I H. C. MADSEN, i VVatchmakkk. ' Uepalrlnf at reasonable e.srrs. I All wvtk inaraatMd flrsKlass. i YTalskn, Clotss and Jswalrr at lmest IMcta ( UUT1AUH UKUVH, UHIi. , A. H. KING Attorney at Law, aoTTAaur, a nova, oke. J. E. YOUNG Altorncy-at-Law Offlc. on Main street, West Bld.--COTTAOIt GROVK, Ola!. J. H. Medley. .1. C. Jolinnon Medley Johnson, AttorneyK-nMnw Office Suite :t Itttuk liltlfj. Sjtcclnl attention given to Mining und Corporation I.uw. A NEW WATER REGISTER. The Vme of IVnter ItrsHater. Una flrovrn In Knvor of Late. l'or many yours Inventors hnvo strlv rn with unsatisfactory results to de sign nn iiiitomnttc regulating Rate to furnish n constnnt discharge under a varying head, but the ditch rider Is still compelled to rend the depth of water Honing over n weir or through a flume as often ns his other duties permit. The wnter register takes the place of the ditch rider, and Its work Is more accurate and Is continuous. It also gives an Impartial record, says rield and Farm In Illustrating a water stage recorder Invented by n Denver man, which works ns follows: The rise and fall of wnter In a reser voir, river, canal or tlume raise and L.T. Harris. A. C. Woodcock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, ttorncys-at-Lmc Hpeelal attention siven to the law of Ml net. KUUKNK, 01EK. AUCTIONEER. ACTOUATtO WATEIt STAGE KKCOllllKli. lower float it ml counterpoise con ncctcd by n substantial eliuiti which passes over n cut sprocket wheel, iiuv tlon being Imparted by the float. Twenty yearn oxerieiice. Kino 1 A paper divided and ruled Into tve Htock wiles n sm-clnlty. Wrlta for tangnlnr space 1 securely fastened to Inte. W. T. KAYSHK, Cottage I! rove, Oregon. Heldre There Nr.. SMun'ce rtcne IK. J. E. HOSMER, ' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Eye. Ear, Hose and Throat a SpscIaltY. Office hours from 9 to 11am from 2 to 3 pm. Sunday from 12to2 p m. Office InMadsen Building, Main street, COTTAGE. GROVE. OREGON. BARKER & PERMAN PRorniF.TORs or THE EXCHANGE DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. CntMcn lroe-. Ore. the cylinder and the time divisions run nlng parallel to Its uxl and the depth divisions at right angles thereto. The pen or pencil making the record U moved along the cylinder by the posi tive action of the sprocket chain con nected to the float so ns to Indicate the movement from the float to the pencil point nt nil times and under nil condl Uons of water and weather. The Hue tun t Ions In discharge create a zlgsag line, and the mechanism Is so con structed that the record can be extend ed to cover several revolutions of tin cyllnd'T, If necessary, with no confe sion of the record. Tlic First National Bant OF CoTTAGK GROVK, ORE. Paid i ) Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available anv place nthellnitod States IIerbebtEakik, President, Wheeler, Cashier. HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Come nt once and ltnve your holi day pliotoH taken in time to Rend to friends for ChristinnH. Do not wait till the Inst moment. W. I- SlIANAI-EI.T. (Inllery on Went Side, opposite Mntioulc Hall. BE WISE At $1. a'year No Investor can afford to le without the Journal for Investors Any one of Its features is alone worth the price of subscription. It will tare you huudredi of dollars every year. Its cbaractor has never been Impugned. JOURNAL, FOR INVESTORS CO. Room G, Chamber of Commerce, Boston. Address letters to P. O. Box 2617. FIRE. Don't neglect that house, but call at the express olllce and have Tom Awlirej write you up a policy in cither the Ktnn Insurance. Co. or the Oregon Klre Itellcf Association oi McMIniivllle, Oregon. eot-3 STYLISH SHOES FOR .STYLISH PEOPLE : CHILDREN OF THE FARMS. ndurntr Thrtu n l'nrnitrt nt ti 1'mi cif Tlieiu, but n Lut ut Tlii'm, A (rood deal has been written alio said lately about rural education, but perhaps nothing more cuhiilatcd to startle the people most concerned in this mbject Into independent thinkln? than the opinions expressed by I'ro feasor Kuseue Davenport nt the detlic 1 tlon of the first consolidated school ir IJvliiKton county. III., at Seward Anions other tvmarks. I'rofessor I. eniKirt Is credited with the following The damage done to homes, to bid' vlduuR to agriculture, to Anierinip , country life, to the community in gi i- oral by the Infernal practice of mm lug to town to educate the children' can never be assessed at full value. I R.1.1 the 'Infernal practice.' because, while the purpose has been good (njid wlim will a mau not suffer for hi children Vt yet the consequences have tiecii mo-tli evil. The home hiis been broken tq business suspended, false fdeim of ill life engendered. Idleness etieouragoe, anil-the product, when It Is turned air. Is too often disappointing. It cannot be otherwise. A family tratisporti'l t. the villnge or the city for such a tea son represents neither city life 1101 country life, and the young iK-opl grow up in sympathy with neither iiih: in Ignorance of both: The Consolidated Country School. "The consolidated country school l the only plan proposed that will keep Intact the country home, educate tut chlU within the environment In which he Is growing up and make him the In tellectual equal of bis city cousin. "Agriculture Is no calling now for the grossly Incompetent or the hope lessly Ignorant It will never be bet ter suited to the man of low capacltj than It Is today. On the contrary, it will constantly demand more of him and public policy will encourage that demand. "Accordingly our people must be ed ucated educated not only as Individ uals and American citizens, but edu cated as farmers; not a few of them, but a lot of tbem; not here and there ono that has escaped, as from bondage somewhere, but wbolo communities of people, men and women together, benl not only on getting the most out of our lands, but also of getting most out of country life." x A UHKAT BKNSATION. m There was a big sensation in Lees ville, 1ml, when V. II. llrown o( that place, who nns expected to die, had his llfo saved bv Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, lie writes. "I en dured insnriersble agonies from Asthnin, but your New Discoorygve me imme diate reliel and soon thereafter effected n complete euro " Similar cures of Consumption, I'lu'iimnnU, llrouchitis and Grip arc numerous, lfs the peer less remedy for all thtoat and lung troubles, 'Price MV. and $1.00. Guar anteed bv Morgan A Itrcliitut Druggist. Trial bottles free. , lfnlf-t I'or llrmul Sunn, Vai:..i's Tanner snys alfalfa lia when fed to brood sows In winter should be cut tine and fed with n little meal. We find this Is not necess.iry. ; For two years now we have v Uttered' our brood sows on plain alfalfa hay without cutting, and they eat It up clean. Not a spoonful of g - ! Is given them until they farrow The elTvt of the alfalfa Is seen In'tlie sptom! d il , Ity of the pigs produced and the nbuu dant yield of milk by the sows. Hoard's Dairyman. SCIATIC ltllKI'MATlSM CUKKD. "I have Ih'Oii subject to sciatic rhen niatism for vears." hivb V.. II. Widdroii. ol Wilton Junction, town. "Mv joints were still and gave me much tuiiti and discomfort. Mv joints would crsck when I straightened up, 1 ued Cham berlain's Tain llrtlni and have been thoroughly cured. Have not had a pain or ache (mm tho old trouble (01 many nionlns It is certainly a most wundcifiil liniment." Kor sale bv New Era Drugstore. Tryfortlcalth South Teoria St., CmcAiio. Ill . Oct. 7. I00J. Klglit luontlu ago I vas so 111 that I w ns tompelUl to lie. or sit down nearly tM tho tlino. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain ami I coughed to mudi that my throat and lungs were raw and tore. The doctors lw nounced it llright's diseaso and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to mo what they called it and 1 had no dc sirotolive. A sister visited me) from St. Ijoiiis and asked 1110 if I had ever tried Wino of Cardul. I told her 1 had not and sho bought a bottle. I brltevo that itsnvel mv life. 1 believe many women could sae niuch suffer ing if they but knew of its value. W. S. Chrismanit Ely Basils IturkYTbent mu n l-rd l'nr lloira. Iluckwhent Is so valuable for human food that It Is rarely used to feed farm nnlmnls. The hulls arc mostly uin-r and poor, but the middlings are most nutritious, says l'mfossor r. S. t'oolej of .Massachusetts Agricultural college Feeding trials of ground buckwheat for hogs, coveting HO days, have shown no bad effects and n remarkably rapid gain. The gains appear to Ik' more rapid thati with most grains because hogs consume larger quantities of the buckwheat. The consumption of feed per pound of grain, however. Is rather creator than wMth corn and wheat A DANDY FOR llUUNS. Dr. Hergin, Pana, Ills., writes: "I have used Italian!' Snow Liniment; al ways recommended ittouiv friends, as I am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dsndv fer burns." Those who w ho live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns. Lruisee, which heal rannllv when Dullard's Snow Liniment is atuilled. It should always le kept in the lioiue for cases of emergency. i.n', 000 si.uo Dottle. .ew r.ra Drugstore Ion't you want freedom from pain? Tuke Wino of Canlui and make ono supreme effort to he well. You do n.-t need t.i Is' a weak, helpless sufferer. ou can hae u woman's hi'alth and ilea woman a wurk 111 life. liy not secure a bottle of Wine of llordui from your druggist today? EM THE COMBINATION HORSE. Coll The Trnrhrr'a Fnolt. Teacher Why, Freddy, how did you get those black and blue welts on your arm? Scholar Them's your fault, teacher. Teacher My fault? What do you mean? Scholar (sobbing remlnlsceutlyi Why, you told mo It was a poor rule that didn't work both woys. So when I went home I took pa's new two foot rule that doubles up on a hinge and bent It back till It worked both ways, and then pa said I'd broken the Joints, and he went and got bis razor strop. WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY distinguish th? SHOE FOR WOMEtf Id by Le&ding DeeJers 50 m fl -ffiilt" jPijAp StNO FOR Us fSwy V-rfSSfsr XDtaMr,vteoo,ttri P-f-TcOTZIANdj CO. " 1 ST. PAUL. I Nothing has cVer equalled it. I Nothing can ever surpass it. I Dr. King's I New Discovers fP, lOWHUMrTIO-Y p.c, II IA Perect For All Throat and if Cure: Luncr Troubles. II B Monty backlf I trails. Trial Oottla fre. II inn iMMtMaasBay Onr Farm Animals. Washington, D. C The acting statis tician of the department of agricul ture has completed his estimate of the number and value of farm animals In tho United States on Jan. 1, 1004, by teparate states. The totals for the country are shown in the following ta bio: Average Drlco Number, per head. Hones 16.736.063 141 03 IIOIJllKDTlIEGItAVK. A startling incident is narrated bv John Oliver of i'liiladelpliin, as follows': "I was in an awful condition. Mvskin was almost yellow, eye? Miuken, tongue eoa'ed, pain continually in back unci sides, no appetite, growing weaker dav by day. Three physicians .hud given me up. Then I was advised to uto Klectric Hitters: to mv ureal iov. Urn nrtt bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for time weeks, and am now a well man. I know thev robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail ta try them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed at Morgan A llrehaut's drug store. A l.o 11 K I.Unl llorar. The Gentleman's Magazine of 1737 contains notice of the accidental death of k cart gelding owned by Klchard -Vndall of the Grange, tSouthwark, London. The horse died from the ef fects of a cut on the knee. This horso had been forty-four years In Air. Ken dall's possession and had been the property of his former owner fifteen years, whence It would seem he was 3fty-nlne years old when he met with the accident which caused his death. Ilotr to Trnlit mill Otrr For Tlmt la nturnl (inllril. The natural gaited or so called com bination horso Is from tlftccn to sixteen hands high, being naturally strong in general conformation and standing straight on his medium sited feet, with his legs well under Ids body. Ills round, flatlike toes inilnt straight forward, so as to Insure an easy gait. The fox trot, single foot nnd running walk are the most desirable gaits, although a few persons like the canter, slow pace or trot. The latter gait, however. Is con-1 suiereii nesi ror Harness use unless a higher rate of speed Is desired, says II. i;. Iluck lu In rui and Itaiich. The pace Is the foundation gait of the saddle horse. A colt that paces when lt Is foaled has brighter prospects than any otla'r animal of his kind. When the colt Is n week old he should tie led , by a baiter and the process nqieateil each week until he Is weaned at the age of six months. The colt should then be bridled. When about eighteen I months old he may be saddled. This I gauges Ills disposition, and he may soon I bo ridden by it small boy from two tc ; four miles every other day. Havini! I gone his several gaits under a saddle it Is time to harness and Induce him u ( pull a cart. Deal gently with the colt Do not encourage the uso of whip or spur unless he Is III tempered. In such nn event study the disposition of your , charge, conquer him by tlrtliness mid use n whip If necessary. It Is lnqtcr, however, to abandon the whip than ai ply It In anger. He humane. The combination horse should bring from ?1(J to $'.'."MI us a two-year old and at that age can he used for any kind of Ilk-lit work. Ills tmttie and tail should be long nnd thick. Such 11 growth Is possible by washing the mane and tall nbout twice a month with castile soap and water, while is also ndvlsable to grease with bird about once a month. Every farmer should own a combination horse both from the standpoint of business and pleasure. Such nn animal may be driven to a vehicle or saddled without interfering with his natural gait or sacrificing speed. It is enconomy to keep one well bred combination horse In preference to one buggy horso and another for saddlo use. During the past ten years I have exhibited nnd won premiums with combination horses at almost every fair In Tcxa Iteno Clipper, 2:17M, at tho head o my stable at McKlnney, Tex., has won thirty-eight premiums, while his colts have taken sixty-five premiums. Scv cnteen sales of his colts average over J242.33 per head. OREGON ShotLine and union Pacific Three Trains To Tho h'ast Dally. Through l'ullman standard and tour ist sleeping cars dully to Omaha, Chi cago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist sleep ng cms (personally con ducted) weekly toChlcago. KaumisOllv reclining chaircniN (seats fteej to the i'.iisi. unity. 1 witfaa&h I'litll'lllKKIIIH OK leMon A IK) lil t ICK OK I II K Holiciiiiu (itul lllnck Htittc St (!(. Class tails, Double or Single. CIIKISMAN & HANGS - COTTAG1J GKOVU, OR 12 hours IH)Ull.AMTOCMICA(U No flu nut of or. 70 Dh'Aht 'IIK I'lnca go Portland J Special 1 l. (fill. m. vialliiut- lllgtnn. Atlantic K.xprcss 1 S.IAp.tn., St, P.riil Fust Mail 7 :4Ai.in, ' via Spokane. AlllllVK KIIOM 5:'.'.ri.in Timk S('iii:tit'M.s from Poitlaiid salt Kike, Denver Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kansas City, St. l.ouis, Chicago and Fast. Suit Uike, Denver, Ft. Wotth, Omaha. I lUMlii.m Kansas City, bt, Irfiiiis.Chlciigoiiud Fast. Wulla Walla, Lew iston , SK)kaiie, S'tX)a.m. Walliice, Pullman,! Minneapolis , St. l'aul. Diilmh, Mil-, wankee, Cliicugo At Fast. OCEAN AND IllVlilt SCIIEIIL'LB For San Franclsiv Kvery live days at S:00 11. 111. For Astoria, way-points and North lleach Daily (except Sun day! nt S :00 p. in. ; Saturday ut 10:00 p. 111." Daily service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yatt hill Hivers, For fuller information ask or write your nearest ticket aiient. or A. L. CRAIG, tieneral Passenger Agent. TheOiegon Kallroad A N'avagation t'4). Portland, Oregon. ASK TIIK Art Kin FOlt TICKKTsS - lu- S1x1l.ii ur, St. l'aul, MiimrttjioliK, htihttlt, CiIciiuii, St hauls 1- SV"V. ssvV sj.'VSft. 9 svswv e sss.. -sVsV-t Cottage Grove flour mills. Having purdmsctl the warehouse Ibriuerly owned liy Messrs IJllede tS: IIii,rniiis, we wish to annoiiiiee that we will continue to carry a larj;e stock of all kinds of Feed there, which will he sold at lowest prices, lly courteous treatment, squnrc tlcnlliiK we liopc to receive 11 mre share ol your imttotinnc. HAY AND l'l'I-l) nUl.IVHKICI) l'KOMl'TI.V. IBitrdiiiiV HmiNcu. roi.s. I?. tiAUoi'TTH, Manager. ksV.SVSassvtVSA.st,As S- tsvsa.s.sa.ssvsj la.'SVSiy-S g!!n!f1!f1!fMf!!f!!f!!f!!f!tf!!f!!f1!f!!f!!ntn!n!f!!f!!fMf!r!irMF I Spring 19 bcrcSo are we j With Sjiray I'unip.s and Spray Coiupottud. 5i lliH'H, ItnkoH nnd CttttlvutorH. rZS S: OIlver'H Sleel nnd Chilled Flown. 3 SZ l'l"h llroM. Wngons. w ZZZ a full nnd complete Line of lliirilwnri', SIiivcm Mini 't'liitvurv. 3 Milling Supplies our Specialty. 3 Piper& Vandenbun iUiiiiUiUiiiiUiiimiUiiiiikjiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuJiuuiiiR ANI ALL I-OINTS HAST AND SOI'TII h,0 Overland Trains Dally The Flyer And The Fast Mall Mulea 2.H7.91' Milk cows. 17.U9.S17 Other cat- tie t5.G3.CH 8hep Sl,630,l4 Swlna (7,009,397 78 m M n It it 2 69 15 Value. 217.U2.63J 712.178.Ut 1S3.630.0M 289.22t.C27 I Bniiar Ileet I'lnnta Claim One CI 1 7. I According to current report, Janes vllle, Wis., has been trying to make up 1 its mind which ono of two $1,000,000 sugar beet plants It will permit to lo cato within Its borders. Janesrille is tho" center of what Is pronounced by good authorities one of tho best sugar beet growing regions in tho country and a truly delectable land for tho beet sugar Industry. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOlt CHILD It EN. When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place Implicit confidence. You want one mat not only relieves but cures. You want one that Is unques tionably harmless. You want one that is pleheant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy meets all of these con ditions. Theie is nothing bo good for mo cotiRiia ami colds incident to clilltl hood. It is also a certain preventive and cure for croun. and there Is no danger whatever from whooping cough when it Is given. It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with HEALTH IS YOUTH. DiaeaKe and Sickness Bring Old Age. Herbine. taken everv morninu before ! breakfast, will keen von in minim health, tit vou to ward of disease. It I cures constipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, (ever. skin, liver, and kidnev I complaints. It purifies the. blood und 1 clears the complexion, Mrs. D. W. S nith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3. 1 1002: "I have need Herbine. and Unit it the best medicine for constipation and liver trubles. It does all you claim for it. lean highly recommend it." 50c a bottle. New Era Drug Store. I Ilreaklngr si Wlahbone, The divining rod Is a 'feature In all ' early mythology, especially so among ' tho Hindoos. As tho forked branch or n tree it indicated In various parts of Europe, Asia and Africa where treas ures were hidden or where water might A rilETTV (iOOD scurjMn. A friend of ours, the owner and man ager of a first class hotel In a town of 10,000 in a western state, lias rented eighty acres of lancl near the town, hired n competent market gardene poultryman und dairyman and will hereafter supply his hotel with the vegetables, milk, eggs, cream, butter and small fruits which be needs. He will keep a drove of hogs to consume the waste of tho hotel, nnd has figured It out that he can make good money doing It, besides securing tho best 11m' freshest of such products for his table, Tt costs him about $3,000 a year for Ids 1 11' el supplies of this sort, and he tells i'h he can see a clean saving of at least 71,000, besides any surplus he may nave to dispose of. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. lucre's nothing liku doing n thing iiiorougiiiy. ut an me mujvhs you ever heard of, llucklen's Arnica Salve is tho bo readily found. From the forked 2"'. ' ,l a.'a.:iallL,", ' c,V,re "H"1."' branch of a tree it was but a step to j j.:rllpi0ll, nn(1 ,.jplj j.B onl; 2,, tho forked clavicle of a bird, and this and guaranteed to give satisfaction by hnna .irau OArtn 1.,.,,,. ... ...1.1. ,1 . , . . . . . . , . J vv ,.uo luiniw iuu (juwur , .uurgan re jironaiu, i-fruggiBt vi securiug xno grauueauon or tlic wishes of those who In breaking It re tained tho forked part, for it was the fork that was possessed of mystic power. perfect succe6K. Drug 8 tore Eor sale by New Era GUARDIANS' SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice Is herebv crti ih Ihatliv vlrlnnnr.nn, 1 der Issued out of the County Couit of the state Of Orezuu for f Jllie L'ountv. which halri .irder ! I dated I ho Mb. day of March, 1U01, 1 will, on or after Saturday the 23rd day ufAurl). IWH.sell at prlvale sale for catli In hand, all the un divided one forty second Interest of Homer !), i Uedford anil Stella I. Itedford mlliori, In the followlnif described real ettate, towlt: Iiegln : nlng at a jjolnt au feel east of (ho B. K. corner of Lurch Ilrothcrs uam h(iui, W.t. nintilnv lhi.n.M east ulonit the kouth line of the John Cochran ' Ucnatlon Iiml Clalui, a diMauteof 21 rods, than... .-.,. u-ul- ili.nn.u... in...j. .1 : " ..".. uiu.il. ,uu,a nca, .01,1.,, lUUIltTV nouiu to me piace oi ueg-inninir, except a right .of wry heretofore deeded to the O. & 8. K. it. it. all In Tp. 20 B. It. s v. In Une County. Oregon, Hated this 22ad day of March, idol, itarrtet K. itedford, Guaadlan of Homer I). Itedford and Stella I. itedford, minors. 0-1 1 FOR SALE. No I K ncro nnd U room house In Jones nililltlon. Hee Medley & Milne 11 Saw Mill Three miles east of Cottage Grove on tlic old Jackson Kile place A.11 Kinds of Rough Lumber, at reasonable prices. If you aro In need of liny tlilnir in our line call at mill or uddi'CHH tin nt CottiiKo drove. ' WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. I McKibben Bros. I Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous Employe Daylight Trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. Kor Tickets, Itatcii, I'ohlerH nnd I'ull Informutlon, Call on or address, II. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. 8. G. YKItKKS., U. W. V. A. tl First Arenue, Seattle Wash. 0. & S. E II R Time Table No. 2 To Take EITett on Apr. 2nd, I! Kast Hound No a-No 1 3aud (Hat only, lands liallyKi iept Kuiiday. W. Hound No 2-No 4 The Bohemia Nugget Published livery Friday WW Ma NI'WS l)I:P'T. Dcvnlcd lo the Interest ol llolicinla ' and Collajte (lrue InJustrlcj. $1.30 A YUAK n in qti V? V? I? ism JOB I)f:l'T. Letter Heads, Hill Heads, l:ni elopes, Wnrranly (Jullclalm deeds, Prospectus' and Cards. All Kinds of Job Work THE BOHEMIA NUGGET PUBLISHING COMPAMY, COTTAOIi 0R0VI:t 0RKQ0N. The Mining- and Engineering Review PUBLISH!'.!) WliiiKLV, SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. Never irlnted a line of paid I'.M.-A.M. Mis 2:ai 7:3(1 0 3:60 7:1 3.2 2:.Vi 7:.Vi a 2:VJ 7-M C.3 .04 H:0I 7 7 3:11 :II S3 3:17 H:17 116 -.!: 8:2(1 10 C S.r, HX, 11 3 3:SX S.IU 12 .1:11 K:.' 12 8 3:.V ll.n", HTATIONH. .Cottaicii Ornvo WaldeiH. Currln. . . Ccrro Oordo Ilakir -Ilorena Ilcxt Kork O at el I'll . . . Hleuart btar itiirky I'olnt WIluwiKxl 11:10 1U: I'J 111.11 10:SS W.Xi 1U..S) lo:ai l(i:2 10:01 UAH 0:41 11:30 ft. 1ft ft:Oi I 10 l:IWI l:7 4:11 l:m ttm 1:20 1:11! 1:12 (.011 Hubject to rlianite without notice. All outward freiirlit foruarilnd finlvlat llm juiii. ri. ui .uipur ami euiiBiKiu'e. Freight will not be received at tlie O. AS K. It. It. Ilenot after &:IjO 11. in. To liiiura lorwardliift on nest train freight must in delivered In ample time to permit of Us UVI11K UIUCU. A. u. wuuu, Acting (Jen Mur. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Ih licreliy ulvcn to all whom it may concern that tho tiuilcrtdirnctl. I111H liy oritur of thu iloiioriililu County Court 01 tho Htate of Orcjron, for tho County of Lane been duly an. pointed nilinliilHtrator of tho cHtato 01 lieonro f rcuericK uale. ileceaKet . and that all pei-Hoim IiiivIiik datum aKiiliiHtfjaldcHtatoure required topro Hent the mime duly vertlfled with thu IiroiiervoiiclierH to tho ttinlern irned. at IiIh reHltlenco liifuililCoiinty, which Ih ntCottiiKodrovo within HlxinontliM Iroin thu dale ol tliln notice. Dated, l ebrtiary nth 1001. W. I''. HllANAI'HI.T, AdinliilHtrator, J. C. .Toiinho.n, Attorncr for AtliiitiilNtrator. M. IC. JtidkliiH can tuke your order for tliu celebrated moIIiI AtiHtrallan llverwaro and iiIho for.MiH. .lolm A. otran'H popular now book, "Thirty earn In Wiinhlntrtoii, 1). 0." t! s All old conxervallvo .lotirnal. matter in Uh lending eoluiniiH. AlwajB jirotectH InveHtoi-M In inliilnjr compuulcH without rt ijard to wealth, Inllueiicu or nathmallty. 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