Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 08, 1904, Image 7

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Tho only way to nob rid
of nitnplos nnd other onin-
tions is to clcanso tho blood,
improvo tho digestion, stlm
ulato tito kidneys, liver and I
Isltin. Tho medicino to talco is 1
Hood's Sarsanarilla '
Iinlitl. ki.n .if.n.l I,.
Which baa cured thousands.
111k l)uiiltlkitnni: Hmitor- This
(friend (lint jou want tno to eel n irov
cniiiieiit position fur ) on en n reeoin.
in unci lilm as n mini of void ab'llty mill
capable of flllliiT the place, I auppotv)
Consilium! Why, no, Hwialnr, I can't
do (tint. It's lirciiimo lie can't in nkc a
living nt nnytliliiK rlso Hint t want you
In get n Kovi-riiinciit Jul) for litin, Clil
caso Tribune.
The 1 1 ill o of Three: "One irrtk from
lo-duy, Uncle Jolm, I will be n married
mun. Yes. In veil Blunt days I will
lie Initialed Into the mystr-rlei of "int.
rlinony." "So mytterlrs about II. 1117
"lioy It la Juat the plain, simple rtilo
of three." "llulr of threol lih wluit
illirio)" "Wlfiv muthrr-lndaw, and
hired sit I. -ICu iin City JounmL
I'atlunco- llnrorn tin married tier lie
couldn't do loo innrli for lirr, tint now
lio wouldn't lift lili Iiund to help her.
1'atrlco Well, you know oh says aha
lina mado another man of him!
"Ilunuliic an auto must be eicltlnc."
aald tho friend. "It In," said the own
er. "Krery (line you atop you wonder
If the mat'lilnn will atart again when
you are ready " llrooklyn Ufa,
Straighten Up
WcJ iku M 14 i4ir
St Jacobs Oil
Vrica SBc. anal o.
Wanted an Injunotlon.
"i:t you plena, auh," aald the old
I darky to the lawyer, "I want to take
out a partlu' Injunction."
"What do you mean by that J" naked
the lawyer.
"I manna, auh, In plain langwldge, a
I verdict ter break 'way ter take d
right ban road whar do roade croaa an'
I let de ol: 'Touiau go bar way en me go
" Iaee," aold the lawyer. "iou want
I a divorce to iireou up nousekttplmr
and give her alimony"
"Dat a It, auli," exclaimed the old
man. "I amino wlio Alimony la, but
Idee glmmo my Injunction, en be kin
take her ef he wanta horl" Atlanta
While Arthur waa apeudlng a weak
t bla aunt'a he chanced oue day to
place lila elbowa on the table during
dinner. "My dear boy," aald hla aunt.
"don't you kuow that children of the
Drat famlllca uiuat never put their el
bowa ou the table)" "Oh, well," aald
Arthur, "that doean't hit me for my
father's been murrled twice, aud I be
long to tho aocuud family."
Vanity; Mr. I'otts (to hla wlfe)-My
dear, the air la chilly. Ferine la
fonetro. The vlaltor (uotto voce) Why
do you aak your wlfo In French to shut
the window? Mr. I'otta (dltto)-Iio-cauae
you nro hero. If I naked her In
English alio wouldu't do It, oa alio
won't tako Inatructlona from me be
fore vlaltora, llut If I any It In French,
ho geta up and doea It ut once, ao as
to let you aeo that aho understands tho
language. I'lck-Mo-up,
"Do you believe that the American
people like to bo humbugged!" "No,
air," answered the sturdy patriot,
hut when they llnd anyone smart
enough to do It they enn't help taklu
off their hata to him." Washington
"I was given up to dlo with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I
Improved at once, and am now in
pencct ncaun. um, c sian-
man, Glbbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, plpylng
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deen in vour lungs tfnd
the nlay will be over. Be
gin early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Tana ilm 1 2Sc, Stc, tl. All froitliti.
Oonault your doctor. .If ha iyi UVa It,
Uail Couih Bjrup. T.ile. Uuwi. Uta
a lima, noin or aruvaiiti.
I-emnn Ihliimllilsia,
Half a pound of grated trend
crimiln, (jimrtur pound of chopped suot,
n of moist anitar, two ckki,
0no iarK0 lemon. n much of .ait Mince
tho lemon peel very finely. I'ut nil tho
dry Ingredient In n Imaln, nnd mix
well. Molalen with tlio egga nnd tho
atrnlued Jnlco of the lemon. Htlr well
nnd put tho mixture Into amnll but'
tercd cupa or moulda, Cover with but
tercd pnper. Het them In n kottlo of
boiling wnter, nnd let them atenm for
two and a linlf houra. Turn them out
In n dlali, nnd atrow alftcd augar over
Halted Alinnnde.
Illnnch tho nlmonda In boiling hot
wnter. Melt a tnblenpoonful of butter,
nnd let tho nlmonda atnud In It nn
hour. I'ut a tablfspooiiful or milt Into
n (Hull, ntlr In tho nuts until nil nro
lightly covered with unit, aprend on a
aliallow tin nnil aet In n warm oven
to brown delicately. More or leaa salt
may bo uaed, nccordlng to tnato. Pen
litlta nro united In tho name way, ex
cept Hint they do not need hlnnchtng,
a tho brown hull cornea off eaally.
Chocolate distant.
To two cupa of milk ndd two well
beaten egg, two allghtly rounding tea
apoonfula of cocon, thren level tnhlo
apoonfula of augnr, nnd ono-hnlf ten.
apoonful of vnullln flavoring. The co
con ahould bo mixed with tho augnr
nnd dlaaolved In linlf of tho- mlllc
denied, nnd when thin linn cooled n
llttlo ndd tho other Ingredlcnta nnd
pour Into cupa. Ket tho cupa In a pnn
of boiling water and bake In a moder
nto oven,
Tapper flamlwlcliae.
Itcmovo nil tho aeeda from a green
pepper, chop flno and alinmcr ten m lu
ll t In a tnhleapoonful of butter. Do
not allow It to brown. Add n dnah
of unit, and when cold aprend between
thin alleea of bread minim the crunt.
(Imted American cream cheeno may bo
placed on tho top of tho pepper layer
with linppy reaulta. Theac piquant llt
tlo sandwiches nro aald to bo especial
ly ulco with cold meat.
Cranberry Krlltere.
Heat ouo egg thoroughly and atlr It
Into oue and n half cups of milk, add
ana tablesponnful of augar nnd one. cup
of flour In which linn been alftcd ouo
tenspoonful of linking powder. When
well mixed atlr In ouo cup of thick,
rich cranberry sauce, nnd drop In
apoonfula on n hot. buttered gridiron,
llrown very lightly and servo with but
ter nnd powdered augnr. Good House
keeping. Creamed Oyatera.
I'ut one quart of oysters, wttb tbo
broth, Into a etowpnn, nnd let tho oy-
Jora bent through, When the edges
. of tho oyatcra curl, tnko them out nnd
ndd two cupa of milk nnd two tnhlo
, apoonfula of butter to tho broth. When
I boiling, ndd two tnbleapoonfuln of Hour
which linn been atlrred smooth In a
llttlo cold milk, with salt nnd pepper.
When thickened, ndd tho oysters, and
servo at onco on slices of toast.
Apples with Criinii
I'cel, core nnd quarter nix Inrge tart
applca; boll in a rich sugar ayrup till
tender, but not broken. Place In u
gtnsn dish, boll the syrup n llttlo long
er, and then pour over tho apples.
When cold cover with n thin layer of
i-u mi""" jvnj. mm mi mui
thick layer of whipped cream sweet'
cued with sugar.
Ham Toast.
Mix somo pounded cold hnm with n
benten egg, season with pepper nnd
lay on buttered toast; put In tho oven
until It geta thoroughly heated. A ulco
way of using up amnll pieces of bam.
To Make Dried Deaf.
Mnko n plain brluo of four gallons
water, six pounds salt, ono ounce salt
peter. Cover tho meat with this, nnd
lenvo It In thrco weeks, then bang up
to dry.
Hatee at Fair..
Bales nt fairs have long been n fea
ture of tho Kngllsh cattle shows. In
fact, Uiey have becoiuo so general that
many of tho English shows are really
inarkot days nnd aro held nt frequent
Intervals. Snlcs have played a moro
or less Important part with American
exhibitors, but have always been mado
privately, aud fair otUcluls have taken
llttlo or no Interest in encouraging
them. There would seem to bo an op
portunlty In this country for advance
ment In this direction. If salo Classen
arc arranged for and a certain part of
tho day set nsldo for miction sales of
cattlo or other produce both tho fair
management, exhibitors and general
public might be benctltcd thereby. It
would help tho farmer out at tho spot
whero bo Is weakest that Is, In mar
keting what ho grows. American
Cleana Out Vermin,
A writer In tho Scientific American
says ho has cleared his promises of
vermin by making whitewash yellow
with copperas and covering tho stones
and rafters In tho cellar with it. In
every crovlco In which a rnt might go
ho put tho copperas and scattered It In
tho comers of tho floor. Tho result
was n complcto disappearance of rats
and mice. Blnco that tlmo not a rat or
mouse, has been seen near tho house.
Kvery spring tho cellar Is coated with
the yellow whltowash as a purlller itnd
n rnt exterminator, nnd no typhoid,
dysentery or fever attacks tlio family.
Cement Floora for llnma.
Fiom n snnltriry point of vlow thero
Is no doubt that cement floors aro tho
best for barns nnd stables. Ifowovor,
when putting on tho llulshlng layer, It
should bo rather deeply striated, which
provents It from becoming slippery.
Tlio Btrlao should follow n system fa
vorable to drnlnago that Is, tho small
furrows should lead to larger ones nnd
theso to tho drain In tho rear of nil
stalls. This is very easily done.
m 1 'i .1111 in a
is -. . - tm
Richmond, Va.,
HJLIO. JL UUlUUlli O. IJl W.111111I11L IUUV IJ I
woman's troubles, tells of her cure by
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Deaii Mrs. I'inkiiam: Foruomo years I suffered with backaclie,
eovcro bearing-down palaa, loucorrhaxi, and falling of tho womb. I
tried many remedies, but nothing gavo any posltivo relief.
" I commenced, taking I.ytllu V. Pitiklimii'a Vcu'ctnblo Compound
In June, 1001. When I had taken the llrst half bottle, I felt a vast lm-
firoveiucnt, and have now taken ten bottles with tho result that I feel
Iko a now woman. When I commenced taking tho Vegetable Com
pound felt all worn out and was fast approaching complete nervous
collap.40. I weighed only 08 pounds. Now I weigh 1001 pounds and
am improving ovory day, I gladly testify to tho benefits received."
Mns. it O. Tupmak, 423 West 30th St., Hichmond, Vo,
Wlum a tncdlctno lias linen micccnnful In moro than a million
cnics, Is It Jtisttco to yourself to say, without tryinc; It, "I do not
bcllovo It would help mo" V
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discour
aged, exhausted with each day's work. You Iiavo somo derange
ment of tho fcmlnlno organism, and Iydla 13. I'lnklinm's Vege
table Compound will help you just as surely as It lias others.
Mrs. W. II. Fellmni, Jr., 108 13. Ilakor St., Illchmond, Va., says :
u Diaji Mns. Pi.nkiiam : I must say that I do not belio vo there is any
fomalo modiclne to comparo with Lydia E. I'lnkliam's Vegetable Com-
pound, and i
wnai your
taking the
, off that
one who
"I took
women who nro ill tlmt Lydia 13.
is me raoulclno tliey sliould take, it has stood tno test of time,
nnd It lias hundreds of thousands of cures to its credit. SVoiucn
should consider It unwlso to use any other medicine.
Mr. Plnkhnin, whose address is Lynn, Mass., will answer chccr
fully and without coat all letters addressed to her by sick women.
Perhaps sho has just the knowledge that will help your case-
try lier to-day it costs nothing.
SfORFEIT It va nnot forthwith
mi iwiiuoutw. Btca will proTi
"My brother is very much hurt that
you should icfuso to correspond with
him," eni'l Mr. Chclltisnmn's sister.
"Ily falling to answer hla many letters
yo'wrong jlIm, although, perhaps, you
j,, , miMn It
'No," replied Mlsi Jilt. "I do not
I mean to wrong lilm; neither do I
mean to wrlto him." Catholic Stand
I ard and Times.
I Day of Apia Fish.
In tho bay of Apia,. in Samoa, a sur
veying party lias discovered 453 dis
tinct specimens ol fish.
The Dahlia.
Tlio dalilln was Introduced into Ku
ropo for tho value, of Its bulb as a sub
stitute for tlio Irifli potatoo, which it
resembles when baked.
Because Rheumatism sometimes comes oa suddenly it doesn't
prove that it is a chance disease or one due to a'ccidcntal causes. It
takes time for it to develop, aud is at work in the system long before
any symptoms are felt. The blood is the first point of attack, and
the poisonous acids that cause the aches and pains are then distrib
uted through the circulation to different parts of the system, and
settle in joints, muscles and nerves; and when the system is in this
condition it needs only some exciting cause like exposure to night air,
damp, chilly weather, or the cold, bleak winds of winter, to arouse
the slumbering poisons aud bring ou Rheumatism. The severity
of the attack depends upon the amount of acid in the blood and the
uuanuiy oi acrm maucr in iuc
joints and muscles. Some peo
ple are almost helpless from the
first, while others have occa
sional spells or arc uncomforta
ble, restless, nervous and half
sick all the time from the
nagging aches and pains. Rheu
matism is a disagreeable com
panion even in its mildest form.
It grows worse as we grow older,
and frequently stiffens the joints,
draws the muscles out of shape
and breaks down the nervous
system. A disease that origin
ates in the blood, as Rheumatism
does, cannot be cured with ex
ternal remedies like liniments and plasters ; such things scatter the
pains or drive them to some other part of the body, but do not touch
the disease or improve the condition of the blood. The thin acid
blood must be restored to its normal
up the general health at the same time.
Write for our special book on Rheumatism, and should you
desire any special information or advice, our physicians will furnish
it without charge, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OAs
a great sufferer with i
rflturn to you myncarttolt thanks for
mcuicino nas uono lor me. lieforo
Vcgotablo Compound I was bo badly
I thought I could not live much
ltio llttlo wort I had to do was a
burden to mo. I suffered with Irregular
menstruation and leucorrhcea, which caused
nn irritation of tho tarts. I looked like
had consumption, but I do not look
uko mat now, anu i owo it an to your wonder
ful medicine.
only bIx bottles, but it has mado
mo ieei uko a now person, l tnaiuc
God that there is such a female helper
as you,"
Ho It, therefore, believed by all
IMnkliam'a Vegctablo Compound
DrMarc th orlrtn&l lattcn and ilnfttiirMa
amr boioiuis cenuincnH.
K. rinkbsin MadlclB Co., Z.7kn, aim.
Just In Hard Luck.
Irato Guest (to waiter) Look lierel
Dilin't I order a Swiss chceso sand
wich? Polite Waiter Yes, sir, and there it
Irato Guest There are two slices of
bread, but can you find any cheese on
Polite Waiter I'm sorry, sir. Tho
chceso is there nil right, only you hap
pened to hit on ono ol the holes.
Egyptian Maxima.
An Egyptian papyrus which dates
back to about 4,000 II. O. has tho fol
lowing injunctions: "Calumnies
should never bo repeated." "Guard
thy speech boforo all things, for n
man's ruin lies in his tongue." Tlio
wIfo men of tho raco early learned good
Urbana, Ohio, Aug. SB, 1003.
Iiaat wlntor X had a aavara attaok ol
Xthaumattsm. It atartad In tba right
elbow, and from there to my wrlata; (ha
rlsrht wrlat waa the worse. It baoame
avrollan and extremely painful. My left
knae Joint waa the next plaos to be at
taoked. It became awolleu and ofcourae
painful. The next point to be affeoted
waa the hip and ankle, whloU arave sne
xnuoh trouble. I waa barely able to sat
about for aomo time. I waa under treat
ment of a uliyalclan for awhllo, but rot
ting no better I began S. S. a., and after
taking; It for aome time I waa entirely
roltevodof theltlieumatlam. All a welling
and aoreneaa dlaanpeared. I conalder
B. B. 8. an excellent remedy for Itheuma.
tlam and all troublea bavins tbalr origin
In tha blood,
408 Dloomfleld Ave.
purity and strength, so that all poi
sonous substances may be carried out
of the system, and no medicine accom
plishes this in so short a time as S. S. S.,
which not only neutralizes the acids
and counteracts the poisons, but builds
Falnl Mistakes. Two classes make
f- I n I ml-,-1,M ,1 1 1 1. 1 .. 1. It
( iu uii uiiniuncD Luunu tvtlu IIIIIIK IUVJ
nro wnolly sand! lied and those who
mako no progress at all. Hev. Hny
Palmer, Ilaptlst. Cbllllcotbe, Mo.
forgetting. If you forget In order
to mend, God forgots, too; If you for
got In ordor to persist, then you may
forget, but God remembers. Itev.
frank Crane, Unitarian, Worcester,
Tho Home. Tho American home Is
tbo richest Inheritance of the nation.
It Is In Its best estate more primal
and Important than school or church.
Itov. It. A. White, Unlvcraallst, Chi
cago, 111.
Getting In Line. The man who does
not lino up with God's people In the
great fight for righteousness Is on tho
sldo of tho devil and arrays himself
against God. Itev. A. It. Holderby,
Methodist, Atlanta, Gn.
Tho Duties of Life. Life must bo
! unified by having but one principle
and then seeking to attain to the one
goat by using two Instrumentalities,
religious duties and secular Interest.
Iter. O. V. Case, Baptist, Montclair,
N. J.
Tho Soul In Action. Prayer Is the
sou! In action. And In Its highest form
It Is tho highest energy of which the
soul Is capable the most positive pow
er In man's relation to God. Itev.
John Held, Presbyterian, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Wine, Women and Wealth. The
greatest temptations of men to put
them rythmlcally, aro wine, women
and wealth. And I think I put these
In the order of their Importance. Itev.
0. L. Laws, Congregattonallst, Balti
more, Md.
Tho Touch of Love. Humanity re
sponds to the touch of love. Around
on the sunny side of even tbo most
frigid man there is always a door that
opens to the presence of n loving heart
Itev. T. J. Vlllcrs, Baptist, Indian
apolis, Ind.
Labor Unions. I believe any num
ber of persons engaged In the same
work have as much right to form a
union as wo ministers have to meet
each Monday, In our ministerial meet
ings. Itev. S. E. Young, Presbyterian,
Pittsburg, ra.
Theft A thief Is one who steals.
To steal Is to take without right or
leave that which belongs to another.
When a thief Is convicted of stealing
be Is put Into Jail; that Is, some thieves
are. Itov. J. M. Markley, Congrega
ttonallst, Denver, Col.
Humility. There Is no principle
more universally overworked In the
Christian church to-day than that of
humility. The average Christian Is
altogether too meek nnd too prone to
self-disparagement. Hev. C. E. Jcffer
son. Baptist New York City.
Wealth. The love of money Is the
root of evil, but a man by caring strict.
ly for his business and doing It nil with
Integrity, can succeed and may become
rich. All a man needs Is hustle. He
does not need to be born rich. Itev. S.
M. Dick, Methodist Worcester, Mass.
Two Questions. Life holds two
questions of the first Importance. Is
there a God? And If so, how does He
feel toward us? la there another life?
And If so, what about tho harvest
there of sin that we have sown here?
Rev. N. D. HIIIls, Cougregatlonallst,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Missionaries. It Is only 03 years
since the first American missionary
went out among the heathen and to
day there aro millions of Christians
whero thero would bnve been only
heathens had not the banner of Christ
been unfurled in their midst Rev. J.
E. McClurkln, Presbyterian, Shady
Side, Ta.
Sin and Disease. The best way to
keep dlseaso out of the Inner life Is to
keep It strong, healthy and vigorous
with moral and spiritual life. The way
to keep sin out of tho life Is not by
fencing of any kind, for sin gets over
all fences; but by having the life filled
to overflowing with spiritual life aud
power. Itev. W. M. Martin, Methodist,
Brooklyn, N. Y,
Trouble. The reason trouble Is so
troublesome Is that we seldom put God
In the present tense. We transpose
lilm Into the dim past and dwell upon
tho wonders He wrought In the days
of the fathers. We transpose Him Into.
the remote future and dream of the
glories which shall be ours when all
the veils which now hide Him shall be
lifted. Christ's cure for trouble Is to
live with God beside us In our every
day experiences; to tnk? God to the
offlce. a partner In our business; to take
God to tho parlor, a sharer In our pleas
ures. Itev. Howard Dutlleld, Presbyte
rian, New York City.
family Devotion. Family worship
is essential to true homo life. When
ever young people Set up a homo they
ought to erect an nltar. Religion In
the homo Is more Important than any
where else. In tho family the day
should begin aud close with God. Fam
ily prayer should bo brief, yet com
prehensive enough to compass tho
wants of tho family. The selections of
Scriptures should bo mndo with care.
As a rule, family devotion should be
conducted at nbout tho same hour,
morning nnd evening. Whero men and
women plan for such devotions, family
religion becomes pleasant nnd profit
able. Rev. D. G, Wylle, Presbyterian,
New York City.
A Itenl Oibaon Girl.
Mrs. Gibson, tho mother ot Charles
Dana Gibson, says that a few days
since Dana's llttlo girl, nged 7, cuiuo
over to 6ee her. After playing content
edly for some time she came up to her
and said;
"Graudma, I must go home now,"
"Hut why so soon, dearie?"
"Well, you see, grandmn, I must
look after papa, He's nil alone there,
with nobody but his wife nnd the
Knowledge of u goefd mil ,y in n ton
slsts of things Unit aren't so.
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds
A Letter From the Governor of Oregon.
Peruna Is known from the Atlantic
to the Pacific. Letters of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to
tl.o merits of Peruna as a catarrh rem
edy are pouring in from every stato in
the union. Dr. Hartman is receiving
hundreds of such letters daily. All
clarees write these letters, from the
highest to tho lowest.
The outdoor laborer, the indoor ar
tisan, the clerk, the editor, the states
man, the preacher all agrco that Pe
runa is tlio catarrh remedy of the ago.
Tlio stage and rostrum, recognizing ca
tarrh as their greatest enemy, aro es
pecially enthusiastic in their praira
and testimony.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well nigh universal; almost
omnipresent. Peruna is the only abso
lute safeguard known. A cold is tho
beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to enre colds, is to cheat catarrh
out of its victims. Peruna not only
cures catarrh, but prevents it. Every
household should be supplied with this
great remedy for coughs, colds and so
The Governor of Oregon is an ardent
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1904
Sufficient Reason.
"Whot makes Middlerlb so bitter
against Turks7"
"The young man who calls on tits
daughter smokes Turkish cigarettes."
100 ItEWAIlD SJ100.
Tbe readers olthla paper will be pleated to
earn tbat tbere la at leait one dreaded dl teats
iht.t telenee hat been able to cure In all ltt
atacet, and tbat It catarrh. IltU't CiUrrh Cure
It the only pollute cure known to the medical
fraternltr- Catarrb belnKaconitltutlonaldlt
ette, requlret a conttltutlonal treatment.
HaU'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting
dlrectlr upon the blood and mucoui inrfaoei
of the ay ttem. thereby destroying the founda
tion of tbe dlieate, and tirlnc the patient
atrenatb bybulldlnrup the confutation and
aialtting nature In aolnr ltt work. The pro
prietor! hare 10 ranch faith In Ita curative
powers, mat inef oner one uunarea uotiara
lor any cue that It falls to cure. Eend for Hit
ot tettimonlala. Addreti
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledn, 1.
Bold by drunltti.'Sc.
HJ1' Farnllr llllt are the be!.
An Odd Chandelier.
A chandelier, mado of human bones,
adorns the ceiling of a church in Seid
litz, Bohemia.
Poor man! He can't help It.
He gets bilious. He needs a
good liver pill Ayer's Pills.
They act directly on the liver.
cure Biliousness.
-. ... i
Want your moustache or beard
abeautlfulbrownorrich black? Use
ruTT ct. or paroaim oa a r. nm t Co , Buari, a a.
The Giui TOWER'S
It is made oftAe tot
rsterieJj. in Hckorj'elIow.
fully awuiltti and sold fcjr
relutle dealers oerrirlitre.
"For elxyeare I Avaa a victim ofdya
lepala In Ita wortt form. 1 could eat nothing
'Ut milk toast, and at tlmeamyatomach would
not rnt&fn and direst even that. List March 1
becan taklnj CASCAHETS and alnce then I
hare steadily Improved, until I am aa well as I
ever waa la my life."
Uavid II. Mdrpiit, Newark. O.
Plat-tot. r-alatabla. Potent, Tattt flood. Da
Qood, -Naier Slckeo, Weaken, or Orlpe. 10c, tto, Wo.
Nil Tfl MAP Sold and (riinranteed by all drag
HU I U'UAu tint to VVUK Tobacco Uablk
twa oi tuna awiertato -
The Oreat Conditioner and Stock Pattener. MORSES do
More Work on Leaa Peed. COWS give More and Richer
Mlllc II0U3 Patten Quicker 11 given this Pood.
Package, BOo nnd SI.OO.
marks rics anow good von stunted calves.
PautsiAN Keubdt Co., St. rani, Minn.
Gsmtlhmbn i I have been feeding your Pkusiun 8tock Food to my
thoroughbred awlne. it glrca them nn uppetite, and makea the plga
grJw. I alto tried It on atunted calvca with satisfactory rcsulta,
1'. W. Oaoouu. liurln. Neb.
PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Or., Coast Asellta.
Send for Special Circular Portland. - - - oreqon
in His Family
and Grip,
ndmircr of Perunn. Ho keeps it con
stantly In the houso. In a recent let
ter to Dr. Hartman, he says:
State of Oregon, Executive Depart
ment, The Tcruna Medicine Co.. Columbus, O.:
Dear Sirs I linve had occasion to uso
you Peruna medicine In my family for
colds, and It proved to be an excellent
remedy. I have not had occasion to
use it forotner ailments.
Yours very truly, V. AI. Lord.
It will bo noticed that the governor
says ho has not had occasion to nse Pe
runa for other ailments. Tlio reason
for this is, rnoit other ailments begin
with, a cold. Using Peruna to prompt
ly cure colds, ho protects his family
from other ailments. This is exactly
what every oth0' family in the United
States sliould do. Keep Peruna in the
house. Use it for coughs, colds, la
grippe, and other climatic affections of
winter, and thero will be no other ail
ments in the houso. Such families
should provide themselves with a copy
of Dr. Hartman's frco book, entitled,
"Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hart
man, Columbus, Ohio,
Assyrian Records.
Layard in his "History of Nineveh"
mentions that the national records of
the Assyrian empire were written on
bricks in characters so minute as to bo
scarcely legible without the aid of a
microscope and that, in fact, a variety
of this instrument was found among
the excavations.
riTC Permaenuy uured. wonts or narrootneat
l 0 arterSrttdar'autaorDr.Kllne'iUnalNam
JUatorer. Hend for Free 113 trtalbnttleand traatia
Vt. Ji. U. Kline, LU..U1 Arch St.. PhUadtlphla, Fa.
The Modern Way.
"I wish to marry your daughter,"
said the young man. The old man
was a sensible old man.
"Can I support you in the style to
which you have been accusmtomed?"
he asked. Puck.
Vothen win End Urt. Wlmlow'i Sootblne
nyrnp the beit remedy to me for their chlldrea
the teething leaton.
Himself to Blame.
"Didn't you once say that your wlfs
was the making of you?"
"Only once," replied Mr. Meekton.
"Henrietta heard it and eald it was
very unkind and unjust to blame her
in that manner."
FIso s Care Is a remedy for coughs, colds
and consumption. Try It. Price 25 cents,
St druggists.
Taking Things.
"I always take things as they
come," said the pickpocket as he dex
terously relieved the man ahead of
him of a watch and purse.
"And I take men as I find them,"
added tbe policeman, clutching him
gently but firmly by tho arm.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Cor
Wood Saw!, Drag bawl run Ty tteam or f aao
line englnet, alto the latett In taw mill ma
chinery, ttump puller t, welt drilling machin
ery, etc., etc.
Write tor your needs.
Foot of Morrison Street
Portland Oregon
St. Helen's Mall
) Home and day tchool for airli. Ideal
ft) location. Epacfou building;. Modern
() equipment. Academic, Colleito Prepar-
() atlon and special couraet. Music. Klo-
cutlon. Art la charge ot apeclalltti.
(A Illuttrated catalogue. Eaater term
$) opena February 1. IIAU.
cost more -yield more-
save all tXDerlmentine.
live dlllDDOlnlmenti. .S
vetrs the standard Seeds.
Sold bv ill detlera. 1004
Seed Annual postpaid free.
to all applicants.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
P. N. U.
WHEN writing; to adtertlaere pleat
mention tlile paper. I
Sanders Disk Plow
Simplest and moil perfect made. Dafnre yon
give your order for a lilslc Plow be ture 14 ex
amine the Handera, i'urtala by the old reli
able house oi
Mitchell.Lewis&Staver Co.,