H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakkr. nrJrlof at raeaonable eaarcta. All k t nirutl Brit-claw. Tratia,Cloil and Jawalrr t Iat rttCM COTTAGE QKOVK, OKE. A. II. KING Attorney t Law, COTTAGE, OJIOI'IS, OHK. J. E. YOUNG ; Attorney -at -Law Offlc on Mtln Irect, Weil Bide CoTTAGK GROVK, ORli. J. G. JOHNSON Attorntyaaml Counsclors-at-law IpeeUl mention alien lo Hlnlnr, Corporation nd Mercantile Lw. JOBo oTr Carmen A llemenwaj', itore. COTTAGE GROVK, ORE. L.T. Brtli. A. C. Woodcock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, Attorntys-at-Law Bpeelal attention tWf n to the In of Minn. EUOENE. OUK. AUCTIONEER. Twenty yenrs experience. Fine ntock sales n speclnlty. Wrlta for dntes. W. T. KAYSEK, Cottngc Grove, Oregon. Breldence rhone So. 5M Office rboneU. J. E. HOSMER, rilYSICIiS and SURGEON Eyi. Ear, Rssb ted Throat i SpscitltY. Office boor from 9 to 11 a m from 3 to 5 pn. Bonday from 13 to 2 p m. Offic In Msdien Bnlldlnf, Main afreet, COTTAGE: GROVE. OREGON. BARKER & PERMAN PROPRIETORS Or THE EXCHANGE ""as DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. Cottage drove. Ore. Tk First National Bank Cottage Grovh, Ore. Paid Capital, $25,000.00 , , 1 .. 1 ,. Exchsnges sold, available any place i n theUnlUd States I T. C. Wheklkb, Cajhler. President, HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Come at once and have your holi day photos taken In time to send to friends for Chrlstrans. Do not wait till the last moment. W. F. SlIANAFELT. Gallery on West Side, opposite Masonic Hall. BE WISE At $1. a year No Investor can afford to be without the Journal for Investors Any one of Iti featurei li alone worth the price of lubicrlptlon. ItnlllMTe lou huudrcdi of dollar! every year. Ita charactor bai never been Impugned. JOURNAL FOR INVESTORS CO. Room G, Chamber of Commerce, Boaton. Addreta letter! to P. O. Box 2617. FIRE. Don't neglect that house, but call at the express olllce and have Tom Awlirey write you up a policy In cither the A'.tnn Insurance Co. or tho Oregon Fire Relief Association of JIc.Mlnnvllle, Oregon, eot-3 Among Tut Z: ;; .Daisies $fand$forthebe$t that i$made in JTootwean AT ALL LCADING DEALERS. C.GOTZlAN&(9 MANUFACTURERS, ST.PAUL. t 55 vr -ft" vfr Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery OfVIFUPTIOir 0UU. YjJ... A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fall. Trial DotUee free. DANGER IN SODA 8IPHONS. They Mat Ksplod nnA Csme Injur? lo Thoao Whit Mnr Ue Ncnr. Do you know that the Blplion bottle ordinarily used- for vlchy, soda water and other effervescent drinks Is ttsually 1 charsed with a prcssnro of from 120 to J 100 pounds to the square Inch? The I danger likely to result from an explo-' slon of one of these little household ar ticles Is by no means Inconsiderable, ! and yet the avcrago person handles n siphon ns though It wcro the most 1 harmless thing In the world. ; There are two or three things to re member In handling siphons: Never keep your siphons near the range, for the unusual heat Is more likely than anything else to cause an explosion. Don't subject the bottlo to nny sudden change of temperature whatever, l'or Instance, If you keep your siphons In the Ice box and that Is tho best and ! Bafest place for them don't grasp the I glass part of the bottle with your warm hand, for the sudden change of temper- f aturc Is apt to cause an explosion. The best way to carry n siphon at all times Is by the inetnl top at the head of the bottle. It Is needless to say the great est care should lie taken not to drop a siphon, for an explosion Is the Inev itable result. When empty, the siphon Is, of course, quite harmless. That these bottles are considered a great source of danger Is evidenced by the fact that tho courts Inevitably hold the bottlers strictly liable for all dam r, r...j ma,,ltfn(v fini Ihn nTnlmetnn nf I nnn t,m If ivn thn altirhteHt ilofiv-t In the nianuf actum of tho bottle can be shown. Washington Times. Thta lloree Knew. A doctor was returning home from : visiting a patient late one night In company with a clergyman, when the I borso stopped short at one of the most dangerous grade crossings within the city's limits. Absorbed In lively con-1 Tcrsatlon with his clerical friend and seeing no gate down, he mechanically ! touched tbe borso with the whip and urged It by his voice to go forward. I I But tbe spirited animal for once would I ' not respond and Instead of obeying j stepped briskly aside and turned his i head as far as possible from the train ' which Just then whined by at the rate of forty miles an hour. It was a close call for the occupants ; of the carriage, who sat breathless through the moments of terrible sus- but the horse maintained Its .... . . . .. . . a.uiuae o. a nan circle until tue uan- cer bad passed. It seems tbe gate keeper was asleep at his post and had neglected his duty, but tbe delicate ears of the horse had detected the i sound of the coming train. Boston Transcript j lie "Wmm Ilia Own Grandfnther. Of all genealogical curiosities tbe oue set forth below Is probably tbe oddest ' a singular piece of reasoning to prove ' that a man may tie his own grandfather! j Here It Is: There was a widow (Anne and her daughter (Jane) and a man (George) and bis son (Henry). This SJ?8 fVh itw wn. f r m.arried th? fater-, .w"ow WB8 uierciurc uiuiult iu mn ; iu uci uua- band's father and grandmother to her own husband. By this husband she bad a son (David), to whom she was, of course, great-grandmother. Now, the son of a great-grandmother must be grandfather or granduncle to the per son to whom his mother was or Is great-grandmother, but in this Instance Anne was great-grandmother to blni (David); therefore David could not be other than his own grandfather. HF!!rmifrf!!fmi!f1!f!!M!f!!n!fS!!f!!Fmi!run!F!tr!1f!!r!!f!irK L WIDP Dr.DC tt ivi JL FOR i lies. I?! Single and Double : A. QaariesL E LESCHEN & SONS ROPE CO. 920-922 North 1st St Louis, Mo. Branch Offices and 137 Luke St. 92 Centre St. CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YOHK. N. iainJiiiiiiuiniiiJiiiiiiiiiiijaiuaaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimR :l: Xt The Mining; and Engineering Review PUBLISHED WEf-.KLY, An old conservative Journal, matter In Its rending columns, Alwnys protects investors In mining companies without re gard to wealth, influence or nationality. Ah a reward of con sistent honesty of reports It hus attained A LARGER CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTHER MINING JOURNAL IN AMERICA. P9,yu wlh to become one of the readers of the Hkvibw? o believe pur renders are the most Impartial critics. There fore we will send you The Mlnlne and Engineering Review on trial for four weeks. If you do not wish to receive It any longer notify the San ranclsco ofllce by mall. If you wish to continue It the subscription price Is $3.00 a year, postage paid, wr THEA BOHEMIA NUQOET AND REVIEW FOR $3.5o A YEAR. Address The Mining and 4-2 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. OR BOHEMIA NUQQET, COTTAQB QROVE, ORE. MASTER OF TH VESSEL. A Story nf KnrrnRvt In Commnm! When but Tnehe Yrnra if Axe. The story ot n boy of twelve yenfa tictlttK its cmnninndcr ot n ahln seems rnther wonderful, jet l-'nrrnirut was but twelve yenrs niul fotir dnys old when lie was put In coiuiiinnd of tlic Ilnrelity, n irlo ship taken liy Cnntnln I'orter. In consideration ot Ills tomler yettrs, iy the nntlior of "Twciity-alx Historic Shins," the former KiikHsIi master of the vessel was sent In her for the possible benefit the young prlae master tnlRlit tlntl In his advice, l'ar niKUt tells the story of the niieer ill vision of authority In his journal ns follows: "I considered that the day of trial had arrived, for I was n little afraid of the old fellow, as every one else was. Hut the time had come for tne at least to play the man. So I mustered up courage and Informed the captain that 1 desired the main topsail tilled away ln order that we might close up with the Essex Junior. He replied that lie ' toucll ,vltIOHt n, orders. He wouhi suooi nny man who uareu to would go his own course and had no Idea of trusting himself with 'n blasted nutshell,' and then he went below for his pistols. "I called my right hand man of the crew and told him of my situation. I also Informed him that I wanted the i maln lP,,S!ll fln, nc nnVervd with a clear 'Aye, aye, sir,' In n manner that was not to be misunderstood, and my confidence was perfectly restored. "From that niomeut I became mnster of the vessel and Immediately gave all necessary orders for making mill, no tifying the captain not to come on with his pistols unices he wished to go over board, for I really would hnve had very little trouble In having such an order obeyed." A lratlox Explained. Why does not n man weigh a pound more lisiuedlately after eating a pound weight of foodl A little reflection will readily explain this npparcnt mystery. During the process of masticntlon, de glutition, etc., certain muscles arc brought Into active play, and the exer cise of any muscle necessitates n tern- porary waste of Its tissues, and a cer- tain amount of carbon Is eliminated and passed off during the course of the meal. This loss, however, Is trifling ns compared with that due to respiration and perspiration, both of which are ,ncrea(led ailrIng tne Tnrlous operaton3 of making a meal. Tbe length of time one may take to consume a pound of food makes hut little difference to those losses, for If It Is eaten leisurely there Is but slight Increase of respiration or perspiration, whereas If It Is hurried through lioth are abnormally accelerated. Hence by tbe time the pound Is eaten tha con sumer has lost appreciably In moisture and carbonic acid. Odd Hair Strife. Some of the New Hebrides people do their hair up In a bunch on the top of the head and stain It yellow, while tbe Inhabitants of Ombal Island pass It all through a tube so as to make a kind of plnmc. The Marquesas chiefs favorite method Is to shave all the bead except two patches, ono over each temple, where be cultivates two horns of hair. No doubt this Is to render him more n thing of terror to his enemies than of admiration to his friends. His reason for shaving the rest of tho head Is ti, allow more space for tattooing, ns If nil tho available skin of the body were not enough. OF EVERY - r DESCRIPTION in 1 Rope Systems. Warehouses: '. 85 Fremont St. : Y. SAN FItANCISCO, CAL. ; :: :: :: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Never printed a line of paid -1T v-vt- V? v!- 3:- 3 5-a!-3E- Engineering Review Al I. FARM- OMAMH GARDEN j rwoo. tfocftropo, h The richer the Held Is the thicker may he the corn planted, ltarren alalks are more the result of soil starvation Umn a decrepit ancestry. Anj how vo would plan lo havo j sood family garden Ihli year even we raised one acre less corn or one le hog. (lood farming lncludon a good garden. The nverage monthly wages paid the farm hand In this country during II year 1WC where he had his twant, w 51010. In 1S7H It was $10.43. This In i eludes the colored labor of the south. A well flavored ham Is a rare produ of modem packing house methods. Tin average hani Is a failure In all save the salting. There are lots of old fashioned farmers who could give the packing houses pointers on how to cure a linni, In setting out an orchard for com I tucrvlal purposes a common mistake I to plant too ninny vnrictle. The whole- 1 i . t ... i - Ntlf Itt'llll'I 111 1UC lIll)iV llllt", II II in vnr load lots of standard varieties. Three or four kinds are enough for the com merelal orchard of twenty acres; bette less than more. A friend who read what the ot goose did In one year now comes and tells the story of how an old hen tur key bent the goose, he having sold the product of one turkey for the past year ! tor f--'M: but then this has been an exceptional year for turkeys, they bringing almost double the usual prior while the old goose did business on uoninflated basis. During the year 1RSI the United States exported 2,721 horses of the vn no of $424,347. About this time the Im portnflon of tbe best draft fires of I'll rope was begun, with the result that I l!Htt! we exporti-J 10.1.1120 head of tli value of over JI0.00O.O00. The best horses In the world are now rnlied I the United Stntes. and the foreign de mnnd for them Is constantly Increasing This Is the very latest: A farmer": wife took some nice looking rolls o butter to town and sold It to the vlllag storekeeper. After making the rolls she scooped out the center and filled tb space with water, closed up the hoi and laid the butter where It would freeze up. Such Ingenuity deserved n better subject. She lost her patron and her reputation Just for the paltry gain of a half dollar or so. The love of flowers Is common to nearly all women, and It Is a nnturn taste which men should do all In the! power to gratify, rlowcrs represent tho sentimental and refined side of our lives ns few other things do. Tbey form love's offering to the sick. wreath for the bride, n chaplet for the tomb. They decorate the home, anil I brighten up the home grounds, am work out their delightful mission wit! I but little care and effort More farmers than ever before are studying how best to change theli methods of fanning so as to dlspensr with the annoyance of hired help. Dal rylng is being abandoned, more acres will be kept In pasture, farms will be made smaller, and steers will take tin1 place of the cows. Too tnnuy men hnvi' learned the tyrnnny of hired help by having the man hired for the season Jump his Job Just as harvesting, hay Ing or corn picking time arrived. One of the marked changes In prog ress among the American people now In progress Is the leaning toward the farm, the desire to own, n piece of land and to know how to cultivate It. At a prominent agricultural college In the west twenty years ago there was in at enrollment of 000 students but Just one that was taking the straight agrlcul tural course. The rest were fitting themselves to bo doctors, lawyers, par sons, teachers and mechanics. At the same college this winter a short course in agriculture has drawn there a thou sand young men who want to learn how to grow corn, Judge stock and all about soli culture, and every one of them goes back to some farm to put Into practice that which he may learn Tho writer addressed a farm Institute a few years ago where 200 farmers were present, and on asking the picN tlon as to how many ot those present took a live, up to date agricultural pa per less than ten hands were raised. It Is different now. Only the very poor est and most shiftless arc now without this valuable aid to their farm work. While It Is true that these papers con tain much that is too high up and ab struse for tho average man, tbey all have something of value for him. Saw Mill Uiree miles east of Cottage Grove on the old Jackson Kile place All Kinds of Rough Lumber, at reasonable prices. If you nro In need of tiny thliiK In our line call at mill or address us at Cottage Urove. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT. McKibbcn Bros. McEibben Brothers I OREGON and Union Pacific Three Trains To The Easl Dally. Through I'ullman standard and tour ist sleeping ears dully to Omaha, Chi cago, rlpokiimi, tourist sleeping ears dully to Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist sleep ng cars (personally con ducted) weekly toOhlcsgo, KansasOitv: reeliiilng chair ciiim (seats free) to llio Kast daily. 70 MOUrS IH)R1 LAM) TO CI1ICAOO No rhaiiRtoteftn. 70 Prt-ART roa Special Otlnit. m.. viallmit- ington. Atlantic" Kxpress 8:16 p.m. vialluut ington. Tim Somen1'1'" from Portland Ahiuyk 5:L'5 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft, Worth. Oiiish, Kansas City, St. loiil,Cliiotgo and Fast. Salt XmVv, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha. IhOOa.ui Kansas City, St. I.ouis, Chicago and Fast; Walla Walla, lw ittun , SHkane, Wallace, Pullman, Minneapolis , St. Paul, Diilnth, Mil waukee, Chicago tt ' Kast. St. 1'ntil Fast Mail 7 :lii.ui. , via Spokane, 8-00. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE For San Francisco-F.very live dv at 8:00 p.m. For Astoria, way points and North Peach Daily (except Sun day) at 8:00 p. in, ; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily service twaier pvriuiiiiuKi u Willamette ana latMiin uivrr. For fuller Information ask or write your nearett ticket agent, or A- L. CRAIG, tleneral Passenger Agent Tho Oregon ltallroud A NavuK'ilio Co. Portland, Oregon. ASK TIIK AGKKI r0K TICKETS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Kail way TO Snokanr. SI. 1'aul. Duluth. .iinnirajioiiit, tvitvi(o, AND AU. TOINT8 KAST. TRAINS DAILY KAST TIME. 2 2 NEW EQUIPMENT TIIROUOMOUT. Day Coaches, Palace and Tourlat Sleepers, wining and iiiiuui. Smoking Library Cars, Dijlljht Trip through tha Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For full particulars, Kates. Folders etc. call on or'address II. DICKSON, C. T. A 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S. Q. VKItKES., O. W. P. A. eu FIrtt Avanos, Seattu Wub 0, & S. E R R Tlma Table No. z To Take Effect on Oct. 10th, 1903. KO. 1 Pally ' NO. Kalt Exrtpt SunrttT. Wrat hound Hound A. M. STATIONS. a7m." 7:S0 ColtauoO rove 11:30 7:M Walden ll fjs 7-M Carrln 11.01 7M Cerro Uordo 10:57 8:01 Maker I0M :H Dorena 10:50 s 17 . . .Iled Itock 10. in 8:25 Hlewart I0:M 8:28 Htar 10-38 8:40 Korky Point 10:50 9:05 , , , Ar.,Wlldwnod, f.T, . I0:(l I Hutjert to change wlttiout notice. AU outward freight fnrwanled onlr at thn Joint rlflk of ahjpter andcomlirnee. Freight will not lie reeelted at the O. AS it. iv. irepoi auer o:ikj p.m. 'io inaure rwardlnir on next train freight muit Im ileltvcrcd In amole tlino to uerinlt ot Ita beltlK Mlled. JOHN M. PCARS0N5, Central Manager Not CmlilnlnlliK tit Tliul. "Some people say you have more money than brains, snld the lilunl person. "1 hope so, nnswered Senator Sor ghum. "Most everybody I run across Is trying to trade off brains for mon ey." AVnshlngton Htnr. Tho first steamer on the Thames win She Mnrjory In 1811. The Ulthmotid followed her a year later. NOTICK FOR I'UIIUCATION. Land Olllco lit ItoaeliurK. OrcKon. Jimiiiir.v o. luut. Notlco Ih hcrctiv trlven thnt tho fol- lowliiK-nmned aettler ImH filed notice of IiIh intention to nmko II mil proof In HUPDort ol IiIh cliilin, mid tlmt Raid proof will lie mtido before .1. J. wiilton. v. ti. coiiiiulHHioner at Jiti- ueno. Orecoii. on March 15, 1004, viz: David KIIhoii on IiIh II. K No. 11277 for tho HK V, NK , V NK & NK HV.U Sec 0 T 22 H, K 4 K. lie iiainex tho following wltneflees to prove Ills continuous- reildcnce upon ami cultivation ot snld lnnd, viz: James AV. Holland, ol Lowell, Lane Co.. OreRon.Wllllnm .T. Hill, ol Haxl Dell, Lane Co,, Ore., John T. Martin, Alfred Walker, o Kugene, Lano Co., Oru. i J, T. Diiiikikh, IteeUter. W. S. Chrismaii4& Ely Bangs First Class Turnouts, Double or Single CHKISMAN & HANliS - COTTAllK C.KOVIJ, ORIi . . . nonage riour iimi MAMU'ACTUKIIKS OP I'lour, lJccd, Oniliiuii, Whole Wheat IMoiif and Germ Meal. We earry a full supply of all kinds of feed stteh as, Hran, Shorts, Rolled Hnrley, Oats, Oil Meal and Chops. Our priees are always rijjht. See us before w buying. Vt uru n Ciittnge (Irtivc IliHtlttitliiti, theu fure we ii'Mpeet fully Hiillclt your putrnuiiKc. fLOUR and f 66D The highest grade of Flour, Feed and May of all kinds. We handle, none but absolutely pure goods of all kinds, and guarantee every pound first-class. Wholesale or Retail. Do not make cither large or small purc!inc.s without first examining our goods. PhotlB Mill) 293. Call us tip uiid nc will tlelivct anything you want to any part ol the city. eilcdgc it Riggins. X -I- -!- !1f!lfiimn!F1!f!!f1!rHf!tr!!f1!M!!!!f1!f!!H!fMf1!n!f!!f1TUn!fK Spring is berc-So arc we i With Spray Pumps Iloca, ItitkcH mill CiiltlriitorH. Ollver'a MUrl und ( hllletl Plows. I'IhIi llroa. U'mkoiim. a full mid complete Line of llnrtlwitn', Stovt-N tind Tlliwnrv. Mining Supplies our Specialty. Piper& Vandenfa JUiiuuiiiiiiiiijaimUiniiiiiiaiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimjujuK 9 The IUad-UBtrt Ceraal a better builder than a vacation. ItdTM Tlrti ef It. " I tttl eenaiderablr mAv&ncAA iowanla ctffhtr Taan of ago, I hire of lata leen almoat reJuTenated br tbs ruo of yoor Terr excellent preparation, which younare rightly dealgnaUd aa 1 Voroo.' Merer tire of It, "E. CiTTlKMOLa." W 1 The Bohemia Nugget Published NEWS DEPT. Devoted lo (lie Interests of Doliemla and Cotta;e drove Industries. $1.50 A YEAR THE BOHEMIA NUGGET PUBLISHING COMPANY, COTTAGE QROVE, 0REQ0N. I'lioriiii'.'iniiH ur TIicFaslijqn Stables 2, lUiluiuiit find I.hick Unite Stnue. av A u . T. 1 and Spray Compound. : ill'!) I Jim Dumps wns a most unfriendly man Who lived his llfo on a hormlt plan. Ho'd novor atop for a frlondly smllo, But trudRod along In his moody stylo Till "Forco"ono day was oorvod to h'lm Slnoo then thoy call him " Sunny Jim." rc 6jt Every Friday JOB DEPT. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Warranty Quitclaim deeds, Prospectus' and Cards. All Kinds of Job Work 3 3