Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 22, 1904, Image 4

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Commend and Crltlelema Haeed Upon
tha HnppcnlnK of the Uajr-UUlorl
cal anil News Nolo.
Hotter n deluded cnthuslnsm than n
dead heart.
Wo do not enrich tho prcsout by
ridiculing the pnst.
Man In strengthened by fear when
ha has will to overcome It
What a Jolly old world this would
be If nil men practiced what they
preach 1
"Wouldn't that Jnrskl you" Is under
stood to bo tho prevailing slang phrase
over In Tort Arthur.
A fashion paper snys that only n
pretty woman can wear n hat that
flares. Wo don't know why.
Things might bo much worse than
they are. What If Tort Arthur had
one of those unpronounceable llusstau
While the Dreyfus case remains un
settled France does not mean to be en
tirely overshadqwed even If there Is a
big war In progress.
Lives of Mormon saints remind us
That when we have passed away
Smiths will bo on deck behind us.
Multiplying every day.
Colombia has formally decided not
to Invade tho United States, so our
army will have about fifteen minutes'
more rest than If war had been de
clared. Tho Russian wolfhounds and Japa
nese spaniels were observed to be on
good terms at the New York dog show.
The "dogs of war" have another story
to tell.
The great skill In warfare shown by
tho array and navy of Japan will pre
pare the world for the news that Chris
tlanlty Is making rapid strides In that
It la mentioned as one of the praise
worthy traits of the Duke of Cam
bridge that he didn't forsake his wife.
Has It come to pass that such a sacri
fice Is worthy of the world's special at
tention Great Britain until quite recently
was always the world's largest holder
of gold. To-day, however, your Uncle
Sam's stock Is twice as large as hers,
and amounts to nearly $1,000,000.
Strange tilings do happen.
"Buffalo Bill" Is suing for a divorce,
alleging that his wife has been "cruel"
to him. Shall we continue to pay out
our good money to see a "hero" who
professes his Inability to take care of
himself in a mlxup of that sort?
Some American coast resort has
missed a great bargain. The French
state barge, elaborately decorated,
which had carried sovereigns and other
dignitaries, has been sold for less than
$50. Built in the reign of Charles X.,
It was last used when President Lou
tct rtciit cu-tuumu to meet tne nanan
fleet Now It meets the fate of other
disused boats.
The writers of great hymns build
monuments to themselves in human
hearts, yet It Is fitting that material
structures and inscriptions should com.
meraorate their service. An Instance
of grateful remembrance Is the recent
placing of a memorial tablet In the
chancel of the parish church, Farn
bam, England, to the Iter. Augustus
Montague Toplady, the author of
"Bock of Ages." He was a native of
the town, but died in London when
only 87 years old, In 177S.
The time was when to be without a
roof to cover one's head was to be an
object of commiseration or scorn, but
in these days rooftrees are going out
of fashion, and to be able to see stars
from one's bed Is to be on a fair way
to health and wisdom. The custom of
sleeping out of doors Is adopted not
alone by those afflicted with lung dis
ease. It Is a cure that ministers to a
mind diseased as well as to an ailing
body, and Is particularly recommend
ed to those Buffering with any of the
thousand and one nerve diseases. Peo
ple build their homes with upper
porches, where, as they say, "on fine
nights we may sleep out of doors,"
and those who are porchless imitate
the Arabs and may frequently be seen
folding their tents and stealing away
to back yard or vacant lots, where the
"sweet restorer, sleep," Is more easily
wooed. Of course, It is not likely that
the rooftree will disappear altogether;
people have submitted to tho passing
of tho parlor and to the new promi
nence that has been given to tho kitch
en, but It is not to be expected that
they will meekly allow a skley roof to
tako tho place of the artificial one pro
vided by man.
When President Hadley of Yale said
that the public life of this country
needs a large body of young men of
Independent means, he was Influenced,
It is to bo feared, by the interests of
his own hundreds of young men of in
dependent means. Theoretically, the
young man of Independent means is
the young man who can best afford
to devote himself to the public serv
ice. But, in practical fact, that la Just
the kind of young man which tho pub
lic can least afford to have in chargo
of Its affairs. The young man with
out means but with tho right stuff In
him sees llttlo satisfaction for him
self in the public service, even in the
way of a bare living; manufacture,
commerce, finance and the professions
offer him far raoro glittering attrac
tions. And, yet, this young man,
fresh from toll, with tbo Inspiration
that comes of empty bands, and with
sympathies undeflled, Is the one who
through all history has held the pilot
wheel of the ship of progress with tho
steadiest band and stoutest heart Tbo
man of Independent means, bo he
young or old, Is out of sympathy with
the real emotions and the environment
of the masses. Ho vlows the common
Jot only as one looks into a house
through a window. Ho knows the
common life only ns one who dwells
In the hilts knows the life of the vnl
leys. The great movements of human
progress have seldom originated with
men of Independent means. They have
sprung from the heart of the common
people. Tho great leaders of men have
come up from the soil. What we need
In public life, and In private life, too.
Is not the man "rich enough to resist
temptation," but the man honest
enough to despise It, the man too true
In his sympathies to mistake public
good and too quick In his Intelligence
to be misled. Wealth confers many
blessings upon Its possessor, but It
never yet gave him brains or morality,
though It often robs him of both and
much else besides.
Nlcdermeler, Marx and Van Dine
killed by the law Is tho end of the Chi
cago car barn bandits. They wero
boys. It Is difficult to make the aver
age boy think of the future. If ho Is
wild, a street rover, n product of bad
liooks and lax home regulation, he Is
pretty npt to sneer at anything that
smacks of preaching. Kvery city has
many too many bad boys. Perhaps
few of them will ever shed human
blood, but there Is no doubt that they
are traveling tho same thoroughfare
that these Chicago youths have trav
eled, and If they go far enough they
will find the gallows casting a ghastly
shadow across tho road. What Is to
be done? The problem Is as great as
the problem of existence There never
was and there never will bo a set or
rules that will stop crime. But the
futhers and mothers must know that
tho first responsibility is theirs. They
cannot afford to neglect their children.
The sequel to neglect Is tears and sor
rows. If home Is not pleasant, there
ore streets. Tho boy who Is driven
thero for his company finds It. He also
finds cigarettes and whisky aud pro
fanity. He finds the society that makes
Jtsse James a saint and Dcadwood
Dick a martyr. He smashes windows
and destroys property; he steals rides
on the street curs. He is familiar
with dark alleys and hiding places as
n rat Is with Its hole; and as ho grows
tougher and tougher ho glories In It.
He Isn't really happy until he makes
converts. He wants other boys to be
bad. His mother cries over htm. and
his father Is too busy, or too careless,
to get to the heart of things, and real
ize that his boy has gotten nwny from
him. There are rules at home. Often
they consist mostly of "don't." "Don't
n.akc a noise;" "don't touch the
piano;" "don't whistle;' "don't muss
up the room;" "go to church or take a
licking;" "don't Join a ball club, be
cause 'father' never belonged to one;"
"don't visit the neighbors boys, and
don't bring them home with you, be
cause it is annoying;" "don't play foot
ball, because it is too rough." There
are other dn'ts. Apply them with
enough severity and you can make a
sneak and a liar out of a promising
boy. He isn't a man. He docs not
think like n man. Ills brain is In the
process of development as well as his
legs, and he needs room and a good bit
of license nnd a great deal of tolerance
and forgiving. If be Is to grow up
strong nnd clean and healthy. Insldi
and out. God bless him, not once In n
thousand times he Is born bad. There
isn't much in the Idea that a child can
Inherit m black heart. Most or tllem
can be molded, led, trained. Keep the
boy busy with clean amusement nnd
you have robbed the unclean of half
Its power. Listen to him; give ear to
his troubles and bis Joys. Laugh with
him and sympathize with hlui. The
boy who has a good father for a chum
will never bo a bandit and he will nev
er get very far from the teachings of
his mother.
Torpedo Uaed by Chinese, Described a
"on Kbit Which Cornea Forth Burning."
The unfortunate outbreak of hostili
ties in the far East, and the successful
uso the Japanese are making of ex
plosives, Is likely to bring up the vexed
question of tho real discoverers of gun
powder, which has given to the intel
lectual element the sole mastery in
warfare, says the Liverpool Post The
Icng-entertalned conviction that the
Greeks or Itomans invented what Is
palpably understood by gunpowder has
led to some confusion. Combustibles
like naphtha, to which class Greek fire
belongs, were In use In tho armies of
the Califs, and were confounded with
explosives. Marcus Graecus seems to
have had a recipe for making gunpow
der from saltpetre, coal and sulphur,
and his career has been placed ns early
as the ninth century, but it would be
more correct to place his life In the
middle of the thirteenth. A critical
sifting of tho whole of tho evidence
leads to the conclusion that saltpetre
was first known In China, but not
before the middle of the twelfth cen
tury. In the successful defense of the
Chinese city Plnuklng ngalnst the Mon
gols explosives, blasting bodies and
rockets were employed ngalnst the
enemy; and some diagrams exist which
show the form In which these explo
sives were used. There Is, too, some
evidence that a torpedo was used be
tween 1275-1295, described in Chinese
as "an egg which comes forth burn
ing," and a picture of this destructive
engine Is given In a book attributed
to Hasan, a copy of which exists In
the Paris library.
Viewed as a Pastime.
The man from Chicago looked with
scorn at the Bramblevllle ticket agent
as he banded out a dollar bill and
pushed It through the opening.
"You'vo got a pretty lot of citizens to
allow themselves to be charged at the
rate of 5 cents a mile from hero down
to Bushby on a miserable little crawl
ing one-horse branch road," be said,
The ticket agent looked at him with
a calmness which nothing could dis
turb. "I'd like to call your attention to one
fact before you go on usln' any more
language," he said, mildly, "and that
Is that while It may be 6 cents a mile,
It's only 35 cents an bourl"
Ancient Earth Formation,
Geologists bavo come to tbo conclu
sion that Australia and Tasmania wero
formerly united by a land bridge, and
that it was on it that Tasmanlan ani
mals entered Victoria.
Opinions of
Tho Ruslnn Power.
I HI? ltusslau (lower appears to be a huge, por
teiitlous bubble, which the courageous Japan
ese have pricked. ltussln has an enormous
army, but where I It? How can It be got to-
TVJSftS3l Robert An army that cannot bo concentrated
CTSiaK'j is "o fit object of terror. To be sure, we have
had a few weeks of war,
time enough to cripple and bottle the ltusslau licet In the
East, aud the Baltic fleet and the Black Sea tlcet dare not.
or cannot, le.ive their stations, while one gunboat refuse
to leave the port of Shanghai, and two larger ones have
been hiding themselves In a French port of East Africa.
The Japanese are masters of the China sens. And the
Busslan mighty land army of four million men, where hat
It vanished? A paltry hundred thousand men. or possibly n
hundred and fifty thousand, are scattered along the Man
churlan railway, or split up between Port Arthur and the
Ynlu ltlver. unable anywhere to offer an equal front to
the Japanese advance. Even tho rumors that come from
St. Petersburg are all of Kusslan losses, and most reason
able they are, for It Is Impossible for Itussla to hasten ntoug
its lll-bullt railway three sleepers to a rail the needed re
luforceiucnts, or even the food and stores for those who an
spread along the front. Japan was "blutllng," they told
the Csar. It is ltusla that has been blurting the deluded
world. However It may be in the West, It Is sure that
there Is nothing to fear from her lu Asia, either on the
Mnnchurlan or the-Indian bonier, If any other Power will
only pluck up courage to resist her. This the New Japan
has' dared to do. and the black bear Is utterly demoralized
before the swarm of yellow hornets. It looks ns If Hussla
would have to put oft for s century, which means forever,
her ambition to have four capitals St. Petersburg, Moscow.
Constantinople and Pekln. New York Independent
School Teachers' Salaries.
Sl'MMAltY of the salaries paid to tho school
l:eachers In the chief European countries ap
I ie.' red recently In several American newspn
J iers. This report showed that the salaries of
rjs- teachers In England range from an average or
faj,) for men to $250.or even as low as $200, for
OIUCU. A tllT iuni-9l Ull.iutl, u..a ,v ..
full-fledged teacher In Belgium Is $102. In Denmark city
teachers begin with $230 nnd village teachers with ?1S2.
The average for a country or village teacher In Prussia Is
$21S per year, although Berlin teachers receive from $31."i to
fO.V: women are paid from $140 to $100. France has an
Irreducible minimum of $220. Holland $100. Portugal $.;
for the country nnd $108 for the city, and Sweden and Nor
way $'.3d for men nnd less than $00 for women. The
average salary In Switzerland is $310 for men and $27.".
for women. Greece divides Its teachers Into classes, those
In the first receiving a maximum salary of $20 per month,
those In the second $10, and those In the third $13. Tench
crs' salaries In Spain vary from $100 per year In the village
to $4S0 In Madrid. Montreal Star.
Labor us Joy or Curse.
T Is worthy of note that all the great historical
religious of the world whether of the millions
of Egypt tolling under the lash to build the
pyramids at the wages of a couple of onions
and a piece of dry bread a day, or of the mil
dons of India working In the rice swnmps amid
swarms of pestiferous Insects, or of the millions
of the Semitic race whose traditions have been gathered
together In the story of Eden and of the fall In the Book
or Cencala all havo been rooted and grounded Jn the prob
lem of the common doom of mnn that he must cat bis
bread In the sweat of his body and the sweat of his mind.
None of these religions affects to treat the Issue flippantly,
rhetorically or with commoplacc platitudes, but with awful
seriousness. The enormous overweight of the burden of
the work In comparison with the strength, spirits, Interest
and reward of the worker Is what oppresses the minds or
these teachers and prophets and brings them to the common
ominous conviction that this must be the outcome of some
Their "Baleen" the Mont Vnluable
Product Obtained from Whales.
Another group of whales have no
teeth, but the mouth Is provided with
several hundred closely packed horny,
flexible plates or slabs suspended from
the roof of the mouth and hanging on
each side like a curtain, so that when
the mouth Is opened ns wide ns pos
sible their ends 'are received within
tho lower Jaw. These plates, which In
some whales nre nine or ten feet long,
have pointed, frayed extremities, and
nre lined with long, stiff hair. This
peculiar substance In the mouth of
whales, which Is called baleen, or
whalebone, although It Is not bone, Is
now the most vnluable product which
Is yielded by these creatures; nnd to
obtain it thousands of men brave dan
gers of tho seas, of the Arctic Ice,
ii nd of the chase, killing the whales
by hurling harpoons and shooting ex
plosive bullets Into them from a small
Among the various kinds of whale
bone whales Is the right whale, which
reaches a length of 00 feet and yields
200 barrels of oil nnd 1,000 pounds of
long, valuable baleen; the humpbnek
whale, which Is sometimes 75 feet
long, but has short bone and little oil;
the finback nnd sulphur-bottom whales,
of large slzo but comparatively little
value; and tho bow-head, Greenland, or
polar whale. The last Is at homo
umong tho Ice fields, nnd Is now tho
most sought of all the whales on ac
count of tho excellent quality and
large quantity of Its baleen. The max
imum length Is 05 feet, and Its bulk Is
Immense; the huge head represents a
third of the length, and the tall Is 10
to 20 feet across. The largest bow
heads produce several thousand pounds
of bono worth $5 or $0 a pound, nnd
0,000 or more gallons of oil worth 40
cents a gallon.
In feeding, the baleen whales drop
the lower Jnw and swim forward rap
idly, nnd all kinds of small floating
animals fish, shrimp, winged mol
lusks pass into the ynwulng mouth.
When tho lower Jaw Is closed, the
plates of baleen ore forced upward
nnd backward, the water rushes
through tho sieve formed by the hairs,
tho food Is left behind, and is swnl
lowd by the uld of the tongue.
Some of tho baleen whales nro said
to attain n length of more than a hun
dred feet, nnd there nro authentic rec
ords of examples measuring between
00 nnd 100 feet. Tho largest species
of whale, and therefore tho largest of
nil living animals nnd tho largest crea
ture that ever existed, so far as wo
know, Is tho sulphur-bottom whale of
the Pacific coast, Ono of these was 05
feot long and 39 feet in clrcumfer-
Great Papers on Important Subjects.
but that has been
"Well, I'll have to give up and Just adopt that hopeless stylo of figure
described as a pillow with a string around It." announced tho womnn who
at 50 was the proud possessor of a shapely figure, and who had Just learned
on good authority that tight lacing was coming Into fashion again. "No less
than six times In the last forty years I have completely changed tho outllno
of my figure, and I am afraid I am now getting to an ago where comfort Is
nlmost as much of a consideration as appearance.
"I well remember when I was 10 how pretty thu'fushlonahle figure was
with Its neat, small waist In the place where a waist ought to bo. How trim
nnd dainty we were. But I'm afraid a llttlo tight lacing wus needed to get
the desired effect.
"Next j had those short wnlstcd shapes which brought tho squeezing
away above the natural waist line. Absurd enough they would look now,
but wo thought them charming when they were In fashion.
"Then came those long, slim figures of the '80s with tho bust unnaturally
high, tho waist compressed as far as possible Into tho hips. Pert, smart, nnd
snucy they looked, nnd they were only acquired at the expenso of a good
deal of squeezing all along tho line.
"In the '00s we had n genulno hour glass figure, girt tight around tho
waist and bulging above nnd below. I nlwnys thought It stupid.
"The low bust and sudden hip effect which came lu next was thought to
be free and natural, but was really decadent and tho llttlo girdle corset
then worn could bo drnwn as tight ns nny other.
"Tho straight front wide wnlsted fashion bless It! Is tho only ono I
know which combines comfort nnd style. O, why can't It last?" Exchange
ence, nnd weighed by calculation near
ly 300,000 pounds. The sulphur-bottom
whalo Is further distinguished by
being tho swiftest of nil whales nnd
ono of tho most dliflcult to approach;
it glides over tho surfaco with great
rapidity, often displaying Its entire
length; nnd when It respires the Im
mense volume of vnporwhlch It throws
up to n great height Is evidence of Its
colossal proportions. St. Nicholas.
Women vs. Unions In Chicago.
Tho working women of Chicago
havo long slnco passed through that
preliminary nnd nlmost Inevitable
phase of their soclul and economic
development From tho emotionalism
of a few weak "auxiliaries" they have
evolved, step by step, to tho cool san
ity of a complex, splendidly organized
system of Individual trades, unions, re
cruited exclusively by feminine wage
earners, nnd controlled by "lady"
bosses and "lady" walking delegates.
As a direct result of theso organiza
tions tho wages of women have in
creased from a minimum of ten to a
maximum of forty per cent Their
working day has been reduced from a
primeval curse and of some stupendous moral catastrophe, 1
redemption from which Is the end and aim of all higher '
spiritual hope.
l.nbor may be either Joy or curse. All turns on whothor
It Is encountered with freshness, spontaneity and zest, or
whether It Is draining to the dregs the springs of life. Once '
for nil, out with It, fair, square nnd plump! There Is no
more dignity nor elevation In mere labor than lu a median
leal pump-handle. What It lifts front the living, central
springs beneath determines all. Our Joy must be In this j
living water welling up, as we ourselves quaff Us refresh-'
inent or extend it to the thirsty Hps of others. I or this
sole Joy that Is set before us must we endure the cross and
despise the pain. We think the poet; exempt from this
moll, pure children of Inspiration. Never tho weary pump
handle for them, but only the leaping geyser. But hear
what Milton has to say: "No worthy enterprise can be done
by us without continual plodding and weariness to our faint
uid sensitive abilities." Boston Herald.
Tho American Husband.
N American young mnn does not ns a rule look
forward to marriage nor prepare for It by sav
"k I lug any considerable portion of his antenuptial
notice, nnd because ho has fallen very tlehper
ately In love with some one nnd cannot find It
tn his heart to wait until cold caution declares
the venture advisable. Even when an engagement Is a long
one he usually squanders so much on gifts and entertain
ments for bis tlance that there Is only n very moderate
amount to begin housekeeping on. Thus before his mnr
rlage the young American of the middle class begins to
give evldcneo of what Is to be his chief national character
istic as n husband his unfailing, unselfish nnd nlmost Im
provident generosity.
The middle class huslmud lu America rarely Interferes
with the nffnlrs of the household, lie hardly knows the
cost of stnplo articles of food. As n rule he does not make
his wife n regular allowance either for household or per
sonal expenses, but gives her ns much ns he can spare,
freely, but with a lack of system that Is not conducive to
the best outlay of their Income.
The young American husband Is also very Indulgent to
his wife's fondness for tlno clothes. Ho would far rather
have an extravagant wlfo than a dowdy one, nnd although
he grumbles occasionally at ninllllnory bill, In reality he
glories In the resplendent appearance of his wife In her
tine feathers. The American husband Is rare who does not
concede his wife's right to expend a much larger sum with
her dressmaker than ho does with his tailor Indeed he
often leaves his tailor altogether and cheerfuly repairs to
the ready-made clothing house lu order that his wife may
have more money for extravagant finery. IaihIou Tele
The Evil of Worry.
Ot'BTLESS there has been more or less worry
TT" I since Adam hid In the bushes, but It Is n curl
II Ions physiological -Indeed, It may be n psycho
" I, I f.... Mini rniil iiifirri1 flu, ',iriv 4 tin t
has n definite cause. Is not so wearing ns the
Imaginary worries that we persist In taking to
bed with us. We cannot rest nnd lie busy at
the same time, and It Is not hard to guess what will happen
to the brain that Insists on fretting and worrying when It
should be enjoying the serenity of repose. There are doe
tors who can examine your eyes and tell you whether you
havo kidney disease, but how much belter It would be If
some specialist could nrlso who enn locate, worry nnd pluck
It out. ns It were, by the roots. It Is n baleful Bource of
poison at best, nnd nt Its worst, It Is ruinous. Ilnppy the
man who Is able to tako tho measure of his worries and
troubles and vnluo them for what they arc! Happy, thrice
happy. Is the man who can present to their attacks the Im
penetrable armor of serenity! Ills years shall be long and
full of chnrity. His head shall bo In the sunshine, and
there shall bo no shadow about his feet. Old men will fol
low him, and little children shall be his companions. At
lanta Constitution.
basis of sixty hours per week, nnd up
wards, to 'a maximum limit of fifty
throe hours per week, with nniplo pny
for overtime. Child labor has been
totally abolished lu thoso Industries
where it hud long been most flagrant,
nnd In the fow Instances where It yet
remains It Is doomed to nn early denth
so unremitting Is tho war now being
waged ngalnst It. Along with theso
have como radlcnl Military Improve
ments, Inrger nnd better ventilated
shops, nnd, not least Important, n gen
erous ami well-regulated allotment of
holidays and half-holidays. The Inter
relationship of employer nnd employo
has been reduced to a complex system
of rules and agreements mutually
binding nnd reciprocally effectlvo,
which the millionaire proprietor can
not disregard with less Impunity than
may tho young girl toller In his shop
or mill. From Trades Unions In Petti
coats, in Leslie's Monthly.
Boys fall to rcallzo that somo day
they will know as llttlo as their par
ents. Too many men spend their money
before they get It
Neluhhora Could Not Stood Her Mo
nopoljr of Ilia of liUtcuce,
"What Is the reason Mrs. l.nwton,
with all her god points, Is so unpopu
lar?" asked the summer tannler of her
aunt, Miss Euphemla Hoggs. "I'm sure
she Is kind-hearted nnd generous, and
capable and good uaturcd."
"Klie's n monopolist, or thinks alio
Is." mapped Miss Hoggs, "and folks
don't like It!"
"A monopolist?" repeated her nleee.
"What do you mean, Aunt Phemy?"
"J. moan Just what I any," an lit Miss
Hoggs, firmly. "She's a monopolist of
diseases and accidents nnd happenings
of every kind. Start In to tell her
about an nttack of rheumatism you're
had, or a sprained wrist, or jour cou
sin's diphtheria, or a railroad disaster
you've rend about, or how your stove
pipe fell apart, or what nn unusual
drought they've been having whero
your brother lives, and she'll sit on the
edge of her chair looking ns If she'd
burst, till you stop Tor breath.
"Then when you do stop she'll say,
'You en n't tell me anything ntamt rheu
matism;' or The doctor mid he never
saw a sprain like mine;' or, i guess
you'vo never heard how I hung be
twixt life nnd death for weeks with
diphtheria;' or, 'No railroad accident
sounds like much to mo nfter what I
passed through lu Ohio when the
bridge broke;' or, i haven t got nny
thing to hvirn about what stovepipes
can do nfter my experience two years
ngo;' or, 'I presume It's slipped your
mind that I was In California at the
time of that terrible drought, the worst
that's ever been known." "
"And does she make up stories,"
nsked Miss Eupmehln's niece lu nninze
ment, "stories to lit nil such limes?"
"Make 'em up," said Miss Hoggs,
testily: "she don't have to make 'em
up. That s what Irritates folks no,
everything she says is true. And you
tnke a town like this, about all we've
got to be proud of Is what happens to
At tlm Pnttl Hlngln'.
I'vt been to hear the Pattl an' It sln'l
for my ferglttln'!
n' the prices they wus Jest ss liliih si
whar this chnp win sltllu'!
rh music sorter furrlu" like It sound
ed fur away
To a feller used to "Dixie," u" "Darllti'
Nelly dray."
I rouklii't understand It, from my high
surveyln' bench
Thnt hlfnliitin' cliolr, vthsr the fiddles
piayeu in reucn,
An' planners talked Italian, Jest as lira
I.. .. .,,,,1.1 i.
Au' the big bass fiddle bellow rd storms
o' litrmnu up to inei
They tiling tliem furrlu languages to
keerlessly nlHiut,
Old Webster's Dictionary must hare
gone n-llnuiln out.
Au' Jest retired from business before tin
show n-ui through,
An' the old-time blue-bnck Speller must
have frit auiailu thiol
I nudged tin feller next tile he come
from Hllmllo Town
"When von think they'll lng 'Dsn Turk
er' an' 'Blue-Eyed Sally Broun?'
An' 'Down In Old Vlrglnny,' au' 'Whnr
tha Cotton Orowa?'
Ain't they goln' to give us 'Dltle?' nn'
ha said: "I.ord otily knows!"
But Jest about that mlnuU I nui took
to dais gone liy.
An' I snld: "They're glltlu' In It!-
they're 'Cumin Through the
Bye!' "
An' the way that woman sung It! . . .
sure, soma angel lost a tone
Of his voire 'twin earth an' heaven, au'
he made It all her unu!
'Beared like I "in tha meadows of for
ty year ago,
Whar tha gray-winged doves flew over,
nn' the daisies foamed like snow!
The fur-olt hells win rlugln' In the twl
light llngerln' late.
An' I besnl my sweetheart slngln', an' I
kissed her nt the gate:
O, they trotted out the old songs, that
never y It wus old I
They shook the Mnytlino blossoms down
lest all yer arms could hold!
The bees browsed In them blossoms the
Inrka win linrln' fun.
An the maple lenves a-lniigliln', streak
ed with silver, lu the aunl
I clapped my hnn's, an' henrd my heart
ay. Let the music roll!
I felt like "Hallelula" wus n-llghtln' up
my soul!
An' my comrade says, n-slghln' "That's
wect as honeycomb!
Come on! My eyes nlr mlstln'; She't
alngln 'Home, Sweet Home!
Frank L. Stanton.
A Drcas Goode Countnr l-'plaodn.
She was a tailor-made young lady
of twenty years, who Bat nt tho silk
counter with a bit of taffeta in her
dainty fingers.
"Have you some of this snme tnf
fctn?" she asked the clerk. "It was
bought here, and I want to look nt
something off the snmo piece."
Patiently the clerk pulled down bolt
after bolt of taffeta, aud nfter ten
minutes' searching ho found tho bolt
Sho looked nt it carefully whllo tho
clerk Inquired:
"How many yards, pleaso?"
"Oh, I don't want nny," alio said
sweotly. I mndo n wagor with Muo
Brown that this tnffctn hud n red
selvedge, nnd she bet It wns a green
selvedge. I sco It's red, nnd I'm awful
ly obliged to you, and Mae Brown will
hnvo to pny tno-n box of candy.
Patiently tho clerk restored his silks
to tho shelves, and regretted the heavy
penalty of homicide.
A Shortage, of Power.
It had already grown qulto dark
and thero was something wrong with
tho electrical apparatus In tho hotel.
"Whnt's tho matter here, anyway?"
nsked n man of tho hotel clork. "Won't
you plenso glvo us somo light?"
"I'd be very glad to accommodate
you, sir," replied tho clerk, "If I only
had the power."
No Ultimo for It.
Ho Do you mean to sny you haven't
been lu church nt all during Lent?
She Tho Idea of such n thing!
There nro no weddings during Lent
Philadelphia Press.
Fortunate Is tho mnn who can for
get that ho Is married long enough to
look pleasant when he lu having hlc
photograph taken.
it,,., mli.lit tinrmindo nil 1 1 tt I III II Hint
a Digger Indian could learn tu cook
spaghetti, and one might convince n
ii,iii,iiiiini iimi it does nut need an orb
enlnl chef to prepnio chop suey, but
no one will ever iiiiiko n uin
ii.., Mini henna enn be properly bilked
outside of New lCnglniid, or nt least
by nuybody but a New ICiiKlnnder.
Thnt conviction will probably strength
en when Enstornrr review n recent
pltlnbln nttempt to Impart the secret
of "Boston beans" to the peoplu of the
mother country.
Tho recipe for the delectable dish Is
found In tbo housewives' column of
Pearson's Weekly, n lAindon publlcn
iimi "Honk half n tilnt of small hari
cot beans over night," It directs, "drnln
next morning, t over wltli Honing wui.
er, nnd eoolt slowly for nbout two
hours. To test If they nre dime, (nku
up ono or two on n spoon, blow nil
them, nnd If they nre ilono III" skills
"Drain the ta'iins when cooked,'
ii,,, r.-.-hio L-m-s on blithely, "(urn Into
n deep blltteled dish, ndd n tnblespooll.
fill of finely chopped onion ns wen n
snlt, pepper nnd half n pint of loiimlo
pulp, finer closely nnd bnko III n
slow oven for four hours.
"Aliout a quarter of nu hour befuto.
serving, remove tho lid nnd put In mi
ounce of liutlrr. Serve III tho pot III
which the henna were cookejl."
Haricot lienns, sonked nnd pnrtailled
to the vanishing point, but linked only
four hours nnd without pork, nt thnt!
This Is bnd enough, but the loyal New
Englnnder will moat lilllcriy resent
lli.i In.liiiintloll that half a Hint would
Milllco It "Boston henna" wero really
In question. Pnul Kourgct um not
irniii. verv deenlv Into the domestic in
stitutions of this country, but even ho
learned better than thnt
"At Mnrblehead." Bourget wrote III
aurles of random iottlligs nrllllcd III
n Paris newspaper, "a curious enslern
essel called n benns it. It anil simi
lar lioltiir used. 1 am Informed, to pre
pare thn Sunday brenkfnst of families;
capacity of tho beans pot, nooni two
lUilcnrea Who Lite to Ital, Yet Barely
r l'.at llnouull lo 1.1 e.
There nre many peoplu who make a
living by hnvlng a cultivated palate.
Their sense of taste Is such that by.
exercising It they enn bo nssurcd of n
big yearly Income, snys nn exchange.
In every largo wlliedenllng estab
lishment thero la a wlun tnster. Who
never awnllows wine, but whose busi
ness It Is to tnste samples of nil Winn
nnd divide upon thrlr quality. Hit
enn tell when n wine Is rendy to Imj
put on the market and Just what Its
gmde Is.
Hut the most curious branch of the
testing profession Is one which tins
lately become n paying business for
women In I'nrls. There several wont
en enru good salaries by driving from
one liuusa to another Just ta-fore din
ner Is ready to serve nnd tnstlng tha
various dishes which the cook bus pre
pared. They tnste, they criticise, they rec
ommend addition of some Itnvorlng or
seasoning nnd then rush nway In their
carriages to the house of the next cus
tomer. They are called dinner tnstcrs and
a pnrt of their duty Is to suggest Im
provements In the manner of prepar
ing dishes.
This business of dinner tnstlng Is
said to Is) one which cannot bo fol
lowed for nny length of ttmo without
Intervals of rest, for, paradoxical ns
It may seem, a dinner tnster, If she
kept continually nt her trade, would
be In danger of starving to death.
Ot course, tho taster never rats of
the food she pxnmlnra, but merely
tastes It, nnd this continual lusting of
so many different kinds of food gives
her a disgust for food of nil kinds, ao
that It Is with the greatest difficulty
alio can bring heraolf tn rat a square
So once In a whllo the dinner tatter
has to take a mouth off, but sho gots
excellent pay while she works, nnd
ran afford to loaf nt least one-third of
tho time and eat something.
Ilia Wlln.
All his life long Darwin thought of
others before he thought of himself.
His nature was deeply nffectlonntu,
nnd ho wns made for kindness. Ills
was not a perfect character; by his
own confession ho was vain, passlonato
ami even quarrelsome ns a Ind.
Hut his heart was lnrgo nnd kind.
Gentleness wns characteristic of liliu
nlwnys. lie was n truo friend, n loyal
lover and husband nnd a most loving
father. Many years after his marriage,
in a document wrltton for his children,
Darwin paid his wife a sweet and man
ly tribute.
"Vou all know your mother," ha
wrote, "and what a good mother alio
tins over been to all of you. She has
been my greatest blessing, and I can
declare that In my whole life I havo
never heard hor utter ono word I
would rather have been unsaid. Sho
has never failed In kindest sympathy
toward me, and has borne ,wlth tho
utmost pttleuca my frequent com
plaints of III health and discomfort
"I do not believe sho has ever missed
an opportunity of doing a kind action
ta any one near her. I marvel nt my
good fortuno that she, so Infinitely my
superior In every moral quality, con.
Rented to bo my wife. Sho has been
my wise adviser and cheerful com
forter throughout life, which without
her would havo been, during a very
long period, a miserable ono from til
health. She has earned tho lore of
every soul near her."
The Hanalbln Mulo.
"Dat olo mulo-sho' hcz got good boss
Benso," said Brother Williams.
"What ho been doln' now?"
"Ho been a-runnln' nway. Ylstlihly,
w'en do sun como out ho heerd n
mockln'-blrd n-slngln' en glvo ono look
in do trectop, ter mnko sho', en den
galloped ter do woods, whar spring
plowln' will novcr ketch hi ml" Atlan
ta Constitution. .
Fish mako excellent brain food nnd
those that get away mako mouumenlul