Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 08, 1904, Image 1

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u u nl
Bf ii; iV,
ei, w w w
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid Knrmlng Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO 50
Pound llmiscd mid icntcn In
Ills Room New Year's Morn
lng""I)lcd Jan. .3rd Coroners
Inquest held mid Jury Renders
Verdict, Death Caused by
Parties Unknown.
The llndliur of Mr. Fred dale In 11
hciiiI coiihcIoiih cotulltliiti 011 last Fri
day morning In Id room next to
Clark's hames nlioii, aim tlio ubae
quenl stutonipnl niiulo by tilt it con
cerntiig liln pondlllon, and lilw death
011 Monday hn caused 11 great
nmoiint ot conjecture concerning
these innttora and linn created nil In
terest mil equaled (or 11 long tlmu In
.Mr. (lain wan 11 crlpplo, caused
yearn niro tijr a (all from n horse
wlillu riding tlio range and Iiiin been
ioiiin-llcd over since to uut around
on crutches. Nothing luce lie pro.
curoil 11 trlryelo and wu aide to pro
pel himself about town.
owing to iiih comparatively Help
leiw condition, Indignation ran IiIkIi I
when It wn learned he had been at-
tacked In hU room and badly beaten.
On 'I'hurNday Mr. dale wn uroiiiid
n UN'iiil nud on Now Year' ovo at-
tended door at MiiNonlo 1 1 nil tor tho
club which Knv a datico upon that
occiinIdii mid remained there until
about ball pint twelve, when he left
ami went to thu Itenort hiiIhoii,
wheni ho talked a time with trlviuU
ami tlmu retired to III room and
nothlnir di)llnlto I known it'iinit hliu
lurther, (except III own Htateineuu
inailo after hi partial recovery I un
til ton o'clock the morning of the
At Hint tlmu little Htella Fry, a
child about ten year ol ae, whow?
mother wn relau-d to dale by piar
rlaee, went to the front door and
lllldlllK It locked, panned to the Ivar
of the bonne, and entered by the back
door. Hero la luiiiul Mr. dale lylliK
oil tho bed, with bruUid face and
bloody clnlhcM, blood on tho lloor
and III outer clothing cnttereil
about, the chair linnet, lie apoko to
ner mm nam, "iieiio: ntoiiu Home 0110
cnuio In and beat mid robbed me.
Htella at once uotllled tho Clark',
who live in tlm adjoining bonne, and
Mr. Clark nud other went to hi
After hi death the authorltle lie
IIhvikI Ilium w h yul1lelint rutiMii fn
I. ..Ill Ml. Itlf.llMM, ..l im I ,i, ,lilll lliu llillllirii l.l
King of F.ugeu, wa uotllled, but ,
bcliiK III and unable to attend, .Inn-1
tie J. W. Vaughn acted In lit Htead. i
DUlrlct Deputy I,. T. Iltirrl and
.Sheriff Fred Fink, of i:iigpiie,eaiue up
to aid it In holding ttnMiiiiiUMt.
The Hlierlff m-locled an liirorn:
John lliirm. Hole-rt Watch, t". II.
Vaiillriihurg, I' rank Wooley, Ncutt
t'lirlnniau ami Frank Jordan, and af-,
ter tliey were aworu I it and viewed i
inu iviiiainn, kiio hiiniiiK u-niiiiiiiii
Dr. A. J. Auderaou wa the llrnt
wltncnt called, Mo Htated ho had
known deceanad lor ome time, had at-1
taniUd lilm In till Innt lcknoH nud up
I... ...... I . .1. ...LI.... ... ......I
to the tlmo of III death. AlnoHtated
that dale hud told hliu that Nome
time between four and ftvo o'clock
the morning of the lt hoiiicoiio hud
entered Ida room, aaulted mid
robbed lilm, that tint description of
tho party wan vei. Indefinite, but
that ho wan medium height, ilurk,
with about two weekn growth of
hoard. That he became aware .
aomo one. wiih In the room mid a , by heavy blow, aliranlou 011 breant
ho rained up, wiih Htruck III the laco , bone, none nklnned and right eye din
twice, and when lie attempted to , colored. .Should ay death ensued
grapple, with lit annallant wa lowing to phynlcal condition, canned
thrown to the lloor aud knew no I by blow over kidney, would not
more til found by the little girl, have been Niilllclent to caune death
When aiked by Attorney Ilarrln It I In healthy pernon.
any weapon had been lined, the Dr. 1 W. F, Slianafelt knew Fred dale,
Htatoil there hud not. There wa he naw him the Int. Fred nent for me. I
Hnld a coiitiiNlou on right tetiiplo found hliu lying oil bed, Fred nald,
bone, limine on none, 0110 oil right been HOinetlilng doing, limine 011
corner of mouth, one on right client, him, nblrt, bloody, nald hoiiio one
0110 011 left Hide over pelvic bone, nud j caiuo In ami robbed hliu, that ho wiih
that he died at 1 o'clock and "1 atruck two blow In face, then tho
minute p. 111. the Ilnl. (JueHtlon by light wiih blown out, called for help.
Attorney Ilarrln "In you opinion a Ilo Htated ho robbed of i!0 or 30 ilol
a phynlclan what wan tho ciiiiho of lara. Did not remember tho name of
ilenth?" Tlio Indirect cnuno wn
Ilrlght'a dlneane, the Inciting ciiiiho
wn tlio HiippreaHlon ot fever a a re-
Reductions on fill
is reduced from U0 to
below cost.
former price $1. 50, $1.75 nnd former price 40c, 50c, 60c ami Large variety ot Roods at II
$2.00 your choice now for 65c, your choice now prices way below former prices p
I.OO t2eC A'e carry first elns-. dry goods. E5
former price 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 llest lini in town our prices C
nud 2.50 your choice now for nre strictly honest, we now dis- Cttpes and furs - off g
5l. count 25 olo during this sale K
SHIRT LOT FURNISHING 000DS Liberal discount on E
former price 75c 1. 00 nnd t. 25 Everything ve hnve left goes Groceries. j
your choice now nt reduced price Iron. 20 to 25 .., , K
50C per cent discount Lome tmd see us.
ult otn blow or Injury over the
kidneys, tlm one above the crest of
pelvic lionn wa tho direct vims.
All tlm wltni'snra livo nt Cottage
1 1 rove and cave tuntlmoiiy miller
Mr. W. It. Fry wax tlm noitwlt
nen. Ho Misled ho nw dale aliont
halt pant one ol the II rut. Tlieru
were ho vera I prcs.ut, dale' eon
dttlou wan bad, lint lio win con
clous, told Fry that some one liad
come to lil room In the early morn
ing ntiil had beaten anil robbed lilm.
thought It .soinn one who knew ot
liU taking In money nt the door at
tlm dance mid Unit lie ntiil had It,
llu cmiifl Into tho saloon after he left
the dancH and at about one o'clock
nud iftld coiuu I10.VH mid IcI'h hare a
drink and then I'm going home to
lied. At my second vlslton thellrst
I hi Htilil lie suspected novernl parties.
fS.H.' was nil tlio money found In lliu
Htella Fry gave, hor testimony,
live In city, In 10 yearM old, mother
cousin to dale, saw him about 10
o'clock the morning of the 1st, was
thu llrnt one to see Mini, went to
(rout door nud found It locked, then
went In through two doom, both un
locked, Fred atd, hello Htella, lome
one came In mid lieat and rolilM'd
me, whh conscious, hi clothed were,
scattered about the Moor, chair up
net, nud Id face wan bloody nnd
blood on Moor, then I went mid scot
Mm. i iurK, uoirt know it lie nan
i nomas .Miner worn, Knew reu
dale, wn at Itrwirt Hnloou between j
1 anil 'I o'clock the nlnht of the flrt, !
couldn't nay If dale took a drink, I
heliHtl lilm onto Id whcid nnd went i
to hi room with lilm, nut hi wheel
IiimIiIh then went home, loft about
four o'clock from dale' place, niiw
hhu nahi about II o'clock a, in., my I
uncle told mu (lain wan robbed, went
unit talked lilm, rrrd nald ho
had Ih-cii robbed. Frank U-ltoy and
Arthur ThouipHoii wn preHcut.
('. It. Ormnby wan culled nnd nlil
ho know dale, aw lilm Jan. It be I
tweenllnnd 10 o clock In bed. du e
nald hoiiio one had pell melled the
tulllliiK out of lilm, he kuvo me no
reuHon, cliulr wa uimet, clothe
Hcatten-d. blood on fare and lloor,
.lid uot examine hi clothe (or moiiey
I -a Miller Hworu, knew dale, uw 1
hint nt dance. dale wa door
keener, wa there till one o'clock nnd
attended to bunlnenn nil right. Next
naw lilm about hull punt ten, wn
called In by Mr. Clark, dale wa
lylni; on bed and mid mine ono had
und hlln up, hUfucoand nonenklnned,
only atated aoiiieono hud iH'nt lilm
I Willi chair. 1)1(1 not annwer readily.
1 nald man Htruck lilm twice mid then
blew light out. Arthur Thompaoii
examined hln pocket foe money and
, lOtlllll 1.M
Arthur Tliomiiriou ntnted date wn
door keeKr nt dance, took In II ,
I.. H.l..ll i..r. !.,... '
iTlllkll llu tlllllVl. UICI, (I'll. ,11111 fill!, III.
hall pant twelve, nw lilm next after
he wn hurt. Owed lilm 90 mid wa
koIiii; to pay and went to ee lilm.
t:tark told iiih hoiiio ono had done
Frvd up. dale nald Home nun enme
In at buck door. Thought Home one
wan In room, wa ntruck. hint uot a
gllmpne of mini when he blow light
out. Saw no blood on Im-iI clothe,
blood on ldrt mid lldor bloody.,
dale told mo ho Iiiul boon Jobbed and
iMini 111a in iuuk ill iiiiunrin, aitui iiu
bad a 9'J0 and a .' gold piece, found
Mint $S.8.'i, ho Heomed HiirprlHed that
I any wa left. Said ho had loaned $30
hint AugiiHt to a man, who had paid
lilm the day before, could not remem
I .... ... I....I. t.. .....1.... .-I.I I...
ber tlio man' name, tint had taken
drluly mining tock a
. 1
Thought dale wa good bunlnenn
man ami did not think lie would
loan money mid not know the man'
name, Did not think he had been '
beaten with chair.
Dr. Job ten tilled lieliad Junt llnlnhed
an examination of the body. FohiiiI
Inrue tumor under led kidney emmed
the man who paid him, but Hnld It .
wa a foreman of tho I'aclllc Timber
Company. Know of no enenile,
Garman, Hemenway Co.
hinds of niur-lmiulisc, ncnrly
25 per cent. Some odds
Garman, Hemenway Co.
seemed rational In IiIm tnlk. I In tho shoo, she ww iimr the bridge.
Itussel Fry festlllcd that he passed I Mr. Wilson who keens a restnti
Fred pliicunt r,iir In the morning i rant daw a lady several times, w
mid lamp wan on the commode nud I quite tall mid was blond,
burning. j City Marshal Underwood nw the
Mm, Katie Clark knew Fred On!, i deceased about 10.-IS the morning he
llilHband Iiiin harness shoo next to
dale', lived cloned, l-'red Maid With
Ini,' to her nhout Ituvliig money. I
arose about quarter to six, had nut
Hlept well, built Hn heard no noise
or outcries. Did not hear Fred stlrr
liiK u tiNiinl mid called out to lilm
nnd got no renponse, thought as ho
had been out late, he wan Mtlll sleep
ing, went In about ten o'clotk when
called, Found things Mattered
about, lie told mo some ono tried to
do lilm mi. Did not toll me ho had
been robbed, but told other that ho
lf(7Cll IIJIIIMJ1I, I, Ml. l,M. Utll.IB t,U
I 1 -..l.l I ... M .... (in .l,.!!...
1.1,1 ii (mil i.,n fiioni). tvs.N nn thn
oilUldn of bod with a robe over lilm, i with the Diet. Atty., Hlierlff nnd city method lia been put on the market.
dill Knor.ol Flrat National Hank. olllclalN, made further InrcHthcntloii v. A. Irvine, of this city, who
U'tllled that dale drew out on the mill rc-cnlled noma o( tho w I tneNKC. . . ' . ,
.'llNt o( Dec. 110. i O wlmr to tho confllctliic ntntement I carae "ere last imnmer to woric out
.1. N. JoncH, alooil keeiicr, aw mado by dale prior to hi death and j the metallurgical process lor the
dale at liU home on the Int. On tlio I a (nlluro to neciira furf'icr evidence, 1 Standard has been -made the au
lat Day o( Dec. Fred borrowed i nothing more clear tha In net forth , tborired representative for the S.
dollar which he paid back alter bank In the verdict of Hie Jury wn T Mufflv orocess oatented and
tw ...... naro no ouu-r
Mr. ('lurk, liaruc maker, ituted
that when ho flrit went In to fee ,
dale, he wiih lylutr on the bed, wn
bloody, thoiiKht at flrnt It '
cmiHt'd by bail fall, but upon examl i
nation of bruUoN climbed hi mind I
nud concluded It wa an aiiMiiult.
I dalu did not know who did tt. I
inked kooiI many qurllou. i.rery
tiling Ualo mild tended to convince
me tho motive mil not robbery lint
malice. Admitted to mo that no
money wn Koue. Flret tried to
claim ho but at Innt admitted It.
F. II. Itunenbiirif, nudltorof I'oclflc
Timber Company, wit called to
learn If any Hitch or Nlmllar iiunie an
WoMlburic wn on tlio company'
hook, or If there wn a rurcmun uy
hiicIi name, hh dale had Htated that
wiih a near the iiumr of the man to
whom ho loaned the money mi hi)
could recollect. None wiih found
llcrt I.aWHon, coiiHtablo Cottuiro
drove Dlntrlct, Hiild when ho llrnt
aw lilm In tho morning, dale could
not nay much about tho affair
but later nald be had received :t0 did-
I lam from a man by the name ot
WentburK or a nlmllar iiiuno, that ho
had limned him the money aomo
time before, taking Qrizzly mining
atock uh necurlty. Nover actually
changed tory lint wa Hatlatled ho
wa covering mi HOinethltig. Fred
wa Hotter but looked a If he had
been on a Hpreo.
Attorney Ilarrln
At tho requeat of
tho clothing worn
by (Jnlo wa hero hIiowii to tho Jury.
Mm. Fry, couuln by marriage to
dale Hnld ho had been taking hi
immaIh ii' I III Iimf ffimlli- Did llfitknow
ot any lady friend of dnlen.
W. F. Slianafelt thouirnt he nucht
to nay nomethinir more nnd iiKiilu
took tlio Ntnuu. A Done a wetK hiiico
1U11I0 told menboiit a woman with
whom ho had lieon Intimate yenr
ngo, and that lie had followed lilm
over Hlnce. .and .bowed me , a letter ,
irom ner, me woman wu ucm mini-
tlmu ago, la-lore 1-reil went to um-1
Ifornla. dale mild ho did not know-
what to do. 1 ndvlod lilm to marry
hor and huvo further annoyance,
.Mr. Fry wiih called In mid linked t
about tho letter, no Htnteu in who
I . l.l ..I... I.-.
had ald who had seen It but lie had
Mr. Fry teHtlfled to reading tho
tAtlne ti-l-. fliit tnlil lipr tlm Rllt.
un av I- ore .t. Ilnl-"for : California. I
he wna In trouble, advUed lilm not to
irii About three duv before Irnr- I
. 1 . . . .... ...,
Ing showed me tho noto which was:
"Itonebtirir. Oregon.
Dear Freddie.. Don't full to notify
me when you will go,
1,'iion hi return he told me sho
went with hliu, but they had agreed
to dlHagree and ho would not both
er any more, .overanw tne wotunti
but Fred mild he went to Itoseburg.
Frank lxdtoy know Fred dale for
about 33 year.
Had dlncunsed tho woman inattur
with dale Junt prior to hi going to
Culllurnia aomo two moniim ago
dnlo pointed outa lady on theHtrcet,
she was tall, well dressed ami had
light hulr. Heard of letter but did not
aeo It. Wltuen wun reluctant to telt
all the ntory, but llually said: dalo
nald the woman wa going to force
lilm to marry har nnd go to Cal
ifornia, dale nald he would nut
marry lint would goto California, do
not remember the length of tlmo lie
wn gone, saw hliu after lie was
hurt. Halt! aomo one, cunio In and
Htruck lilm, do not know where tho
woman topcd when ahe wiih hero.
when dale pointed her out we were
evorythinj; in our store
find ends we sell way
1 wan hurt. dale told lilm he awoke
up about I o'clock, w Htruck sev
eral times and dragged to lloor, mid
remembered nothing further till win
fiut In bed told the motive mi rob
dug mid 2.1 dollar wiih taken, and
that after tin wn Ntruck twice
tho light wan blown out, dale did
uot seen ready In hi aimwerH, Maid i
the man would reiemble Frank U'-1
Hoy, but wn much heavier and ,
woro a block court, told me there ,
wn no clue.
Tho Jury took the cane at noon mid
adjourned until half pant one o'clock.
In the uflornoou the Jury toircther
In tlio allornoou the Jury together
, a-r,.
Ve tho Coroner Jury, enipauneled
to euiiulro into tho cause of the death
of body before tin, find that the de
coaxed name wnn Freil dale, iiKed
about -10 year nnd that death re
hiiIUm) (roll the effect of bodily In
Jure rrHtiltliiK fron blow Ktveti It nt
the hand of nom.i perHon or perou
unknown to u, nun intllcled upon
IlimiliJWII lt un, mil. iiuiii:i.u Ilium
him on Janunry 1. 11)01, lietwcen the
hour of a. m. nnd Ga. m..nnd that
do-conned died nt hi home In Cottage
drove, Ijiiio County, Oregon, 011
Jan. 4, ltttl.nt 12.30 p. m.
Dated till Sth day of Janunry,
ItoiiKiiT Veatcii, Foreman.
Scott Ciiiiihiian
FltA.NK Joll.lAK.
School opened Monday morning af
ter ten day vacation with nil en
rollment of 401. the largest - In the
hUtory of the nchool. The town I
rery much In need of another build
ing a nil the room are over
crowded nnd the primary depart
ment give only half day acaalon.
The achool hna received -The Lib-
erty Hell Claa Scholurahlp Medal",
through th liberality of Mr. Lett, of
Chicago, to bo awarded to the pupil
In each grndo paanlng the Hat exami
nation. 1 IIC UC-I IVl.UII lllll Itl.U M- .
tlin.uwiri liuim,. on tlm v,-nln- nf
nil.. ... I ...... . ...l.. ..I... .-.
' - .. .
l'nlver.lty of Oregon.
The Horace K. Turner Art Exhibit
of noritou, given by tho achool will
lo held In the new bnuk building
Fob. 3rd to 6tli. The procu-cd nr. to
ue iiiTeaieu in picmrea an i worn m
art lor Hie public hcIiooi- uome anil
help the children make their nchool a
piaceoi mien-, nii-i mi nuracimi.
The Woman's Club nnd a few In-
vttd gueata enjoyed a delightful
.-..i.t . .1.. I. ..... . -r 1 1 ii.-i.-f
UVim K 111- 1 1 1. Ill- UI .. .
Eakln New Year' ave. Music aud
Y ";,? , Ti
O..ock w,en iRhtrcfresliment were,
...,,.,1 -nn,...,i 1,,. 11...1,. -,-i,.-i.
ni iv .v.. .v.., vi. -v ...v.j e,w.",-
cnl nm, i,gt0rlcnl conteat until ft
a' nun extraction, according to
New Year. After throwing confetti , the complex, refractory or free
nnd exchanging rompllment ot the character of the ore.
HeiiHon another succeHaful social by ..Cost of cyanide consumed. 29
tlio Woman Club tpasned Into ... -. , c
memory. Thoee present were: Mr. cents to $1.24 per ton of ore, ac
aud Mrs, Herbert F.nktn, Mr. and cording to richness and character.
Mr. W. H. Abrniui, Mr. nnd Mr. "The method of operating the
A. C. I'oweni, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. proccss is in eery respect opposite
Young, Mr. and Mr. C. M. Miller. f ,, .... .;,j v.r-,iti il-i,
Mr. nud Mrs. T. Wheeler. Dr. nu j to the old vat method of still leach
Mrs. 11. It. Job, .Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I.. ; mg, with the ore submerged in a
lirggH, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. I.. Lurch, I
air, l.llllan Uoodman, .mihhoh 1,11110
aud Cella Lurch, Lulu Currln, and
Mr. C. P. Jones. 1
lletaey J. (Hall) Mnisee wn born
In Varmont, Dec. 1, 1S.U, died nt th.
(nmlly home near Cottage drove,
Jan. 1004.
Mrs, Macro sKMit moat ut her lite
In Wisconsin, niter a short ntay In
other Western states he camo with
her mm. 1'. It. MaR.e, to Oregon
about tivo yoar aso.
Mr. Magee had been for many
years n laltliful Christian and ut her
death held fellowhlp In tho llnptlst
The deceased leave to mourn her
departure an only son and family
and n host ot friends. All who
knew Oratidinu Mugee loved her. ,
After a brief service at tho family t
home conducted by the pastor of .
Chrinttan Church, Jan. 5, the body
wn laid to rent in the I. O. O. F.
cemetery In tlio pre-ence of her Bor
rowing relative nnd friends.
1 Alec l'ugli received another letter
from now, wnniiing.ou, wnicn
Htute that 11. I'. Mnrcna, who re
1 cently left lloheiiihi for that place,
ha become Insane. He recently un
dertook tojtiiui) from a second story
window but was prevented by mi at
tendant. Subsequently he got hold
of a razor nud before ho could tie Bo
cured slashed nt hi throat, cuttlngn
deep Kimli, but not n diiUKerou one.
Ho I now ut the Sisters llonpltal ut
Whutcoiii, but show no sign of Im
proving. The enso tin been re
ported to Id sinters who will un
doubtedly look after hliu mid his
j About four week ago or sometime
; near the last of November, a faintly
i moved to Cottage drove from Kail
Han. It seem that one of the family
when quite Niuall had been caught In
i a cyclone nud struck on the client
' with u burn, which hud left her with
j weak Unit!, until they cunio here, ami
see begun lining M. & 11. White I'lue.
I It cured her like iiiuglc. Its good tor
! coughs and colds, at
! Morgan & Brelmut.
Novel Method of Introducing
the Solution and Agitating
While Pulp is Subject to this
Another new cyanide extraction
I. Mutlly process,
will go to Middle West mining
fields in this behalf, or work: for a
period here about Sumpter. Mr. I
Irviue received notification this!
1. .1 . 1.. .1.1 t. ti.
MulTly process in this section. 11
will appeal to the mine operator
,mKi.H ,!,b .iimM or Hiffir.,ltv nf
, . . . - , e
troubled with slimes or difficulty of
.: c . l. 1 if.
rvine worked with Mr Muffly in
XT ... r, ,. r .- .
, . .. . ,. j,,' ....'Cyanide just before entering tne
and at a time when the latter was, , J , . ..
experimenting in the direction that gjjr T a,r c t passes
has resu ted in the process now ! f h letnperature is regu
beng pnt on the market. ltated,0W1,t conditions of extrac
wi. pVaSb,eM?yderPrman P'P J-
condirions," said Mr. Irvine yester-, fbtL tJ
J fim f-imilinr wiUi it in a
measure, for he was solving diffi
culties that I worked with when in
Y.t. i : i ...I. ...
norm v.aruiina, auu wuitu c
common to many properties
A general out ineof the process
id what the patentees claim for it
and what the patentees
well be given herein, for the study
of operators, as it has not been set
forth with any detail in the techni
cal journals yet. In the pamphlet
issued by the management of the
new concern is set forth the follow
ing assertions as to what the
. .
.it?. f . -D
' per cent of the gold assay value I n st efrect,ve and constant temP-
1 from fine ore. concentrates anda re'
, slimes, after 1 1 to 14 hours' leach -
, n,tnrt- nf , , , oR ..
cent oi goia assay vaiue irom coarse
ores after 2J. to jo hours' leadline
"The accomplishing in 12 to 24
hours of a practically total gold
production from ores, concentrates
and slimes impossible of treatment
, by any other cyanide method now
. J J J
"We are warranted in claiming
by the results accomplished in the
:n nt..,i., vr t .t..
mm ui IVttV.WY, i. j., iuhi uut
I nrn., :il effit e to 0078 ner
..... j j ' 1 i
It is stated that the
character of some ores in the west
ern regions and South Africa pro
hibits the use of stamps for dry
crushing, awing to the generation
of slimes, even when the ore is
crushed comparatively coarse.
These fine ores, or slimes, as
well as the 60 to So mesh, and even
impalpably fine sulphide concen
trates from wet crushing stamp
mills, are adapted to treatment by
our process with 95 to 99 per cent
'rices Lower a
As wc are going entirely out ol business, we are closing out our entire Hue
of merchandise at less than regular cost, for we must get out money out of
them, and by buying now you can get good bargains.
Wc still have a good stock of Clothing and Underwear to pick from, and
at prices that will suit all. Come and examine them. A1 ways willing to
show them if you buy or not.
We are tryiuy to close out as soon as posible therefore selling our entire
line much cheaper than could be bought in any of the larger cities, aud just as
good goods as could be got of any merchant in the northwest.
Cottage Grove
of gold extraction in ia hours. Ores
included in the above per cent of
gold extraction contain such a
large amount of soluble iron salts as
to render them practically impos
sible to treat by the old methods of
cyanide leaching. Ily our new
process, extraction is effected at a
cost of 29 cents to $1.24 for cya
nide per ton of ore, according to its
character and richness.
"We are treating ores, concen
trates and slimes in charges of 500
to 2 000 pounds from South Ameri
ca, Mexico, Canada and the West
ern and Southern gold regions.
Several lots of these ores contain
such an amount of soluble base me
tallic salts and others are of such a I
clay or slime nature as to render
treatment by other cyanide methods
entirely prohibitive.
"By our process the slimes are
kept entirely disintegrated broken
up and the total amount of gold
and silver in them is more quickly
dissolved than from the coarse
The mechanical method of hand-
1 3
the center. Cyan de
. , . ; - . 1 '
form of
into the cylinder in the
, J P'air S S
i the current of air picking up the
it. 9 " . . .
The inventors claim that this
method of introducing air and the
i solution "provides a more effectual
, . - j... ,,i r
( H 0,.CH,ar
' ,. ... , , .. .
i separates from tne c) anogen com-
ujujuhi.iiuu tviiu bulul aiivt. auu
"It forces
the oxygen and also
solution into and be
the cyanide
tween all parts of the ore charge
durintr any special time, or during:
j the entire time, according to char-
! acter of the ore being treated.
"It creates and maintains the
1 "It regenerates or strengthens
the solution with a constant supply
of .he fresh .-tnt. thereby ore-
- . . . , . , '
i vchhhk vuciunai mcma .pnuiigi.. .-w.. r
cyanogen which has combined with
hydrogen liberated in the passing
over of oxygen to form the new
compound auro-potassic cyanide, and potas
sic hydrate.
"A systematic agitation is pro
duced in which the ore is carried
up and tails by its gravity back
through the warm currents of air
and spray of the solvent."
The same inventor has also per
fected an electrical precipitation
process for auriferous solutions.
Instead of placing the solution in a
great vat with immense cathodes
and anodes, it is caused to pour.
into a small tanjc, passing clown
near the bottom in going under a
partition, and thence upward WILLiA.MS-At Eastern Ontario, De
through a patented cathode and .ember 18, 1903, W. S. Williams, aged
over an aprou itito another like re-', B0 y.ars. ol pneumonia,
ceptacle, and so on until the solu-' Deceased was a member of the Modern
.. r . . ... . , Brotherhood of America, of Cottage
Hon is free of values. This is being glv am, . raemW 0f the M. E.
put on the market at the same time i church. He leaves a wife, M. I. Will
and with the new method of agi- lami, and one daughter, J. C. Williams,
tatlng. ' t Springfield, Oregon.
Mr. Irvine will be given
definite notice of the field of his
work soon, and intends to enter
upon it at once, pushing the
process wherever cyanide is con
sidered as a means ol reducing
ores. Blue Mt. American.
Mininj; NoteH.
Alec Pugh, owner of Kutopiau
groupofmlnes, of Doliemia is In
Wm. George from Ilohcmla is in
the city he has a severe case of
blood poisoning in his left hand.
Mexico is securing large amounts
of United States money in the de
veloping and working of its mines.
Tonapah has reversed the usual
order of things. It has been pay
ing dividends before the advent of
a mill.
The Grants Pass country is evi
dently flourishing, Carloads of
mining machinery arc arriving and
are being sent to the mines.
Henry Johnson, owner of one of
the Grizzley group, after along ab
sence from the state, is in Portland
and will soon return to Cottage
The oil wells of Spindle Top,
Texas, are producing 20,000 bar
rels of oil daily, with prospects of a
much greater production in the
near luture.
Mining men will appreciate such
work as was accomplished in the
Gem mine at Idaho Springs, Colo.
An upraise was made Irom a tunnel
to the workings above, a distance
of 1 100 feet and it caa.e out at the
identical marks made by the engi
neer. A man by the name of II. Shaf
fer died of Typhoid Pneumouia at
the Crystal Consolidated early in
the week. Dr. Emmerson was
sent up to attend him. Every
thing was done by the company
that was posstble. He was buried
at Wildwood.
Sam Richards is just down from
the Bohemia country where he has
been since last spring. During
the summer, he together with Jack
Morgan, was doing rock work on
the Oregon-Colorado road for Man
ager Hard, but recently has been
doing assessment work for the Le
Roy Bros. Sam states that there
is but very little snow and it has
been the most pleasant winter he
ever saw there, says every body is
at work and are pleased with the
improving conditions of their prop
erties. A letter just received from
Alec Lundstrora, foreman at the
Riverside property states the tun-
. ,t .irll.It. ,.n ft.
News from the mines at Bohe
mia is rather light at this time of
the year. Nearly all the miuers
who spent the holidays with us
have returned to work and few are
coming out.
The good results obtained the
past season by development of
properties has lent new courage to
the owners ol claims and they are
back working hard but saying
little. Good accounts of their labor
may be anticipated by spring.
The older and better equipped prop
erties are pushing work with high
ly satisfactory results.
Don't-nejdect that house any longer,
but call at tho express office and huva
Tom Aubrey write you up a policy in
either the Aetna Insurance Co., or tho
Oregon Fire Relief Association of Me
Minnville, Ore. eot-50
Our Bio S
Oregon. 1(