Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 15, 1904, Image 3

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    nanim ipfirtnrrinfinnnrinnrro
Dr. Lowe, ()i'iili)-oitli'liui, Hiiki'Iiu
l''(ir IIi hI, i'Ihhh iiiciiIh I lie Kxrhunui'
i i'mI m i run I
WAN'IT.II-A i-txili. ciKpilto ill
jp't iilllro.
Nuir -
' K
I 'Oil HAI.I! Hpith nl oIIiiiihcm, liar
iii'hh mill WMKdii. (Iimii'ko IIiiIiIiiiiui.
Tim lending liriiml cIkhim ut lliu
llp-to-ilub'colliirH nl tho Novelty
HI on'. ()iorn Hiiiihii ImiIIiIIiik-
Tim Dniuucriitlc Htulo Convention
iiiimjIx Hi I'lirlliuiil April Hllli.
Mlll't wiiImI hIhiiiiiciI ill llii Nov
elty H tort'. ()i'ru lloilMc limldlnjr.
DhvIiIhoii keep till' bout Iokuith'
hIiocm on tint market.
.1. H. Milne, of tlic Ilrm ul Medley
ntnl Milne, Iihh boon iiilln III lor it
fow diiyn.
lliittculiorK unit I'olnl'ii u 1
toriix ut I ln Novt'lly .Stoic Oporii
HllllHIl building;,
A kooiI Hiiiily of Hlitplo uroci'i-li'M
on limnl for Mitring trade KiiowIch
ntnl (lotlyH, llolicnilii.
What I'vurylioily llkcx Ih hoiki-I IiIiilt
(o HiilUly their appetite, (lie I'.x-
vhiuiiro rvHtiiiirunt Iihh It. I
I'hhoiik In up-to-date embroidery
mill Inillmi licinl work Klven ul tho
NllVI'lty Stoh'. 'J." relllH u Ii'hmiiii.
Don't fowl to take your meal at
1 1 to Kxohiuitfo ii'Hlaiiraiil . livery
thing Hit' l"'Hl Hiii market ran Hiipplv
Inillan lieail work at" t lie Novelty
Htore. Opera I Inline IiiiIIiIIiik.
Mnlcnlf mid Mni-wi will rcinnvo to
their now Mtoro room In tint Awbrey
IiiiIIiIIiik aliont Hie firm of tliouiiinlh.
On jiiii Hunt In liny, ncll or rent
farm or city iiroerly. Set- the Col-
tiiKefiicne laiprovi'ineiil Co., Cot
tnmi drove
Next Molality anil to noon Tuex
iliiy April Hie IniIi and llitli Dr I. owe
tint well known oi'iilo-optlclan will
lie at Hold Uriilmin.
I.liillw. will lie pleani'il to Iiincyuu
rail anil examine my wti.ek ol mil
Hurry In Hie Hank IiiiIIiIIiik on ItliSt.
A, .1. 'riioiniiH,
If you liave lieail ami eye lichen or
am iroulileil with ticrvotiH Irrltu
lilllly. Have Dr l.nwe lent your
even po'nllily uIiihhch Ih all you need.
(ioiiHiillatlon five.
.1. V. Vaiiu'lin for JiihI l.o of t lit'
pence and W. II. Iltalr for I'onxtalile,
were nominated for llniw oltlreH by
tho fniiiiulltco ol the ('ullage Urovo
If you want to Mini who the Cot
tage drove Improvement Co. Ih In
quire of C. . I. Miller or anylioily el.e
In Wk-Ht Col lane drove or mi' our rani
III the Nugget next week.
The liaxkrl Modal ulvrn liy the
l.nilli'M of the .Maccaliti'H IiihI week
wan largely nttendeil. A line pro
Kraiiiine wiih rouilen-il ami the Male
of lianketH netted n nice hiiiii.
lie Hun and wo Dr l.owo the rye I
HiHt'lallHl thin trip an ho kix-m to New
Vork Hoon ami will not k'et hack to
CuttllKi' drove ImIiiiu the hint ol
July. CoiiHtilt 111 lit next Monday ami
to noon TueHilay.
Mr. John Hunter Ih making repalrn
on the old Hunt ilnni up How Ither
mid will hiiiiii ent't n hiiw mill of a
eapnrltv of ItO.OlH) fivt ht dav. The
O. & H. i:. will nut in irackH ho thai
liimlier can Imi loaded rlifhl lit the
I'M MathewM mid Archlr draliaiu,
tho latter a nephew of lienrue (ira
liain, arrived In the city hint l-'rulay
from Nan I'ViiiicIhco. TIih.v nro look
Inn fora place to locate mid will
likely make their homo Hoinoivhort
III the Willamette valley.
The llooxevelt Chili, ol Hiiki'iio held
a uiivtlui; on Saturday nielli. Many
ol tho ileli'KiiteH In the eounty enli
ven I Inn wcrcprrxriit upon Invitation.
rroHldent .Shelly. llliiKliam. Ilarrlx,
IMtvar Ih and otheiH entertained tho
audience with nhort lint lively
l.lltlo Willie from the mirror
Sucked Hie mercur.x all olf,
Tlilnklm; In IiIh ehllillih error,
It would cure the whooping coiikIi,
At tho funeral WIIIIo'h mother
.Smartly hiiIiI lo Mrn. Ilrowu,
" "Pwiih iichlll. day for Willie.
When the mercury went down."
Moral. Iluy M Ac II Whllo Dine
ICxpiH'loruut for coiikIih, coIiIh,
whoopliiK eolith, croup, lullueiiza,
f;rlp, etc. I'm' Hale Ml .Moi'Kau.V llro
laulM. IIAI.IiAltD'S H(lti:ilOtlND KYItDI'.
I miiHtiliii I itl i' t iiliitvuti 1 1 it i mii . f mil in1
coiikIi. cippnwcl. mttlinn, nmplim nd
ililllciiit hieiithini;. Ilunrv C. Slrurim, i
Druiatlxt. Hhiiil'diiirt!, ih., wrltoH, .Muv :
L'll, 111(11 : "I h.ive hcen nelliliK Hid-,
litrd'H lliirrhiniii'l Svrup furluo yciiiH,
anil have uevei hint -a piepitiatiiiii that'
Iihh Kivrn hetlei nalln(actliin. I notice i
that nlien I Hell ii Imtlle thuy ciiuio hack
fur nunc I cm hieicHtlv recommend
It." arr, fide, l.nil. Neu lira DrilK
Sunshine litis about dis
posed ol' tlic licantiful snow
and the trees will soon be
leaving tlnit is the leaves
will tie coming, anil some
will hnve
Deforo Iciivch, HiIh kiikitohIh
that you hIioiiIiI liiivo vour
camera ami IIh 1icIoiij;Ihkh
ipilU) ready for HocurliiK tho
beautiful picture which will
If you havu'iit a ramrrii or
having one, need bcloiiKluirH.
Call on
Items of Interest In mid nlionl
Collude drove and vicinity.
After I wo niontli'H of iiIiiiomI con
Hlantralii, tlie Willamette valley Ih
having what (ha old HiiltlerH iloidg.
1 "reon ttcaiiicr. i an
ifarinei'M aru cngiigcd la putting In
HiclrcropH anil tint elly foIkH nro
Iiiim.v making k' ' l" i m. Tlie fruit
liven nro In lull lilnoiu ami all urn
corrcHpniiillugly happy.
Itev. I. M. Doyle left TueHilay for
a two week'H vIhH In ClackauiiiH
eounty. Itnv. Loughotloiii of Al
liauy will occupy tlie pulpit nl thu
I'reHhy terlan Church In hi" uIimoiici'.
'I'. M. Meilley, tlie real extate man,
wan doing Im.lneHH Tni'ilny In deit
well. He rrporlH much arllvily
among the farmerH of thai Heellon,
KraiikHkllliumi Iihh puri'hax'.'il thu
Wave coiifet'tlonery Htore anil Iihh
Iftkcn powHeHHlon. ,lrH. Couch will
remain in uhnIhI for Home Kmc.
Mr. ami Mrn.
l(. I). Ilawley of
CreHwell gave u
nprlng I 'Ic II IiihI
I' rlilny In honor of t lie Kith lilrtlnluy
of their daughter, llnttlc.
Tim V J. T. IT. will meet at V, V
parHonnge I'rlday April lfith it
Muhk'i't "U hoHe work aru we doing,
All hulleM arc welcotau.
I ho cntluir Mutton on Itn iilth ami
Meailow'H Mtugo line known iih tho
lalliuan place wiih burned hint week
.lonen ami I'hllllpH me having a
concrete Hldeividk put down In front
of ilielr new bull. link'.
KOIt HAI.i: A good piano for nnlo
cheap. Kniulre at tho oxprunn olllcit
or partivuiarH.
Try a lent nf thu llazelwooil you
will Mm I at theHtar llrt iloor oiihI of
the poHtollIci'.
The Panrliull (ever Ih now attack
liiKcvur.rloroiiiiyotiiiK iniiii In thu
Von can et tho lieHt Iokctm' ami
iiiIihth' hIiih'h at .1 II DhvIiIhou'h .
The Democratic County Coiiven
Hon meetH at MliKune tho ltlth IiihI.
Hot coffee ami IiiiicIivh at tho Hx
chaiiKe ii'Miaurant.
Ohl curloH houglit at tho Novelty
Ilimelwouil Ife cn'ani nt tho Star.
Supt. I.. A. .Hutlicrluiul Ih hack from
Alfonl Lively, of Calif., vIhIIviI hero
with Win. I.lvrly a fow day.
Mr. anil .M rn. Win. Klrtley havo
K'one to Oakland, Ore., to vlult with
Our M'hool Ih pnu;rcHHlnK nicely.
MIhh .MaK'1" Ih iikooiI teiu'hor.
Ilev. II. I'. Comlm Ih to ho l nervlce
at Divide next Sunday.
The farmer are lumtlitik' around to
;ut thrlr cropnlu thUpiully weather.
Mrn. Annie Sutherlaiul In homo
again from Ouklnml, Ore., whero hIio
Iihh Ihimi vIhIHiik with rt'hitivoH.
Mr. W. II. DriiulH will lio homo In a
few dayn.
Church Notices.
Itev. V. A. l.oiiKhottoui of Alliauy
will prrcli In I no I'roHliytorlan
Church next .Sunday lioth mornliiK
link levruliiK- All nro cordially In
Tltrd to ho prewiit. Solo at It
o'clock "I Havo Sought hiiiI I Havo
I'nunil" liy IIchhIo HoylcH.
At the M i:. (Jhurcli on .Sunday
moriiltiK the Htiliject liy tho paHtor
will h Hie llrvakliiif of the Ala-
lmnter Ilox." Tho Itev. Mr. WIiiiuih
of Salem will occupy tho pulpit at
tho evening Nervier.
Preaching HervlceH at tho Christian
Church Siiinlay 11 n. in. "Invltrd to
HcHt." S p. in, "Tho TraiiHllgura
tloti." Other xervlct'HalilHual hourn.
Kvuryliody invited.
Decoration Day Gxerclses.
At a recent nirellui; of the commit
tee (nun ApiMimatiu I'oHt and thu
Women'H llellef CorpH held InHt Satur
day, It wiih decided to Invito Depart
ment I'rt'Hldent .Mrn. Hoho M. Scho
neck to make the principal adtltvMH
on Decoration Day. While hero Homo
WcokH hIuco, It wiih learned hIio would
ho prenent upon that occiihIoii If In
vited, It wiih further decided to In
vite the hcIiooIh, iih well iih the various
HiH'IctleH to participate upon tho oc
ciihIoii. There will ho otlier features
uildoil by llio cumniltli'O.
Left the City.
.1. N. Smith, who Iihh kept a Haloon
In the city for hoiiio tluio Ih iuUhIiik
U'wiih noticed at the council meeting
Monday nlnht that hU bond wiih not
tiled with othern. TueHilay inornlui;
tho key wiih found In the door, but
no Mr. Smith appeared. Ho was
Hern In tho vicinity of tho south
bound train TueHilay morning and It
Ih HiippoHcd ho took luwHiip! for tho
Houtli. Ho left enough material to
HiitlHfy nil clalniH ho far known.
Just Arrived
A full lino of all kinds of seed beads
at tho Novelty Store.
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts.
Cottage Grove's Finances.
Summary of the financial ntntcmcnt of the City of
Cottage Grove, April lot, HKH:
KeceiptH from Haloon licence,
Other licenses, fines, etc
(Seneral taxation
Dog tax
Ctirrcnt expenses of city
Interest on outstanding warrants
Balance on hand
Halance on hand April 1st, 1003
Interest on botuls and warrants
V.firnintH paid
Outstanding warrants, general fund $2577.72
Cash on hand
Indebtedness April 1st, 1004
Short In Ilia Accounts.
lohu Darker, of thin city, ami
foruirrly treiiHiirur ol Tillamook 1
county, thin Hlnte, Iihh hern found liy
thoolllclalH appointed to export tho
county'H Iiookh to 1h nhort In IiIh i
Tho exH'rtln of tho county'H IiooUb
wiih occiiHlotird liy tho tannic In tlie
accotintH of Sheriff Auldernian, whoj
Hoine time iik. committed Hulclde, I
when It wan dlHcovrrrd that ho wumI
In urn-am hoiiio tl.OOi).
Mr. Darker wiih trviiHiircrof Tllln-
mook county for two termn, IiIh InHt
term I'lidlng In lHtei.
Tho fact that ho wiih short In his
acrouutH rscaiHil notice until hoiuo
tlmoiiKo, and John hud craned to
worry over It thinking that It was
safely covered up. However, the
otlier day his heart ulimmt stopiH'd
lK'iitlug when with trembling hand I
he broke thu seal on the following
letter which rxphiliiH IiIh defalcation:
Tillamook, Ore., Fob. .1, 1101.
Jons IUiikkii.
CottilKO drove. On-.
Dear Sir: Thu County Court has
employed oxih'JIh to examine the
bookH of the county otllclitl-. and ;
thcHo r.iertH havo Just niado their i
report. From thl report It appears 5
that thcro Is a shortage In vour ne-jj!
couiitH iih tii'asiirer, for tho term i 4
riidlngl I believe, July IsilS, amount-j '
lug to 10 cents. If you will remit
the amount to 1. W.Todd, county
treasnrer. It will bo credited to your
accoiiiitH on tho books, making a
complete balance.
Yours truly,
II. T. IIotts.
Deputy Dlst. Attorney.
John remitted, and It Is under
uiiinit that action will not bo taken
atraltiMt hint. '
Sealed bids will be received by th
School Directors of School District
No. 15 of I.aue County, Oregon, at
Cottage drove, Oregon, until 4
o'clock I. M., April 2.1th, 11KU. for the
erection ami completion of a frame
school building according to plans
and specifications prepared by Chas
H, llurggraf architect of Albany,
A errtllled check of $1,10.00 payable
to the Hoard of School Directors of
District No. 1.1 must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that tho bidder
will furiitHk an approved bond equal
to 7.1 per cent of the iiuiount of the
contract, within ten days after tho
awarding of said contract.
All bids miiHt bo made out upon
forms for the same.
l'laus, speclllcatlous and blanks
can bo soon at ,1. K. Young's olllco
Cottage Urovo, or at tho architect's
Tho Hoard reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
District Clerk. J. K. IHhhktt,
Chairman of Hoard of Directors,
J. V. Oowdy. ll-'-'t
Cottage Grove, Ore.
$40 17.20
$407 .04
$ 754.00
j. p. cukkix,
Omykk Vhatch,
Gho. Wai,i.,
Finance Committee,
Amos Oslas Heathcrly, son of
James and Mary J. Heatnerly, was
horn In I.iuio County. Oregon. June
30, 1S5!I, died Mar. :W, 1001, wan mar
ried Sept. 2-J, 1SV1 to ICmlora Owens,
who died at Central I'olnt, Oregon
Feb. IS, 11)01. Nino children were
born to them llyo of whom survive
them, Owen O., Constance C, Mark
It.. Italiih and Opal Heatlierlv. IK-
censed resided at Colfax, Washing
ton, during hi-) married life until
April ls:i he moved to Central I'olnt,
I Oregon, whero ho resided until his
I Illness when by IiIh request he was
brought to his old home In thin
county, where he panned IiIh first and
last days on this earth.
Desldcs Ills children twoslstera and
ono brother survive him, Mrs. Aliu
nde llriggs ami Mrs Ithoda Hollamls
wortb of this placo and J. I.. Heath
crly of Alpaso, Texas.
Loggers and Miners
I've got
You Want
Jj Good Stock. Ilensonnhlo I'rlces
At J. Jl. Davidson's
Vocal Lessons.
the blues; Sorrow and
will be obliterated by
having your daunlitor, son or any
member of the family trained to
sing those beautilul somjs. Mrs.
V. G. Woods who lias an interest
ing class will give les.-ons separately
twice a week in voice culture. Her
methods and theory have been
demonstrated to be practical Terms
reasonable. Three blocks west of
Catholic church.
Mr. I.. Van Htirkler, a photogra
pher of considerable renown for
doing high cIiish photographic work,
will open a studio In Cottage (iruxe
wltnlii a week or two.
Cottage Grove
I 8
Fail to hcc the fine line
of Combs, I lair finishes,
Toilet Articles and
iDrujKiHt'H SuiidrieH
The finest line in town
prices can not be beaten
f I'
I The Cottage Grove "
1 i
ft Is now In running order ,
, and prepared to do all kinds of
w laundry work with promptnesH
K and at reasonablu rates.
We hope to secure your
' patronage and to please you
, with mr work. I'liono-'U
Hanson & Swan.wn, Props.
Eagle Book Store
Can be found the most ele
gant and up to date
An elegant line of Fustern
Made fortuities, School
Hooks and a full line of the
5 lastest popular books.
a SI high (a $i.2.'i per m
Common Itough lumber and
dliaeiiHlim (ii (7.50
All kinds of Kiln Dried
Ituulier at proportionately
low prices.
At mill, prices, until April
Lonz & Mm l.amber Co.
"We have u-iil Chiiinberlain's Colic'
Choleru and Diarrhoea Heuiedy in our i
family for years," niys Mrs. J. B. Cooke
of Xederlahdp, Texas. "We have given I
it to all of our children. Wo have used ,
other medicines for the same purpose,
hut never found ititvthing to equal ,
Chamberlain's. If you will use it as
directed it will always cure." For sale ,
by New Km Drug Store.
United States lnid Office,
Rosebud, Ore., March 19th, 1004.
Notice la hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of the Act ol
Congress ot Juno 3, ISIS, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territoiy, asextended
to all tho Public Laud States hv net of
August -1, 1S92,
of Saginaw, County of Lane, State
of Oregon, lias this ilay filed In this
ollice his sworn statement No. WJ9 for
the imichiise of the NE lj of
NE i ot Section No. 22, Twp. 21
South, of Range 3 West und will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
tho Register and Receiver of this ottiee
nt Roseburg, Oregon on Thursday the
0th day ol June, 1004
Ho names as witnesses:
I'. M. Lambert, Edgar King, Emery
tiuslnr, Willinni 11. Champion, of Ou
tage Urove, Oiegon.
An vn ml nil persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested
to li lo their claims in this otliee on or
hefoie said Oth day of June, 1004,
J. T. ItiiinuKS, Register.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
We will still continue sale on the entire line of
1904 Street Hats at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 and
$2.00 It will pay you to inspect this line.
We have a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnish
ings and Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
We most cordmlly invite the Ladies of Cottage Grove and vicinity to in
spect our line of Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.
m -r - - w
Shirt Waists
Have just received a splen
did assortment of
Silk and Linen Waists
in fact, we can
1 call in the Shirt
Now is the time to buy for
Spring and Summer uses.
it Lurch s Store.
Agents for Currins,
McParlands and
Mrs. C. A. Perkins, add's
Lots Sola on Installment
All kinds of improved and unproved city
property at lowest prices. We act as agents
owners. Collect rents and remit promptly.
References, First National Hank,
FOIt SALE. A nice organ, used
but very little. Just as good as the
day of purchase. It cost (110, will
sell for $7.1 either for cash on In part.
This is a bargain. Also a drop head
sowing machine for $15 Consider
these bargains nnd cnll upon or
address Mrs. Eliza Jane Miller. Cot
tage Urove, Near old Urlst Mill.
We can furnish mining stock nt
prices lielow those of nny other
broker In the state. Medley ic Milne.
s Welch &
Its time when you buy
Spring Shoes and Suits.
YY c are showing the
strongest line of Shoes in
all sizes ever shown in the
city, watch our s h o v
windows for new shapes.
Our ready to wear and
made to order Clothes are
the popular styles.
Boys two piece Suits from
" $1.25 to 6.00
Three piece long pants 8
to IS years
$2.25 to 10.
Mens Dandv Suits at
$7. 8. and 9.
Mercantile Co.
ii i.iiiMiiiiiii-i rn fi rtn
respond to any
Waist line.
and country
for property
or any one In Cottage Orove
The Southern Pacific Is now Belling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Fugene for t good going Saturday
I'. M., or any train of Sunday, re
turning Sunday and Monday, Riving
all day Sunday and Monday In Port
land. The same arrangement applies
from Portland, giving all Portland
people a chance to visit valley points
nt greatly reduced rates." Parties
"esinng iu uiKe a i yanmgs oi tneso
ttn can pay local fare to Eugene.
I EuilfeiAillfcil.iAfcAAAiAAtitAll