Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 08, 1904, Image 3

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    Hems of Interest in mid about
Mr. Lowe, Orulo-oplliliin, Kiikuiiu
' l''(ir HthI cImkh iiichIh the Exchange
WANTKD-A cook, enquire III Nllr
Kill olllrti.
Uli-lo-dati' coltdt'H lit tint Novelty
HI (ire. Opera IIoiimo liullillhjr.
Ilotcoffcu and Iiiiii'Ik'h at thu ICx
cIiiuiku ri'Hliiiiriuil.
Hlilrt wulHt HtuinjK'il nt tlin Nov
elty More. Opera (loiiHit litillilliijr.
Ilutlcnhci'fr mill I'olnt Luco pat
terns lit Hi" Novelty Store. Opuni
IIiiiiw IiiiIIiIIiik,
Wltnl everybody I Ik cm Ih hi imt't lilnic
to Miitlnfy llirlr appetite, tlin I :x
rliimo I'l'Ntaiirmit Iihh It.
'l'lm Crystal CntiHolldiitoil Mining
Company will hooii occupy room one
(it tint liunk building; .
I'hhoiihIii up-to-iliili' embroidery
mill liiillmi lii'inl work kIvi-ii nt tin)
NoVI'lly HtOIU. W I'OlllM u lesson.
Don't fowl to lake your iiicuIm at
the. Kxeliuibd ivMtiiiirant. Every
thing; I lie lii'Ht tliu niarkiilumi supply
liiillmi lii'inl work nt the Nori'lty
.Store. Opera I Ioiiho building;. I
Krault Cathrarl, ono of t In H 1'.
(,'o'm clllcleut, operators now nt Hohf
lair, Ih vlMltltiMT In t city tliU week.
.1. 10. llnriliiian of (Irauil Itupliln
Alien, arrived In tliu city Thursday.
Mr llariliiian timi'tlmr with (leo. (I.
(Iruhaiu mid (leo Cox linvii ironu lip
to i no iiri'Kon-i'acillu miiiiiik uom
pan.vH pronenvr In lloliciiila. Thcne
gentlemen with others, recently tnir-
cham'il wivernl rlalniH anil havu
oiKiinlr.ed the alio voiiami'il com pany.
Lewis F. llcnh of Kiignnnu ciiiull
ilatn for ri'HiirrHt'iitiitlve on the Re
publican tli'lint cuuio to thu city on
Weiliicmlay anil talkeil with the
ili'li'K'itCH from herualiout IiIh ciindl
(lacy Mr II. I,. llognrt accompnulcil
lilm on MIm trip.
Iloiuiir Daveiinort, the cclclirnteil
carloonlHt who Is now llllliit; lecture
'"lillK'" itH Oil till CllflHl, HllOOk
hand w tli m-iiuii ntu ncex nt t he
depot taut 'I'liuiHilay.
Tho II I'm of .Medley anil .IoIiiimoii,
attorneys, rompnwd of J. H, Medley
anil .),('. .IiiIiiihoii have moveil Into
room Hi ivu in thv hank hlnek.
.Ino W. Cook formurly owner of
the Mimlck mlnn at llotiemlii, anil
now a resident of I'ortlanil Ih upend-
iiik ii iew oayM in me city.
.Ino Hunter of Ittniuhurg; who pur
chased the water power anil tlmlier
ImiiiIh about Wllilwooilln In the city.
A (rood supply of maple grocerleH
nfTnrtnrrvrtnnnrvinrrirTnr cmni-uuii from m ..
X nv l live nil nuiiririN
Cfl.flPliUATIVP AmiriATiriNNIl I
CottxiKc drove mid vicinity. 31 r(M ,.
It shall lie tlui iluty of thu AilvlHory
Committee to inuet at the call ol thu
lirenldvnt. wIio.iih ex-otflclo moiiilier.
Mhall prenlilu The president hIimII,
upon thu written ropiest ol live
members of thu AilvlHory Committer,
call thu itonimltteu together for the
trniiNactlon of niicIi ImujIiichh iih shall
come Imfore It; anil hu Mhall ndvlso
the secretary of thu call, that humay
offchtlly notify thu member of hiiIiI
Five inemherHof the Advisory Com
mit tee Nhall cotiHtltutu a ipiorum for
the traiiMuetlon of such business ax
may romi) heforu thu committee.
'I he olllco of any member of thu
AilvlHory Commltteti may liodcclaroil
viicaut In thu iivuiil that Hiitil mom
her Nhall nh'cut himself from three
coiiHi'cutlvu meeting, without a
reasonable excuse: anil thu commit-
teo Nhall havu power to till all hiicIi
Section VII. TIichu by-laws
llr. I'otrlo, the dentist, Is this week " Ji'Wd for spring; trailu KiiowIch
taking; poHHCNHioii ol tne eoruer room
on the upiHT lloor of the linuk build-
Dr. Corpron Iihh weurcd the two
front roouiH over the Veutch fund
turn Htoro anil Ih llltlngupunclcgiint
MIlIU' of lllllci'M.
Do you want to buy, hcII or rout
farm or city property. See thu Cot-
taKu drove improvement Co., Cot
Uiku drove
Ladles, will Ih pleiiHivl to havu you
call ami exikuiluii my ntock of mil
linery In thu Hank building; on ItliHl.
A, J. ThomiiH,
MIhh l.lilu ApplfKHlc, of Eugene,
who Iihh been vIhIiIiik tier frleuil,
MUn Niiiu CHlraniler for neveral ilay
ro tu i iiel home TueHilay.
MIhh Annie (h;lfHhy Iihh oh'iiihI a
neat Novelty mure In thu front room
of thu Opera IIoiimo. She Ih kIvIiiic
'leHHiniH In cmlironlery nuil Ih-iiiI work.
Tho W. C. T. I'. will meet at the
C. I'. parminiiK1' Friday at i:'M, iiIiiiih
to Im iiihiIi) for thu eoiiutv IliHtltute.
All lailk'H an. nipiutcil to iM-proHent. I won Hwciai rcaiurrH anil weiv lilnhly
Dainty rcfrcHUiuoiitH were wervoil In
a inoHt pleiiHimt manner by thu
hiiHtoHH, ably (ihoImU'iI by MImhom Neva
and dettyH, llohemla.
KOIt KAI.H Npnn of olhorHOH, liar
liUHHiiuil wiikoii. deorKe Itohlnniii.
I. N. Hhahaii of Calif. Ih vIhIIIiil' In
thu city.
A Social EiiterUilnment.
On IiihI Satunlny cvi-iiIiik MIhh
l.lilu Currlnciiterlalneila Jolly crowd
or youiiK peoplu at her home, which
iniiHt k on record hm onu of thu mont
oiijiiynblu partleH of the year. Thu
rlcKiilit parlorn were tiiHtefully
ilecorateil, which, mom; with thu
pleiiMimt ami imnviiblo manner of
thu tioHtcHH, lent a charm to the eve-
nliitfM enlertalnmeut.
I lie I lino wan nicnt In playing
novel ami ImiKhable pimeH ami the
remlerliiK of excellent iiiiihIc, both
vocal anil liiHtriiinental. TIi(hoiikh
of .MIhh Nina OHtrauder, MIhh Maude
ilhiKham ami Mr Marlon McClnla
MrM. Dora I'ieldH, of tlin CukIo
bookHtoro, Ih HpendliiK a low dayH In
Albany atteiiillui; to hoiiii IiiihIiiuhn
inatU-rii. She will return about the
Ural of next week.
If you want to 11 nil who the Cot
tairo drove Improvement Co. Ih In
tao drove Improvement 1:0. ih in- , : ., . " 1. '.' ..
qiilruofC. I. Miller or anybody el I ( ,,rl MlCI'". Marlon McClaln. Hu
bu renualeil or maenduil. or now bv
lawHaihlcd thereto, at any regular
ineeiini; 01 too ahhociiimoii, ny a vote
of a nmlorlty of the ineniberH preH-
unt; but no ameiiilmunt, runeal or
now by-lawH H ia II be voted noon iin-
Ii'hh thu (hiiiu Iihh been Hiibmlttedauil
rend lit thu precedhii; inii'tlnr.
Call to Order.
(toll Call of OIHccrH.
Itoiullii' of MlnuteH of I'revloilH
I he followlnir In brackutH Ih for
iihu at the annual inrullm;.
AddreHH and Iteport of I'reHldent.
Iteport of Srcretary.
Iteport of Treanurer.
Iteport of Advjnory Committee.
Klcctlon of Olllcuw.
('omuiuulcatloiiH and notice.
Presentation am! ltoailliitf of IIIIIh.
Iteport of CoiiimltlccH.
Sow IIiihIiivmm.
dood of thu AHHOclatlou.
To Adjourn.
Approved by Com. on CoiiHtltutlon
and lly-lawH March iffi. 1001.
In mevtiiiK'atiHembleil.
('. J. HoumiiI), Sec.
rerkliiH, Kvu Clumlierlen, .McHnru.
CharleH Itoy Held, It. It. Poppleton
iMrt Moullou, U'Htou IwIh ami the
hoMtoBM, all from IJiiene, and MIhhoh
MiiiiiIu llluKhatn, DchhIu HiirniH,
l.lllli Lurch, Nlua OHtraiuler. I.ouIho
Newlaml, KIhIu Ia-ii. l.uclu Newlmul
lli'HMle HoylcH, Ida ThomiiH, anil
Mchhth. Armonil Wynne, David
drlKKH, Horaeu llaruiH, Altn KIhk
Theodore JeunliiKH ami Thou. Med
lien iiuh Hveni aiioul a ; ley. Nonu will foruut thu mutable.
viHiiniK iiih inirvnuf mm ...... 11,1.r.,.ii.. !,, , ..
wlHh .MIhh I.iiIii many more Kim tor
In WtfHl Cot tiiKu drove or kv our card
In the Nuiwt ni'xt week.
NuxlSiiuilay them will lie iiiiihh at
the Catholic Church at ten o'clock.
Thu Murmoii will le on "Thu Dlvlulty
ol'lhu Church." A cordial Invitation
Ih extended to the putillc.
Mm Ihiiiic IlliiRliaiu went to I'ort
lanil WcilncHttiir accouipanliiK her
mm lien who Ih attcuillup; hcIiooI In
. tiinl city,
wwk heru
Thu piintor wll' occupy the pulpit
nt tho MethoillHt Church next Siiu
iluy; moruliiK Hiibjit't "The Jericho
of tliu Heart;"
ovenliiK Hiibject "ItullilliiK on thu
KlKht l''ouudatlon."
Ilev. VVImiiiH, of Salem, who repiv
hciiIh the work of the American S. S.
Union will occupy the pulpit at the
C. I', Church on next Sunday at 11
a. in. I Hu pantor will lliolil hitvicch
at 7 :.K) p. m. ii h iiHiial. All are In
vftud to attend thenc wrvleeH.
Dr. ();li'Hhy ban moved Into room
2 In thu now bank block and Ih lltllutr
It up la modern mI.vIc. HohIiIoh the
iippllanceH iihciI befort. lie Iihh pin
cured tho latent opcralliiKtiihlo with
lU'ceHHorli'H. Huh iiIho Introiliicuil a
hot air apparatiiH unod In thu treat
ment of rheumatlHiu, neuralgia and
kindred troilhlcH, hu Iihh iiIho a pri
vate coiiHiiltatlou room.
l.tttlu Willie from the mirror
Sucked tho mercury till off,
Thinking ill IiIh chilillah error,
It would cum the whonpliu; eolith,
At thu funeral WIIIIo'h mother
Smartly hiiIiI to Mrn. Ilrown,
" "i'wiw a chilly day for Willie,
When tho mercury went down.''
Moral, liny ,i & It While l'luo
Kxpeutorimt for coiikIih, coIiIh,
wlinoplnjr coiikIi, croup, lutlueur.a,
Krlp, etc. Tor nali nt Mort;mi & Hit
nam h.
Ilalu, ralu, rain mid hiuiw. That
uiakcH threu rnliiH to one niiow.
Harvey Lnjole had a bad accident
thu other day. Ho cut IiIh linger off
while chopping wood. Dr. Mcrniln
win culled and iircHHod tho wound
Ilnrvey Ih Kettlni; alon nicely.
A Sunday wchool wiih orKaulzcd on
hiHt Sunday, and we alt expect to
kivp up a kikm! hcIiooI thereafter.
Tin roailH am ho iiiudily that one
can hardly Kot about.
Mr. i oiu .McciibiiliiH iioiiKlit a
ticket to rldu on the train ami then
thuiiKht ho would nave IiIh money
iih lio let the train k off without
Mini. Ciirimr
Tliu NiiKKi-t Ilki'H to have Itonm
from tho Hiirroundlng towns, but
they Hliould much (IiIh olllco by
TlmrHilay nuiniln.
Nolloe l hereby jlvon Ihn the umlcrilKiK'il-
RuiiMiiiiirnuiriii inu ttiiKin 01 unnn 11. I iiiion
ilti-citMil. hH. ti'eu Itlett lu the Comity fiMirt
sine oi ororon lor uinu uouiuy lilt niml
hh HilininUtrHtor of iiald enlrtle nlul
itit Hmiirility tbu 711) liny of May ijm i ihe
noiir oi so ciook t. in , oi idiiiuay ima ben
llxeil by cal.l court for lietrliiR olijectlom to
Mitt HiH'ount hiiU tho keitloiuent thort-of.
AilinliiUlrittor of 1 lie citato of pnn II. Cotton
Iiiiiiiudliitely re'iiuvuH honixe. rrnnpy
coiikIi, oppiuHKeil, nulling, raipliiK mid
dillivilit lironlliniL'. llunrvC, SteiiriiH. ,
DniKKlHt, Sliiillnhiii'it, Win,, writOH, Mnv
20, l01 : "I Imvu been m-llliiB Iliil- ;
luril'H llorehoiiinl Svrup for two yctii'D, ! $&S!?V:r??:S3i$!$$?$$$3i$!S
ami mivu never iihu ii prrpiiriiiinn nun1
Iiuh irivon iH-tlor Hullnfiii-tlon. I notice I
that when I noli ii bottle thuy como hack
(or iiiiiiu
it." ario,
I cuu hoiieritly reciiiiiineud
Wic, 1.00. New Urn Drug
Sunshine has nbout dis
posed of the beautiful snow
ami the trees will soon he
leaving that is the leaves
will be coming, and some
will have
Ueforo leavuH, this HtitcifostH
that you Hliould have vour
camera anil Itw IioIoiikIiikm
((itlto ready for HeenrlilB tho
beautiful picture which will
If you hiivo'ut a cmucra or
ttavliifr oe. need beloiiKlnsH,
Call on
The Cottage Grove
Ih how In rutinliiu; order
mid prepared to do nil kinds of
laundry work with proinptueHH
mid at reiiHonahlo ratcH.
Wo hope to Bccuro your
patrouiiKu and to pleaxe you
with our work. I'lione III
Hanson & Swnnson, Props. S
Two Deer Skinners.
About iten dayn at."" State dame
Warden J. W. linker wiih adviw-il
that two men known iih Miller and
Wheeler v-re utaUKliterliiK deer for
their hldiH near Clendale. Mr. linker
promptly liiHtructed Hpeclal ilepiitlcn,
d. W. LewlHiind W. it. WllllamH, to
round up the mlHileiiieanorH. In a
few ila.VH the law liroaUerH weit un
der arn-Ht and pleaded Kiillty. They
wem llneil $..' each and cohIh. I'lead
liiK Kullty no evidence wiih Intro
duced iiKitltiHt tliuni, but It Ih under
Htood that they am HerloiiH offcuderH
mid their actloiiH will Ik.' cIohoI.v
- m m
Tho Woodmen of t lie World nt
I'lciiHimt Hill, who built a new hall
In 1000 and Incurred a debtabovc the
amount HiiliHcrllieil for the ball and
KroiiudH, have JtiHt paid off tho debt
mid will celebrate tlioevont today by
holdliiK an all-dny'H inootlnfj Includ
ing mi lntcrcHtlii program including
HpeeelieH and an oyster dinner.
The cllniax will be reached with
publicly burnhiK tho .'KJO note. The
event will In wltneNcd by the Wood
men ami their fumlllcH.
The hall wiih built In 1W0 at a coHt
of about 00t. Tho IoiIko Iihh ii
preheat mciiiberHhlp of SI, ami Ih in a
pronpcroiiH condition.
Contliiue'l irom lat iftge.
I'ortland, OrcKon; also the perma
nent location of national head
quarters for this organization.
The liftli day of the session will
betaken up by the presentation ol
scientific papers, and their rending
by title, not to consume in making
such explanations as their authors
may deem necessary a period of time
to exceed thirty minutes.
I enclose herewith another im
portant resolution passed by our
board ol directors.
Tlie seventh and last dav of the
session will be devoted to the ejec
tion oi officers, anil of a place in
which will he held the eighth an
nual session and the general clean
iug up of all unfinished business.
Very truly yours,
Irwin Mahon,
Sec. American Mining Congress ANIt KltSOI.UTION l'ASBRI)
UV THU HOARD Ol' mrkctors
mhkting 1i11i.i) in room
302, portland iiotkl,
Portland, ork., mar,
21ST, 1904.
Whereas, Questions of great im
portance coulront the American
Mining Congress, and the corre
spondence and clerical work inci
dent to carrying out the purposes
of its organization have assumed
proportions that justify and necesi
tate the acquisition and equipment
ol a permanent location to be used
as business headquarters of the
congress, therefore be it
Kesolved, 'flint a committee con
sisting of Col. Thomas Hiving, of
California; David 11. Moffat, of
Denver, Colo.; and J. K. Leonard,
Iisq., of Pittsburg, Pa.; be and the
same is hereby appointed with in
struction to consider the following
1. 1 he most suitable and avail
able locality for such nermanent
2. The amount of money neces
sary to acquire suitable site.
3. 1 he cost of constructing suit
able structures on such site.
4. The expenditure necessary to
properly equip such structures for
tile purpose intended.
5. The annual cost ol maintain
ing such headquarters. And to re
port recommendations thereon at the
next session of the congress in Au
gust, 1904.
Pail to see tlie fine line &J
ui .uiiiun, uuii iji iiniica, ft, wgi
Toilet Articles and ffl
fA ft LJ
IrujjKHt'H SuiicIricH
i, The finest line in town
& prices can not be beaten
Shirt Waists
!) did assortment of
II6M -
j.l. V. TI10KiTOIV,J
Have just received a splen- m
Silk and Linen Waists
in fact, we can respond to any
call in the Shirt Waist line.
Now is the time to buy for
Spring and Summer uses.
j All new and first-class.
a nne-T nnni) diot nDimcrr nvvwv i n34
r 1IIU1I 1IUUH Ij.101 VI I VOI vi i iud;&i
It Lord's Store.
Notice Ih liereliy clven that tlie
Democratic Primary for Hunt Cot
tage Orovo Precinct will be held nt
the Opern Houho Saturday April
at 1 p. in. for tlie purpose of electing
10 k'lcj;nu to tlie County Demo
cratic Convention to lie held April
HUh at Kum-ne. Onuon.
'All cltlieiiH not In sympntliy with
the nionopolUtlc temlencles of the
rvpulillcnu party ami who ilo not
"Point with I'rlilu" to the prcHcnt
proHKroiiM coiiilltlou of our lumber
In timl other kliulreil IniliiHtrleH arc
cordially invited to attend.
I.. T. Wooi.kv, Precinct Chalrnmn
Dr. lleruin, Piinii, Ills., writes: "I
Imvu lined Biillard'6 nuv I.iniuient; ill
wiijH rei'iiiiiiiienileil ittninv f r itiiile , 119
I nm eoiillileni there in nu better minle.
'I lien dmiilv ler buriiH.' Tliosu who
who live on fur nm are especially linble
to iiiiiny necidi'iitiil ciita, burns, bruises,
which huul ruiitdlv when i la 1 1 11 111 '
Huuw I.iiHiuent in apnlled. It should
iihvays Ihj kept ill thu house for niaonof
enierKt'iiey." ffiie, 60e $1.00 bottle. New
r.rii uruK More.
Ilaklnir Ihe Bluat nf the Cold Frame
nntl tlie Hutbeil,
Enrly vcKetnbles nru nlways nppre
elated nnil ennnot lo had too early to
suit peoplo who are expecting forced
vegetables, and thcro Is none that gives
greater satisfaction, on tho whole, than
early cauliflower. It Is also a pleasure to
tho grower to cultivate vegetables that
give results so uniformly good as may
ho obtained from any of tho many
stocks of forcing cauliflower obtainable
today. Last year wo used a selected
strain of Snowball for the purpose,
though any of tho dwarf Krfurt varie
ties are suitable. Commence operations
by tho sowing of a pan of seeds In the
greenhouse. When these are up and
transplanted, another sowing la mad
and successions made until aliout sis
sowings have been put In. The demand
of course, will have to govern the ipian
tlty grown, tint we tlud It Impossible to
have too many heaiU.
Good money Is faithless. It leaves ns
almost as soon as wo get It. Had mon
ey, however, sticks by us to tho bitter
nd, Baltimore American.
A startling incident is narrated bv
John Oliver of I'hilmle.'plilA, us follows':
"I was in un awful condition, Mvekin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, puin continually in back and
uides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three phjsiciuns hud given
no up. Then 1 was advised to use
Electric Hitters; to my great joy, the
first bottle niailu a decided improve
ment. I continued their use for time
weeks, and am now a well man. I
know thev robbed the crave of another
victim. ,o one Bliould fall to try
them. Only ISO cents, guaranteed at
.Morgan ec nrenatit s uriig store.
00000000000000000000000009 gm,,
AT the Sir
I Eagle Book Store jj
5 Can lie found the most ele- a I
8 Kant nnd up to date 5 I
o An elegant line of Eastern 5 I
Q .Made I'erfumcH, School 01
X HookH and 11 full line of the x 1 1
o lastent poiiular hooks. 6
a SI Ingles fit $2.2." per m
Common Hough lumber and
dlnieiiHton fiji 17.50
All kinds of Kiln Dried
Inliiber at proportionately
low prlceH.
At mill, prices, until April
Long k Bingham Lomber Co,
Agents for Currins,
McFarlands and
Mrs. C. A. Perkins, atld's
Lots Sold on Installment Plan
All kinds of improved and unproved city and country
property at lowest prices. We act as agents for property
owners. Collect rents and remit promptly.
Iteferenceu, First National Bank, or any ono In Cottage Grove
Vocal Lessons.
Dispel the blues; Sorrow and
anxiety will be obliterated by
having; your daughter, son or any
member of the family trained to
sing those beautittil songs. Mrs.
W. G. Woods who has an interest
ing-class vill give lessons separately
twice a week 111 voice culture. Her
methods and theory have been
demonstrated tobe practical. Terms
reasonable, three blocks west of
Catholic church.
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what you want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
"We have used Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," payxMn. J. B. Cooke,
of Ncderlands, Texas. "Wo have given
it to all of our children. We have used
other medicines for the same purpose,
but never found anything 10 equal
Chamberlain's. If you will use it as
directed It will always cure." For sale
by ew Era Drug Store.
FOR SALE. A nice orsan, used ; "PORTLAND AND RETURN ONLY."
but very little. Just as good as the
day of purchnse. It cost (110, will Hie bouthcrn Pacltlc Is now selling;
sell for either for cash on in part. 1 round trip tickets to Portland from
This is a bargain. Also a drop head ' ku??ne for $4 good Rolng Saturday
newlns machine for $15 Consider P or any train of Sunday, ro
these barfjalns and call upon or turning hutiday and Monday, giving
addrens Mrs. Eliza Jane Miller, Cot-1 "J' Sunday and Monday In Pon
tage Grove, Near old Grist Mill. land. The same arrangement applies
... Irom Portland, glvlujr all Portland
' "' people a chance to visit valley points
We can furnish mining stock at ' J Kreatly reduced rates." Parties
prices below those of any other , desiring to tnke udvantags of theso
broker In the state. Medley & Milne. 1 tes can pay local faro to Eugene.
I Welch & Woods
United States Land Office,
Rosebury, Ore., March 10th, 1904.
Noticeis hereby uiven that incompli
ance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress 0tJiine3, 1878, entitled "An
act tor the sale ol timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Terntoiy, usextended
to all the Piiblfc Land States by act of
August 4, 1S92,
of Snginair, County of Lane. State
of Oregon, has this day tiled in this
otlico his sworn statement No. (jO'-D for 1
the pniclnito of the NE ,(4 of
NE W of Section No. 22. Twn. 21
South, of Range 3 West and will offer
ttl-flltf til d1AU ttlllr till 111 tilt BJMIlfllt i u
HEALTH IS YOUTH. moro valuable for its timber or stone 1
Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age, than for agricultural purposes, and to!
B nt,iliUul, l,ta..tln. In u.,1,1 lux, I I
Herbine. taken every morning before ii,., i;. ,i iiu,,i,.a. r ,i,i ,n.... .
breakfast, will keep von in robust nt Roseburg, Oregon on Thursday the 1
healtli, lit you to ward of disease. It oth dav of June 1904 '
cures constipation, biliousness, dys- lli,i,iini..s wlti...: 1,
nenslil. fever. Hkln. liver, mid kidnev I it i t 1 . r-: i- I '
epniphuiits. It purities the blood and (iuslar, William II . Champion, of Cot-!
Slei!rf .rollexioii, "r8' ."' ,- tagoGrove, Oregon. ,
?,!v,,,,!U,,ey' 1 Vx'.'f ' VT1"'8 Al,r ,13! Aiivandallpersonsclainiingadvcrsely '
1002: "I have used Herbine, and I nil the above described lands are requested
it tho beBt iiit-i icino (or constipation , ni0 ti,cir cUlimg in t8 olllco on or,
and liver tr mbles. It does all you , )e(oro 8tmi 9,1, ,ay of Jime 19(M,
claim for it. lean highly recommend it." J. T. Bitmans Register.
fiOo n bottle. New Em Drug Stoio. '
Its time when you buy
Spring Shoes and Suits.
Wc are showing the
strongest line of Shoes in
all sizes ever shown in the
city, watch our s h o w
windows for new shapes.
Our ready to wear and
made to order Clothes are
the popular styles.
Boys two piece Suits from
" $1.25 to 6.00
Three piece long pants S
to IS years
$2.25 to 10.
Mens Dandy Suits at
$7. 8. nnd 9.
fin v j
Cottage Grove Mercantile Co.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
We will still continue sale on the entire line of
190 Street Hats at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 and
$2.00 It will pay you to inspect this line.
We have a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnish
ings and Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
We most cordially invite the Ladies of Cottage Grove and vicinity to in
spect our line of Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.