TIIKAtlVKUTIHINU MKDIUM i m m m NKAT JOIt FRINTDfQl U o Devoted to tlic Mining, I.uiabcring mid Farming Intcrcntn of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. KQL. VI COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. NO. 11 tllNING NEWS. i fiiereil Irom llolicuila MlniiiK Rjlstrld mid lite Various ,Min- Sj; Camps of OrcKim and per States. VLSI VIUS MINIMI CO. 01 Ml"1 Ili'Kry. "i"-inmiiunil lir riiivuit iniKTty III Ilu- pSfe. ' "r "own " vuiingc Mram mirivirtv, he said: "We jSWt'"l,r'l ilif work this winter, SfffiSjpilu i Iiiviiik what iii'iillcd tjm 1 .11 it iinmiH r .move lllc tu' ''' "en iclcrtcil (is n MUiSIt-- He itnteil filllltrr thilt ftgflriK tur m .iuli "I March the (unnel wui'l"vr' "held a distance fSS!fcf m.ikiK total distance tOTptl' "' '" ,,r ,"ci,,t 'iiie .'hTtigi'ui ,,r ,',J" '"" '''',e TfrllVUli-- ' l't. h the tunnel is Tm?li ' hi. ,,rrl continuous 5lh)iH , . I- I i tf"'! grade of ore , r t 11 r uirttmes tlic , , t w i I il 11 o t he 4 l"it tlic greater 1 . 1 li '.4ii. p linn !crn 1 . .,1 .,1 ilir mr being uf a ra lr v.iin-inncs showing Irec I rtliinalr, l.llil lie, tlut we lore ! p-iviug the expenses tunnrl with the ore produced led hi' " tlic ilmup. This :t u Hhh'H; ilepth mid when lir-l 11 point tmilcr the wnli"i:'. it will lc sonic like 1 ' lert l)rlow llieill (Hit drpih from the Inchest I ih- tpx the vein ol , JfiKoniimiiuj; ilii" tiiimet, Mr. ilwfcey siiui tin '"je-iive pomi CtoSZw 01 l4tri4l liimieli will le Ulyctt cuhrr wm and tup several Strong pjrullrl Ic.lgrs which have tSNftftdlscovcred at or near the Mil Irtecjfcllun making it pMSihlc t Jtopcltlif ores ol ull these veins uml trjirajtlicm direct to the mill site , LelOT?; litfSnpt. Hirkey's opinion, mid Mafias been familiar with the camp jtlJTtl'ls property lor yens, the EgMjpauy has one ol thr greatest Mftfertles 111 tlir diMrnt, anil has1 iffclit natural conditions for ceo-! JfWtUCal and profimtile working. ins tiiiuiel together with the ore iMMhrs nlrra.lv onencd , All tllai is now needed, he a mill ol inlli, irnt dimity t the or. s Mr Ilickey re-i in wile wli.. it will I re rr! (m , lr 1 in lit out bv the on a suci' liri uuie weeks mum mma 'rices Lower at s i arc unitii; iiitiiilv nut ol business, vc arc closlnir out our entire line )l uu uhuuili.se .it less than Hem. ami by buying now FINE CLOTHING I We still have ft good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick front, and U iinecs that will suit all. Come find examine them. A'wavs willing to Show tlu'tn il you buy of SIIOKS We are trvinv to close Hue much cheaper than could be bought in any of the jooti goods as could be got ol any merchant in the northwest. Cottage Grove- I NEW The very Latest Styles. Our Heavers are the our line before buying. We can please you. GARMAN, HEMENWAY COMPANY. BjcatlerN in Merchandising. li:o, us ulmiit well iikuIii. Hu tcports the Riverside tunnel Is still sliowlilg well mid the Ole Kou Colonido tunnel Is in K"'l ore. When linked uhout other properties in the rn nip he sold, owlti).; to re cent severe storms, linn nut lnul nn opportunity to lenrn much iibriut 1 them; have only kept trnek of the proertlcs which in this ubsenre of Mr. Haul I tun employed to look after. OKIMION SliCIIUirillS CO. Mr. (i. II. IleiiBen necotnpanied bv Mrs. HciiKeii, arrived Irom Portland on Tuesday. Mr. Hen , eu is here to look after the in terests of the O. vc S IC. railroad ami the Oregon Securities Coin pan) . He states the water has h?en turned on nl the power house and the electrical plant is found to be in first class condition, there are a few leaks in the pipe tine which will be renalrcd The power drills will soon be In operation. As .0011 u n few small attachments arrive fur the mill it will Ik: in readin -si to start. 1 The properties known as the Tom Johnson Kroiip consisting of three claims noil mill situ adjoining the Vesuvius oil t'.iirview mountain, have been purchased by (1. It Hriieu. who states that active work will begin upon them as soon as condition will permit. j CRYSTAL CONSOLIDATE). I I'. I). Wheeler, treasurer of the Crystal Consolidated Gold Mining Company on hst Tuesday received a lix containing samples of the ore now being taken from tunnel on the procrty of that company. The tunnel has been driven ahead alt winter and for a long dis tance the vein has lccu well filled with ore which is being piled up uu the dump ready for the mill when started up in the near future. The , samples scut show two distinct kinds ol ore, which are reiorted by the suciiutcndent as lying parallel and Irctwccu tlu- same walls. One body is couixmc! of orc f a Ins character carrying a heavy per ccutagc of galena, while the other equally as strong is thor oughly oxidicd and is a free mill I lug ore. It is seldom tlut such conditions arc found in the same ! vein. M;V0ltl SAMPLER. A new automatic ore samnliiiL' machine is being introduced by WitliHiii I.. Rain. ofSalt J.akeCitv ' savs Hlue Mt. American. Sumptcr. Orc. Mr. Raht claims for his latest work the advantage of n lieltcr av regular cost, lor we must you can get good bargains. not. OVERCOATS out its soon fts nosible therefore selling our entire EAIilN & BRISTOW HATS AND erage of the value of the ore handled than the devices now em ployed to this end. He says ills ! obtained by more thoroughly mix ing the orc, and then making the portion separated more representa tive of tills whole. He alsosas mat toe machine is more easily in spected and cleaned, ami docs away willi the elevators usual with other types. The correctness ol the sample is not jeopardized by slip ping of belts, and it docs not catch the sample while the orc isdropping. In behalf of this latter alteration the inventor says ri marked im provement is had, as by old methods a lump of ore that should go to the sample, or at least a portion of it should, strikes on the edge of the partition and is bounced into the main dump. Tlic form of the ma chine is cylindrical, n icrew con veyor passing through it axially and the gearing being so arranged that the hollow cylinder and the con veyor will rotate in opposite direc tions, thus insuring thorough mix tug of the ore as it passes through. The opening for discharge of the sample is cut in the cylinder near the discharge cud of the latter, and when the cylinder rotates so as to bring this opening down, a portion ol the passing orc drops out lor the sample pile. AMERICAN MINING- CONQKI-SS. Mk W. II. Root. liditor IIo hcinia Nugget, Cottage Grove, Ore. Dear Sir: Mr. J. Krank Watson, President of the Merchants National Hank of this city, has been elected bv the Hoard ol Directors of the American Mining Cougaess third vice president, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death ol Col. John T. Grayson. At the same meeting the Merchants National Hank was selected as the treasury ol tins organization. It was alsu decided by the board of directors that in arranging the programme of our coming session, convening in Portland, August next, and continuing thereafter, 23, 14. 2$. sf and 27, that ample time should be provided for some dis tinguished gentleman to be se lected by the managers of the Lewis and Clark Exposition to deliver an address pertinent to this subject; also that some distinguished gentle man, of national reputation, be in vited to take up the question of establishing a tederal department of mines nud mining, whose secretary shall be .1 member ot the Cabinet of tlic President of the United States. Another important subject that will receive prominent consideration will be that of the establishment ol a branch mint or assay odice in ( iHlltlil.l un tr.l MIM et our money out of UNDERWEAR GI.OVKS larger cities, and just as CAPS best Hats made. See I A BINGHAM DELEGATION. Ivast and West Cottage Grove lilcct Delegates to the County UlllVCnilOn WHO Will atippori, Isaac Blnxham for Represen tnlive umvL UNITED AT LAST On last SUnrdav nftemnrm nri un last Mtnrday arteruoon pri-, manes were UelU in hast and West Cottage Grove precincts for the Cou'ntT StSS1? Inlene1 1 Conn y Convention to coiiTenc n hugeiic on the qth of this month. 11 uas occu conceoeu ior some time that I H. HiiiKham was the choice of this portion of the county lor the nomination upon tC repub lican ticket for representative. Saturday's primaries were largely attended and the following named gentlemen were chosen delegates: Kast Cottage Grove C. H. Ilurk holder, W. II. Hlair. A. I.. Hrimrs. John Harker, Wm. I.andess, C. J. Howard. W. C. Chrisman, C. H. VanlJeiiburg, James Hemenway. West Cottage Grove W. C. Conner. W. McParland, J. G. HUege, W. T. Kayser, David Mc Parland, J. K. Young. P. II. Phil lips, George McQueen. Eugene Responds. lunne ItcHiler. iprll 4 Those high in authority in man agement of the Southern Pacific railroad will fully understand after last night's meeting at thcCommer. rial Club, that the producers and shipers of the Willamette valley arc determined on a united struggle to remedy the freight rate condi tions that have paralyzed not only the lumber industry, but also af fected other lines of business. Last evening at the club fully 200 representative business men and citizens of Kugene and Lane county met in pursuance of call to discuss from all points of view the ques tions now confronting the people. Promptly a 8 o'clock the meetiue was called to order by H. W. Thompson, president, R. S. Ilryson serving as secretary. The object of the meeting wasstated by the chair, the resolutions adopted by the Ore gon Co-operative Association No. 1 at Cottage Grove being read. On motion a committee was ap pointed on transportation, consist ing of Hon. K. A. Booth, P. E. Dunn and II. Gordon. Mayor K. M. Veatch, I. II. Bing ham and Dr. Lawbaugh were pres- cut from Cottage Grove. Mayor Veatch was the first speaker of the evening, and presented in vigorous manner the situation existing at Cottage Grove, which led up to the movement inaugurated there and which bids fair to spread to all parts of the valley and over the state. After showing how the pres ent freight rates on lumber and other shipments is a discrimination against this part of the valley, Mr. Veatch said the company had been asked to remedy the conditions, but had not done so, and it was time to do something. He declared that nothing short of legislation can accomplirh what the people demand in this respect. At this juncture Senator Booth was called for, but asked that the business men express themselves first, so that he might see how they were affected by prevailing con ditions. Then followed addresses by Hon. S H Friendly , II Gordon, Geo T Hall, Sr, G W Griffin, Hon J M Shelley, Hon A C Woodcock, l)r Lawbaugh of Cottage Grove, I? C Smith, B LBogatt, P. L. Chambers, S. Klovdahl and others. The hardware and furniture mer chants especially dwelt on the long haul from the Kast to Portland as compared with the short haul from Portland to Kugene and Cottage Grove, showing that in some in stances freight hauled 3000 miles cost, say on wagons, $1.25 per 100 from Chicago to Portland, 3000 miles, and from Portland to Ku gene, 31 cents per 100 for 123 miles. A C Woodcock declared the movement as inaugurated to be a good thing. He said we must have railroads to develop the country, the railroads must have rights, but so must the people. He said rail road can take right of way through a man's land, the law gives them that right; but it also gives the people the right to coutrol the rail roads by legislation. If, by humble petition, they refuse to do what is right we should do by legislation, what we can not do by petition. Mr. Woodcock said that not only the lumber industry suffered by the high rates, but the producers like- ...1..- -...1 .1 .1. . a..u mcu .c lalc uu wueai 10 Portland as 7 2-5 cents per bushel, wneii 11 is carried irom I'oruauu to Liverpool by water for about 18 20 cents 1 1 . c ,. Km merniMTM snail commute n Ur I.awbaug, of Cottage Grove, quorum t .my meetm ot tho Amho followed Mr. Woodcock in a very elation. convincing address, showintr the1 ':'lc'' member shrill lj entitled to fllvrtmmalltlir r.-llfrnnl Hrll,.t y; - : ns u olo ot tin; AHsnclntlrin U taken; 1 to Lottatre drove as airainst the:,..,,i ,,...1... .... ....... rate Irom Seattle to Portland. For S' as' ' sLSTe .11 .1 , , 3ca' to Portland, a distance of 185 miles. while from Portland to Cottage Grove it wai tio6 for iaa miles. Rate on a car of salt from San Pran- J cisco to Cottage Grove was 2ti'j itst.I,er '.00. but on a carload from , San Prancisco to Portland it was 15 1 cents per 100, or only about half! for the Innvpr haul Tl if, Ft P ? $,3 3 ,0Vhey could afTord to ship lumber at $3.10 a ton. Senator Hooth was next called for and said this was tlu occasion for a family talk. We don't want to look at it in the light that only the lumbermen are to be benefitted by better freight rates, but that such would benefit other lines of business. In our business and that of other llun ,ur wtvIcc as Hhall ho agreed lumbermen here represented, of ' t'le, Adrtsory rommfttee. t. such airreemaut to Ij eflectlre not to every $10 we receive for our pro- exceed the term ol the officers con duct we distribute 8.50 for labor, cerned. timber and cost of production. I am surprised that the prevailing conditions can not be remedied. Oregon is to great to be held down by any railroad company. Rail road legislation is the last resort, but if we have to use it let us use it vigorously. He said it makes no difference who cuts the lumber when only local business is to be supplied, but it does make a differ ence when we are to ship it away and bring back the other fellow's money to distribute by the millions of dollars to pay the men who have the lumber, cuts the logs and helps produce the lumber. I Mr. Booth declared that the rail- rnnrl rntrmanv .liH u,,, ,!, tl,,. . , '.! c, . 'ideem beneficial to the Association agreed to give a freight rate that nm, h,H -ucccsor to ofllce. and -hall would phce valley mills and after granting ttie rate, took it away, put higher rates in its place and crippled the lumber business of this section of Oregon. He said the company could restore the $3.10 rate to California points because . . ' . ..11 ouiy aooui i5 per ecu 01 suiHmems ml(1 ,lIcn ,, cougUlered a per went at that rate, while 85 per cent 1 mnnent record of the Association, brought the company a better rate. He shall collect all dues and other The hisinrvnf ir.nisnnrinrinn U that 'moneys due the Association, and . , ' !. co-u increases uiMeau 01 increasing. f i a b.iok set apart for that pur 1 11 closing Senator Booth said we poe. All moneys coming luto Ills should not do anything radical, but hands shall Ik turned over to the studv the question carefully and not tre'isuwr promptly, and a receipt ..... ,,-... taken therefor. He shall attend to iwuiuuuiu mat ujca.11 iiuiumj,. At this juncture it was moved that the entire matter be referred to 1 th- rnniitiitt nn tr.insiwtntinn i ... .u . .-.. 1 lugciuer wiiu uic jcmiiuuuus , adopted by the Oregon Co-operative Association, w no were empowered to draw up resolutions to be con sidered at a meeting to be sailed by the president of the club. The meeting was enthusiastic in indorsament of the speeches made, 1 .1 showing that the people are in earnest oil this question. BV LAWS OF OREQON CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION NO I. Cottage drove. Ore.. Mar. 21. HKM. To tiik Mkmiikkm ok tiik Ohkiion t'o-oi'KUATivi: Association, No. I: Cottage drove. Ore.. .Mar. 21, 1U0I. ! (.iKNTl.KMK.s: Ah your Committee! on Constitution and By-laws, we il Ilv-hiWH, wel-Vn 1 1 '1U""S'S'""''; 1 .i,,.i . tin. I shall perforin such duties as "uiTrut tohlm ly thB se mi .1p.iV "im- ..'xnld duties, at all times, ti beg to state that. I affairs of similar argiitiUuttuiiH have refrntucu from uruftli a Constitution, as experience has demount rated tiuit ior an orgaulza-! , . , ; "a- urn a Y 1,1, ...-........ ....... n lsn detriment rather limn an advan tngc, and In many lustancer. serving as a medium through which many uniKvesHury complications arise. With this explanation ot our work, we tender you tho result ot our la bors. Very respectfully, Com. on Constitutions anii By laws Per 0. .1 . Howard, Sec'y. 1IV-I.AWH OK TIIK OltKOON CO-OPKIU- TIVK ASSOCIATION NO. I, COTTAUU UBOVK, OIIKOON. 1'UKAMIlLi:. The Oregon Co-operative Associ ation, No. I, organized for the pur poiof promoting and fostering tho commercial, iiiuuutaeturing aud other material Interests of theClty of l ottagu drove and the State of Ore gon, adopts tho following by-laws: UOVISUNMK.NT. Section I. The control, govern ment and work of this Association Is vested In tho whole body of Us mem bership, and ouch member In good standing shall have an equal voice therein, with all other iueiuber,i. MKMIIKItgllll'. Section II. Any cltlieu can become a member ot this Association by fil ing an application of membership, with tho secretary and by sinning the membership roll, or by authoriz ing In writing, tho secretary to sub scribe his niiiuu thereto. MBKTINOH. Section III. The annual meetings of this Association shall he held at tho hour of 7:!0 o'clock p. 111., on the tlrst Tuesday of December of each year, and tho regular monthly meet lugs shall bo held at the hour of 7:31) p. rn., on tho first TueHdiirot enali month. HiK'clal rni-etlrisrH rnny he 1 cn,e(, Uj t,10 present ft Myume ! urid sluill b culled by him whenever hiiiiii lie requested, in writing, ho to1""" - H'K'icd riy not leu than ten rncmoers or tli" AHHocmtlou. Olie ImllOt Or VOt lit HIICll tltllOS proxlen Im; reeoRnlwd or roted, (it ",X speak twlee upon nny Htil)ect under .lUcim-loii. the time limit of each Mpcech to be llv iiiinuteN. Only by uriiinluioiiH eonxentiof nil memberH "Pwon, Hl",n ,",'t,mi! ,H! okkicbiw. Kectlf)I1 ,v The offlcerM ,)f th Association Hlinll be i president, Ove vice preslileritM, secretary, assistant "ecrctary (when deemed necesHarv. 1 ol'ttuWy "com" ,nttec. the recommendation to come from the .eeretnry). and treaHiirer all of which plflcerH, except thenanlat- ani secretary, to do elected nc rue regular annual meeting: of the Asso ciation, and each of said officers hIiuII hold omce for a period of one year irom tue date or election, and until his successor to olllce shall bo elected and qualified. The seeretary and assistant secre tary snail receive such recompenga- DITIUH OK OKFICEIM. Section V. The president shall prealdc at all meetings of the Associ ation, aa well as at all meetings of the Advisory Committee, of which he shall tea member, ex-ofllclo; and shall appoint all special committees not appointed In the motion or reso lution creating the committee. He shall at the annual meeting, at the cIomj of hla term, report the general work of thr Association, and bual ncH and other interestx of Cottage Urore and the State of Oregon, that has come under the recognition of the Aftxoclatlon during the year, and shall make such suggestions, aa to to him shall seem pertinent, touch ing upon the welfare of this com munity and the atato at laree. He ahall make such explanations and tender BUCll suggestions DM lie slinll perform such other duties as art- usually Imposed upon presidents of similar associations. In the absence of the president the vice-president shall perform hla duties In order of their number. The secretary shall keep tlu minutes of all the meetings of the Association In book asnlgneu to that purpose. Hhall Keep an accurate account there' Mle correspondence of the Association . Hhall act as secretary of the Advl- ory Committee nud na secretary of such other committees as the Advi- sory Committee shall see tit to nn- ,,olIt ,,. ,,e Mdvse u coh. mlttees of all matters consigned to mem ior action or investigation. iie huuii iuhi in convenient ami pun lie places a notice of all special meet ings. He ahull at thoclohe of .each mouth make an accurate and de tailed statement ot all moneys ro- ielvV'(1 mid expended, and thuumount .ill mtml mill minli nth.. nw.ntlili? aim annual reports as may como within the province of the office of secretary; and shall tile said reports that they may oe open Ior the 111 apectlon of any officer or member of the Association. He shall jerforni all other duties as pertain to the oft lice 01 secretary ot like associations. At the expiration of his term of olllce he 'hall tender to the Assocl atlon all property aud material, ot whatsoever kind, belonging to the Association. I lie assistant Mvretary mum uo secretary, to iiave bearing uuuu the Interests ot the Ai-joelutlon. The treasurer shall receive all turned oyer tohlm by the sec rotary , and shall receipt for the same; keeping an accurate account of said funds lu a book suitable for such purposes. He shall pay out the money ot the Association upon tho written order 01 the preldent, prop erly drawn aud countorsigned by the secretary. No order, check or draft duill be drawn upon tho treasurer, aud he shall honor 110 draft except upon onler of the Association. At the expiration of his term of otfleo ho shall turu over all moneys, books and other proparty and material lu hla possession, for which Ids office has made him responsible, to the Association. COM.MITTKKS. Section VI. There shall be an Ad visory Committee consisting of nine members ot which tho president and the live vice-presidents shall bo mem bers, ex-olflclo, three other members to bo appointed by tho president at the annual meeting. There shall bo appointed by tho Advisory Committee, standing com mittees ottlvo members each, to con tinue forthe current year and until their successors shall havo beeu ap pointed, as follows; Committee on Legislation. Committee on Hlverand Hallroad Transportation. Committee on Mines and Mining. Committee on Finance. When In the Judgment ot the Ad visory Committee Immediate action should be taken upon any question or questions brought before the Asso ciation, thla committee shall hava the same power aa tho Association, mid the minutes of the meetings of said Advisory Committee shall be the Continued an 3rd ime. CITY ELECTION Spirited Contest over the Elec. tion of Mayor Medley Wins by 31 Votes. HEAVY VOTE POLLED The election on Monday for city officers for the ensuing term was one of the liveliest contests ever held in Cottage Grove. The strife was confined principally to the candidates for mayor. Both of whom were well known, having lived in this community for many years. There was nothing ol a po political nature entering into the contest as each candidate is a pro nounced democrat. All elements in tho city were considerably divided but the church and temperance people as a rule favored the election of Medley, while 'the partisans of each side were ery much in earnest and worked faithfully. No trouble oc- cured. The result of the vote is given in the proceedings of the Council which met Monday night and canvassed the returns. Monday night the City Council met in regular session Mayor Veatch presiding, minutes of pre vious meeting read and approved. An official canvass of the vote for city officials was had and showed the following results: FOR MAYOR. S. Medley 204 votes M. Veatch 170 " R. Medley's majority 34 TREASURER. Herbert Eakin 386 RECORDER. F. D. Wheeler 199 Joseph Young 183; Wheeler's majority 16 1ST WARD D B Chamberlen 61 C Jackson 44 Chamberlen's majority... 17 2ND WARD. I H Bingham ..62 G O McGilvray 14 Bingham's majority. .. .48 3RD WARD. Fingal Hinds 149 W T Kayser 43 Hind's majority 106 For sewer bonds 283 Against 43 Majority 240 J. S. Medley took the oath of office as mayor and D B Chamber len 1st ward aud I H Bingham 2nd ward were sworn in ascouncilmen, adjourned until Tuesday night. Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor Medley. The report of Recorder Young of receipts and disbursements for the closing mu nicipal term was read and referred to Finance Committee. The bond of F. D. Wheeler, recorder, was read and approved. Councilman Hinds took oath of office and F D Wheeler assumed bis duties as re corder. The mayor addressed the Coun cil in a short speech. He stated they were all expected to look after the best interests of the city. That he from time to time would very likely make suggestions to the Council, at the same time he de sired each councilman to study these matters and then act as his judgment dictated regardless of his opinions. Was desirous of having harmony among us, and hoped and believed nil would work together for the best interests of the city. Applications from lid Under wood, Robt Martin, James Ostran- der and Chritchlow for city mar shall were read. Upon a ballot being taken no one having received a majority of votes, balloting continued until the eighth, when Kd Underwood was declared the marshal for the ensu ing year. Upon motion the salary for marshal was fixed at sixty dol lars per month. Dr George Wall was elected city physician. I He appointment of night watch man according to the city charter is is a perogative of the mayor aud he desired further time to consider the matter. Al Churchill, secrotarv of thu Uo. hemle Miners' Association, cma down from the Vesuvius mine whero lie has been employed since tho holi days. Ho will spend a, week or ao visiting at Eugene and other place nearby. Upon hla return to Uohe mla ho will begin developing some ot Ids own property. He peaks hlhly of tho showlug lu the Vemivlua tunnel.