Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 15, 1904, Image 6

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boiiumia Nuoairr publishing
Win. B. Kool, Editor tad MaMfer.
rnlrd t the poitofflffl at ColUi Orott,
Off ion t tf eond class mill matter.), In ,1tnr.
Aittorllalnt; llatra mntr known upon
Til 18 rAI'ER li kept on nie t K. U. Drale's
AilTertlslii Arcnfj, 4n.1n Mercnanis t.v
ebsnte.San Franr-leo, California, where eon
trans lor ailrettlilnf fun U maite tor tl.
Friday. Ai'Rii. is, 1004.
Recently we have noticed in our
exchanges statements to the effect
that miners, prospectors and in
vestors are flocking into the Bo
hemia district.
This is an erroneous statement
as the conditions prevailing there
do not permit of such conditions.
The Nugget is and has been the
acknowledged representative of Bo.
hernia and is anxious to see those
suggested conditions prevail. At
the same time it intends to tell the
facts as they exist. The past week
a milliner man came from another
state to Cottage Grove for the pur
pose of seeing Bohemia district for
himselt, as well as to report to
others who operate with him.
When he learned of the deep snow
nnd the impossib'lity of examining
the surface showings, he was nat
urally disappointed.
It will be from the first to the
middle of June befote either miners
or those desiring to invest should
isit the district.
County Convention.
The county convention held in
Eugene last Saturday was a very
harmonious one.
There were numerous candidates
in the field desirous of receiving
nominations at the hands of the con
vention, as it has been considered a
nomination upon the republican
ticket this year is equivalent to an
The delegates from Cottage
Grove precincts were united upon
the nomination of I H Bingham tor
representative from the southern
portion of Lane county. They also
sought the nomination of Prof.
Briggs for superintendent of schools
butin this were disappointed.
The unsuccessful candidates took
their defeat philosophically and will
assist in the election of the ticket.
It is admitted by all, that the
ticket nominated is one of the
strongest to come before the voters
of Lane county for many years past.
Our Representative.
Some weeks ago the Nugget sug
gested the name of I H Bingham
as the logical candidate for repre
sentative from this portion of Lane
county. It was from no personal
feeling against any other person
who aspired to the position but that
he seemed to be the one who at the
coming session could best represent
the interests of the people of this
section. The united delegation
from Cottage Grove, the almost
unanimous vote he received in the
convention, lully justified the!
The numerous friends of L. T.
Harris 111 uoitage urove were
sorely disappointed when the news
came from baletn that he was un
successful in securing the nomina
tion for representative to congress
from this district. He is a young
man and will yet be beard in
national politics.
News from the western mining
district is most encouraging, lead
ing to the assurance of a very pros
perous year in mining 'in all its
branches. The great abuudauce of
snow that fell throughout the win'
ter, more than during the same
period for many years past, means
that the water supply will not
hamper operations in dry sections,
The placer gold output will cer
tainly be much larger and may
even approach the bonanza years of
long ago. word reaches tins olhce
from the many representatives en
gaged in gathering the news for our
extensive system of service that the
mining men have already thus early
thrown off the yoke ot winter ana
have made their plans and are
putting them in execution for a
progressive season's operation. The
year will close with a total, not
only In, output, but in amount of
new machinery and appliances,
which will by far exceed that of
any of the past. Mining World.
For Congress 1st. Dtsl.
lllngcr Hermann.
I. II. Hinghnin.rottngcGrovc
HI. N. Kdwnrds. Junction
n. V. (Irlllln.lKugeno
County Judge
O. It. Christian, Kugeno
5 County Clerk
3 K. V. Iav, Kugeno
J. S. Stiles, Kugeno
11. M. Price, ilulc
11. K. Keony. Ooidien
Treasurer J
ltobt. K. KiiHllutid, Eugene
School Superintendent
V. . Dlllnnt, Eugene
C. M. Collier. Kugviio
Dr. K M. Day, Eugene
I City Council Proceedings.
i April lltli Mayor, clerk nnd council
i nil present, minutes of previous
meeting rend nnd npprovcil.
Ordinance No. 73 regulating hours
of saloons rend. To close saloons at
12 111, nnd open 5 ti. m. week days,
Saturday night 12 tu. until Monday
5 n. 111. with penalties for vlolntlons,
1st offense $15, 2ml $30, succeeding
offenses $."0, anil In default of pay
ment nt the rnte of $2 per day In Jail.
The mayor announced thenppoint
ment of Hobert Martiu as ulght
police and watchman, the salary
was fixed nt SCO per month.
The saloon bonds of I It. Mlnard,
Blew and Jones, U. O. Nell & Co.,
Neil J. Cummins, A. Graham, Darker
nnd I'erniuu nnd J. B. Tope wore np
prored. The official bond of II. E. Under
wood iw marshal w ns approved.
The mayor appointed the follow
ing standing committees: Finance.
Vcatcli, I. H. Bingham, Hinds.
Street Bingham. Vcntch, Wall.
Water and light Hinds.
The committee to whom had been
referred the bids for the city plumb
lug; reported that the bid of Urltlin
ntid Vcatcli was the lowest, and by
motion were awarded the contract.
The mayor appointed Couucllmen
Bingham street commissioner and
Hinds for lire warden.
A committee consisting of Clark,
Shanatelt and Medley Interviewed
the council on thesubject of having re
pairs made on the tower and bell 011
the West Side, nlso to have suitable
quarters arranged for the firemen.
Couucllmen Wall and Ctirrln were
appointed to Investigate the matter
and report at next meeting, ad
journed till Tuesday night at which
time all were present.
The finance committee were not
ready to report and Currln was ap
pointed to assist and complete re
port and publish In both papers of
the city.
The matters of establishing side
walk grade was discussed and com
mittee instructed to act at once.
The petition to open u street in south
part of town which had been laid
over for some time was read and re
ferred to the street committee. Wall
and Currln reported they had, as In
structed Investigated the tower und
bell on West Side, and that repairs
were needed, also that there should
be suitable quarters prepared for the
firemen. By motion Councilman
Cliamberlen wuh instructed to pre
pare plans and specifications for n
building 18x20 aiid report at next
Proof that the nation has not
awaked tco soon to the menace of
Mormonism comes from all quar
ters. Former congressman, w. H.
King, of Utah, who is well qualified
to speak by reason of intimate
knowledge of the situation, claims
that the head of the Mormon
church intends to install in the
United States senate a sufficient
number of members of his church
to hold the balance of power. It
will require only thirteen Mormon
senators to place the present senate
and in fact the entire legislation of
the United States government in
the hands of President Joseph P.
Smith. It is said that the Mormon
leaders depend on Colorado, Ne
vada, Wyoming, Idaho and Mon
tana, to which states they are send
ing large bodies of immigrants, to
furnish them at least seven senators.
They expect the admission of Ari
zona, New Mexico and Oklahoma
to give them four more, and by
electing a Mormon to succeed Sena
tor Kearns they will get the
twelfth man, Senator Smoot com
pleting the thirteenth. If auy of
our readers have not communicated
with their senators in Washington
they should not fail to perform this
duty to the nation. If Mormonism
were actually in arms against the
government we have at least one
hundred thousand readers who.
would willingly bear arms in the
nation's defense. How many of
them will write a brief, firm pro
test against seating Senator Smoot?
Rams Horn.
Absolutely Puro
this rUMi:u with si oini.s.
A friend, a iimn.'t iii.-ed with nix
AniiKtitpn and no mii. ask us wheth
er it would lie all rtcht for a man
so tlxed to require of Ills girls more
tit tlip way of farm work than Is
usually altottod to the women of the
farm home- In other words, would tt
be nil rlRht for Mm to require them to
milk the cows, take euro of the garden,
drive the team on the mower or har
vester, ride the sulky plow and do oth
er cleanly and not laborious work con
nected with the farm operational This
woman question I always n very dell-1
eale one to Handle. It iiepenus inueu
on how the Rlrls feel, how their mother
feels and how they have been lirouRht
up. In the matter of employment there
Is nothing which woman studies so
cloely as its effect upon her social
landing what Mrs. Orutidy says and
all that-the fact being that there Is
nothing one woman Is so much afraid
of as another woman. The line of cm
ploy ment suggested is In no sense un
womanly, for every mortier nnd house
keeper does harder, dirtier and more
unpleasant work, and such outdoor
employment would Insure what so
many American women lack n tine
physique, immaculate health. Inde
pendence of thought nnd nctlon. The
financial condition of the family has
some bearing on the matter. If the fa
ther Is poor and has a hard row to hoe.
his clrls should certainly help him. no
matter what Mrs Urundy says: If well
able to support them without such
work on their part It Is still quite like
ly that they could not do better than
help him anyway, for. speaking from
the man's side, they would become
Tery attractive indeed to young men
looking for desirable mates. Maud
Muller turned the Judge's head as he
met her in the hayfleld; Ituth while
gleaning In the field captured Hoar,
nnd It Is a fact that a sweet girl never
looks sweeter than ns she looks at you
1 from ,De uPtus 01 " suuooiim-i our
1 down on all fours plcklug strawberries
or weeding the garden. The girl who
can saddle and ride the high strung
horse, milk the kicking heifer, hitch up
nnd drive a team, do the marketing,
pay the taxes, sing In the choir nnd
preside In her home ns a refined and
competent homemaker Is every wny a
more desirable and attractive proposi
tion for the young man than the kid
cloved, white handed, cum chewing.
highly perfumed scKjiety girl
muscular activity In nothing save a
waltz. Modern society forces lots of
unmitigated humbugs on to woman
which injure her physically, destroy
her Independence, abbreviate her pleas
ures and shorten her life, nnd we honor
nny girl or woman who baa the moral
courage to defy them. Answering the
question asked directly, we will say
that If we were In our friend's place
we would train the girls to help us.
The Labor of a Watch.
The little balance wheel of n watch
vibrates five times per second. Imag-
Ine that this wheel. Instead of swing-
lng back and forth like a pendulum.
..... ,. .. , 1 .
should roll on continuously over a given
surface. Its circumference In a gentle-
man's watch of ordinary size is two
and a quarter Inches, and It makes a
sweep in each direction of about three-
fourths of Its circumference. In other
words, it would traverse In one seeond
n distance measuring about eight and
years eight months to clrcumvolvc the
globe by way of the oimator.
M. M Austin of Winchester. Ind.
knew w hat to do in the hour of need
His wife had such an iinusUHl care of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help tier. He thought of and
tried Ir. King's New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25e at Morgan & flreliaut s Drug
Notice In hereby given lhat the unileriiKned
sdralnUtralorof the etate ot liana U. Cotton
ilecease'l, baa tile4 In the County Court
of th state of Oregon lor Lane County hli final
account an almlniatrator ot nalfl etate anil
that Salunlay the 7lh ilay ol May 1'jOI at Ihe
hour of 3 o'clock p. m., of aaht day hai been
fixed by HiM conrt for hearing objections to
Mid uciount and the teUlement Iherwif.
r K. C riUNN,
Admlnlitrator of the estate of iana II. Cotton
Mrs. C. Petersen, 025 Lake St., To
peka, Kansas, says: "'Of all cough
remedies Ballard's Horehound Syrup is
my favorite; it has done and will do all
Unit is claimed for it to speedily euro
all cjughs and coide and it is so sweet
and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 50c,
$1.00 bottle. New Era Drug Store.
Notice li hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of theebtate of A, M. While, de
ccahed, and otthe partner.hlp eslato of A. M.
WiltedfCo lias filed In the County Court of
the State of Oregon for I,ane Co, his final ao
count asadmliihtratorol said estate and said
iiartnerbhip, and that Monday the 2nd day of
May, Iflol, at the hour of 3 o'clock p.m. has
been fixed by said Court as the time lor hear
jngobjeetions to said report, and the settle
ment ihereof.
J. K, Young, Administrator of the estate of
A. M. White, deceased and of the partnership
estate of A. M. White & Co.
Wheat In bringing fancy prices and
there In no prospect of tt going down
for some tlmo to come. If you have
any ground avallablo lor Hprlng
seeding, how wheat. You can got
clean seed wheat at tho Hour mill.
putatlon the balance wheel of a watch 1 1'-""'"1 " ' "." "- "" , Ore., has this day Hied in this otllco her
liuiiiuuii, oil . UU1UUI.T. mieii oi I Hiliill con8st of tho catch plirilte and OX-' .,,, VoyiRMor llin nnrchasti
would travel In a year over a distance travagaut statement, too I often employed "? ta'VI "e,J ,UN , gi! 0 10 'vo
It would take the little wheel Just six plain story of experience with the medi- , ... i' ... ,i,,.r ,i... I-,,, I ,,i.l,t lu
Lodge Directory.
A. F. nnd A. M.
Cottage Grove No. 51,
1st ami Saturday.
Oliver Vcatcli. V.
I I. O. O. F.
I Cottage Gtove No. OS. Meets
every Saturday night.
! Geo. Comer, V. Sccty.
W. O. W.
Bohemia Camp No. s6o. Meets
every Saturday night.
C. 11, Van Hciiburg, Clerk.
I M. W. of A.
1 Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424.
Meets first and second Tuesday
j nights.
C. V. Wallace, Clerk.
F. of A.
Court Bohemia Mo. 3-5. Meets
every Friday night. 1
S. K. Lauder, Sccty.
Women of Woodcraft.
St. Valentine Circle. Meet
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors.
liiutua Colburn Camp.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday.
Kthcl Hisby, Clerk.
K of P
Juvcnttts Lodge No. 4S
every Wednesday night.
Dr. George Wall K. of R. S
G. A. R.
Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets
2nd and 4th Saturday.
H. C. Dtitton, Adjutant.
K. O.T. M.
Cascade Camp No. 66.
Thursday nights.
Prof. A. L. Ilrigfis. Sccty.
L L Hive No 48
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Mitinie Underwood U,
M , d d .
j 1
S. U. Lauder, Secty.
The real valuo of condlmental foods!
to the stock raiser Is Btlll n wy debata-
ble matter In farm Institutes nnd agri
cultural conventions. There seems to
be only one thing about such fouls
which Is really settled, and that Is that
the men wl manufacture them make
lilt Af tustno
1 Tlle Chattanooga Medicine Company,
with laboratories and general olllccs at
1 h,uV"n v""'." , p'!?n
nouses at ot IjOUih, Mo., nnd ban I rnn-
clbC0 Ual-i tme bec,omu ono 0, lllL ,argm
, proprietary medicine concerns in the
. world. In thegrowtli of this great buai-
nces two factors have been dominant:
Tho merit of its products Wino of
Cardiii and Tliedford's Wack-Draught
,IUS bcc" "Mely recognized and the
original advertising methods adopted
illtlVV UAtilCll IUill (JUIUUHJIH. 1 III
fines given in the plain language of the
po pie themselves. Tho following let-
ter is a fair sample of the thousands of
Mine of Cardui testimonials published
during the pasttwenty years.
Special representative. In this county
and adjoining territories, to rcpre
Hcnt and advertise an old established
wealthy business house of solid
tiiiunclul standing. Salary $21 weekly,
with exsjiiHeH paid each Monday by
check direct from hendquarterH. Ex
peuscH advanced and horse and
buggy furnished when neccHsury;
position permanent. Address, The
Columbia, i-'J0 Moaou Did., Chicago,
I was troubted with a distress in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's fctomaeh nnd Liver
TabletH cured me. Mrs. T.V.Williams,
I.aingsburg, Mich. These tablets ure
guaranteed to euro every caso of stom
ucli trouble of this character. For sale
New Era Drue: Store.
"I have used CI amberlaln's Stomach '
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory ,
results," says Mrs. F, L, 1'helps. Hous-
ton, Texas. For indigestion, bilious-1
ness and constipation tbeso tablets are ,
most excellent. Sold by Now Era Drug i
Eugene Planing Mill
Manufuctureru of
Sasb, Doors, Mouldings, Hustle and
General Mill Work.
Turning and Stair building a Hpecl
alty. All ordcrH will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished,
Address: 111 Luwrenco St,
f Central Rotci 11 The Stamp
located two block west fj 1
and one block north (
m thoN. P. Depot
jEarge Rooms
Well ventilated well fur
2 nlslied and tlrst class In
every particular
i Rates $1. per day
Hoard bv the week $M
...l.l Ml ......
nimum IB'll "V ',-
week. Itenieinlier the
place. The best tnblcM
3 and the ln'st bods, the
best acenminiiiliitK'iiH In
oory particular.
i Central Bote.
s Ida ti.
I l.l ! Ill K I'll MS
111) YOU MR
Take lioine sliile gi u
corlcH. undent eggs,
and an irnii-elad resii
liitliuis to iii'M'i- trade
with your ri'i; 11 I a r
grocer again! It you
did mine and we us.
Such goods ne er go
through mir doors,
either a.. Let us
serve you.
ill el calf V Morse
1 an
United States Intuit oirii-e,
Ilosebnrg, Ore., Feb. i'7, IU0I.
Notice is heieiiv given Ihat in emu.
plitillce with the provisions of the act "I
Congress f June 3, IS78, entitled "An
Act (or the sale of Timber l-amls 111 tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public I .and States by act of
August -I, 1892.
of Starr, t'o. of Lane, State of Oregon
has thin day tiled in thisuHk-e hissMurn
tlatcnient N'o. 801)1, for the nnrelinso o(
1 the Una 12, 13, U A IT. of Kee No. M),
: Township 21 South, of linage 1 West
lantiwiu ouar pruoi w snow mub mu
land sought is nio'o valtinhlo for lU
' tlmlier or ttcna than for agricultural
I purisMC, and to establish his claim to
j said land befote J J Walton, V. H. Com,
I iiiissioneratKiigene, Ore., on Saturday-
I tiio .111 mi y 01 .nuy, imi.
1 llo names as witnesses:
I Win. II. Milihollen. of Portland, Ore..
J, W. Ilourk. J. II, Stewart, Thomas
Mnher, of Cottago
drove, Ijiio Lo ,
Anv and all peisons claiming ad
versely the aliove-dcserilifd lands are
to 1110 ineir claims 111 mi
iiftice on or Is-foro said
ill day of May,
J.T. UmiKiKs, Iteglster.
United States Land Otlii'e,
Uoscbiirg, Oregon, Feb. 11), 1101.
Notice is hereby given t lint in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act tor the sale of timber lands in tho
btntes of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nnd Washington Territory, "ns extended
to all the Public Lund States by act of
August 4, 1K92,
, ol Cottage drove. Co. of Lane, Stalo of
1 noro vnllai,0 fur jt(i timber or stono
t)ian for aKriclItral purposes, and to
..(.i.iim. iu.r claim to said land before
c j.;. Ilusard. V. S. CommiBNioiier ,
at his olllce at Drain, Oiegon, on
Wednesday the 18th day of May, 1001.
She names as witnesses.
Herbert O. Thompron, ol Cottage
flrovo, Ore. , William Bheehy, of liar
rison, Idaho, James N. Jones, James
Whitford, of Cottage drove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
lytlie aiHive-iiescrnteii lanus are
quested to file their claims in this allien rich patient, too, can do much butter at
on oi before said lHtli day of May, 1001. home by proper attention to fond dlgcs
J. T. IIhiiioes. Register. ' tion, and a regular nso of German
I Svrun. Fill) expectoration in the
inoriilnif is inadu certain bv German
At The Ideal
$1 per Month
Will keep your SiiIIh cleaned,
pressed, buttons on and ripH
Transient work solicited.
Satisfaction guarranteeil.
Work called for and delivered
proinpty each week.
Ordera taken at Welch & Woodu
Mr. w A Cimnlnnlinm .
Cottago Grove, Oregon. 3
That every one who tries Kennedy
Chain Lightning for rhoumatlsm,
neurulglu, diarrhoea and nil other
pahiH or Inflammation will tmu no
other llnlmoiit, for tho rcuson It gives
InHtant relief, and a npeedy euro fol
Iowh. Ask your drugglHt for Ken
nedy'H Chain Lightning. Tako no
other. Write V. L. Kennedy. Sagl-
naw, Oregon, for llHt tcHtlinonlalH,
For Bitlo by all druggist,
Selz Schwab Fine Shoes
ok tiii:
A. A. Gutter
Ami Culiii-Nickleslmrjj Ilcjtvy Slmt's
fvX Mitr C.,,.L. ( 1 ii,iil.,t(. ,,, III,.
The London lienenil MriTliuiidlno
Store wish tn niiiiiiiiiii-e to the Inning
public that they tmu Iiiim- a er.v
complete Ntiiek of lleiieral Melvliainlli-e
which tliey Intend selling at lenst ill
percent below all eoniietltluli.
We piireliusd our goods in large
ipiaiititles through KiiMorn llrtimiuers,
pay cash for nll'we buy, have no high
rents. 110 Insurance rates to pay. ami
C(UiHiiiienlly can sell mt.v cheap.
Think of t l.AY Worsted SiiIIm.
St $7.50
High liraile Hoods unit nther lines
of Iteiuly Made I'lotblng of Neali'st up
to-ilate st le at prtii-Mthal III surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our II f M.
the let wearers
prices that cannot
3g Try our lloast Coffees, the best
tel flavor and will please you.
The iiilluciire of climatic conditions
in the cure of consilium ion m very much
overdrawn. Tho Hour imtient, and the
Syrup, so is n good night's rest and the
nbseuce of that weakening cough n in I
deliilitatiug night sweats. Restless
niL'lits and the exhaustion due to
coiigbing, the greatest danger and dread
ol thocoiisuiuptivo, can bo prevented or
stopped by taking Gorman Syrup liber
ally and regularly. Should you bo able
to go to a warmer clinic, you will find
Unit of the thousands of consumptives
there, tho lew who are neiieiiiieu nun
regain strength aru thoso who use tier
man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular
nize,7f)( At all druggists. Garinaii A
Ilemonwav Co.
Clean Spring .Vetch mixed
with nhout equal quaulty of
good white Hprlng oats, a
uploutlld mlxturo
or for thrcHlilng. Seed can bo
' 1 2 liad at farm nillo south of
I J CreHwell or will deliver on
board cum. 1'rlco cheap if
ordered now
Write for price and sample stating
quaulty wanted, address
C. V. A100KB, IhJgene, Oregon,
Griffin & Veafoh Co.
job work at Bohemia Nugget Office
of duality
These me the magic
wouls that appeal to the
Shoe buyer. That'll what
you want and what von
get v. hen
3l l
.ilt.tL',, tin
to $9.00
I. Wells Shoes are
mi the market and at
be etpialled.
London, Oregon.
of any fool Is always a dsslriihlo
one, but of equal Importance Is tho
power of ii'liilnlng this quality no iih
not to require too frequent sharpen,
lng. Ily making your purcliaseH of
the (Irillln & Vcntch Co. you always
receive- your iiioiiey'H worth III the
best quality of tools anil cutlery ol
properly teaqH-red steel that In Hiiro
to hold an edge.
CopyniaHTB Ac.
Anrrtno ending a ikcttrh and dMetinllnn mf
Invention U nrnhftblr iAlnthm. Cm
i wnemar tui
tlnniatrlctlvrniiQilentfal. HiNnflllfllC on 1'a.tantJi
tent trea. ()Meil Mueiicr forcurlini lUnU.
I'alaiiu taken turouitti llunn A Co. rclr
tpiriai twuct, witnoui, cnarao. id ine
Scientific Hntcricdii.
A tiamliomelf IHnatratAd weekly, T-arMt nlr
dilation of anr Plentlfln Journal. Terme, W a
yean four ruontlii. L Bolti by all newednalara.
Uranoh omce. fai V Ht, Waahlogtoii, I). C
Cream Vermifuge
iwasc or imitations.
Bollard-Snow Liniment Co,