Bohemia Nugget Bohemia Nuft't rub' Ce. COTTAGE GROVE , . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY Comprehensive Review ol the Import. nt Happening! o! the Patt Week, Presented In Condented form, Mott t.tkely to Prove Interettlnc. Russia Ii Bliort of men for her fleets Bpaln la very bitter becnuso of tlio Anglo- renen treaty. Enttor Bcrvlccs in Russia are mucli more Impressive thanusuol this year Queen Alexandra's persistent urging makes Britain ready 10 deal wiui nut la. Btirko Cockran, of Isow ork, says tlio houso Is losing casto ami bids 11 wako up. Exiled Colorado miners say tliey wero subjected to most cruel treatment by tlio militia. Tlio port ol rortlaml drydock is in position anil in a few days tlio first vessel can enter. A leading dignitary in tho Cliurch of England holds that the old testament is A pack of lies. Tho senate has passed the 1905 fair bill In tho same form as It came from tho houso and the measure Is now ready for tho president's signature. A favorable report has been made to tho houso on Representative Joncs'blll opening tho suiplus lands of tho Yaki ma Indian reservation to settlement. Tho Anglo-French colonial treaty has been signed In London. Ex-Ouccn Isabella, of Spain, grand mother of Alphonso, is dead. Tl.roo persona were killed and nine injured In a tornado in Texas. Makaroff has engaged the Japanese fleet off Port Arthur. No details aro obtainable. Tho University of Washington de feated the Unitersity of Oregon in de bato at Seattle. Japan has almost completed arrange ments for landing tioops in the vicin ity of Port Arthur. Deported Colorado miners returned to Teliuride, but wero met by the mi litia and made to go again. Fatterson. of Colorado, holds that all Chinese exclusion laws will expire De cember 7, and urges the senate to aet. Nearly $2,000,000 is now available for tho Lewis and Clark fair. Many states have provided exhibits and oth ers will. A military expert, in reviewing the war situation, says Japan is greatly strengthening her hand by delaying a general attack. Russia will endeavor to join its fleets and attack Togo. The Japanese have crossed tho Yalu and occupy eeveral important posi tions. Kouropatkln has now masted the force ho desired before beginning active operations. . According to the census bureau but B2 states now have less than a million Inhabitants and 14 exceed two millions, John W. Kalua, United States Judge of the Second circuit, at Honolulu, has been removed from office by tne presi dent. Ground has been broken at the Lewis and Clark exposition site for tho flnt tm d n? of importance, me Biaieo building. A special car bearing 63 Indians en rnii tii to nee Roosevelt collided with a mall train in Illinois and tbreo braves were killed and 20 Injured. Tho census bureau has issued a bul letln which elves the estimated popula tlon of tho United States for 1903, ex- elusive of Alaska and the insular pos sessions, at 79,000,389. Of tho cities of tho NorthweBt, Portland is given 88.655; Seattle. 92,020; Tacoma, 45, 102; Spokane, 41,927; Butte, 38,127 Republicans elected mayor of Kan sas City, Mo, and will control the coun ell. At Mlwlaukeo the Democrats elected their mayor and 24 out ol 4U council men. Tiie Labor Union tickets carried in the towns of Colorado where elections were held. In Nebraska the Rebuplican ticket has 600 to 1,100 majorities. Jligt) licenBO carried in most cities. Neither fleet is to be seen at Port Arthur and the only indication of war is tho ever active searchlight. Rcnubl leans carried Topeka, Law rence and Wichita, Kansas, and elected a majority of candidates at Kansas City and Leavenworth. France and Britain have reached an agreement regarding Newfoundland, Egypt and Morocco. Newfoundland is to be given up by France, Russians will not allow Servians to enter her army. Repubicans olected 18 aldermen and Democrats 10 in the Chicago city elec tions. Municipal ownership of street railways was favored by a large ma, Jorlty. Tho Poi t Arthur channel is not so well closed as Admiral Togo reports The Prohibitionists are likely to nominate Gnoeral Nelson A. Miles for president. Tho houso committee has decided on a lump appropriation of $ 3,000,000 for livers and ltaruors. The oponlng of tho Cuban congress was attended Uy Wliu scenes oi uiouruer, Fights wore quite numerous. Russians will only harass Japanese fnrcoln Corca, playing the waiting game doclded upon by Kouropatkln Secretary nay will Intervene for the reloaso of two American newspaper cor ..nnndnta held by the Russians at Chinese will be kept our. American Policy Will Continue, No Mat. ter It New Treaty It Made. Washington, April 12. In cabinet meetings and in conference directly be tween tho cxccutlvo heads of depart ments tho wholo subject of tho stntua o! tho Chlneso immigration question, as it will bo after the lapse of existing treaties, has been thoroughly digested, and It can be stated that the adminis tration feels that it lias nmplo warrant for continuing to enforce tho rigid pro visions of tho tho Chlneso exclusion act regardless of tho denunciation of tho treaty. So far from oponlng tlio door to Chinese immigration, tlio lapse of tho treaty, will. It is said, actually render tho entrance of Chinese Into this country more difficult than while the treaty remained in force. This fact haa been pointed out tn tho Chlneso government by Mr. Conger, who haa not yet abandoned tho effort to Induce the Chinese government to reconsider its denunciation. However it Is positively stated that the exclusion laws will continue to bo cnioreed after Dcrvinbcr next, whether the treaty expires or not. Attorney General Knox has under consideration tho question of the valid ity of the exclusion law of 1902 in view nf thi denunciation of the treaty, and will prepare and submit to tlio pros ident nn opinion on the subject. Both the president and the attorney general have discussed the matter with mem bers of coneress. It is being consid crcd, too, by members of both branches of congress, and if it is deemed noeos nnrv somo lectslatlve action will be taken on it before odioutnment. If it should lie concluded that the denuncia tinn of the treaty by China would ren der inoperative existing laws regarding Chinese exclusion, tho probable course of action will be to attach to one of the pending appropriation bills an amend' ment forcing the exclusion of Chinese Members of congress, are generally aerced that no dithculties will bo ex pcrienced in passing Uio legislation if it should be regarded as necessary JAPAN TO MAVB FINE SHIPS. Vessels Ordered In England Will Be Ahead of Those of That Country. London, Apiil 12. The two new bat tleships ordered in England by Japan will be exceedingly powerful, tuel length, 445 feet, exceeding that of the most powerful British battiesinps uy 20 feet. In order to meet the capacity of docking accommodations, the beam and draught have been fixed at 7S feet and 26 feet respectiely. Each will have a displacement of 16,400 tons. Their main batteries, it is said, will be the most powerful yet devised, con sisting of four 12-inch guns, four 10 inch and five 6-inch guns each. The armored belt at the water lino w ill be nine inches thick with six-inch armor continuing to the level of the deck. rew feature will be a superstructure of four-inch armor, insuring that no part of the upper works will be unprotected . In addition to the two battleslilps actually ordered, Japan is contemplat ing two more vessels of that description to be built here. Formal orders for two battleships were placed by Japan with Vickers, Maxim & Armstrong January 30, the orders being to expedite their construc tion as speedily as possible. They are to have a speed-of 19 knots and will be able to discharge 11 tons ot projectiles per minute from their main batteries. HISTORIC OtK PLANTED. Roosevelt and Hitchcock Place Tree Qrcund Tnot Sprang From Acorn. In Washington, April 11. A historic oak was planted by President Roosevelt and Secretary of the Interior Hitch cock this evening in the' yard to the east of the White Hou. The little tree was grown from an acorn that Mr. Hitchcock picked up from beneath an oak on the grounds of the Peterhof palace in Russia. The Russian oak was grown from an acorn that came from the tree that sheltered Washing, ton's tomb at Mount Vernon. The spade that was used in the ceremony at the White House this evening will be preserved as a memento of the occasion On its blade will be painted a legend detailing the circumstances of the tree planting. New Ctpltal of Philippines. Chicago, April 12. Plans for the new capital of tho Philippines were made known today by Secretary of War Taft. Secretary Taft Bald: "The new capital will be about 15 miles from Manila, on a plot of ground over 5,000 feet above the sea level, which will make it far more healthy for Amerl cans. It is to be to the Philippines what what Simla is to India, and will be of great benefit to the islands. The climate is superb, the location good and the new opportunities for men with capital will be very great." Cztr to tlave Many Men. Paris, April 12. The St. Petersburg correspondent of tho Echo de Paris tel egraphs that a competent staff officer there says that Russia is not weakening her European frontier garrisons owing to the war in tne r-ar fcast, anu mat 500.000 Russian troops will be In Man churla at the end of May. This officer also asseits, the correspondent also savs. that since the Uritieh Thibet ex- pedltlon started, the Turkestan and Caucasian forces ot Russia have been consideiably strengthened. Nlu Chwang Defentet Strong. Niu Chwang, April 10, via Chefoo, China, April 12. General Kouropatk in's visit to Niu Chwang has Inspired boundless confidence The commander in chief ordered 10,000 rcBervcs to re Infoice this position, In view of tho ex, nected Japanese attack, while an ad, dltional force of 15,000 men is ready to concentrate upon thla place nt short notice, if necessary. II is esti mated now that there are 400 000 Rus slan troops in Manchuria. Biscuit Factory Employes to Strike. Now York, Apiil 12. A general strike of tho employes of tho National biscuit company's factory in this city has been ordered because of alleged dis crimination against union men. About 300 workmen attended tho meeting at which the strike was decided upon but at least 1,000 will be thrown out FAIR BILL PASSES LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION MONEY NOW SAFE. Majority It Large, Riling Vote Een It Not Necessary Conference It Next Step Approprlttlon Can be Increased but Not Reduced-Carrlet an Arpro prittlon of 475,000. Washington. April 9. Tho houso of representatives, without a rollcall, or e en so much as a rising vote, yester- lay afternoon pnsod the Iis and Clark exposition hill carrying an ng cnisate appropriation of $476,000. The bill was passed 38 minutes after a special rule providing for Ita consia eration was laid before tho house, thereby breaking the record of the class of legislation that always leads to pro. traded discussion. Tho bill passed in the samo form as reported bv Tnwney's committee on March 2S. In addition to appropriate inn 1475.000. it authorises the coin ins of 250,000 souvenir gold dollars, whhh virtually amounts to a total up. propriation of $725,000. In reality, congress is aiding roiunnu lar more than appears from these figures. Chairman Tawney, speaking on this point, said: "Tho $475,000 alloted for govern ment buildings and exhibits is equiva lent, under other circumstances, to an appropriation of between 1600,000 and 1700,000 for tlio i'ortiatul exposition, necauso the government exhibit has nl ready been assembled at St. Louis, and will onlv require transportation to Portland, thereby saving that city the cost of assembling a new government pxhib t." Tho passage of the bill removes tlio last doubt as to the fate of the Lewis nnd Clark appropriation. Tho bill that is finally agreed upon and signed by the president will carry nt least the amount contained in the bill passed by tho house, and may possibly lie in creased. There can be no decrease Any chance must bo in tho nature of compromise between the senate and the house bills. INSURES EARLY ADJOURNMENT. House Makes Sane Case Order In December, Spech Washington, April 11. Tho Swayne impeachment proceeding, which has been looked upon as the only possibi rhwk to an earlv adjournment, was disposed of in five minutes by th house today by the adoption of a reso lution making the case a special order for December 13 next. In tlio mean time the iudiciary committee is to take additonl testimony in tho case. After disposing of a conference report on the army appropriation bin tin house took up the bill extending the coastwise laws to the Philippines, and hv a vote of 122 to 100 adopted a spec ial rule to vote on this bill aftei a de- hate of two hours. This debate w as ex hausted, save five minutes, when the houso adiourned at 5:30 p. m. An amendment to the bill postponing the operation of the law until July 1, 1900 Instead ol luuo will do propoeeu The partial conference on the army annropriat on bill was agreed to. Four senate amendments were still in dis agreement. CORE TO PROTECT MINES. American and British Ministers Make Formal Requests. Seoul, April 11. J. N. Jordan and H. N. Allen, respectively the ministers to Corea of Great Britain and the United States, have requested the Corean government to give protection to the British and American mines l the country. This request Is a mere formality as the Japansee authorities have given assurances of the safety from local up. risings. Mr. Jordan says tho Japanese have been extremely considerate to. ward the British mines. They hay shown no desire to hamper mining op erations, have, promised not to make heavy levies of' food upon the farmers of the surrounding country, and hav agreed to facilitate the passage of specie for the payment of wages, and even to supply specie for the purpose. , Desert Land Law Wins. WaBhlngton, April 11. By a vote of 8 to 3 the bouse committee on irriga tlon of arid lands today defeated the hill to repeal the desert land laws, Those voting against the bill were Chairman Mondell, of Wyoming, and Representatives Terrill, Mastachu setts, Dwight, New York; Marshal North Dakota; Williamson Oregon Cooner. Pennsylvania; Hitchcock, Ne braska. and Bell, California. Those in favor of tho repeal were Representa tlves Reeder, Kansas; Van Duser, Neva da, and Underwood, of Alabama. Oieat Irrigation Scheme. Salt Lake. April 11. An immense irriagtlon scheme is about to be Inaug urated in Utah by the government, ac cording to the statement of E. W Ross, BUpervisin engineer of the district of Utah and Idaho, me plan content, plates making a reservoir of Utah lake, The cost will be nbout $5,000,000. II is estimated that a million acres will bo irrigated, adding $30,000,000 the land valuo of the state. Mr. Ross informed tho state commission that he would commence on the work at once. Russians Can Soon Attume Olfentlve, Berlin April 11. Tho Tageblatt war correspondent, Major Dajke, writ ing on a train while Hearing Harbin says: 'Only six tralans dally pass cast oi the tailroad to .Manchuria, and only four thence to Harbin, but they consist of as many as 38 cars. The railroad Is apparently able to meet the military domands." The correspondent adds that tho Russians will ho ready to take the offensive about the middle of this month. Russia Declines a Loan, Paris, April 11. According to private informal on recci ped from bt. reiers, burg, the Russian government refused nt all events for tho present, an offer of a loan corning from French quarters, nnd declined also a largo number of proposals for war supplies mado by OFFICII SCCRUTS OUT. Stenographer Hives Alleged Methods of Land tlujers. San Francisco, April . Sensational testimony was given today In the hear ing before United Slates Commissioner Ileacock In the llydo and Dliuond land ousplracy case. Mrs. Belle A. Curtis, ho was a stenographer for llydo fioui Oetober, 18U7, to November, 181)9, was the chief witness, and her evidence ent to show that affidavits wero man ufactured by wholesale in tho office; also that Hyde nnd Joint A. iienson were partners in the alleged conspiracy to defraud the government. She de- tared Hvdo and Iienson employed 'dummies" to make out applications or school lands, and that the colored aultor was freonnotly Instructed to bring In bis friends to apply for school lands for their own use, nnd were then lloted to a neighboring notary to mako affidavits. She said that assign incuts of these claims to llydo and Hen son wero often intule nt the same time. She said the plan of Hyde and Hen sou was to liao these school lands in Oiegon and California transferred to forest reserves, w Itli the assistance oi corrupt covert ment officials. lien t in lands wero so transieireii, inu an signees of the school land scrip had the privilege ot oxcimnguig meir iiuimugn for more valuable lands outside of the reservation. Tliiiiiins McCusker. freight agent oi tho Southern Pacific, at Portland, Or, iiotiilnl that ho had secured many nr plications of school lands In Oregon for John II Schneider, who was Hyde's ngent. Mr.MsCttskcr said ho received pay for Ills services, oui no urn uuv know that he was engaged in an Illegal liiialntsil. Miss Marian Doyle, w ho succeeded Miss Curtis as Hyde's stenographer, w 111 testify at the next hearing. TO PRISON FOR LIFE. Mrt. Botkln Found Guilty of Murder the First Degree. San Fiancisco, April 9. Mrs. Cor delta Botkin, accused of killing Mis. John P. Dunning, of Hovel. Del., by sending her poisoned candy tlirougli tho mails, was tonight convicted mnr,l..r in tho first degree, with th niltv Hxod nt life imprisonment. The iurv was charged late this af tarnoon. and at 4 :3C o'clock retired deliberate. Later they were taken out for dinnor and upon returning asked to have some testimony read to them. At 11:15 o'clock the the jury reported that an agreement had been reached rim niiiiiinusness of the announce- mnnt was apparent in the attitude of tlm defendant, who buried her faco her hands and remained In that po sition until tho foreman of the jury i.oil flniatinl speaklns. The court In niiln-.! if a verdict had been ai rived at, and tho foreman handed him a bIIj ot paper upon wlncli was written. "Wo. the iurv. find the defendant rnrilolla Hotkin. guilty ot murder the first degree, nnd fix tho punishment at imprisonment for life." Mn. Itotkin looked up as the court was thanking tho ju'ors for their close attention to tho case, and presented i n...trlrl.-in countenance to her conn sel, who spoko some comforting wards to her. Tho court named April 16 foi formal ly pronouncing sentence. BELIEVES TOQO WILL BLOCK IT. Military Expert Predicts Success Mote on Port Arthur. ol London, April 8. The naval expert nf the London Times, in an extended review of the aspect of the present situ ation, expresses the boiiei uini ah mlrnl Toeo will succeed eventually I attaining his object in blocking the ontranre to Port Arthur harbor. "If ho does succeed," saysthecories pondent, "the Russian fleet cannot pre nt tli landlnc of Japanese troops I Manchuila, or anywhere else, while the Japanese fleet will be freed from the trying work of holding tlio harbor entrance, and will bo available for service elsewhere. It can then return in Its nrlcinal base, nnd nfter refitting proceed in the Ecarch for the Vladivo stok fleet." Strict Censorship Prevail Tendon. April 9. The brief dis, txitcbea from the seat of war in tho Fa Runt nnnearimr in tho London news papers dm ing the laBt few days have all been of a curiously stereotyped char nrter. Indicating tliatl an active censor ship is prevailing there, and adding nothing to the information contained In the disnatches of the Associated This applies particularly nnlntu under Japanese control, but frnm tlin Russian side also It is ev dent that care Is being exercised prevent nowa of operations leaking out Well for American Trade. Paris, April 9. It was learned in ninnlll nuartcrs todav that tho Anglo- Krnch colonial treaty about to bo signed will contain a clauee providing for equality of tariff duties on goods cn iprlno Morocco and Egypt for a period of 30 yrara Irom the date of the signing tlio treaty. The clause specifies mat equality is only between the parties to tho treaty, but tho officials say It will Imvo tho effect of establishing the ope door in Morocco and Egypt. Thoolllc ials say this Insures a notablo opening for American Irado. China on Verge of Joining Jtpan New York, April 0. Reports are said to have reached an ambassador. says a Herald dispatch from Berlin, to the effect that Ulilna is on uio verge oi throwing in her lot with Japan. Tho flrBt defeat on land for Russia will, Is nsserted. bo tho signal for a forwan movement on the part of the Celestial empire. Japan, the correspondent adds, shows no anxiety for help, rea lUina that China's intervention may cause more cmbairaBsir.cnt than profit, Japan Olad Russians Bought It. Berlin, April 9. Mr. Inouyo, tho JnpancBO minister here, doca not share tho view that the sale of tho Hamburg-American lino BtcauiBliip Fuerst Ulsmark Is a breach oi neutrality, "Frnm ono viewpoint." Bttld tho minis ter, "we are glad to seo the Russians buy good buv good ships. 'J he Hussions uuy I them ond wc cap'turo them." - HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON IH1ARS CONVICT CRY. Icturet of Discharged Men No Longer to He (liven Out. Salem In accoidanco with Instruc tions from Uoernor Chamberlain, tho ivnilentlHry authoilttes have discon tinued tlio practice ol liiriiisiiing pence Ulcers Willi pictures nnd descriptions of all discharged ptlsoners, This haimo In the rules ot tho Institution was made a few weoke ago upon Uio lie- llef that it would encourage cx-convicta to try to lead honest lives. The custom ol sending out descrip tions of discharged prisoners was adopt ed in response to requests from chiefs of police In the cities. Tho police oftl- era wanted tlio descriptions so mai when a convl t had been discharged tliev euuld ho on the lookout for It lilt and could more easily to ate him If ho ommitttd any offense. Several luci- lents which came to the attention of the governor convinced him that more harm than good resulted from tho send ing out of the descriptions, and he di rected that the practice bo stopped. TO CONIHH TIIU WALLA WALLA. Free Sptce Under Railway With Levees Will lie Provided. .Milton This season will prooahly seo the last lilglt water unningo iui some time just beyond the Junction of tho Walla Walla river and the u. n. .x N a mile north of Milton, where tho river lied is almost on a level with the Hats on either side. For several years the piers in tho O. It. A N. trestle over the river have caught brush, floating logs and debris' of all kinds, causing tho current to cut into the gravelly low banks on either side ami scurry over tho land. The piers aro only 111 leet apart. The railroad lias material on mu ground to build a new span which will bo supported uy stone piers on nura end, 10S feet apart. 1 his will leave an uninterrupted space lor uio mcr, and the county commissioners of Walla Walla and Umatilla counties will di vide tlio expense of levees to conllno the rushing waters of the fast flowing Walla Walla past the danger point. OOOD PRICES FOR SHEARERS. Work Will Be Epedlted Owing to the Uood Conditions. Pendleton Seven nnd eight cents, tho former figure including lonrd, are sheep shearing prices throughout r.asi em Oregon this season. Sheep shearers will not starve at this figure, us a good shearer will handle 100 head a day, while fast men will take lleeces off Shearing will be faster limn muni this season on account of tho 1 ranilltion both sheep and wool n..,- , aro in. Few outside professionals have come In yet, wbut a number ot local snear I. r at work around Echo and farth' er west. A crew of about a doicn have left for towns along tlio Northern Pa cillc in Franklin nnd Lincoln counties, Washington. Tho majority of outside shearers will come in In nhout 10 days nn their migration northward and east ward. After finishing In Umatilla anil kindred Eastern Oregon counties they push on to Idaho, Wyoming and Mon, tana. Coming Events. Republican convention, First congrcs I district. Salem. April 13. Republican convention, Second congressional district, Portland, April 13. Republican state convention, Port land, April 14. Oregon Cattlemen's association, Port' land, April 10. Democratic stato convention, Port Inml. Anril 10. Convention stato federation of labor, Oreirnn City. May 2-0. Stato grange, Corvalllls, begint May 24. General election, Juno 0. Annual reunion, department of Ore gon, G. A. R., Hood River, Juno 15-17 I Form New Creamery Company. La Grande Articles of incorpora tion have l;cn filed by the Grand Rondc Creamery company as successors to tho Cove Creamery company. Tho now company Intends to operate cream eries at Ln Grande ar.d Union and cn gago in tlio manufacture and sale of butter, ico cream, cheee, etc. It will have skimming stations at Cove and Medical Springs. Tlio creamery at La Grande will lie in n now brick building on Elm Btrect, which Is 40x50 fcot, with a cellar. O. F. Harper la presi dent of tho company. Oloomy Outlook for Cattle. John Day The most unfavorable weather conditions have continued almost uninterruptedly for more than a week, and the amount of damage to tho livestock interests of tho county is nppaling. Hay is altogether beyond purchase ln many parts of the county, and where it may be had at all It Is only In amnll quantities and at re markable figures. In Bear valley, some of the more fortunato of tho cattlo growers a.iy they have feed to last through the first few weeka of April. Land Office Receipts. Salem Tho receipts of the stato land office for tho month of March aggregate $47,470.55, which rcprcBonts nn un usually largo month's business. Tho heavy receipts wero due to an order from theboarl, mado some tlmo ago, requiring holders of land sale certificates upon which Binall balancca aro duo to pay tho hal ancea and take deeds. Over 200 deeds wero Issued during tho month for that reason, C. D. Wade Cattle Dipped Again. Pendleton The 0. B. Wado herd of thoroughbreds, Bold at the recent salo of the defunct cashier's Union county stoc!-, have again been dipped and can now bo shipped out ol tlio stato. Tho enllro herd was dipped the first time, while only those whoso purchasers In tend shipping out of Oregon underwent the Inst operation. Tho hord was 1 slightly Infected with mango. NllW ORUUON CORPORATIONS. Articles Filed With the Secretary of State at Salem. Salem Articles of lucorporatkii were Hied In the office of the secretary of slate last week as follows: Smith-Premier typewriter company, 'SvriiuHi.. N. Y.. $100,000. Woodoy Island fishing company, Port land, $0,000. Orpheiim amusement company, Port luiul. $25,000. lluttc Falls sugar plnu lumber com pany, Modford, $70,000. Northwestern logging company, Cot tage Grove, $10,000. 1-ost Valley laud and lumber com pany, Ut Valley, $800. Castle Rix-k land association, Tho Dulles. $20,000. Medford athletic club, Midford, $1, 600. Exptess telephone and telegraph company, Durkee, Baker county, $1, 600. Oregon luiulier, wood and light com pany, Falls City, $10,000. Bridal Veil box faitory, Bridal Nell, $25,000. .White Rock Irrigation and power company, lellierow liruige, v,roon county, fso.uoo. Grande Rondo creamery company, Union, $10,000. Clatskanio lumber company kanio, $20,000. Cluts- FIlAR HIOH WATER. Heavy Snow Followed by Rain and Chi nook llndanier Pendleton. Pendleton High witter again threat ens l'elidletou. I'tiring tne past mo weeks tho weather lias boon oxlremely old and much snow fell in tho moun tains. Even the lower foothills wero covered-. Uklah had 17 Inches of now snow nnd the fall was heavy at Meach am and other ltlun mountain points. S change for tho warmer with heavy rain nnd a chinook have set In. the snow it fast melting and tributaries of the Umatilla n-ar the base of the mountains aro overflowing. There is fear if tho river gets too high that the town will lw flooded on account of a man moving away riprap work from tho upper' end of tho levee. Tho city council at its last meeting ordered tho riprap replaced, but It has not wen done, leaving a brokun point in the levee. Rich Find -of Iron Ore. Oregon City Residents in West Oregon City this week discovered a rich deposit ot iron ore in tho vicinity of Willninctto Falls. The ore assays 54 per cent metallic iron, and tho do- compel them lo return to work. If posit is liellovcd to lie quite extensive, tho railroad management can secure a since the same quality ore has been 1 sufficient forre of men to operate tho found In a uumlier of tho ravinrs and ' road they will l upheld In such an nt side hills surrounding Wlllttinotto falls, tempt. This will he done with the Tho land on which tho discovery has been made lielongs to tho Oregon Iron A Steel company, and members of tho corporation aro now investigntiaug the extent and value of tho find. Victim of llcppncr Disaster. Hcppner The body of a man lieen found in Willow creek about miles below llepniier. The hly has five had lodged in a drift that hail been washed down against a bridge by tho recent freshet. In clearing out the drift the workrnon made the greweomo discov ery. The remains wero badly decom posed and beyond recognition, and the supposition is that the man was a vic tim of the Ileppncr Hood. The re mains were brought to this city anil buried In the llcppncr cemetery with other victims. Suver Warehouse Burned. Independence Tho McClaln wore houso at Buyer, a few miles south of here, has been destroyed by flro. Tho building and all of tho contents wero burnod. About 12,000 bushels of wheat and 1,500 bushels of oata were lost. Willi tho exception of about 500 bushels of oats, owned by Mr. McClaln, it is thought tho loss will ha small on the grain, as it was insured. The loss to farmers will bo slight, ns (10 bushels, will comprlso tho Iobs. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 76c; blue- stem, 81QH2c; valley, 81c. Barley Feed, $23 por ton; rolled, $2426. Flour Volley, $3.9004.05 per bar rel; hard wheat straights, $404.30; clears, $3.864.10; hard wheat pat ents, $4.4034.70; graham, $3.60 3.00; wholo wheat, $3.0604.05; rye Hour, $4.6004.76. Oats No. 1 white, $1.151.17K; gray, $1.10(31.12 per cental. MlllBtuffs Bran, $I020 per ton; middlings, $25.60027; Uliorts, $20 21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $10. Hay Timothy. $16010 per ton; clover, $10011; grain, $11012; cheat, $11012. Eggs Oregon ranch, 17K018c. Butter Sweet cream butter, 30o por pound; fancy creamery, 26c; choice creamery, 224 0 24e; dairy and storo, nominal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 28c; sour cream, 20c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13013c per pound; springs, small, 17018c; hens, 13KUc; turkeys, live, 100 17c; dressed, 180 20c; ducks, $800 per dozen; gooso, live, 8c per pound. Vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack; carrots, 80c; heola, $1; parsnips, $1; cabbago, l02c; lettuce, head, 260 40c per dozen; parsloy, 25c; tomatons, $2.2602.60 per crato; caullfiower, 75c 0$1 per dozen; celery, 00 0 80c; squaBh, 2c per pound; cucumbers, $1,7502,26 per dozen; aBparagtiB, K)f 011c; pens, 0c per pound; rhubarb, '70c; bcana, 10c; onions, Yellow Dan vers, $202.60 per sack, Potatoes Fancy, $101.15 per cen tal, common, 00080c; now potatoes, 3Mc per pound; awcota, 6c. Fruit Applca, fancy Baldwins and Spltzenbergs, $1.6002.60 per box; choice, $101.60; cooking, 76c0$l, Bcof DrcBsed, 60700 por pound. Veal Dressed, 707Kc. Pork Dressed, 7Sc. Ilopa 1003 crop, 23026c per pound, Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern Oregon, 12016c; mohair, 300 31c por pound for choice. 9URI1 IT IS SAI II. OregonUnt l!pect IV0S Illll to Fait th House Soon. Washington, April 7. There Is a prospect that tho Uwls nnd Clark ex. position bill Will bo passed by tlio houso the latter part of the present week, after being considered under spec- ,lal rule, t'hiilrinnii Tawney itmay in I Iroducod a resolution authorising toll 1 sldonttloii of tho hill at any tlimi dur ing the remainder of the session, and I had hit resolution referred lo tho com ' mlttee on rules. There Is every assur hiico that this committee will favorably report the resolution nt lis next meet- Ing, notwithstanding the fact that three nieinlwrs of thivcoiniiiilleo voted ! against the Portland bill. Tho strong showing on both rollcalls 'establishes beyond question tho fact that the hill Is favored by a largfl ma jority of tho members of the house, and It Is believed by those III touch with the situation that the coinmllteo on rules will lecognlro the wish of the majority, and consent to consideration ofthublll. II Tnwney's resolution Is reported us expected, It will bo equiva lent lo a special rule, and will glvenni plo opportunity for debate on tlm bill and permit Its passage by a innjnrlly vote. It Is now regarded as certain by Ore ginlnns here that the hill will ho passed by the house and that Hie lilea- i,re signed by the president will appro- i,rialo at least mo mumim carrieu ny tho house hill, namely, $175,000. Tho strength of the bill, demon strated by the voles on Monday, testi fies to the effectiveness ot the elforts ol friends ot that measure in wutklng up sentiment In Its Ih-IiiiII. PANAMA STRIKE (1ROWS SI'.RIOUS. America Warnt Mtrlnet and Setmen to Take No Sides, Washington, April 7. Tho labor troubles on tho Isthmus of l'aiinma growing out of the stilko of the em ployes of the Panama railroad company have taken a serious turn, and tlm facts have Ixi'ii reported to tho stale depart ment by the United Stales cliargo at Panama. Tho matter was denned of aullliient Importance to warrnnt consid eralilti discussion nt tho cabinet meet ing, and the unanimous opinion was that everything should Ik- done to avoid an entanglement of the United States oltli any labor conlroveisy. But It was determined that the goeruuieiit would not withhold In any degree the protection of tlio Panama railroad, which It has assumed by treaty, and It was directed that the railroad property, rolling stock, track and terminals should Ik' protected by forces from tho United Stales warships at the Isthmus if that tiecamo necessary. There will, however, Imi iui compul sion exercised against the strikers to full consent of the Panama government, though under broad treaty provisions tills Is riot absolutely necessary. Secretary Moody was charged with tho duly of carrying out this decision and with Instructing Admirals Glass and Sigtbco as tn the course they shall pursuo. There Is ample force on tlio isthmus for any emergency. BOLD DASH FOR LIBERTY.. Missouri Convicts Hold Up Outrd, but Are Soon Overpowered. Jefferson City, Mo., April 7. Four convicts nt tho penitentiary tlay at tempted to escajMi by holding up the guard with revolvers. Tliey wero forred to surrender, anil when searched several sticks of dynamite wero found in their possession. They had succeeded In cutting their way out of their cells, and when Guard John Williams, In making Ills lounds, camo upon them in tlio corridor, they called upon him to halt. Williams lied and gave the alaim, and a corps of guards responded and soon ovcrpow ered the convicts and placed them In other cells. Tho convicts assert that they secured tho revolver and dynamite by express, but the prison authorities lx. Hove the weapons and oxploslvos wero sbiuggled to them by friends. Russia Will Aprcal the Cases. St. Petersburg, April 7. Russia lins completed arrangements tlirougli tho French minister at Tokio lo appeal tho cases of the Russian merchantmen now heforo the Jupaneso prize comts. Three Japancso lawyers have been en gaged to present the cases. Appeals will bo made on various grounds. Most of tho ships were taken before tho actual declaration of war, several of them wero captured on the high seas, having ioft port buforo the outbreak of hostilities, while othsrs wero In neu tral ports. Rural Mall Again Wins. Washington, April 7. Tho Bennlo today listened to n two hours' ppeech on the Panama canul question, ond then again took up the postofllco appro priation bill, but adjourned without completing its consideration. Soma Important nnlcndmenta aside from thosa suggested by the committee woie agreed to, among them ono Increasing from two to four ounces tho size nf (ranked letters, and another adding 26 mombcis to tho force of rural free de livery agents. Kouropatkln Haa a Surprise. Paris, April 7. A St. Petersburg dis patch declares General Kouropatkln has been notified by the commander of tho Cossack division that tho Russian cavalry will not ho hoard of again for some tlmo, ond when It la ngaln brought to notlco, It will ho through tm exploit that will both plcaso and as tonish Russians. Another St. Peters burg dispatch states that tho Russians have sunk a largo number of milieu nnd torpedoes at the mouth of the Ynlu, Battleship Virginia Slides Into Action. Newport Nowb, Va.p April 7, With bands playing "The Star Spangled Ban ner" nnd "Dixie" nnd 30,000 peoplo cheering Godspeed, tho battleship Vir ginia wits launched today at tlio yards of the Newport Nowa shipbuilding com pany. Miss Milday Gny Montague, daughter of Governor Montaguo, was spontor. HIu Chwang. of work. foreigners.