Now York hns n flcrmnn population of 800,000 nnd Chicago lias 440,000. Tlio twenty-Ilvo lnrgcst London the aters sent 28,000 peoplo nnd cnrn $30,' 000 n night England gels nbout $5,000,000 worth of new gold from Africa every month nnd $7,600,000 worth out of Australln. Miss VIdn Goldstein, the woman cnndldutc In Vlctorln for n sent In the Commonwealth Senate, wns not elect' ed, but she received 01,000 votes. The annual loss from the burning of butldlngs In the United States Is nbout $133,000,000, not Including cost or In Biirnnco nnd the appliances for Are pro tcctlon. A boro put down at Cossnock, near Maltlnnd, In New South Wales, recent ly penetrated, at n depth of 200 feet, n scam of coal twenty-seven feet In thickness. In a divinity essay written by nn Kngllsh schoolboy appeared the follow' Ing pnssngc: "So he sod unto Mosses. Como forth; but he como llfth and lost the Jobb. Morral, Git up urly. Mr, Chamberlain is said to be a re markably proficient political stago manager, appreciating nnd knowing the value of n dramatic entrance quite ns well as Sir Henry Irving or Mr. Bcorbohui Tree. It is stated that over 2,700,000 tons of dust ejected from the Soufrlere vol cano in St. Vincent have fallen on the Island of Barbados. The dust, contrary to expectation, has been found to have no fertilizing value. Tubllc revenue of Great Britain from April 1, 1003, to the latest dato nt hand amounted to $227,S40,705, a de crease of $38,004,703 from last year. Expenditures were $502,738,225, a fall ing olt of $101,714,303 from last year. The value of exports to the United States ffom Panama in the fiscal year 1003 amounted to $103,342, of which $50,707 was the valuo of hides, $40, 074 India rubber, $27,803 cocobolo nuts, $16,508 Ivory nuts, $13,372 deer skins and $0,003 coffee. Phonographic records of Emperor 'William's voice, on metal matrices, will bo the first deposits made in the phonetic archives that are to be kept at Harvard University, and in the Con gressional Library and the National Museum at Washington. The Russian government has elabor ated statutes on general life Insurance by the state. The business Is to be intrusted to tlie governmental savings banks. All kinds of policies will be Issued and the Insured will participate in the profits of the business. Cobra George Salem, an Egyptian, who entered the Missouri University last fall and Is taking the four-year course In agriculture. Is so well pleased with his work that he has succeeded In persuading several of his friends in Egypt and Turkey to come and take a similar course In some American col lege. In commemoration princess Pocahontas, Gravesend, England, all to Virginia with of the Indian who died at when about to her husband in 1010, St George's Church, in Wapplng, is to have a pulpit made of wood brought from Virginia. Pocahontas Is buried In the chancel of St George's Church. The Greco-Roman chariot in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, one of the new exhibits, has ex cited great Interest among artists and archaeologists. Its preservation was due to the fact that It was buried by tho ashes of Vesuvius. Many other treasures were found in the same neighborhood, some of which Baron Rothschild bought and presented to tlfo Louvre. The chariot in question Is two-wheeled and is perhaps the rarest In the world. Feb. 13 was the centennial of the use of steam traction on railroads. It was only a flve-toh moving engine run' nlng over tho Merthyr Tydfil course, Its Inventor was Richard Trevlthlc, a Cornlshman. It could draw fifteen tons at a rato of five miles an hour. It had an eight-Inch cylinder nnd toothed wheels, which caught in notched rails and helped It over hard places In the track. Only a few trips wero made by It, for the experiment was not com mcrclally profitable. TALENT HAS DEVELOPED EARLY. Precocious Younijstere Who Are Mak ins Their Mark In the World, At Grand Rapids, Mich., there is a precocious child who recites selections from Kipling, Paul Laurence uunbar, Eugeno Field nnd James Wbltcomb Riley with apparently as much appre ciation of tho demands of the pieces in the matter of expression and dialect as many n professional elocutionist This child Is Loulso Remington Fay, 8 years old, daughter of Mrs. Helen Remington Fay. She comes naturally by her talent as her mother is an elo cutionist and has appeared more or less in public ever since she was a few years older than her daughter. Re cently Louise gave readings from Kip ling and Dunbar before the Elocution Club, and tho event has been the talk of Its members ever since. She has also appeared In public on several oth er occasions. The child's mind does not seem taxed In the least by her ,work. A youthful Inventor has just built a wireless telegraph apparatus which he has operated with success In the phys ical laboratory of the Indianapolis Manual Training High School. Ho Is Arthur Berger, 10 years old, who will be graduated with tho June class. Berger conceived the Idea four years ago of making a wireless telegraph system. Ho gathered' all the knowl edge ho could of the Marconi system from scientific periodicals. When fa miliar with the apparatus and tho fundamental principles ho began bis first machines. They were crude af fairs, but demonstrated tho soundness of tho princlplo on which bo had built them. Last year, during his study of elec tricity in advanced physics, Berger be gan the construction of a second set of Instruments, with, many improve meats upon bis former Bystau. j Tho construction or n wireless tele- grupu sysicni is noi uie ursi nppuruiun mode by Berger. lie has Invented niv nutomntlc lettcr-foldltig tnnchluc de signed to facilitate the work of the mnlllug departments of large business firms. The machine folds the letters, puts In any advertising matter de sired, such ns n return postal card, seals the letters and puts tho stamps on. It Is n simple device, nnd n child could operate the machine. Berger Is perfecting tho letter-folding apparatus and expects to put It on tho market soon. "Tibbie" Page, a daugher of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Page, of Payson, Utah, la the latest musical genius of Utah. Though only 0 years of age, the child plays the cello In dance music nnd ex ecutes dltllcult accompaniments to vio lin selections by her father. The little girl was born June 27, 1S97, and even before she could walk was humming tunes. After hearing her father play the violin she would hum the melody, and when her hands were powerful enough to lift a bow she picked up the knack of handling It solely by observation. At the end of n week, having had n few lessons In the methods of placing the fingers, she could play bass parts by ear with her father. Tho child practiced until she was able to play waltzes, all by ear, and now she nccompanles her father In dif ficult numbers. She has been play ing her part In the orchestra during a six months' tour of Utah, Idaho and Oregon. In addition to her other ac complishments the little girl Is a clever dancer and sings well DIFFICULTIES OF 8TEPMOTHER. Some of the Trials Which Beset the Path Bhe Must Tread. Stepmothers often have to meat many difficulties quite unknown to the mother whose children are quite her own, with no one to contradict the re lationship. And It Is too true that there arc always those who are look ing for flaws In the "new mother" who has taken charge of another woman's children. Will she treat them prop erly? Will she care for them, and will they love her? And will she teach them to forget their own mother? Meddle some women are constantly on the lookout for some fault to find with tho stepmother. And yet a woman who undertakes this noble mission Is often as capable as the own mother might have been to rear the young folk, and frequently Is very fond of children, which trait after all. Is half the battle. one woman woo loos up mo ennrge or caring ror stepcnnuren rouna one little boy was extremely nervous and sensitive. In regard to his school work, in particular, he was Tcry anx-; Ions, nnd questions or words of sympa- j crj. without putting people to the ex thy only seemed to tend to make him pense lhat mnkcre would, tho Jobs reel more women unui ne wouia do 111. At last his new mother learned that he was what Is termed "slow" in school, and that his teacher was mark- J lng his arithmetic lessons below par t principally because he did not work out his problems after the usual rules, I Vi i , ,,,. a fa.tilnn l.nnk, him ttv 1,1. "ui '""B". ...... - niiu ueeuiea it Liu maciuue cuuou. ,cxi new mother, who had methods of beri bought a machine of a man who was own. The boy had grown so nervous tired of It Next week I bought nn over his failures that the stepmother ' other and another, and sold them; then thought best to take him out of school for a term, nnd help him herself by Individual teaching. Not being In touch with the methods used In this particular school, she could only point out to the child the princl-jtold pics of the work, after which he would readly apply the regular school system , taught in the text book, with good re sults. This experiment far from set ting him back In his school progress. placed him In a position to "skip" a year's work, and he eventually .entered j high school ahead of what would have been bis regular time This through the efforts of bis stepmother, whom he loved with nl his heart and which love did not grow dim when he became ( a young man and went out to meet . the trials of tho world. New York Sun. The Man Wns Consoled W. K. Vanderbilt Jr.. Is an enthu siastic motorist. While speeding one of his red devils along a Long Island road he saw a man and n dog far I ahead i of him. the dog running in nndjJ ,eJns U ."L1"!... . .n. '.Polle ProPerlty. and grown un- the dog darted out ahead of the ma chine to bark at It, was run over and instantly killed. Mr. Vanderbilt stopped his machine and returned. "I'm very sorry, old man," he said to the man. "Will that make it nil right?" He held out a fifty-dollar bill. "It wlll, said tho man, taking It ' Then, as the machine flew away down the road, be looked sympathetically at the remains and said: "Poor little devil. I wonder whose dog It Is?" If laV Then There Was Silence, well-known English actor A well-known F.nHl.h nctnr ni once, while a young man, touring through the provinces. One night when his cue came be was nervous, and on going upon the stage could hardly speak. Tho audience wns great ly displeased, and "things began to come his way." He stood this bom bardment for a few minutes until a green bead of cabbage sped by his ear. Stepping to the front of the stage, he raised his band for silence, and ex claimed: "I came hero to-night determined to please an Interested audience, but I lost his head over the matter!" Not Appreciated, "Now, Tommy," said tho fond moth- cr. "when you see peoplo your senior standing you must ask them to Bit down, unl they'll like you." J "I asked old man Sparks to sit down, and ho tried to lick me," replied Tom- my. "How was that?" "Tho pavement was wet and slip- pery." Prepared for Showers. . I hone." said the thrifty old farm- er, "that you have something laid up for a rainy day." "Sure thing," replied his nephew from tho city. "I've got seventeen bor- rowed umbrellas." I ; , a political meeting sel- Disorder in dom begins until after it Is called to men busy upstairs, a couple of thou Fortunate is the man who can bor- sand pounds' worth of stock, and In row enough money to pay his debt. ONLY THE GARMENT Only tho garmoift that you woto No more Lies burled here! TIs not your bed You are not dead! Haply your radiant spirit now Hovers above tne as I bow O'er this green mound, this sacred groundl But oh, the eye of sense doth sco Of thee Nought now, nlsst But ever turns Its gaze, that yearns Tor thee, upon this grass-grown mound That holds wtthtn Its narrow bound Tho veil soul wore on earth no morel -Mary Norton Bradford. Ruth's Father-in-law. CURIOUS trado to take to, but then It has grown to be profit able. Things were at low ebb with me when I took It up. I was at my wits' end for something to do, and sat nibbling my nails one day, grumb ling horribly. "Don't go on like that, Tom," says my wife; "things might be worse." "How?" I said. "Why, we might have Luke at home, and he Is doing well." Lake's our boy, you know, and we had got him Into a merchant's office, where he seemed likely to stay. "Things can't be worse," I said ang rily; when there was a knock nt the door. "Come In," I said, and a fellow lod ger put In his head. "Are you good nt works, Mr. Smith?" he said. "Middling," I said, for I was fond of pulling clocks to pieces, and trying to invent "I wish you would come and look at this sewing machine of mine, for I can't got it to go." I got up to look at It, and after nbout an hour's fiddling about, I began to see a bit of reason why. I had some din ner with those people, and they forced half a crown upon me as well, and I went back feeling like n new man, so refreshing had been that bit of work. Tho noTt Anr , fnl,., ,rnm . ( next house wanted tne to look at theirs, tilp th .. .nrendlnc nn nowa wlll 8preadi tI)at thero was ompbody -j cobble and tinker mnehln- came in go ., ... i ,rn8 00liced to get fllc9 nnd drills and a vise regular iet 0f tools by degrees; and at last I waR as busy as a bee from morning to night and whistling over my work as happy as a king, j,-ext we got to supplying shuttles 1 1 I t . . . got to taking them nnd money in ex change for new ones, and one way nnd Ithe other became a regular big dealer as you see. I've got at least 300 on the premises, while If anybody had me fifteen years ago that I should be doing this, I should bnve laughed at him. That pretty girl showing and ex. plaining the machine to a customer? That's Ruth, that Is. No, not my daughter yet, but she soon wlll be. r0or girl, I always think of her nnd of bread thrown upon the waters at the same time. Curious idea, that you .will say, but I'll tell you why. In our trade we have strange people to deal with. Most of 'em are poor and can't buy a machine right off, but are ready and willing to pay so much a week. That suits them and it suits me, If they'll only keep the payments up to the end. Tho way I've been bitten by some folk has made me that case-hardened that sometimes I've wondered whether ., . .., feeling. It was she made me give away about Ruth, for one day, after having bad my bristles all set up by finding out that three sound machines, by best makers, bad gone nobody knew where, who should como Into the shop but a lady-like looking woman In very shabby widow's weeds. She wanted machine for herself and daughter to earDi nnli saia 8n0 had heard I would taB:o the money by installments. Now iu,t half an hour before, bv our shon II,.... r .. . .... I ciuck, i unu ujuub u iuw tuai i u give up all that part of the trade, and I was " uer jusi ns i am wuen I'm cross and said. "No, I "But you will If tho lady gives se curity," says ray wife, hastily. Tho poor woman gave such a woe begone look at us that It made me out of temper more than ever, for I could feel that If I stopped to consider I should have to let her have one at her own terms. And so It was; for I let her have a first-class machine, as good as new, she only paying soven and six down, and undertaking to pay half a crown a week, and no moro security than nothing! thing home without charge, Luke going with It, for bo was back at homo now keeping my books, being grown Into a fine fellow of flve-and-twenty. I sat down and growled the whole of the rest of tho day, calling myself all tho weak-named Idiots under the sun, and telling the wife that business was going to tho dogs, and I should be ruliied. y0u ought to bo ashamed of your- self, Tom." she said. "So I nui," says I. "I didn't think I could bo such a fool." "Such a fool ns to do n good kind action to ono who wns evidently a lady iborn, nnd como down In tho world." "xes," i says, -to live in iienneu s place, whero I've sunk no less than ten machines In flvo years." "Yes," says tho wire, "and cleared t,,,. , ,ia rrw Tm ,,.i,n,o,i cf ,.ouyou a roan Wlth twenty work the bank a THAT YOU WORE. EE "Hold your tongue, will you?" I said roughly, and went out tuto tho shop to try and work It all off. Luke came back soon after, looking very strange, and I went to him di rectly. "Where's the seven and six?" I says angrily. He didn't answer but put three half' crowns down on the desk, took out tho book, made his entries date of deliv ery, first payment, when the other due, and all the rest of It and was then going Into the house. "Mind," I says sharply, "thoso pay tncnts are to bo kept up to the day, and tomorrow you go over to tho Holly's who llvo nearly opposite to 'cm and tell 'em to keep an eyo on tho window, or wo shall lose another ma chine." "You needn't be afraid, father," ho said coldly, "they are honest enough, only poor." I was Just In that humor that 1 wanted to quarrel with somebody, and that did It. "When I ask you for your opinion, young man, you glvo It to me, and when I tell you to do a thing, .you do It," I says, In as savage a way as ever I spoko to tho Ind. "You go over to morrow and tell Roily to keep a strict lookout on those people do you hear?" "Father," he sny, looking mo full In the face. "I couldn't Insult them by doing such a thing," when, without another word, he walked quietly out of the shop, leaving me worso than ever. It was about S o clock thatI was sitting by the parlor fire, with tho wife working and very quiet, when Luke camo In from the workshop with a book under his arm, for be had been tctlng up the mens piece-work, and what was due to them, and the sight of him made me feel as if I must quarrel. He saw It too, but be said nothing, only put the accounts away and began to read. Tho wife saw the storm brewing, and she knew how put out I was. For I had not yet lit my pipe, nor yet had my evening nap, which I always have after tea. So she did what she know so well how to do filled my pipe, forced It Into my band, and Just as I was going to dash (t to pieces In the ashes, she gave mo one of her old looks, kissed me on the forehead, as with one band sho pressed me back Into my chair, and then with the other sho lit a splint and held It to my tobacco. I was done. Sho always got over me like that, nnd after smoking In silence for half an hour, I was lying back, with my eyes closed, dropping off to sleep, when the wife said (what had gone before I hadn't heard), "Yes, ho's now nsleep." That, of course, woke mo up, and If I didn't lie there shamming and beard all they said In a wblsporl "How came you to make him more vexed than ho was, Luke?" says the wife, and he told her. "I couldn't do It, mother," he said excitedly. "It was heart-breaking. She's living In a wretched room there with her daughter, and, mother, when I saw her I felt ns if there! I can't tell you." 'Go on, Luke." sho said. 'They're half starved," ho said, In a husky way. "Oh, mother, It's horrible! Such a sweet, beautiful girl, and the poor woman herself dying almost with somo terrible disease." The wife Bighed. "They told mo," ho went on, "how hard they had tried to live by ordinary needlework, and failed, and that as a last resource they bad tried to get the machine," "Poor things!" Bald tho wife; "hut aro you sure the mother waB a lady?" 'A clergyman's widow," Bald Luke, hastily; "there Isn't a doubt about It. Poor girl! and they've got to learn to use It before It will bo of any use," 'Poor girl, Luke!" says tho wife, softly; and I saw through my eye lashes that sho laid a band upon bis arm, and was looking at blm curiously, when, If he didn't cover his face with his hands, rest his elbows on tho table, and give a low groanl Then sho got up, stood behind his chair like the fool ish old mother would. "Mother," he says suddenly, "will you go and seo them?" She dldn t answer for a minute, tiiily stood looking down at him, nnd then said softly, "They paid you tho first money?" "No," he said hotly. "I hadn't tho heart to take it" "WHERE'S THE SEVEX A.tD SIX?" "Then, that money you paid wns yours, Luke?" "Yes, mother," ho snys simply; nnd those two looked ono nt tho other till tho wife bent down nnd kissed blm, holding his heml nfterwnrds, for n few moments, between her hands; fur she always did worship that chap, our only one; nnd then I closed my eyes tight, nnd went on breathing heavy nnd thinking, For something like a new revelation had come upon me; I knew I.uko wa flveaud'twenty, nnd that I win fifty tour, but he always seemed like it boy to me, and here was I waking up to tho fact that ho was a grown man, nnd that he was thinking and feeling as I first thought nnd felt when I saw his mother nigh upon twenty-eight years ago. I lay back, thinking nnd telling my self I was very savnge with him for deceiving me, ami that I wouldn't hav hlm and his mother laying plots to. gcther against me, nnd that I wouldn' stand by and see him make n fool o himself with the first pretty girl ho set eyes on, when he might marry Maria Turner, the engineer's daughter, and have a nice bit of money with her, to put tuto the business, nnd then be my partner. No, I snys; if you plot together, I'll nlot nlone. and then I pretended to wake up, took no notice and had my supper. I kept rather gruff tho next morn Ing, and mndo myself very busy about tho place, ami I daro say spoko more sharply than usual, but tho wife nnd I.uko were as quiet as could be; and about 12 I went out, with n little oil can, nnd two or three tools In my pocket. It was not far to Bennett's place, and, on getting to tho right house, asked for Mrs. Murray, and was dl rccted to the second floor, where, ns reached the door, I could hoar the clicking of my sowing machine, nnd whoever was there wns so bmy over It that sho did not hear me knock; so I opened the door softly, and looked in upon as sad n sceno ns I shall ever, I daro say, see. There In the bare room sat, asleep In her chair, the widow lady who camo about tho machine, and I could see that In her face which told plainly enough that the pain nnd suffering she must havo been going through for years would soon bo over; and, situated as she was, It gnvo me quite n turn. It's no business of yours," I said to myself, roughly; and I turned then to look at who was bending over my machine. I could see no face, only a slight figure In msty black; and a pair of busy whlto hands wero trying very hard to govern the thing, and to learn how to use It well. So that's the gal, Is It?" I said to myself. "Ah! Luke, my toy, you've got to tho silly calf age, and I dare say " I got no further, for at that moment the girl started, and turned upon mo timid, wondering face, thnt made my heart give n queer throb, nnd I couldn't tnke my eyes off her. Hush!" she said softly, holding up her hand; and I saw It was as thin and transparent as If she had been til. "My name's Smith," I said, taking out a screw-driver. "My machine, how does It go? Thought I'd come and sec." Her face lit up n moment, and she came forward eagerly. "I am so glad you're come." she said. "I can't quite manago this." She pointed to the thread-regulator, and the next mlnuto I was showing her that It was too tight, and somehow, In a gentle, timid way, the little witch quite got over me, and I stopped there two hours helping her, till her eyes sparkled with delight, as she found out how easily she could now make tho needle dart In and out of tho hard material, "Do you think you can do It now?" I asked. "Ob, yes, I think so, I am so glad you came." "So am I," says. I, gruffly; "it wlll make It all the easier for you to earn the money, and pay for It" "And I will work so hard," sho said earnestly. "That you will, my dear," I says, In splto of myself, for I felt sure It wasn't mo speaking, but something In me. "Has Bhe been 111 long?" I said, nodding toward her mother. "Months," she said, with the tears starting In her pretty eyes; "but" she added brightly, "I shall have enough with this to buy her good medicines and things she can fancy"; and as I looked nt her, something in mo said, "God bless you, my dcarl I hope you will"; and tho next mlnuto I was going down stairs, calling myself a fool. They thought I didn't know at homo, but I did; there was tho wlfo going over and over again to Bennett's place; and all sorts of nice things were made and taken there. I often used to see them talking about It, but I took no notice; and that artful scoundrel, my boy I.uko, used to pay the half-rrown every week out of bis own pocket, after going to fetch It from the widow's. And all the time I told myself I didn't llko It, for I could see that Luke was changed, and always thinking of that girl a girl not half good enough for him, I romomtcred being poor my self, and I hated poverty, and I used to speak harshly to Luke and the wife, and feel very bitter. At last came an afternoon when I knew thero was something wrong. Tho wlfo had gone out directly after din ner, saying sho was going to seo a sick woman I knew who It was, bless you! and Luke was fidgeting about, not himself; and at luBt ho took his hat nnd went out, Tboymlght havo confided In me," I said bitterly; yet all the tlmo I knew that I wouldn't let them. "They'll bo spending money throwing It nway, I know they've spent pounds on them nl ready," At last I got In such a way that I called down our foreman, left blm In charge nnd took my hat and went after them. Everything was very quiet In Ben nett's place, for a couplo of dirty, de jected looking women, ono of whom was in arrears to mo, had sent tho children that played in the court away, becausa of the nolso, and were keeping guard so that they should not come back. 1 went up the stnlri softly, nnd nil I wns very still, onlv ns I gut nearer to tho room I could hear n bitter, wnlllng cry, mid then I opened tho door gently nnd went In. I.uko wns there, standing with III bend bent by tho sowing uinchlno; the wife sat In a ehnlr, nnd on her knees, with her face burled In the wife's lap. wns the poor girl, crying ns If her little heart would breiik; whllo on the bed with nil tho look of pnlu gnuo out n her face, lay the widow gone to meet her husband hero pain nml sorrow nre no more. I couldn't seo very plainly, for there was n mist like before my eyes; but 1 know Luke flushed up ns he took a step forward, ns If lo protect tho girl nnd the wlfo looked nt mo In n fright' oned wny. Hut there was no need, for some thing thnt wasn't mo spoke, nnd that In n very gentle wny, as I stepped for ward, raised the girl up, nnd kissed her nrotty face before laying her little help less head upon my shouldr, nml smoothing her soft brown linlr. "Mother," says that something from within me. "I think there's room In the nest at home for this poor, forsaken little bird. Luke, my boy, will you go fetch n cab? Mother, will see to what wants doing here." My lioy gave n sob as he caught my hand In his, and the next moment he did what ho had not done beforo fur years kissed me on tho cheek before running out of the room, leaving me with my darling nestling In my breast I said "my darling," for sho has been the suuMilnr of our homo over since a pale, wintry sunshine, while the sorrow was fresh, but spring nml summer now. Why, bless her! look at her. I'c felt nshnmed, sometimes, to think that she, a lady by birth, should come down to such n life, making me well, no. It' us now, for Luke's my partner no end of money by her clever ways. Hut he's happy, thinking her husband that Is to bn tha finest fellow under the sun; and let me tell you there Is many gentleman not so well oft ns my lioy will be, even If the money has all come out of a queer trade. Wavcrly Maga line. MERE MATTER OF CURIOSITY. The Countryman Aclml In Ask Jtut Ono Store Uueatlun. He wns n long, lank countryman. He entered tho car. and took his srat next to n well dressed man of mlddlo age who sat evidently nbsurltl In his morning paper. Immedlntely ho had seated himself he began a rapid flro of questions directed nt tho gentleman with the newspaper. Ho nsked blm how tnnny miles an hour he thought tho train could go nt Its full speed; and If he didn't like the looks of tho country they were pass Ing through; and what ho thought of the chances for crops down his wny; and If ho didn't think tho trusts were bleeding the country; and wasn't ho of tho opinion that politics had gone to the the dogs, anyway, nnd the whole land going to ruin; and didn't ho think that Graver Cleveland was the great est man that ever lived; and what was bis opinion in regard to the Spanish war. At last the man with the news paper grew Impatient "My friend," he said, "I'vo answered a number of your questions, and now, If you havo no objections, I'd like to havo n chanco to read my paper. "Sure." his Interrogator replied. "I won't bother you any more; but. stranger, there's Just one moro ques tion I'd Ilka to Mk. Just answer me this ono, and I'll shut right up. I see you'vo got Just ono leg. How'd the other one come to bo off?" If I answer this, you'll promise not to ask another question?" "Sure," replied the countryman, with nn emphatic nod of tho head. Well, then, I'll tell you. It was bit off." The recipient of this pleco of Infor mation stared hard nt tho gcntlomaii with the newspaper, but he mado no comment. Finally the situation became unendurubl; ho shifted restlessly In his sent and his breath camo hard. At length he rose, nnd started down tho aisle. "I've given my word for It," bo said, and I'm not the man ns goes back on his promise; but I'll bo goldarned If I wouldn't give a peck of the best pota toes on my place to know what It wns this side of Perdition that could havo bit that man's leg off." Woman's Home Companion. DOLL8 OF CLIFF DWELLERS. Curious Discovery Ilescntlr Made In Prehistoric Houses In New Meslco, Every year Investigators are adding to the world's store of knowledge of the cliff dwellers, who once Inhabited tho southwestern portion of this con tinent Dr. R. W. Schucsslcr, whllo explor- n jr the Puyo and Shufluno cliff dwell ings, n little less than thirty miles northwest of Santa Fc, made n pecu liar discovery recently. Ho noticed n spot In tho wull of different color than that of tho tufa around It and Investi gated. With his pocketknlfe he dug Into the soft stone and discovered a hole flvo inches In diameter and twelve Inches deep, partly filled with mud, in which was mounted a faco of obsidian that looked like a doll's bend. In tho same hole with the doll was a small but highly polished turquotso, Dr. Hchucssler Investigated further. He found another holo of similar char acter, In which thero were also a doll and a turquoise. After further search two moro of these sealed openings wero found, each of which contained a doll and a turquoise. Ono of theso boles contained a piece of petrified resin, In which tooth marks lndlcato 1 that It had been used much as tho I chewing gum of to day Is used. Un- ...... i.wiiiuiiiue! are that the doll heads wero Idols, but the significance of burying them In tho mesa walls nnd tho presence of the turquoise are, of course, Inexplicable, Can't Tell tho Difference. There aro peoplo In tho world who fall to discover tho difference between having strong convictions and being plain obstinate. An Inference. "Sho Is extremely intellectual!" "Great Scott! Is Bhe as thin n all that?" Woman's Homo Companion. BY Mortimer Menpes' new book on Whistler, which will bo called "Whistler as I Know Him," will make a volume of nbout OIK) pages, Includ ing 100 full-page plates In color and tint. "Highways and Byways In Hussoi," by 10. V. Lucas, Is the latest addition to the Mncmlltali Company's "High ways and Byways" series, Tho vol ume contains numerous Illustrations by Frederick L Griggs. Guy Wetmore Carryl's new humor ous liory, "Far from the Maddening tllrls," will appear In tho Ladles' Homo Journal, with Illustrations by Peter Newell. It tells of the experi ences of n young bnehelur whoso aim Is to keep "one mile from a woman," and tulles awny from the girls. O. Henry, who Is Sydney Porter In real life, hns gone to "Tho Walrus and the Carpenter" fur the title of his novel of Central America, which he calls "Cabbages and Kings." This Is Mr. Porter's first long story, although his stories have won for blm one of the meteoric successes of tho past year. Americans who contributed several hundred thousand dollars to the suf ferers from the India famine of lKtiO 1POO can learn how tills money was distributed In the relief work by resil ing "In Famine IjiikI." n work written by nn Anicrh'uu missionary, Itov. J. 18. Hcott. William Dana Orrutt, whose Imok for children. "The Princess Knlllsto." wns published Inst year, has written a novel which A. U. McClurg At to. wlll bring out. It Is entitled "Itnliert Cnvellrr." It Is tho riimnuee of t tin explorer Hubert Cnveller Do I Hallo's life. Charles M. Kklnner, author of 'Myths nml legends of Our Own Iind," has made arrangements with I). Appletnu A Co. to bring out a new volume, dealing with "Ynrds nnd Gar dens." Tho author will show through text, photographs nnd dlngrnma how the small city plot or the back yard may bo beautified. Dr. William Bauer, the German eth nologist, who has been studying the southern tribes In the Interior of Mex ico for the Itoyal Museum of Kthnolo. gy of Berlin, has mm pi led an Inter esting nnd rrmarknbly complete vo cabulary of the languages spoken by the different tribes. The .apotecau vo cabulary Is 3,000 words, the fullest yet obtained. A love atury, written nlmost wholly In dialogue, entitled "A Woman's Wlll," Is among Little, Brown A Co.'s nnnounreiiients. The nulhur Is Ann Wsrnrr, a frequent contributor to the periodical press during the past few years. It Is a story of nn unhappy American widow's summer on the con tinent. The scenes of the story Include Munich, Zurich nnd Lucerne. The readers of "Tho Letters of a Helf-Made Merchant to Ills Son." and liiono renders ero many, wlll welcome tho announcement thnt George II. I pr imer has another Ixiok ready for pub lication. It Is to bo called "Old Gor gon Graham," nnd Is, like Its prede cessor, In the form of letters; hut the new loiters tell the self-made mer chant's own story nnd do not concern themselves with tho son. "Children of the Tenements" Is one of the few liooks of short stories pub lished last yenr that reached real mp. ularlty. Its geuulno human Interest and Its strong huinnn appeal were no doubt the causo of the demand for four editions; In'' It la nls truo that these stories by Sir. Kiln derive from their slmplo truthfulness a Strang power to touch tho emotions to smiles and tears. Wholesome and genuine they aro almvo all things; and so Is their author, whoso autnhlogranhr. Tho Making of nn American," has given more real pleasure to Its readers than almost any other biography of re cent years. A Hit nrThaakerny Fun. The following extract Is taken from one of Thackeray's letters of Miss Lib- by Strong, a niece of Mr. Ilnxter nnd nn Inmate of tho family nt the Brown Houso during both the visits of the novelist to America. Tho letter with others Is published entire In the Cen tury tinder the title, "Thackeray's Friendship with nn American Fam ily." "Como, It Is tlmo to pack up this noto, nnd trot down to tho liont Sup pose I wns nt Now York now. I won der whether It liolng your birth day I should bo allowed to vous comnrenez nnd It being my birth day whether shouldn't lie authorized to do It all round: Well now I guess I'd glvo n hundred-dollar bill to do It that's thirty three $33 cents a pleco I reckon and ono cent over: Miss Llhby snys I don't know whnt you mean nbout cents but I know you nro talking n great deal of noncents. Ho It Is. And how much of life Is ditto ditto? Walt till you aro five and twenty yenrs older like somo people, mid then seo. So I end my love to nil of you In the brown house, or whersumdnver tho Hhndo & tho Summer lina conveyed ,'ou, ami nm or mo j young ladles es pecially tho "respoctablo old friend "W. M. T." Wheru Tnilnlnu C'niinlir. "There," snld tho mnn with tho red slduburns, "Is n mini who Is known for ,i ...! ... , " m,,,,0 ..u. .iT1'mt Bo.. ... eilnil ...1,1. ,. .. "if . . . - .. wnr correspondent, I suppose'" "No," replied tho first mnn; "official pho'togniphor nt n ututo prison." Cin cinnati 'limes-Star, , Homo Good In It, "Did dat last Job o' yours do you any good?" nsked tho first burglar, "Well, it'll Improve my education, I guess, Tho mnn of tho house was u book ngcut nnd beforo I got nwny ho mndo mo buy a cyclopcdln." Phila delphia Icss. A widow says that u husband on turtU Is worth two In tho other plnco.