Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 12, 1904, Image 4

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    I Topics of
the Times
Tlilne wo don't possess mnko life
worth Bring.
A limn Is not n taint becauso bo can
tell ttio truth.
No man who does you an Injury will
ver forgive you for It.
Of tho ninny human buds but few
ever bloom successfully.
Bo sure of your tntted calf before
essaying tho prodigal role.
Ono would think that Canada is cold
enough without annexing Greenland.
Tho actor's fur-lined ulster doesn't
always protect him against a frost.
Borne men who Imagine they were
cut out for politicians are mighty poor
It now costs n Chinaman $500 to
get luto Canada. There arc nlready too
many laundries.
Sir Thomas Ltpton announces that
ho still has n liberal supply of Sham
rocks In the till.
In the matter of musical farewell
tours tho balance of trade Is always
heavily against the United States.
hand, thanks to a generous soil and
to unwearied cultivators. The mills
nnd factories arc not so busy ns they
were n year ngo. Tho regret which
that occasions Is tempered by the re
flection (hat tho farmers have been ac
tive to BUeli excellent purpose, ihe
United States Is fortunate In that It
hns more than one string to its bow.
It has managed to secure diversity of
Industries. It Is not dependent on
agriculture alone, as It was a century
ngo. It does not have to rely on man
ufactures alone for prosperity, ns
(I rent llrltaln does. It Is moro nearly
self-sutllcing than any other couutry
under the sun. When tho resources
of Its tropical possessions are fully
developed It will bo In a still better
position to dictate commercial terms
to nations which must have sonit. ot
Its surplus products. Due would like
to know about how- much It cost to
raise tJio farm products or tins year.
The manufacturer can ltguro out his
profits closely. He has to, so he may
know where he stands. The average
farmer does not Imitate the manufac
turer In this respect, or If he does his
balance sheet Is not made public. If
one can Judge from the prosperity pre
vailing In the agricultural districts of
the West, where the farmers are de
positing In local banks more money
than the banks can find employment
for at home, the agricultural produc
ers have been richly repaid for their
labor and expenditures In 1003. They
have dono extremely well for them
selves nnd for the country.
1 1 WmVms
Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects.
The poem which Alfred Austin, the
laureate, has llred at the Russians Is
hardly an act ot war, but It was a
pretty bad (went.
In San Domingo they go to sleep
under one administration, awaken un
der another, and have to hurry some
If they beat the third to breakfast.
The school children of Oak Park, a
suburb of Chicago, were recently
asked to vote, the Issue being. 'Who Is
the best and greatest person who ever
lived?" A partial statement of tho re
sult Is glen. as follows: Lincoln, M
Washington, 11; McKlnloy, 0; ltoose
volt, 4; King Arthur, 3; Joan of Arc,
3; ".My Father." 3; "My Mother." 3;
King Solomon, 1. Here Is an Interest
Ing revelation of the child mind. Tho
tlrst thing that strikes one Is the over
wbelniingly patriotic trend of tho chil
dren. Another thing Is the entire ab
sence of the commercial spirit. Thero
Is uo millionaire or captain of Indus
try on the list. It may be stated that
those children who voted for their
fathers and mothers voted their real
sentiments. The other votes are the
mere reflections of adult opinion. "My
Father." Blessings on the head of the
children who cast that ballot! Tho
normal child Is tho one who thinks Its
father tho greatest and best man. If
Both Canada and the United States! the child thinks otherwise there Is
appear ready to keep their eyes tight something the matter with It, or with
shut while some one takes the Itush tne rattier, ine ratuer lias every ad-
treaty out luto the middle of Lake vantage. In that, from the first the
Michigan nnd reduces It to pulp. child looks up to him. He only needs
I to oc a urm uut gracious sovereign to
A man who was supposed to be a be always the king. There arc thoso
They do some things better even In
Italy. In Italy the octopus is used as
an article of food, while In this coun
try it Is, on tho contrary, quite the
From tho Medicine Hat News we
learn that there Is a "fire brigade" In
that town. The popular Impression
has been that Medicine Hat has noth
ing but Ice houses.
love-Making by Hulc.
N13 cau hardly pick up a newspaper or maga
zine without llmllng advice on tho subject of
lovc-ninkPig, nnd the minutest Idiosyncrasies
of woman and of man are so described that It
would seem that the wayfaring man nnd the
fool could not err therein. This abundance of
advice loads to the query whether it would not
be quite as well to leave a little something to the Individ
ual. What fun Is there going to be In courting n girl, when
every step In the way Is marked out with the, proclslou
of the proper move In a game of chess?
It may be true that If n mail wants to please a woman
he will pretend that he does not care too much for her, and
that If a woman Is particularly desirous of winning some
particular man for her husband she will pretend that she
does not care much (or him; but If they both do this, either
they will get the Impression that there Is no use in going
on with the affair, or they will begin to understand that
It Is nil In the game, and we have Scripture authority for It
that In vain Is the net spread In the sight of any bird.
For all this multifarious advice, however, tl.ero Is very
little danger that tho good old game of courting will Jose
Interest for the majority of people. Human nature Is so
varied that It will take any person more than one lifetime
to learn all about It. and the more a man may think he
knows about women In general, the more likely Is he to find
that the one particular woman In whom ho Is Interested has
some Individual traits different from the rest; nnd they
will be enough to keep hlm wondering for some time.
Tho mo? dangerous thing which one can do In a love
affair Is to .jpntTnllse. The safest way Is to study the
specimen In hand, nnd try to And out Its habits, fancies
and tendencies, without much reference to those of other
creatures. The ways of an oriole Cannot be learned by
watching a blue Jny or a domestic duck. New York Dally
aid Is Indeed unfortunate. We have long believed that this
condition of affairs would correct Itself. One of Ihe reasons
that our young men have been so willing to leave the old
country home has been the hick of country attractions.
This can hardly be said to hold good to-day. The trolley
car, telephone and free rural mall delivery have well-nlgli
wiped out the distinctions between city and suburban life
Another powerful factor now working for tho upbuilding
of the country life Is the agricultural college. Our young
men are fust learning that farming Is no longer the hop.
hasard business ot u former day, but Is one of the most
exacting nnd sclentltle of pursuits. With this knowledge
comes a higher respect for the vocation and a stronger
desire to enter the Industry. The tide Is thus gradually
but surely turning, and the time Is near at hand when
farming will be held In the same high regard here that It
has long been In England. In that country when a man
achieves tluauoJnl success he at once seeks n country estate
for a home.
Here the reverse has long held true, and the city home
hns been held up as tho Ideal. This false system of ethics
Is rapidly going to the wall and a more exalted Idea of
country llfo Is taking Its place, ltlch ulid poor ullko arc
beginning to take to the farm. It Is tho Ideal spot for a
home. Lenistou Journal.
Man Should Not be Ru'cd by His Moods.
KOl'I.K. as a rule, allow their happiness to de
pond too much on moods: nnd these moods may
be attributed In most case's to tho condition of
the body. If a man works too much nnd sleeps
too little one day, he Is very likely to wake up
next morning In a surly humor nnd keep hlm
self and every one about hlm uncomfortable for the day.
In such a cne a man deliberately and with savage per
wrseness cultivates his Irascibility. Instead of lighting
against the mood and beating It off. he yields to It and
takes a gloomy satisfaction In his condition. He willfully
twists every Incident Into n cause of offense, goes out of
his way to find slights, and discharges bis Ill-feeling on
his wife or children or employes or anybody else whom he
can bully without fear of being knocked down. On the
other hand, when n man Is healthy nnd refreshed, and
well fed, he benms upon tho world. Things must go very
badly before they make any Impression on his buoyancy
pauper died In Omaha with $20,000 of us who have gray threads In our
Mniwinlail ...In tltn ll,it..,?a nf llU I h.llr WllO TPt belled fhllt "flthpr" Is
WUWU.trU UIIUVI IUU . . . ..f, -J V .. ... I " - . . . .
iAt.n. tr t,,o na ..Mt. oc nf. I flip irrandpst nml noblest mnn we li.irn,01 spirit.
i, L-l,,,. li ,,-m, l.lm ever known. "Mv Mother" Those "'' 13 " uiouus, iiko a
" - I -...,.. f ,! 1. . 1. . I. .1
votes come naturally. They voted a . ,,v m.uufcu un-ui iurj jiruiu
To-day there remains only the com- real conviction. On second thought ue '""" '"'u wmcn paim me worm tneir own
paraUvely small area of Africa which every child would have written "moth- ""u , "'"" " ' Iot1"- " ues
can bo said to be still unexplored. This er" on his ticket. You will sometimes 1101 "ecomc a rauonai man. uowever. io ue ruieii by ins
area lies between tho Sobat river on And n person who does not love his da"r nmuors. The intellect nnd will should be masters of
nnrtlien.t nml tlm mnln White Vile father. Itare are tllOSe. Ch ldren or uu:r. onu r iuunm.11 uuul-UIl,
on tlie west nnd southwest, aud Is oc- adult, who do not revere the mother,
cuulcd by Nilotic negro tribes, with the I-ord Byrons are scarce. Mother Is a
general characteristics of which we are queen who rules by divine right. Her
familiar by contact lu tho already ex- sceptre is compelling love.
Dlored regions of tho Nile basin. mention of her sacred name the
to every neart aro un Darren
In the American citizen's attitude name devils are cast out. She lures to
toward his debt to the State, at least heaven and points the way. Father
so far ns tho rich are concerned. Is per- and Mother King and Queen of the
celved a steadily strengthening Inch- Kingdom of Love! Ob, Hearts grown
nation to make fewer nnd less insistent sore nnd weary with the buffets of the
demands upon himself. He discards world, ye have bent the knee to many
the high senso of honor required by n liege lord nnd lady false sovereigns
;ht. Her NE of ti,
At tholl TyI I fronts the
be bolts J & W I the young
Ia her 1 6 i.ST... there has :
his social code and resorts to various
devices, scarcely stopping short of
downright perjury to dodge the tax
In your time: but the mild and gen
tie reign of "Father" and "Mother" Is
from everlasting unto everlasting.
It docs not lead to respect of courts
and legal processes wheu rich scoun
drels nre let oft with almost nominal
punishments and the little fellows re
ceive the limit of tho law
Here Is Probably the l-'irst Upright
I'iano Mads Over 203 Year Old.
One of the rarest old pianos In the
it tnmis tn country, and probably the first upright
annnnrt file frennent nllojmtlnn n,nle ev hullt. Is OWned In Frankllll, N. II.,
thnt certain men in this land are free v"Ke ,ut
to ilo nnvthlmr thev like nml nre In,. I,:lrlur ol "e OIU uncurls! mansion Oil
mune from punishment so long ns they
can write cheeks to secure the cus
tomary delays nnd Juggleries In the
courts. The allegation is not true, but
It hns a certain foundation In current
history. There Is a rising discontent
in our country which ought to be heed
ed by thoso who dcnl In law.
Fow statistics have been bequeathed
to us concerning the structure which
tho descendants of Noah got into trou-
blo over on tho I'lnln of Shlunr. It
Is to be doubted, however, that In tho
matter of height It would compare
well with tho building which Is about
to bo erected in New York. Accord
ing to tho plans this giant of twenti
eth century architecture Is to ascend
forty stories Into the air. Tho Imagin
ation Is strnlned by an attempt to con-
celvo of such a creation of steel nnd
stone. Even tho Washington monu
ment nt the national capital will bo
dwarfed In Its most Imposing dimen
South Main street
The piano Is the property of Miss
Mary A. Swain, and was willed to her
by Mrs. Gilchrist, n near relative,
wnoe uusuanu, mviu uuclirlst, one
of the pioneers of the town, purchased
it in Boston In ISP).
The bill of sale shows that It was
purchased of Lord A: Collision for $100.
The piano was taken out of the Gov
ernor Hancock mansion, and was orig
Innlly owned by Governor John Han
The search for tho fountain of youth
has not been abandoned, as tho numer
ous dietary experiments aundantly
attest. Sclouco is tho modern I'onco
Do Leon. The era of strictly scien
tific living for tho most of us hns not
dawned, nnd Is afar off, but may wo
not hopo that tho tlmo Is coming when
tho most casual caller nt tho lunch
coek, tho first signer of tho Declara
tion of Independence.
Tho ulnno u-jih linllt liv Wllllnm Stn.
tuu.ui.-i niu ura u num.,- grams ot ,irt, and is Inscribed William Stodart,
proicin, iai, caruoiiyurnies aim ine rest
as his physical or Intellectual necessl-
Buck to the Farm.
the most serious problems that con-
the economic world to-day Is to keep
young men on the farms. For many years
been n tendency to congregate In the
cities, and to such an extent has this been car
ried that all the vocations of city life have
been so over-crowded that to-day It Is well-
nlgh Impossible for a stranger to get a foodhold. For
every situation there nre a score of applicants, and the
young man who has no Influential friends to render him
Uacliclors Arc Spoiled.
CYOND a doubt, society spoils many bachel
ors, by making too much of them. The pur
pose of society Is to bring the men ami the
maids together, mate them and marry them,
But society frustrates Its own purpose by pet
tlug aud pampering unmarried men. It puts
a premium on the single state, nt least for men.
Bachelors are made so contented with their condition that
It Is no wonder they nre loath to alter It. They stand, ns
It were, on a pedestal. In heroic pose. Ilko demigods. In
cense Is burned before them. Then the girls complain be
cause the men don't marry. If the young women of this
generation are left old tnnlds they may blame themselves
.and the ways of society.
Society, for Its own sake, ought to make things unpleas
ant for bachelors. Unmarried men should be forced to feel
that they have a duty yet unperformed, and that they nro
received only on sufferance. They should be kept In the
background In all events aud below the salt at table. The
married man. on the contrary, should be received as one
who has done his duty faithfully nud well, nnd has merited
reward. He should bo favored In every possible wny In
order to point the difference between his honorable state
and tho unworthy condition of the single. Bachelorhood
should be a limbo or even a purgatory; a state of painful
preparation, lintcad of a heaven. If thlugs were as they
ought to be, If society were alive to Its own Interest, there
would be fewer self-satlsried, egotistic, disgustingly con
tented single uieu -Sau Francisco Bulletin.
- The Handicap of Wealth.
ItESIDENT ELIOT, of Harvard. In a recent
address told a baud of struggling newsboys
that the children of the rich were terribly
handicapped and they are. In a majority of
instances their lives have no purpose. They
are reared lu an environment which makes
them mere show animals. They know nothing of the tooth
nnd-nall existence which makes men. It has not been
brought home to them, as to those that are early thrust
Into the vortex of life, how much of struggle and light and
eniIeaor Is still needed to preserve the ground civilization
and culture have gained for humanity. They merely grow.
They sco people nbout them gratifying sensual desires and
seeking pleasure, and In too many cases that becomes the
sum total of their life's nlm. It Is a tremendous handicap
for any one to overcome: nnd In the struggle for success,
for the place of honor and esteem among the best elements
of mankind, they will find that somehow or other they do
not possess Helpful characteristics. Via
Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota,
who Is a Norwegian by birth, speaks j
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German
nnd English, and has a good under-
standing of French. He Is one of the
most accomplished linguists In the I
Cats In Japan almost universally
have short tails, and if n cat does come
Into the world with a lengthy caudal
appendage It is usually chopped off, for
the Japs detect a likeness to snakes In
the long tall and cannot endure it. The
Japanese cat has the usual number ot
bones In Its tall, but they are not de
veloped. A startling fact which has recently
been demonstrated Is that the equator
Is not a perfect circle. If you could
drop n plumbllne from Ireland through
to New Zealand, It would Imj somewhat
longer than another which cut the
earth nt right angles to It. The differ
ence has not yet been ascertained with
absolute accuracy.
A letter was received at the East
Dorset (Vt.) postoftlco a few weeks ago
postmarked at Spokane l ulls, Wash.,
and directed to Benjamin Ames or any
of his descendants. It proved to be
from n man who sixty years ago board
ed with Mr. Ames for a time nnd left
without paying his board bill. Ilo
suld that he was now 8.'i yours old nml
wanted to pay. Tho bill was sent him
nnd he sent u check for the amount.
Mule "housemaids" aro the most re
cent contribution to the solving of the
servant problem In Greut Britain, It
seems. Several thousands of foreign
young men have recently been trans
ported to London to engage lu general
domestic work lu British households.
ties Bcem to require? Tho man who
Is nbout to produce an epic will see to
it that his bill of fare contains tho
requlslto amount of nitrogen and phos-
maker to their majesties nnd royal So far nothing but commendation is
family, Golden square, Loudon, heard on the subject. These jnen ber-
Tbero Is no dnto on tho piano, but , vants, say their employers, do tho work
Miss Swain nnd others who hnvo seen that has generally been allotted to
It claim that tho Inscription roadlng' women Inn tienner, quicker and moro
"makers to their matestlOH" shown' thorough fashion than the sev (,,.
phorus nnd that ho secures a sulllcient that it was without doubt mmln ilnrlun have disnlnced. Tliov wasln losa time
number of calorics of heat value daily, tho reign of William and Mary, a have no grievances, no "visitors." nsk
William III. and Mnr II. were tlm no higher wairos. and do tint lmtlmr
Tho farm vuluo of tho crops of corn, only two sovereigns to reign touethei ubout "evenings out." Altogether. If
tvlicat, rye, oats, hny, barley, pota- over tho United Kingdom. tho future carries out tho prophecy of
toes, flaxseed, buckwheat and tobacco . Their relirn of six vears was from tho present It will not bo long beforo
raised last year Is estimated at wsn tn icon, nnd if tho nlnno tho reign, of women workers in tho
f2,CO0,O0O,O0O by the bureau of statls- uunt then It Is now over 200 years old. "essentially womanly field of house-
tics of tho Department of Agriculture, jiiss Swain thinks that It was built wlfery" will bo quite eclipsed by tho
To that great sum may properly bo
ub an experiment, as no ono has ever nascullno superiority therein shown.
tho long, sun tau-tcatucrs of a
woodpecker enablo the bird to cling to
tho trunk of a trco lu an upright post
added about $700,000,000 for tho valuo 6eeu another llko It.
of tho cotton crop. This Js nn amaz
ing aggregation of "quick assets," A Bright Scholar.
which can bo turned Into money when- Teacher Do you know anything tlon for n long tlmo nnd boro away for
over It Is nectlod. It Is a gigantic pile nbout algebra? j food. Tho bill of a woodpecker Is
of commodities which aro needed Bertie Young Plenso, teacher, I do. often as strong as Hint of a bird of
ai.mmi ns well as nt homo. If Amer- It's a mulo what is covered wltli, prey, nnd in ttio woodcock of Northern
lea Is Btlll In debt to Europe tho means stripes. I saw ono at a circus. Mnlno the bill Is found nt Its greatest
hmi wbleb to nnr tho dabt aro at Woman's Home Companion. development. Ihe tongue much ro
The scientific world Is greatly interested in the claims of I'rofessor Mols
eon, the learned Frenchman who asserts that he Is able to inniiufacturo dia
monds In an electric furnace of his Invention. The process, according to M.
Moiskou, who Is shown at work at his diamond making furnace, takes from
six to eight weeks, tremendous pressure being applied to the raw material,
which Is withdrawn at white heat from tho crucible. It Is then found Hint
the glass, which has nssumed a grayish color, contains a particle said to bo
n diamond. Charles Combes, tho well known French mining engineer, Is
foremost among those who ridicule tho professor's claims. Tho small circles
In the picture contain figures of tho-so-called diamond crystals.
semblos an angle worm, nnd Is very
long and admirably adapted for suck
ing snp. Sometimes tho tongue Is not
only long and brush-like, but barbed ut
the point, so that It can Impale Its
prey. Tho feet nro adapted for swim
ming In various ways.
An lutcritnto I'eud thatCoit the Llvee
of JllltldreilH of Men
"My boyhood home lu Hancock coun
ty, Tenn,, was tho Bccno of many dead
ly encounters," Bald W. G. Gnrvlse,
now of St. Louis, at the Italclgh.
'Hancock Is lu east Tennessee, nwny
up In tho mountains, nnd borders on
Virginia. In my youthful days the
state Hue, which separated It from Lee
county In the Old Dominion, was com
monly spoken of as tho dead Hue.'
Between my countrymen nnd the Vir
ginia mountaineers thero raged Inces
sant feuds of tho kind that meant kill
ing whenever there was a meeting,
whether accidental or premeditated.
s a lad, I often saw .wagons drive
through tho little town I lived In with
ono or more coupses of men slain In
theso desperato affrays. Whenever a
Hancock man crossed over the 'dead
line' he know ho carried his life In his
bands, and It was tho mxmo way with
tho Virginians.
"I liavo hoard It asserted, and do
not believe It nn exaggeration, that In
the years of the cxlstenco of this Inter
state war there were between OoO and
700 Hancock men slain. As they were
Just ns good shots as their fcxw, tho
loss on tho Virginia fcldo must hnvo
been equally heavy. Within the last
decade, I am glad to toy, tho feud has
almost, If not quite, died out, nnd n
much better feeling exists than of yore.
But even now, recollecting what tho
former conditions were, If I were to go
back to tho old homo I'd feel M)tno
hesitation In crossing tho 'dead line.' "
Washington Post.
A Hung Fit.
He I want to get n lady's belt.
Clerk What size?
He Ah, thero you'vo got mo. I don't
know the slzo. She's pretty plump; but
(suddenly brightening) sayl Just meas
ure tho length of my arm. Philadel
phia Ledger.
Only 111 per cent of Germany's
young men are tit for military service,
Dr. Snicker finds that heart disease
has Increased iUH) per cent In n decade.
The hour of death has been record
ed by a leading European physician
for H.tiSO persons of nil ages. Deaths
are not numerous between II vo nnd
six o'clock lu the morning nnd fewest
between nine nud eleven lu the morn
ing. The death rate Is not largo be
tween 10 a. in. nnd 3 p. m., the fatal
hours being from 3 to U a. m.
Human power and machine power
are found by Prof. Hchuioller of Ber
lin University to have been equal lu
Germany In 1NJ0. when (he popula
tion was eighteen million, one-half be
ing laborers, lu IKIO, with a popula
tion oftlfty-slx million nud the sumo
proportion of laborers, the machine
power hud reached six times the man
ual, or, according to some authorities,
ten times.
Carl Hagenbeck, the nnlmal dcnle
of Hamburg, has n number ot ver
curious crosses between tho lion nnd
the tiger. One of these remarkable
animals Is now four years of age. 11
has tho head of a lion nnd the striped
body ot ii tiger, although tho stripe
aro not as distinct as lu a true tlge
Ills father was a Senegnl lion and It!
mother u Bengal tigress. He has re
cently been In New York, nud seem
to be a healthy, vigorous nnlmal.
Houses of sand, as substantial a
granite, nre offered by the new proc
ess of I.. P. Ford, of (Irosford, Eng.
land. A mixture of sand and quick
lime In suitable proportions Is forced
Into a very strong steel mold, which
Is placed In a box, from which the nlr
Is then pumped, when hot water 1
admitted. The heat nnd pressure o;
the slacking lime and steam mold tho
materials Into a, rock having (X) pc
cent of the strength of grnnlto. Thl
building stone, ready for use lu eight
hours. Is very durable, and Its cost Is
low, bricks by this process costing lit
tie more than half as much ns the or
In the suburbs of Berlin recently
eoncreto has been employed In plnco
of wood In making idles to be driven
Into tho ground for foundations to
buildings. These singular plies, vary
Ing from 17 to 20 feet In length, are
triangular In cross section, and con
1st of Portland cement mixed with
river ballast, the composition being
tnyed with an nrmnture comprising,
for each pile, three-quarter-Inch Iron
rods tied together nt regular Intervals,
the rods being set Into tho concrete.
Tho heads of the piles aro guarded by
buffers, and, thus protected, they can
bo hammered Into tho ground like
wooden beams with a pile-driver.
The Invention of ntckebsteel, and
other causes of au Increased demnnd
for the niftnl Hint Is so familiar to us
In our five eccnt pieces, glvo wide
spread Interest to every discovery of
new deposits of nickel ore. During
the past summer Prof. Coleman of
tho University of Toronto explored tho
hudtiury nickel deposits In tho pro
vlnco of Ontario, nnd reports that In
quantity they surpass any other nickel
deposits In tho world. But although
tho percentage of metal In tho ore
sometimes reaches flvo per cent, It
averages only two and five-tenths per
cent, which is not equal to the rich
ness of tho ores of New Caledonia.
The Ontario deposits cover an area
forty miles long by twenty broad.
work. Mho makes (lie poorrot cotlngo
pretty and homelike, nnd by a deft
(ouch transforms the dreariness of oven
cheap lodgings, Slio never sinks with
her fallen fortunes, but brings up her
children lo adorn tho society to wlilcli
they belong. Sho Is simple and well
bred a lady, every Inch of her and
thorcforo free from foolish pretense
and affectation, cheerful, companion
able, well trail, Willi a kind heart and
sound principles! "Her price Is almvo
lUniiaroiia Article nf Adnriitiient la
HHiihtlx lltrrenl from Oniientton.
Attention lo tho dangers attending
(ho Use of celluloid toilet articles Is
again culled by a contributor to the
.Medical Press nnd Circular. Ho writes
us follows:
"It hns long been known that I'rens
lug i-oiubs nnd other articles of llko
nature have been manufactured from
a modification of guueoltou. From
(line to time wo have pointed out tho
possibility of accident from Ihe liso of
artlcly containing such Ingredient, but
comparatively few ciims of accident
have hitherto been recnided. Now It
appears that, the original intent having
expired, a vast number of Imitation
processes have sprung up, and the pub
lic nre flooded with combs made from
guitcottoii compound by methods
which render theiu uioio dangerous
than thoho prepared under Ihe original
patent. Thnt miiiio rent rid Ion should
be placed on Its Indiscriminate use was
proved by the recent en so of a girl,
twenty two years of nge, who was
suffering from cellulitis of tho scalp,
accompanied by a marked degreo of
nervous shock. It appeared that her
head had been set on tire by the sud
den combustion of a comb which alio
wore lu her hair. Cooking her father's
dinner ono Sunday, ho happened to
bend down before the tire, when tin
comb suddenly Ignited, nnd sho le
cntne enveloped In flames. Her llfo
was spared through tho luesciice of
mind of her father, who Immediately
eureloiHsI her with the hearth rug, and
so extinguished the rontbignitlou. Ob
viously, seeing that the mere storage
of guncotton Is restricted by heavy
penalties, It Is not fair or safe thnt
makers should be permitted to placu
a slightly modified, but actively danger
ous modification, on the market, to bo
umsI by a section of the public who
have not the slightest notion of Its coin-
(Nisltlon nnd dangers."
Ksaonco of Hones.
At present essence of roses Is almost
tho only artlclo exported to tho United
States from Bulgaria, and agricultural
machines aro almost tho only direct
Imports from tho United States.
Too many people pray out of one
side of their mouths and Ho out of tho
Home Women Ulorr In Their Inability
to io Common Taaka.
it must ue numiucu thnt soma
women and girls havo no taste for
housekeeping, but this Is a distinct mis
fortune. They ought to have It. They
should try to ncqulre It. They have no
reason to glory In such Incapacity, not
to look on It ns a mark of superiority,
of nn artistic temperament, a fastidious
nature. Not n bit of It. The really
fastidious people are always good man
agers, for Oicy cannot endure to live
In discomfort and squalor, and, rather
than endure It, set bravely to work to
remedy It,
Tho young womnn who cannot cook
a mutton chop, boll a iotato, or make
a decent cup of tea, whatever her
station In life, has uo reatou lo feel
proud of her Incapacity.
homo things every girl should know.
whntover her wealth and position how
to mnko a fire, how to bind up a
wound, how to cook nt least some sim
ple dishes, and how to act In cas of
tiro or poison. On such knowledge
llfo or tho loss of It may depend, nud
sho who does not possets It Is Ignorant
of an essential to u woman's education.
A thousand possible accidents may
mnko It of tho llrst Importance.
Tho perfect woman, tho womnn tho
world wants, Is tho nll-nround woman
who can put her hand to nnythlng,
should tho need nrlse, and who, having
n cultivated Intelligence, quickly grasps
how tasks unrninuinr to her should bo
done. The cultured lady, accomplished
equally nt homo in (lie drawing room,
the nursery nnd tho larder, able lo en
tertain her guests with easo and grace
no drudge, no mere upper tcrvnnt,
but capable, womanly, versed In all
that It becomes a inodcrti woman to
kuowj mistress, perhaps, of an art or
- oiraiMU iu uiiiKU hid irucic in ono
foro all that, n good wife, n good straight line; In fact, tho great number
mother, a good mlstiess-thnt Is (he nnd the dllllcully of the curves form
kind of woman of whom there cannot tho chief attraction of tlio "Crcsta"
ns spectators. A,
Kcu-Vlttf,l Circuit Klder of In liana
Acquire Fortune,
From a poor Methodist circuit rider,
preaching Sunday after Sunday to
small country congregations In Pike
and other Southern Indiana counties,
to n mnn whose wealth Is estimated
nt JoOO.dOO. within two je.irs, Is tho
record of the Itev. Jai M. Stafford,
of Petersburg, hns made through In
vention. wrought nut while traveling.
Mr. Stafford Is only 27 jenrs of nge,
but ho owns seven Inventions, six ot
which have been patented at Wash
ington nud for rnch of which he hns
been offered n fortune.
Probably his remarkable In
vention Is a non-reUllnble bottle, which
hns been tested thoroughly nnd Is
soon to lie manufactured by a com
pany organized for tho purpose. AfUr
the first tent tho minister was offered
$100,0(10 for his patent, but refused II.
Tho offer wns Increased but ho re
fused to dispose of the patent as n
whole or even of a controlling Inter
est. Ultimately he sold n tenth Inter-
st for $10,000, nnd Is to receive n roy
alty on all luttles manufactured.
Another Invention Is a non-rtilllnhlo
bottle cork, which" Is closely allied to
tho non-reAllnblo bottle, but can bo
mnde to lit any Initio that Is manu
factured. Still another Is nn auto
matic monkey wrench which does
awny with tho screw and thread and
ndjusts Itself automatically to any
Izo. It Is said that tho wrench can bo
sold much cheaper than the ordinary
Tho minister Is not only enjoying
his new prosperity himself, but Is do-
ng much good with the money which
has come to hlm. His first purchase
wns a 200-acro farm, which bo gave
to his aged father. Soon afterward
ho bought the steam ferry at Peters
burg and gave that also to his aged
Heating tho Wttiit.
There nro several other tracks at
Davos, such as tho Clavadel, and tho
Hchatzalp, but more Interesting stIU Is
the famous "Crcsta" run nt St. Morlti,
which Is coiwlderrd to lie tho most
difficult course of Its kind In the world,
and which Is undoubtedly tho most
carefully prepared courso In Switzer
land. Tho run, from flvo to six feet
wldo nnd 1,300 yards long, with n fall
f about lf0 yards, Is formed In tho
shnpo of a grove. Jn cither side tho
snow Is banked up, particular care be
ing taken at the curves, where tho
snow Is rnked In at various degrees,
and tho banks thus built up resemble
the curve of a bicycle track. Tho en
tiro run Is thus flanked by a wall of
hard frozen snow, which nt somo
places la nearly twenty feet high.
Whero a road crosses tho track, tho
bank Is, of courso, broken. With tho
nsslstnnco of water and a sharp frost -tho
track, when thus prepnrel, Is
covered with n coating of Ice, and tho
great "Crcsta" Is now ready to ro
celve the eager tobogganers who have
como from nil pnrls of tho world. It
Is, of course, neither possible nor do-
be too many
Sho may not bo required, by her cir
cumstances, to busy herself with houso
hold de tails, but she know s how every
thing should be done.
When sho finds fault It Is wilh renson
nnd out of tho fulness of her knowl
to riders ns well
Pltcnlin Knowles, In Outing.
Wondor IT It la True?
nils Is why Illlnolslnns wero first
called "suckers," according to nn old
magazine. Tho early pioneers iidnnleil
Sho does not glvo Impossible ninny Indian hnblls. They Mrniuied
commnnds or expect linposslblo per- clr Infants to bonrds llko papooses,
fectlons. Sho Is Just and reasonable, After they began to raise swine, tho
but If anything goes wrong sho knows mother, would lenvo her bnhv alono In
Just why, and sho can point out tho 'ho cabin for hours, but to nlluvlnto
reason. ins soutuue, sue gave him a huge ploco
Sho commands the respect and eon- f w l,orl ' lclt, first tying It to his
lldenco of her servant. If clrcuni- follt by a string, so that whenever hn
stances compel her, sho Is ready to attempted to swnllow It tho natural
work ror husband nnd children. impiuso io kick wotitit save him from
She manages under nil elrciunsinnc, s choking.
to preservo her grace nnd rollnenient ing.ntltudo makes n nmii look llko s
aud to Import It Into her method of dollar minus 00 cents.