Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 11, 1904, Image 1

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JL t?
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering iiiul Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 7
(lntliered IVom Itohcmia Mining
District and the Various Alin-
illK CnilipS of ()rcj;oil mill
Other Status.
The old Steamboat property
.! ,,i 11 ill i Irt'.ti.l lit, lllril Ilrl,r
Inter owned by various parties, was
recently disposed of by .linker nnd
i.. ii. . ... a .,.i..,.,. r.,,
little sum. Tins is undoubtedly a
good property ami was wauled by
Mr. AiiilcrHon for the purpose of
consolidation with the old Cnlla
pooia group also now owned by
Mr. Anderson; which combined
will make one of the finest groups
in that section of the district. Tbesc
properties have heietofore been
held by parties who have been tin-
nble to do much development work.
The new owner Intends to cause !
considerable work to be done this
year, in opening up the big ledges
showing on the surface and il is be
lieved by those familiar with the
piopctty that his efforts will be
well icwanled.
The history ol ore treatment, as
interesting as it is valuable to those
engaged in the winning of metals
from their natural repositories, is
replete with the trials and troubles
of inventors, marked ly the failures
and successes that attend the evo
lution of an art or science, the re
sults possible of attainment giving
really but a faint impression of the
attention, study and work of men
technically educated anil those who
have lacked .scientific training, yet
to whoic natural talent, ingenuity
and great energy, nevertheless, is
due in a wide measure to the pres
ent development of the several
stuudard methods employed in the
metallurgical field
From the davs of Ilartoleme dc
Medina, to whom mav be directly
traced the sticccssiui Handling 01
Mexican ores 011 a commercial
basis, to the present time we have
splendid examples of the solution
ol intricacies, representing proloiiud
thought anil application in the
presence of difficulties incident to
wiirlute times of t'rcjt hardshio
mid even bigoted opposition, which
nave led 111 successive steps to tne
upbuilding of an industry which
has partaken of the character of a
science, furnishing a safe, guiding
As we arc going entirely out ol business, we tire closing out our entire line
of inereltandise at less tltiin regulnr cost, for we must get our money out of
them, and by buying now you can get good bargains.
We still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and
at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A' ways willing to
show them if you buy or not.
We arc tryitty to close out tts soon as posible therefore selling our entire
line much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, and just .-is
good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest.
Cottage Grove
The very Latest
our line before buying. We can please you.
Lenders in nierchuBMlisiii.
hnud for future practice that
should be Keen, meriting nt all
times, from many points of view,
the nppteciation of this g uerntion
of those engnged In supplying the
world's needs in all the mctiils.
With th6 recorded knowledge of
later years nuil the evidence of re
sults ol centuries preceding, lo-
ge'.her with the wisdom obtainable
ironi experience nun onservniioii in
' and of metallurgical operations now
being conducted along Hues that
' uie yielding ijood results ends are
I possible that will be as gratifying
i as astonishing il only proper en;
cniirngemcui oe nccorucn tuai
termeut ol
iiieu whose mdotnltable
ice is diiected lor the bet-,
termeut ol conditions attaching to ,
t,,c ductlou o mcta s
w.-Oie ami Metah.
lioui their
From two sources of information
this week we learu of the work
going on at the Riverside group on
Iloischcaven creek in llohemia dis
trict. Alex I.uudbcrg, foreman of
the property writes: "Have been
driving the tunnel right along and 1
lor the last two hundred and fifty
feet have had good looking ore,
nie in over three hundred feet now
and still in a large body of it.
There is lots of snow, built does
nut prevent good work, as we were
well prepared in the fall with good
house, tunnel house ami black
smith shop, also tools and pnnh
tons. A. W. -linker who
properly near by, came to the city
lust Friday he states that on his 1
i.. . i . ,i i '
1,1(1 lie n,WJfH., ,1. 1,11. IWItllVI
and there "saw a vein of ore in the
breast, fully seven feel in width,
which carries a heavy percentage
of eoprxT and galena and that it is
ns good a showing as I have seen in
the district."
Kiniim Tti.if.m. have had their attention directed to
"Oregon ns a mining state is at- the many men who have made
Uncling more attention than any j money in the business and they be
other section of the West," said A. gin to appreciate the fact that
II. Cousin, manager of the Gallce mi cs are not fotiiuj, but made,
Consolidated mines, upon his re- mul tlfat it takes money to make
turn from the Kast. Mr. Cousin mines.
lins htfMt nlisent for six weeks, dtir-
inu which lime he visited Phila-1
cielptna, Wilmington, New vorK, ,
nosion, tit 1,0111s, Kansas Guyana
points in Iowa. He said:
"Kasteru men are recognizing
the fact that mining is the safest
proposition that they can invest in,
and from the commercial reports
thev find ns mi nver.ii'e that fewer
men ns regards the percentage of
tuusc interestrd tuaice laiiures 01 11
than in all the other commercial en-
ter prises combined. When it is
considered that the average of men
Lower at Our
Styles. Our Beavers are the
We present the pictures ol Hon. J. T. Hridgcs, Register, and
IT. S. Land Ofl'ice at Rriseburg, Oregon. These gentlemen have filled
years, and were recently re-appointed
diately. Their continuance in office
. , .... r u .
" "
os iicr tcni niuKC iiiuucy. wiiiic
","ly '""T
,o to 40
ngp CCIltOl
who become
in other business make a
1 financial success, the difference can
I be readily seen, and one can easily
'judge which is the safer proposi
. lion.
I "This season will see a large
number of good investors coming
to Oregon. Men who have been
, shy about investment in mines
"tniifi i .-ia mul a cnl-incr n
rlinnrp to invest in tpnitiin.ite min.
inir enterprises, but the
mlncr's days are over. He
j had his run and must now turn bis
attention to some other Ifne of
I business. The fakes can- only
work a small town once and then
their days are numbered.
'Another thing I wish to im-
press upon the people is the lact 1
that it is not the Western inuii who
, fakes the Kasteru investor, but one
of his own townsman The mode
1 of procedure generally is cntried
H 1
Big Sale ;
ll.i 1.. o.
by President Roosevelt, the senate
meets with the approval of the residents of this district.
out as follows: A resident of some
Kasteru town comes to the West
.. nnd liv some means Secures a Olece
. .
. ,
of m'"'nB ,a,U' anJ toxms . cor"
puraiiun. 1 iicii uc gucs i-.usi am,
to his own people and associutes
sells this stock, that has no in
trinsic value, ana does up 111s
friends. The mines of the West
get the blame, while the man who
floats the proposition gets the
, money.
1 "Then comes the frost; but this
'is being quickly eliminated as
1 means of communication are quick
and mining is being closely watched
by those who have its interests at
heart and are anxious to aid in its
' legitimacy."
1 Mr. Cousin states that the Lewis
'and Clark Fair is receiving much
and thousands of
fake PeoPlc laKC uuvauiaKC ui ic
jlaslevent losee the Pacific ocean and
t -1 1 . . - 1 ...... . r . 1.
Lee S. Ovitt, ol Milwiukee, well
known as a mining operator of this
district, is financing a large power
enterprise, having associated with
him in this work his mining part
ners, Joseph L. Michaels and Dr.
S. M. Moulton. A new invention
is being applied in the work. It is
known as the Belt current water
power motor, which is a device for
harnessing power in an ordinary
stream of running water. The in
ventor is Jared 15. Belt, of Minne
apolis. The water moter may be erected
on a fixed frame projecting into a
stream, or held in position by
scows. The power device consists
of metal wings attached to chains
running on sprockets. The course
of the chains nnd wings is in a
horizontal elipsis, and the wings are
so arranged that 011 one lap of the
cours; the current causes them to
open at an angle of 45 degrees,
thereby offering a broad resistance
surface to the current, while on the
return lap they fold, offering no
resistance whatever to the current
The effect of this is to produce ,
power in proportion to the site of i
the wings and the strength of the'
current. There is a very simple
mechanism in the motor, cost of j
construction is very low, and there I
may be a motor every few yards on
any stroiiR stream. The purpose I
of the American Power Company is
to generate electrical energy, or
pump wnter for irrigation, This
field offers such vast opportunity
for work that it sesms illimitable,
nnd ns flowing streams are myriad,
installations may number millions.
Blue Mt. American.
A Corvallis mining company
completed its organization Febru
ary 29. The company is known ns
the Twin Rocks Gold Mining Com
pany, situated in Douglas county,
Bohemia District, uregon. tne
directors of the company are as
follows: Lewis Hartley, Warren
B, Hartley, Wallace Hartley, all of
Oregon, S. K. Mays anil ueorge is
Snitler of Mt Zion, Illinois, secre
lary and treasurer. rue nome
ofiice is Corvallis, with branch
offices wt Mt. Zion, Illinois, and
Chamber of Commerce building
Portland, Oregon. The company
will go to developing as soon as the
weather will permit, this com
pany consists of nine claims with
good free gold prospects and there
is no reason why tt snouiu not soon
prove to be a dividend paer with
proper management. There are
five distinct veins running through
the property, This is one of the
best situated groups in the whole
Bohemia district. Gazette.
PPSPPPPPH'nva BjtuBlfei IbTbTbTb
Hun J H. Booth, Receiver, of the
their respective positions for some
ontirmiug me appointments mime-
Ed Jenks, one of the owners in
,i,e Arrasta and Baltimore erouos
nt Ttntiomi enm .Intvn frnm thr,
.... . " . -
iiui.. 11.111 1 ... mm
,ast week- He states that consid-
craDie worK is in progress inrougn
out the district, and mentions the
Crystal Consolidated, the Vesuvius,
, Bohemia and North Fairview
groups as having accomplished
considerable woric so tar tuis win-
ter. That the Crystal Consolidated
five stamp mill is ready to operate,
tbat the Oregon becunttes Com-
pany s .Musick mine is oiocKea
with ore, as it cannot be placed on
the dump on account of the snow,
that its 30 stamp mill is ready to
run when spring opens. Mr. Jenks
lias oeen in auu aoour, ine uismci
for years and says this season will
see greater progress made than ever
belore iv the same lengtn 01 time.
r .u u J
one of the best I
John Peterson,
known practical miners of Bo
hemia, came down on Sunday. He
reports the deep snow is somewhat
retarding work but still progress is
being made. He recently visited
the Riverside tunnel, and tells the
Nugget man, that it is a splendid
showiug, more than three hundred
feet in, with from seven to eight
feet of galena and copper ore.
Mr. J. B Kcceii. Supt.
of the
Sunrise Mining Company's prop
erty situated on theeastern slope of
Adams Mountain. Bohemia Mining his long absence, he Ih not thor
Ilistrict. came to the citv Thursday ; oughly Unformed as to theintentlons
bringing with him some good sized
samples of ore from the property.
This in response to the suggestions
of the Nugget for ore to lorward to
the St Louis Fair. The lot he
brought was taken from a ledge
about 10 feet in width, and some
thirty feet in length. It isa fine look-
ing surface quartz and 1 Mr. l;ggen
says it will run about 5100 in gold
per ton. The tunnel from which this
ore was taken has been driven over
two hundred feet and" has passed
through the oxidized into the base
ore. Work has been in progress!
all winter on tnis group and the re-
suits tire hichly satislectory. The
principal owners are the Eggen
Bros, and Iv S Lovelace.
TIip Orptron Securities Comoanv
has issued and is distributing to its
tM..,n1,W n verv full nnd com -
plete report of its attairs and we
present condition of the company,
It contains the report of Supt.
Mathews, l'rof. T. H. Webber, and
Mr. F. McMillan. It has numer
ous well executed cuts of its build
ings, trams and surface surround
ings. There is also a report at
tached, made by w. iv Jomas on
the nresent condition and future ot
tlie O. nnd S 15 railroad. No
doubt the stockholders will be
, ... ...1.,. n-.i.o r .1,..
l"ra,culu " j
company 111 sul-ii ;. musuiviui v.uu-
dilion as is shown in this report.
Supt Mathews is looked for
daily. Word has preceded him t
his foreman concerning the new
work to be done on the Oregon Se
curities property. Manager G. B.
Hengen is also expected within a
very short time.
Thursday night the City Council
will meet and set the Unto for the
voting by the people of Cottngo
llrovo 011 bonds tor putting In a
sowcrago system in tne city, u nas
been decided to ask tor bonds to the
amount of $15,000, such part thereof
to bo 'sold as shall bo found neces
sary. That tho time has arrived for
action In this mutter Is beyond question.
City Council.
At Council meeting Monday night
1 tlioro were present Mayor II. M.
1 Veatch; Coiincllinen, 0. II. Vanden-
iM-rif. H. It. I'lper, J. 1. Currln, O.
Petition for n, crossing across H. r.
11. It. on 4th street roml nnd referred
to strectcoimnlttco.
Pet Itluti for sidewalk lgliinliig rtl
northwest corner of J. Si. Benson'M
irniM-rty nnd running westtoNouk's
property. Petition granted.
Water collections for January
Water collectloii for .Inntmry
rrlday Murch 'Si was set for nomi
nating city ticket
Judge and clerks for 1st ward:
.). W. Currln clerk, .r. W. Oowdy
. icrk, .1. Allen, Judge.
second ward! N. .Martin clerk,
l- 1 1. Wheeler clerk, W. V. IJoWnld.
.1 udge. I-'or IJrd wurdi
vv. it. .sheruiun clerk,
Herk, W. T. Kuyser.
Bills allowed:
ieo Illsby
M I (Jnrroutte
J It Thompson
Light Co for February
V. Illne.
C 49
20 00
150 00
CO 00
7 00
42 07
52 00
10 3o
0 00
ISO 60
9 31
II FMnrtln
wr iViindenliertf
h k underwood
j K youmj
J K Brtrrett
Light Co for January
Orlllln & Veatch
Last Friday morntne between
twenty-five and thirty of the good
people of Silk Creek nnd vicinity In
Taded the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.Stephen Harrln, It being his seventy-
fourtll uirthday.
We thought to cheer him up a
mtIe U8 ue wag not feellDg very well,
! Among those present were Ornnd-
pn iiaucock. who Is about elghty-
Ave years old but very smart for one
of his years He walked both ways
through the mud nnd rain.
Ornndpa Wheeler was nlao present
, ahJ Tery B,lmrt nlso, he being about
gurenty-elght years old.
As ii were rented around the
tnbes ioauv,i with the good thlngi
tlie lk Cret,. jftdies know so well
how to prepare,
,, ' '
the remark he
111. 11(111 IB ,l(ll,U
was glad and proud to see so many
neighbors in his home.
After dinner the time wns spent In
pleasant chat and the singing of
hymns ami songs.
The above Item was crowded out
last week.
Mr. I. V. Cooper, private secretary
to Manager W. B. Dennis, of the
Itlnckbutte quicksilver mines, and
who has spent the past three months
in l'ortlauil, wns nt me urunjiin
I Tneadav. Mr. Cooner says owing to
nt tlmVnmnmiv. but had understood
orders were given to tear down the
old lunuices, widen 01 course implies
the erection of better ana larger
ones. Mr. Sutherland, the foreman,
leliiir called to San Francisco to con
fer with the manager, also Indicates
active operations. When asked If
there was ore sultlclent to last many
yenrs. He replied: "Enough for a
Tlmt.g lomf eI10,,Bf, for the most ol
. jir. t'ooper took the stage
WO ton Diant nauy ior iuvi yearn.
1 Wednesday for Blackbutte.
.r)e nfti, lecture In series given 1111-
,ior the auspices of the public school
will be given by Dr. Thos. A. Uoyer
of California on March li at the
0era House. Two years ago Dr.
lloyer lectured here and all who
heard him remember him as one of
the most pleasing speakers that has
ever visited Oregon.
I The sixth lecture will be by
1 l'erklns" on March 21. "Ell
quire no iiiiroiiucuun. wui ...-...
i him on "1300 miles on Foot Through
' China a, 5:
Joy a laugh with this mirth provok
lug spenKer.
The above Is the title of a unique
nnd beautiful little dook complied ny
... 1 1 1 ....... ...1 .it... .tt.ia.iii, tirwt
,,,,,1 f,.i,,P ,iwmr of this or-
,,er. Mr. Howard has been all his life
a lover ot poems andls ai-ecltatloiilbt
' ola hlch order. The contents of this
I book of about
one hundred pags
li. linu liwn venrs In iratlisring and
selecting. It will bo repletewitli the
choicest of gems. Korselect readings
,111,1 r.Mltiitlniis It Is doubttul It any
wink 01 iis sizo can ue umim 11, v-tiufu 1
It. It will bo printed on lino uook
hound In cloth, cold
lettering on tho cover, and will bo
sold for 1. 00 per copy Tho editlon
will bo but 1000 copies. Tho protttH
will bo given to tho school library
fund. In tho purchase of the book
you will aid tno scnooi mini, oesiues
having your moneys worth at homo.
The Nuggot olllco will attend to tho
publication so It will bo a homo pro
duction. Mr. 11. B . Berry will on Monday
begin canvnsBhig tho city lor sub
scriptions. Any of our readers can
aubscrlbo through this olllco.
T.oat noar denot a
wntMi iiniier
please return to Edna Martin or Nug -
gt omce.
A Resume of the .Varied In
dustries and Resources of the
Growing City and of prosper
ous Lane County.
This city Is situated In tho south
ern part of I.ano county and Is des
tined to be the leading nnd principal
city of Central Oregon. Its sur
roundings and natural resources
make It the feasible commercial city
between Portland and the southern
part ot tho state. Within Its right
ful territory and positively tributary
to It Is one of the licst farming and
stock sections in Oregon. .Stock Is
ralsad extensively here and with pro-
duceof nil kinds finds a ready market
at this point, In local consumption.
byieason of the many milling: and
mining enterprises, In tho immcdlnUi
vicinity, employing hundreds of labor
ers. Tito little city Is completely sur
rounded tiy vast forests of fir and
cedar tlmler, with occasional valloyu
of stifllcient siie to Justify large farm
ing enterprise, and In which may be
found some of the best farms In the
west presided over by men who have
Hindi; a success ot farming and who
are contented and happy with their
well tilled farms, and delightful cli
mate, the pure mountain wnter and
grand old forests.
The city Is situated on the Coast
Torlt of the famous Willamette river.
144 miles from Portland, the motrop
ollst of Oregon, and has 7000 Inhabi
tants. It Is a steadily growing,
prosjierous, progressive town, with
a sturdy set of citizens, who are oc
cupled In the various vocations that
go to make up a hustling, thriving
The public schools of this city are
unexcelled by any town ol Its slie,
Kast, West, North or South. Over
500 students are enrolled, and a stall
ol teachers are now employed.
The Southern I'aclllc Co's Oregon
& California line passes through tho
city. A handsome new depot wns
erected last year, the yards of the
Southern I'aclllc are now being tilled
and covered with decomposed gran
ite, giving them a substantial and
pleating npponrance. Cottage Groro
is also the terminus of the Oregon &
Southeastern H'y, which Is building
a line Into the great Bohemia Mining
Lane county extends from tho Cas
cade Itango on the east to the Pacific
coast on tho west, having a length
of 120 miles, Its average breadth be
ing 50 miles, with an area of soino
CO0O square miles. The famous Wll-
lamstte heads In nnd How through
Lane county, the broad and fertile
valley ot which extends on either
side a distance of from 8 to 15
miles. In the Coast Itange on tho
west and the Cascade Itango on tho
east, are to be found Immense quan
tities of magnificent fir, cedar and
hemlock timber, broad acres ot bench
and bottom lands; long since demon
strated to bn tho most productive
farming and gnrdonlng soli In tho
West, while much of tho foothill laud
Is sufficiently open to furnish excel
lent pnsturuge. The soil being prin
cipally of volcanic origin and sand
stone Is of great fertility.
Tho foothill country Is particularly
adapted to stock raising. The bot
tom Innds furnish splendid midsum
mer grazing while the hill lauds aro
green In early spring and late fall.
Too much can not bo snld of this
particular section In the matter of
stock raising. .Vever in tho history
ot this country has the demand been
so great (ormnrketablecattle, sheep,
goats and hogs, and tho very high
est price are obtainable.
When tho selection of a home Is
considered tho first and most essen
tial think to be looked forward to la
climatic conditions, and It can bo
truthfully said Cottage Orove and
South Lane county lias few equals
and Is surpassed by no section of tho
Stnto ot Oregon for model cllmnto.
Tho averaso summer temperature la
about 70 degrees and for tho whiter
season about 45 Fahrenheit. For
many years past tho .average rainfall
has been about tlS Inches, over two
thirds of the precipitation falling
dmini; the winter months and
; enough (luting the sprlii;
and early
suiuiner to keep vegetation In excel
lent shape. Tame and wild flowers
bloom nearly every mouth of tho
year. The altitude of Cottage Grovo
Is about 700 feet. Located at tno
head of tho Willamette valley. Hiir
rounded on tho sides by tho Cascade,
Callpoola and Coast Ranges, wo lire
protected from cold winter and hot
summer winds, and being but CO
miles from the Pucltlc ocenn this sec
tion dorlves much benefit from the
pure and warm chlnook-wdnds that
pmno with the Jaunu current thai
1 Continued on Third Pace.-