Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Punning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 8
KtmhiK TeUirnni,
A rumor was current today that
a matter of 550,000 price Increase
lias prevented, temporarily nt leant,
the sale of the Lucky Hoy mine,
owned by L. Zimmerman and J. J.
Sharkey, of tills city. George W.
Lloyd, of the Crystal Consolidated,
had negotiated, it was said, for the
mine nt $100,010, but when he
came to close- the deal, Mr. .Ini
mnrman hail added another 550,000
to the price
Professor Webber mid Mr. Lloyd
went to tilt Lucky Hoy in January
mid innile complete inspection of
the property. A letter front I'ro
fessor Webber whs said to give de
tails of the filling through of the
deal, although negotiations are not
believed t be olf. Mr. Shatkcy
said today:
"I do not know anything about
It, and it is all Greek to me. There
Is 110 until in the repot t, as the
property is not on the m.iikct."
There aie a umber of mining
men in the city who know tlut Mr.
Lloyd and 1'iofessor Webber both
visited the mine and .secured con
sent to handle the same, and for
that purpose went Hist.
I'rofessor Wcblier's letter conies
from Washington. I). C , where he
now is.
Mi. Zimmerman said:
"Tbe 1 e is not a particle of truth
III the rumor regat'diug the sale. I
have tepcatedly said the Lucky
Hoy was not for sale, and have
never olfcrcd it to any one. Mr
Lloyd held 011 option on 100,000
shares of the treasury stock, which
he bud the right to dispose of.
Some days ago Mr. Lloyd wired
me that Alusworth, of New York,
would pay $400,000 net for the
property, and 1 answered I would
not consider that at any time. He
again wited, asking what price I
would put 011 it, and I answered
tlut the property was not for sale,
but for him to confine himself to
the contract. Since that time I
have not heard from him.
''It would be very singular pro
cedure lor me to sell a properly lor
the amount stated when the water
power alone Is worth more than
that, to say nothing of the mine.
We have spent over $200,000 in im
provements, and have $160,000 in
the treasury. Our mill will pro
duce at least $30,000 monthly m
soon as started, which will be very
"I have never put n price on the
mine, and I would be foolish to sell
with such 1111 income in sight, as
we have the ore blocked out, mid
the past production is sufficient
guarantee of the future. I know
Mr. Lloyd is very anxious to handle
the property, but we will not sell it.
'rices Lowe
As wc arc going entirely out ol business, we arc closing out our entire line
of merchandise at less than regular cost, for we must get our money out of
them, and by buying now you can get good bargains.
We still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and
at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A' ways willing to
show them if you buy or not.
We arc trvinv to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire
line much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, and just as
good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest.
Cottage Grove
The very Latest Styles. Our Beavers arc the best Hats made. See
our line before buying. We can please you.
Lenders in IIcrcluMiIisii.
(lathered Prom llohcinia Aiining
District and the Various Alin
iiiK Ciutips of Oregon and
Other Slnlcs.
1 Superintendent C. C. Mathews of
the Oregon Securities Company, nc
coinpauicd by Mrs. Mathews ami
their little daughter, arrived in the
city Tuesday morning from the
liust, via San Francisco.
Mr. Mathews reports a growing
interest throughout the Hast in
miuiug.affair.s, and that people arc
learning that Oregon is a mining
slite, as well as of other resources.
He thinks that during the summer
a large number of jicoplc will visit
this Western coast and see for them
selves the opportunities oflered.
, He also informed the Nugget that
1 the affairs ot the Oregon Securities
Company are in splendid shape.
lie reports having had the!
pleasure ol meeting with I'. J. Hard
I mid Geo. W. Lloyd in Ilostou and
says both arc working for the in
terests of tluir respective companies
as well as the whole district. j
Since his arrival, he has been
very busy conferring with his
assistants and arranging for more
active operations to be inaugnrnted
as fast as the weather anil other
conditions will permit.
The unparalleled prosperity of
the mining industry at the present
time has cntiHed widespread public
attention. Fortunes are to be ob
tained by following mining and by
investing in mining stocks, and the
business men of today arc realizing
this tact and profiting by it as in
no other period ol our history.
There is an clement of hazard in
every business, but not as great a
risk in mining as has been im
agined in the past. Mining has
been reduced to a business. Im
proved machinery, scientific knowl
edge and business management
places mining 011 as safe a plane of
operation as that of any business
requiring nil of these elements.
Millionaires and multi-millionaires
are made in the marvelous business
of mining. Where a company ex
ercises great care in the selection of
its pioperties, expends sufficient
money intelligently and well, every
stockeolder of that company will
be benefitted by rapid advancement
of his stock and by rich returns
from the mines. --National Hanker.
r at Our Big Sale j
The exhibit which California in
tends to place on view at St Louis
this coming summer will; among
other interesting things, show the
third oldest mill erected 111 the
state. It was found in Shasta
county and was put up in the year
1H5.V Another interesting im
provement in the mining of quick
silver will be shown In the old
methods formerly in use in the
New Alniatlcn mines, near the city
of San Jose, in this stnte. The old
; method is still used in the quick
silver mines ol Mexico, in certain
parts of that country. The ore was
curried out of the mines on . the
! backs of peons working in the
! mines, in n leather bag called a
I "scroll." A log, notched for the
j purpose, was used as a ladder.
1 Other exhibits to be shown indoors
will b: nil old-time miner's cabin
and an old-fashioned "long-torn"
hihI rocker used in the days of '49
to save the gold. Side by side
Willi these relics will he all the
latest njipliiuces for these methods.
Mining World.
Word was received from the Oregon-Colorado
property in Bohemia
this week to the effect that the big
tunnel had been driven ahead
steadily all winter. That the ore
body had been practically contin
uous and at the present lias in
creased to more than .the width of
the tunnel. Th: ore in this prop
erty carries principally gold and
Colorado Springs, Colorado,
capitalists will erect a 100 ton
smelter at a cost ol $50,000, near
the Waldo mine i:t Southern Ore
gon. It will be a standard blast
furnace and water jacketed. It is
claimed the Waldo has 20,000 tons
now blocked out and awaiting the
A majority of the City Council
met in special session Monday
night and received a petition signed
I by 64 freeholders of the city, re
1 questing that body to present to
; the vote of thcpeople. the question
of the issuance of bonds, for the
purpose of having proper sewerage
in the city. The petition was read
and received mid on motiou it was
ordered, That the question of bonds
to the amount of $15,000 or such
' part thereof as should be found
necessary should be submitted to
vote at the next city election.
1 If. J. Hard, now in Hoston, will
j return to this state about the first
I of April.
Women's Relief Corps
On Saturday last,
ladies of this vicinity
city hall for the purpose of organ
izing a Women's Relief Corps.
Mrs, Rosa M. Schenck, dept. presi
dent whose headquarters arc at
Toledo, Oregon, had informed the
ladies she would be present and'
organize the corps and install the
officers. Appomatox Test held its
meeting in the early afternoon and
made way for the work of the
ladies. At three o'clock when the
train from the north was due the
lailics ami comrades together with
the C. M. of A. Hand proceeded to
the depot to
welcome the dept.
mermen 1, uui ivtic lun.nutuoijr
d'snppointed when she did not ap-
pear. It was learned from the
conductor however that through a
mistake she had left the train at
Creswell, having misunderstood
the brakeman's call, believing that
she would yet appear, an adjourn-
incut was taken until seven o clock,
Mrs. Schenck meanwhile hired a j
team and arrived in lime to com-1
plete her work. Preparations had 1
been made by the comrades to have
a campfirc but that was postponed
and the work of organizing was
completed. A goodly supply 011
provisions had been provided and a
supper and general good time was -
had. Mrs bclienck remained over
until Monday to instruct as well as
to visit the members of the corps. '
The G. A. R. and the Relief
Corps are under lasting obligations,
to the baud boys whoso thought-.
rullv nssisted them UOOIl this OCCa- ,
sion, and their action will never be i
forgotten. '
Following is a list of the officers
elected and installed: Mrs. Wra. '
Dickey, president; Mrs. Alice
Powell, sen .vice pres.; Mrs. Edith
Phillips, junior vicepres; Ida Cald
well, treas.; Rose Williams, Con
ductress; Annie McReynolds,
guard; Sadie Steuart, secy.
The University of Oregon has
written the foUctviiig letter to the
Oregon Miners Association:
"March 8, J904. Oregon
Miners' Association, Portland, Or.;
Dear Sirs The university is on the
poiut of sending to press a univer
sity bulletin 011 the mineral re-
"u'l7' -b"". , l ?
Uie past summer and fall by Prof.
O I. Stafford of the University;
department of chemistry and nun-
mg. iiicpiuiiuiiuc, i
bulletin is toi
give the location and present stage I
of development of the different'
mineral deposits of the state. It 1
will eive a brief history of the
different phases of mining in Ore
gon, naming properties and furnish -
ing a few illustrations. Ihebulle-
tin will contain about 90 pages o
closely printed matter, and should
prove a vaiuanie coturiDUiion 10
valuable contribution to
the development ot the mining in
dustry in the state.
"We are somewhat in doubt
to the number of copies which we
copies wmcu we
su.iui.3ui:. " v-"
university bulletin we should print
about soo copies, as this would
.uUt j". -"!""' "
reach the limit of the funds at pres-
ent available for printing. If. how
ever, it were desirable to make the
cumin, (,-- "i w.
1200 copies, that might be done if
the additional copies, aoout 500,
could be placed among the mining
men of the state practically at cost
of printing.
"It has occurred to us that the
State Mining Association or indi
vidual mine owners iu Oregon
might be interested in the matter
and would care to secure in some
way the issuance of a larger edition.
We shall value any suggestion that
you can make in the matter.
"Very truly yours,
"P. L. Cami'MU.i.."
Cottage Grove
Republic, Mo.. Mar. 5, 1004.
twenty-two Boiihmia Nuggkt: I have ar
met at the 1 rived in Republic. Southwest. Mis-
1 souri, and find this part of the
, great state flourishing and very
j near as much mining excitement as
in the gold districts of the great
I left Cotlaire Grove on the morn-
jK of Feb. I ith and proceeded to 1
Sacramento where I made a short 1
stop of about five hours and visited
the state buildings and loitered
away a lew happy moments in the I
beautiful flower gardens surround-
ing the buildings. I did not ha
sufficient time in Sacramento
to get more than slightly acquainted
wiui it corisei uenuy wouiu not
venture an opinion any more than
it is the best place on earth to ,
shoot ducks. A great deal of land
surrounding the city is completely 1
submerged in water at this season
of the year and also a thick growth
of water grass, and of all the ducks
that ever swam in water I think1
there are more in the neighberhood
0f Sacramento than at anyotber
place on the globe. I saw au even
nine hundred and ninety-seven
Hon by actual estimate while rid-'
ing 1 1 miles on the train.
leaving Sacramento at 12 noon
We sped down through the fertile
valleys of Central California over
the Tehatcbepa Range and arrived
in Los Angeles at about 6 o'clock
Saturday morning where I took a
12 hours lay-over to seethe famed
city of Southern California and
must confess that I was not so fa-1
vnralilv imnresseri with its nnnear-
ance as I expected to be. The city
looks older then some of the At-
lantic seaboard cities I have visited
that were founded 250 years ago.
although it seems prosperous and j derson.
very busy and is wide awake to Quartette, Wallace, Veatch,
the necessity and advantage of ad-'Morss. Wallace, "Pale in the Am
vertising. Los Angeles has one ber West."
great problem before it that must
also confront many other of the
towns' of Southern California and
Arizona the problem of caring for
the many consumptives who go to
that country in the last staces of
the disease and whose habits and .
care for the welfare of others is to '
say tbe least, in many instances '
very disgusting. There is a strong
desire on the part of the people for
legislation compelling the railroads 1
to furnish separate .coaches audi
sleeping cars for those afflicted with
the dread disease. Large, strong,
, , h tnen thillk no mbore of j.
, . who board
lhe Ial,,lleM! wouId
1 r ,.,...: ,. a Russ:a mmhoat.
I did not k ;t to see much of the
- o I o
1 orange and lemon fields, although
enough to lorm some idea ot what
1 they look like, but since I arrived
1 here I am very much surprised to
, fi, . , . ' ..!
,.,.. in the fruit stores as t
, anywhere it, California at the
same kind of stores two for five
. ... . . ...lmber ofi
r1nii iti T n Aiifr-lps ivhn were
formerly residents of Southwest
.Missouri and thev are well satisfied
, , , .... tni k of retu,ninr
to this country. I left Los Angeles
Satluday and arrived in El Paso,
Texas, Sunday evening at 5, 6 ami
..,-,. ,,,. t simvpH until
Monday evening at the same time.
As I am very busy walkinc
arollnj 011 tne streets "cussing-
ad discussing the weather, I will
have to close this and finish up at
some more convenient time.
Barton C. Y. Brown.
The Nonpareil has been urging
the people of Drain and vicinity to
geta "tnove on" and make some
effort to secure a part of tbe big
immigration that is headed this
way. It is the live towns that will,
reap the reward and not the drones.
Let the outside world know we are
on tbe map and tbe town will grow
iu spite of the knockers.
Opposite Imperial Hotel
With a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnish
ings and Hats, Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Millinery.
Having purchased Miss Bartels stock of Hat's with a full line of Millinery
from New York and Chicago with a good line, .of Ladies Suits. Experienced
maker, trimmer and fitter will have charge of these departments.
We most cordially invite the Ladies of Cottage Grove and vicinity to in
spect our line oi Millinery and Tailor Made Suits before buying elsewhere.
An Interesting WCCK With a Num-
ber of the Urtranizations ol
ilt'.c rUv
Wednesday night Inventus Lodge
, No. 48 K. of P. celebrated the 40th
1 anniversary of the beginning of that
The event was held in. their new
hall in the bank building. Besides
the members and their families a
number of friends were present as
invited guests.
Pully one hundred and sixty
were in attendance.
No larger or more representative
number of the residents of the city
has congregated for a long time.
, The committee having matters iu
mil-Icharee worked faithfully to have
the arrangements complete and the
efforts in that direction of Thomas
Jenkins are worthy of special men-
At the proper hour chancellor'
commatider, Dr. IS. T. Anderson,
called to order and after making a
short but pleasing address of wel -
come to the Knights and friends,
reviewing briefly the history of the
order, the following programme was
j programme
Overture, Orchestra,
I Address of Welcome, E. T. An-
Pecitation, Miss Kelly".
Solo, Mr. Isbara, "The Skipper."
' Recitation, C. J. Howard.
Solo, Miss Ostrander.
1 Solo. Mr. Powers, "The Treas
ures of the Sea.
Duette, Mrs. Woods and Miss
Richmond, "The Laurel and the
Recitation, Thomas Medley,
Slo, Miss Bessie Boyles, "The
New Kingdom."
Instrumental Selection, Veatcb,
i Berry and Cruzon, "El Capnan
Piano Solo, Mrs. Welch.
Recitation, Harry Brehaut.
Solo, T. W. Jenkins, "Out in
hr Deeo
Overture. Orchestra.
Each number of the above was
well rendered and warmly received
by the audience, no one escaped
The K. ol P. orchestra consistintr
an encore.
0f thirteen nieces, althouch orean-
, ized but three months rendered ex-
' ceptionally fine music.
Followintr the nroerarame a
! snlpmlid lunch was served bv the
I Knights. At its conclusion card
tables were placed about the hall
ami manv were entertained with!
, various games, the dining room
I was cleared and those who wished
, enjoyed themselves in dancing.
ThrsnlenHid niano used was loaned
; by the Lauder Music House, which
was hichly appreciated by the
Knights. During uie evening me
little Misses Frankie Howard, Be -
1 netta Wall and nuntce VanlJenburg
were supplied with green ribbons
which they placed upon the coats
J of tbe Rentlemen. so they might be
ready for St Patrick's day.
M. W. OF A.
Ijist Friday night tho local camp
ot the Modern Woodmen of America
held one of the most eojoynbl en-
tertaluments so far held since It or-
ganliatlon In this city. Tho an- (
noimcemeut that Interstate lecturer;
Merchant He Co.
I Judge Davis of 111., runt deputy fttnto
lecturer J. W. Simmon ol Portland,
- would be prewmt, canned all to mnko
: a special effort to attend, and tho
hall wih tilled to ltft full capacity.
1 Tho C. M. A. llund with Its full
complement of Instruments, prt
'wnted themselves In uniform anil
, rendered two of their choice selcc-
tlonn, asan opening to the evening'
, exerciser
! Tho M. V. of A
Orchestra supplied
the music
during the rent of tho
! evening.
I Judge Davis who
posted on fraternal
Is thoroughly
affairs anil a
' ""c'"
, SaTlS'SS'wth'i
11 speaker,
story of the
Htandlni? bothn regards number ami
,i n,.i..i .,,im f
1 wi,ci, WIW now vcn to mnny of tho
membcrH '
( Mr. Simmons also spoke for some
tmPi' entering more Into detail ot
1 matters of a local nature.
niatripr Donntr roini.r nUn iiirr-
ested the audUnce for n short time.
Attim rnnnintiimi ( ttm porcine
1 HiP,,.nt rounut wm nerved which
prov(ie,i by the camp, their
j wvu nnj itoyal Neighbors, wIvch
,, frin.ia m, oumr. it,.pH...r
tt one 0j t10 moHt pleasant and
1 H...CL.aBflli m-,tinH of the winter.
, -
1 , ,
i-ast naiurany uie oouuion 01
tho World of Drain entertained a
1 large number of vIMtlng neighbors
from Yoncolla Oakland and Cottage-
1 TI.U meeting had been arranged
lor some time prurlous and WOOU
men had anticipated a good tlmo
upon the occasion and in thin theru
wag no disappointment.
Dram Camp had made full prepa
rations for Its guexrx and all ware
royally received and provided lor.
I Voncollu was present with a goodly
I number. Some thirty ntlghboi-H
from Cottage Grovo were In evl
; denee.
I Probably Oakland wiw the licst
I represented, at least It brought tbe
' beiit team, and that camp can
! he Juntly proud ot the excellent work
done by their team upon thin occa
sion. Capt. Z. X. Ageo with Ida
team of twelve showed by their
work that they have devoted a
great amount of time to the drill.
The work done by them In an exhi
bition drill an well as their regular
Moor work would keep any team In
the state busy to excel.
The presenctt of state organizer
Geo. K. Roberts, who wan Invited to
preside over tho gathering, added
greatly to the good work done and
the evenings enjoyment. Deputy
Woodcock also va present and
rendered valuable assistance.
It wag a source ot dlxippolntment
that the Cottage Grove team was
' not prepared to do Its work. Capt.
Rosenberg had devoted much time
to be prepared for this occasion, but
' uumuer ui u.
team were unable to be present nt
trtll recently and others wore pre-
, vented by other duties from being
I In attendance.
A large number of new neighbors
were auopieu uuu ait crc tiau iu
have been at Drain.
George Cox, George G. Graham
and Henry Johnson, who went up
1 the Grizzly and Ridge groups of
1 claims in Bohemia last week, re-
! lutned 0u Monday. They report
I the snowfall as very heavy but that
tbe warm winds and some rain is
causing It to settle and it will not
1 be long before traveling about will
be easier. The report that a large
number of trees had tallen across
the roads up there is untrue as
there were none in the way as they
came down. Thev further state
i.i.,, aii wl10m thev met in their
trip are pleased with tbe showings
made in the development of their
respective properties during the