ... w mul- 011, iii hiiicii is 11 wick ui ury moss, iiiuecii, me wiiiue is me ciiiei llicniis ny which uicse people live, UIO , uiu'n ui-niK uiiiiwi "i lunuiiiK pinii's, nieiii, gnvu up iu mu viiriueiuo oruer anj sober citizen In a banian of sky cups and slcdgck but they nlso uso n huertn of considerable size. Hero hlue brocade, a scarlet turban anrl er. us tusks, with deer f pieces, mo mue is uiuioai cAiiuci, 11 uiiiy some Murai nro left. They speak a dialect peculiar to themselves and are very daring . liutiters. They Aro Sensitive Tho sensitiveness or the families of Th )lnll9 for ,lleso buihilngs wero pre- hi.torv distinguished men ns to tho enrly oc- lmr0(1 1)y tho celebrated nrchltect Fray 1 ..Thi. nn", cupiuious or tueir nncesiors is some- hut remarkable. Iteccntly an nuthor!of as asked to write n brief history of the Ilfo of a man who had done service to his state. I.lko Lincoln, this man had been 11 woodchoppcr, n fact to hlch his historian gnvc prominence. "Don't Bay ho was n 'woodchoppcr,' " said tho spokesman of the family. 'That will never do." "What shall I sny then?" nsked tho author. "Say let me see now, Just sny that ho was connected with the lumber business." Kaiser Wllhelm takes great Interest In tho work of tho Y. M. 0. A. In Europe. Tho rarest of flowers Is enudor.- Itn- due. . OLD : FAVORITES Tlio lliirrfont Hoy, Messing on thee, little man, Ilnrefoot boy wllli eheik of With thy turned-lip pnntnlonna, Uid thy merry whistled tiitiea: Willi thy red Up, redder still. Kissed by strawberries on the hill ith the sunshine on thy face Through thy torn brim's Jaunty grace! ! rom my heart I give theo Joy; I waa niiro a barefoot boy. I'rlnre, Hum art; the grown-up man only la republican, i ... .i, ti..,. .i,.nfc.i i... i,nr,,fW), trudglitir nt Ida aid b.-s! ; f r tr "'""l 0,1 ". '"'"' W ,.. . , , ,, ., . , '"f ' bwl n time of June, "'m"",f V:"" ,rlef 'mon " " 1 1 "r '"w' "'. "iclr master, walled fori J,wn" flch In Ilowera and tree, Jl'ilKblril and honey been; ''" "l",rt ",0 "'l'llrrel played, 1 "'', 1,1 "noutnl mole Ids cpfliie; "f '"c tho blackberry cons 1 urplea over lieilge ami atone; I.nughed tho brook for my delight. Through tho day nnd through the night, lilsperlng nt the garden wall, Tnlkrd with me frnm full to fall; Mine tho aand-rlmmed pickerel pond; "" wntnui aiopes oeyona; "''"' nn hendlng orchard trees, Apples of Ilcaperlde! 1 n" nf horlion grew, , '-nrger grew iny runes, too: All the world I saw or knew Heemed n complex Clilneso toy, Fashioned' for a barefoot boy! Oh. for festnl dainties spread I. Ike my bowl of milk nnd bread! (Pewter spoon and bowl of wood) On the doorstep, gray and ruds! O'er inn like a regal tent, Cloudy-ribbed, the sunset bent. Purple curtained, fringed with gold, looped In many a wind-swung fold; While for music came Die play Of the pled frogs' orchestra,' And to light the noisy choir, I. It the liy hi lamp of fire. I was monarch; pomp nnd Joy Waited on the barefoot boy. Cheerily, then, iny little mon. Live and laugh a boyhood can; Though tho flinty slopes be hold, ,:,ery miirn aho ,,.,, lte tlirouscli I niuuote apeareu tne new-mown swaru. . Fresh baptisms of the dew: Krrry evening from thy feet Shall the cool winds kiss the heat; All too soon thole feet must bids ' tlie. I'1,11""1 'll of Prlu: l"e "mom 01 '?", "k " 4 ".''JZ ' i-.-, ,. ,i,.n , rr,elesa moll. Happy if their track be found NeTer on forbidden ground! Happy if they sink not In Quick nnd trencherous snuds of sin! Ah, Hint thou couldst know thy joy Kre It pnases, barefoot boy! John O. Whlttler. OLD MONASTERY IN RUIN8. Home of the Cnriiiclltc in Mexico la Now 11 Mnaa of Dclirla. The suburban town of Snn Angel, nt Hia baso of tho foothill, tlirec-qunr- ters of nn hour from the capital br electric car, Is every year becoming more fnshlounble as n summer resort, and every year, as modern conven iences nnd better houses are provided in thu outlying districts, more peoplo tnko up their permanent abode there. To the casual visitor to Sau Angel tho most Interesting feature Is the hundsomo old church of Nuestra Sen orn del Carmen. Its trlplo domes, with their tiles shining brightly In tho sun light, are the first objects that arrest the nttcntlon of strangers npproachlng tho town. Its Cnnucllte hell tower, or cnmpnnarlo, Is distinctive, nnd tho edifice Is one of the' handsomest eccles iastical monuments In all Mexico. It wns dedicated to tho worshop of God In 101", or three years beforo the pil grim fathers of New F.ngland landed 1,1 , I. m.ji InlAn. . " handsomely decorated and contains somo notnblo paintings by tho famous Mexican nrtlst Cabrera. Pious women have adorned tho chapel of our lady, which Is 0110 of tho features of this ancient church, and the magnificent Churrlgucresquo ornamentation of tho northern transept Is a splendid sped- men of this most distinctive tpnmsn mode of decoration. Ileueatb this IrntiRciit rest In their eternal aleen 45 Amcrlcan soldiers, who were killed or .ii.,., of ,iisf..,so during tho war of tho ----- ...... North American invasion, wnen tne au- ,oIulI1B monastery ot uio carmcilte rniiiers was converteu into a military . : . . . ... hospital nnu unrracKS, mo goou miners nursiuc tho wounded Americans with such christian devotion and good will ,lmt wlien tho troops evacuated Sau Allgoi monks nnd soldiers fell on ono another's necks nnd wept. Janvier speilKS 01 oail .ngei S CUUrCU ' ntj lOUUWB. "in tne year auu uou rcupe uo uuziuau, n pious cuciquo- ot uuimaus- tilt', 111 Illllllimeui Ot UIS tatlicrs testa- tho Carmelites built n llttlo hosplco. uon 1 ucpo uu uutuiuu preseuity uiea, nnu 11 nine- uiicii uim .uou nm wiuow, childless, liy her will the entire es- late of which sho died possessed pass- ed to tho Carmellto fathers, and by ineso n w is uuiuu-i. .u .... ouiKiing ui uiu i-Aie....h ...... v.iuivu. ..lrs n0 Snn Micuel. n lav brotliee ,,10 cnrinclllo order, and at that tlmo held to bo tho first architect of Now Spain. That this reputation was well merited Is shown by the beauty of his still existing work. Tho building wns begun Juno 20, 1015, nnd wns pushed with so much vigor that tho chuvcli nnd convent wero tlulshed with .v.fc v.w .......iu ,(.u In two years. Tho church was dcdlca- ed to San Angela Marttr. whence .. . . . ..... . .. . ciuuo tho nnmo ot 1110 iittio town mat presently grow up around It. Modern Mexico. Itelleotlon on Ills Neighbor. "Paw, what Is a 'splto fenco'?" "Any backyard fence, Tommy." Chicago Tribune Many n woman lores her husband less than her husband's wife. OLD INDIAN BATTLEFIELD. Where Inwn and Kiinsn Trlbea Htrng tiled for the .Mnslerr. Ocorge Hemabiirst believe lie Im discovered tho aoeno of a (treat light Iind between tho lown nnd Kntisn Indiana nenr wlmt la known na Onk Mill, In Atchison County. Tlio Knn sn Indiana held tho country along the .Missouri Hirer until about Hie tlino of our revolutionary war, when they wero driven nwny by thn Hnc nnd lown tribe, which cninn down from tho North nnd conquered the region. Tho Onk Mill location I supposed to hnve been tho place of ono of their KTenteat battle. At thla point many human bone and Implement of war liavo been plowed up. Kalian lin been Hie acene of Indian battles Innumerable and almost every county lina traditions of fights of this character. One of the most remarkable engage ments of tho kind took plncc In com paratively modem times between the Pawnees nnd Hloux In the valley of Ilenver Creek, near the northwest cor ner of Kansas. The Pawnees wero slaughtered In great numbers, the Hloux being the victors. After the Imtlle the Pawnees returned and cared for their dead. This they did by erect ing platforms out of poles and brunches, and putting the bodies on them out of the reach of wolves and other animals. When the first fringe of the white settlement bad reached os far as Phil- Hps County somo of these platforms were still standing and still supported the whitened bones of tho dead repos ing upon them. A buffalo hunter once told Topics of a curious sight bo saw ut this graveyard. Homo "horse hunt era" were hunting In tho vicinity. Horse hunters were those who chased the buffalo on horseback, and they were hnted cordially by the "foot hunt ers," who stalked the game, because they ran the buffalo out of the conn try. On the occasion mentioned the horso hunters stampeded a great herd of buffalo right through tho Pawnee graveyard. They struck the rotten Poles In their mad flight and sent the bones of the dead flying In crery di rection. Indeed, when they hnd pass ed not a platform remained standing. in the years which followed many passing hunters picked up skulls and other bonesdnd carried them away as curiosities. One of these skulls was secured by n man nt Hays City. It was remarkable from the fact that an Iron-pointed ar low hnd gone through one side and nearly through the other. People who had seen the bow only In Its toy form used to look at this skull and marvel at the prodigious force which the In dians could give to their primitive weapon. Kansas City Journal. PAY AS THEY WEIGH. It takes Western people to look out for themselves nnd give every ruin n fair show, even In rapid transit. It Is not probable that In Pueblo, Colo., there Is the trouble with overcrowding In street cars that Is to be found In New York, but on the Pueblo Valley Itnllrond every man pays according to lis welghL If the corpulent mlne- unor and his fur coat envelop the slim strip of a counter-jumper sitting next lilm tho C. J. does not meditate with wrath upon bloated bondholders and their monopolies, for he knows that the bulky Individual Is paying at least twice the amount of bis own fare. That Is the way they do It on tho Pueblo Valley. Every passenger Is weighed, nnd pays according to his avoirdupois. Before he enters the car . B ' ,, n .., ,,,. ho steps upon a weighing machine, bis weight Is automatically stamped upon n slip of paper, which ho gives to the conductor, who charges him accord Ingly. Tho moral effects of this sys tern are far-reaching, and New York oajclals may tako notice ', Kept for Thankfulness. Mrs. Alice Morse Earle, In her recent ki.. nn nn.inm. in in..,in. mucb spaco to that curious 'dressing e n.e,n... ,.,,m i. ... v, ivu u uitjiifeiv vvotutuv ut tuvu caiicd the banian: a flowing garment B0 popular with the fine gentlemen of .,i-f nn ihni e, .,.,. ... ' 'J "ew v.iuuig elected to wear it when having their rtrnit. u t,i i, i any dcgrCo of richness In texture-and hrllllancy In color, and was often en- hanced In effect by n gaily colored tur- sometimes worn raklshly on one ,M. renlnclnir Iho warn, mi.t h.nvr rl, nf full rimaa Cotilev'a nalntlnc of Dr. Nicholas Boylston, owned by Harvard Uulver .Itr ilenlets thnf eminent henr..efnr et morocco slippers. Tho unit interesting i.nninn ...1,11, SDa describes Is still In existence und u ma(Je ot a ful)rlc ,vlth va'ricol. nrc., nlm.leaf deal n..H n.,wi -ui, soft Blll of brownish orange spotted wth green and white. A piece of white linen sown nil thn enfr l lneerll.n.1 ..-111. I "This Banyan was made In Canton In 1702 for Archclaus Hrown by Chi nese Taylors. It was mado by order of his sou, Unfits llrowu; Supercargo of tho bark Tho Lively Nancy. lie cleared $100,000 of Chinese gold cash for a venturo of $100 of Ginseng; nnd 1 Uarrel of dried Sago of his Mother's venturo cleared a Chlney tea set, 2 r,Htt QI,n,.,B nn.l I Art ill l 1... rT'' T'w' Shlpwrack but one small Chest of ninatlv Itooks. lie wn mniirne.1 1 vn,.e - - - - - ---- - ---- lis Ai;..u v u V.....U ... u.i uoinei.IICK waring this Ilanyan for tho last of his clothes was woro out and Itotten with Salt Water aud Sun. A very llro dress ho 8.1yd for a Dead Man. Which Is kept for Tuartkfultiess." Many n fool man expresses his will ingness to die for a woman who wouldn't even take In washing for him. BTErriNO os wEiamxa uachine. A child of 0 who has not yet lost any temporary teeth has In Its Jaws, cither erupted or noiierupted, no fewer than fifty-two teeth more or less form ed. II I n curious fact that the teeth that are seldom used decay more rap Idly than thoso that have dally work to do. It I a fact, however, and, bo lug n fact, tho thing to do Is to take pains to ent on tmth sides of the mouth equally. ''ate nt freiprtnt Intervals bar the country road In Norway, and are n nuisance to traveler, who hnve to leave their vehicles and open the bar rlers. These obstruction mnrk tho boundaries of farms, or separate the cultivated sections from the wosto land. Nature's Infinite variety Is well ll lustrated In the collection of photo graphs of snow crystnl made during the past twenty years by W. A. Ilent ley, of Vermont lie has now more than ono thousand photographs of In dividual crystals, and among them no two nro alike. Tho best rugs of Persia represent patience, taste and prolonged labor. On each aijuare foot of surface a weaver works about twenty-three nays. A nig 12x12 feet would there fore require the labor of one man for 3,312 days, or over ten years, not counting Sundays. In the Smithsonian report on sclen title work for 1002. Professor Lnngley remark that when the bolometer was invented, some twenty years ago. It was able to measure temperature to about one one-hundrcd-thotisandtn of a degree. Since then the Instrument and Its adjuncts have been so far Im proved that temperature can now bo measured to less than one one-hun-dred-milllonlh of a degree readily and with precision. After a series of experiments with carrier pigeons for conveying Intelli gence, the German naval authorities have decided to erect permanent pig eon stations on the coasts of the North and Baltic seas. Every warship, ex cept torpedo boats, leaving Kiel or Wllhelmshaven. will hereafter carry a consignment of pIgons, to be released nt varying distances from the land stn Hons. It Is estimated that the birds have sufficient endurance to fly homo over a distance of aliout ISO miles from land. Fall IUver easily leads all other cot ton manufacturing centers In America, It has about one-flfth of all tho cotton splndes In the United States, nnd mora than twice as many as any other In dustrial center in America. It makes 813,000.000 yards of cloth annually. Every working day its mills weave more than 1,500 miles of cloth. If all the mills could be run on one piece, the fastest expres train could not travel fust enough to carry off the piece ns It Is woven, since the product Is more than two miles a minute. Nowhere Is the woman doctor more In evidence than In Russia. Among the wild and scattered population of this Immense country there is an in exhaustible field for women as doctors and teachers, and it Is the knowledge ui iuis mci wuicn nasr aisnrmeoTTns opposition to their going through unl- verstues. In 1807 Russia had 007 women doctors and the number con. stantly Increases. In this profession Russian women have made a dlstln gulshed name. They have enormous pracUces In the great towns, and aro largely employed by tho municipali ties, Its In Is Always on Time. In few places on the earth has the weather prophet as easy a time as in Panama. In that part of the globe he can always tell to a certainty at what hour to expect a down-pour of rain. At 3 o'clock every afternoon It Is due and It seldom falls to be on time. This Is the rule all through the rainy season. The morning Is clear and the evening, after 0 o'clock. Is delightful, and except from 3 till 0 o'clock nobody ever thinks of carrying an umbrella. Not so at Colon, only forty-seven miles away. There It rains all the time during the rainy season and It never rains but It pours. Water comes down by tho buckctfuL At Panama the an nual rainfall Is In the neighborhood of nine feet, while that of Colon Is twen-ty-ono feet, and it all comes In Ave mouths an average of four feet a month. It Is humorously said of Colon that there It takes tho people all the rest ot the year after the rainy season to get dry. In tho dry season the heat Is Intense, the mercury ranging from SO to 00 de grees day and night. There Is little difference in the temperature after dark, but It Is possible to adapt oneself to the conditions of the placo and there Is a certain fascination about it that. In the case of some people, seems to make up for the heat. The Maglo of Carbon. Steel Is cast iron, half-way on to ward wrought-lron. It has somo of tho stiff-harsh, stubborn traits of tho cast iron, combined with the bending, yield ing qualities of tho wrought Iron, and Inherits from Its ptg-lrou forefather the family trait of absorbing carbon. Car bon, then, in vnrylng proportions. Is the great distinguishing mark between Iron and steel. The subtle, play of this element, as found In steel, Is ono of tho most mnrvelously fascinating exhi bitions of natural phenomena, The smallest quantity, changed In the slightest degree, produces efrects as different as night from day. St. Nich olas. District Technical School. Special district technical schools for Improving thojirtlstlc education of the worKing gins nnu aesigners uro about to bo opened In certain centers In St. Etlenne, France. , Water Power Lights City. The city of Grenoble, Franco, In stalled Its new system ot electric light ing from a water power source twenty, soven miles distant, In tho valley qf tho Uomancho, Politeness occasionally beats tho nb mighty dollar under tho who. A 8INQIN0 M0U8E. Hhe Waa Ono of n Pair of Field Mica that Had lleen Mndo l't. Tho wlso llttlo Hold mice seem to Im fully nwaro of their constant danger from enemies, Ily day they seldom como out In tho open, nnd when they do will lodgo at tho slightest alarm Into their underground homes. Hut after twilight they venturo out for food or to make a friendly visit to a neighbor, liiith A. Cook In "Along Four-footed Trulls" tell of catching a pair of llttlo gray field mica In n box trap, and putting them In n cago mndo especially for them, They soon grew accustomed to tholr now home. I firmly fastened n small tree-branch In tho center of the cage. This afforded tho Utile creatures very great pleasure, and they would crawl up Ita trunk nnd out 011 tho slender branches, which would bend with their weight almost to the ground. On theso occasion they used their long tails to aid them In climbing by giving them balance, and nlso to twist about tho slender twigs. They learned to cat from my hand, would run up my sleere, and dart bnck again at any sight or sound. One night, as I was about to retire, I heard a peculiar llttlo squeak, nnd rushed at onco to the mouse-cage. Tho mice were nowhere to bo seen, I shook tho cage, n proceeding which had always brought them from their burrows, but they did not appear. Then I noticed that the canvas which I had used to patch tho broken wire was eaten away, and nt last my peU had found freedom. I looked nbout the room for them, and c: I did so I saw n sight that shocked me. The family cat was busy munching something. Thero was n lit tle hlood-stnln on tho floor, and a small gray tall still protruded from her mouth. Waa It Deacon or Quaker or both? The only answer tho cat gavs to my query was to finish the tall and walk away with a satisfied mew. A few days after this tragedy I was awakened ono night by hearing a sweet llt!' shrill song, not unlike that of a miniature ennary. Tho song ceased when I began to more nbout, and I had my trouble for my reward. Mght after night I was serenaded by this mysterious nocturnal musician. The whole family heard It. and Joined me In the search for the source of It. All our attempt to solve flic mystery of the peculiar sweet sound were fu tile until one evenlnf I went to take my hat from a closet shelf, when I heard the same shrill little song. lie fore my eye sat dear little Quaker! Her little throat waa actually pouring forth the sweet refrnln. She hnd mada a nest In my rather expensive lint. Hut Quaker had demonstrated herself a singer. She wn recaptured nfter n time, but while I had her she never sang again. I hare never been able tn determine whether she lost her power of song through loss of liberty or bo cause she wns lonely or for some phy siological reason: all that Is certain Is that she lost It. HOW UTE CHARMED A GRIZZLY. Indian Found Bear Husceptlble to th Powers of Arttuniciit. ' ihe most interesting story I ever heard came from the Hps of old 'Buck skin Charley,' chief ot the Southern Utes." said J. P. Adtberger of Phlla- Tieipmin "As told by a white man the narra tive la tame, indeed, lacking the dra matic action and eloqucuce of the red warrior. It was about a meeting with a big grizzly bear in the mountains of Colorado. Charley was out looking for deer. He was equipped with an old fashioned, muzzle-loading rifle, which put him at a terrible disadvantage, when he was suddenly confronted by one of the biggest specimens of the grizzly ho ever saw. " 'I Jumped behind big tree very quick.' he said, 'and Mr. Bear came close, rearing up on his hind legs. I was scared to shoot, only having one barrel. Then I commenced to talk. I said: "Mr. Bear, I nm your friend. I como out nfter deer. I hope you go way and so I kill deer and leave big piece of meat for you." Then tho bear seemed to get friendly, nnd he dropped on his legs to the' ground, much as to say he'd like a piece of deer, and then ho run off into tho mountains.' " Washington Post. Too Versatile. Poor Jack of all trades! So strong is the prejudice against him that be is even denied the right to practice one avocation lest it interfere with his call ing. This is an age of narrow special ization. When John Belcher, known now as a daring and original architect, was a young man be gave a good deal of time to music. He had a line voice, aud was greatly In demand at evening parties. One evening, nfter ho bad sung, to loud applause, be overheard two gen tlemen talking him over: "Who was the fellow that sang Just now?" asked one. "The profcssolnal, I mean." "Oh, that was Mr. Belcher, an archi tect" "Well, ho can't bo much of an archi tect If be can sing like, that." The listener never sang again save at home. He decided that it was bet ter to be a good architect than a pretty good musician and a fairly good archi tect The Grizzly or Old Day. In the old days, beforo the deadly magazine rlflo was Invented, hunting the grizzly was a very different affair, and uo animal on tho American con tinent was more dreaded, his fierce ness and vital forco when wounded filling tho most reckless of hunters with a wholesome dread. It was not at all unusual for a grizzly with a bul let through his heart to pursue and tear to pieces tho hunter, whose long single-barreled muzzle-loading rlflo, with Its ono round lead bullet was altogether Inadequate for such a con test It Is a strange thing, too, that while the grizzly bear Is an omnivor ous feeder, living on anything from roots and nuts to steer and buffalo moat, he has nover been known to de vour human flesh. St. Nicholas. ICngllsti Walnut from California. California produces more English walnuts than all the other States, aud they are of better quality.