Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 08, 1904, Image 7

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    IntlrtiA. Hold ltrdri.if. its. Ml
91 III! II 111 i 111
DIJ Hiliieratltloil It (Iiia.t ,j Hi
lllulir.t tlrillral Allllinrltln.
('nil 11 cut ri'iilly nuck lliu lircutli of
Wu Iinvi' nlrrnys liciinl Hint It cutili!
Awny buck in curly clillilhouil wn lli
tlnotly rciiiciiilicr uf frciiiicnt wnrn
Iiikh to look out for ll.11 cut. Do not
ill low tli cut to K''t Into licil with Hi
linliy, nil It In II.1I1I0 to mirk IIik lwl
, lirrntli, wlilcli would cuiino tlm Imliy t
In tlicro nny roiimliillon for swli
notion ns thin? Wn inner coulil din.
cover nny rcnl iiiciiiiIiik to tin. I.cll,
tlmt 11 cut en 11 suck the lircnth of
clillil. IiiiIpimI, lliu nciitcnco la tolnlly
Nluit IN mcniit hy micklnir th
lirortlti? It tuny lin trim thnt tho cnt
iittriir.eil hy tho lircnth of n chili!
who I1111I recently heen nursing, iiiIkIi
ntl('IHit to Interfere In hoiiiii ii.mi.iii
Willi tho chllil'H month. In young cut
llio luiiulni to nurse mlfclit I10 eieltr
ly tho ninell of I lie chlld'M hreuth
It In linrely iioNtlhle thnt thu cat iiiIkIi
ho Kolicd with 11 ileBlro to lille or to lie
umr the clilld'n lips or timiine, lure.
on liy tho ninell of milk. Wu lire not
In 11 poHltliui to deny those possllilll
tics. .Mnylm they nru true.
Hut not nny of tlicno supposition
riirnlnli n tmnln for tho ntnteuient Hint
tho cut In llnhlo to nuek thu chlld'n
lircnth. Wo lime always thtn
nlntcineiit with n (huddcr of horror,
It neeuin to convey noma weird, hop
rlliln tniKcdy thnt on 11 I1.1r.lly liiilmtig.
Hied. Hut It In 11 mere fancy, thu orl
k-ln of which In luird to eiiilnln.
Yet wu would ndvlno mother to tie
enrcful nhout lenvlng tho Infant with
n cnt. Wo do not fnvor tho Idea of
cntn sleeping with children. Nor do
wo favor tho rnctlco of children ilny
lug Willi catn, linmllliig tlieni, mopping
tliem nroiind H10 floor, romlllng them,
dressing them up an dolln. It In not
giwd for tho rat. It In not good for
tho child. Neither catn nor dngs ought
to 1 10 (rented In Dili manner. They nru
all right In their place, hut they arc
not tit for plnytlilngs.
ir inn superstition mat 11 cat can
suclt n child' lirenlli hns operntcil an n
prercntlro to mother allowing their
children to piny with cntn It liua nerved
n very good purpose, hut nueh ehlldlnti
notion ore hnrdly compntlhlo with ma
turo rellectlon. It In ono Qf tho old
wlven' fuhlen which may have nerved
a Rood purpose, hut It In too rldlculoun
for repetition. There nre other and
hotter reanonn why tho eat mid hntiy
should not ho left toRether than tho
vague, unintelligible fear that tho cat
will nuck the child's breath. Medical
tecley LiyuuK-riimrnini.-1 ubaiiu
ron mil. fAAncuiARJ
i ".nriiTnqtmnt,- Portland. ort,
Illoctrlo I. lulu nn. I I'lilil.o NpeakliiR.
tHInger, actorn nn.l puhllc perform
ers generally ai ahlo to npeuk with
much Rrcntcr emo and comfort In a
hulldliiR lighted with electricity than
In ono where RuillRht In used. In tins
former ciimi tho tcmpernturo of tho
wholo.hulldliiR Is more equal and tho
rink of catchlnR cold In consequently
dlmlnlnhed. Tho speaker In cooler, doen
not perspire, his throat Is not parched,
and liln voice Is I em llnhlo to Ret
husky. It Is nnld that nlnco tho Intro
duction of electric Unlit public perform
ers ore In much belter volco than they
were before.
To llreak In New 5hos.
Always ihakn In Allrn'a Foot-Ka.e, apowtlrr.
It euro hut. sweating, aching, swollen leet
C'urrs rorni, luanmliiK nails and bunions At
allttrnintl.taaml she stores, 2N Iion'l accent
ny .uUlll.Uo Hample, mallei! FHKK Address
Alien . uiinsied, 1 nor, N. V.
Gamauln'a Monopoly of Asbestos.
Wlillo nnhestos Is found pretty much
nil over tho world Cnnndn comes nenr
IiiivIiir a monopoly In Its actunl pro
duction. Twenty-llvo years ago only
BOO tons, valued nt $200,000, was mined
In Canada. Now tho annual export of
nnhestos In about 40,000 tonn, valued
at $1,000,000. and tho Indiintry In stilt
growing. About 85 per cent of tho
world's product Is mined lu tho vicin
ity of, Cnnndn.
It is natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when rheumatic
pains arc shooting' through the joints and muscles and they are
inflamed and sore, the sufferer is apt to turn to liniments and plasters
for relief ; and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily,
no amount of rubbing1 or blistering can cure Rheumatism, because it
is not a skin disease, but is in the blood and all through the system,
and every time you arc exposed to tiic same conditions that caused
the first attack, you arc goinp to have another, and Rheumatism
will last just as long1 as the poison is in the blood, no matter what
you apply externally. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of
Rheumatism; stomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and
torpid liver arc other causes . m .Trm
-..i-i-i. ai.! r-r..i .ir. UNABLE TO BLEEP AT NIQHT.
wmm miug u. wiis mumm uia-
case, uvtuuau me uiuuu uutuiues
tainted with the poisonous mat
ter which these organs fail to
carry out of the system. Cer
tain secret diseases wi)l' produce
Rheumatism, and of all forms
this is the most stubborn and
severe, for it seems to affect
every bone and muscle in the
body. The blood is the medium
bv which the nolsons and acids
are carried through the Bystcra, and it doesn't matter what kind of
Rheumatism you have, it must be treated through the blood, or you
can never get permanently rid of it. As a cure for rheumatic trou
bles S. S. S. has never been equalled. It doesn't inflame the stomach
and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkalies and other strong' drugs,
Joints and the sore and tender muscles are immediately relieved.
Our special book on Rheumatism will be mailed free to thos
desiring' it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking
for special Information or advice, for which no charge is made.
Spring Medicine
Tl.oro Is 110 other ncanon when ffood
tncillclno Is so much l.ccd'jd ns lu tlio
Tlio blood Is linpuro, weak and
Imiinvorlnlieil n condition Itullcntcil
liy pimples anil other oniptloim on tho
fnco nnil body, by tloflclcnl vitality.
Ions of appetite, lack of strcngUi, and
want of animation,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Make tlio blood pure, vigorous nnil
rich, crcato appctllo, give vitality
Btrcnirtu and anlmntlon, mid euro
all eruption. Hnvo tho whole family
begin to tako them today.
"Hood's Harsaparllla haa ben usul In
oar family for toina time, and always with
good results. Ijiit spring I waa all ran
down and not a bottla of It, and aa uauat
received great benefit." Miaa Iltuua
Jlorcs, Htowe, Vt.
Hood's Bnrsnpnrllla promises to
euro ana Hoops tho promiso.
Character of Our Immigrant..
I'rlor to 18W) tlm nstlona of western
Europe, Clront Ilrltaln, Oonnnny and
tho Henndlnnvtnn countries fiirnlntied
over HO per cont of all our Immigrants,
the highest class tluit wo could hope
for. Hungary, Italy, I'oland and the
other countries of eastern Europe fur
nished lens than 1 per cent. from 1841
to 1H09 tho ration changed slightly, but
ntUl wenleni Kiiropeatm were Rrtntly
lu tho majority. Krom (lermany ulone
we drew 1.&O0.O00 clttiens Inside of 10
years, lately conditions nave cnaug
vd. ICaatern Europeans and Asiatic
torn! us 75 per cent of our Immigrants
(so-called Kuropeana), while wenteru
ICurope send un hut 24 per cent. In
1001, for Inntanco, Auatro-IIungarlans,
Uloraka, Oroatlsna, I'olen and Magyars
to the number of 114,000 came In, while
11)11.000 Italians honored us with thel
transfor of "allegiance." In July of
this year 0T.r38 people of all nation
tmmliTnted Into this country.
In the Spring.
Lowndes, Mo., April -tth. Mrs. II
C. Hnrty of thin place, snys:
l or yearn I wnn In very bad health
Kvvry spring I would Rot no low that I
vian unahlo to do my own work. 1
ncomcd to Ihi worro in tho npriiiR than
any othor tlmo of tho year. I wan
very weak mid mlnorablo and had mucl
iinin In my back and head. I raw
Dodd'n Kidney l'llle ndvoitlned lint
nprlnR and beRiui treatment ot thvinnnd
thoy hnvo certainly done mo more good
than anythliiR I have ever uneil.
I wan all riRht last sprliiR and foil
better than I have for over ten yearn
I am fifty years ol ago and am stronger
todny thnn I have been for many yearn
and I Rive Dodd's Kidney I'ills credit
for tho wonderful improvement.
Thu statement ol Mrs. Hnrty in only
one of n creat many whero Dmld n Kid
noy I'ills have proven tliempelven to lie
tho very best sprliiR medicine. They
are unnurpannod an n tonic and are Uiu
only medicine tinod in thouaandn ol
P' Kiperlenoe.
Ssr, pa," queried llttl Johnny
Ilumpenckle, "do actions apeak loudei
than worda? '
Civil actions do, my ion," anawered
the old man, "A Judgment la wore than
dun. '
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi
nrcftieodatarrn mat cauaot be curtl py
K. J. CHKNKY A CO., Prora, Toledo, O.
We. the undertime!, have knuwn K. J.
Chener fur tho lal lb yeara, and hellero him
er(ectljr nonoralile In all builneii traaiao
loui suit fluanclaUr able tocairjr out any ob-
IlKatluni matle by their nrm.
B ur A Truai, Wholeiale Dru
au.ino. Kixnan .!i Marvin,
ooieaaio urug
HaU'a Caiarrh Cure la taken Internally, acU
a dlrecllT utKjn tne blooil ana mucout aur
area o( the aratem. Trice &c. vet botUe.
tuna ey an Arugsiin. iaiiunoniais ireo,
JlaU'a family 1'llla are the beat.
The population of Ireland, which fifty
enrn ago waa over 8,000,000, la now leaa
thnn 4,500.000.
Kor cousin and couia there is no better
medicine than l'lao'a Cure for Consump
tion, l'rice 23 cents.
Tho so-called oil of roses Is manufac
tured from thu graaa Andropogou schoen-
Bldney, Ohio. Auguat SO, 1003.
Afewraontha aaro I waa feellnsr weak
and run down and unable to set aleep at
night. I felt extremely bad, and alao had
Theumatlo paina In my Joints and mui.
alee. The medtelne I uaed aaro me only
temporary relief at beat; ao seeing B. a U.
hlgnlT roooromended for. auoh trou.
blea, I began lta uas, and after taking It
tor aome time waa wall plaaaed vrlth the
reault. It did away with the rheumatic
Eatna, gave me refreahtns aleep and
ullt un my general ayatem. giving me
atrengtu and energy. It la a. good modi
cine, without a doubt, and I take pleaa.
ure in endoralng It.
R. P. D. No, 1, B. B. BOUOnTON.
but tones up tuc general ucaitn, gently
Stimulates the sluggish organs, and at
the same time antidotes and filters out
of the blood all poisonous acids and
effete matter of every kind ; and when
S. S. S. has restored the blood to its
Kow nn nre tho people who enn Irn
nglue 11 battlefield on nhore, they nre
vastly fewer who enn picture with any
certainly tho nceue of a naval conflict.
Terrible, too, nn arc all scenes of
warfare, thera seems something akin
to snrrllege, to destruction of God's
own renliii, In inun daring to enrry
his lilooillhlrsly, destructive unlmonl
Hen out upon tho nlnlnlunn blue of the
pure sen. Vet here, no matter how ter
rific the slaughter, how wldenprend the
destruction wrought by man upon Ills
fellow mini, lliu merciful nen, Impel
Itltnhle, retlieut, Immediately effaces
nil truce thereof hides mull's mis
doliign from the gnr.e of high heaven
nor nllown tho poor remains to Ho and
till the nlr with pestilence
And thin, of course, more so now
thnn ever hns been before. In the
dnyn when llriluln became the sorer
elgn power at sea, and her wooden
wnlls were handled 11 lid fought
thruugh whole dnyn In closest proxim
ity wllh their enemies. It often befel
that ships hulled through nn.l through
wllh shot drifted for many days,
while the 'handful of unwounded sur
vivors nccompllnhed taskn such as
make the mind reel to think of.
Hut modem sen wnrfnru hnn changed
nenrly all that. Tor more terrible,
but mercifully far more nwlft, will be
tho conlllet between hostile fleets In
tho future. There will be scarcely any
such thing nn tho lingering agony,
long drawn out, of the old dnyn of sen
fighting. Tor one thing, modern Iron
cindn and crulsern going Into action
will ehooso tho lesaer of two cvlln con
fronting them. 1 localise of the dendly
peril of splinters nnd of fire, every
thing of wood -In their fittings, even
to the bonts, will be cast away at the
beginning of the fight
Then, when the battle Is Joined, the
sen mini must needs hare a heart of
brans Incased In triple steel, a mind
Hint reftisen to meditate upon the lm
medlnte possibility of ono of those ter
rible twelve-Inch projectiles plunging
down upon hln vensel'n deck, nnd out.
nmld the dlnlntegrntlon of all her gang
lions of energy, through tho bottom,
rendering her nn enny tnrget to an un
injured foe, and her sinking a matter
of minutes.
And when sho sinks, stone-llkc
pumping being. If possible to a yet un
damaged engine, a manifest nbsurdlty
In thnt rent fubrlc of steel with her
must go nil her crew. It may sound
cruel and hard-henrted to sneak of
Uiclr end being mercifully swift, but.
In view of the horrors of the old wood
en nhlpn floating on, veritable charncl
houses, when the battle was over,
there wan hardly any other term appli
cable. The modern man-of-war will not. at
any rate, prolong the agonies of bor
crow when nbo Is scuttled. Hhe will go
down quick Into toe pit In a halo of
steam, a whirling vortex of waves, and
When a soldier or n sailor Is told a
exactly what the words mean, but tho
rore, wnon no rend some Umo ago In tho newspapers thnt the biggest gun
In tho world hnd Just been finished nt Wntcrvllct arsenal It In very doubt
ful If ho was ablo to form any proclso Idea of tho magnitude of tho new
weapon. If so, ho will surely bo Interested In the plcturo which accom
panies this story, slnco It represents two children sitting in tho very breech
of this monstrous gun and thua shows nt a glanco Its great dimensions. Tho
cnuuren nro u or lu years or age and
It has been stated that much of tho
Japnneso success In nnvnl fights
around Port Arthur waa duo to tho
gyroscope. This la
delicate appar
atus for keeping a
torpedo straight in
its course, oven
through a dlstanco
of 2,000 yards. It
a snmll, weight
ed, wheel-llko ob
ject, carefully sus
pended on symbols in the buoyancy
chamber of the torpedo, Attached to Its
axis Is a steel spring connected with tho
tooth gearing. A rod to the air lover
actuates It. When tho lover Is thrown
back the spring Is released, and the
gyroscope spins around nt tlio rate of
2,100 revolutions a minute, In his book
on "Torpedoes and Torpedo Vessels,"
Lieut. Armstrong, of the British navy,
"The gyroncopo works a servo-motor,
actuating a pair of movable vertical
rudders placed In recesses In the vor
tical fins. These rudders, be It re
membered, are therefore supplement
ary to tho small adjusted vertical rud
ders ordinarily fitted, but which may
be discarded If a gyroscopo Is being
used. If, now, the torpedo from any
cause, external or Internal, be de
flected out of the line of Are, the gy
roscope, by maintaining Its axial posi
tion In the line of fire, acts on tho
In five minutes from Iho commence
ment of her downward plunge there
will be no sign that she has ever
been, and only If other venneln be very
near will there he any possible chance
of saving a handful of stalwart swim
mers whoso superhuman struggles
have wrenched them clear of the de
vouring, down dragging eddies. More
than a mere handful there could not
bo In any cose, since another tremen
dous difference between pnnt nnd pren
cut sen fighting In thnt the ntoel-clad
mounters go Into battle with hardly a
mnn visible, almost all of them bid
den behind mnnnlve walla shut In from
the devastating Impact of large pro
jectiles, ns well as the horrible hall
of Ilotchklnn and Maxim bullets.
The pomp and pageantry of nen war
fare In Nelson's day, with Its stripped
crowds of men swarming about the
Incumbered decks, and ntrcamlng flags
from every mast, hove gone with the
towering ranges of sails and nimble
nallorn who leapt about aloft handling
thera even during the height of battle.
The new man-of-war goes Into the
fight grim, unadorned, and apparently
proceeding by her own volition, Ilk
some unthinkable marine monster be
gotten of the elder slime.
Nor will the elements Interfere either
to retard or accelerate the Issues an
onco they did. Whether It be calm or
storm, blue sky or fog, night or day,
tho battle will be Joined.
To a landsman, and even to a mer
chant seaman, thera In something pe
culiarly terrifying In the notion of a
sea fight In a fog. It is a time of
terror even In peaceful navigation,
since the great sea breadths seem to
have contracted, and one's faculties are
kept at their utmost tension In case ot
running across another ship. Fog Is
the only elemental condition that suc
ceeds In making the great, wide sea
look a little place, where not merely
navies have no room to float, but
seems Impossible to avoid colliding
with the only other ship that was In
sight before those fleecy walls of mys
tery closed In upon tho seafarers. Tet
the modern sea warrior among ns Is
trained to welcome that terrifying con
.lit Ion of things, to dash at utmost
speed through the thickness and burst
upon hln enemy with tho sudden an
expectednesn of the lightning stroke.
And to add to all these terrible con
dltlonn of modern nen warfare we have
now the submarine. Not content with
the mighty arena of conflict afforded
by the open surface of the sea, in gale,
or fog, or calm, the sea fighter must
now descend into darkness and si
lence. the realm of the utterly un
known, In order that be may haply
hurl, at one fell blow as from a burst
ing volcano, into blazing, boiling ruin
and death, eight hundred lives, and
tho revenue of a principality. For man
has even extended the battle ground
of the sea. Frank T. Bullen, In Lon
don Dally Mall.
gun Is of a certain caliber ho knows
ordlnnry layman does not, and, there-
Uiero Is ample room for both of them.
servo-motor, nnd by means of the ver
tical rudders steers the torpedo back
again to its original position."
Thus the torpedo Is endowed with n
brain, so to speak, that directs its
courso through tho waves on its mis
sion of death.
I.lkeit Shorter Miles.
The lato John It. Proctor, president
of tho Civil Service Commission, was a
student of tho University of Pennsyl
vania in Jtiu ana lolH, nnd In his col
lege days liked nothing hotter than to
set out early on a frosty morning and
walk twenty-flvo or thirty miles
through tho country.
Onco he met an Irishman on the road
to Morrlstown. lie and tho Irishman
plodded along together a matter of six
or Bevcn miles. They stopped and read
each milestone, and Proctor said:
"I think thnt milestones cheer a road
up wonderfully, don't you J"
"Faith, nn' I do that," said the Irish
man. "I find them a great comfort. It
would bo an Improvement, though. If
they was nearer one another, wouldu't
Court of Arbitration.
"The reason I can't get along with
my wife Is that she wants to submit all
our differences to arbitration."
"To arbitration r'
"Yes. She always wonts to refer
disputes to nor mother." Town and
Women Have the Hotter Iteoord.
Beventy-Beveu per cent of tho womes
and but 03 per cent ot the men taking
the civil aervive examination ore able
to pass It
Many a man, llko the moon, shines
with borrowed light
Many Women During the Spring Months Suffer From
Extreme Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and
NervousnessWhat They Need Is
Minn Bertha M. Hush, 6435 Kin-
rardc street, I'ittnburg, Pa., Hupcrln.
tendent Junior Hoclety of Methodist
Protestant Church and leading soprano
ot tlio choir, writes: "Woids cannot
dcscrlbo my thankfulnetn to you for
Peruna. L wan a sufferer from ays
lenjc catarrh lor yearn and was in a
very much run down condition. I was
extremely nervous and had the most
foolish fears over nothing. I was thin
nnd c-maclatel.
"My physician advised me to leave
this clirnato but an it was not conven
ient to do so at this time, I took the
advlco of a friend to upe a bottle of
runa. I took it faithfully and when
tho first bottle was gono I felt so much
better that 1 bought six more and took
them faithfully, after which I looked
like a new woman.
"I gained in flesh, my appetite re
turned and all my old symptoms had
disappeared. I am more than thank
ful to Peruna." Mies Bertha M.
Everybody Is Tired Spring Weath
er Does It livery One bhould
tie Cautious.
Depression of the nervous system at
the approach of spring is the cause.
General lassitude, dull, heavy sensa
tions, continual tired feeling, with ir
regular appetite, and sometimes loss of
sleep. Peruna meets every indication
and proves itself to be perfectly adapted
to all their varied peculiarities. Pe
runa invigorates the system, rejuve
nates the feelings, restores the normal
appetite and produces regular sleep.
That tired feeling which is the nat
ural result of the depressing effect of
warm weather immediately after the
invigorating cold of winter, quietly dis
appears when Peruna is taken. Thous
ands are daily testifying to its priceless
Mrs. II. Kassatt, 1309 W. 13th
street, Des Moines, la., writes: "I am
happy to give my endorsement for your
valuable medicine, Peruna, an I consid
er it a valuable medicine to take when
the system is run down from overwork.
About two years ago I felt that I must
take a long rest as I had been unable
to work for over a month and could
not regain my strength. I could not
Bleep at night nnd was in a very nerv
ous, high strung, condition. I decided
to try v. hat Peruna would do to build
up my strengtn, and am pleased to say
that I began to improve very shortly,
and in lees than two months I was able
to take up my work, and felt better
than I have for years. I take It now
twice a year and find that it keeps me
in perfect heatlli." Mrs. Kassatt was
foi over ten years the manager of a
plant furnishing ladies' wear and em
ploying hundreds of women. j
Those that dare lose a day are dan
gerously prodigal; those that dare mis
spend it are desperate. Bishop Ilall.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Slgnaturo of
St Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Detow.
Terr asd aa cuy
to take as ngax.
tfcSti I Purely TefvUftlivww
The Archbishop of Canterbury take
rank as first peer of the realm.
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and
Irritable. Your cheeks are
pale and your blood is thin.
Your doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this
grand old family medicine.
" For mora than M years I hiT used Ayer'a
Parssparilla In ray family. II Is a grand tonio
at all limes, and a wonderful medicine for Im
pure blood." 1), C. Holt, West Haven, Conn,
$1 00 bottle, J, o. AT BR CO.,
MrfffUtr foi fti""sasns!ssw
Weak Nerves
Keep tho bowels regular with AVer's
rum, juDt unu uiu uuen muni.
Miss Rush Suffered With Systemic Catarrh- Was Nervons, Had No
Appetite, drew Thin and Emaciated.
After a Course of I'e-ru-na.
Tired, Nervous Women.
There are thousands of them every
where. A few bottles of Peruna would
do them untold benefit. As a tonic and
nerve invigoratcr it has no equal. It
builds up the nerves, it gives strength
to the circualtion and at once restores
the appetite and digestion. No feeble
woman should be without Peruna.
Fully Occupied.
She Papa's chief objection to you la
that you have no occupation.
He No occupation! Good gwaclous!
Doesn't he know that I am walsmg
Ponnanenur enrea zrontaorcerrcmaDMa
after flrt dM-auMofrJr.Kllne'sUreaterT
KAatorer. Kend fur Free H'i tnsl bottleandtreatlae.
Ir. K. 1L KUn, Ltd.. 81- Arch BIH PMladelpMa, l'ft.
BInka They say that there are tens
of thousands of faith curlsts In this
Winks Yes, and there'll be tens of
thousands more, It the doctors don't come
down la their prices.
Mothers will find Mra. Wlnalotra'a Soothing
Syrup the best remedy touso for their children
aunsg tne teetoing penou..
Tho Why of It.
Green You nnd Short don't seem to
be as Intimate as you were. Does he
owe you money?
Brown No, Indeed; but he wanted to.
Hew and alt Terrain that
ureal borws cuttle, poul
try, etc. Louiy ben will
not Uj, norcblckj irrow,
live upon tb Mood which
should tro to sustain Ufa
& vitality. PRUSSIAN
thialte. thus It SAVES
FEED as ettra rations
muat bit sUen on account
ofvtmiln. 23o and 5 Oo
dealer, lij wall too A 140
U pag Hand Book Free
rOUILANU SEED CO,, Portlftud,
UOlll A 6 a II
W. L. Douclns
shoes have by their
excellent style,
eusy-Uttlupf, and
superior wearing
qualities, achieved
the lnrnest sale of
nny shoes in tho
They are lust as good
as those that cost you
Si to $3 tho only
difference is the price.
Sold Sutrywfitrt,
Look for name and
price on bottom.
DmitrlM use. Corona
Coltiklu, which laeverywliere conmled to
be the Unci Talent 1.1-atlier et produced.
fait Color Cutlttt Mid. Shoeibjrmall.iSr.eitra.
Villa for Catalog, W.L.lKmglii, llrockton, Mm
The improved Alvord Sage Brush
out all
brush by
the roots
will remove Sage
leaving Bamo In
nlles at regular
intervals. Teeth are
automatically cleaned.
No clogging. Will work on
stony eround. Our booklet
describing the machine in detail
Its advantages, cost, uhiiipiw;
weight, etc., sent free on application,
unico, etc.
for sandi
. ii
V. not exceed .-5E
She Now Looks Like a New Woman
If you do not receive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilarimnn,
giving a full statement of your case,
and he will be pleased to give you his
, valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Col um bur,
During leap year every eligible
young man should be equipped with a
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Ezisu it Will Not Cars'
For our New Gasolene Drai; Saw. We aet en
sine only once for each log. One man can
move saw. We handle the r,tW Mall. .hi.
Urubbln Machine. Write na -your wants In
the machinery line.
Foot Morrison b't.
1'ortland. Oregon
Dr. C. Gee Wo
This r-oaderrnl Chl
oese doctor Is called
treat because he curea
people wiuioui open
lloo that ara aivan it
to die. He cures wit
tbose wonderful Chi
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and Tegetablea
that are entirely un
known to medical sci
ence In this country. Through the use ot
uu uaiuiicss rviuemetf uus famous aocior
knows the action or over WO different rem
edies, which he successfully uses in different
diseases, lie guarantees to cure cattarh, asth
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.; has hundreds of
testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and
see him. 1'atleots out of the city write for
blanks and circulars. Bend stamp. CONttUX
The C Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
253 Alder St., Port lan J, Oregon.
sTsTMsnUou paper.
P. N. U.
No. 13-1904.
WHEN writing toBdvertla.rspUaa.l
mention tlila paper, I
Grubber and Land Cleaner
BrUBh, Rabbit Brush, Grease Wood,
Leaves the ground in perfect condition
wunouc i
M rr Hi Mil I IBM I