prrirrtrrtfryinnnryinrrrraTn HOME NEWS GlJUULPJUlAAJUUUlJUUUt Dr. Lowe, Oculo-optlelnn, Hugonoi Itoht. Phillips Is down from Black btitUi. Hurry Clarke wns In town tlilm -week. Hcluml Books and supplies ntMrs Field's (look .Store. For first class meals th ICicIiuiikc MHtlUlrilllt. Hot rnffeo ami lunches at tho Ki change restaurant. Hiiro mold cure without piilii at Allison mill Hastings. Clem 1 1 mm spent several days In Eugene till' punt week. The. Doronn mill I lining un order twenty cnrtoailH of lumber. Tim Winters anil Campbell brldgo will iHieoniplatod thlH week. Lou l.Itov returned from 11 busl. Mini trip to Portland Friday. For your shaves and 11 neat linlr cut ilrop Into AIIImoii mill HnHtlngs. Feb. tlio'J'Jnd mill Sriril Dr. l-owo the optician will boln Cottage Grove. 'PImmi llul'lltllOH III Ml'H. Field's llookHtoro itro tlio conditio article. Try tlii'tii. JltlllPH Hawley and fnmlly. of Divide, left for their homo In I.oh Angules Saturday. FOR HALE 72 iiitvH. H tnlli- from (JroHwell. line liottom land. Mini ulro of Mkim.kv A Mtl.Nli. II. R. WIIIh. of London, left Friday for Han Francisco to attend tho AyiTH llllslncmi College. What everybody likes 1 something to snusiy mcir iiiicnu-, me chnngo restaurant has It. Hpcnd your business liourM In read ing Mlmidard book from Mm. Field's Circulating library. Mis EllleHtewnrt returned Friday from a visit wlthfrlendsnnd relatives ut Eugene mid Urov, nsvllle. MIhh Nellie Gulp, of Applfgnto. Josephine enmity, In here visiting with her brother. CIiiim. Culp. T. M. Medley went to Eugene yes terday on business connected with the Hiile of lands In thin vicinity. If you are looking forutlmlicr elalni KO to Medley and Milne, they ean tell yon where to gut u good one. Don't forget to take your menls at the Exchange restaurant. Every thing tlio best Hie inarketeun supply l.lHt your property wllli iih If you Wlllll to hoII It. We ean llliil you u buyer. Mi:nt.i:v .V Mii.nk. TheM. V. A. Orchestra will give ItH Initial dance at the em Hoiimo on February Kttli. They assure a good tluio to those who nltouil. Wo have n good eight room hoiihe and one noni of ground In .Iiiiicm nil dltloii for mile, n good buy at $1,030. & Mii.nk. II. Venskn till week purchased a block In Mcrarland's addition with IntentloiM of building more bonnes to rent. You uru Invited to attend Malo nev's Wedding nt the Optra House Feb. 17th. Remember tho date. Come overyono. .1 nines llcmenway returned thin week from Grants I'nss, where he Iihh been In tho Interest of (Inruiau mid lleineuwny. P. K. Cerould. of Portland, Hpeclnl . agent for tho National Fire liimir niico Company, im In tho city scv ernl days thU week. Foster IMillllps, who bus been here looking alter his homestead on Row river, left for his home nt Mountain Homo, Idaho, Tuesday.; The Keith Theatre Company will play a weeks engagement at the Opera House commencing Feb 20th. Different pl.iy every night. 40 iicreM of timber land, about 16 acreH cleared, only one and one-half miles out. A line place for chicken mul fruit raising. Price If taken hood 5(lr,U. Mi:di.i:v & Mii.nk. JoHcph lllekov. coiihIii of Norman Hlckey, arrived In Cottage drove WcdneMilay froinTrnvorseOlty, Michi gan. Mr. Hlckoy expectx to remain In thlH locality. At the Knulo Hook atoro can be found the lalext mnKniliieH, a good lino of blank IiooIh, up to iluto Htnn durd bookH In the clrculntltit; library uud IiIkIicIuhh iwrlumeu. At tho M. K. Church next .Sunday tho Uev. Uardiier, of iSiiKlimw will occupy the pulpit In the inornlni;. Tho liliicolu aiitiiverHary will bo hold In tlio ovcnliitf under the aiiKplcei of tho Kpworth l.pnciie. A hoi'Ioih ntltvct of Inforiuntlon on the lounge may bo avoided If the lioyH will Houd their Klrtx a valentine from tho Now Uru Drug Store. It doen the IniHlneHH. There In nothing jnoro to nay. "Maloney'H Weddltis:" a farcical conceit, replete with healthful comedr mid affording opportunity for pleiiN Ing tMiHciuhlcx, catchy daucoH and novel HpeclnltlenconieH to the Opera Home on WcducHilny lght, Feb. 17. Tho cast Is made up of twenty on tmhlft urtlHtu. nrett.v ulrU In ultra continue, novel hcoiiIc effect and a well conceived plot are tho nallent feature of tho micccusful attraction. For Cold Feet take n sent by tlio lire, or 'take to bed with you one of our Hot Watur lings. For Cold Hands take nioro exercise, or build tip your circulation by taking our lllood Tonic. For a Cold Heart . . . tuko a look Into the Iiouich of tho poor, or got your liver Into hotter Hlinpe by taking A GOOD LIVER TONIC. Von will Hud just what you need ut Ileitis of Interest in and about 3 Codnec (irovc and vicinity. 3 with n bewildering iibiiniliuicu of beauty, a Hare of iiiiinIc and n wealth ot koii;oiih Hennery thn now "M if lotiey'H Wedding" a mimical comedy of mo re tliH.ii ordinary pretentlotiH will tniiko ItH bow nt th Opera HoiiHoou Feb. 17tli. Tlio piny hnx iinderuoiio n thorough renovating mIiico the liiHt vlHlt and little romnbm of tlio old play Have tho title. Anlde Ironi Hh claim iih a rcciiIc epcctncle Mnlonry'M Wedding ponHedten n capi tal ronieily plot tlirougli Wlilcli n rich vein of clean wit ntid humor ruiiH riot. Funny Incldcntx. ijmilnt NiiylnirN, novel Hemic mid applnimo lunplrlng calcium effectx lend their potent charm toward ridding tho troubled world of ItH work-a-ilay care. It Ih an attraction calculated to luuplro laughter mid miiUHi'iucnl and tho maxim of the uiaiiiigement Ih that "one Inuith Ih worth a hun dred gromiH In any market." There fore, go mid Hen "Miiloney'd Wed ding," laugh mid grow fat. Will make you brighter, happier mid prove a pleaHant ncipilnltlou to your HiorcnoUHo ot pieaHimt memorlea. II. '. . Ilrowii for n long ll mo a remdriit of Cottnge drove and for merly hiiHlnoH inmiKKer of the Nug get, left WcdncHdtiy night via the Southern route fur IiIh old homo In Republic, Mo. Mm. Ilrown preceded nun aouie two weekH ago. .Mr. mid Ml'H. Ilrown will vIhII frlemlH and relative until the opening of the St I.oiiIh ICxponltloii, when they will Hpund louie tlmo In Hint city and then return home. Mr. Ilrown I In terallied In the Oregon Mineral Hprlngi. A No the paint mlntn. Tho flt'Ht of the week wan uiiuhu ally Nloriny and cold throughout the Willamette valley. .Snow to tho depth -of vovurul Inchon fell mid re mained on tho ground. Tuesday morning the old ilmum hunted the Hlovce mid the now comerx admitted It reminded them of their former Intuitu. 'Phone whoarofamlllnr with the usual order of thing say Us tho harbinger of Hprlut;. Mr. mid .Mr. H. K. Lauder enter tained a nuiulH:r of their friends at their homo last haturdny night. iJmiiuH wore played until u very Into hour and all enjoyed a plcaKiuiteven lug, together with rcfrcHluucntH. I Iiohb pi-enent were Mr. mid Jim. M. Vealch, Mi. and Mm. C. K June and daughter, .Minn Marguerite, MIsh llar- lou. I'rol. liny. I . Yi . JeiikiiiHmul Mm. Couch. .Stockmen who wIhIi to graze Htock wltlilu the Southern DlvUlon of the t'acado Kutigc FolVHt lteKerve, ure rpijuuHled to miiku iiiillcatlon at once to the fol'i-Hl HiiliervlHor, at ItiiHchurg, Oregon, as all appllca tloliH for thla privilege during the MNinun of r.KJI, uiusl bo on tile In in olllce not later than February 111, luol." ts. V. Ilartriiin, ForeHt Huper- mor. Chief Unglncer Wood, of the O. & S. K. railroad, on Tuesday Ihi nnt Hie neceMHiiry niiipM together with the aiiiilleatlon to Washington pre paratory to tile construction of the load through the Forent ItcHcrvu. I'lii" In In eoiiiiillaiice with tlio law. and In only a matter of form. KM orthiuutoii. of lleatrlce, Nc- luiiHka, Ih lietu vlnlting Col lllalr and fanll.. Mr. Worthlugti n Is a brother of Mm. lllalr whom he linn not noon for :ll yearn. He Ih looking over the IhihIiicsh pronpeetH of our thriving' Utile city and may Hcttlo among iih. Tho II nil of darman & lleineuwny are putting in a nailery over the rear part of their Htoro In order t make more room for their big Htock of goods. It will cover about one fourth of the more. The bunltieHn ol llce will be pluccd In the center and the Hide used for the storing of gooiln. 1 hereby authorize Anna IS. HmUr wood to collect my iiccoiiutH. Any one knowing themxelveH Indebted to me will pleuse call at my rvaldcnce and pay tho Maine, deo. Wall, M D. it. And ImrmtHiil by a Imd cough? Ue HullHril's llorelioiuid Syrup, it will se cure you sound sleep mid clfoct n prompt hiiiI rmlluid euro '.Tie, TiOo anil tl.OU. Hold by Now Kru Drug Store. The Southern Paclllc railroad has Just llnlilieil the hbistlug out of Push canyon and placing around the plem of Its bridge along tho lino over live hundred car londn of largo rockH. J. V. Thornton ban completed III building next to the poHtolliceanil on Thumilny opened a cigar and co: fectlotiery store. Ice cream mid frultH will be added In tho hciuou. MIhh IiOiioriv Ilcnolt, ateoogrnpher and bookkeeper for the CryHt tl Con solidated Mining Co left for her home at .Salem Wednesday for mi Indef inite tlmo. Prof. F. H. Day went to Kugene Thursday and from there ho will go to Portland where ho expects to re main permanently. Mr. .1. M. Ahrmns last week pur chased the cigar Htoro store In front of the O. K. harbor nhop of (). O. Mc Clellen. A hair cut, a shave, and a good hot bath at AUIhoii mid Hastings will make n new man ot you. A False Report. I Huh been Htarted to the effect that 1 liavo quit ncaiiu-n in iruib ucen, eiu. I have Hold propagated and planted trees and berry biiHhes In 1, lino county for twenty years and expect to continue to furnish the very nest stock at reasonnuio prices. More thun that I hIiiiII keep a good Hiinnlv ot ntandaril vurlctlcH on hand (luring the planting hciisou, mo that liuvpi'H mnv Heo tno tntu oetoro nuy lug ami have no Iron-clad contract to slirn. I'm no traveling agent but nm hero nl tho tlmo mid will sell the sumo k nil ofutock iih I nlnnt in my own orchards. LtiHt hut not least I have nicked un rouio Items of experience In twonty yoi r wltli fruit that may be worth something to hoiiio planters and will throw that In Instead of a chromo. H. II, Moiihh. CATHOLIC SERVICES. There will bo service In the Catho lie Church of this city next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Father M. H. Strnveu will urrtvo from Hose burg Snturduy uttomoon ntid will preach at tlio 10 o'clock iimsn Sun day morning on "Tlio Necessity of IUllsilou." All are cordially Invited CAI.I.IN0 A BOV IN THE M0RNIN0, BltCtl The Connecticut editor who wrote the following evidently knew what he was talkliiK about: Calling a boy tt In tho tnornliiK can hardly be clnsned tinder tlio litnil of "pastime," especially If the boy I fond of exor cise tho dny before. And It I a little lingular that thn next hnrdcit thing to patting a boy out of IkmI Is getting 111 in into It. There I rarely n mother Hint Is a succesH at rousing! n boy. All mother know thin; ho iliill.Al. l,.,vu A tt.1 fix. m.tliMpI scorn to go at It In tho right way. Hho opRim tho stair door ntid insinu atingly observe, "Johnny," There Is no rraponse. "Johnny." Htlll no response. Then there I a short, sharp "John," followed a moment I later by a long and emplutlc "John Henry." A grunt from the upper reglonH HlgiillleM that mi ImpresHlon has been made; mid the mother Is encouraged to ndd, "You'd better be getting down Intro to your breakfast, young man, before I come up there an' give you something you'll feel.' I'IiIhho HtartleH the young man that he Immediately gocH to sleep again. And the operation has to lio re peated several tliiien. A father knows nothing about this trouble' Ho merely opens IiIh mouth a a soda bottle electn Its cork, and the "John llanry" that cIoiitoh the ill r of that stairway goeH Into that boy like electricity, and plercen the deepest rcceiHOH of his nature. And ho pops out of that bed and Into his clothes, and down the stairs, with a prompt ness that I commendable. It Is rarely a boy uIIowh himself to disre gard the paternal summon. About onco n year I believed to lie as often us Is cousiatont with tho rules of health. He saves his father a great many steps by his thoiightfuliiess. A Song Story. 'Just Ono Olrl." It makes me feel sud for It reminds nic ol "My Old Kentucky Home," for "She Was Bred In Old Centticky," "In the dood Old Summer Time," On a Sunday Aftoroou" Just as the Hun Went Down" "Where the Cotton Hlo- som Urow." VJust lieenuse sue Mndo Those Goo-tloo Eye," I nld Hollo, My Ilaby;" she said "It'ajuat because I Love You So" "I'd Leave My Happy Home For You" "Down Where the Mississippi Flows," She I not "The Olrl I Loved In Sunny Tennessee" but "My Olrl from Dlxlo" and "Her N'amo Is Itose," for she' My Little deorgln Rose," and I loved her "When She Was Sweet Sixteen" nntl "I Hnren't Changod my Mind Since Then." "One Night In June" 1 told her "Tfco Old Story" and "Then I Got Mluo" but "My Mother Was a Northern Girl" and I had to get her consent. o I started whllo the "Ieav Came Drilling Down" for "My Old New Hampshire Homo" to "llrenk the New to Mother," and there I got n "Letter From Ohio" stntlng that my girl had eloped with "A Little Hoy In llluo" mid asking me "For Old Time's Hake" to "do Away Ilnck and Hit Down " When I showed the letter to "My Old Dnd I'he Blow Almost Killed Father" and ho said Ain't Dat n Shume?" I decided "1 Must Have Keen a Dreaming,' but I Ain't h Ooln' to Weep no More" lieenuse I'm doing to Live Anyhow until I Die." Hnrtlngton Herald. Itinerant News. Locals not numerous hut thought you would bj pleased with these few gathered lurrledly In the rush of my Itinerant work. Hew Hayeck held servlcos among the SweedcH at Llewellyn last week. J. It. Klllott and S. Ilurchttm from Silk Creek, wiih In the drove Inst neck. llov. Mulkey did not fill IiIh ap pointment at Loranc tho last time. Itov. WcHtrup Is Boon as we learn to leave Silk Creek, but have not learned where he Is going. C. S. Counmit has been In Kugeno for two or three months on business but will soon return to his homo In Lorauo . W. N. Crow, of Lorane, lost a 1400 pound mare a short tlmo ago in the mire. A cow Is In tho same plnco though likely to live and nuother Is missing. Snow, snow, tho beautiful snow, twoorihrco Inches In tlio bottoms nnd two or three feet on the moun tain! today. Miss Suslo Smith Is the new teacher at Llowellyu. A. W. Ostraniler lately came to Silk Creek from Minnesota. RESTAURANT REA10DELED. Nichols nuil Gillespie, two well known restaurant men have pur chased tho Kichnngu restaurant and aro II ting It up In good shano. A lunch counter has been put in tho front and private dining rooms In the rear. The mauugemont proposes to kevp n lli'Mt class lunch nnd short order house. ANOTHEU OA8E OF RHEUMATISM CUltED BY OHAMUEULAIN'8 PAIN BALM. The efficacy of Ciinmberlaln's Pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism Is being demonstrated daily. Parker Triplett, of Grigsby. Vs., says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him pel. manent relief from rheumatism in tho buck when everything else, fulled, and he would not bo without it. For sale by Now Era Drug Store. ORGAN FOR SALE. A splendid new organ for sale A great bargain for the one who gets It, Mrs. Ellia J. Miller, near grist mill. FOR SALE. Thlr.y horso power bollor and on glue as good as now, will be sold cheap. For particulars call at Lurch's Store. 4'SWS5$S1mm'S.'H Benson's 11110 DriigN Sundries, St.'itioner'. Mail orders received prompt attention. Successor to J. P. Currln. DISCOVUKY OP TUB COLUMBIA. Ilert II oilman, In Pendleton Knit Ore Honlan. From uunint New FiiKlnnd'e loved and riiKgid shore, Hold icnmen pretBeil, a hundred yearn or mora, Toward the perils of yon southern Horn To aeck nw worlds beyond its coasts forlorn ; What if they find tie hidden Indian way? In all its splendor, at the Gates of Day? Or if bofore their dazzled view should rise In California, a new Paradise? The fragile bark rode all the storms that beat In Titan battles 'neath the Andes' feet; And past the sentinels of wild Darien Still wilder seas beat on those fearless men. Hut onward, star; still toward yon Northern Toward yon waiting empire's gate, alar. Ah, what to them these perils ever now? Tried were those hearts and found full bravo and true. For Oregon lay wreathed in cloud and mist. Her headlands by the bold Pacific klat. The during Spaniard, lustful for her told, Turned from the fury of her river bold; Twice thrice, laid eeige on yon un yielding bar As oft was hurled, a craven crew, afar; Then with deep curies turned his bark away, With supersitlons boding and dismay. So fierce the breakers bent his fragile craft, So wild the wave! which emote him fore and aft, Tho shrinking sailors vowed a demon reigned Within the river gateway, unrestrained. One morning rode two Yankee craft at sea; The mists had lifted and tho mystery The wonder and the beauty of the land, Lay open, like a dream, on every hand. Green meadows smiled, the purple woodlands lay Robed like a queen, in the first tints of day. Flowed down between her guardian gods at rest, Tho loved, majestic river of the west, Those i xer hearts straight through that gateway bore, To view the Eden spread on either ahoro; Twas left for thee, brave Yunkeo hearts to find Columbia and her empires, for mankind. Cottage Grove public School WEEKLY REPORT. Wkkk Eniii.mi Feb. 5, 1004. DoynatlW Total Karoltment 497. . Ntw Enrollment St.... Pujri Attendance toil.... pays Absence 131.... AuTuge Pally Attendance.... 410. ... 51 13 100.0 101.5 53 209 220 40 63 201 215 23 0 12 Average No. llelongtnit 4M...J Times Tanty., 6s, Time Truant 2 Uiiexcu.eJ 17. Those not doing good work A. I.. BRICQ3, Princ Ipal. NEAHLY FOlt KBITS HIS LIFE tl. imiit'iajr Niuiu.b i;t,i(i, iinmijr, starting a horrible uulcerou tho leg of fatally, J. II. Oruor, franklin tirovo, ill. for four vears it defied all doctors and all remedies. Hut Uucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Hums, Bruises, Skin Eiuptions and Piles. -5c ut Morgan & Hicham Drug Store. TREASUSER FOR BOOTH-KELLY CO Sacramento, Cab, Keb. 6. Frank Miller has tendered his resignation as president of the National Ilnnk of D 0. Mills A Co. to take effect February 1, to become treasurer of the Booth Kelly Company of Oregon. Eugene Guard. MY8TE1U0UB CIRCUMSTANCE. Ono was pale and sallow and the other frosh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they comptl good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 250 at Morgan & Brehaut, Drug-gist, AMI In order to make room for our large line of Spring and Summer goods we are going to make a clean sweep of all remnants in the house by making the price such that no one will hesitate to purchase at least something. OUR DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Do not consist of short cuts that you would be un able to use, but consist of waist and skirt pat terns. We also have a number of silk remnants which will be found in our remnant sale. Come and look and you will be convinced. i HEALTH Means tho ability to do n uood day's work, without undue fatigue and to find life worth Uvinir. You cannot have in digestion or constipation without its upsetting tlio liver and polluting the blood. Such a condition may be beft nml quickest obtained by Herblne, the best liver regulator that the world has everknown. Mrs. D. W. Smith writes, Apiil 3, 1002: "I use Herbine, and find it the best medicine for co: stipa tion and regulating the liver I ever need." Price 60 cents. Sold by the New Era Drug Store. I'roperly lleiirurrtl. Teller- 1 e.miiut cusli this i-Ltvk. mad am, unless I know who you are. She (haughtily) 1 wouldn't accept the money, anyway, from any one wli floeaa't kturw Who I am. Exchange. ITCH RING WOUU. E. T. Lucas, Wlngo, Ky,, writeB, April 25th, 1902 : "For 10 to 12 years I had been alllicted a malady known as the 'Itch.' Th itching was most unbearable ; I had tried for yeara to find relief having tried all remedies I could hear of, besides a nnmber of doctors. I wish to state that one single application of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured mo completely and permanently, Sincethen I have used the liniment on two separate "ccasions for ringworm nnd it cured completely. 25e, 50c and $1.00. Sold by New Era Drug Store. "Our air mattresses," said the denier, "are all filled In the months of April, May and June. That accounts for their remarkably resilient qualities." "Is the air of those months better than others?" "They are the spring months, you know."-Life. CltOUP Begins with the symptoms of a common cold; there is chilliness, sneezing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulec, hoarse ness and impeded respiration. Give freqi.ent small doses of Ballard's More hound Svrup, (the child will cry for it) and at the first sign of a eroupy cough, apyl.v Irequently Ballard's Snow Lini ment to the throat. Mis. A. Vilet. New Castle. Colo., writes March 10th, 1D01 : "I tiilnK Balhud s llorehound byrup a wonder ful lemedy, and so pleasant." 26e, 50c and $1,00. Sold by New Era Drug Store. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it inuy concern that the undersigned, bus by order of the Honorable County'Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lane been duly ni poluted administrator ot the estate of (leorgo Frederick Gale, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate nre required to pre sent the same duly vertlfled with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at his residence In said County, which Is atCottnge Grove wlthlnslx months from the date of this notice. Dated, February fitli 1004. W. F. SlIANAFKI.T, Administrator. C. J. Johnson, Attorner for Administrator. IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF THE STATE OF OKKGON. For the County of Liiner In the mat ter of tho guardianship of Stella I. Red ford, ami Homer D. Iledford. minors, citation. To Stella I. Bedford and Homer D. Itedford, minors, their next of kin and ali persons interested in tlio following described real estate, greeting : In tho name of tho State of Oregon, you aro hereby cited and required to up- Iioarin tho County Court of the State of )regon, for the County of Lane, at the Court Room thereof, at Eugene, In tho County of Lane, on Saturday the Cth day of March 1004, nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then nnd thore to bIiow cause If any you have, why un order should not be made authorizing the Guardian, Harriett E. Iledford to sell ut private sale all the undivided interest of tho said Stella I. ltedfordand Homer D, Redfnid, minors, in tho fol lowing described real pioperty toit. Beginning nt u point SO feet east of the Southeast corner of Luicli Brothers Ware-house lot, running thence. East along the south lino of John Cochran Donation Laud Claim, u distance of 21 rods; thence North 8 roils; thence West 10 rods; thence South to the plaeo of beginning, located In Townsliip20Soutti of Range West, in bane County, Ore gon, except a right of way therutoforo conveyed to The Oregon A Southeastern Railroad, Witness, the Hon. II. It. Kincaid, Judge of tho County Court of the Stuto of Oregon, for the County of Lane, with the seal of said Court affixed, tills 30th day ot January A. D. 1004, Attest : Seal. E. U, Lxk, clerk Published byordor of II. R. Kincaid, County Judge for Luue County, the SOth day of Juuunry 1004. 4t A Remnant LURCH'S The Giver of Best Values. REDflY MADE CLOTHING The London General Merchandise Store wish to announce to the buying public that they now have n very complete Btock of General Merchandise which they Intend selling at least 20 per cent below all competition. We purcliaso our goods In large quantities through Eastern Drummers, pay cash for nil we buy, have no high rents, no Insurance nites to pay, and consequently can sell very cheap. Think of CLAY Worsted Suits. Kt $7.50 High Grade, Goods and other lines of Ilendy Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-date style at prices that will surprise you M. D. Wells Shoes Our line of M. D. Wells Shoes are the best wearer on the market and at prices that cannot be equalled. Try our Itoast Coffees, the best flavor and will please you. SUTHERLAND & GEER, London, Oregon. COFVNICHT Briffin & Veatch Go. KNOWLES & GETTYS Proprietors of ...The Miners Supply House... Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices. General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition BOHEMIA, OREGON. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thnt my wife Margaret E. Hlgglns has left my bed and board without Just cnuse nnd I will not bo responsible for any bills she may contract. W. T. Hiqoinh. WHAT ARE THEY? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. A new remedy for stomach troubles, biliousness, and constipation and a good one. Price 25 cents. For sals by New Era Drug Store. IS) i Sale to $9.00 THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Is nlways a dsslrnble one, but of equal Importance is the power of retaining this quality so ns not to require too frequent sharpen ing. By making your purchases of the Urillln & Veatch Co. you always receive your nloney'a worth In the best quality of tools nud cutlery ol properly tempered steel that Is sure to hold an edge. CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS. UNEQUALED FOR CONSTIPATION. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent drug, gist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Ciinmberlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets are. In my Judgment, the most superior preparation of anything in use, t slay for constipation. They are suro in action and with no tendency to nauseate or gripe. For sale by New Era Drug Store. For sale, lot 297 foot front by 172 deep on Wall street, good tree and good sidewalk, will sell cheap la quire at Nugf et office.