Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 08, 1904, Image 3

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    Heart tlie ml nil last PK tlilM week
Itcnil our tiler ndvcillaoliiciit. nil hisl.
initio ol I III paper.
Hoy Griggs, of CoiiHtocls. minion
II.VIIIH iril III I II" 'll.v ""Minn,!.
Win. llerirlelt. our i-lljr night hint
Motuluy.for liiiwaon Cliy, Aliudm
mIiilvch mill ll neat I III 1 1'
ciil dnii Into Allium ami HuNtlngM.
JiiiIuii Vaughn on Monday Inst
iiioyikI Into iini "I thuKiiox Iiiiiinc
MIhh Irvine. NochtnilM, of Albany,
luu been vlidtlng I""- HlHtcr, .urn. .1
For nil Mm latest novolaln illtuirent
Hlyln binding win iu JirM. 11. v.,
I'Tvlil'ii liool Mtorc.
(lull'l l.llllgtrcc(. Ilm great Coll'
fudarnUj Hiildlcr. lilt PHmhimI IiIm IiihI
An eleirilllt lllli! Ill llt'l'lulUC unit
Uiitlonerv lit Mm. I). II. Field'
lunik nUiiu
Dr. C. V. Lowe, optician win In
tlio city Monday mill Tuesday on
I II. (Wllilrr iiinl Imiilly, ol I'm
Vnlloy. visited last week with Mr.
mill Mr. C. V. t'ultlwoll.
Ohnrlc Olson, who lor aoniu time
imHlliim been u resident ol Ihtfcuo
IlllH rOIIIOTOll to Wllilwooil.
Mm. I.. T. Vole ruturned to Iter
liiiinn in hu mil on m my, mini- n
piCnsiUlL viniv tv I ill ll i'-iiii" in i" viij .
Nnw nrder of Ulitodllto novel for
tlio circulating lllirury will arrive for
Ninas lit Kagle I'ooU Ktort'.
Mm. lluiirue, of l.iUliitin, who him
t.Mttt viuiimir hit niiiiuur. .tun. liiiinn.
i.liii mil iiriii'i iiwiiiu ...i.ii.j .
Mr I'nrLlH Veatch. Will) WHS Visit
liar menus aim nunuve uv ;rvren.
Mayor WIIIImiiim, ol rorllmiil, dr-
stilus MiroiiK 01111ns hi ihm'j
llllllt rcmoveil, siaiiu iiriuiy uy mi
John llcllenshurg, of I'u HI, wan III
L11I1 fill Lllin ni-VK n iiv x
A new electric light was put up on
I iu cor it oy nit' resilience in .1.
ciirrlti .11111. isl. l-eL llicuiillil wiitk
Mr. mid Mm. M. Comer, of llrulu.
mill I,. .II. 1 in Hl'l ,,, " uv, ... .
muitii. v hi wnii it. .i. I. diner 1111 11
liuuint iti;v.
TIlOlllll Cllllllllll'll, HOII of T. Iv.
iwiiiininiii iji me 1. 1 n-mi in-ii
to Mt. Allied to altnuil school, the
Ural of thu wiHik.
Mm. N. V. Allison who ha been
visiting relative In I'ortlmiil, Forest
(Irovo anil Independence, returned to
her Iiiiiiij Monday.
Mr. anil Mm. I. II. Illughnui are
aiMtudluir a few iIiivh In I'ortlaml
tills week. Their mill, lien, wlllfulcr
ichool In rortlmnl.
rot. I. K Caldwell, of IMillomnth.
neat the, IioIIiIiits with III brother.
(J. NY. Caldwell, rutnrnluc on thu
overland Thursday morning.
HiiIIh inailu to order at absolute
cost, thulowest prices ever made iu
thuclty. Mimtclom) out Ntock. C01110
ami two inu at once. UcorKO llohl-riimi.
I lev. IIIIIIiikIoii ilcllviwd a touch
Inu ami rloiiiiiiit kciiiioii Hiiiulay
iiinriihur lo a Iiukc nml lattciillvii
aillllUIK'1. CIllOll IIIUHlf WIIH I'1ImIIIImI
Iiv tin cliolr, with a "Hpcclul Hoii(."
'I IiIn wi-ok In to li a week of coiihu- I
cnilloii ami pruyiT fulluwinl iy a
I'rli'H of revival urvlccn which hi--!
ln MiiiiiIm.v, .lull. II. Kvcrylnulv
coiiiuauilcnlo.v uk'iimI 0I1I fiiifiloiiuil
revival of mIIkIoim work ami iiivIiik;
list oi' puns
Law I'jimciI al Spcclnl Scmlini Mukc
Clmiizcn AcI.Ib now In HI feci.
( 'niiiii Ihui'm IiI'I, niiNwil at (lii'Hiii'c-
Inl hchhIoii. nml which uti j v!iIim for
Ili'vlval inci'lhiKH at lhi chrlMtluu iimw I'hai'Ki'N liy counlr I'lcrkH irml
I'hii VV'iii'lil'nllri'iili'Hl cImiimi ami went Into i-ffcct Drcuin
New Mirth, I'liu 1 her The nii-iiHiini Incrcmn-H th
1 li'i.M I'dliMlilnrrt ill i' rriui lllll riilllllA'B
Kuctlou I Thai III every county of
tin Nlnli' of Orc'Kun I'liiitiiliiliix Icon
than r.u.niK) liilmlilimiiH iIhth mIiiiI
III' I'XIlrtilil mill colli'l'll'll I IV I III)
ivi'iinli'i- of ci 111 v.. nil. vh or cinilltj'
clerk, If llicro In- tin rccorilcr of con m-i'x, for tin lii-ncfll of nnrh
ciiiimi.v, 1 in fiiiiiiwlia; rn'K ami no
iiiorii for tin followlin; purpoMor ami
wrrici'K, iimm-i.r:
Kli'Mt i'or rccorillim airy ilcuil
I runt ih-cil. ilcclaratloii, contract,
uiorlKMue. chattel iiiortKiiKC, hill of
Hale, or any hnntruiiipiit In willing
reiiulreil or permltteil by law to Ik
ifconloil, for each folio of I IK) worth
In Much limtruinent, the mini of 23
ceirtx, hut no elm run shall ho made
for thu IIIIiik or Iniluxlnn of hucii In
Ntruriifiitii, or for thu olllclal crrtlfl
cntv attnclieil thvrrto.
Hecoml I'or eriterlnif nml nttPMt
IniTHntliifnctlon. anHlmirnent or re.
Icani), on tlie nmrirln of the record, of
In r,.Hiii.i.,i 1 1 .. ....... ....... , "n i"rciiiiinc n nuii, icm cuttic or
..iiiiiiii 11 11 in 11 iri.i nn h mu . i ... u.i ... . ...i i .
therulH but little Improvement hi I r.,..i rn ..... ur "u" r ,""r"
l.l ... ....II 1 1.... 1 1 I.I.. .1... iti. 'lit, nv Liillim.
Ill I IIIIIIII.IIIII. .1 I11IUIIH r IJI IHH I III.- 'Ilkl-.l IJ... Mil.... ...... 1.1 11...
Iniri. (Irme frlniiil. I.i II,.1 ' "I """! H mo
."i.i... j miry or any iranncript or juUKincut
111 ine jiruvmeut lion docket, ?l
C. J. lliumra nml Atiut Hw.nuen I'ourth I'or (urnlwhluK private
iiiivuentvrisl bun 11 pnrtuemhlp In rim 1 pitmen copleii or rcconln nml Wen,
Imiriilrr In Cuttnuii Ornve, nml h III im ! for each folio 10 cantu, ana for each
( liureh lieulunhiK Hiimlay .lull. lOat recorilei'it for reenrillia; deeiln, rnorl.
(i.i'i p. 111. Home of the HiihJeetH will kiikch, etc., carrleil an cnu'Wiicy
n km ioiiown:
Hook. I'lm
(liiHpel. (IoiI'h I'ower, I'he Holy
Mllll'll " A V. M .f 1 1... U'...l.l ll
"lliii I' lie MiikiIoiiim,' "ChrlNtlnu
I'llliiu." A cordial Invltiilhiii In ex.
I led loall. I'. V.. JIIIIIiikIoii, I'iim-
lieu. Cummliucfi left Inn! .Mundav
for Alahiiiua, where he will limped
Nome iniiiml v. which hu will mir.
cIiiinii If .atl-ifactory. A iiuiulier of
yearn lino Mr. CiiiiiiuIiikh renlded In
11ml Mintu mid Win favoruhly hu
preHoed with the Hoiithiirn country,
tin will rirohablr niukit Hint mIrLh IiIh
future home.
Mr. I.i.IImv W11111U lit ilm iirm ,if
Wejcjl mid 'ooil. rcreWril 11 letter
Monday from It Im brother l. I,,
ooiln or f'lilcuuo. Mlat nir ho lnL
mlimeil heliiK In the lroiiioli lire, lie
had attemiiteil to hcciimi tlckeln fur
hlunielf and friend but wiih ton late
lo procure them.
Dr. Wall Inat Ilm (iood Hmuaritmi
w. 0. w. A'naNrio.N.
Neluhhor I". (I. Woodcock, l)Hinty
Htate Oicunlier, will make llohemla
Camii No. 'im mi olllclal vlelt on
Haliirdiiy Kve, .Inn, nth, All rnem
Ihtm are leiMietied to he pieieul,
0. II, VamOkniii'iio, Clerk No. ifW
mmii ah the iiroper iniicliiiirry enn lie
piiiciitml, lic.runniiiR in llrntcliinn (Inipe
Ham 1 1 iikhIh left for lUavcrlon
Or., IiihI week, from thorn hu ex
ulllchil certlflcat tlieruto. 2.'nenU.
I'lfth I'or enlerlnsr of record every
oecinraiiou 01 lureMlon or an alien
to become a citizen ol the l ulled
Htate, and furtihihlnir to tlio de
!r,'.t,1 .'i" S"it'r! i'lt?il''tnkV'1 '?r "Ulirant a certllleil copy thereof, JI.WJ;
ami ror enieriui; or record every
naturalization of an alien, nml fur-
iiIkIiIiik to thu pcMon nntiirnlliud a
uliiirt l 11 v , from which he exiieclito
ruiurii ami iiiiiku irc-ou lim lioinu,
A notable event for Cottaice
'rove, will liu the vImII of IIUIidii
l';iirl CrniiNton l. I)., I,. I,. It. a witIi
rum next Hiimlay, who will prench
at the M. II. Cliurch.
Ilr. Driver, who wiim unavoidably
certllleil copy thereof, 5.
Hectlon L'. Tim feen denlitiuiteil In
Section 1 of tlilM act Hhnll lie col
lected In advance from thu pereoiiH
reijucnliui; the Mervlce of the ulllcer,
llllll II1IIIM ftf tlti uliCU (1iupIi. t.1.111.
'.'.".'.'"J'.1.1 ,K'IIM lillwtiireM at the, thintd Mhall be rendered until the
Allleon nml IIimtlniiM. the toiiHo-
rial nrtlntH, are alwyn ready to at
umiiI to your wantH. Cinim iud net
mIihvwiI, have a kooiI bath ami be
Mm. .1. It. nillott. of Silk Cni-k. I
Hcrloilaly III at the home ul her
ilailKliter, Mm. Ida Schn'uveH nl
(lowdyvlllu. Ilr. Corprou U attend.
line her.
Itenieiulicr thu new Jewelry ntore.
(luarautecil kooiIh and low prlceH.
I'lrntcbtHH watch repairing mid op
tical work, (leo, W. McQueen, Dr.
Wall IIW.
The (J. A. It. will have, open In
tiiltiitlon nml irivu a dinner to all
incmhcM nml there fmnllleH on Jim
Utli, UN)I. VUllhiK comradrn cordially
Invited. Ily Order of t'ouiiultteu.
Mr. Win H Crime, of Ciillfornlii, Md,
iiirurexl for yeuin from 1 iieuuinliniii nml
lillilhaKO, flu wilt llnullv mlvineii to
try Cliumlxtrluin'K, l'.iin iliilin, which
hu did mid it clfected h eiiinplelii cure.
For ntiiu by New Km Driiir, Store.
When billoun try u dote of Climnlier
IuIii'h Htomneh mid J.lver TuhletH nml
reiillzu for oueu lion' ipiickty 11 tlmt-cluaii
np-lo-iliite meilleluu will correct IIihiIIh
onlor. For huIu by New lira Drug
Whun you wnnt u pleumint purmitive
try (ylinmherlulu'n Stoiniich uud l.lvur
TuhletH. They lire to tnku mid
proilucei no munieu, ililn or other
illHtinruuiiblu elR'Cl. I'or aulo by Nuw
i'.tn DruK Btore,
IleHl cremuury butter. "Cominer
clal" litittor iniiile at Haleui won IhI
premium at Htato Fair thin year. If
you want butter that In nlwayij
frcHh ami full weight, Jintt order a
Hiiiar of your grocer.
The OroKonlnn ulvea an thuHnlmoii
production of lltt.'l, 110,701) ciiNeu, the
toiix of raw llrih ax r.,r01 thu
Helllnr price wiih $:i,00().0O0 nml thu
auiouiit earned by flHheruimi an
flJfill.OOO which taken hh a whole
make a very kooiI Hah Htory.
Tlio Hlxtli annual meetliiK of the
Oregon FIhIi and Uainti AmmocIuIIoii
held Ita nieetlni: .Saturday night In
I'ortlaml ami elected the (oIIowIiik
oIIIccm: I'rcHldent. Dr. A. C. Pan
ton, vlco pii'Hldont, 11. .1. Htlllnimu
iiecrutary, A. K. tllhharilti treasurer,
John Oraw.
For Cold Feet
tnko a Heat by the Hie, or
take to bed with you one of
our Hot Water Hiikhi
For Cold Hands
M. H. Church next Hiiiiilav inornlnir
to be continued ilurlni; thu entire
Then1 will lie no preaching nervlceii
at the t. I', cliurch oil next HunilnT
on account of heater not being com
pleted. Herbert lliitton, of KiiKcne, iipecixl
iiKent of the I'etin. Mutunl Life limur
iiee(!'j.,eiuiiii to tliu Drove Tliiirlity.
'I'he annual meeting of the Oreat
ICiiHtern Mining Company will lie
held at CorvnlllH next .Monday. '
You nhould call at once on the
AdjuMteM Hale at tlie Opera HoiiKe,
and m-cure bargahiH.
" Hon. 1. T. Ilarrlri, of Kugeue wan
a giiint at the (Irahaui Hotel Tiic
lay. Sheriff 1'ivd I'liik wa n-glHtored at
thutlrahiim Hotel thin week.
.Mlme Fiiy nail Florence llrown re
tiirneil hbniu from KuKeae.
Jerome Knox left for Kuicene to ml
tend County Coiut.
Mr. nml Mm. W. !'. Mnniiini ajiont
Smiiliiy In the city.
1,1 iieolii To vlur led lit Tuuixliiy to Io
dic In IhiKi'iie.
(I. I.. Punoim icturaeil home Mon
Ily rpeclnl invitation we pent several
pleumint hourt Tiiciilny night In wit-iir-MnliiK
Collide Urove Camp No. 114,
M. W. A.. liHlnll their oIllreM for the
enmilni: term. llHtening to tlio mimic of
tlielr own orclieatrn ami the aluglng nml
recltalloiiH by ineinbera and volunteer
liulv trlenila.
()ild I'l'llown Hall nhero
hold) Ita mectlnei wan
everything piind off
Al the proper time Innlullinir olllcer.
Iluorgu Coiner nppcareil mill procecdeil
nun Ilia ceremony, niei I'orentur A.
NcIkoii nreHuiilbii! the ollUem elected.
mfollowa: V. C..J. S. Millie; W. A.,
U. CnrtU; Clrrk, C. W. Wnllnce;
Hunker, . I. I'.. Klleiliru; hacort, It. K,
lickey.nnd Millv Miller; Wutchinun,
Win. Corey: l'hvaicliuia. Dra. Anderaon
mid Kchleef.
l-ollowiiiii the Inatiilliition cuinu n
griiud march nml aevcrnl choice eelec
ttoim by the orcliealm.
Mrs. h. Lockwooil rendereil n lecltn
Hun entithsl "The Jiner" which una
.Mina nenn eniier anng "iiown w nere
Thu Cotton llloaaomn (irow" and na
cncoiesing "Way Down Yonder In The
Corn Field."
I.eltoy ooil told Imw Coliimbuadla.
covered America, Ilia version una
likely true, yet it differed aoinawhut
with history.
Al thu conclusion 01 tlio excicleea.
fcaatlui: In the hnumiet hull was in
oilier, and all enjoyed thu good thiuga
liroviueii loriiiuocciiainn. iuiiukh, gun-
tleiiiou for a pleasant evening. Hosier
and instrumentation of thu M, V. A.
oicheatra :
A Nelson, director and 1st violinist :
Wm McQueen, violin; T Comer, "ml
violin; 0 W Wallace, viola; Dr K T
Aiiiteisnn, cello; 1, It WihhIs, Ikish;
! Muiiuilflt, piano: I, lllniiv, clil.'l-
net: Dr K C AIacey, llute; II It lleir.v,
cornet; 11, Cochran, cornet; A I.
vnne. tromlKiuu, llass and anaie
drums will be inlilcd Inu abort time.
Cottage Grove Hotel.
Tlie Cottnuo drove Hotel Iiiih re-
1 centl.v changed liaiidH, Mm, HteveiiM
and Mr.'oi'e having piircliimi d
from the former proprletorri and an
aumeil the inanmiement.
Such change m an are neccenary for
the couveleuce ami comfort of IU pa
troim will lie made.
It Ih the Intention of the new inau-
ngemeut to net agood talileaud todo ,
'everything within tlielr power to
take mom excrclae, or bulhl 1 pleiiHe their giieHtn anil glvethem the
up your circulation by taking. lullwortli 01 their inoney. uive iih a
our lllood Tonic. I trial. Our Kites will ho found iviih-
fee therefor ban heon paid to and re
ceived oy the olllcer, and that wild
olllcer Hhnll enter an account ol the
fees) provided for by UiIh act In bookH
kept In Ida olllce and pay all audi
free to the treaHiircr of the proper
county each day for the iixoand lene
lit of hiicIi county.
Section That all frea and
chargeH heretofore yecclved nml ex
acted by the Hevcrnl rccordcM of
conveynncCH and county clerka of
thccountlcH (leHlKiuited In tbU act
for the HervlceH or any of them In
thU net mentioned, are hereby de
clined to lie legal mid propcrchnrgea
for audi aervlcea, and to have been
oluntiirlly pnld to audi olllcera, nml
the money no received to lie the prop
erty of the county to which It win
paid by audi olllcer, and no action,
or Miitt for the recovery of audi feea
or charge ahull bo maintained
agnlnat any county olllcer or county
In this act ilcHlcmitcd.
Secrlon 4, InuHniucb na grave
(lotihta have arlMciinx to thu legallty
of the fecM and clmrgcH hrrotofoir ex
acted by the varloiiH county olllcera
mentioned In t Ida act, for the aervlces
herein mentioned, and the rvveuucH
of the varloiiH countlea mentioned
In tlda act are liable to be depleted
by reiiann of Hitch doubt, ami the
public (Hjace, health and aafety of the
Htate thereby endangered, and It
therefore lielng neceaanry for tlie Im
mediate preaervatlou of the public
pence, health ami aafety that till
net tnke feet ltuuiedlntely, an
emergency Ih hereby declared to ex
lat, and thin act almll tnke effact mill
bo Iu force from nml nftcr Ita pas
Hugo aud approrul by the governor.
The feen of the clerk'a olllce In tlda
county are lictwcen (000 mid (B000 a
It la exceptional to Drill "n family
where tbrro nro no domeatlc riiriturea
oi.'caoniillv, hut theae can Im h-Mcticd
by hiivliig Dr. Klng'a New l.lfe I'illa
around. Much trouble they save by
twelr great work In Stomach and I.iver
trouble, Thuy not only relieve you,
butciiru, 'Jfic at Now Ktn Drug Store.
la diaplayed by miiiiv 11 mini enilitrltig jl
paina of iiiK'Identiil Cut, Wound. Si
llrulaea, llurnf, Scalds, wire feet or jra
atlff Joltita. lint there's 110 need lor It. 3
llileklen'a Arnica Halve will euro the jSj
trouble. I I'u the beat Salmon earth
for plloa. too, aTic, at Morgan A lire-
hunt Drupgial. Til
I Clearance Sale
Our immence sale is now on and will con
tinue until January 80th, 1904.
The object of this sale ia to lessen tlie mark of stock taking and to make
room for new joofls that will arrive soon.
livery article in the store is a bargain. A few illustrated prices follow:
1 life Chamberlain's Stomach and I
1,1 vcr Tablets for indigestion mm I find
that they still mv case better than any
dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried nnd
I have itaial many different remcllc.
I am nearly fifty-one years of nun and
have suffered n great deal from indi
gestion. I can rat almost niiythlrtg t
want to now. Geo. W. F.mory, Hock
MllkAln. For ante bv New Kra Drmr
Ladies' Jackets former price 5.50 sale price 4.10
15 to 18
a a
( t(
A discount of from 10 to 20 per cent on
large line of outing flannels foro cents.
We carry the Banner Patterns.
You will find a
T. J. Chandlers. Kd. Vin,ll"fltor
I.liHrty, Texaa, write. Dee. 'Mi. I
"Willi ineaaiireaml unso c ial In von
1 benr teallmoiiv lo thu curii'nc oower
of llflllard's llorehound Syrup, I have
used it in my family oml cn cheerfitllv
nlllrui It la the most effective and pleas'
nitteft remedy for couciis and colds I
havu ever used." 20c, obeiind $1.00.
The Giver of Best Values.
I stuck to in v cnclnc. although
every lolnt ached and every nervo waa i
rncneo wiin pntti, wrilea v. IV. IJel
latny, i hcomotivo tl rem a n , of Hurling
ton. Iowa. '! waa weak and inle,
without any appetite and all run down. 1
A a j w aa anoiii lo give up, I got a)
laottle of Klectric Hitters, ami uflur ink
ing it. I felt na well na I ever did in my
life." Weak.alcklv. run down tieonln
alwaya gain new life, strength and vigor
from their use. Try Iheni. .Satisfac
tion guaranteed by Morgan A Hrehaut.
rricn ov cenis.
The family of M. I,. Jtobbitt of liar.
Kerf n. Tenn.. aaw her il vine- and were
liowerlesa to save her. The most akill-
lul physicians and every lemedy, used,
failed, while, consumption waB slowly
but attrelv tukinc her life. In this tor.
rlblo hour Dr. Klng'a New Discovery
for Consumption turned despair into
Joy. The llrat bottle bronchi immedi
ate relief aud its continued use com
pletely cured her. It's the moat certain
cure in the world for all throat and
lung trouble. Guaranteed Hollies 60e
nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free at New
hrn Drug Store.
Kail way i
TO- !
Spokane, St. J'aul, Dnlutli, '
MlnneapoHn, Chicago,
Day Coaches, Palace and Tourist J
Sleepera, Dining nnd Iluffet,
Smoking Library Care, j
Daylfefat Trip through the Cascade and 1
Rocky Mountains.
Folders 1 ffiB
For full narticulara. Rates
etc. call on or address
J. W. l'HALON, T. P. A.
122 3d St., Portland Ore
ihe ranm ! year, or more than enouirli to nay
well lllleil and tlie expenaeai of the olllce, leaving-
amnothly nnd ' a aurplnn to tie paid Into the general
luiiu. 1 no new niw win nicivnae me
fee of the clerk'a olllce liy about
f2M0 auiiually. The i.evr rates on
ItliiR iu the clerk'a olllce will be at
Deed (regular form I, add to 75
cent tlio dcHcrlptlon at -5 centa per
Mortg;ngv (reeulnr foniil, add to
ll.'.'A the ileHcrlptloa at -'.r per folio.
Chattel inortiriiKOlordlimry form),
addto$1.5U the deacrlptlou at the
rate ot'J.ri centa per folio.
Patent, J1.U0 to $:X.
California ami UrcKou Land Co.
deed ( regular form), add to $:l.U0 the
ileHcrlptlou at tlio rate of "5 centH
per folio.
Mechiiulcs lieu (ordinary form),
add to 1. 00 the ik-Hcrlptloii at the
rateof i centa per folio
Mlnera' lieu (ordinary form) add
$1 the deacrlptlou at the rate of 25
centa per folio.
Deed ol forecloNitru ( ordinary form ),
add to (3.50 the description at the
rate of 23c per folio.
Tax deed (ordinary form), add to
$2 the dcHcrlptlon at the rale of 25
contM per folio.
School fund iiiortguKe (ordinary
form), add to fl.Kl) the description at
thu ratu of 25 ceulx per folio.
For a Gold
Heart . . .
take 11 look Into the homea of
the poor, or got your liver
Into better ahupo by taking
You will llntl Just what you
need at
At n regular nicctlitgof l.ady l.umh
hoii lllvuNo; 42 the following ivho
lutloiiH were rtiiliuiltteil and Hilopted:
WlteiviiH, Our heavenly I'nther Iiiih
received unto lIluiNelf thoNilrit of our
beloved hlnter, Mra. Dora Ilyme, and
UTiciviih, That In her untimely
death the Hive Iuih loat one of Ita
moat active member. Therefuru bo
Iteaolved, Tliat the Hive charter lie
limped, aa a token of rexpect to our
lie nartcil Hlater and that a con.v of
thcae ivHolutlotiM be pivaented to the ,
litiHhaml ami the mother of our de-1
parted sinter ami a copy lie riirnlalica
our local pnpera ami that they iiIho
huHprcad npou the lnluiitea of tlie
.MlN.Mi; r.NIHMtWOOll,
Ida .Mn.i.nit,
Ma ttv .si:iii:t'T.
tl rtrit AT.nn.,
G. W. P. "A.
Sattl Vuh.
Laud Olllce at ItoHOburg, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol-lowlng-nanied
wettler lias Hied notice
of Itla Intention to make final proof
In Htipport of his claim, and that
aald proof will be nmde before J. .1.
1 Walton, 1'. S. Cominlaaloner at Ku
gene, Oreton, on March 15, 1004, viz:
David Kltaon on hla II. E No. H277
for the Si: K NE , W NE & NE
1 SE K Sec 6 T 22 S, It4 E.
I Helinineatho following wltneaaes
to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land,
I Juntos V. Holland, of Lowell, Lane
1 Co., Oregon.Wllllnm .1. Hill, of Hiuel
& Dell, Lane Co.. Ore.. John T. Martin,
$ 1 Alfred Walker, of Eugene, Lnue Co..
J. T. IlitlliiiKH, Ueglster.
Pure Drills
Mail orders received
I prompt attention.
m Succeaaor to J. V. Currln. J -
lUssswsssssessssssae Advertise in the Nugget.
The London General Merchandise
Store wish to announce to the buying
public that they now hnvo a very
complete atock of Geiicrnl Merchandise
which they Intend Helling at least 20
per cent below all comiiutltloii.
We purchaao our goods In large
quantities through Eastern Drummers,
pay cash for nil we buy, have no high
rents, no Insurance rates to pay, nnd
consequently can sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
St $7.50 to $9.00
High Grade Goods and other lines
of Ready Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-date
style nt prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our line of M. D, Wells Shoes are
the best wearer on tlie market anil nt
prices that cannot be equalled.
Try our Roast Coffees, the best
flavor and will please you.
London, Oregon.
The Bohemia Nugget
Published Every Friday
SM Devoted to Letter Heads, SI!
Pi the Interests of Bi" lleaJs' Envelopes, SySs
J Bohemia Sl. Warranty Quitclaim
mk and deeds' W
wba Cotlaje Qrove Si Prospectus' and
Industries. WS&M Cards. $M
$1.50 A YEAR All Kinds of Job Work
any tool Is always n desirable
one, but of equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. Ily milking your purchases of
the Gritlln & Veatch Co. you alwaya
receive your money's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery of
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
Griffin & Veatch Go.
W. S. Chrisman& Ely Bangs
hIr TliePaion Stables
yfSSMSfU also office or ritK
Bill$felr Bohemia and
Llack Butte
The funeral of Fred Gnle, who died
Jan, 4th, uccurted Tuesday afteinuon
under the ausnleoa u( the Independent
I'rder of Odd l'ellmv. A Inrgt- number
of the order Hi well 11a fiietnla aeeoni.
puttied hla remains to the ocinetsry.
8TOUT-U0I1HUT8 At Sat'lnuw, Ore.,
on thu eve n( the Oth u( Jan, Mr,
Clutid M. Btnut and Miaa Mau II,
Itnherts, Iter XV J Gardner nRli'latlne.
Mr Stout la a llretmin on tlio 8 I' H It
riinnlmr between ltoBilurg nml Junction
Oily. .Miai Hobcrts waa the prluuiiv
teuclicr In the Sngliinw puhlla bi'Ihhi1,
Thuy will reside iu Koaeburg.
I Miners Kxchanee Cafe j!
W. C. Fltzpatrlck, Prop". fl j
First Class Turnouts, Double or Singlo.
I'roprlctors of
...The Miners Supply House.
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition
Wall Puper.
Wall Paper.
The beauty of your house depends on the
pattern and quality of WALL PAPER you use.
The latestjpatcrns, the best good ami prices to suit.
Just received a large Invoice of these goods and wo
tnku pleasure. In showing thoiu.