Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 12, 1904, Image 5

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$ Second Cousin 5otrah
ii y Tiir. avtiioh or
CIIAPTKIt VII. 'inillnucd.l
Bonbon turned iiinl limkoil toward lliu
gateway, when) frcmi l!u jhmloivs lulu
thu warm sunshine hcjlinj l cpin-.I lliu
yuling lady whom had seen llrnt In liU
1 n L I Ml'rt house. I 11k ii mi i i I xl j I IK' l i t win
:ri'iil, but ilio young ludy's surprint win
still more Nlrnniily nniHicil. Klin stopped,
clasped her hand Iritfi'llicr, Mini (hen
i' n i i id mi again, with two largo clear gray
I'JCS illMcndcd,
"Mr. Culrtickl joii In Worcester! You
liitvo repented juii nr going lo your
llctibcn shook hi head nml stiill-d ii
"Von nro n foolish fellow," nli inl,
"mill almost ns siritugi' n iiinii iih yimr
fnllirr In. Are ymi ullll living down Unit
wretched street In Ciinibcrwell?"
"I ciiji (inly iilfurd to llvu In wretched
streets," wim the reply.
"Wlint linn lirmiKliI Jul In Worcester?"
'To see AiiiiI Hasthell," lie replied,
"nml lo discover, If possible, tin' uiys' 'r.v
of my second cuiihIii Surah. They tire
my relatives; I inn morn Interested In
IIiciii lluiii I run explain. Mny I osk
In return what Aunt l.asthi'll nml my
tuid-cousln hu t ilu with you?"
"I mil Interested In llicin innro t Ii mi
I can explain," wns tho iircli answer;
"that's nil."
"I wish ynn would ?xplnln something.
Wim n hi ymi, to begin wltli J"
"All, that's nut wurlli elucidation!" oliu
said, "If I I ell you Unit my tiniiiu U
Holland, will Hint miikn tlio position nuy
"It iiiIkIiI," until Iteuben, quickly. "My
father jished mo t ninrry n Minn Hol
land once, n yumiK linly whom I liuil niv
er seen, mill whom 1 wim to tnku lipuii
trul. Am ymi tlio lady?"
"Vm, nlr."
"Ami linvp you innrrlcil my fitth'r In
stead of mo?" liu iiHki'il, satirically.
"I would nut ninrry either of you for
rwlco jour futlii'r'ii money," she mild,
frmikly. "I inn Klmply hi housekeeper,
lit a housekeeper's wage. My fntlii'r wn
IiIh best frli'inl, nml your father lum been
klml to mi'. In hi oiM wny, since my
fllllllT'H death."
"Anil now," said Iteuben, "will you ex
plain wliy you nro Interested In Aunt
I In n ll ill. why tlio girl who linn deserted
Iter correspond wllh you? why you pnss
yourself off n lliu niece of tlmt old
woman who lum Iff I us?"
"I'll work backward, If ynu will allow
llli'." sho Hiil.l. "I mil myself Minn Mug
gcrldgo because thu uniiiii of llollnnil It
familiar to your mint. The clrl corre
spond wllh imp hecouse she knows Hut
1 read hi'i' letters to her grandmother,
ml Hint 1 nm tlio grandmother's friend
while she l nwny. I nm Inli'rmti'il ill
Mrs. Kaitl.i'll. nml fi'il for Hip iiIIit lun'
ao In which iiliu In left liy her frlendH.
1 Imro lirell Interintril 111 Mrn. Kaillu'll
for Rnnio yenrs now, for the mntter of
"Imleeil! nml her crnmlilnuiihter, Hnrnh
i:nll'll, iiIko?"
"Of lute ln)H n little. Khe wim nut
very emelnim lo im hIio never cnreil to
me here. When nhu Kiit Into trouhle,
lie thouijM (lint nhe would umke nm her
coiindnnle, hut It won too Into."
"When idle pit Into trouhle!" echoed
Ileilhen; "nhtit triiulde wnH Hint?"
"Come wllh me, nml I'll chow joii."
She hil the wny nut of .St. Ownld'ii
llilu the Tlthliik', eroed thu rond lo the
corner of the el root lemlliic to Hut prlxon,
nml pointed to the wnll, In which xcvcril
IiIIIk were ponied. One wim to tint ffeci
t lint n rewnrd of tlvo piumdn wn offered
for the nppreheliiilnu of Snrnli 1 ; n hi tiel I,
Into of Worccntcr, who lind coiinplred
Willi olhrrH or the unlawful Innuu of npu-
rloiin coin.
Iteuheii ntnreil with ninazeinent nt Ilu)
plncnrd. i
"It In well Hint the old woman In
blind," he murmured. "I illd not think It .
wnn o Iiinl nn thin.
"Neither In It."
"You menu that "
ii I her hrolhcr In nt tlio bottom of
It. Ynu ilou't know what n scamp he In, I
nuppom)? He pivo her thu money, I be
lieve. She offered n noverelKit iu nil (food
faith It wnn detected nn (false coin
lie wnn linked where nho lived, nml how
ho became ponHenneil of It, mid ahu took
frlKht mid run nwny."
"Ih nho with her brother?"
"Yen, Klin wrotu to inn without elv'
Ini; her nddrcxn, ntntlni; Hint xho uiuit
rem n in wllh her brother Thoiiinn fur n
While. Ho wim III bunliiexn, nml wim Ink-
Iiik cnrii of her. Khe left (iriindiiiother
Knxthell In my chnrce, xho mild. It 'a n
renoiinlhility, xhu lidded, "but I Imve
nccepted It."
Iteuheii related the xtory of hln dis
covery of Knriili llnxtbell, of her tllKht
from him, nnd the wny In which he hud
lent her III thu Kiirilenn of Hnxe-Oothil.
Minn Holland reflected fur n fuw mo
ments, then xho nnld:
"I wonder If her brother performs
there. Ho In mi ncruhnt ut t linen. When
im wan lirnt iu prison, ho wim arrested
In hln tuuibler'H drenn."
"In prison mi ncrohnt?"
Iteuheii ('ill wick remembered nt ouro-
the tumbler who had been splnnlni; round
on tlio slack ropo nt thu Hnxo-Oothn,
when he lind first entered tlio gardens.
Could Hint bo Tom IOusthell, tlio xcanip
who had brought hln ulster Into dilllcul
tles, who lind caused her to Hy from
Worcester, In order to exenpo thu chnrgu
of uttering bnxo coin?
On tlio following evening Koubcu Cul
wlck wan In Hid Kaxe-diithn uardons
ngnlu, wnltlng patiently for tlio nppenr
unco of Klgnnr Vizzohlul, who had post
poned Ills departure for Turin for xix
nlchtx, by special reipiost of the nobility,
gentry nml public Iu general, mid who
wnn nnnntiiieed to nppenr overy evening
nt half-past uliio in hln highly graceful
nnd artistic entertainment, nn perform
ed heforo nil the crowned heads of Eu
rope, to tlio Immense delight mid mani
fest Biitlsfnctluii of overy crowned licit d
iiniung. Ilieiu,
The Biuo-Oothn giirdena wero not do
ing well. Kven thu re-engngenient of
rllgnor Vinznhlul had not aroused tho lo
cality to enthuxliixui. It wim a terribly
dull evening, even for tho Hnxe-dothii,
lteiils'ii Culwlck discovered, when ho liud
entered for tho second tlnio on what tlio
pingraiii liiformed him wnn a fairy tub
leu ii of surpassing brilliancy mid splen
dor. It wns n more respectable evening than
oi'dlnnry, owing to tho scanty attendance.
Mr. Hplud, lessee, counted fifty-two
with thu liuhles Iu arms, Iteuben atood
under n shndy tree, nn old blue .Scotch
cup drawn down to hln eyebrows, uud n
waterproof cont turned up to hln ears.
Mr. Hplud mixed In u friendly wny with
thu company. Ho wnn a tall, limit man,
of a melancholy aspect. Ho finally took
Ida stand under thu tree wheru ltouheu
"This Is n bud night for our business,
ir," hu said nt lust,
"Ho 1 s'jould think," answered ltenben,
"lliiln nlwnyH keepn Ihe people nwny:
no miiltcr wlint you olTcr them In the wny
of ntlrnellou they won't rnme, ulr,"
Hero the eyen remnlned no lonj,' In III"
eornerK next to Iteulieii'ii Hint Ueiihen
wim iifrnld Hint Mr. Kplml'ii vUlon lind
hi me permnueiiHy fixed.
"I hrive neeii ou nouiewhi're, mid flint
Ih wlint liolhcr me n hit," unlit Mr.
Hplud, hy wny of npoloity.
Ileilhen illd not tell him Hint he wiih
lo'diilnK next door lint two, mid Hint they
hud piiHKid elicit oilier III Hut ulreel wllh
(olernhle freiiiieney; hut the Iden lind iui
k'i'Hied llMelf lo put n few iiienlloim on
liU on n nceoimi, when n third pemnn
Jollied them, The newcomer wnn n hiiiiiII,
Hpnre men, In 'n luni;, ly Krent font
wllh lilt; horn hiittniiK, e'leudliiK from
hln chin to hln heeln, mid who wore n
dirty yellow linndkcrchlef tied loiwely
round hi throat, lie wnn u iiinii of mi
unenrthly pallor, mid pitted no deeply
wllh Hiunllpox tlui) one woiidend how he
lind ever HlriiKKlcd juit of hln mulndy
"Vou don't want nie to-nluht. I nup-
pne he nnld to the proprietor.
"Yen, I do wnut you. Ilcenune I pny
you," nnld Mr. Hplud, nhnrply; "jou don't
xvmit yolir money next Huturilny, I mill
pnite'" he nnked, with no much hltlmc
"Yen, I do mid I'll tnko enre I itet It,
nnld the other, fur from civilly, "nlonif
with Initt week'n. Wlint' thu into of
drenlii up mid u iinrformliiK In the Menu
ed mill heforu nolmdy? There'n nohody
lure, there'n nohody ooiiiliii;, nml ilfin a
henntly Khanie on inc.
"If I hnvn Hie honor of flddrcnnliix
HlKnor Vlzzul.lnl, I may ndd Hint I Imve
cciiip liere thin evening exprennly to wit
nenn hln performance," mild Iteuheii.
"Ilnve you, tlinuqli?" mild the ncrolnt.
nurprlned in nil exlrnonlliinry dej;.'ee.
"Well, If you enn't lit n fellow off, I'll
K0 mid ilri'xx," uud he walked nwny III
ilccp tllOIIKIlt,
"lie la n vnKnhoml nt up to hln work,"
"mil Mr. Mpiini. "1 iomk lum hy ndver
tlnenieiit, on the fnlth of hln recoiiiiiieii.lie
tlolin. Ho linn fnlleli on" three tliuen thin
week, nml If he hrenkn hln neck one of
Iliene fine dn It will In) n Imppy reloaio
to tlio protenilon."
"Wlint In Hint mnn'H real name?" ck-
eil Iteuheii.
"I hnven't tlio KllKhlest hlcn; Jncl
Slieppnr.l, purhnpn."
"Vou know hln mhlrenn, surely?"
"Oh, yen. No. 2 rotter' court, Wnl
worth rond."
"Thiink you. Oood iiIrIiL"
Iteuheii knew nollilnit of I'otter'a
Court ; hut ho muttered. "I'oor Hnrnh!'
im ho went down the cnvcrnoiiH entry In
nenreh or .No. u. He knocketl nt n ltnr-
tor door with the handle of hln ntlck,
mid n crlni-looklni: Indlvldiinl III hln (.Iilrt
Hlceven nnnwered the nppenl
"Whnt'n up?" he nnld, III nut too civil n
ntylo of nildrenn.
"Do joii know n Mr. Vlzzohlnl?" i.nld
Iteuheii. "Ho perfornm nt the Saxi)-
(iotlin Kardelin on the nlnck rope."
"Oil!" nnld the pnrlor floor, illnpirni;-
lucly; "ton of the 'oune front room.
Iteiilien went up Ihe ilnrk ntnlrn, rench-
ed n front room door with IiIh Mick, nml
rnpped cently.
"Wiiu'h there?" mild n fnlnt, wenk
voice, which Iteuheii illd not recOKUlze.
"I come from tlio Hiixe-Oothn."
"I'roin Tom?"
The door wnn canlloimly opened, mid
there nlrenmctl throiiKli thu npertun
throiiKh which n woinnn'n fuce wnn peer-
Inir white mid wnn nml plnclii'd a rush
oi hot nlr nn iroin n turnnce moiitli.
"In hu locked lilt?" null) tlio woman.
nomewhiit npiiHietk'nll-.
"No. Ho will ha hack presently, I
"Como In If you like, then; we don't
charge nny more, nnld the womnn, wllh
n mini 1st lllppancy. mul glided back noise
lessly to thu side of n big fire that was
Mining In the grate, sat down In the
chnlr xho lind quitted, mid leaned her
head against tho wnll llko n woman tired
Hut it wan not her nt which he gnr.ed
bo Intently as nt the figure of n girl 111
a xtrlped cotton dress, who lay fuce-fore-
most on tho patch-work citunterpnun of
the lied. It wnn n figure of despair that
thrilled htm; It wnn surely Hecond-cousln
Sarah cowering from him in tlmt hour
of her disco cry.
"I xny, whnt'n your message?" asked
thu woman. "What have you got to my
about Tom, and wlint tins Tom to nny?"
"Aro you Tom's wife?"
"Yen, I nm."
"And Hint's Tom's sinter?"
Here thu woman burst Into n paroxysm
of coughing, for the cessation of which
Iteuben waited patiently, keeping his eyes
upon tho llguro on tho bed, nnd doubtful
Mill if It wcru sleep Hint kept Hurnli so
dumb nnd passive. It was n violent
cough, that of Mrs. Mnsthell's, which was
rending nwny nil tho life Hint wan left
In tho sufferer, w ho carried consumption
Iu her ot cry look mid fitful breath.
"You huvo como for her," said Mrs.
Kusthcll, ill a husky voice.
"Yes, I have come for her, if sho'll
trust me,"
"Ypu'ro Just the chnp for the likes of
us to trust," snld Mrs, Kastbcll, Ironical
ly, "nnd puor Sally is sure to bo uncom
mon glad to see you. Not Hint she'll
mind much which wuy It is, for she's been
nwful down."
"Indeed! Hns bIio?"
"It It nln't Worcester prison. It'll bo
the Surrey cnnnl. Hero hi Sally t"
screamed tho woman, "you're fetched, my
gal. Hero's n cove Bays ho wants you
Tho girl lying on the bed sprang up
on her hands at once, nnd glared toward
them both, Blinking her long blnck hair
from her head ns she did bo. Her face
wna flushed, with sleep, but tho pallor
I'n phi ly stole over It ns bIio recognized
Iteuben Culwlck standing by the firo
place observing her,
"Wlint enn you want?" nhe murmured;
"what has made, you como In search of
"To help yon," was tho answer, "for I
nm nfrnld Hint you nro In bad hands, nnd
t wish to tnko you from them."
"Thero's no getting away," answered
Hnrnh; "ask her."
"Tom wouldn t llko It, snld Mrs. Knst-
bell, thus appealed to, "Sully's handy."
"And hnlly knows too much, nddcu
the girl, scornfully, "nnd If bIio moved one
step nwny from homo they would tell tho
polico where to find me."
"I wouldii t, Hnlly," snld tlio woman,
raining her head from the wnll, and In
clining It forward Iu her self-defense.
'You know who would."
'Ah! I can't answer for him," replied
Mrs. K.istboll, leaning her bead hack
nniiln;'"whcii Ids back', up ho don't mind
much what he does, certainly, nnd tills
fortun hits soured him nwful."
'I snw j-our grandmother yesterday, '
Bald Iteuben.
'You did?" oxclnliued slio "ut Wor
cester? I liopo sho wnn well Hint sfii
didn't know miythlng."
"No nho Iny thcro Just im I'snw her
weeks ngo, very pntleilt, very gentle, nml
very full of lovo for you. Hh wnn wnlt
lng for her granddaughter to como bnrk.
Couldn't sho como lo you? I ilou't
menu nt once," he ndded, nn Hnrnh re
coiled at the suggestion, "hut lifter joii
had left hero mul got nomc situation,
which might euiiblo you to hire n room
for her, A friend of mine hnn found you
ii slliinllon nlrendy, nnd I will bo security
for your faithful service, until they lenrn
10 trust you for yourself."
Karnh broke down nt Inst, The thin
little hundn went up 'inckly to the face,
uud sho sobbed forth:
"(luil hlenn you, xr; but don't oh, don't
xny another nord."
Hut Iteuben (Jul nick, carried nway by
hln theme, seized hln mlvnntngo mid
went on. He had one object III life now
lo gel Knrnh Dasthell from Hint house.
"Why, joii nru my cousin," ho said
I'.'irni'slly. "mid why shouldn't 1 help
j'ou for your own xnke, ns well nn for tho
snke of that old wniiinn grieving for J on
down In Wnrcexter?"
"Hnlly," mild her xlsler-ln-lnw, slowly
mid emphatically, "I've been n thinking
It nil over."
"Well?" xnhl Hnrnh Ilnntbell.
"And If you'd like to go, I'll not hhib
n single word ngnlnst you, even If ho kills
me, nnd he's often mild ho would. He
mayn't find ynu nut, mul If he does he'll
think twice nhoiit doing you nn III turn.
He's not so bad, you know, tnko him al
together. (In run nwny hook It," ex
tlaluieil Mrn. Knslbell, with Increasing
excitement evidencing Itself along with
her- slangy phraseology, "while there's
Karnh wnvercd, for she turned quickly
to her slstcr-iu-lnw.
"Ynu ynu menu this? You will not
tell Tom or Tom's friends you will let
me puss from thin place unwntchfd you
will givo me time to get nwny?"
"Of course I will."
"I cnnie here of my own free will, sir,
not knowing where to go 111 my ilenpnlr
mul fright," she mild, turning to Iteuben:
"but, oh. if I could get nwny again. If
joii only knew (hat "
Her hands fell helplessly lo her side,
nnd nho went backward step by xte; lo
Hie bed again, where she xnt down with
11 now horror on her coiiuteniiii"o.
The door had opened nnd Tom Kns'
b"ll, wllh bin long great-coat buttoned
round him, wnn standing in Ihe domw.iy
regaidlng them. Out his shoulder loom
ed Ihe forbidding countenance of ihe man
who had met Iteuben nt the oniinm-c,
which, hy Hie Jarring nnd clnngiug t : i . t
eeliifil through the house, was evidently
hi 'iig bolted mid burred.
(To be continued.)
Hun Kriiuclnco Hliniva the Largest rei.
centuue of "jiilcltfcM,
The number of people who voluntn.
rlly xhullled off thin mortal coll In
American uud other cltlcxs during last
yenr bus been InvcMlgntud by xonio
delver In xtntlxtles mul Hie following
IlKuron Indli'iite Hip rcHtiltn: Sun l'rnii
Cisco leads with the largest ratio, .'111.1
per lOO.IMH) population. Next conies
another I'aellle const city, I. oh. Angeles,
with n ratio of "U.S. The reader litis
naturally been looking for Chicago,
anil Hint city docs In fact come next
with n ratio of a 1.0, followed by the
neighboring city of Milwaukee, whose
ratio Is '-'.2. New Orleans was the
scone of the self-destruction of 21.8 per
sons per lis i.ooi I of population, and Cin
cinnati followed dose witli IM.-. New'
Haven Is next with -O.t). nnd then
comes the borough of .Manhattan with
211.0. though gn nler New Yofl? ns n
whole Is .well down the list with n
ratio of only This Is less than
Itochcxtir, Indianapolis, 1'hlhulolphla,
Pittsburg, Baltimore, Huston, Detroit,
Otuiihii and I.uiilsvllle, besides nil of
those speclilcally enumerated nbove.
As to the foreign cities, Paris leads the
list with n ratio of 42, followed by Mer
lin til!, Vienna L'S nnd London "3. There
were more suicides In Saxony than In
any other country, 31.1 per 100,000. Iu
Denmark Hie ratio was 1!..S, In Austria
111.2, In I'm uce 1 .'.", In the German cm
tiro 11.3, nnd Sweden, Norwny, Jlcl
glum, Croat Ilrltnln, Italy, the United
States nnd Spain followed In the order
Tho tnble referring to American cities
Is somewhat dlllleiilt to explain. Why
the city of tho Golden Gate, nnd Call
fornln, with Its glorious climate, Its
sumlilne. Its fruit nnd Its flowers,
should show the greatest number of
suicides seems n mystery, unless tho
presence of a large Chinese population
explains It, Tho high suicide, rate of
Ciilcngu s, perhaps, accounted for by
the rush nnd struggle of that grent
city mid the large foreign clement It
contains a foreign element, moreover,
which tunics mainly from those coun
tries where suicide Is most frequent.
The same Is perhaps true of Milwaukee
and Cincinnati. The high rate nt New
Oiicnns may possibly be attributed to
Its relation to Krnnco nnd the Idcns nnd
traditions brought hero from Paris, tho
sulcldo capital of the world. Hut New
Y'orU City casts n cloud over sonic of
these explanations. Here arc the large
foreign populations, .the stress nnd
strain of living nnd working, the pov
erty, the excitement. Yet I'hlhidelphln,
tho sleeping city of tho humorous par-
agrnphers, has a higher rutio of suicides
than greater New York. And how Is
It to bo explained that New Haven
leads nil the other New Knglnnd cities
In the number of Biilcides? St. Paul
nnd Minneapolis Iny side by side, but In
Minneapolis the ratio was 11.1 mid In
St. Paul It Is but (l.ft. It seems that tho
conclusions must be that there Is no
method In suicide mildness and that the
effort to reduce It to rule Is doomed to
Yolltli'ii (lurratrnlilt.
Don't vou sometimes lone fnr rour
childhood's happy day's V" said the sen
timental person.
Yes." answered Miss Ciivenue "there
are times when I would enjoy linnglng
on tho fence nml making faces nt peo
ple I don't like, Instead of having to
say, 'How do you do, dear? So glad to
see you!' " Wnshlgton Star.
She So you lost all your money In
Tho Urgent Ciibc Yes in,
"Hut. beside that, didn't you havo nnv
legitimate business?"
"Oh, yes. I was a dealer Iu strnlght
tips." Life.
Decidedly Ho.
Have Hint newly married couple set
up housekeeping yet?"
I should sav sol T her ie so set u
they, won't notice their neighbors,"--Philadelphia
I.ltllo illlllciilty should be encoun
tered In the completion of H Paiiamn
eanul by tho United Stilton government
once work Is begun and If, ns goes al
most without Hiiylng, the proper treat
ment of thu technical iUi'Stloni are
handled according to tho lessons of ex
perience, writes Senor Don Phllllppe
Hunan Vnrllla In the New York Sun
day World. The United Htntcs will
have unusual iidviiutnges In Its work.
It ran profit by tho experiences of tho
I'rench engineers, who have worked on
the problems for nineteen yearn.
Already more than KaootMXXJ cubic
yards of eartli have been excavated.
This has removed all of thu smaller
illllleultles nnd prnctlrnlly nil of the
gicnt technical obstncles.
The three grcnteit obstncles original
ly encountered In the building of the
cnnnl were the Culejira cut, the control
of the water of the Chngres river nnd
tho climate. Thu first of these illlll
eultles, the technical ones, huvo al
ready been practically removed. There
N now ii trench 100 feet deep cut across
the Culebra saddle and this must only
Im deepened DO feet In order to com
plete It.
Cillebrn offered ono of the greatest
diniciillles for a time. Tho superior
part of the cut was found to be com
posed of soft, spongy, yielding, sliding
soli, nnd the enormous moss, to be re
moved, necessitated the employment
of machinery of grent power, nnd,
therefore, of n great weight, which It
wns dllUcult to maintain on such a boll.
The trench over Culebra Is now done
to n point where excellent soil has been
found nnd ns a result the cut is prac
tically eliminated as nn obstacle. This
great problem I was fortunate enough
to solve myself during the last years
of the life of tho old company.
Changing a Itlver'a Cntlrae.
Another nnd seemingly Insurmount
able obstacle was the control of the
water of the Chagres river. Iu 18!)2,
In my book, "Panama, Past. Present
and Future," I recommended tho build
ing of a huge earth dnm at Bohlo
across the Chngre river and tho deriva
tion of tho water of the artificial lake
thus forced to thu vestward of the
canal between the lake and the sen.
The United Stntcs engineers have
adopted this method and n dam will
be built at Hohlo, fourteen miles from
Panama, the only modification being a
suro elevation of about twenty feet
nbove the level I lind proposed for the
lake tn 1S02. Much of the valley of
tho Chagres river will of necessity be
flooded with this artificial lake. When
tho problem of what to do with the
water of the Chagres river was solved
one of Hie greatest obstacles to the
successful building of tho canal was
The only remaining obstacle Is the
cllmnto. To my mind that was the
greatest of all. Now, with the won-
Wns Chnrlei Dentin Whose Death Oc
curred Itecently.
Colonel Charles Denby, of Evans
vllle, Ind., whose death occurred sud
denly at Jamestown, N. Y., where he
had delivered n
lecture, was one of
the most noted of
Atuerlcnn dlplo-
mnts. For fourteen
years he served
continuously In the
diplomatic service.
He wns appointed
United Stntes min
ister a t Pekln,
Chlnn, by Presl
d o n t Cleveland
during the hitter's
first term. He served nt Pekln dur
Inj; both Cleveland's terms, through
out the Harrison term and for seven
teen months under President McKln
ley. On relieving Colonel Denby from
duty ut Pekln, President McKluley
tiiailo him a member of tho commis
sion which Investigated the army ac
counts In connection with tho wnr
with Spain, and which more particu
larly concerned the furnishing of beef
to tho United Stntes troops In Cuba.
Having completed his duties on this
commission Colonel Denby was made
n member of tho Philippine Commis
sion by President McKlnley, nlong
with William II. Taft and President
Schurman, of Cornell University, nnd
ho accompanied this commission to
tho Philippine Islands, where It spent
about seven mouths Investigating con
ditions nnd preparing Its report. For
tho past fow yenrs Colonel Denby hud
been living quietly nt his home In Ev
nnsvllle, Ind., making nn occasional
lecture tour of the countrj
Collections Owned by tlio Princess of
Wales and Madame 1'attl,
The Princess of Wales has qulto a
largo collection of fans of nil de
scriptions, both ancient nnd modem.
Among tho collection Is n Japanese
fan that once was fluttered by n, former
Empress of Japan, and Is n trophy
that the curio collector would give a
large sum to possess, though It would
certainly cause some alarm If worn In
n modem drawing room, This fan Is
about six times the size of tho ordinary
article, and Is made of tho brightest
cnrlcr silk, upon which nro embroid
deiful progress of science nnd Judg-
ng by the ex trn ordinary improvements
in sanitation tniiilu by the United Htntcs
In Culm, I am convinced that tho ills
iidvnnlnges of the elltnuto will bo
wiped out. Tho sanitary problem, too,
Is solved. With American military
methods applied to the canal zone, the
sanitation of the Isthmus Is complete,
ns tho United Htntes will hnvo tho
innklng of sanitary laws not nlono for
tho canal zone but for tho cities of
Panama nnd Colon as well.
To I'tuht the Mosquito.
Scientists have demonstrated Hint It
Is a kind or mosquito, the stygombi or
the culex fnsclatus, that carries exclu
sively the yellow fever Infection, nnd
as It Is known to be within the possi
bility of a rigorously enforced sani
tary law lo destroy the moiqulto
plague, nnd therefore the cause of In
fection, this evil promises to disappear.
Tlio wonderful advance made In elec
tricity will be of great udvnntngo to
the United States In building the canal.
When the French company was at
work steam wns about the only ngent
at the engineers' command. This ne
cessitated plants at short distances
along the entire work. As black men
wero the engineers, this was not high
ly satisfactory. These engineers were
careless and there were many acci
dents and delays, with n corresponding
increase tn cost. With electricity the
black man cannot by error Injure tho
appliances, and the possibility of burn-
Ing bts lingers will make htm wise and
Summing up the difficulties the
American engineers will have In build
ing the canal. It may be truthfully said
that they will encounter nono which
the lessons of experience do not permit
of solution. It Is n largo work of
which the essential obstacles have been
overcome. It will require n strong,
disciplined administration, and the men
who direct it must be fully Imbued
with the knowledge of the country nnd
of Its necessities.
The eminent engineers of the Isth
mian Canal Commission havo made a
most thorough and complete study of
these questions nnd their experience
will be of grent value to the successful
completion of the heroic undertaking.
Interesting Kacts.
Hero nro some interesting facts
about the Panama cnnnl:
Canal's total cost, nenrly. , . $200,000,000
Punnma Canal Company s
share $40,000,000
Length 40 miles
Time of pnssnge S to 10 hours
Present time (New lork to
San Francisco via Cape
Horn) CO days
Time via Panama canal (ap
proximate) 24 days
Annual traffic (estimated). . .7,000 vessels
Travel saved Liverpool to
' Yokohama 4,000 miles
Present navigable stretches 13 miles
Still to be constructed 34 miles
Present depth 28 feet
ered figures of various characters who
have been famed In the history of
Japan. The embroidery work of this
fan Is said to have taken ten years
to complete, says Home Chat.
A fan frequently worn by the
Prluces-s of Wales Is one presented to
her by King Edward shortly after the
marriage of her Hoyal Highness. This
fan is made of kid skin, exuuisltelv
hand-pnlnted, with n pure Ivory handle
Inlaid with gold. This type of fan Is
extremely fashionable Just nt present,
nnd if you care to pay $150 you can
get nn almost exact copy of one often
carried by the Princess of Wales.
Queen Alexandra has a particular
liking for fans made of lace.
During her Majesty's recent visit to
Ireland she was presented with a beau
tiful fan made of Irish point lace, n
souvenir of the visit much prized by
Queen Alexandra, and which has since
been worn by her Majesty on several
The lace on the fart was of Irish
manufacture; but the fan Itself -was
made by Duvnlroy, of Ilcgeut street,
who hns made fans for numbers of
The Duchess of Devonshire some
times wears n large fan made of black
ostrich feathers, and a fan of this de
scription was presented by tho Princess
of Wales to Lady Mary Crlehton 'on the
occasion of her marriage. Mndnmo Unt
il has n most exquisite collection of
fans, many of which havo been pre
sented to the famous pilma dontin by
different European royalties, several of
them bearing roynl nutographs, nmong
them being those of Queen Victoria
and the lnte Empress of Austria,
Object of Suspicion.
Mnbel (who has spent tho summer
In tho Green Mountains) Pnpa, does
Mr. HJacksan come from Vermont?
Pnpa Yes, dear.
Mabel Then why doesn't he say
'Il'gosh? Sommervllle Journal,
Itownrdod Efforts.
Hopeful parent You never know
what you can do till you try.
Hopolcss sou 'No, ba Jove, that's
eo! Now, upon my word, you know I
used to think I couldn't blow smoke
lings. Detroit Free Tress,
Fond Mother I nm going to givo
dear little Johnny a drum. Fond Fath
or Then I will givo him n Uulfe.
New York Sua
Udd Curious uud Luuiehable Pbmses
of lluuimi Nature tlruitlilcullj i'or
truyed uj Kinliieilt Word ArtUta of
Our Own Duy-A Uuduet of Fun,
First Comedian I know something
nwfully funny.
Second Comedian What Is It?
First Comedian Wliy, I was held
up by n highwayman last night. Hut
the Joke wns on him. I told him there
wns no me searching me, ns my wife
had been through my pockets Just
five tnl till ten before.
Second Comedian Hut I don't see
that the Joke wns on him. It wns on
First Comedian No, you're wrong.
It wasn't on either of us. It was on
my wife. There wnsn't any money In
my pockets to begin with!
"What makes you think he wears
ready-made olothes?"
"Hi.'Cnuse ho borrowed my overcoat
two weeks ago and hasn't returned
An fmpendlirr TrnRedy.
Hug Lover Fairest Angelina, for
tlio Inst time I ask you to be mine.
Itefuse, and I throw myself into the
crater of ynn llery volcano.
Out of Work.
"I would gladly work, ma'am," re
plied the trump, when reproached for
begging, "but the fact Is I can't find
tiny work nt iny trade."
"That's unfortunate. What Is your
"I'm nn mubergrls hunter. You
know ambergris Is worth ?14 an ounce,
but notwithstanding that, and that It
can be found In the ocean, no one will
advance me money to purchase n
steamship In order to go after It."
Charms of Alaska.
Hoader It must be fine Ilvln' up In
Mosle Long It's too cold.
Hoader Hut thlulj of sleepln' six
months, nn' when y' git up, find all de
work covered up wit' snow. Butte
Inter Mountain.
ills Preference.
"They nlwnys speak of 'pugilism ns
'the fighting game.' "
"I've noticed It."
"Well, If that's n game, I'd rather
work thau piny." Chicago Post.
Flayrlte I heard one ninn who at
tended the premiere of my new play
last night complain that It wns so late
when he got out.
Crittlck Yes?
Playrite Yes, and the final curtain
tell before 10:45.
Crittlck H'm! Perhaps he over
slept himself. Philadelphia Press.
Came Ills Way.
First Actor They say there Is as
much btrength lu three eggs as In a
pound of meat.
Second Actor Yes; that's the way
eggs have always struck me.
A Happy Btracsler.
Bertha What n queer man that
young professor Is!
Ethel Yes; I talked about now
books nnd ho said he hadn't got
through reading Shnkspenre yet. De
troit Free Press.
Gettluir the Flavor.
Gunner How do you like Miss De
Style's new veil?
Guyeir Best I ever tasted.
Gunner (astounded) Tasted?
Guyor Yes, I kissed her through It.
To Society Keportera.
Why drag her father lu and say
He led her to the altar i '
The average bride would moke her way
Alone and never falter.
Philadelphia Press.
IIuntliiB for Iiiterestlne Tart.
"What on earth do you find Inter
esting In that stupid book?" her friend
"I haven't found anything worth
whllo In It so far," the beautiful girl
replied, "but after mamma had read
It she tried to hide It from me."
Chano-ei! Ilia Views.
"Do you bellovo thero Is such a thing
ns Infant depravity?" asked tho dea
con. 'Well," replied the purson, "I didn't
until I heard of that lS-months-old
child In Kausas who plays the mouth
Hntlier Peraiual.
'I noticed Hint veutlemnti gazing at
my racing automobllo for some time,"
remarked tho chauffeur with tho wild
'Well, he Is Just tho man to do It,"
said the stern citizen.
"Ah, a sportsman, eh?"
"No; ho Is Inspector of nuisances."
The Truth Unliitentlnnnllr.
.Toqiilst Blankton Is In n tlx.
Morelle How's thnt?
Joqulst His wife wns called out of
town recently to attend tlio bedside of
I her mother. He hns been setidlug her
I his dnlly program, per hli typewriter,
how ho started to tho olllce promptly
nt ! o'clock nml worked nil dny until
dinner time. Then ho went down
, town and Invariably returned to his
home and retired at t) o'clock. Ho end
ed his letter with: "I trust you will ba
well, nnd that your mother's health
has Improved when you receive thes
few lines."
Morelle Well, wasn't that all right?
Joqulst Yes; only the typewriter
accidentally omitted the letter 'n" In
his very Inst word. Albany Journal.
Justice, Willi Merer,
Magistrate You are charged with
having sixteen wives. What have you
to say for yourself, sir?
Prisoner I really couldn't help my
self, Judge.
"It was this way. Five years ngo I
went to a .summer resort and for six
weeks I wns ihe only man there."
"Discharged." New York Weekly.
Poor Druifirist Again.
Mrs. Stubb I think that druggist Is
Mr. Stubb Why so, Mnria lie left
three urgent prescriptions to givo you
a stamp.
Mrs. Stubb Yes, but he didn't say
The Blunat.
Jack It Is very strange If your
father Is opposed to our love-making
that he should Insist that we occupy
the old-fashioned sofa.
Emit That's Just It. Every hug
causes a loud creak.
In That Clats,
Jack Scribe I think fiction In manu
script form should go through the
mails at cheaper rates.
Ida Clare Indeed! I suppose you'll
be putting 1-cent stamps on your lov
letters soon.
.Quite Novel.
"It's the finest play of the realistic
school I've seen yet."
"A real flying machine on the stage,
I suppose?"
"No, but It has a real plot and a
few real actors." Philadelphia Press.
Btmewhat Different.
Wilder Poor outlook, Brokeum. Th
doctor says you'll never live to see CO.
Hrokcum Oh. I knew that long ago.
Wilder Why, don't you expect to
reach two score and ten?
Brokeuin Oh, I thought be meant
I'd never live to sco ?30.
The Reason of It.
"Woodby Itlter tells me he writes
exclusively for Pennltnan's Magazlno
now." "Yes, Pennlman's Is published In
town here, you know."
"I know, but I never see any of hli
stuff In it"
"No, but still he writes for It exclu
sively, because he can dellever his
manuscript In person and thus sav
postage." Philadelphia Press.
That Was Plain.
Howclls You were at the Peace So
ciety's concert last night when I sang
my song, weren't you?
Growclls I wns there, but I couldn't
make out what you were singing
Howells Don't you rernember? It
was "Why Should Discord Bend Our
Banks "
Growclls Oh, yes. I remember th
Ilrakeman Caught 111m.
"What did dey lock yer up
asked the tramp.
"Biding too fast," replied the chauf
feur. "Same trouble wld me."
"You .don't i2ian to say you were
riding fast -In an automobile?"
"No; fast freight"
Clever Indeed.
La Montt He certainly has a keen
appreciation of singing.
a Moyne Can he understand grand
opera songs?
La Montt I should sny so. Why,
ho can even understand college songs.
Slight Misunderstanding
She But I don't see how- you can
manage to support n wife on an In
come of $10 n week.
He Ten a week! Why, I thought
your Income was much larger than
The Heasan of It,
She smiles and laughs the livelong day;
Pray do not think her simple
She'll laugh at anything you say i
Because she has a dimple.
Y'ole Becord.
Usual Haste.
Ernie Is the play toost over, dear?
Ida I guess there are two mor
acts. Tho people In the boxes are be
ginning to put on their coats and hats.
A Hint.
Hostess You appear to be In deep
thought, Tommy.
Tommy Yes'm. Mamma told me If
you asked mo to have some cake I was
to say something an' I've been here
so long now I forgot what It was.
Philadelphia Press.
A Dout lu tho Road.
John B. Stnnclitield, of Eluilra,
speaking of literary men, tells a story
of a shock he bad lu a case In which
he was recently associated. Several
witnesses had sworn that thero was a
holo In a certain rond. Then to the
surprlso of counsel, the principle wit
ness, a fnrmer, on whom they mainly
depended to establish their case, swore
that there was no hole In the road.
After Mr. Stanchfleld and his associ
ates had recovered from their aston
ishment they sought to draw the wit
ness Into somo explanation of the re
markable testimony. What they
eventually got was this:
"There wasn't any hole In that road.
Hero's my hat. If I Jam my hand
Into the top of It without pushing It
through It does not make a hole. It
makes a dent That's what was In
that road Just a dent."
Women Do Hotter.
Seventy-five per cent of tho wdmen
and but sixty-three per ceut of the men
taking tho civil service examination
nro nblo to pass It