H. C. MADSEN, WATCHMAKKR. I nrlln( at reasonable enarrrs. All otk.e;narete(i flrst-eless. Waloai, Clocks and Jewelrrattwesirrlcl COTfAOK UUOVK, OUE. , A. H. KING Attorney at Law, noTTA ok; a row, oiik. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -al-Law Offlce on Main street, Wetl Side COTTAGH GkOVR, ORIS J. C JOHNSON JoffloranS...ore. j COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. I UT. Harris. A. C. Woodcock. WOODCOCK. & HARRIS, d ttorneis-at-Late 8peclal attention iln to the law ot Mines. EUUKNK, OKK. AUCTIONEER. Twcntv yearn cxiwrlcnco. Kino Htock wiIch u specialty. WrIM fr dntcs W. T. KAYSEIt, j . ' CottnBO Grove. Oregon. Residence Tbone So. SW uliifc riicne IM. J. E. HOSMER, P1IY8ICUK end SUIIGEOS r r . - u... TkAaff CjnaMalfV ' . .. . . Offlce houra from to llam-iromto&pm. I Rnnrt.r (mm Mto2nm. i Office In Madien Bntldlnr. Main street, COTTAGE. 0 HOVE, OREGON. BARKER & PERMAN PROPRIETORS OF THE EXCHANGE" in n.L . WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAKo. Msln street. Coiuce drove. Ore. j The First National Bank OF .uimuu jyj . TiSA . i rnnltnl toc nnn nr . . j... Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available any Jlace n theUnitcd States HirbiitEikih, President. T. C. WlllllIE, Cubler. HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Come nt once mid have your holi day photOB taken In time to send to friends for Christmas. Do not wait till the laht moment. W. F. SlIANAFEI.T. Gallery on West Side, opposite Mnsonlc Hall. BE WISE At $1. n year No Investor can afford to lie without tho Journal for Investors Any one of lis feetures Is alone worth the price of subscription. II will sure you buudreds of dollars every year. Its cbaractor has never been Impugned. JOURNAL FOR INVESTORS CO. Room O, Chamber of Commerce, Boston. Addres letters to P. O. Box 2517. INVALUABLE FOK RHEUMATISM I have been eullering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. .March .'itli, iuul', donn u. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 26c, 50c and $1.00. New Era Drug Store. It I I if? -T "i i1 1 l' '-33-: $fend5forttabe$t fhaf i$meide in Jffootweai: AT ALL LEADING DEALERS. C.Gotz:ian&(9 MANUFACTURERS, 5T.PAUL. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery Ford ovouiaid viita A Perfect For All Throat and n,irr. t I.uncr Troubles. MonsybatkiritfaJIs. Trlsl bottlsi fr. I A....... Tnt Daisies ESTABLISHING A RANCH. rnrnUhlnK Witter l One nf tir l Ulmrnlt Problrme. In contemplating jrolnR Into the ranch ing business anywhere In the west ll.nrn nrn tlimn KSRClltlnl POUlt Oil which succors or fnlluro largely de pends, nnd thew n tnnkltiK wire first i of tlio Rrnss, second water anil tlilnl j Mine shelter. It Is meant by tills that , the land should Imve on It a Rood oo.1t-1 Iiik "f grass, that the water should bH In abundance ami well distributed and ; that for n breeding country especially there should he (.belter such ns a bro- , Ken country affords and which a plains , country does not. As to the extent ot , the ranch one might wish to acquire. It depends entirely upon available cap-, Ital. l'urchaso of the ranch is prefer , able to leasing, for It Insure continul- ( ty, the pleasure and profit in further Imnmrcincnt and absolute security. Front ten to twenty acres arc necessary . No? as ,o. there Is . denelc. ' ' The fur , nlslilng of water for stock nns uccii our ; of the most difficult questions n ninch- man lias had to face. In the outset he i trusted to natural resources, nnd. these falling, he took to placing dams across i depressions on the surface of the ground to catch the natural drainage. , These, again, being unsausiaciory on account of the water becoming foul ; I nnd from losses in bogging, he took to ; l digging and boring wells, pumping the , ! wnter into cisterns ns reservoirs. These I . 1 . It. l.w. I were largely superscueii vj mc costly and far more efficacious dirt tank, from which the water Is piped Into drinking troughs, thus lnsuriug " - f f ,, one wl,h living' water upon it, supplied by never fail-1 I tng springs, rorming a consiam nun : through the pasture, but such are few i and far between. Did any one ever 1 I calculate the amount of travel Imposed I upon n sow during tier existence oi. My. ten years. In having to travel but '"' . ,, wn n two mi es n day for water? wen. h means 7,000 miles or twice around the continent; for 100 cows. 00.000 miles. and for 1,000 cows It oggregates 7,000. ' 000 miles. Just Imagine It! Even on four sections of land with I a well In the middle nn anlmnl would ; have to travel two miles daily, and allowing even fifteen acres to each ani mal the well would only water i.u , .... of wntt,r ,g Yet It hns to be done, and watering places should not exceed n distance of four miles apart even on the larger ranches. Stockmen do not want to de velop legs nnd toughened muscles in their animals. A cow In cnlf or with calf nt foot should not be required to travel far. Ilesides, a multiplicity of travel rar. liesjucs, a inuiuimtuj i trniirinp nlnros obviates the necessity of n long wait when cattle come in to- .Jver Field and Farm. " Sbe Oneurd rtlBbt, "Did the spiritualistic medium tell j-ou anything that was true" asked 1 the willing believer eagerly. "Oh. yes." replied the hard headed In dividual. "And that was" "That I spent my money foolishly, which was right You see. I had paid to hear her tell mo that." Cincinnati Times-Star. 1 WIRE ROPE -x rrrn nnnn FOR limb v mui uuiti iimu JTZt S S ZZ Single and Double g A. LESCHEN &. SONS ROPE CO. 920-922 North 1st St Louis, Mo. ZZ Branch Offices and Warehouses: ST 13" Lake St. Oi' Centre St. S.I Fremont St. ZZ S CHICAGO, ILL. NEW Yf)HK, N. Y. SAN FIIANCISCO, CAL. 3 iiiiUjinaiiiiuiiiiuiuiiiiuiuiuhiiwhiaiiiiuiiuniuiiiiiiK r. t tt-t t X :i- -- ' The Mining: and Engineering Review I'UBLISllP.D VEi:KLY, I 45- An old conservative .Journal, mutter In ItH rendlii(r coIuuuih. Alwnj-B protects InveHtorn In inlnliiK cotnpunlcH without ro Bnrd to wealth, Inlluenco or nationality. Ah a reward of con klHtcut lionetit.v of reports It Iiiih attained A LARGER CIRCULATION THAH ANY OTHER MINING JOURNAL IN AMERICA. Uo you wish to liecome one of the renders of tho Kkvikw? AVe believe our rendcrH are the moHt Impartial critical. There fore we will oeiul you The Mining; and Engineerlne Review on trial forfourwecks. If you do not wlnh to receive it uny lonuernotlfy the San Frunclsco olllce by mall. If you wluli to continue It tho Htibbcriptlon price In $3.00 a year, postage paid, or THE BOHEMIA NUGOET AND REVIEW FOR J3.5o A YEAR. Address TheMining and Engineering Review 42 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. OR BOHEMIA NUOQUT, COTTAQE OROVE, ORE. 7. 77 7 r 1 ir K- v ! rV - -k ARIZONA HONEY. An Acre ot Altnlfn 1'rodnree Blair loumU of Honey. There arc nearly 20.000 swarms of; bees kept In Arliona. which produced during Hie last census year close to 1,000.000 pounds of honey and HUXWi IKiunds of wax, vhIikhI at $07.0i0. The souixvs of honey arc the desert Horn , nnd cuttlvatr.1 crops, chlelly alfalfa. The inesqull' and screw bean bloom , from April to July, the catclnw In May i and June, the ncacln In July and al falfa from April to Sept-mbec. The Arlsmin experlini'Ut station In some tests Hnds that nn aero of alfnlfn will produce sixty punmls of honey. ( This Hgun- nirrespoiidft roughly with beekeeper' estimates of the yield of can of honi). sixty lUiuls, in a ton of hay. The quality of Arlsnna honey varies with Its source ns well ns with Its trvntiiM nt and prep trillion for ninr ket. Tim average moisture content Is ltlS" per cent, which Is nUmt -J per cent lower than the average ot eastern honeys. This Is due to the fact Hint the exceedingly dry air In this regUm evap orates the moisture nnd Insures Its keeping. It also Increases th weight per gallcti. eastern honey usually aver aging about tlfty pounds to a five gal lon can, Arizona honey sixty to sixty two po;uds. The selling qualities of Arliona honeys, such ns consistence, color, fla vor and nromn. vary considerably with sourc and treatment. Wild tlower honeys, espccinlly from mosquito and ncaelau, are gclicrnUy regarded ns the bi-st, 'jelng very white and of tlnest flavor nnd nrotua. These honeys solid ify very quickly wbeu extracted from .!., fv.iih Tli nlf.llftl llOIieV of tills region is usually darker than wild honey or alfalfa honey made In north ern I'Kiilltles. Its tlnvor and nromn are very geod. and It solidities lens quietly and completely arter extraction than wild honey. Consumers, for conventional reasons, usually prefer their honey in simp form, and in order to liquefy the solid extracted article the five gallon cans In which It is stored are, as a rule, placed In Iwlllng water, requiring several hours to liquefy. This process darkens nnd alters the flavor of the honey, ma terially injuring Its quallty.-Oninge Judd Farmer. lie Hud Danahter. "You have n daughter, have you not, sir?" said a minister t'o nn old gentle man wMh whom he had formed a casu al acquaintance as n fellow passenger. The old gentleman essayed to answer. but the question had strangely affected him. , "I beg your pardon," said the minis ter, "If I have thoughtlessly awakened In your mind recollections of a painful nature. The world Is full of sorrow, sir, nnd perhaps my question recalls to your memory a fair, beautiful girl whose blossoming young life had with ered in Its bloom. Am I right, sir?" , "So, not exactly," replied the old gen- ! tlcinnn sadly. "I have rive unmarried darters, mister, an' the youngest of the lot Is twenty-eight years old." A Timely TVord. Commenting upon the length of time ' that some agricultural reports of the New York state department are de layed In the printing, tie Hural Nerr Yorker says: "These reports contain valuable information and should bo printed nnd Issued at once. Fanners have respect for gray hnlrs, but do not want them on their agricultural re ports." . OP PVPDV gy&N Rope Systems i if. -jr. :: :.; -ff SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Never printed a IJne of paid l ': i'r K- eva OPERATION FOR ANEURISM. Until Wlr foiled In Aortn to Carry Ttlretrlo Current. . The life of Frank Mclllmtton of 8107 North Unncroft street. I'hlladcb phla, has boon saved by nn Kxccedlitg I ly rare surgical operation, only nine other cases being recorded. The man wns suffering from nn nlteu Itstn or dilation if the great artery Which cxteiidwl throe Inches above the lme of tho brenslliono and wns three Slid a half Inches wide. As n resiflt of , this enlargement he had become unable to swallow, had great difficulty In i.r,.,iihiiii? nml siihcroil excruciating pains In the head. To save his life It was necessary to reduce the aneurlin. and to do that the hospital physicians had recourse to what Is known ns "t'orrldl's ope ration." Mellhntton was able to talk to his wife live minutes after the task of the surgiiiii was completed nnd Is roMirtoil as doing well. The operation was performed bj I'rofossor H. V. Holmes, surgeon In chief nt the Sninnrltnn hospital, as slstcd by Dr. Dietrich. Dr. Snlvely nnd Dr. Fluck. Many men prominent In tho profession were spectator. Cocaine wns applied to the affected portion of the nortn. the disease lying In the transverse section, or nrch. of that artery. A hollow porcelain covered needle was Introduced Into the nneiirlsui. nnd n section of gold wire tlfteen fei't long was pnsseil thMugh the hollow of the Instrument nnd permitted to coll In the diseased region. The wire wns then connected with a galvanic battery, and the circuit was completed by the plac ing of a negative plate upon the pa tlenfs back, and n current of live mil lliiniioros wns tnrnod on Tills wns In creased nt regular Interval until It had attained a strength of eighty mllll ainiH-res and one hour's time had bis-n consumed. Mellhntton experienced liiiiuedlnte relief, nnd the operation from a siir glcnl standpoint was pronounced flaw les. The application of the electrical current caused coagulation of the eon tents of the nneurlsin. which thereby shrank, relieving the pressure upon the lungs nnd larynx. ; FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHER. A Mnchlnr Which MoVr I'aealhlr Itnnlil Flrr PrlnlliiK. For the amateur photographer ami . the smnll gallery priming from the I negatives by the aid of the uu's rays I on a bright day may answer well enough, but for the large gallery and the commercial photographer, whu ' must turn out sometimes hundred of prints In n comparatively short spniv of time, some ihore complete mid lnde pendent printing menus must be pro vldeil. In the accompanying drawing we show a machine which has recent ly been designed for this class of work and which, with the aid of the rapid l'lIUTOOIurillO riltNTINO maciiink printing papers now In common use. should enable n single operator tn turn out hundreds of prints In u working day. As will be seen, a smnll motor l catetl In the bottom of the machine provides the power which runs the re- I volvlng drum, the motor liolng geared down until tl e druc revolves nt u com pnmthcly slow bped The faces of I the drum are formed to receive the I negatives. nd In the Interior a strong I light Is pi H iil. surrounded by nn ad i Justabje r nitter. which can be timed to give tl required amount of light to the plate fui the necessary length of time The sensitized paper Is placed on the I drum as It revolves, being held In place ' during a portion of the revolution by tho driving band of ribbon. After the exposure lias been made the pnp r drops Into n drawer beneath tho drum, the operation being kept up coutlnti ously ns long us necessary. I ndlaon'a Coimnerotnl I'liunnicrnpli. I After years of experiment ThomnB A. ! Edison has perfected his commercial I phonograph and made it practicable for taking court testimony and other dicta tion. Tho record cylinder Is nine Inches I long nnd will take several "letters." It j can he shaved 175 times, making It ns cheap ns letter paper. There Is a mech anism controlled hy tbo foot or tho op erntor which stopo and starts the ma chine at the end of a phrase, sentence or paragraph. It Is said with a pair of machines, one for recording, the other for reproducing, one tjpcwrilcr will he ahie to do tho work of eight under the old system. ! 11 Here hut one grain ration Is fed I to the laying hens It should ho wheat, j as wheat moro nearly than any other , cereal Is a balanced ration. It will 1 always pay to sell corn and buy wheat for the hens. Saw Mill Three miles cast of Cottage Grove on the old Jackson Kile place A.11 Kinds of Kouijh Lumber, at k reasonable prices. W If you nro In need of any y thing; In our line call at mill or & mid reHH uu at Cottage drove. j, WETVILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. Xt TV.TTril.1 TJ OREGON SHOIr LINE ahd UNION PAC6P1C Three Twins To Tlic Hast Dally. Through l'lilliiinn sliiiidiml ami lour st sleeping ears dally to Omaha, Chi cago. Spokane, lolirlsl Sleeping rnrs diiTlv to Kansss City ; through Pullman tourist sloop ng ears (personally con ducted) weekly loClilengo, KiniciisCHv : reclining ohnireaiN (seals Irco) to uie l.'.L.I ,l,lllf. HOURS I'Ok'II.AMUO CIIICAIIO No elianxe of ran. Dri'AHT run TlMK ScilKlll'l.kH from Portland Auittvst riiim Ohlciigo I'ortlnnd Salt Uike, Denver, Ft. Wortli.Oiualift, i.-H...... r'l... Mt riiWp.ni, Special vlaliunt:! .-;.". Chicago and iiiii.ii. 1 AHHiitie'1 Salt Lake, henver, Kxiiressl '. Worth, Omaha. t):00n.in 8 :1R 11.111. Kunsns Citv. St. vialliiut- IaiuIs, Chicago nnd Ington. 1 Knt. St. I'nitl Walla Wiilla, Lew rastMnil! Utoti . SiKikiuic.S-0On.ln. 7:4riii.in. Wnllncc, l'lilliiinn, via Minneapolis , t. Snokuiie. Pnnl. Duliitli. Mil- nmikce, l. lilcugo i Kits I. OCEAN AND HIYEIt SCIBILK Kor San Krnieisci Kvery the iUvs atS:lXlp. in. Kor Astoria, ay points nnd North llciteh Duilv (except Sun day) at 8 :00 p. 111. ; Saturday at 10 .00 p. lit. Dailv service (wnter permitting) tin Willamette and nii hill Itivers. Kor fuller Information ask or wrilo vour nearest ticket agent, or AL.CRAIG, tienersl l'assenger Agent. TlieOicgou Unllroad Xavngntion t'o. rortlslid. Oregon. ASK THK AGKK1 rOH TICKETS VIA GRBAT NOHTIIKRN ICaiilway -T0- .SioAiJiic. St. I'nul, Ituluth, Minitcuixili", Chtcauo, AND AI.I, rOINTS KAST. 2 TRAINS DAILY 0 I'AST TIMH. Li NEW UQUIl'MUNT THR0U0I10UT. Day Coaches, Palace nnd Tourist Sleepers, Dining nnd llufTct, Smoking Library Cars. Djylight Trip through th) Cascade and Rocky Mountains. (nil iinrtlriilurs. Hutcs. Kolders etc. call on or address U. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S.O. YKHKKS., 0. W. I'. A. 611 First Avanua. Saattla Wash. 0. fl-SJ II R Time Tabla No. 1 To Take Effect on Oct. lOlii, 1903. Dallr Kictj.t Buuila;. Kast Hound a7m7 7:3 T.W 7:i 7:M H.0I : S.17 K:as SHU 'Hi, West Hon nil A M ri :o 11 oi II oi 10 57 10 !,i io-ai II) !! 10 M II) 3.1 io a) 10 (10 STATIONS. . .Cotlaiied rove .... Walclen . .Currln. Cerro (iorilo .. . Maker .. . IHirena . . ... ,lle.l Km-k .. .. Kleiiart . . Star .... ... Ilockv rolnt.... Ar. WIlilwiKxl t.v Kobjcct to change without notice. Alloutuaril IrelKht riirwanlccl only; ai Hie Joint risk ol hlpier ainl cotishrnce. Knight will not he rei-elvol at Hie O. A H K. K. It. DeKt alter 6:00 p m. Tn lnaure joruardlnK on next train IrelKht must iw ilcllvcreil In amiile lime to permit of I. a being hilled. JOHN II. PUARSON5, Oenrral Manager To ICIllilllllltn Nlalrkli-aa, The new hunt of M. Tmc of the l-'reneli navy designed to insi through tin- waves without roll or pitch Is de Kcrllied ns it combination of suliuinrlno nml high platform. Tho siilimarlno la MX) feet long, 75 feet wide and 12 feet deep ami la to contain boilers, engines nml steering gear, which will he sub merged to ii depth of twelve feet. From tho submarine will rise vertically two floaters, sixty-live feet apart, each 200 feet long and 10 feet wide. NOTICK TOR I'lJHI.ICATION. Lund Olllce ut KoHchiirK, Orejron. Iiiiiiutry 5,1001 Notice Ik hereby trlven tbntthefol-lowliiK-nuiiicil Hcttler Iiiih Hied notice ol IiIh Intention to niiiku final proof In Hiipport of IiIh clnlin, iiiul that Willi proof will In.' liuiilo before ,1. ,1, Wulton, C. S. CoiiiiiiIknIoiut ut Kil pieuo, Oregon, on March in, 1001, vU: Duvld KIIhoii on IiIh II. V, No. 1 1277 for the UK A NK . W 'A NH & NK 'A HKKSecOTMH, It 4 K. IIoimincHtlio followliiir wltneHHca to provo IiIh contlnuoiiH reslilcuco upon and cultivation of nald land, viz! J anion V. Ilollaud, of Lowell, Lano Co., OreKoii.Wllllam .1. Hill, of Hiuel Deli, Lane Co., Ore., .lohn T. Martin, Alfred Walker, of Kiigene, Lano Co., Oro. ' J. T. IhuiKiKR, lteglatcr. W. S. Chrisman& Ely Banfs Unluinin t Class Turnouts, CHUISMAX iS: MANf.S Milage Wirov rivwr bhimix Having purchased the warehouse formerly owned by Messrs Ivlleilge & Higgins, we wish to announce that we will continue to carry a large stock of all kinds of Feed there, which will be sold at lowest prices. lly courteous treatment, square dealing we hope to receive n lnrj;c share of your pattonnKc. HAY AND I-'lUiD l.lil.IVKRlil) PROMPTLY. Blarttmtr At IIiiunoii. prop.w. R li Aitot'TTH, Manager. !ri!riiFi!fnffi!fwriifi!riiriifi!ri!fi!ri!rmfitfi!Fiff!tvi!Mifi I Spring Q beve-Qo arc wc With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. IIih'h, ItukcH anil CultlvatorH. 3 ZZ OlIver'H Steel and Chilled I'Iowm. Z2 l'lsh llniM. W'ngoiiM. f a full anil complete Line ol Hardware, Sloven and Tlmvam. A SZ Mining Supplies our Specialty. z Piper& Vandenburg iUiUiiiiitiiiiiiiUjaiiiatiuiiiiUiiuiiiiiiitaiiiiiUiiiiluuiUIs The Bohemia Nugget Published NI-WS I)HI"T. Pooled 10 the Interests ol Ilolicmla and Collage flrovc Industries. m SSK3 $1.50 A YI'.AR THE BOHEMIA NUGGET PUBLISHING COMPAMY, C0TTAM: (1R0VK, OKHOON. jb Taa Kaadx-to-fienia Caraal ready for any emergency. Farmer era EatlnC "Foro. "Thanls for 'Force.' I eat it times a day. Folks call me 'Bunnjr Took some to the country with me Tim ana ite inrmeu out more 1 eating 'Force' bow. W 7 I'roprlotorM of ..'.The Miners Supply. House... Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices. General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Hmmnnition BOHEMIA, OREQON. I'lli'l llll lulls i'r 1 lion Stables AIM! nil II It HI IIIK mid Wack Utiltf 8lnj:c. Doublo or Single. COTTAr.lv CUOVH, ORIS MA A tdS 9 Uvery l:riday JOB DEPT. I.cller Heads, Hill Heads, l:n elopes, Warranty Quitclaim deeds. Prospectus' and Cards. All Kinds of Job Work Jim Dumpi found Mri. Dumpi distressed About an unexpected guest. "There'i nothing In the house to eat I" "Thcre'a something better far than m.al 'I xfM Tho eueat endorsed JIm'a tIcw with vim When helped to "Force" br "SunoyJIm." 49 B' 11 III three Jim.' on a ar