I a I'ailly DooMcd. Hooitnrl Iluru'n n brnml new llvn Villnr blllt old in'"'! I'll li'txl you that-- lioriiigh Oli, my; cmi'l you iloulilo 117 (lowlitrl Burn. Hero goosl ' tloublo It co mow I iloulilo It i;iln tlitm. I thin hIihjiu, you wo, ll 11 tn aniivly In my iH!kutlxiijk. Ho lung. l'.x li uigo. As It Is Today. I'u I n on (i Piitlunt Doctor, ptcaao give mo my mi'illrliin now. DiK'tor l'nriloit inu. I'm simply tlm doctor In chiirgn ol Irmuhin liullu llnaj tliu ollior doctor will I, o hero punt enlly. Chlncia lluslncaa Methods, III Clilmi, to eiu'oiinign hiinialy nml almtirlty, rnnlhh'iilhil clerk nml mlos nu n In ult liiuni'liwi of Industry receive mi niiiiunl nut iurtiitiiK "'" 'I"1''1' IjtialnotM, bealdeH tliulr regular Hilary. Ants on I'lanta. Tlm nut K'IiIoiii Injun n I m ri t . nl tliniittli generally charged with nil aorta ol lnlitilty In tlila illii'vlliiii, On tho contrary, they ofli'ii iln good work in ridding tint plnnta ol tliu npliliIcK, which It left nliiini will soon Mick nwny tlio sap which Ih tho llfo ol tho ilur.l. The Sal Side. "You'll li sorry mmm day Hint ynu didn't gut married II you don't." "Weill, IM rather tint ho married nml Ixi aorry I wnan't limit to lio married and ho sorry 1 win." Bait rrnnclaco Wasp. An Ancltnt Work on Angling. Tlio grimiest work n( nntliiilty nn nngllii; la mud tu lm tho ''Iliillentlcn" ol Opplnn, n (Irct'k pnvt who llourlahcd In tlio time n( Keterlia, A. I. MM, (mm which wo Iciirn Hint mnny itrtlllren In Hailing thought to ho modern with known to tinrleiit. Wn nlao lourn from AthvliiMia that aeicrnl other writ rrit hml writlcii Ircatlaca or pocma on llahlng romu rvuturlc lieforo tho Clirln tlnti era. No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. Tho best, thing you can do is to tako tho great alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. Ill 'Turnout." Clcrkloy -lan'l thia earlier than your iiaiuil tlmo (or going homo? llarkley Yes, hut my wife mild II I Cfliiio out hy thu 3:45 aho'il meet mo with tho carriage, "I didn't know you kept n horse and carriage." "V. r It'it a lathy nml carriage." lias-Htlt. Vn Qartayi Mfhw le y . ui ( nipa- yiw-Hliu In ft whiiluaidit tpoccry euiutt ti . Vast Hitim I Vnm , Kit l,.t I nm? Vita I'.i'i --0.I h ' ' "!nr house. Now Orleona liuiua-l) n.u -t. The Prickly Tear. Tho prickly iear of Afrlcn la ao tenn cloua of llfo that n lwtf or even n amnll portoln of n lint If thrown on tho ground strikes out roota alinoat Imino dlntcly nml Iwcoiiiimi thu parent of n fast growing plant. Illrctrlc rial Irona. Ono factory haa nrarketod 00,000 electric Hat-irons thia ecnton. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL I1EHEDY No Caio EiUts it Will Not Core rom l-v .ti m i i -i . .- m 1 In tlm. Hot., br iirnimhii 11 ... , 1- .1. 11.. It is natural 10 tuu oj'ui . , ..! . 4f.-..,.t. 41. n lains arc snooiwu; uhuubu h ........ . ax Far v.i to- vn v r.a ry.i rii BHH ill 1 MOT & inllatncu nnu sore, wiu buih - "i,k " . :, . . for relief: and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily, no amount of rubbinff or bHstcrins can cure : Rheumatism, because it . . . .. . ... 41.- 1.1.1 ..,1 -ill 41irn,,r1l I mcrnTpm. is not a skin mscase, inn is m wiu wuu ....n , and every time you are exposed to the same conditions that caused the first attack, you arc ,-0.115 to bavo another, and Rheumatism will Hst ittst as lonir aa the poison is in the blood, no matter what vouinolffi ulcl1 aci'1 in the blood is one cause of Kheuniatismj stomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and tornid liver are other causes n,nT-r. TO bleep at iiioht. which brinp; on this painful dis- case, because the blood, becomes tainted with the poisonous mat ter which these organs fail to carry out of the system. Cer tain secret diseases will produce Rheumatism, and of all forms this is the most stubborn and severe, for it seems to affect every bono and muscle in the body. The blood is the medium by which PXtuo BTBlem. Rhcum' ttt Rheumatism 3 ou " .. Jd f bbTsSS S ltaCTr Sn t-odlSitlo- like ass ' natural luuuniui.i , T' 1 lolnts and the sore and tender muscles arc immediately free to those '"Our snecial book on RUeuma desiring; ft. Our Pfrn9'c'5uffi tor special luformatfon oradv I Bronchitis j " I Imvo kepi Aycr's Cherry I'cc (oral In my home for a r.rcot many yeara, ll la Ilia hot medicine In tho world for coup.ltt nnd colda." 3. C. Wllllauv, Atllco.N.Y. All serious lung troubles bc;ln with a tickling In the throat. You can stop this at first In a single night with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tbrn iliil i 2k.. I0t.. II. All rpitlill. Coiiinlt yonr Anrtnt. If h Mil tW It. tlin ilo ft. It ti. t.ll. ,ou nut l i.Va (I. Ih.ii tli.n'1 l.ka IL 1 kliOWI. U.l. It Willi I''"'- ' Willi". .. (Irctk I'alacc I Iscovcrcd. Ill tho courati of thotuplorntion work now proceeding In Jlorotla, on tho lt of OrrliniiiL'ticH, nt ono tlmo n finitll (lii'ck htalc, which wilt ih-atroyed hy tho Thchiina In I1II7 II. ('., n lino royal pnlnco hna Juat Unm dlacovorod. A niimhcr of frowooa ndortt tho wnlla of thu atnto rooma. ituvr'n nllHT (Vo olfir Ona llandrod bollari Iteward for wit taaaol fntl.rru lint can tiolbf curod tr lIUl'i I'atarrh Cure, K. J. CIIICNKY ACo., rrori.,TolMo,0. Vatliauiidrtlmil. tiara knotmr. J.L'hener lor the imt lrrari, aiM L.lgra hi in irl-i;r hcinirln In li l.uiiiira iriinacilon. 11111 nn. auciallr al.le tiK-arry but any uLlleattoDaiuado tjllitlr llrui. ... WhulMala liruiilila, Toledo, WaUiIKO KlM.N,t MiRTIN, Vti(ilo.Ia ItrtiKaitii, lolcdo. O. It all'a Catarrh I.'ur ll t.kon lnt.rn.ll ...llni. UnctlrontlieUoixl amt innenui an rlarr of uniyinui. I'rlc 7V pir IkiiiI.. Bold air ail l. IMtllnoniiila trer, famllr rill, ira ttig UiU I'aper Alllla. Tho cHrllmt ruropm pnper inllla wi-ro lix-ntiil nt l'alrlano, in Italy, in lir.O Tin, Arulu llr.t lirr.m.lit Him lt. ml of pnper makiii)' to Kuropo, tln-y thuiuHlvin having lenriii'd It from Chi- uoao priaoncra of war. Her Supcratlllon. "Are you aiiwralltloiia7" "Not in tho looat," nnawcred Mlaa (llyglna. "I iihkI to he, hut, do you know, I found that whenovrr I got to iHdh'vitig in hlgim I had had luck." Kxclmngo. Dcalntaa. Ciinni of ilimfnoM ahouM not lo nl 1owiiI to go without tronltm-nt. Ivvn tho awmlngly Iioju'Icm ciuhw ahouhl ho N'nt to tho nurlat for nn opinion us to a likelihood of Improvement under treat ment. How It Happened. Rooney Whero d(jl yo git tho hlack tyo, Moiko7 Clancy Why, Tlm Dolnti'a juntlKick from Ida hoiiovniooii. nil' 'twua 1110 uJ- vised Tlm to git married. Hotted rith Alive. It 'a acldom that 01.0 sees n hoilod flah nllvi, yet thero nro mch In the hoillng laku of Amntitlati, (iuati'inala. A specie of llah won lately seen there liy a Trench traveler. Thtwo llh, ho nawrtK, often paw dnya In the hulling wntcr, which cornea from niinibcrlcwi hot aprlngs. An Hvldence ol Juvenile (lenlue. Fcrlhhleo That three-year-old neph ew of mine, torn up my lnat 10,000 word mnnuiH.'rlpt ymlerday. I'alay Cuttlny How preoncloiiH! I didn't know that ho could read. Divorce Law and Dlvorcca. Tho country with pcrhnpi tho moat lenient divorce Iiiwh in tho world in Sweden, and there the divorce rate la lower than in tho Netherlnuda, which, after Kugland, hua the utiictest linvf lit tho world, Itonunn Klvnla Potato. Tho hartana nnd potato nro nlmOBt Iduiitical In chomlcnl compoaltlon. 41. of 1i-a nml tttlietl rhetlttln.ttfl -- Intnla rind itntqrlea nnd thcraTfl j A , , . turn to 1 m mien t a .mil nl asters Sidney, Ohio, Auguat bo, 1003. A few months ma I waa feallntrweak and run down ami unable, to iret aleen at lilnlit. I fait extremely bad, and nlao had UtKllt. 1 uxviommj , , . , nlna. . ... . . 1 1 t ...ml ...v. m, nnlv temporary irrrrollt at beat; ao seeing H.t! U. 11 1 gin bozan Ita uae, and after taking; it fora'ouia tiins waa welt pleased with the lil 11 aia away wiiii ma .ii-uuimwu nalne. eavo ino leimiuiui, .--. tiutlt up my treneral aystam, Klvtiiir ni "ine, without a doubt, and I takopleaa. uro iw auunniHu ... R.l'.D. NO. I. Q. 8. DOUOUTON. nnd it doesn't matter what kind of tbr0MVh tl,f bl0dJ r y,U u Ag a curc for rheumatic trou. It doesn't inflame the stomach Jd K Btimtilatcs the slutrglsh organs, and a the saiue time antidotes and filters out of the blood all poisonous acids and effete matter of every kind ; and when S S. S. has restored the blood to its . 1 i:i!., dm nnltifnl. feverish ,.. f; ' asUing charge is made, wo C0.,mAim. GA flEALM OF KIHQ CORN, Itntaa rtltli Million, of Acrca of Till. I Crop Cnrnlvnla Held. I Tho corn plnnt growa In nhotit every Htnto III tho Union, ami peoplo throughout tho rouutry think they nro fninlllnr wlili It; im tu nppreclnto ...1.... , . . mini iwn irniiy nieiliiH ono aiiouiii mn lio n tour through aomo of tho V intern Htatea whero tho flelda mny he mllca rnthcr than ncrca In extent, 1 nml where tho luirveat of n farmer mciuiH nenrer 100,000 than 1,000 himli ela, anya tho Now York Trlliuno. It la In thia part of tho country that 0110 enn na cnally get lout In n cornfield na ho would In n foreat, ao vnat aro tho flelda. In tho "Itottoma" of Kanana and Nehraakn a man riding through n pntch on horaehack will often ho hid den from vlow, aa tho tops of tho plnnta extend above Ida hend, reacm-1 hllng young treea In their proportlona. I It la no wonder that tho penpln of mnny of tho prnlrlo Hlntca cclchrnto, tho coming of "king corn" na tho (Southerner doea the nppenrnnco of "king cotton," for aomo of these com-, monwenltha nlone produco enough corn In a yenr to feed n nation.' Tho corn pntch of lown, which covcra over H.000,000 ncrea yearly, aomcttmea pro- ducea SOO.OOO.OOO huahcla, Nohrnakn la nnoyier 8,000.000 Btnte, hut Knnaaa, tho Klnto of tho sunflower, taken tho , lead with nearly 0,000.000 ncrca each year devoted to thia ccrcnl. Thero nro counties In Knnana whero ono can aeo aijunro mllea not ncrea planted en tirely with corn, whero flelda nro ao I largo that atnndlng nt ono end tho visitor acca tho horizon unbroken by nnythlng except a tnaaa of plants , nwnylng In tho breeze. ' It la not atrnngo Hint tho corn hnr-' vcat la mndo tho occasion of fctcx or carnlvnla In aomo of tho Western com-! munltlea. Tho Idea probably orlirl-1 tinted from tlio corn festival of the In-' ! dlnna, but the red mnn would never recognize the old-time festival In tho! transformation which It hna under gone. Weckn before harvest tlmo prep aratloim nro made. Tho prominent citizens of tho town contribute to a I fund for decoration, music and usually tho entertainment of townspeople nnd 1 gueatn at a banquet. I I Tho acrvlcea of aomo leading orntor nro secured nnd tho governor la Invited to attend with other notables. A ape- I clnl week la act apart at a time when tho farmera Imvo finished gathering tho grain nud Imvo lelauro to attend. Tho railroad companies nro Induced to offer special rntea for transportation nnd with o I hers offer prizes for tho' beat dealgna nnd decorations. A pro-1 gram la arranged, consisting of proctn alona, public meeting, concerts nnd other nttrnetlona which will Interest tho townapcoplo and visitors. Cencr ally a committee of lending citizens, bended by tho mayor, tnko charge, 1 nud large sums of money nro expend-1 ed In arranging tho carnival. Uach resident vlea with his neighbor . In the decoratlona, and there la shown I what can be done with the grain In 1 honor of which tho celebration la held. Somo of the designs nro truly wolidcr-' ful. As single atalka can be procured which arc fifteen feet In height, mi op portunity la offered to construct pa- godtia, booths and other ortinmentnl buildings with walla and roofs of tlio plant Tho stalks have such strength nnd lightness thnt they can be easily mndo Into representatives of castles, forts nnd historic structures. Tho lenves nro worked Into nn Inconcclvn bio vnrlety of designs. The women nnd girls tnako costumes out of tho husks, oven to hats nnd bonnets. They nro woven Into parasols and umbrel las, wlitlo frequently tho front of .1 building will be bidden by n covering of them, thirty or forty feet In length, with openings cut for tho windows nnd doors. Tho manufacture of corn mlllncry haa become an art among tho Western women. At n carnival held In Atchl-: son tho principal milliners of tho town 1 produced some wonderful creations of, headgear entirely from tho silk, husks nnd tassels. Mnny of them wero worn I during the carnival week by tho belles of the place. A Caao or Urfeottve leinory. An anecdote which has lately been going tho rounds In llrltlsh olllclal cir cles concerns the mcmornhlo experi ence of n certain member of Parlia ment during tho last year of Queen Victoria's reign. Tho statesman In question Is not ono of those who nro most firmly convinced of tho benefits of total abstinence, nud tho evening of n certain public function nt which royalty wiib to ho present found him 1 lit n condition which would not Imvo been edifying to the supporters of that movement. Tho lato Queen was ro- j colvlng the guests of honor, nnd It ' was necessary that tho convlvnl M. P. should bo presented with tho rest As ho approached his sovereign, Vic toria extended her hand for him to kiss. Hut he did not kiss It; Instead, he grasped It nnd shook It with vigor ous enthusiasm, while ho scrutinized hor.faco with gravo perplexity. "Your fnce, mndnm," ho observed, "Is perfectly familiar to me, but I'm blowcd If can remember your namol" Now Hiilistltuto fur Iliibticr. Gutta-Jootaloug Is a now material which Is utilized as n substitute for nud tu conjunction with India rubber. It Is a product of the ICnst Indies, jchlcfiy tho Island of Ilornco, nud In the form In which It Is Imported Is de scribed ns "whitish In color, looking something llko marshmnllow enmly, smelling strongly of petroleum nud oxidizing on exposure to tlio nlr, be coming hard." Its Importation has In creased from 0,600,000 pounds In 1SO0 to 14,000,000 pounds In 100.1. Penalty or Woullli. "Wealth has Us penalties," said tho trlto philosopher. "Ves," answered Mr. Cmnrox, "wealth Is what compels a man to eat fancy cooking tho wholo your round Instead of having cakes hot from thu grlddlo and homo-made preserves." Washington Star. A Family orolnnte. In tho Gregory family, Webster County, Virginia, thero nro 13 sons nil over 0 feet tall, and each weighing moro than ISO pounds. Tho nrerago man wants others to sco him ns ho sees himself. STORY OF A CHILD DANK. When Father Cnma to I.enva He Had Mo Honor. Tho hank belonged to tho child, nnd It hnd all tho Interest of n now toy. In nn effort to show tho child how It worked nnd tho object of It, the mother had aacrlriccil nil her nvallablo change, nflcr whlrh tho child had picked up n few pennies that had been careleaaly left on 11 table, nnd thcao had followed tho reat Then alio had waited lo tnnko n Itiinnclal assault on her father. "Money," alio sold (0 him as aoon aa ho wna settled In bis fnvorlto chair. "Hayl aho's beginning early," he commented, laughingly. "Oh, I've got a savings bnnk for her, nnd she's been crazy to put money In It all day," his wife explained. "Well, as long as alio puts It In the bank It's safe," ho . remarked, as he gavo her n nickel. Her eyes apnrklcd and alio laughed so Joyously that ho was enraptured. Kho wna n happy, graceful child, with very pretty nnd cnptlvntlng ways of expressing her pleasure. "That wna worth more than a nickel," ho laughed, as ho gavo her a dime. "Hut you mustn't humor her too much," his wife cautioned. "Oh, this Is In n good cause," he urged, with the blind Indulgence of a particularly proud father. "It'a teach ing her to save money, and that's something every child should learn. It Isn't like spending It, you know, which would bo wasteful." Bo bo gavo her a quarter, and In two minutes ho was laughing ns Joyously ns sho was and getting as much fun out of her as sho was out of the bank, llut after dinner It waa different "Uy George!" bo exclaimed, "the bank's got all my money, and I've got to go uptown. I'll have to borrow soma chan go from you." "What little I hnd," she explained, "was used In showing Tottle what the bank was for." "Well, n hill, then." "Haven't one. I told you this morn ing you'd havo to bring home some money to-night Did you forget It? Ills blank look showed that he had. "We'll have to open the bank, then," ho said. "I'vo got to havo some money." ' "Tho only wny that bank can bo opened," alio told him, "Is by taking It to tho savings bank that Issued It, and then they'll place the money It contains to the credit of Tottle." lie sworo; not there In the house, but Inter, while he wns tnklng a nice, brisk, three-mile walk to keep his ap pointment for that evening. And It was n week before he could ho In duced to look nt tho little bank again, which he has classified as n sort of an Inanimate confidence man. Brooklyn Kaglc. INDIAN A3 FOOTBALL PLAYER. He la Uneuriiaeaed In Running and Tackling Fond of Oanie. As a matter of prosaic fact, these hard-working and well-behaved wards of tho nation at Carlisle have been from tho start models of disciplined and educated conduct on the football j Held as well aa off, and only their shocks of black hair and their swarthy faces mark them as unusual or odd when they line up against tho "palefaces," says n writer In the Il lustrated Sporting News. These lads nro Intensely fond of football, and they havo left In them an Inherited Indifference to hurts and a toughness of fiber that are their strongest qualities when added to swiftness nnd agility of movement I have seen them play through a bard game without ono call for "time out," because of Injury, nnd nenrly everyone who has seen them play muBt bavo noticed the fierceness of their tackling nnd their fashion of breaking out of a scrlmningo on tlio rebound like so many rubber balls. In running, tack ling nnd nggresslve line-breaking tho Indians aro unsurpassed. Their weakness Is an argument In favor of tho claim that football Is a question of tho trained mind as much as tho powerful body. It Is mental alertness and adaptability that the Car lisle players find themselves lacking when they meet tho first-class teams. To analyzo and meet tho unexpected, and to solve tho problems of a scien tific attack and defense, of n style to which they arc not accustomed puzzles tho slower and less effectively trained mind of the Indian, and bo cannot mako as quick n change of mental baso as tho white youth. This Is to be expected, and the astonishing feature of It Is that the Indian player Is able to mako tho showing ho does. lie comes to Carlisle from the reserva tion n llttlo sarago and In perhaps a halt dozen years bo Is fashioned Into tho clean, alert, self-respecting young man who delights thoso who know good football, played with ardor, yet with self-control and Intelligence of a high order. While his opponents shout nnd rnvo In moments of great stress, bo plays tho gamo in silence, without a show of emotloti, whether ho wins or loses tho typo of the. truo sportsman, lie Is a vindication both of tho whole somo training of football In the devel opment of young manhood nnd of tho magnificent work accomplished by tho policy nnd llfo work of Col. Pratt at Carlisle. A Fair Question. A hypochondriac who visited Sir Co nan Doyle In tho days when ho wns a practicing physician complained of "a very bad side." Ho told his story In great detail, says tho London Chronicle. Ilo put his hand nbovo his waist line, and said: "I get a Bharp pain here. Doctor, whenever I touch my head," "Why on earth, then, do you touch your head?" Dr. Doyle asked, mildly but drily. Not Asked Yet. Tess So she's tov bo Mrs, Roxley, cu? .Teas I don't kllOW. Tess Why, I'm suro It was your self who torn me suo nun uctermiueu to marry him. Jess Well, that's different. Phila delphia Press. When a man does a foul thing, lie thinks It's smart or ho wouldn't do It PE-RU-NA PROTECTS THE l . , r 1 Against winter Latarrn in us iviany Phases. Neglected Colds in Children Often Bring Disastrous Results. I'rninn should be kept in the house nil the time, 1'eruna should he kept In every house hcro there are children. Don't wait until tho child la slrk then send to a drug store. Hnvu 1'eruna on hand nctcpt nu substi tute. I'eruna Protects tho Entire Household Against Catarrhal Diseases. As soon as the value of I'eruna Is fully appreciated by every houi hold, both ns a preventive and curc of ratarrhal aUVrtlons, tens of tliou ftmls of III cs will lie saved, and hun dreds of thousands of chronic, lin gering caoes of disease prevented. Vcruna is a household safeguard. Pe-ru-na Kept In the House for Five Years. Mr. Albert I.ietzman, 1506 Milwau kee Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "I am only too glad to Inform you that I am feeling splendid and have never felt better in my life. Through tho advico of a friend I tried Peruna, and am glad to eay it cured mo to per fection. I began to tell a friend aliout Peruna the other day and I had no sooner commenced than he told mo his folks havo kept Peruna in the house for the past five years. I am snre I would n't be without it. Mother also uses it to keep herself in good health." Ask Your Druggist "I bT cone 14 day at a tlm a to I (boat m Ttacol or lb bonreU not being able to mora themcicept tf utln but wiwr injection!. Cfaroule couttf paitoD (or eteu jert ,)acrd rue Id lbltterrlbiecoudltlootduriuirtli.il lime I dIJ er rytblng I beard of buicf er found aur relief fcucb wttmrcaie until 1 began utfntT OAbCAUMH. I now bare from ona to tbree fataasea a day and If I waa rlcb I would giro 1100 ttJ for each uioTeiueolt 11 Uaucba relief." ati-meii I. IIctmt. 1699 Hukkcll bi.. Detroit, If lob. Plaaiant. r&latable, 1'otent. Tanle flood. Do Good, iSaiar Sicaao, Weaken. or Urii-e. 10c, SOo. . CURE CONSTIPATION. tUHliB4f CMu,CUtHlMtr4l, Tar. St THERE 15 NO, IS SUCKER LISE' fcfXy yzsrs ft?o and after nw yeara of use on the eastern coastt Twer's Waterproof Oiled Coats vwrrintrodjeed in the West and were called Aiders by the pioneera and cowboys. This raphfc rone has come Into such funeral use' that it Is frequently thou?h wronofulh applied to many substitutes. You want ine oeraovz. fa, Look for the 5ln of the Furvand lire none terrer on ine puiwu. i ' ruftilXKlUMSYUlOWAW " SOLD BY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE TM WORLD OWB. X .f TOWH C0lW5T0W.MAJS.U1A. luaiK uaiciAN uuiinui i uibhiu. can. Not an Authority. Thero aro somo persons tflio can't take a joke, hut Fogg is not one of them. Ono ol tho ooys acquainted with Fogg's frequent changes of abode, asked him which ho thought was tho cheaper, to movo or to pay rent. "I can t tell you, my dear boy, 1 have always moved." Criminal's Eyes. A Ruasian savant lays claim to a dis covery for detecting criminals. Ac cording to 51. Knrloff, tho scientist in question, you can toll a criminal by tho color of his cyea, Sturdercrs and thieves have maroon or reddish brown eyes, tramps light blue, and so forth. II. Karlotf lias clnssllled oyes into mm I lies and has drawn up rules which ho declares to bo infallible. Honest folk hnvo dark gray or blue eyes. London Globe, m CATHARTIC a XlE TftAOl MAAM IOITffO frff The never ending cures ! n I Sprains end Bruises K I I St. Jacobs Oil S&t, I r .. j. I. w j Hat Mrs. 8chafer, 430 Uope "In the early part , advice for my daughter Alice, four years of age. She had 1 been a puny, sickly, nlllne child since her birth. She had 1 convulsions and catarrhal fever. 1 was always doctoring unin we commenceu to use reruna. ijlie grew strong nnu 1 well. I'eruna Is a wonderful tonic; the best mcdlclno I 1 nave ever usea. "I was In a very 1 ed to take I'eruna. I body, but thank (iod, would not have any other medicine. 1 "Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad spell of cold 1 and fever. Me Is a big hralthy hoy fifteen months old. I have given him I'eruna think that Is why he Is enough. We have not I'eruni an praise to It Be Sure to Have Pe-ru-na on Hand During the Inclement Months of Fall and W.nter. Croup, capllarry bronchitis, and ar ticular rheumatism are the special banes of childhood. These all alike re sult from catching cold. Ono child catches cold and scares its mother into hysterics by having croup in the dead of night. Another child catches cold, deve.ops a stubborn cough that will not yield to ordinary remedies. Tho parents are filled w ith forbodings. Still another child catches cold and develops that most fatal malady of chil dren, capillary bronchitis. The doctor is called, pronounces the case pneu monia, and if the child ia lucky enough to live it has developed weak lungs from which it may never recover. And yet another child catches cold and articular rheumatism is the result. for Free Peinahnmmeari9Q4A Inconsistency. "Jenkins is a qu;r duck." "What's he done nott?" "Why, last night he fretted and fumed and finally slanged because his wife took three minutes to dress for a car ride out to the park, and last week ho sat in art open boat in the hot, broil ing sun fjVim 2 o'clock until G without gettingjt bite and enjoyed it." Balti more Ttyws. For coughs and cold there la no better medicine than l'iso's Cure for Consump tion, .rrice 2S cents. . Ia Society, Tess Miss Xuritch talks eo much about her mother's social position be fore sho was married. Jess Well? Tess Did she really have any posit ion in socio t) 7 Jess Oh, lots of them. She never accepted a place as cook except in very swell families. Brooklyn Eagle. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilow's Sootblna c.iup U9 uett remeuy 10 use lor laeix ciuiuron I4.V IWI4J10IT MtKH, The Baby Humorist. "Of course," said Mrs. Extrygood, "you aro fond of bright, precocious babies?" 1 "Oh, yes; certainly," replied old Batch, "hut I draw the line on the sup posed smart sayings made up by the parents and loaded ou on poor Infants. Baltimore American. CIT0 Termanenuy curea. Hoots or nervousness TI IO anerflrstday'suseofDr.KUne'sUreatKerre Restorer. Mend for Free S3 trUlbottleandtreaUee. lrt.lt.ll. Kline, Ltd.. Ml Area St., mUadslnhla, ra. Spain. Spain is divided into forty-nine prov- ( lnces, eacit ot wtitcu uas nn own par liament, chosen by popular suffrage, unuer rcsiriiiiuiio, twiu uicijr i-uujuiumu j has its own local administration under an elected ayuntamlento and an alcado chosen thereby. 1 Nothiho so aooo roR cmickbws as-thc PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD It makes Hns Lsy snd Keeps thm laying. It cures Roup, Cholera and All Dlmiei. It strengthens young chicks, and manes them grow. Price 25c and 50c. Mr voooff chickens commenced dvlnir, and after losing four dosen I pur ehued peckaie of your I'llUsaliU fo(jl.TltV SOOD. which itorpd timn from djlia .nJ I have coniunfly kept i II on aand e.er .Inc.. I c.n reeonmend It ae jut what is needed la rsuuia' poultry, O. tt. UIUOIN, Laub. Wash. rOltTLANI) 8i;i:u CO., I'ortlaud, Or., Coast Aeeilts. ,, c,,- l238VashlngtenBt.,near"VoodardClarVeiiCo. I v O btores m Morrlaois St., near Meier i Frank Co. LITTLE ONES anna nnnnwN Mrs. J. M. Drown, Dun nrtnn Hprlngs,Mo.,wrlteii "My little daughter three years old was troubled with n very lad cough which remained after an attack of catarrhal fever. Bhe haa taken one bottle cflVrunn through which sho has obtained a com plete cure. Hlie Is now aa well and happy as a little ?lrl enn lie. When our rlends say how well she looks I tell them I'eruna did it." I n a Inter letter she says t "Our llttlo daughter continues to have good health." Ave., 8t. Jmil, Mo., wrltost of last vear I wrote to you for wretched condition when I commenc- had catarrh all through my whole 1 your medicine set me all rleltt. I off and on since ho was born. so well. I cannot praise Peruna 1 had a doctor since we began to use Mrs. iicnafer. Ankles, knee, wrists and elbows be come nid '0 ly swollen and painful. A long diwstrous' illness follows. The child may live and become convalescent, a miserable invalid of valvular disease of the heart. All these mishaps are tho direct result of neglected cold. Pe runa is the safeguard of tho family. If a child catches cold, Peruna should be used immediately. A few doeea of Peruna and a child's cold is gone. The apprehension of the parents lleo away. The household is free from fear once more. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and ho will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Adress Dr. Hartman, President ol The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. TIT A 7vTrCT Krrr man or woman io In YY AIN I JUL rllnrt to lern Iho llarbar lrte. A nlrellghtoccopatlon, KOot! w p,paA7 to l.urn.ron9 ant practice. Too method li rUht and too prlco anil time reaalr.4 tn h.t poenlble to civ tatl.ractorr reioll.. Wrll.n.r rull jvirtlcu ora to tne A.MEIUt'AN KAlUIKIt COU.KUE (Inc.), ol Ererett tL, I'ortUnd. Oregon. Wood aws, Drag tawi ran tijr iteam or gaso line englnei, alio the lateit In saw mill ma rbtnery, stump pullers, well drtlllDs; machin ery, etc , etc. write tor your needs. RCICKSON MACHINERY CO. Toot ot Morrison Street Portland Oregon Goocf Pills Ayer's Pills are good liver Dills. You know thnt. Thu rtnet family laxative you can buy. Thev keeD the bowels remiiar. a i cure constipation. f.O.AnrO.. Low.ll, M.i.. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rotim of pixuoitT. oaa r.BiUca,4nH04.a Ms 52-tfOJ. 3 TXTllKN writing; to adTertlserapIeaa V uieniion sins vpr. H HRnST Deserve your confl- Jh nC dence. Thty have never fjH LfMC tillol-won't fill now. HKk (k Sold by all dealers. tTM . aDH IDO I Seed Annual BaVf HK postpaid, free. 'SH VBBBBA- bf.ni. ri-nn, t WW. .jr-BBBBBBBJ feOetrolt, Mich. .JM A FINE UMBRELLA Is the best present In Oregon or Washington you can give your wile, your daughter, your lady frfond, or yourself. We sell beauties, of t est quality, at very reasonable prices. JOHN AIXBSINA, lortland, Ore.