Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 15, 1904, Image 7

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Tired Feeling
la Common Spring Trouble.
It' a ii l(( tlmt llio blood lit dollclont
In vltiillty, Just as iluiploi nud olhor
criiilluna nro signs tlmt tliu blood
It Impure.,
It's n winning, too, which only ths
hazardous full to lii'ccl.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Itcmovp II. givo ll(nv "fit, now cour
ago, ulrciiRlli nml nnlinntloii.
'l'luiy dcnimo tho blood nml clear Iho
Accept no mihnllttitn.
"I foil llrcd nil Ilia tluiA and could not
sleep. Alter Inking Hood's Hsrsspsrlll.
ii while I could ilrrp well mill llio tired
frrlliiK liml kiii. Tlili urrut medicine liss
llio ni ml mo of scrofuls." Mm. C. M,
Uoot, (llloil, Conn.
Mood's Bnraapnrllln promises to
euro and hoops tho promlao.
A Klrl signing herself "Klflnn"
writes na follows: I'or fifteen years I
l.uvo done my duly by my friends.
Whcu engitKetiicnts wcro niinotinccd I
Cot up hoso nud linndkcrclilef showers,
decorated far tlui wedding, nml gave
morn roilly prcxpiil n tlinn 1 could uf
ford. When their Imlilivi emtio I gave
again. I nio gelling tired or It, nml
k you to Inaugurate n Pay llnrk
shower. 1 want some of llio thing
paid Imck, mid a new iitylo m
l'ny llnrk purlieu would cotupcusiiti
mo for wlmt I Iiiivi kIvimi"
1 !) ffrre nitns permanently curio
An lltilmnrj Mlietl.
IMivnrd I,. Adninx, representing the
United Hlnti ns Oimul (leneriil nl
Ktocktmliii, Ku'iili'ii, wn for several
yeum editor of 1 1 1 Hoclimlcr Dcuiocrnl
and Chronicle. W'lillo occupying tliul
position lie wrote nil olilltinry notlco of
n liclk'lilxir'n child, who- trimiK-rB linil
anight Urn during a Fourth of July cil
rhrittlon, ImniliiR tint llttlo fellow so
lindly tlmt ho died In cotimviucncw Mr.
Adilliln elliled Ida nrtlcle hlth I to "Inlo
iilelit Hint I lie sympathies of frlendi
would l'ii ntit In tint lirnvivrd lnnht
1 1 In shock nest day innjr possibly lj
tinnKlued when the type innde hltn my
Hint "tho sympathies of n In rue clrcli
of frlcncla wilt co out to Mio bunus)
I'or forty year's riao'a Cure for Con
uinptloii 1ms cured coughs ami oolda. At
druggist. rrlr'.!S rents.
Ill CfllOftgO.
Mrs. Porkcliops That Mra. Ornln
pit la trying to lutroduco aoma now
fangled Idena In society.
I'orkchopa What's tho matter with
her now?
lira. PorkchopsWhy. alio anya It'a
no longer Kood form to tako strati
gcra to aeo the nhtmtnlr. I'llck.
Mothers will llnd Mra. Wlnilows's Hoothtn
Syrup the. toil routed y touiotor their otttUrca
during the toothing pgttud..
An (llfiera Hro Us.
Cliappertnti Me fwlrsd Saplelgh Is
w sortlntlsly III, tloiiilier know.
Mlaa Cnumlqiie Whnt's tlio troulile.
Clinppcrton The nw doclnh anya
lie line concussion of the hwnlit.
Mlaa Catiatlipin Indeed I Did lie ac
rldcutnlly hump Ida head ngulnat a coif
How's This?
Wi nfrsr One llumlreil Hollers IleirsM for
snf raieot Cfttsrrh thst csuuot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh I are. I
K. J. l IIKNKY A CO., 1'rois.. Toledo, O.
We, tho umlerilgned, liavo knuwu K. J. 1
Cheney lor the last l years, and heliero hint 1
irfectly honorat.lo lu all huilneis Iraniao
ttotis and flliauelally able tucarry out any ob-1
IlKallons made liy their arm. I
Wssr & Thcax, Whnlmale PruirliU, Toledo, O.
Waujiko, KiNMiN A Miuvin, wholesale Prug-
lii, Toledo, (l.
lull's I'sisrrh Cure ! taken Interuallr, act
linf .tlreetW tiiMin the LIikn! and uiueous sllr-
fates ot tho system, l'rtre ?io. et bottle.
Hold lr all PruiiiiUls. icstlaioiilala tree,
lull's ramlly fills aro the best.
Ajro of Deception.
Mlaa niderlelgli If I had my life to
live over again
Miss Hprlnger (Interrupting) Why, I
thought that's what you were doing.
Mlis Dlderrclgh Whnt do you mean?
Mlis Hprlnger Mr. llugglns said you
told him you were 'Si last month.
Because Rheumatism sometimes comes on suddenly it doesn't
prove that it is a chance disease or one due to accidental causes. It
takes time for it to develop, and is at work in the system long before
any symptoms are felt. The blood is the first point of attack, and
the poisonous acids that cause the aches and pains arc then distrib
uted through the circulation to different parts of the system, and
octtle in joints, muscles and nerves; and when the system is in this
condition it needs only some exciting cause like exposure tonight air,
damp, chilly weather, or the cold, bleak winds of winter, to arouse
the slumbering poisons and bring on Rheumatism. The severity
of the attack depends upon the amount of acid in the blood and the
Suauiuy 01 ucnu matter in ton
bints and muscles. Some peo
ple arc almost helpless from the
first, while others have occa
sional spells or are uncomforta
ble, restless, nervous and half
sick all the time from the
nagging aches and pains. Rheu
matism is a disagreeable com
nanion even in its mildest form.
It grows worse as wc grow older.
nud frequently stiffensthejoints,
draws tlie muscles out of shape
nnd breaks down the nervous
system. A disease that origin
ates in the blood, as Rheumatism
docs, cannot be cured with ex
ternal remedies like liniments and plasters 5 such things scatter the
pains or drive them to some other part of the body, but do not touch
the disease or improve the condition of the blood. The thin acid
blood must be restored to its normal
up the general health at the same time.
Write for our special book on Rheumatism, and should you
desire any special information or advice, our physicians will furnish
it without charge, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAs
Nwnldnn Iliunor.
Mm Nordatt was tnlkltig recently to
an Ainorlcnn wutiinn nliout litimor.
"Nuit to llio Atiierlt'iina," said Nor
ttnti, with a pollto smile, "I think Hint
the Hwnhlnna urn Iho moat huhioruua
pnoplo In tho worlth A Hwnhlnn, If ho
lin nothing funny to any, kcepa silent,
rlttiplillty la unknown niiioiig tills nico.
"Ouo night In Hwiibln, In my enrly
youth, I culled on a Hwnhlnn maiden.
Hho wna vory pretty. 1'erhnpa I alnycd
longer than I ahould. Htiddvnly, nt
my rnte, tho young glrl'n mother call
I'd In n loud vnlro from tipatnlra:
" 'Orctchrnl (Irolrhenl'
" 'Yea, mother,' (Irclchen nnawored.
" '(Iretcheli, It In very cold here.
Will you nak Hint young mnn to abut
tho front door from Iho outsider"'
A Christian Work,
Chicago wenllhy men nrn to renctio
from tho aluma of Hint city the gooil
people who, hy fJirco of elrciimalnncea,
nrn rnlnnelleil tri live fllllld il,.irrn,1liw
aurrotimlluga. I.nnd will ho bought for
them olid fnrma cijtilped nnd tho debt
will li repnhl hy luatnllmeiita on enay
terms. Joint i.nmtiert la nt the henil of
Mm iiuiveliieilt. II In Intehtleil flint llm
movument will extend to every Amerl
cnll city of conaeiirience. It la thought
hy Its workings Hint I.IXXI.OOO persona
will bo trnnaferreil from tho misery,
drunkenness nnd tcmptntloua of con
gested aeetlons to tho pure ntr nnd In
vigorating nud wholeaomo II fo on the
Growing HtiMik liy ICIrulrlolty.
Tho poailhllltlea of electricity liavo
norer yet been fully denionatratitL Its
heueflelnl effect Umjii growing plants
In tho wny of linateulng developuteiit
hna been proved to mi extent, and now
Iho mysterious fluid Is being tried oc
niilmnls nt tho University of Michigan,
nt Ann Arlwr. It lias been demon
strated Hint rnbhlla enclosed In n pen
about which run n number of elec-trlcnlly-chnrged
wires rench mnturlty
In two-thlrda tho tlmo' tnken by those
kopt under nonnnl conditions. The
cloetrleally-trcntcd nnlmnla were In nil
reapecta healthy nnd their flenh ban
been found to bo utiustinlly tender. It
la thought possible that tho ruuno treat
mcnt may bo applied to beof rnttle,
making a 2-yenr-old aleer na Inrge as
nun 8 tears old under present condi
tions, besides pniducliig a superior
ijtinllty of lieer.
Ulnny llnmU .Mskn IiIk'h Work
Tourlit (In Dtali) I'olygsuiy la ns
longer practiced, I am told.
Id-Mormon (dejectedly) No, and If'
a shame. (Inly one, wife! What good la
ouo wife? Jiut s trial, Hint's all.
"How so'"
"I'tery thing la at sixes nml aevem
Nothing ever done. Iliittnns off, meals
half cooked ever) thing wrong. In the
good old riaya wo had one uife to sew
on buttons, another to darn atocklngs
another to ! the servants, another to
do the shopping, nnd another to rttend
to tho duties of society, A man hail
some comfort then." 1
Kssouon of Ornngn I.esvee.
One of the reuinrktible Industries ot
rnrnguny la the preparation of the es
seuco of orange leaves. Moro tlinu 150
yeurs ago the Jesuit priests, who then
tilled Hint secluded country, Imported
ornngo seeds nnd planted groves, which
hnvo now becomo Immcuao forcats,
filled with auinll cstnhllsliiueuts fur ex
tracting tho essence, which la exported
to France nnd tho United .States for
uao lu aonp nnd perfumery inn king. It
la also employed by tho natives In
1'arnguny na n healing ointment nnd a
hair tonic.
Hwnnrlnir Hpolls llorane,
A well-known owner of rnco hornea.
not at nil n ecntlmeiitul perxon, re
cently mndo nn onler forbidding hit'
employes to talk In loud tones or to
Hwcnr In tho stable. "I hnvo never
yet seen n good mniincrcd horse," In
anya, "Hint wns being sworn at nil.
tho time. It hurts tho feelings of n
sensitive horse, nnd I'll keep my word
good to dlachnrgo nny mnn In my
employ If I catch him swenrlug with
in tho hearing of nny horso lu thla
As Otticrs Nea Us.
Chappertnn Me fwlcnd Hnplelgh la
aw aewlously 111, dandier know.
Miss Cnustlque W lint's the trouble.
Chapperton Theaw doctnu aayi
he haa concussion ot the bwaln.
Miss Causthpio Indeed! Did he ac
cidentally buiup hla head against s cob
TJrbana, Ohio, Aug, 06, 1003.
T.ast wlntor I had a aevero attaok ot
Itbeutnntleui. It started tn the right
elbow, and from thero to my wrlatat iho
right wrist waa the worse. It heoama
swollen nnd extremely painful. My loft
Kneo joint was ma next piaoo to uo al
It became awolten nnd of course
Tlio iinjtt point to no aneotea
was the hln and nnkla. whleh irava ma
mU3h trouble. I was barely able to sret
about for some time
I wii undor treat.
laent of a phya
an for awhllo. but iret
tine no oeu
no better I bogan a. B. U and after
r I
l lor aoma ume t was entirely
rellevoa of the Ithoumatlsm, All awelllna
and soreness disappeared. I consider
t). B. 8. an eioellent remedy for Itheuma
tlamand'all troubles having their origin
in tue Dioou. .
408 Bloomfleld Ave.
purity and strength, so that all poi
sonous substances may be carried out
of the system, and no medicine accom
plishes this in so short a time as S. S. S.,
which not only neutralizes the acids
and counteracts the poisons, but builds
WHEfll oner HAflTE LIVED,
Women Always I, Iked 111 in n I.o.t or
I IIIso I Hex llnleil Him.
W(i drove down tho moiintnln In Hi"
moonlight, nud saw n coyolo cub piny
lug with hla shadow, nnd wo drntik Iho
deep, sweet breiith of tho pines, nnd
Truthful James told mo about llrct
' "llo wna n slim, little, blnck-eyed
lonelier when I know hltn," anld Truth
fill Jiiinea. "Ho tnilght over In Copper-
town then. They named It Copperopo
1 In when they built It, same na they
named Jlmlowii Jamestown, but wo nil
c'nlled It Coppertown. It wns n lively
pluco then, wnn Coppertown. Ten ho
tela, threo bnnkn nnd fnro plncen till
you couldn't count 'em nil. Thero wnn
n lot happening In Copper, I In If of
, tho plots of Ilret llarte'n stories grew
up right In Hint town."
"Whnt kind of a mnn wnn Ilret
Ilnrtn himself In chnrneter, I 1001111?"
1 "Nico enough, I reckon," anld Truth
fill James. "Not much of n fnvorllo
among tho boyn. Too quiet, nnd ho
had n kind of forgetful wny of smiling
Into your face, na If ho lind forgotten
nil nlMiut you, nnd didn't cure how soon
you found It out.
"Women nil liked him n lot, or clan
they hated him. I guess moat of them
liked hltn In those, days."
I "Tho society upon tho Stanislaus?"
I "Von, Hint wnn truo enough.
I "Aimer Dean Uvea over at Angoln
yet, hut you don't wnnt to mention
1 Hint chunk of snndntone to htm.
"It sccme to kind of rile him some
"J-ots of tho boya are a llttlo touchy
on tho Ilret Ilnrto subject lie hit a
. llttlo too near tho truth, I guess.
I "Now, In my enso It Is different
don't mind being hnnded down to pos
terity ns n bearded rutllan Hint couldn't
spell; they did cnll mo 'Truthful,' you
know. I don't know why, hut whnt
I don't like In making inn out to he
n nnrrow-mlndcd crnnk with a preju
dice ngnlnat foreigners,
I "Now, I hnvo nothing In tho world
ngalnat tho Chlneao. They nro a penco
nble, fnlrly honest nnd very useful
class of citizens, but It la n little rough
to muko mo out sIttIngdown to n so
cial giimo with n yellow-fnced, pig
Inlled, grinning Chinaman, on If he
wore nn ciual, by Gcorgo!" Tho
Constructors I-'Ind New Methods of In
creu4nu; the Hpccd of Water Craft.
Urnnvlllo II. Hood, of Washington, n
boat builder of wldo reputntlon, has re
cently succeeded In upsetting nil rules
of steamer conatructlon heretofore ac
cepted ns Invlolnblo by tho builders
of tho world generally. Ordinarily It
has been the custom to placo the pro
pcllcra nft of tho atcrn, but thla Icono
clastic Inventor proposes to locnto them
well under tho hull, whero they will
work, according to hla calculations, In
n body of compnrntlvely dend wntcr.
In torpedo bonts nnd similar speedy
stnnll croft tho propeller shafts have
been extended renrwnrdly of tho atern
In nn endeavor to nttnln this same ob
jectnamely, to place the propellers
In dend or undisturbed water away
from tho wash nnd swirl cnuscd by the
agitation of tho wntcr through which
the hull has passed.
Tho blndo propeller la nlao to be
abandoned, being replaced by a spiral
blade, which tnnkes nt least one com
plcte turn about tho shaft, It being
assumed Hint this conatructlon will
rcault In Reenter efficiency by tbo
avotdnnco of tho pounding, lifting of
water and tho cavitation Inherent In
tho customnry form of propeller. Maxl
mum cnrrylng capacity nnd speed
with minimum engtno power la nlao
sought by designing tho hull nlong the
fnmlllnr scow lines, resulting In a very
light draft.
It Is asserted Hint tho engine power
neccaanry to obtain n predetermined
speed In a boat of given length la di
rectly proportional to the depth of tho
hull, nnd, moreover, n light-draft de
sign of hull lenda Itself readily to the
uao of multlplo propellera, located par
allel to Ita length In n comparatively
undisturbed body of wnter. l'lnllko
kcela nro provided, which servo tho
double purposo of supplying and car
rying tho several propeller ahnfts and
of protecting tho latter from Injury by
striking obstructions or fouling by en
tanglement with wecda or grasses,
Wlion Father Npoaka.
Mr. Wllllnraa has always claimed
Hint It Is nn enny mnttcr to govern
1 children, nud his own success often
bears out his theories. Ho seldom In
terferes when hla wife Is nt tho helm,
but ones In n while ho contributes a
few Arm words of guidance In response
to an appealing glance.
I "Now. Hobby," said Mra. Williams
ono night, after long temporizing,
"now, my dear little boy must take hla
medicine and Jump Into bed, so fathor
nnd I can go down to dinner."
I "I don't wnnt to tnko the medicine,"
said Bobby, who had A snuflllng cold.
I Thou came tho appealing glnnce.
I "Bob," said Mr. Williams, In an
ominous tono, "If you don't take that
nicdlclno this minute you will bo put
to bed without taking It at all I"
Then Hobby promptly took the medi
cine, and all went well,
A Graphic Imagination.
Nathan's teacher believed In reduc
ing poetry to diagram and visible out
line Therefore, says the Hoaton 'Her
ald, alio told tho class to mako 11 rough
illustration of tho poem, "Tho Old
On ken Bucket."
Nnthnn's Illustration constated of a
largo circle, threo buckets and a bunch
of dots.
"Nnthan," said tho teacher, "I don't
understand this. Wlmt'a tbo circle?"
"That's tho woll," replied Nathan.
"And why hnvo you threo buckets?"
"Ono Is the old onken bucket, ono la
tho Iron-bound bucket, nnd the other la
tho moss-covered buckot which bung
In tho well."
"And what aro all thoso llttlo dots?"
"Thoso nro tho loved spots which my
Infancy know."
Uaorul Itovoraes.
first Student Tho professor In hli
locturo bald that rovorsea woro neces
sary to stluuilato a young man.
Second Student That's true. If l
weren't for an occasional check 1
couldn't do anything at all. New Or
leans Times-Democrat
Whan a hrldo Is pretty she Is about
the prettiest thing on earth.
You know the medicine (hat
makes pure, rich blood
Aviie'a Q o re n n el r 1 1 1 o Vi,,
mother, grandmother, all your
ioiks, uscu it. nicy trusted
If. Tilclr doctors trusted It,
Your doctor trusts If. Then
trust It yourself. There Is
health and strength In It.
"t infrtretl trrlMjr from tndlfttlon rM
Oil ii hi kh1 I f.Min.l no rilf titiiii I UMk
Aft'$ Ha,rii.nrul. jToiir UtUl troisV
LaUIitlr Curril ni '
it US. y. It II A It T, Mt. KUro, N. T.
Mftlftl', J A Tit R ft) ,
if m i'i"!. TTT i for mmmmmm
Rich Blood
Avar's Hlllo nro uontly Inxatlvo.
Thoy grontly old tho Sarsaparilla.
Aids to long I, Ho.
Moderation In citing, drinking and
physical Indiilgcmc.
I'ure air out of house nnd within.
Tho keeping of every organ of the
body, na far ns possible, tn constant
working order.
Itegular exerclao every day In all
weathers; supplemented In many cases
by breathing movements, and by wtlk
Ing and climbing tours.
doing to bed early and rising early,
and restricting tho houra of sleep to
six or seven.
Dally baths or ablutions according to
Individual conditions, cold or warm, or
warm followed by cold.
Itegular work and mental occupa
Cultivation of placidity, cheerful
ness, nnd hopefulness of mind.
Employment of the great power of
tho mind In controlling paislona and
nervous fear.
Strengthening tho will tn carrying
out whatever la useful, nnd In checking
the craving for stimulants, anodynes
and other Injurious agencies.
An Daay Way to Do It.
Mineral, Idaho, Apiil 11. Mr. I),
8. Colsoii of this place lias Burnetii Ing
to cay which will bo of Interest to
many men Mr. Coleon claims to liavo
found a slmplo way to get rid of pains
n tlio back, bcintica or Kheumatism.
llo has cured himielf and soclaima per
sonal cxerienco in proof of his method
Sir. Colfon anya:
"I had awful pains in my hip. They
got so had nt Inst that I could badly
wiyk. I tried several things but got
no relief till I began to use Dodd's
Kidney I'llls audi had tnken hut a
few of these pills till the pain left me
"Dodd's Kidney nils certainly did
mo lots of good nnd I consider them a
great medicine.
Tbo remedy that cured Mr. Colson is
tho same that has been making such
sensational cures of Bright's Disease,
Diabetes, Dropsy and Itheutnatism all
over tlio country. Tho name of tho
medicine la DoItl s Kidney Tills.
Too Hasty.
'Jones has a new addition to hla
Indeed? I must congratulate hlml'
Hold on It's a aon-ln-lawl" Atlan
ta Constitution.
CITC rmanfntly uurl. rvofiUornsrvouaDMe
(1 10 aftrrflntdar'sut'orDr.Ktlne'sUreatM-ve
Jtestortr. Hndror free 113 trial botlltandtrvaUM It. Klln, Ltd. .sj.- Arcli HI, riiUadslpbla, fa,
8 licet Little Imp.
The other day nt a rural railway
station n colored mother who was
waiting for her child exclaimed, as tho
youngster was handed to her from tho
"I.nwd bless his honey-swectncssl
Ain't he dc blackest, sweetest llttlo
Sntnn tint over you did sco?" Atlanta
Peirin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Curo
For our New Onsolene Prajj Saw. We iot en
gine only onre fur each lop One man cad
move saw We handle thrf only Malleable
irubbinif Machine write ua vour wantaln
iue umtHiniTT nut"
Foot Morrison St. 1'ortUinl, Oregon
$4.00, S3.50, S3.00, $2.50
UNION GUnCC u k-V I i ri
MADE W sxaw
V.L.Douk1(13 shoes
nro 'worn by mora
men thav nny otlior
mako. Tlio reason
is. thoy hold their
8haio,il the 1 1 orywea r
longer, niui navo
creator intrinsic
vnluo than nny
othor shoes.
Sold t'erywhtre.
Y.M.kk A... nml it, Irt. ua. bulluni
lltiiisiiis lisps C'nrtiini CultsUln. which la
t ery w here cmiroded totiel he lluest Talent
X.fAtlioret iniliire.l. fast Color Cytttti usid.
P. N. U.
No. 16-1904.
II KN writing: to ad vert la era plea
menu on una puper
J KTllW4 n : 1 afli aft f
tat Cough brup, TaiteaUood, Ui
Diamonds Are Not Needed In Catilnsi
the llrlltle Hubstunce.
It often occurs Hint glass tubes of
various dimensions have to ha cut
where a diamond la not nt hand, as In
ahopa and power plnnti where oil nnd
wnter gnugo tubea must bo neatly fit
ted. The usual method adopted la to
Alo a amall groovo around tho tube nnd
separate tho glass with n sharp rap
at tho place weakened by tho file. Tho
reault Is not nlwnya antlafnetory, lx
cnuso tho ends often break unevenly
owing to tho dlhlrulty of making a
atrnlght groove with tho file. Hotter
results nre obtnlnod when only a amall
Incision la mndo with a file. Just
enough to cut through tho enamel of
tho tubo on ono aide, nnd not nil
nround. While tho tubo la still warm
from tho friction of tho file tho tubo
Is then tnken between the thumbs and
forefingers, tho thumbs opposlto tho
fllo Incision, and the forefingers around
tho tubing, close, but not covering tho
luclalon. I'resauro of the thumbs In
vnrlnbly causes tho tubo to break In as
atrnlght nnd clean a lino aa though cut
with n dlninond.
Another method la to use a fine aaw
blndo (the finer toothed tho better, for
a aaw la only another form of file), and
thla ahould bo kept fed with fine em
ery, carborundum, or pulverized silica
sand or hard grit, moistened with cam
phor, oil, turpentine or water.
A straight, steady and even atrokt
ahould bo made, and when the work is
carefully done against a gauge the cut
will be as true as though It had been
ground. Nor Is even a toothed blade
necessary If a suitably hard nnd finely
gritted abrasive Is used and regularly
fed between the glass and fine wire,
watchaprlng, or blunt but even bind
ot an ordinary tablo knife. The latter
will b somewhat alow, of course, but
a One ateel wire run at high apeed
llko a band aaw, If regularly fed with,
fine emory or carborundum, will give
very aaUafactory results, not only for
cutting either straight lines or curves
In window, but plate or optical glass,
In auch thlcknesa aa makes cutting
with a diamond difficult, precarious or
Window glaas, especially alngle
strength, can bo accurately split either
In straight or curved lines hy first mak
ing an Incision through tho enamel ot
the glaas, and then holding a hot Iron
close to the Incision till a fracture Is
started. The fracture will (ollow the
hot Iron with remarkable fidelity. The
Iron ahould be preferably round and
somowhat blunt and with a bulky head
(like an ordinary fire poker), so as to
retain Its heat well for long cuts, es
pecially for thick sheets, to keep the
fracture going when once started, oven
If two heated irons hare to be used.
National Gas Budget.
How He Once Prepared Coflee for a
Oueat with Ills Own Hands.
Ono morning enrly n friend of mine,
a Venetian nobleman, called on him.
Mgr. Sarto had said mass and fettled
down to work. Ills Bister had gone
out to mass, or for the bouaehold mar
keting, which they were doing at the
Itlalto on August 4, 1003, the day of
wonders In their simple life.
"Haa the count taken coffee" asked
the bishop.
"Well, to tell the truth, no, became
the bualneas was urgent, and I have
come straight from the railway sta
tion," the guest replied.
No excuse availed, and Mgr. Sarto
rose and went into the kitchen. So tbo
bishop of ducal Mantua and bis guest
might have been seen there talking
and laughing, while monslgnor coaxed
the charcoal with "a black kitchen fan,
tho coffee fizzed In a tin pot on the
range, and tho count got out cups and
saucers, In order to save bis distin
guished host what menial service he
could. Then they had coffee together
at the kitchen table. Century,
Sunday at the Farm.
On Sunday mornings years ago, when
but a little lad
I used to come to salt the sheep In thla
some field with dad.
The little clouda that floated round I
thought were bits of wool:
The aky waa blue aa 'tis to-day and calm
and beautiful.
Now dad is gone, and mother, too; they
lie up on the hill,
Just by that clump of popple trees be
yond the old red mill;
For Tims baa kept a-creepin' on, and
you and I are men.
And little Itobbla thinks ths thoughts
that I waa thlnkln than.
There's a brown thrasher In the tree that
stands there on the knoll.
Just bear the little tyke a-spillln' hla
immortal soull
Our preacher aaya that man alone haa
got a soul, but yet
What pretty critters God has made, and
loves 'em, too, 11 1 bet I
I know the city pretty well; I lived thara
once a while,
But I was tho homeslckest boy you'd
meet In many a mile.
Tba very horses on the street looked aad,
It seemed to me.
Thtre wa'nt no colta a-frlskln' round nor
lambs as I could see.
Bo when in June the breczea blaw across
the prnirled West, I
I packed my grip and told 'em I had got
enough, I guessed I i
Of course, there's city folka who keep
their faith In Uod and man.
Though If they stay there all the whlls
I don t aee bow they can!
We've had our troubles, wife and I, wa
buried little Dot:
Upon that slope wo made her grave a
green and sunny spot;
And Death will never more to me seem
terrible and grim.
Since I have acen my little girl a-amllln'
up at him,
And often now I come out here and set
me down a spell.
Where rustlln' leaves and wavln' grain
aeein whisp rln ' All la well.
I wish Hint all who'd like to feel their
dend nre aafe from hnrni
Could come out hero and spend with ma
a Sunday at the farm.
Chlcngo Herald.
Suggesting a Sure Remedy.
Grinder Whatl Asleep at your
desk nnd work so pressing)
Meekly Excuse me, sir, baby kept
mo nwnko nil night.
Grinder Then you should liavo
brought It with you to tha olllco.
Town and Couutiy.
Pe-ru-na Is a Catarrhal Tonic Uspcc- ifflVW fllihll ffsr
lally Adapted to tho Declining ,,M pBfL
Powers of Old Ago. WW ' Irsffc
In old age tho mucous tncmbrnnca , fflf I U I
become thickened and partly lose their ' m, S I '
Thla lends to partial loss ol hearing, JmJHr' I 1
trncll and taste, nswcll asdigestivedis- yJijjl S JU
I'erunn corccta all this by its specific "MM i-nTcfn
operational all the mucous membranes Mr . " I ISiclwJ fl
Ono bottlo will eonvinco anyone, fj if iilsfKWal
Once used and I'enina heroines a life-1 r (ft l&iQt u$&it9XiMI!A, Ifl
long stand-by with old and young.
Strong and Vigorous at the Age of
Rev. J. N. Parker, Utica, N. V.,
"In June, 1001, I lost my sense of
hearing entirely. My hearing had been
somewhat impaired fjr several years,
but not so much affected but that I
could hold converse with my friends;
but in June, 1001, my sense of hearing
left me so that I could hear no sound
whatever. I waa also troubled with
rheumatic pains in my limbs. I com
menced taking Peruna and now my
hearing is restored as good as it was
prior to June. 1001. My rheumatic
pains are all gone. I cannot speak too
highly of Peruna, and now when 88
The spring Is the best time to .treat catarrh. Nature renews herself
every spring. The system Is rejuvenated by spring: weather. This render?
medicines more effective. A short course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy
air of spring, wlil cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treat
ment for years. livery body should have a copy of Dr. tlartman's latest book
on catarrh. Address the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Those that dare lose a day are dan- During leap year every eligible
gerously prodigal, those that dare mla- young man should be equipped with a
spend It are desperate. Bishop UalL chaperon.
'J.HO Jdnti Ion Jlavo Alvvnys Bought Iins borno tho signa
ture of Clias. jr. Fletcher, and hns been mndo under Ills
personal supervision for over ao 3-cnrs. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Jiist-as-pood" nro but Experiments, nnd endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnstorin is n harmless substitute for Cnstor Oil, Tare
Rorle, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is l'lensant. Ib
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Xnrcotlo
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd nllnys Fcverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Teethlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation
nud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Dowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
In Use For
THE IMPULSE You have it. You competent. Sit right down today and
PPflM WITHIN ,vnnt t0 8llccceJ write for our catalogue which tells
fKUBl Vriltun nf0. isegin today you all about our splendid equipment,
to prepare for a business career. Wo nruuvr ujh vro nueiureo nnn enr
educate you for practical business, BtHNat-WAUtn UUSlNtoo liULLtlit
and assist you to n position when PORTLAND OREQON
the Greatest Conditioner and Stock Fattener kaowa,
HORSES do more work on less feed, COWS stve more and richer
milk. HOGS grow and fatten quicker If given this food.
IhiT. len IvMllna t'nlMl.a
torj rt.ult.--l'. W OKOOUU,
FREE! OS-pasc Hand,
300 I'lrnt struct.
BrimclioHl -8RATTI.B
years old can say it haa invigorated my
whole system. I cannot but think,
dear Doctor, that you must feel very
thankful to the all loving father that
you have been permitted to live, and
by your akill be such a blessing as you
have been to suffering humanity."
Itev. J. N. rarkcr.
A Bishop's Letter.
T. II. Lomax, D. D., Ulahop 2nd
Dist. A. M. E., of Charlotte, N. 0.,
vt rites:
"I recommend your Peruna to all
who want strengthening tonic and a
very effective remedy for all catarrhal
complaints." T. H. Lomax.
If you do not receive prompt and eat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at onco to Dr. Ilaitman, giv
ing a full statement of your case and
he wilt bo pleased to give you his valu
able advice gratis.
Address Dr. Uartman, President of
The Uartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Signaturo of
Over 30 Years.
stock load to my thoroutfhbnrd .win.. It give, th.ui
Elgin, I
Fruillia lemelr Co., St. rial, Mlaa.
1'urtUud, Or., Canst Aiseuts
Are not manufacturer!
regular comt ruction, but
Our Own Special Construction
Put up with full knowledRO of tho re
quirements of. tills rough western coun
try. Mndo to stnnd up, and will stand
up, better than any Uuggy sold at any
thing liko tho prico. if you want a
good bupgy at n moderate prlco,. try our
" llco Lino." You can't beat It. Wo
have tho "Beo Lino" Itoad Wagons.
II O I S 13