Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 22, 1904, Image 3

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llcms or lntcrcsl in cud nlmiil
Collide drove and vicinity.
Dr. Lowe, Oeulo-opllelun, i:iifi'iii
l''or IIimI. cIiihh iiicuIh llin lIxrliiiiiKo
WANTHH A ciinli, oiiipilio ill Niik
Kill olllco.
I)r l.auimiiKli vIhIIimI I'iii'IIiiiiiI mi
liiHt Huliniliiy.
I'"()lt HALE Spun o( (iriiniwH.liur
iii'mmiuiiI wiikoii. duorK" llolilmnn,
Tint leading brand cIkium ill tin
Up. to. date collarx al llm Novell v
HtuiV. Opera II diiho building.
Hlili't wiiImI hIhiiiiii'iI ni 1 1 Nov
Oily Htoro. Opera House building.
DiivIiIhoii ki'i'M t In I mm I Iokui'I'h'
mIiiic on tint market.
Hubert M. Voutch It-ft on .Sunday
lilghl to ultcuil (IicmIuIo convention
III I'orllitnd.
Mi' I I! Hint, of Hint 1 1 m.
Huilduy wllli IiIh brother () Hint of
lid city.
Iluttouhcrit unit I'tilnl Liii'it pat-
icnin hi mo novelty more,
IIoiimo IiiiIIiIIiik.
A Kooit mipply ol Hlnpli
on IiiuiiI (or MprliiK triiili1
uiiil Gollyx, lioiii'iiila.
What fvorylioily IlkcH Ih Hotnct hltiK
to HiilUly their appetite, alio i:.
vhuilgu i-i-hIiiiiiiiiiI Iiiih It.
.Mrn. I. II. Illnuhiini who hux been
quite nick for u week or mo, Ih re
ported to lin rnplilly Improving.
1t'HHoiiH In op to dale ciiilirolili'r.v
mill t ii 1 1 11 1 1 head work kIvoii ut tin
Novj'lly Ntoro. '.'." iviiIm a Ichhoii.
IiiiIIiiii bend work lit tint Novelty
HI ore. Opera IIoiiho building.
(J A Wlulorniler, Chairman of llin
County Republican Contra; Com
iilittoo, nrrlviMl In tint city ycMtorduy.
Do you wimt to liny. noil or rent
(arm or city property. Kin tint Cot-
tnn Grove liiiprovt'ini'iil Co., Cot
tai Grove
liiulli'H, will tn pli'UNi'il to have yon
cull anil examine my Htoi'k of mil
linery In tin- Hunk InillilliiK on Ithst.
Frank Horilmi, wlio Iiiih not Ih-imi
rerllllK well fur Home time punt, Iiiih
KOint to Southern Oregon to recuper
ate, on IiIh inotlirr'M rmieh.
. ThelmlleH ol llm Union will Klvc u
reception to liouornry Mini new
inciuhcrH 'I'ueHiliiy April St t h ill the
I! I' iiiirHoiniK)'. A kooiI program
mul ntfrcHhiueiilH provlileil.
II you want to Mini who the Cot
tuuii Grove Improvement Co. Ih III.
tllllro or C. .1. Miller or nnytioily el
Hjiv. IIIIIIiikIoii pleached an vx
t'l'cilliiKly llneHel'iuoll Hllililay mom
uiir on "The TmiiHllKiiratloii of
lo a liirxe audience, who
weiealHo well pleiiHeil liy a Mieclnl
HoiiK kiwi n.v .Mr 1 1 u in I mtl of i;u
Ki'iie. In the evening Mr llunilierl
ilellvereil a lino Hcrmoii on ".Supicinii
Healllli'H" to a crowded hoiiMe. Mr
lliilulierl rot uracil to i:uene WoiIiiom.
1 1 n.v iiiornliiK. Wo will all lie ulnil lo
mo ami near nun iiguln.
.1 H HllleH, city iniirHlial of Miijjeiio,
iiIho the repulillraii candidate for
Mherlff (or Lane county, came to the
clly I ucMilay iiioi iiIiik ami Hpeul a
portion of Hid ilny In nieetliiir IiIh
many M time ft Ii-ihIh ami uuiklm?
now aciiiaiiiiaui'cH. no hiiiich Iiii ih
very well iiIciihoiI with tint hUiiuIIoii
mo far anil ean hid no reanou whv the
entire republican HcKol will not ho
Mayor II It ('hrlHiiian of Kmronc
iiIho eamllilalo upon the republican
iickci or county JiiiIkk caniit up
vt ciIiichiIii.v lo look alter hoiiiii bind-
liertH. vlull 1 1 1m I il-.ll I ii r mill fntiiiln iiu
upvrai well iih to ilo a llttlo talkliiK for the
i rcptihllniu lli'kel. He Hiiyn Hh a
Kood tlckel ami will poll a heavy
Mr. Al Ii'Hoy arrived In the clly
WeilucHiliiy from I'ortlaiiil. Ho will
tfo up in (hit iiiIiioh Inn Hhorl time.
Mr l'ltoy reporlM IhaliiKoo'l (oel
IiikoxImIh In I'orllaml ami vicinity
lowarilH the mliilui; InteroHU of thin
wet Inn ami he antlclpatcH ko(I
tlllli'H lint eoniliiK houhoii.
Mr ami Mrn Win Marllii rotiirucil
Haturilay from Viiuihlll when) they
have Hpeul the panl two montliH
with lelatlvcH. 'I'huy think that
vihHIiik Ih all rlht Inn thai there I-
no place like home, t-Mpccully wlion
It Ih In the town of CoIIiiko drove.
MIhh Hiiuilile, aHHlHtaiit prlni'lpal
In our puhllc hIiooI who Iiiih boon
wroHtlliu; with Hio trrlpe In a Hitvere
form left on the 1 p in IumL WciIiii-h.
nay for kiikciiu reiuinliik' miicli Iiii
provetl In health. DurliiL- Iter alt-
HOitrii her place wiih lllleil liv Mth Ida
. The l.u.llert AIM (lf (he ClirlHllau
fhun-li met Willi Mm Clmniller on
I Wi'iliiewlaj oftlilH week. Them wiih
much clmiteiliiK ol toiwnen ami
I much plyliu; of iiivilleHiiuil u Komlly
laiuoiiiitof work waHiloue.
John Sutherland and U'vl (ji-er.
i eoiuprlHlui; the firm of Sutliarluuil
i ami deer at l.onilon. were III the
clly I uenlny ami cducHilny on
! Iiiihiiivhh connectod with their mill
I eral HprliiKH at l.onilon.
Wo mo i 1 1 1 r c ) 1 1 m k m I t o liy mIiIc,
drayhcnrilH, now, tiutother,
On IhitcoiiHt o( IIIc'h grim tide
Tliroiiftli all chatiKliiK weather.
Oiicit with HprltiKliiK HtepH wo came,
Hlera and lillllm and liravcly,
"To llidfronl" In war'M llercDKaiini
IIIH ho, hut noun ton Hliavely.
TIiiiukIi the Kitmo wiih fierce ami
.lolly kIIiohiiiiiI lauxhlur
Cheered the hearl Ihrotiitli war'H
Victory ami iIImiihIit.
I.HiiKhtor, kU-h and thotiKhtlcHMHlioul
Marked the ovomIiikh' ioihIIiik.
When Iroia victory or rout
HtieniioiiH day had cmllnj,'.
When all caren were put iifdilu
While the rniiipllrcH kHiiiiikti'iI,
Itenleil IIiiiIim IIioiikIi woo liotliln
When tho iiioi-iiIiik ulilluniereil.
Ilenco wo lovo "tho lioyn" to meet,
Where tho caiupllrcH hIiIiiiiiiit,
And lei iiiciuory repeal
Other campllroH' Klltiimer.
1Ii:miV (Ioiiiiman In Silver .State,
rnliiK at the MethodlHt j
church will ho "The Hup- jt,
ijj ClirlHt. Tho oveiiliuf Hull-
MImwh Larimer and ArmltiiKc. went
In Kllueue I'rldav nleht on Hie over.
Illliro oi V. .i . .miii'i or iiiiyuiMiy eie ,,. , r. , ly ..
ill WoHirottaKi-drovoor nv our card mlHl n-'l'inilmt Mliulay on the :i p m.
Ill the NUKKd next viik
The Cottncc drove laiiiidry Ih now
prepiind l call at any place In the
city (or your lauuiliy and will de
liver nunc promiitly at your room
or rcHldonre. fall up liv phone Noltl.
Itev. V.. II. Wallace Iiiih been iiiUh
llIK Hlicli little tlllllKH IIH Mil UK,
liatchi'lH, etc , Irolii IiIh tool cheat re
cently. Ho hcciiih to think a man
who npproprlatcH IiIh tonln ami iIih'h
not n't urn lliuiu, uilulit under cerlalu
ColldltloiiH Ih' Induced to Hteal.
Tdiii Medley hii.vm tho report that
tin wiih aliHent from tho city to hco
IiIh IichI jlrl Ih not true hut ll wiih
liwrely a niattor of liiiHlncHH.Htlll that
doeHU't Mccouiil for what the clly
iiiarithal ot Kukoiio Maid to hint the
ulclil o( the democratic coiiveutlou.
Mr. H. SlnnnoiiH. ol the palut mine,
cnine to the city hint wiik ami In
ipiln'd lor llrovvn. When Informed
he hud not yet returned from Ml
Hourl. Ho exclaimed: "Yoh JiihI iih
I exHcloil. I'll Pel two tn one Iio'h
down there trying In piiinpiioclallHin
Into tliOHocni'ii fed MIhmoiiiImuh."
ThodlHplay of oratory of Win T
Hlilkoin then-cent ii-puhllcniicnunty
convention wiih quite HiirprlHlii to
IiIh (rienilH, until ll wiih learned ho
wax mimed after Win. T. K ay Her now
o( t!otlaro drove. It Heemn at the
time ol the chrlHteidnu Mr, Ka.VHer
wan ii MlHHourl iiucilonirr and It Ih
IIioukIiI tho Kilt ( h peed I followed
tho name.
Utile Willie from the mirror
Sucked the mercury all off,
Thinking In IiIh i- I 1 1 1 1 -1 i error,
It would cure the whooping eolith,
Al tho luneral WIIIIo'h mother
Hmartly Hiild lo Mih. Hrowu,
" 'TwiiHiichllly day lor Willie.
When tho mercury went down."
Moral, liny M & H White Pine
llxpectoriint (or coiikIih, ciiIiIh,
w'hoopliu; eoiik'h. croup, Inllucuza,
urlp, etc. l"or hiiIo ut MorKiuuV: Hn-Iiuiu'h.
I'lllluril I'iiwmk and lainlly hav
i moved Into the Hiiltoof rootliH In I)
i I Awliroy h now IiuIIiIIiik.
i If Villi Willi! In liliv nr uell f tv
1 Phillip tV Whrelor, olllro In liank
i liiilhlliiK.
I (I M t'onier left on the M p in train
for MarHlilleld, where ho k'H-h tour
kuuIio a M W A camp.
I MIhh Minnie Comer came down
from Doreiia I-rlday ovo and Sun
, lu imI In tho drore.
! A little money to loan on kooi) real
icHiate wftirlly. Iniuln; of I'hllllpH
I . vt uceicr.
: Knit SAI.i: A kii'1 piano for hiiIo
rneap. i.iuiiiie in tno exprchH oiiice
for particular.
Try a tent of the llarelwood you
i will Mud at the .Star II rut door cant of
the poHlolllce.
Vou can KOt the bent Iokkith' and
i iiiIiici'h' hIiih'h at J II DavldrtonN .
A Kood hccoiiiI hand oi'icuu to wll
I or trade. Sou I'lillllpn .t Wlurlcr.
Hot coffee ami IiiiicIich at tho
cIihiiko ivHtaurant.
Old cui'loH IioiikIiI at tho Novelty
Hiuelwood Ice cream at tho Star.
Mondnv, April IS. I
child of Mr .mil Mrn
iiii in t Iik old
delwltz at
Surprised the Mnccabccs.
Tliur-day eve tho lltli alioiit 10::K)
tho l.udy IIcch and Invited kuvhIh
qulutly marched up to the hall while
tho kiilKhtH were very liuny lultlat
liiK a iiiiuiIht of caiullilatcH and took
poHHVHHlon. It wiih a complete mir
iirlmt and tho Sir KuightH itave ii re
cchh ami welcomed the IndleH. He
frcMliinentH wero nerveil mid n Kood
time enjoyed liy all.
Saloon Robbed.
On Tlmrmhiy morning Hometlmu
nflor one o'clock the'
I'opo wiih entered and the nlot mil
chluoHmiil iVKlnter woro rolilKMl. It
Ih cHtliuated the HiIovch Kot Homo $11)
or Twii men who Imvo bwii
ahoul town lor a few tliiyH aiv huh
peeled ami It Ih HioiikIiI they took
Unit when I cll ii hnttlu Ihev como hack i th trnlli out of thoclty Hhortly after
lor innie I can honestly iccoininend tho roliliery
It." aric,
Iiiiiiiedlately leiievun hoiiri'ii, croupv
cough, onpieHM-d. nitthiiK, riiKplnit mul
dlllldilt hreiithiiii;. Ilenrv t!. Mt'ciirnn,
DriiKitiit, Sliuil-linii.', WIh., Hiiten, Mav
20, IUOI: "I luive liccn fcllinn H.ii
liiril'n llorchiiiiinl Svrup (or two yeiiin,
and Imvo never hud ii iiieiuiiiitlon Unit
Iiiih irivun U'llcr Kiillifiictinii. I notice
fine, Il.tK). New Km Driiitl
Card of Thanks.
, I iIchIi-o to thank my IrlciiiM and
; aciiiiiltitmiceH lor thoklnd H.vnipathy
and HHHiHlanco rendered during my
lain liereavement and death of my
.Iah. Com:.
Hiiiisliitie has about (lis
K)sed of the licautiful snow
mul the trees will soon be
leaving Hint is the lenves
will be comiiie;, mul some
will lmve
lloloro leaven, thin HUjjiteHtH
Hint you Hhoiild have vour
camorii and Hh IioIoiikIiikm
(iilto ready (or Hcctirlni; tho
lieaullliil plctutv which will
If vou havu'ut a camera or
having out), nood IicIoiikIiikh,
.Call on
Just Arrived
i A (till lino of all kludH of need IiciiiIh
at tho Novelty Store.
Splinters Convention,
The SnhrHteiH Convention hold on
Monday uliihl under tint uiihpIcch of
theWoinen'M I, Horary ('lull of Cot
taue drove wiih a iiiohI enlo.valde
affair ami afforded a ureal "'
aiuuneineiil to Hioho who had the
pleiiHiire of wHiiOHHini; ll.
rue M w A orclii'Htra Iickhii the
evonlnu'H entertainment liy rendering
He vent I Mao heleellollM. I'ollowliiK
which the "delciratcH" heuau to ar
rive and Hike their hciiIh In tho con
vention. When all wero In iilaco
and tho KrcothiKH over, tint prcHidclit,
aiih lir.loii, niier coiiHlilerahlo effort
HUecccdcd In w-curliiK order.
1 lie MTfetan, Mrn Kit Wheeler.
called the roll ami found the entire
inomlM-rHlilp piecnt, (oIIowIiik; which
tiudi delcKato wan nuked (or an ux
proHHlou ol her HcntlmciitH, which do
vcIojhmI Hio (act that tho Hole am
bition ol each wiih to necuro a mall.
Tho treaHiirer'H, Mm llurkholdor,
report Hhoweil a coiiHldcralila hiiiii of
money had been lecelved nearly all
ol which had been cxcnilcil for
puffH, powderH, and IioipietM pn
N'utoil to eilKllile Kontlomun, Kvl
denlly without rcHiilla.
Tlier:- wcio huiijjh which wero hiiiic;
iih only a collccilon of elderly npln
Htern could hIiik them.
Theru were Homt) kooiI local hltn
learcllni: the youuK Kentleuieii of
thoclty. In diet for mi hour the
HpliiHtcrn kept the amlletico lauuliliiK
at their droll luiperHoiiatloiiH. At
the coiicIiihIoii of tho convention, ho-
rial eiiloyineiit and refivHlniieiitH
weix- In order. Kveryouc conceded It
to iH'iiliout the hcHt local entertain.
incut over given in the city.
' Cliurch Notices.
Tho iimIo''h Hiibject for next Hun-
oay iiioiiiliiK
IIhiiiI of Hut t.
Joel "Tho Chrliitlaii In I'oIHIch."
I'rcachliiK nervlci'H al tho Chrlatlan
Church (Sunday morning ami oven
Iiik. Subject 11 a. in. "Called Cuto
HohI"; H p. ui. "KleiiienlH of Huccohh
ful I.lfo". On ThnrHilay April IN at
H p. in. Hev Win Cowden ol Tacoma,
WiiHli.. will Hlieak. Kvervbodv In
Dr 'I' II l''ord, prcHldliiK elder ol tho
MethodlHl KplHcopnl Church will bo
incottuKo drove Monday cvciiIiik.
Ho will preach ami ami hold the
quarterly coalereiieo. Tho wtvIcch
win in-Kin promptly at elKht o'clock
Hr I'ord will bo on IiIh way toHun
KranclHco and I-oh AiikoU-h to attond
the general conference of IiIh church
Knox U Coming
Mr. It. W. KelHoy. of NowherK.
winner of tho tiallonal prolilhltlou
InlercollcKlaU) conlCHt at Chicago la
.lline, HKXl, accompanleil by W. Ku
K''iKt Knox, tho llillaltahle Imper
nouator, and Hiipporled In hoiijc by
MoHHrn, Howard I. Hockutt mid
Kininer A No why will hold a meeting
at tho M i: church l- rlday, April L"Jth
at 8 p. in.
I he object of tho nicotine; will be
to Htlr up Hcntlinent In favor of pro
hibition and CHcclully tho proponed
local option law.
Kvery perHon InleroHted In lcuiK.T-
mice work Ih cordially Invited to bo
preHont. lloyH and KlrlH iindrr lil
Hhoiild bo accompanied by parentH
or Hume adult perHon who will bo re
MpoiiHllile for their conduct.
AiIiiiInhIoii will I mi (rii-, but each
liemon iittoudliiK Hhoiild not nenli-ct
the opportunity of contributing to
tho nllver olforltii; which will lw
taken. I'lcdtje will bo taken lor tho
Tho W. V. T. V. will meet l'rlday
at '1:'V) p. ut. at tho 0 1' parHomiKi',
a IhihIiichm nurtlnK. Ladlen pleiiHe
l.. T.
i, I'VIday I p. in. at C
Notice No '1.
Olllco ofOri'Ktm Co-ojicratlvo Ahho
clatlon. No I, CottiiKo drove.
To Tho Olllcern and Member, (Ireot-
Jty order of tho l'rcHldcnt you are
hereby called to meet In Hpeclal nen
hIoii TucHiIay oventnK, April '.'6, at
Martln'H hall at 8 o'clock nharp,
IlimlueHf of luiporlanco.
Tho proHence of every member Ih
eartU'Htly ileHlred.
C. J. ilowAi'ti. Sec. Oregon Co-oi-eratlvo
Fail to see the finejine
of Combs, Hair Brushes,
Toilet Articles and
! lrii jjjjiHt'H Sundries!
The finest line in town
prices can not be beaten f ij
h 'in . , V H?l
i lie v-oiifije ijrovc ,i
Ih now In runnliiK order
and prepared to do all kludn of
laundry work with promptncHH
and at reiiHoaablo raten.
Wo hope to wcure your
patrouiiKO and to pleaHo you
with our work. I'houo.'H
Hanson & Swanson, Props.
Artistic Carpets
and Matting
Here's a stock from which you will be
able to select something that will look well on
your floors.
Full Width, Full
Durable Colors, Strong Warp and Woof
Also have a complete line of fine lace curtains
and netting for making the same.
jirc s More.
Agents for-
Methodist Episcopal Conference
l.os Anrclcs, Calif.
Account ubove Conference, tho
Southern I'aclllc Co. will mako re
duced in ten on tho certlllcato plan
Irom mala line point In Orciniu
HOllthol Portland. I'aHHcnircrH will! All norHiinHkiiowlnrr tlienwelvoH In.
purchiiHO tlcketH to I.o AuscIch, for debled to the itnderHlKneil will pleiiHe
which iiKoat will collect the hlKhcHt call at Mrn .IK I'almor'H Htoro and
one way rate. KlvlnK a h.n-cIiiI n- lH'f,)ns Mny I5;.'""v u ....
celpt. On preHoiitutlou of thN re. , " " -r""
celpl. duly e.ecilted, liy original niir-
cluiHer, Southern I'aclllc Acent at
I.oh A linden will pell return ticket at
oue-thlril faro. Side iIiiIch from Ore
gon polnlH will ho April lOlh, to
May i in iiicuiriive, iiiho .Mav utii,
IJth. ltlth, IHtli, Slrd, Siitli and :tuth.
Ah wo are JiiHt HtartltiK and the
amount of work ho far iIih'h not
i JiiHtK.v the puyliiK of couiiuIkhIoiih to
iikpiicIch. We n-iiueHt Hioho wIhIiIii
' Hl. .1 l .11.. r ,1...
'III..!... .1.... I.I.I -.1.1 ....I'" III, I It." II, h'll- 'I- IIH IT-l l"lH-
llliTllini liny on men vei IMILlllcn , . .11 . .1 ..... ., ;
will Ihi honored for return at reiluivd ! J "il1.... " V.1' ...!- i
rate Irom I.oh AiikcIoh will lie .Innoi '""' '
.Mil, 1!K)I.
I Eagle Book Store .
O Can Ih; (ound tho most ele- O I IlIjA
X Kant and up to date X I
lei .ii 1 1 iv 1 1 .iv x r mt
8 An elegant line of KiiHtern o I
V Jlaile l'erlumeH, school u
x IlookH and a full line of the X
o hiHteHt popular ImokH. A I -
9 ' 0 B Lots
f Imported J
ll SI lllKll'H (l $2.2.-1 KT til Vf1 A
Commoii Itouirh IiiiiiIht and W
' J dlmeiiHlon ut (7.50 w
All kludn of Kiln Dried W,
J IuiiiIh-T at proportionately M'
J low prlcoH. J
At mill, prlcen, until April V.'
lt- !
( lunor it Rlnirliflni T.itmfipr Tn Vl'
McFarlauds and
Mrs. C. A. Perkins, add's
All kinds of improved and unproved city
property at lowest prices. We act as agents
owners. Collect rents and remit promptly.
KeferenceH. First National Bank, or any one In Cottage Grove
Plmi I
and country H
for property I
FOK S A LK. A nice organ, used
but very little. .IiiHtiiHgood iih the
day of purchase. It cost flit), will
nell (or either (or canh on In part.
TIiIh Ih a bargain. AIho a drop head
wowing machine for $15 CotiHlder
these bargalnn and call upon or
addresH Mm. Eliza .fane Miller, Cot
tnge Grove, Near old Urlnt Mill.
On April lllh to the wife ol Olo.l.
Kiiyner, a daughter, while moit
bullion n iv welcome, the advent. of:
thin one Into the lainlly circle Ih ex-,
cepttonall.v ho. It giM-n without Hay
ing the parenlH are happy: but
Grandpa and (Irmidma Kaynerro
ipilro Hpecial mention. I.'p to date It
iiiih ihi-ii practically iuipohhiiuo tone-
clde .which wiih the moHt elated, al
though It now upncarH to be Hllghtly
In favor of the grandma.
Will Start San mill,
i'lio I'aclllc Timber Company will
Htart up Hh Alcu Hiiwiulll the coming
weok. While tho force at llrnt will
not lie very great It Ih expected to
lucreiiHO until about a hundred men
are employed.
i if &
mcfs aim Aimers I
I've got t
You Want
IleaHonable I'rlces jj
Good Stock.
At J. II. Davidson's
Sealed lihln will be ii'cclved by th
LJ..I I III. I f U..I I ltl ..ll
ociii'iii ifiix-vitiin tji neiiuiii I'lnirieL , .,, . , i.
No. lr of Lane County, Oregon, at iK Class win give icvuns cpuiici,
Vocal Lessons.
Dispel the blues; Sorrow and
anxiety will he obliterated by
having your daughter, son or any
member of the family trained to
sing those beautilul soncs. Mrs.
W. G. Woods who has an interest-
Cottugc Grove, Oregon, until I
o'clock 1. M., April ifttli, IUOI, for the
erection and completion of a frame
bchool building according to plans
and HpcclltcatloiiH prepared by Chan
ll, mirggrui nreniioot oi Aitiaiiy,
certllleil check ol f lSU.IHl payable
to tho Hoard ol School Directum of
DiHtrict No. 4."i uiiiHt accompany each
bid an a guarantee that the bidder
will lurnlHlimi approved bond eitial
to 7.1 per cent of tho iimount of tho
conlract, within ten ilayn alter the
awarding of Hiild coutruct.
ll tiiiiH miiHt no mailo out upon
forniH (or thoHiuno.
I'lmiH, HpiclllcatlouH mid blankH
cnuboHivii at .1. K. YoungV olllco
L'ottagi' Grove, or at the nrchltect'H
Tho Hoard roHorvoH tho right to re
ject any or all bldn.
DiHtrict i tern, .i. iv. itAiuti:TT,
Chalrimifi ol Hoard or Dlrectorn,
J. W. Gownv. ll-2t
twice a week in voice culture, ner
methods and theory have been
demonstrated tobe practical Terms
reasonable. Three blocks west of
Catholic church.
"We have ut-ed Clinmherliiin'ti Colic.
Cholera mid Diarrhoeii Remedy In our
(aiuily for years," fays .Mm. J. B. Cooke,
of Neilerlands, Texas. '-We have given'
it to all of our children. Wo have used
other medicines for the siune purpose,
hut never found aiivthini: to opiat
Clian.berlain'ti. II you "ill nee it ns
directed It will always cure." For tale1
by New Ivru Drug store.
The Southern Pacific Is nowBelllnp;
round trip tlcketH to Portland Irom
Eugene (or ?4 good going Saturday
P. M., or any train ol Sunday, re
turning Sunday and Monday, giving
nil day Sunday and Monday In Port
land. The HnmenrrangementnpplleH
from Portland, giving nil Portland
people a chance to visit valley points
We can furnish mining Htock nt "t preatly reduced rnteH." PartleH
uric lveinw t!wiK of imr ntiipr desiring to take ndvaiitngH of thCHO
1. broker in HiejiUile. Medley '& Milne. , "teH can pay local fare to Eugene.
The "Angelas"
Is Coming
Mr. L. Van lturkler, a photogra
pher of coiiHldci-able renown for
doing high chihH photographic work,
will open a Htudlo In Cottage Grove
wltnlti a week or two.
United States Land Office,
Rosehurp, Ore., March 19th, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that incompli
ance with the provisions ol the Act of
Congress ol June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
net lor the snlo o( timber lands in the j
states ol uaiiiorina, iin-gon, aevaua 1
and WashingtonTerritoiy, usextonded j
to all tho Public Umd States by act of !
August 4,1892, I
ol Saginaw, County ot Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day tiled in this
otlico his sworn statement No. 0029 (or
the puichase o( the NE .' of
NH of Section No. 22. Twp. 21
South, ol Range 3 West and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is1
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and lo
establish his claim to said land before
tho Register and Receiver of this otlico ,
at Rosebnrg, Oregon on Thursday the
Oth day of June. 1904
He names as witnesses:
U. M. Lambert, Edgar King, Emery
Guslar, William II . Champion, of Col
tiigeGiove, Oregon,
Anviind idlpersonsclaimingadversely
the above described lands are requested
to tile their claims in this otlico on or
before said 9th day of Juno, 1904.
J. T. liiniKiKS, Hegister.
Watch for it.
Welch & Woods
and we
can find
We have sold much Real Estate
can sell yours. If vou wish to buy we
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
Cottage Grove Mercantile Co.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
We will still continue sale on the entire line of
Street Hats at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 and
$2.00 It will pay you to inspect this line.
We have a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnish
ings and Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
We most cordially invite the Ladies of Cottage Grove and vicinity to in
spect our line of Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.