BOHEMIA NUGGET Bohemia Nuaairr publishing COMPANY. Win. D. Root, Editor and Manager. Kntartd t th aoalofflce at Collate Grove, Orafon M eonl clai mall taallar. In ail vatic. Ariv.rtMna; llntr itiAf known upon application. THIS PAl'KR. In kept on file at K. ('. DraWi Ailrtrtlilnr Atcncr, ( and 6.1 M.rchanli Ex ahanfa, Ban Prancliro, California, where con Irattafor ailrertUlnr ran bemaile tor II Friday, bunRUARY 12, 1904. wild stories i have known. IT ISA NATTER OF HEALTH Professor Campbell, president of the State University at uugene, m liis lecture recently delivered in Cottage Grove, his subject being "Age of Transition" dwelt at some length upon the future utilization of the water power so available in and about the Wil lamette valley. This was a timely and practical suggestion. These resources are here, and there is but little doubt, that within a few years, many of the streams tributary to the Wil lamette river, will be made to operate, by the aid of electrical appliances, the machinery for the mines, as well as that ot many other lines of industry, to be built up in this region. Our Eastern readers may feel there is a lack of mining news from the Bohemia mines in this and re cent issues. At this season of the year heavy snow storms prevail and communication with the mines is almost suspended. It is the inten sion of the Nugget to publish only such news as is considered reliable and prefers to be short, rather than to manufacture. When the winter has passed and those now working can be reached and others begin operations, then the Nugget will publish all the mining news, mean while will give such information as can be secured. A visit to Portland and a ride over the city will, even during these winter months, convince one that the city is in a flourishing condition and that people of great as well as small means can forsee for it a prosperous future. Large business blocks are in course of erection and many residences are rising in all parts of the city. With the Willamette and Columbia river valleys pouring their vast pro ducts into its marts of trade to gether with its shipping commerce there is every reason to justify these improvements and to cause faith in its future. The Republican Central Com mittee of Lane county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet at Eugene, Oregon, Saturday, the 20th day of February, 1904, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of arranging for the holding of the primaries and county convention and issuing a call therefor, and transacting such other business ai may properly come before the committee. E. O. Potter, C, A. Wintbrmeikr, Chairman. Secretary The Eugene Register in its Tues day's issue suggests the Hon. L. T. Harris tor Representative to Congress from this district, and gives some very good reasons why he should be selected for that hon orable position. From what we have learned of Mr. Harris since coming to this county, the sugges tion is a good one. We are all glad lo learn that the rumor that the O. & S. E. railroad company would discontinue the operation of its trains, proved to be untrue. The trams are running on schedule lime, and there is, accord ing to acting Manager Woods, no reason to expect any change. The Nugget has been asked as to what is being done towards having the ores ot the liohemia District represented at the St Louis Fair? So far as we are informed no move lias been made in that direction. If there has, will be pleased to hear of it. Roosevelt Clubs are being organ ized Jn many places throughout the West, The president has a hold on the West that's like the smile "that won't come off." Late reports from the mountain districts aro lo the effect that a very lieawfallof snow prevails. Blue River reports more than eight feet. J TI10 mountains ot the Lower lloguo j ltlver Country are blur nnd rough mid wild. Some ol the residents are I wild. Some of the stories they tell are big mid wlM. In detail the latter nro scientifically correct. Their pro" portions nro artistically imported. I lleforo a rvieettiil and Interested I audience tlie.T percolate, from the I head and face of these talented word 1 artUU of "Nature aB shei" with a cheerfulness tlut Is atlmulntlui;. The men who tell the tales are liackers. They live la the land that , U as near primeval as the borders of Oregon inclose. They traverse the high ridges nnd rough canyons with their sturdy pack trains In the sma mer, and hole-up lite a hear In the months when the snow tiles. Hero bloom the gorgeous rhodo dendron In tlio J nno days Here whli the humming birds scarcely less numerous than the bees, mm here congregate the antlered bucks on the high open peaks to catch the breezes In the gilt of the evening suiir. t. The evenlngcamp In company with n packer Is a vaudeville program. A new show liegins every ten minutes, and thotc who come late will be eiij tertnlneu until tno "smit-cye" comes. The. pipes the packers pull areas strong as locomotives, and when the weed supply runs out It makes no difference, as they act as a sort o- storage battery. They smoke them cold. "Well, sir," paid the star, "last summer there were two chaps came out here from Portland to hunt, l'n and I .picked 'ein In from the West Fork station, and all the way In they kept askin' us about cougar. They wasn't carlu' about deer nor nothln' like that. They're always talkln' aboil t kllllu' cougar, klllln, cougnr. Wc took 'em Intolhe cou' gar country. When we got. camped, the next niornln' they lit out. " 'Think we'll find 'em today?" they says to me when they struck out. ' " 'No tellln', ' says I; 'they li shore cougar In these woods', I says. " 'They hadn't gone far until they separates. One of them started up the hill and had not gone very far until he sat down to blow. Pretty soon he sees a big old cougar Jump up on a log and begin walking back and to. Well, sir, he begun to shake and was afeard to shoot. Then a little cougar Jumps up beside the old one and the two go wnlkln' back an' to, on the log, a swlngln' their tails. Then he begins to holler to his partner to come and help III 111 shoot 'em, and the cougars both run off Yes, sir, he set there for a miiiuto or two ntrembllu' and afraid to shoot, while the cougars went up on the log awalkln' back an' to." "Do you get many boars In here," some one asked. "Oh, yes, every little while," was the answer. "One day we was out huntlu' and I see a two-year-old bear off about three hundred and slity-two ya'rds and a half, bettln' up eatln" a niush room 'bout as big as a half a dollar. I showed hlin to pa and drew down and let him have It. He Just went end over end over end. I run over to him and he was all rolled up In a heap In the salal brush. I got up In about 20 feet of him and he gets up and, by ginger, he Just come at me Ike a bltln' sow. I let htm have it again and 'Wolf,' he says, nud Just went a rollln' down through the brush, makin' more noise than drag gin' a dry bull hide through the woods with a four-horse team. I run to him and put my foot on his neck and poked my gun right at the butt ot bis ear. Ho kinder moaned snd rolled hla eye up at me about as big as a bean. I let him have It again and that fixed him aplenty. Well, sir, that was Just about the btar I ever saw. He neighed about 250 pounds. We took him home and rendered him up, and my, talk about fat you bet we could sop our bread on botn sides then. Yes, sir, we got about 350 pounds of bear grease out ot that feller. Ain't that right, pa?" "Yes, that's right," pa said. "Seeln' jou bake that bread In the frylu' pan makes me think of ones when I was up North," said pa. "I wus packln' for a huntln' party and our grub had all run out but u sack of flour, a can of bakln' powder and some salt and lard. I Just says to myself, POWDER Absolutely PurO 7SEREJS.N0 SUBSTITUTE that." "You noticed that old cabin down there at the bend of the trull, dtdu you. Well, that Is the first hout ever built In hero. 1 built that over ;I0 years ago, when I llrst came. Did you notice the big tire place In It? That was the hlnmedcst tlrephice to draw I ever saw. An uncle ot mint and me Im It It. The llrst lire we ever hail In her was enough for us. It was lu Octolier, and tlie ground was covered with dead leaves and dry brush. We got her all finished and thought wo would tmlld a good big tire lu her to try how she would work. We put on a good lot of drv wood nnil It wasn't verv long until she begun to roarl We had the door oen and liegiiu to notice that she made an awful draught. Pres ently this draught begun to got stronger and the roar louder, and nil tlio trash on the Hoor begun to go toward the fireplace. Then the leaves out urouncl the front door got started nnd there wus a perfect stream of them being sucked right luto the lire. Stronger and louder the fire and roar grew, and the leaves and dry brush began to come In through the door, big sticks as large as your arm would Just come a turabllu' over each other, and we got so frightened we run outside. Uy this time the trees nround the house were all tieglnnlng to sway and lean toward the liou.e. The draught was so strong we were afraid they would all fall over on It and mash the cabin down, lint the supply ot fuel around the house was soon all burned up mid the lire gradually cooled down after a while The next morning we started lu after a store, and we never have dared to build another lire In that old chim ney place." Evening Telegram. otljjc Directory. A. F. and A. M. Cottage Grove No. 51, 1st nud 3rd Snturdny. Oliver Vcatch, W. Meets M. I. O. O. F. Cottage Grove No. 68. Meets every Saturday night. Geo. Comer, F. Secty. W. O. W. Bohemia Cnmp No, 260. Meets every Saturday night. C. H. Von Dciiburg. Clerk. M. W. of A. Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424. Meets first and second Tuesday nights. C. V. Wallace, Clerk. F. Of A. Court Hohetnia Mo. 33. every Friday night. S. 15. Lnttder, Meets Secty. Women of Woodcraft. St. Valentine Circle. Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays. Mrs. C.J. Miller, Clerk. Royal Neighbors. Emma Colburn Cnmp. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday Ethel Bisby, Clerk. G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets 2nd nud 4th Saturday. H. C. Dutton, Adjutant. K. O.T. M. Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets Thursday nights. Prof. A. L. Hriggs. Secty. PERFECT CONFIDENCE. When there used to be a feeling ol uneaBiness anu worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect confidence. This Is owing to the uniform success of Chamherluin's Cough Remedy in the treatment of that UUeate. Are. .M.I. Casfonl, of I'oolesville, Md., in speak ing of her experience in the use of that remedy fays . "I have a world of con fidence in Chamberlain's Couch Rpm. dy for I have used it with perfect sue ceas. My child Garland is subject to severe auacKS 01 croup anu it always Sives him prompt relief." For sale by ew Era Drugstore. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Notice li hereby- alven that I. J. K. Younr, admlnlitrator ol the estate o( A M. H ceased, will by rlrtue ol an order of the Countr Court d Lane Count jr, Ore., made the 4th day 2!i?n-.,9& P'."'" aaletothe hlgbet bidder lor caihthe following; real property b longlnit to laid eitate towlt: An undivided one-hall Interest In the "Drnmlomond" Min ing Clalmln the Bohemia Mining- Dlatrlet In Lane County, State of Oregon, said tale to be madeat mTofflee In cnttav. npnv nH... or after the 20th day ol February I90t. ' Administrator of the Estate o"am" While, deceased. WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD. The llrst action when you have a coltl should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomiilished bv tile Frp nan nf Chamberlain's Coug'i Remedy. This Itemedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells oi ine lungs, produces a free expector ation and opens the secretions . A com plete cure soon follows. This remedy willcitre a severe cold in less time ttiBn any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy con dition. It counteracts any tendency toward pntumonia. For sale by New Era Drugstore. NOTICE KOU I'UUI.ICATION. United States Land Otlilce, .Uoseburg, Ore . Nov. 10. 1003 Notice is hereby (liven that in compli ance with the provisions of iho act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August , 1692, CHARLES A. HARDY of Eugene, Co. of Lane, State of Ore gon as this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6850, for the pur chase of the SW M Sec No 2 Tn 20 8 of R 7 W and will offer proof to show that I tne land sought is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, andto establish his claim to said land before J.J. Walton, U.S. Commissioner at Eugene, Lane Co. Ore- fon, on Saturday the 6th day of Feb, 004. He names as witnesses: James N, Randle, George Hunter, A . W. Gilbert, of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. I, D. Michael, of Lc welly n, Lane Co , Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 0th day of Feb., 1004. J. T. Bridges Regirter. WANTED. Speelnl representative In this county nud adjoining territories, to repre sent and advertise an old established wealthy business house of nlll "I'll cook these chaps a unnncial standing. Salary $21 weekly, MILLIONAIRE'S POOR STOMACH. The worn-out stomach of the over-fed millionaire is often paraded in the pub lic prints as a horrible example of the evils attendant on the possession of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are aflliclcd with hail stomachs. The proportion is fargreater among the toilers. Dyspepr-in und in digestion are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tor tures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which Inn been a favorite household remedv for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five .cura . August rower rouses the torpiil iver. tlius creating annetiteand insur ing perfect digestion. It tones and vi talizes the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter what your sta tion. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 76c. At all druggists, Uurinnn Hemenway Co. lonf of bread that will astonish them.' Ho I went at it aud scooped out a hole in the ground and built a big hot flro. Then I cleaned off a level place nnd poured my whole sack of flour ont, and mixed In my bakln' powder .and some salt and about eight pounds of lard. Then I made a hollow place In the middle ot myblgplle of flour nnd poured a bucket of water In and commenced kueadin' her In and got her al rounded up nice. Then I pulled out the fire all but a layer of coals In tlio bottom of the hole, and heaved my dough In nnd covered her up with coals and ashes and built a hot fire on top, Pretty soon she commenced to awcll up. I'll tell you it kept me busy shoveling coals for a while, for she got as big as a barrel. Of course she scorched a little on the outsldt After she got linn so she would stand It I got a big stick and begun pryln' her around and around so she would cook even. In about an hour I rolled her out and scraped off the scorcliedpart. We busted her open and she was eooked clean through Just fine and was a white ns anow and had the nicest flavor of any bread a man ever layed his tongue to. We had nothing but bread until we got home, but we had plenty of with expenses nnld each ifnmlav liv check direct from headquarters. Ex lenses advanced and horse and buggy furnished whon necessary; position permanent. Address, The Columbia, 630 Monon Bid., Chicago, ESCAPED AN AWFUL FATE. Mr. II. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla writes, "My doctor told mo I had Con sumption and nothing could be dont forme. I was given up to die. The oner oialreo trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, in duced me to try It. Results wero start ling. I am now on the road to re covery and owe all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surelv saved mv lifn " This great cure is guaranteed for ail throat and lung diseases Morgan die Bre haut. Drueelets. Price fin nml 11 m Trial bottles free. DID YOU KNOW That every one who tries Kennedy unain lightning tor riieumntism neuralgia, diarrhoea and all other pains or Inllnminntlon will use no other liniment, for the reason It gives Instant relief, nnd a speedy euro fol lows, ask your druggist lor Ken neily's Chain Lightning. Take no other. Wrlto P. L. Kennedy, Sagi naw, Oregon, tor list testimonials, For sale by all druggist. BETTER THAN GOLD. 'I was troubled for several vears with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster. N. II. '-No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me moro good than fell the medicine I ever used. They have -also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters art) just splendid for female troubles; that they are n grand tonlo and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicino can take its place In our family." Try them. Only 60c. Satis faction guaranteed bv Morgan & Ure- liaut. CLIMATIC CURES. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and tlio rich patient, too, ran do much better at home by proper attention to lood diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Fife expectoration in the morning Is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good night s rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweats. Restless nights and the exhaustion duo to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of thecousumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Syrup liber ally and regularly. Should you be ablo to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefitted and reguin strength aro those who ubc Ger man Syrup, Trial bottles, 27c; regular size, 76c. At all druggists. Garmari & Hemenwav Co. Eugene Planing Mill Manufacturers of Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and General Mill Work. Turning and Stair building a speci alty. All orders will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished, Address: 111 Lawrence St, EUGENE. OREGON. "Welch & Woods has it for Less" REMOVAL SALE Attend the removal sale about HO days, before the new store is complete we will cut the price on every article in the store. Blankets, Clothing, Mackumws, Hats, Shoes ami Underwear. They till go in at the cut price: Watch this for space prices in the mean time call at the store. When you see It our ad It's so. In WELCH & WOODS 'I he Leaders In Low Prices. CAN WE AFFORD TO DO IT It's Our Business It's not a question of our affording it it's simply a matter of getting rid of of the goods and now is your time. nUW AFFORD 7 2 SfcA V ' a o V e ri 13 To offer you these Bargains at this time. Make it your BUSINESS to at least investigate our offer. Note tlicne PriceH. $19.50 coat for $12.98 $8.75 font for $C00 15.00 " " 8.00 8.E0 " " 5.70 12.50 " - " 10.95 7.00 " " 4.80 12.25 " " 8.25 G.25 " " 4.20 11.50 " " 7.75 G.00 " " ;j.98 9.50 " " G.25 5.65 " " 3.50 All the Very Latest Styles HEMENWAY & BUKKHOLDER ncnononononoHononenoneneno SBenonenonoBaaoBoaoaonoBea ! m HAVE NO POLL ii Central fiota CO a With the Itiisstau or Japanese Government to sell emmed kooiIb for their armies, lint we have a pull nmong hnyers of good gro cerleHlnC'ottnBoGrove, who appreciate the right thing at the right prices. Cull and wo will take time to explain. located two blocks west and one Mock north of the 8. I. Depot S : 2. G 5? na Metcalf & Morse g m PHONE MAIN 65 S ;!! Large Rooms Well ventilated well fur- e nlshcd ami first-clnss In every particular I Rates $l pcr days Hoard hy the week $4,150 2 without lied JII.M) per week. Iteinemlier the place. The best tables 5 and tlio best hods, the best accommodations In overy particular. 1 Central Hotel FOR SALE. Thlr.y horse power holler and en glue as good as now, will bo sold cheap. For particulars call at Lurch' Store. Mrs Ida C. Thompson ntoritiKTKKss. NOTICE. No freight packages to go to Ho hernia or Intermediate polntiron tlio routo will be received or shipped un. til the freight Is prepaid. Chrlsman & Bangs. WHITE'S Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED WORM D CMrnv y II lm 111 Mm u B THE CHILDfJEN'S FAVORITE TONIC. aiwAm or imitation.'. THE .KMUIHr ... ..' Bollnrd-Snow Liniment Co. T, LOUIS, MO, , 60 YEARS' ' I na.DC MARKS Dcaicms Scientific JJinciicnii. Ahandiomair lllmtratxl wattlr. Trmit air. nlatlun of anr iclanilda Journal. Tarmi. tl a IS" 8014 Bfall Tnwaaaalant w.vVa m Bia IIBMUIglVS.