Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 12, 1904, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Bohemia Nurx't Pub. Co.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening! ot the Part Week,
Prerented In Condensed norm, Moit
l.Uccly to Prove InteresUng.
Japan liaa issued a "first call" lor
subjects in foreign lands.
A canvass ot the senato shows nlmost
a unanimous vote for the 11)05 fair
An organization has bcon formed In
. Chicago for tho promotion 01 interna
tional arbitration
Britain fears that out of tho present
Far Easvern trouble a war will follow
Involving all EOropo ovor tho Balkans.
Japan' has issued orders that all sec
ret language messages must first bo
shown to the authorities before being
While at practice the muzzles of tho
eight-Inch guns on tho starboard for
ward turretlof tho battleship Iowa
were blown off.
Russia and Japan aro thought to
have severed diplomatic relations and
tho ministers at Tokio and St. Peters
burg aro preparing to depart.
Tho belief is prevalent with many
that war has bcon on for several days,
but, owing to tho strict censorship
maintained, news has not been allowed
tob e sent out.
Tho Russian fleet has left Tort Ar
Advices from all sections point to
.hostilities soon.
Tho house committco promises to be
very liberal to the 1905 fair.
Tho senato has paesed the bill to
lend the St. Louis fair $4,600,000.
Senator Ilanna is gravely ill. His
sickness is pronounced typhoid fever
The Japanese minister at London
says his nation wants no help to right
An issuo of 190S stamps Is proposed,
similar to those of other national ex
Japanese residents of Vladlvsotok aro
terror stricken and leaving as hastily
as possible.
The candidacy of Senator Elklns, of
West Virginia, for vica president has
been announced,
'The house has passed the agricul
tural appropriation bill, thus insuring
free seed distribution.
Dominican rebels fired on an Ameri
can launch, killing the engineer and
thus insulting the flag.
Senator Hanna'a condition is prac
tically unchanged.
Charles SI. Schwab gives In and the
fhip trust will be reorganized.
The house has passed the diplomatic
and consular appropriation bill.
The last of tho American troops In
Cuba have taken their departure.
The naval committee ot the house
has decided for heavy fighting ships
A bill has been introduced in th
Maryland senate to eliminate the no
gro vote.
Eastern manufacturers are evincing
great Interest in the 190S fair and will
make large exhibits.
The United States government has
been drawn into the Iroquois Are affair
by the burning of the scenery, which
was tbe property fo an English concern
and In this country under bond.
Russia has dispatched her reply to
Japan's last note. It gives slight hope
for peace. The entire Russian fleet is
cruising off the peninsula and an at
tempt will be made to send troops to
Corea. Japanese troops are already
moving toward Seoul.
The house has given the Porto Rlean
commissioner all tbe rights of a dele'
French cotton mills are short on ma
ferial, and the factories are unable to
operate steadily.
The Russian fleet at Vladivostok has
been made ready for sea. All wood fit'
flogs have been removed.
A bill has been introduced in the
house to declare the citizens of Porto
Rico citizens of tho United States,
France, Great Britain and America
re exerting no pressure on Japan for
tho acceptance of the coming Russian
reply, as has been reported.
Martial law at Cripple Creek, Colo
rado, is at an end, A small detach
ment of the National Guard will remain
for a timo, but affairs will be turned
over lo me civil autocrines.
KIpg Menelik will welcome American
capital In tho development of AbyS'
sin la,
Secretary of War Taft holds that tar
iff concessions will largely make the
Senator Clarke, ot Arkansas, greatly
surprised Democrats by uaklpg a strong
speech upholding the Panama policy of
Ex-Secretary of the Navy Whitney is
seriously 111 and his condition shows
little improvement.
Tho Lewis and Clark fair bill has
bcon introduced as an amendment to
(he urgent deficiency bill.
Tho atturnoy general shows that the
bill to amend anti-trust laws would In
Jure instead of aid commerce.
The czar is considering the reply of
Japan. The delay makes the mikado's
people fearful and they are urging
baste. '
Tho present .British parliament,
which lias Just opened, may witness the
downfall of tho Balfour ministry.
The president's salary is insufficient
to meet the needs ol his omce. An
effort will probably be made to Increase
The house has decided to allow no
extra mileage for the extra session.
Russia cannot soe howJ apan can re
ject her concessions.
Records Show America Took No Part n
Internal Allalrs ol Colombia.
Washington, Feb. 0. The presi
dent sent to the senato today n. mass
of correspondence in response to Sena
tor Gorman's resolution calling for the
dates and circumstances under which
tho United States used military forces
In tho Internal affairs of New Granada,
or Colombia, and whether such uses of
military forces were on the initiative
of the United States or by tho request
of New Granda or Columbia, or in con'
scquenccof any official representation
of cither? The resolution also called
for copies of the orders by the navy de
partment relating to such use ol mill
tarr force.
Tho circumstances under which forces
wore landed aro given by the prcsldeu
in detail, but orders by the war and
raw departments concerning the work
ings ot such departments, and which
constitute a part ot the offices ot tho
military and naval Intelligence, aro
withheld on the grounds that tho ilia
closure of such confidential matters
would be incompatible with the public
As a preface to tho correspondence
Acting Secretary of State Loorals
writes a letter in which ho says all tho
correspondence on record In tho depart
ment of state Is given, and that from
tills it appears United States forces
have been landed on the Isthmus
Panama 10 times from October 1850
September, 1902, tho last mentioned
landing being the only one made wun
out actual request from the govern'
ment of the isthmus.
Russian dcneral Savs If War Comes,
WUI Be Her Fault,
London, Feb. 6. Special dispatches
received from tho Far East, and pub
lished this morning, add nothing to
the knowledge of the actual situation
Tho St. Petersburg correspondent ot
the Daily Telegraph quotes from the
Novo Vremya a bitter editorial attack
upon the United States, which he sup
poses to bo an outcome of the dispatch
of American consuls to Mukden and
Antung. The Novo Vremya accuses
tho United States of a desire to win
the hegemony of tho entire globe, and
exclude Europo from the Far Eastern
market, and declares "if, as it seems
likely, wai breaks out, it will have
been instigated by the Yankees with
their utilitarian views.
Baron Hayachi, Japanese minister to
Great Britain, describes the situation
in the Far East as "certainly very
threatening," but said everything de
pended on Russia a reply.
They Are to De On Sale In All Post'
offices the First Day of May.
Washington, Feb. 6. An order for
ehe first of the new Louisiana purchase
txposition postage stamps, which are
to be placed on sale at all postoffices in
the United States May I, has been sent
to the bureau of engraving and print'
ing by Third Assistant Postmaster Gen'
eral Madden. It calls for the printing
ot 90,000,000 of the one-cent stamps,
bearing the portrait ot Robert R. Llv
inestor.e: 225,000,000 of the two-cent
stamps, bearing the portrait of Thomas
Jefferson; i, 500,000 of the three-cent
stamps, with Monroe's portrait; 0,
500,000 of the five-cent stamps, Cwith
McKlnley's portrait; end 6,500,000 of
the ten-cent stamps, with a miniature
map of the United States, showing the
territory acquired by the Louisiana
ReUlog-Stock of Railroad Will Be Broaght
Inside dreat Wall-
Tien Tain, Feb. 5. In the event of
an outbreak ol hostilities between Kus
sia and Japan, the railroad admlnlstra
tion has arranged to bring the rolling
stock of the extra mural line Inside the
great wall.
Russia has ordered another 20,000
tons of Kaiping coal for delivery at
Port Arthur, making 70,000 tons in a
week. It Is pointed out here that
war breaks out soon the coal will hard
ly reach its destination, as the stocks
here are low and the steamers scarce.
It is reported that the Russians are
building a railroad to connect Mukden
with Sin Min Ting, SO miles west of
Mukden, on the railroad, running to
Shan Hal Kwan and Tien Tsln.
Panic dcneral In Cores,
St. Petersburg, Feb. 6. Advices re
ceived here from Corea say that the
feeling of panic is general there and
that depression prevails in all tho sea'
ports, where massacres of foreigners aie
feared. Europeans ai'e preparing to
send their families to Shanghai, fcv
cry steamer from Japan conveys to
Corea many Japanese, olhcers and sol
dlers In disguiso, and their presence in
such numbers is regarded by the Rus
sians as being a secret occupation.
Sixty doctors have left St. Petersburg
during the last few days.
Speak for California Sites.
Washington, Feb. 0. Several mill
tary camp sites in California were ad
vocated before the house committee on
military affairs by delegates represent'
ing them today. Ex-Secretary Herbert
argued for tho selection of the xiaci
mento ranch, and Judge Stevens for the
1. Henry ranch, benatir ret kins
advised tho committco to leave tho-re'
sponslbillty of making the selection to
the war department, although advocat
Ing that a permanent military camp
ground be secured on the Pacific
Lighthouse Service for Alaska.
Washington, Feb, 0, Secretary Cor
telyou today sent to congress a report
from the lighthouse board recommend
ing changes and improvements in the
lighthouse administration In Alaska
The board primarily recommends that
Alaska be made a separato lighthouse
district, and a buoy station lie estab
lished at Ward cove, Tungas Narrows,
The board further recommends the con
struction ot a lighthouse tender for
service exclusively In Alaska.
Agricultural Appropriation BUI.
Washington, Feb. 0, Tbe acricul
tural appropriation bill reported to tho
houBO today carries a total ot $5,711.-
240, an increase of 1233,000 over the
current law.
Loss Will Amount to Over $40,000,000
Help Summoned From Phlladctphli
Washington and New York Dyn
mite Used to Prevent Fire from
Spreading Troops Called Out.
Baltimore, Mil , Feb. 7. The most
destructive fire in the history ot Haiti
moro occurred here today, raging prac
tically unchecked during many hours
completely destrolyng scores ot the
largest business houses in tho whole
sale district, Involving losses wind
cannot yet bo estimated, as tho flro was
still burning fiercely when night fell
Owing to tho wide extent of the calam
Ity it will bo tomorrow before an ap
proximate estimate can bo made.
though it is certain that it has already
exceeded 140,000,000.
Tho flro broke out Bhortly before 11
o'clock this morning in the wholesal
dry goods store of John E. Hurst & Co,
on Hopkins Place, in the heart ot the
business district, with a series ol loud
explosions, which were heard in rcmot
parts ot tho city, and spread with fear'
ful rapidity.
In a half-hour a dozen big ware'
houses in- the wholesale, dry goods and
notions district were burning fiercely
Tho entire city tiro department was
called out, but was utterly powerless to
check tho spread of the flames, which
weie aided by high winds, and by noon
there was savage fires in at least 30 big
warehouses, and (ho names wcro stead
ily eating their way into succeeslv
blocks northwest and south.
Though every bit of the fire fighting
apparatus in the city was called into
requisition as the flames continued to
spread, tho firemen realized that they
had a task before them which was too
great for them to combat. Telegrams
for fire engines were sent to S ashing
ton and Philadelphia, and about
o'clock six engines arrived from Wash
ington and four from Philadelphia and
joined in the battle with the flames.
Water plugs in every section within
a radius of halt a mile from the fire
were in use, and it is roughly rsti
mated that 350 hose were playing at
one time upon different parts ot tho
Fire Still Beyond Control.
Baltimore, Feb. 8, 4 A. M. The fire
continues to spread in an easterly dl
rection, and continues beyond tho con
trol ot the multitude of firemen.
Mobs of wagons aro busy at this
hour removing the household gocds of
the residents Just east of Jones Falls
the hundreds of residences being threat
ened by the rapidly extending flames,
The Fourth and iittli regiments of
militia, together with a company of
regular artillerymen from Fort Afc-
Henry, reinforco the police to keep the
ciowds in check.
America Takes Hand In Santo Domingo
Revolutionary" Affairs.
Washington, Feb. 9. Simultaneous
ly at the state dpeartment and the
navy department today the announce
ment was made that a serious state of
affairs is prevalent in Santo Domingo
Complaint has been made to the state
department by the owners of the Sa
Isldro plantation that their property
bad been beseiged, and an appeal
made for immediate relief. Other
Americans having interests in Santo
Domingo have made similar com
plaints. Mr. Moody, the secretary of
tbe navy, and Mr. Loomis, the acting
secretary of state, had long conferences
with the president upon the subject
ith his return to the navy depart
ment from tho White House, Secretary
Moody held a conference wilh Rear
Admiral Taylor, and a cablegram was
dispatched to Rear Admiral Wise, com
mandlng the training squadron now at
Guantanamo, instructing that officer
to take immediate and effective steps
for tbe adequate protection of Amerl
can lives and property at the Domini
can capital, limiting his action at all
times to the recognized tenets of inter
national law.
Mouth of the Amur Is Mined.
New York, Feb. 9. A Russian ofli
cer, who has lately returned from the
Far East, Is quoted by the Moscow
correspondent of tho Times to the effect
that tbe Russian Pacific squadron pos
sesses at least two submarines. They
were built on the Black sea, carried
east in sections and fitted together at
Port Arthur where they now are
The officer also states that tho mouth
of tho Amur river is heavily mined
and that tho river is equipped with
light craft, each patroling about 00
miles and carrying light artillery.
Russians Start a Riot.
Seoul, Feb. 9. Russina soldiers
have been the cause of a disorderly in
ident at Seoul. One ot tho Russians
seized a woman, and an angry croud
gathered, A body of Corean gendarmes
arrived at the scene fo tho trouble, and
an encounter with tho Russians fol
lowed. Tho gendarmes fought well,
overpowering the Russians, one of
whom was wounded. The Coreans de
late, that the Russians will destroy
tho country. An insurrection has
broken out 00 miles nortli of Seoul, and
the prstect's house destroyed.
Russia Would Still Parley,
London, Feb, 0, A dispatch to
Reuter's telegram company from St.
Petersburg says: An authorativo state
ment from a Russian source regarding
the contents of the Russian reply is as
follows: "If tho Jananeso government
Is animated by tho game pacific senti
ments as the Russian government, tiiere
is reason to hope that it will give Rus-
ia's fresh proposals such favorable re
ception as to permit mutual accord be
ing finally reached.
War Supplies for Rebels Seized,
Cape Haytlcn, Haytl, Feb. 9. Mil-
itlons of war Intended for Gcnrcal
Jlminez, the Dominican revolutionary
leader, wero seized at Puerto Plata, on
tho north coast ot the republic of Santo
Domingo, yesterday, after having been
landed there by tho steamer Now York,
from New York, January 30.
Russia Making Thousands ot Hebrew
Leave Moscow.
London, Feb. 4. Moscow la being
depopulated of Its Jewish residents by
order of tho Russian governor ot tl
city. Investigation, begun at his or
der. Into tho domiciliary rights, under
an old law, of 30,000 Jewish working
men and artisans has resulted in tho
expulsion ot thousands.
The police aro carrying out tho in
structfuns given them with tho great
est seal, Jewish houses throughout
the city are entered and searched at all
hours of the day and night for evidence
that will penult the expulsion of the
The law upon which the governor
bases his right to make the crusade
against the Jews Is an old one under
which any Jewish workiniinen and
thoso who wero members of the First
Guild ot Merchants, or wero academic
ally educated, were allowed to rental
In Moscow after the expulsion of 1891
Recently the governor ordered a sttlct
investigation into tho rights of those
residents. On finding tho slightest
Saw the order of expulsion Is lestted
Many families whoso fathers during
the 50s paid for tho freedom ol the
city to their heirs havo been expelled
suddenly. It was charted that the
fathers who paid for this right paid
taxes only as members of tho' First
Guild ot Merchants tor eight years.
According to n recent law tho fico
dom ot tho city cannot bo secured by
any ono who has not paid his taxes as
a member ot the First Guild for ten
years. This recent law has been ap
plied in tho cases ot the dead Jows
and their ancestors havo bccn.expolled
undei Its provisions.
Thoso of tho expelled Jews who hnv
means havo been taken to the railway
station and compelled to buy tickets
Those who have not tho means to buy
tickets are forwarded without expense
Oregon Senators flake Diplomatic Move
by airlnr Way to St. Louts-
Washington, Feb. 4. Senators
Mitchell and Fulton appeared before
the full committee on appropriations
today, in connection with the proposed
amendment offered by Senator Mitchell
yesterday, to the urgent deficiency np
proprlatlon bill in tho interest of the
Lewis and Clark exposition. Tho bt
Louis fair people, whose appeal for
loan was under consideration at the
time, felt that they would be embar
rassed by tho retention of the Oregon
amendment, and on this showing and
tho assurance of the committee that the
Oregon exposition shonld receive favor
able consideration, it was decided to
withdraw tho amendment and bring it
up later in connection with tho sundry
civil bill.
Tho senators believe that by the
diplomatic course, taken at this time.
they havo greatly advanced the Inter
ests of their cause, and thoy feel moro
h poful than ever of favorable action
later on. They are now assured of the
cordial and active support of the St
Louis people. The St. Louis proposi
tlon will undoubtedly be retained in
the urgent deficiency bill, and this will
be a good precedent for Oregon in the
sundry civil bill.
Colombian Troops Attack Indians o the
San Bias Coast.
Panama, Feb. 4. A report has
reached the isthmus that Colombian
troops are fighting with the Indiana on
the San Bias coast, which is In Panama
territory. It Is impossible, however,
to obtain reliable confirmation of this.
The United States gunboat Bancroft
was to have sailed today from Colon to
Bocas del Toro, but the orders were
countermanded at the last moment, be.
cause of the report of fighting on the
A letter was received here some time
ago from Captain Torres, commanding
tho Panama troops at Uhopo, on th
south side of the isthmus and directly
south of the San Bias country, saying
be had decided to cross over to the At'
lantlc side. There Is a possibility that
the Indians are fighting with Captain
Torres' command, mistaking them for
fix-Secretary Whitney Dead.
New York, Feb. 3. William Collins
Whitney, ex-secretary of the navy, died
a few minutes alter 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon at bis home, 871 fifth avO'
nno, in his 04th year. Ho died while
under the influence of ether, admlnls
tercd preparatory to a second operation
for appendicitis. By his bedsido were
his son, Hairy Payne Whlvney, and
his daughter, Dorothy Whitney, as
well as Dr. William T. Bull, tho chle
aurgoon In attendance. Mr. Whltnoy
was taken III Friday night at tho per
formanco of "Rlgoletto."
Sails With Beef for Russian Army.
San Francisco, Feb. 4. Tho Pacific
Mall company a steamer Corea sailed
for the Orient today with ovor 8,000
tons ot freight, including 2,500 tons of
flour for Chinese and Japaneso ports
and 700 tons of mess beef for the Rus
sian army at Vladivostok, She also
carried 100 tons ot beef for tho United
States troops at Manila, and 250,000
feet ol lumber for the same port. Un
the vessel were nearly 200 passengers,
Including a number of Japaneso army
officers who have been 'recalled from
foreign ports.
Taft a Friend of Willamette.
Washington, Feb. 4, One of the
first communications to the houeo
toned by Secretary Taft related to tho
Improvement ot the AVillamotte river
between Portland and Oregon City.
He approved tho recommendation of
the engineers that $5,100 should be
spent to remove Capeley's rocks and
dredging a channel to four feet deep
and remove the sandbars at Jennings,
Waldron a and Magoon's and at the
head ot the Clackamas river.
Comlderlng Successor to Wright.
Washington, Feb, 4, It is learned
that tbe president In selecting a suc
cessor to Governor Luke E, Wright, on
the Philippine commission, will take
man ol prominence from this coun
try. Governor Wright wishes to havo
tho benefit of tho counsel of a man fresh
from the states and in touch with
events hero, and desires, it is said, an
associate rather thar a subordinate.
Big rir Sticks Sent to St. Louis to Re
produce Fort Clatsvp.
lialnlcr Tho Wilson Caso lumber
company litis shipped four curs ot lim
ber for tho Oregon state building at tho
St. Louis fair. Tho order Is a peculiar
ono in that tho hark Is left un one side
of each stick of timber.
Some u( the timbers aro 40 feet long,
with two faces 10 Inches wide and ono It is certain there will not be enough
face 7 h Inches, while tho fourth faro wheat In Rogue river valley this year
is round, with the bark still clinging to supply the local demand, a con
to it. Tho palisade timbers lire 11 ditlon that has prevailed for several
feet long, w Ith ono 10-Inch and two year past.
(our-inch faces. I There Is a largo quantity of alfalfa
It requires 17,000 feet ol theso slabs hay yet held In tho valley. The larger
to enclose the grounds around tho number of stockmen fear a hard winter
building. The building and enclosure,
will ho n reproduction of old Kurt Otat
BOp and the stocktulo Btirroundlng tho
This Is probably the only consign
ment ot the kind ever shipped from the
state, and Mr. I-coper, the manager,
says that It will proluibly lie tho lust.
great deal of trouble wits experienced
In getting trees that were not too largo
and that would run tho sumo thickness
from which to cut tho timbers, to givo
tho right curve on tho round side.
Another difficulty was experienced in
getting trees 011 which tho bark was
still firm.
Tho sap Is now tip and tho bark peels
off very readily. This is not common
ly tho case, but this winter has been so
mild that tho sap raised much earlier
than usual. It will bo hard for St.
Louis peoplo to understand that when
these trees wcro cut eight degrees farth
er nortli than tho city of St. touts, and
in a country where tho thermometer
has not registered zero in 40 years, and
while tho weather was so warm horo
that tho sap in tho trees was up on tho
16th ot January and at tho same time
in St. Louis the thermomotcr was 22
degrees below zero.
Mill Will Oe Built When the Acreage
Reaches 1,000.
Salem Threshing flax seed out of
the straw and spreading the straw in
fields to rot Is now in progress at Eu
gene Bosse's flax establishment at this
plaro. Twenty men aro engaged at the
threshing house and 16 men and boys
aro employed to spread the straw on a
field just east ol town. Two hundred
tons of straw will bo spread out Jevenly
over 00 acres of land and left exposed
to tho weather until
it has rotted
cnougn lor 1110 scmciiiiig mm.
will then bo put through a scutching
mill, which will turn out clean flax
fiber. The fllor will bo stored away to
await tho building of a linen mill.
"Tho orectlon of a linen mill horo InJ
tho Willametto valley Is delayed only
l.v tl.n lulr nf n an .,! v nf fl Urn ma 1,1
by tho lack of a supply of fibre," said
Mr. Rosso. It won t do to build a
mill to run two or three months In the
year. Wo must havo enough fibre to
keep a mill running tho year around.
That will tako 4,000 acres of flax.
Whenever wo can get that wo will havo
raw material enough
icrlal enough to operate with
III will bo built "
and a m
Mr. Bosso has 200 acres of land
leased for flax raisins purposes, and tho
fnrmnr. nf 11,1. vlMnllf trill nnt In
about 100 acres moro this season. Mr.
Bosso thinks tho amount should be in
creased this year to 1,000 acres and in
a year or two Increased to 4,000 acres.
Albany Mills Start Up.
Albany Tho Bannockhurn woolen
mil! company has started tho big Al
bany woolen mills in operation. Work
was commenced on flno cloth for suit
ings. Tho mills had been idle for some
time and many men wcro thrown out
of employment thereby. When the
Bannockhurn company purchased tho
mills they were immediately leased to!
it. n nit.. 1. 1 t. 1 f '
the nlant down at tho end of threo
months. Albany people wcro appre
hensive lest tho miils would not bo put
In operation again soon.
Big Flour Contract.
Pendleton Tho Bycrs mills peoplo
ot this city havo cloned another con
tract with flour exporters for 17,000
barrels of Hour for the Orient. This
shipment goes by way of Portland, in
stead of Tacoma, as did tho last. Tho
prlco of wheat for tho February order
will bo between 05 and 70 cents. Ex
pectlng tho order, Mr. Byers had con
traded for 10,000 bushels of wheat at I
05 cents per bushel and expects to havo
to pay moro before tho order is com-
plotcd. Ho believes thcro is plenty of
1 .
wheat in tho country.
Telegraph to Wallowa.
Elgin Arrangements nro about com
pleted for a telegraph lino from hero
to Lostino. It will bo used In connec
tion with tho telephona wlro. It will
o worked on a duplex systom, both
circuits being on ono wlro, and will bo
Hrectly connected with tho Western
Union ofllco hero. Residents of Wal-
own county nro now anxious for a rail
road. All freight hauling has to be
dono by wagons, and the roads are not
of tho best.
Biggest Plant In the West.
Hltlsboro O. T. Rogers, of Dotrolt,
Mich., and ono of tho largest manu
facturers of condensed milk machinery,
has arrived hero, and will superintend
the installation of tho new machinery
for tho big Ilillsboro plant. Mr. Illog-
era says that this plant will bo tho
largest west of tho Mississippi river
and that no plant In tho world will
havo a moro modom equipment.
Nuggtt Worth Forty Dollars.
Grants Pass A $40 nugget has been
brought In from tho Jewell, Moore
Hayes, placer on Oscar creek. Tills
mine is ono of tho most noted producers
of heavy plecos In tho entire mlnoral
district and Oscar creek, only a small
stream, has becomo wldoly famous tor
tho nuggols tukon from It.
Opp Mine Resumes Operations.
Jacksonville The Opp mlno, located
two miles west of Jacksonville, and
which has beenIdle for moro than a
year, was started up last week by tho
owner, J, W. Opp, and tho mill Is be
ing run day, night and Sunday on ore
that is producing good values.
J.ckion County Will Not Have Sufficient
Wheat, but Fruit In Plenty.
Jacksonville Reports from all parts
of Jackson county aro that tho winter
wheat Is In fine condition, both as to
stand and growth. Tho acreage for
this year la more than twlcothatot last
year, yet so much wneai lunu naa been
'given over to orchard and alfalfa that
and a slight shortage In tho crop last
season tempting the alfalfa growers to
hold for high urlces, The hay Is now
115 to $10 a tun, but may not so hliih
er, as the winter has been open and
stockmen have irqulred but little hay
(or their stock. From the amount of
seed being handled by local dealers
the acreage of alfalfa will be increased
fully 20 per cent In this valley thl
Apple, pear, cherry, prune, peach
and almond trees are in flno condition
and tho yield will bo up to the usual
standard fur Rogue river. Tho vine
yards are also in flue shape. Tho fruit
acreage ot Roguo river, while very
largo, will bo Increased by this winter 1
plantings fully 15 per cent, apples and
pears leading the list.
Baker County lias Had Very Favorable
Weather So Far.
Baker City Stockmen are congratu
latlng themselves on their success in
wintering their sheep, horses and cat-
tlo so far this winter. The weather
has been very favorable. While it ha
been cold there lias been no severe
storms or blizzards.
Feed, while expensive, has been
plentiful. Most of the ranchers raised
their own hay, and while It Is worth
big money, tho cost to the rancher who
owns his own hay land Is eompara-
their light. The man who has to buy
hay to feed range stock Is not so well
off this year.
Mtle of Macadam Road.
Jacksonville The Jacksonville board
of trad has undertaken to secure the
building of a mile of macadam road on
that pert Inn nf lbi JftrksnnvHln-M A,lfnr,l
rnn,l frnm tills nlarn tn tlix Innrtlnn nf
tho Medford-Central Joint roads. A
20-foot width turnpike will be thrown
UPi u10 mat0ral for which will bo gray
wlilcli adjoins this road. In removing
tlm ffrnvnl for th road a straight iln
channel will be made for the creek, to
I . . n i . , . , ., ,
prevent noous irom injuring me roau
way, as has occurred.
Pendleton Schools drawing.
Pendleton At the opening of tho
spring term ol tho public and hlgli
,T T y now pupns wore
"'tendance, many of them coming
""" " uisiucw. ineniy
"vu ' ",0 "ow P wcr0 P"
, K",lol
whito somo of them were
in tho high school. Tho public schools
now havo an attendance of over 1,000
children, while tho attendance at tho
high school Is ovor 100. Kvcry avall-
ablo room has been socurcd und there
is a demand for the construction ot new
Work en Irrigation Ditch.
Pondleton O. O. Morey, principal
of tho Umatilla public schools, was In
Pcndloton last week. He Is authority
for the statement that 50 men aro cm
'ployed on tho irrigation ditch belnc
" ,rom Umatilla river, about a
m I lrt nltnVA TTmntl I ! tn nnlnf nf IK
' mllc " m below. Tho ditch is to
bo run through tho little town of Irrl
gnn, which has derived its name from
tho first syllable of Irrigation and tho
last syllabio of Oregon.
Wheat Walla Walla, 74376c; blne-
etem, 7U(3H0c: valley, 78K0SOC,
Barley Feed, $20 per ton; brewing,
$20(320.50; rolled, $21.
Flour Valley, $3.7503.85 per bar
rel; hard whoat straights, $3.0004.10;
clears, $3.00(93.70; hard wheat
cntfl M-24.60; graham, $3.75; wholo
wneai, ryo nour, slouihu.o.
Oats No. 1 whlto, $10.7(31.10;
8ravi 1-051.07K por cental
kftnn..rru it.. n hoaid k
Millstuffs Bran, $18 IS. 60 per ton:
middlings, $20, shorts, $10.600 20;
chop, $1; linseed, dairy food, $10.
Hay Timothy, $10018 per ton;
clover, $12(313; grain, $12313; cheat,
Butter Sweet cream butter, 32Kc
per pound; fancy creamery, 80o; choice
creamery, 2527Jtfc; dairy, 20022o;
store, U'flnc.
natter rat sweet cream, Blc: sonr
cream, 20c.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 14c;
Young America, 16c.
Toultry Chickens mixed, ll(ai2c
er pound; springs, small, 13(31 4c;
hens, 1212Xe; turkeys, live, 17(t
18c; dressed, 20c; ducks, $80 per
dozen; geeso, livo, 8c per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 20Q27f)C per
Vegetables Turnips, 05o por sack;
carrots, 75c; beets, 00c; parsnips, 76c
$; cabbage, l2c; rod cabbage,
lKc; lettuce, head, 16c .per dozon;
parsley, 2Sc; tomatoes, $1.600 2 per
crato; cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen;
celery, 00c; pumpkins, lc per pound;
onions, Yellow Danvers, $1,1001,25
per sack.
Honey $3(33.00 por caso.
Potatoes Fancy, 8000c per sack;
common, 00080c; sweets, 2Ko In
sacks; 2Kb crated.
Fruits Apples, fancy Baldwins and
Hpitzonburgs, $1,50 por box; cooking,
Hops Choice, 20027c per pound;
prlmo, 25c; medium, 24c,
Wool Valloy, 1718c; Eastorn
Oregon, 1215c; mohair, 32335c.
Beef Dressed, 07Wc per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 06S7ic per pound;
lambs, 7Jc.
Vonl Dressed, 80c.
fork Dressed, OJiOTc. '
Colorado Flyer Dltchrd While Running
Forty Allies an Hour.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 3. Tho Col
orado flyer on tho Missouri l'nelllu rail
way was derallud near Miller. Kau,,
oday while running at tho rate ol 40
miles nil hour.
The engine and tho reur car, n Pull
man, alone remained upright on tho
track. Tho baggugo tar, mall car,
smoker and a chair cur wore thrown in
to the ditch, turning over and wero
badly shattered. One person wits
killed and 13 Injured, ono seriously.
The wreck was caused by tho snap
ping of a rail, duo evidently to the se
vere cold weather ot tho past weok.
Physicians reached the scene promptly
and u relief train was hurried Irom Ota
watomlo, starting east with tho Injured
during the afternoon.
At tho timo nf tho accident tho train
was two hours late and was making up
time. It had no urdcra to stop at
Miller and wont by nt full spmil, Ixjlng
derailed on the outskirts of tho town.
Tho engine and tender passed ovor the
defective rail safely.
Tho front trucks ot the mall car
Jumped tho track and crashed into a
freight car on a siding. Tho baggage
car followed, pushed tho mall car at
right angles across tho track and both
tho forward cars served to block the
smoker. Tho chair car following tho
smoker partially telescoped the smoker
and tho latter was rendered into kindl
ing wood. Tho Pullii an remained on
tho track and aside from a severe shak
ing up tho passengers In that car were
dale Causes Wreck In Colorado In Which
Five People are Hurt.
Denver, Feb. 3. A special to the
News from Idaho Bprlngs, Colo,, says:
A passenger train on tho Colorado &
Southern railroad, which left Denvor
this morning for Georgetown, was
wrecked by a gale, two coaches and a
combination baggage and express car
being blown over and badly damaged,
Tho engine and tender remained on the
track. Four of tho train crew and one
passenger were Injured.
The train had come to a standstill
about 1,500 feet from the station in
Georgetown, being unable to proceed
further because of the wind. While
waiting for the wind to subside, tho cars
wero lilted from the rails by the wind,
and forced over on their side. The
passengers and crew were thrown with
great force against the sides of the cars,
but were able to eneapo through the
doors and windows.
It was several hours Ik-fore the news
of tho accident could bo sent to Denver,
as tho telephone and telegraph wires
wcro prostrated by the wind. A spec
ial relief train, sent from tho latter
city, encountered poles and wires
strewn over the track In many places
and with difficulty reached its destina
tion. The severely Injured wcro taken
to a hospital in Georgetown for treat
Bodies of a Score of Men Found on the
Sands In Nevada,
Salt Lake, Feb. 3. The lodlenot be
tween 20 and 30 men, who perished
from thirst while attempting to cross
tho desert between Moapa and Los
Vegas, Nov., havo bcon found within A
few weeks, according to advices re
ceived from tho latter place.
The men, It is believed, wero mostly
tramps who attempted to make the
long Journey on foot without sufficient
supplies of food and water to carry
them across. Many of the bodies found
were without clothing, and it is be
lieved that tho victims had gono insane
from thirst and had wandered about In
a nude condition In search of water.
Somo of the victims are snnnosed to
havo used water from "Dead Man's
Well," which Is locatod almost In the
contor of tho desert. Tho wator from
this well, whllo temporarily alcvlatlng
thirst, is suro death to those who drink
Jlmlnex Has Loit All.
Washington, Fob. 3. Accordlnir to
Information received at tho state de
partment, all the ports of Panto Do
mingo nro now In the possession of tho
Morales provisional government, Which
snccccdod tho government of General
Wos y Gil. Tho Jlmlncz revolution
seems to havo bcon stamped out.
though thoro has been no diplomatic
recognition of tho Morales government.
United Btatoa officials In Hanto Domin
go have entered Into rolatlona with It,
this step being necessary for tho protec
tion of commercial business.
One Chicago Theater Reopens.
Chicago, Feb. 3. McVlckor's thea-
tor, comploto with safeguards against
flro and loss of llfo. renncnod tonisht.
being tho first of tho popular play,
houses to do so since all of thera wero
closod following tho Iroquois theater
flro. Tho sight which first mot the
sight of thoaudlencowas tho corrugated
stirfaco ot tho 7,600-pound flrcproofed
steel curtain. Tho curtain was lowered
between acts. Scarcely leas obvious
wero tho exits, 17 In number, nearly
all leading directly to thn allovs on
each sldo of the thentor.
For Oreater Corps ot Fnglnecrs,
Washington, Fob. 3. Secretary Root
sont to tho sonato today a report of the
general staff relating to tho increase of
tho cnglneor corps of the nrmv. toiroth.
or with tho draft of a hill whose pnssago
ho recommends Tho bill proposes
that tho corps of chglncors, when in
creased, shall consist of ono chief of en
gineers, with tho rank of brigadier gen
eral; 12 colonels; 18 nontenant colon
ols, 30 majors, 40 captains, 40 first lieu
tenants and 38 second lieutenants,
Mississippi Town Wiped Out.
GroonVillc, Miss., Feb. 3, Flro at
Hollendalo destroyed ovorv Imlldlnir In
tho town except two dwellings;' loss
$200,000, Tho flro started in a negro
restaurant and a hlub wind fanned the
flames to such proportions that tho vol
unteer flre fighters could not stay its