A - BOHEMIA NUGGET. n n n riir; aiivi:iitihin(i mkiuum 0! H 'I NKAT JOIl rillNTINd li& w w w 6 n Devoted to tlic Mining, Luiabcring mid Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. VI COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. NO. 12 Iff t J. BOHEMIA DIST. (lathered From Bohemia Alining , District and the Various MI11 ItlJC Camps (if Oregon aild j flllii'r Vtiid.o , wuitr oiiiiLh. I ORROON-COI.ORAIH). ; Gil Meadows, who has been dnr-! tn,: the winter months In charge of .1." rv.i 1 ..1.... .?..... q few davs nL-ti In u conversation with him ! he stated that food i,rm-rt mi lQ' . scc,"ms "crc 1,10 l0(1M , leisci! as they go down. This mat ! . .. ? .. ' 0I V. ve been penetrated below 1,000 tcr hasbeen the stibiect of careful the ore had been continuous dnr.' Ing the winter, that -ccently a 1 wonderful Imnrcivctncnt had oc-1 wonucrim ittiprciiuuut . i curred, the whole breast of the tun-1 l i.inm, il,n,,. u ,. n.,.. wustcroek while the ore shows i'i' very heavy percentage o copper. 7, V " Kuiii ui.iii ucrcuiiuic. 111 tact saiu lie, It is the liest copper and gold ledge I have seen in many years. Mr. Meadows also states that so far ns he hcaid from other properties which were being worked this winter the results were satisfactory. ORI':fl()N I'ACII IC M. AND M. CO. j iv tiaruiunu, 01 wr.um Kapms, mis is incasurcaoiy true 01 an mc Michigan, arrived in the city last shads that have gone below 1,000 week and together with George G feet. In all these mines there have Graham and George Cox made a been barren, or comparatively bar trip to the llohcmia district to look ten, zones, but the chief reason over the property now owned by . why some of the deeper workings the above named company, consist- ; have not paid satisfactory profits is lug of nine claims. Upon their re , the cost of raising the water, with turn Mr. Ilarduian expressed him-1 lei haps defect in management, self as very well pleased with the want of capital, etc. Rapids, showings in the working tunnels and other places which could be seen at the present time. Upon their return to the city on the 1 1 til the transfer of the Ltroup consisting of uiiie claims was of the state is in the upraise 011 the j0r wholly completed? The an made and the organization per- Gem vein, extending from the level I swer js that tunnels will drain out fected by the election of directors of the Newhousc tunnel to an in- the water, save the Kreat cost ol and officers. The' seven directors . tersection with the shaft on that pumping and afford cheaper ex--arc: George G Graham, George ! property which was sunk to a depth 'iraciion so iW nrn,tnri u l.irli uk, win m iicuic, juiiics j- Miller. Cottage Grove, Jnme.s 15 Ilarduian, Grand Kapids, Mich., ' Ilenj 1 Underwood. lidward Gray, San Krancisco, Calif. At a meeting of the directors the follow ing officers were elected. J Iv ilard uian, president; Win M George, vice president; II JT Underwood, treasurer; G G Graham, secretary and manager. UK-ratiuus on the property will commence as soon as supplies can be got in As wc are going entirely out ol business, we are eloslng out our entire line of mereliandise at less than regular eost, for we must get our money out of them, anil by buying now you ean get good bargains. FINE CLOTHING UNDERWESR We still have a good stoek of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and at prices that will suit till. Come aitd examine them. A' ways willing to show them if you buy or not. ". SHOES OVERCOATS GLOVES We are tryiuy to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire line much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, and just as good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest. Cottage Grove EAIilN & BMSTOW rcm- NEW The very Latest our line before buying. Wc can please you. G ARM AN, HEMENWAY COMPANY Loaders in ftlcrchuiMlising. 1 VAI.UliS AM) l)l;ITII IN COLORADO. All experienced mining engineers (Hid some geologists agree that veins will not get richer ns they go down. Dr. Carpenter, in his new geology, nss'times that the most valuable part of any vein Is likely to he its out- Prod -till first enri tnnl firnli'ihlu being the host portion-hut to tills rule there are many exceptions. Uc maintains that 1 vein is not likely to change very much after the original tmullcird sulphide portions are reached. It will he understood !!! SIT. .T ?r T! r " " u"c"scrverH' including some 01 ti.e '01 "" "cposll.s. Operators, that most of the mines of V vicwjmiiu juut- ,i.C',., in ihe. f,s,".re .v.'" 'VCl;.! .. 1 ' H'1'"" -otl,lv where , " " K . 1 K,1" , ' li,"c " 1 other part ol the state, it is iiniver-, . ,v -.-i ,it t...i ti.m , i, 1 rt r... ha "y 'idmi tied t ha t the fi rsl 500 feet yielded rather bettor values than the !! , ,,, wi , ,, ,.,,,. Mlrface the mineral was lllgllly oxidized, 1 therefore readily amenable to numl- gaiuatiou in stamp mill practice. 1 1 have in the drawer of my desk a ; tolerably accurate record of the, , California shaft, the deepest in the, county 2.200 feet deep which ; , shows that the sul.dndcH below the 1 oxidized zone maintained their values with remarkable uniformity tO tile bottom of tllC Shaft. I tllillk 1 The deepest tunnel in Northern Colorado is the Newhousc at Idaho ! Springs. One of the clearest dem ' onstratious of the fissure vein sys- tern that has been made in any part 1 111 yoo 11-ci. 1 lie upraise ami U1C shaft together effected a continuous exposure of 2,000 fect in depth. While there arc 110 statistical data at baud showing the condition of the vein filling from top to bottom, there is reason to believe that the width and value of the mineral was I not 11 rather uinlorm. lint even here, If the truth could be reached, it would be found that the higher values were obtained in the shall above the point of intersection. HATS AND Styles. Our Beavers are the The advantage below is probably In the greater width of the vein filling. In the Geyser shaft in Custer county, 2,650 feet deep, It was im possible to earn profits below n cer tain point say 3,000 lect, and the mine hail to be abandoned. Here, however, the formation was radi cally different from the fissure sys' tern, a peculiarity of that region. I he Ilassick appears to have excel lent or: at 1,600 feet, but that also is a distinctive condition similar to j the Oev.scr. . 11 ."K . "'!" l,eI(1 live nelow 1,000 Icet. They may K uitteh ore, but the grade will study by the United States Geologi- months, and Us conclusions will be published in a few months hence i'"""s"c" a ,ew ""jiiius cnlt It is o fact, however, that the geu- !' ,lislri.cl m large irom me point wuere me orc shoots were piirnimlcrcd down to tna feet wr-rp inntrrinllv tirlipr than those raised from the -lower levels. Up to this time 2,000 feet is the limit of underground operation in this state. I think that if the record nf ai operations below 1 .000 fect coud be accurately compiled it would show that the ores with rare cxecptions. were of less value thnn tllev ivr-ri- silirivr in rm.rv .lis- trict of the state, and furthermore, tlutt the better values were obtained in the first 500 feet of development, I quite agree with Dr Carpenter on this point and also that there are some exceptions. His own ex perience with the Saratoga mine in Gilpin county does not sustain the theorv that veins become richer as they go down If it is true of any mine that has been put down t.000 feet or over I never heard of it. Why. then, it may be asked, have so manyIeep shafts ami tun ,u-U li.-ivc Iipoh nmii-rti-il and unnlv contain from $5 to $15 per ton can be brought out and marketed at a piofit. It is a system which is gradually displacing the old prac tice of sinking and pumping, ren dering available millions of tons of mineral that without it would be valueless, Much of the future prosperity of all the mines in the West depends upon the penetration of the ore deposits at great depths by tunnels. General Frank Hall in the Denver post. CAPS best Hats made, COUNTY CONVENTION Met at Eugene Indorse Roose vcit for President, Harris for Congress, Potter for District Judge and R. A. Booth for Joint Senator. On last Saturday the delegates to the Republican County Convention assembled nt Kugcne for the pur pose of placing in nomination a county ticket to be voted for on the 6th ol June. Iv. (J. Potter, chairman of tne Central Committee called the Con vention to order. A. C. Woodcock was made tem porary chairman. In assuming his duties he said, lie considered it an honor to preside over a republican convention in view of the great ac complishuients of the parly and the stand it had taken on all the great questions of the day. He stated the republican party had taken all the advanced steps and that the democratic party .was like the young man who sat on the fence mid watched the republican party go by with his girl. Darwin Hristoiv was chosen sec retary with C J Howard and CV Kychard as assistants. By motion tho following com mittees were appointed: Credentials C A Wlntcrmeier, K R Mummy, J M Shaub. Organization and order of busi ness J I. Clark, (Jhnrles btickles, John Vaughn. Resolutions W Kuykcndall, Sanford Skinner, G. W. Griffin, J 15 Yohiik. H C Wheeler. Ihe convention adjourned to meet in the afternoon at I o'clock Al'TKRNOON SHSS10N. Chairman Woodcock, called to order and asked for i eport of Cre dentials Committee. Cuairmau C. A. Wintermeier read the report, 45 of the 50 precincts were represented, 17b 01 a total uumlierot 184 dele gates were present. Report adopted. The committee 011 permanent or ganization and order of business made its report os follows: , ORDKK OF BUSINESS. "To A C .Voodcock, chairman of the Lane county republican con vention: "We, your committee on perma neut organization and order of business, report as follows: ' First .We recommend that the temporary organization be made permanent. "Second We recommend that th order of of business and nomi nation for officers be as follows: "First The election of 19 dele gates to the state convention. "Second The election of 19 delegates to the congressional con vention. "Third The nomination of three representatives for lecislature. "Fourth The nomination of one county judge. "Fifth Nominations of one "county clerk. "Sixth Nomination of one county sheriff. "Seventh Nomination of one county commissioner. "Eighth Nomination of one county assessor. "Ninth Nomination of one county treasurer. "Tenth Nomination of one county school superintendent. "Eleventh Nomination of onp county surveyor. Twelfth Nomination of one county coroner. ' Thirteenth Flection of one precinct committeeman. "Fourteenth Adjournment. "Jam its L Clark, "Ciias Sticklks, "J. Q- Vaughn, "Committee." The chair appointed us tellers for: State delegation 15 R Mummy, I P Iuiuaii of Loraue, C Vatiden burg Cottage Grove, Fred Heati Mapleton, R D Hawley Creswell. Congressional delegation F O Russell, Wendling; II C Wheeler, Pleasant Hill;JV. O'Leary, Mc Kenzie Bridge; C A Wintermeier, II McKinney, Eugene. County ticket Roy R Knox, W M Greeu, W Will, A. N. Striker, J E Young. l'OK STATU IlM.KGATUS. The following named gentlemen were elected delegates to the state convention; Edward Bailey, I II Bingham, R A Booth, Darwin Bristow, S H Friendly, W G' Gilstrnp. W M Green, L T Harris, J B Hills, h II Johnson, W Kuykeudall, DA Paine, E O Potter, J M ShSlIey, Sanford Skinner, J L, Taylor, John Geo O Walker, S M Yoran. CONOUIWSIONAI. mtl.l'.CATIIS. W T Bailey, G R Chrisman, J I, Clark, S B Uakin, I N Kdwords, S H Friendly, G W Criffin, W G Gilstrap, h T Harris, C I' Hurlburt, W Kuykcndall, Wm Landess, Henry McKinney, D A Paine, Charles Stickles, B A Washburne, II C Wheeler, A C Woodcock, J ft Young. COU NT V TICKKT. The first in order was' the nomi: nation of three representatives to state legislature with the following result: I II Bingham 160 I N Edwards 140 G W Criffin 07 M Shelley 82 h E Bean S3 The first three having received a majority of votes cast were declared the nominees. I'OK COUNTV JUIXJK. G R Chrisman no S M Yoran 68 FOR COUNTV CLKKK. Lee 150 Nicolle 23 FOKSHKKII'F J S Stiles 135 George Fisher 33 COMMISSIONER. Price : , 88 Cennett 37 Hyland 21 Vanduy 19 Hawkins 8 Mr Price was declared the nomi nee. FOR ASSESSOR. Keeney 93 Burton 65 Rentie 16 Mr Keeney declared the nominee. TREASURER. R E Eastland 114 F Reisner 3J A C Jennings 29 Eastland the nominee SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Four candidates entered the field for this office up to this time, while all the nominating speeches had been earnest ones. It remained for Wm G Sucfce, of Goshen, to arouse the convention to a high 1 stale of enthusiasm in his speech for W B. Dillard for superintendent of schools. It no doubt had suffi-' cient weight to cause the nomina- tion of that gentleman I FIRST BALLOT, W B Dillard, Eugene 76 W M Sutton, Springfield 36, WG Martin. Eugene 31 1 A L Briggs, Cottage Grove 21 , H C Baughmau, Pleasant Hill.. .12 Second ballot after Martin and Baughmau withdrew resulted as follows: Dillard 114 Sutton 33 Briggs is For surveyor C M Collier was nominated by acclamation. For coroner Dr F M Day was also chosen by acclamation, com pleting the ticket. The resolutions presented to the convention und adopted amidst much enthusiasm were as follows: "While we recognize that it is) the province of the state convention! to formulate the polices that are to 1 govern the paity in the coming campaign; and while we have re- Vaughn, lerreil all other kindred subjects to Tuesday. He brought several that convention; the situation as to 1 samples of ore taken from his claims railroad rates and car shortage in I the best was a white quartz carry this county is so absolutely in- iug quite a percentage of copper tolerable; therefore, be it and iron pyrites, from which he "Resolved, That the nominees of states he has had assays as high as this convention for legislative po- 100 in gold per ton. Mr. Redang sttions are positively pledged and instructed to support all reasonable ! legislation looking to the relief of 1 the present intolerable railroad 1 situation. Resolved, That this convention give its hearty and unqualified support to the candidacy of the Honorable L T Harris tor congress man from this district, and that the delegates elected to represent Lane county 111 the congressional convention are hereby instructed to give him unwavering support and to use all honorable means to se cure his nomination. "Resolved, That we endorse the candidacy of Judge E O Potter for the position of circuit judge for this judicial district; and the candidacy ottlieHoti K A Booth lor joint senator from this senatorial dis trict, and that to delegation to be elected to the republican state con vention is instructed to unwaver ingly support the candidacy of both Judge 15 O Potter aud Senator RA Booth and to make every honorable effort to bring about their nomination. "Resolved, That we view with pride the splendid achievements of the republican party under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, and we heartily endorse his wise, far-seeing and statesmanlike for eign policy, his fearless stand for right in all nutters of national con cern, and his vigorous prosecution of the trusts, the railroad merger aud all corporate or official wrong doing wherever found. "Resolved, That our delegates to the district and state conventions be and arc hereby instructed to sup port only such persons for delegates to the national convention as are known to be ready to give hearty support to the nomination of Theo dore Roosevelt. "Resolved, That in case of va cancy 111 the ticket Dominated to day, arising from death, resigna tion or otherwise, the county cen tral committee be authorized to fill the same. W KUVKENDALL, G W GKIFPIN, S Skinner, J K Youno, H C Wheeler." CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Before adjournment each pre cinct nominared a committeeman for the ensuing year. The com mittee met after the convention was over. B L Bogart of North Eugene No 1 presided over the meeting and the committee elected C A . Wintermeier as chairman. The committee is as follows: North Eugene No 1 B L Bogart. North Eugene No 2 L L Whit- son. South Eugene No 1 -W O Zeigler. South Eugene No 5 C A Win termeier. East Cottage Grove James Hemenway. West Cottage Grove W C Con ner. North Junction--J W Smith. South Junction Ed Bailey. Springfield J C Brattain. Blue River Glen O Powers. Bohemia A P Churchill. Siuslaw M B Stone, Lorane. Thurston A L Vaughn. Hazeldell V F Herbert. Wallace G W Kelly, London. Jasper J B Hills. Mohawk Sanford Skinner. Gate Creek S J Godard. Hermann J L Taylor. Florence C CBehncke. Spencer H Rebman, Lane R F Congdou, Blacbly. Fairruount M Svarverud. Blanton A N Striker. Richardson S W Harpole. Walton Chas W Lyons. Camp Creek J W Keys, Walter- ville. Five Rivers II M Prindel, Fisher. Pleasant Hill H C Wheeler. Fall Creek C Callison. Mabel- GeoW Riggs. Glenteno J U Sutherland. Zumwalt W Nelson, Eugene. Mapleton Fred C Bean. Goshen Wm Stucke. Saainaw R E Walker. Cheshire-Z T Fisk, Hale. Lake Creek M P Wheeler, Greenleaf. Weudling F O Russell. Heceta B C Smith. Elmira W W Nichols. Bailey Wm Wills, Eugene. Creswell C C Hazelton. Willamette M Vaughn, Coburg. Long Tom T W Browning. Irving J S Flint. Convention adjourned. " William Redang, who has been mining for some two or more years on what is locally called the Ridge, in the Bohemia district, came down savs the neoole will vet be sur- prised at the amount of high grade ore Bohemia will furnish, . W. C. Fitzpatrick, who has been up to the North Fairview property for some time, arrived in the city Monday. He came down with Jack Klopfenstein, who was taken sick about two weeks ago, as he did not improve it was concluded to bring him to the valley where he could have better care aud the at tention of a physician. J. B, Eggen, who has been work ing all winter 011 the Sunrise prop erty iu Bohemia, came down last Friday. He reports the property as showing well. Mr. Eggen left Saturday for Red Deer Alberta, Canada, for a short visit among his people. Supt. Mathews came down from the Oregon Securities property to confer with Mr. Hengeu about company matters. Chas. Oettys, of the firm of Knowles and Gettys, Bohemia, is spending a few weeks iu the valley. HERMANN SUCCESSFUL lie Receives the Nomination for Congress in 1st and William son succeeds in the 2nd Dis trict. Dinger Hermann was nominated by acclamation in the First Con gressional District Republican Con vention held in balem on Wednes day. Harris decided not to allow his name to be presented as there were too many combinations against him, it being fsared by other aspirants, that should he se cure the nomination it would be difficult to defeat him in future con ventions. In the second district held iu Portland on Wednesday J. N. Williamson was unanimously re nominated for representative. PRESIDENT SIGNS BILL. Shortly after 10 o'clock this morning, President Roosevelt af fixed his signature to the Lewis and Clark Fair bill and made it a law. Senator Mitchell went to the White House especially to witness the signing of the measure. As the Fresident added Ihe last stroke of his signature he turned and said: "Senator I would be glad to give you the pen with which I have signed this bill as a souvenir, but Mr. Scott, president of the associ ation, exacted a promiseof me some time ago that I should give it to him, and I then a'grecd to do so." Mr. Scott will present the pen to the Oregon Historical Society, and it isexpected it will beon exhibition during the Exposition. OUR OLD MINER. Mr. Manasas N. S. Kerr is.the oldest active miner in the United States and probably in the world, says United States Journal for in vestors. Aug. 15, 1903, be was 102 years of age and every day he is actively at work developing his claims in the great Bohemia Min ing District of Oregon. He is bale, hearty and happy, and does not dispair of finding a bonanza before he is gathered to his fathers. Some years ago his friends per suaded him to retire from active labor and to live at ease with his sons, but there was no lite that had the charm for him equal to that of his little mountain cabin aud his mining life in the bills, The old gentleman lost his companion in life seveul years ago, but has sons and daughters of advaucing age. He is known by all the old time miners in the section of Oregon where he resides, and was con sidered a "good comrade" in his earlier days. RADIUM AND BRASS. "Why did you go in search-of ra dium? Wouldn't a good gold mine suit you?" piped Col Joe Far reu yesterday as he slipped a little loose change into the wrinkled baud of an old-timer who had ap proaclfed him. "Well," stammered the ward, "radium, they say, is worth $1, 000,000 an ounce and is more profitable. A big rich gold mine is a good thing to have; its product finds n market anywhere, but gold may be demonetized. Rich gold mines are now being found almost everywhere, and generally are iu groups; each one splits the earth in definitely; new discoveries are being made, each richer thau th.' other. The conclusions are tint a great belt of solid gold may be discovered. Such conditions would have their disadvantages; it might render gold too dirt cbap; it may become too common a metal." "It looks now as if radium was going to be a drug on the market the same as gold. They tell me there is a mountain of it down iu the Buckskin range. If so, I am seriously thinking if it is not more profitable to go iu search of a good clean brass mine." "What do you know of brass mining?" "Not any more than I do of ra dium." "Have you ever heard of anyone who ever discovered a brass mine?" "Yes; old man Butts owned 160 acres near the sink of the Carson in Churchill county, Nevada." "What did he do with it? ' "He made money raising candle sticks." "There is no demand for brass candlesticks now."j "I can raise brass cannons and find a market in Japan or Russia; there will always be more or less use for brass, Barometers use quite considerable in their business now." Salt Lake Tribune.